quockSort irtuallab ass

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PUNE - 411043
Department of Electronics & Telecommunication
EXPT No: LAB Ref: SE/2024-25/ Starting date:
Roll No: 22258 Submission date:
Demonstrate Quick Sort Virtual lab

Working of Quick sort using virtual lab
Refer lab manual for below


Write algorithm and besides it example for each, attach both side ruled pages
in case required

What is Quick Sort?

Quick Sort is one of the sorting algorithm in data structures which
uses Divide and Conquer strategy (it divides the given array into two
smaller sub-arrays and sort them individually) in a recursive way.
In this experiment whenever we mention sorting it means sorting in
ascending order.
In quicksort we select an element in the array and keep that element
in it's sorted position. We call this element as 'Pivot'. For an
element in an array to be in it's sorted position the array should
satisfy the condition that all elements less than that element should
be in it's left side of the array and all elements greater than that
element should be in it's right side of the array.
Partition1 ≤ Pivot ≥ Partition2
After doing this, we will recursively do the same thing for all elements
in the left part and all elements in the right part individually(since
elements in the left part won't cross the position of pivot after sorting
as they are less than pivot,similarly for

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elements in right side won't cross the position of pivot after sorting
as they are greater than pivot) thus reducing the no. of elements we
have to check in further steps.
Steps to Sort an Unsorted Array with Quick Sort Algorithm

 Pivot Selection and Partition : Selects an element for

partitioning around it and partition the array into two parts
such that left part of the pivot contains elements less than
pivot and right part contains elements greater than pivot.
 Recursion in Quick Sort : Recursively executes above step
on both of the partitions(left,right) inividually till they get
 Concatenation of the Sub-Arrays : Concatenate all the sub-
arrays according to their indices
How to Select Pivot?
QuickSort is a Divide and Conquer algorithm. It picks an element
as pivot and partitions the given array around the picked pivot.
There are many different versions of Quick Sort that pick pivot in
different ways :
 Always pick first element as pivot
 Always pick last element as pivot
 Pick a random element as pivot
 Pick median as pivot
Pictorial Representation of Pivot Selection

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The key process in Quick Sort is partition. Targets of partitions is,
given an array and an element x of array as pivot, put x at its correct
position in sorted array and put all smaller and equal elements

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(smaller than or equal to x) before x, and put all greater elements
(greater than x) after x.
Partitioning array around the pivot means we divide the array into
three parts
 Partition-1 : Contains all elements of that array less than or
equal to pivot
 Partition-2 : Contains only pivot

 Partition-3 : Contains all elements of that array greater than

Steps to Partition an Unsorted Array
 STEP 1 : First select a pivot in an unsorted array as shown
above in the pivot selection section
 STEP 2 : Initialize the low index and high index. Low index
represents the first index of an array. High index represents
the last index of an array. STEP 3 : Start comparing low index
 element and high index
element with the pivot. First start comparing with low index
element with pivot element.
o If low index element is less than the pivot element,
increment low index otherwise start comparing high
index element with pivot element.
o If high index element is greater than pivot element,
decrement high index otherwise stop.
 STEP 4 : Compare low index with high index.
o If low index is less than high index swap low index
element with the high index element.
o If low index is greater than high index swap high index
element with pivot index element.
 STEP 5 : Repeat the steps 1 to 4 recursively for the sub-
arrays until we get a sorted array.
Pictorial Representation of Partitioning Unsorted Array

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What is Recursion?
On the given array we have to perform partition on that array and
recursively on partition-1 and partition-3. But we have to stop at
some point i.e., we will stop when the partition is already sorted.
Remember that array containing one element is always sorted. So,
we proceed till the partition is of length one.
What is Concatenation?

After all sub-arrays(partitions and their partitions and so on) are

sorted, we concatenate(place one after the other) all sub-arrays
according to their indices and that gives us the sorted-array.
Pictorial Representation of Sorting Array with Quick Sort

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Running Time of Quick Sort

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The time taken by quick sort to sort an array either in ascending or
descending order generally depends upon the input array and
partition strategy.
Following are three cases which we come across while sorting an
array with quick sort algorithm:
 Best Case
 Worst Case
 Average Case
Best Case Time Complexity Analysis
Best case time complexity comes when the no. of levels of
recursion is minimum.As the partition divides it into two sub-
arrays, if there is a symmetry then both takes same time(both have
same no. of elements). Taking the pivot to be the middle element of
the sorted array(at each step of recursion), after partition one of the
subarray has n/2-1 elemenets while the other has n/2. The divide
continues till a single element is left in the array. So, n/(2^i)=1,
i=logn(base 2). The depth comes out to be logn. This partition goes
on for n elements of the array, hence the best time complexity
comes out to be T(n)=nlogn.
Worst Case Time Complexity Analysis

Think of an already sorted array as an input, then the position of

pivot does not changes on partition. So, we only have one partition
to sort(only left). As this continues the no. of levels of recursion
will be O(n)(at each step one element is sorted). This partition goes
on for n elements of the array, hence the average time complexity
comes out to be T(n)=nlogn.
Average Case Time Complexity Analysis
The average-case running time is also O(nlogn), because the
average-case running time cannot be better than the best-case
running time. First, let's imagine that we don't always get evenly
balanced partitions, but that we always get at worst a 3-to-1 split.
That is, imagine that each time we partition, one side gets 3n/4
elements and the other side gets n/4. (To keep the math clean, let's
not worry about the pivot.) T(n) = T(n/4) + T(3n/4) T(n)-> time for
n elements. On solving this equation we get T(n) = O(nlogn) The
left child of each node represents a subproblem size 1/4 as large,
and the right child represents a subproblem size 3/4 as large. so, the
maximum depth 'i' will go to n/((4/3)^i) = 1 => i = log(n)(base
(4/3)). We see that log(n)(base 2) and log(n)(base(4/3)) differ by a

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factor of log(4/3)(base 2), which is a constant. So the average case
is taken to be O(nlogn) as well.
Space Complexity Analysis
So, the space complexity for one level of recursion will be O(logn)
if median of medians is used for pivot selection and O(1) otherwise.
But the no of function calls can go upto O(n) in worst case. So, the
call stack memory used can goes upto O(n) because of function
call. The space used by median of medians in current step is not
needed for further steps. So, overall space complexity of Quicksort
is O(n) due to function calls in call stack.
Graph : Time Complexities of Sorting Algorithms

ERRORS (if any)

REMEDY (if any)

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REFERENCES: refer lab manual for the same

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