Anatomy Full Book Important SEQs + MCQs
Anatomy Full Book Important SEQs + MCQs
Anatomy Full Book Important SEQs + MCQs
1. Define blood and give its composition.
2. What is plasma and briefly describe its composition especially plasma proteins.
3. Define hematopoiesis and mention in which areas of the body it occurs
throughout life.
4. Write down the characteristics of red blood cells, white blood cells and platelets.
5. Sub types of white blood cells are important for MCQs.
Anatomy Notes Prepared by Cool Education Nursing Academy 0304-3447392 Written by Shahzad Mustafa
6. Write developmental stages of different blood cells. A Figure is mentioned in
Ross and Wilson book.
Nervous System
1. Explain the structure of neuron.
2. Structure of a nerve. (Imp SEQ)
3. Types of nerves..
4. Neuroglia and its types.
5. Meninges and spaces which are present between these layers. (Imp seq)
6. Cavities or ventricles of the brain. (Imp SEQ)
7. Composition, production and circulation of cerebro-spinal fluid.(Imp seq)
8. Functional areas of cerebrum.(Imp seq)
9. Difference between white and grey matter.
10. Give the names of all cranial nerves with mentioning the type mixed sensory or
motor and also give brief description of their function. (Imp seq)
11. Spinal cord structure.
12. How are spinal nerves named and numbered. Why all spinal nerves are mixed.
13. All of you have to know about different parts of the brain..
14. Types of cerebral tracts.
15. What are plexus. Briefly explain brachial plexus.
16. Total spinal nerves..
17. Sciatic Nerve
Cardiovascular System
1. Describe the structure of heart (layers+interior of the heart) Imp seq
2. Define auto rhythmycity and explain conducting system of the Heart. Imp seq
3. List three layers of the tissue found in the walls of the arteries. Imp seq
4. Write down the organs associated with heart. Imp seq
Anatomy Notes Prepared by Cool Education Nursing Academy 0304-3447392 Written by Shahzad Mustafa
5. Describe blood supply of the brain and what do you know about circle of Willis.
(Imp for mcq+seq)
6. Explain aorta and its main branches. (Imp for mcq+seq)
7. Explain superior and inferior vana cava .... (Imp for mcq)
8. Name the paired and unpaired arteries of abdomen. Imp seq
9. Write down the blood supply of whole alimentary canal. Imp seq
10. Blood supply of upper and lower limb.
11. Write down fetal adaptations.(Imp for mcq)
Muskoloskeleton System
1. Types of bones
2. Microscopic tructure of long bone( topic histology of bone)
3. Structure of Compact bone+spongy bone (topic histology of bone)
4. Histology of muscle
5. Axial skeleton ki bones just total bones aur bones k name pta hon
6. Appendicular Skeleton ki total bones aur name
7. Characteristics of a typical vertebra
8. Features of vertebral column
9. Thoracic cage and rib ka structure.
10. Types of joints (imp topic of content)
11. Types of synovial joints+example (imp seq)
12. Movements allowed by synovial joints ( imp box)
13. Anatomy of shoulder joint
14. Anatomy of hip joint
15. Anatomy of knee joint
(In sb k choty choty boxes jahan movements likhi hein most imp hein lazmi kriye
Anatomy Notes Prepared by Cool Education Nursing Academy 0304-3447392 Written by Shahzad Mustafa
1. Contents and boundaries of middle ear cavity. Imp seq
2. Explain visual pathways. Imp seq
3. Enlist and briefly explain accessory organs of eye.(Imp for mcq+seq)
4. Explain lacrimal apparatus.
5. What are rods and cones. Briefly explain the structure of eye. (Deeply read Imp
for mcq)
6. Structure of inner ear. Imp for seq+mcq
7. Muscles of eye with nerves which supply them.
8. Types of papillae found on the surface of tongue. (Imp for mcq so deeply read)
9. How sense of smell originated.
Respiratory system
1. Boundaries and lining of nasal cavity.
2. Organs associated with the pharynx and write its division according to
anatomical position. (Imp for mcq)
3. Organs associated with the larynx..
4. Tabulate the paired and unpaired cartilages of the larynx. Imp seq
5. All cartilages+vocal cords. Imp for mcq
6. Enlist different lobes and fissures of right and left lungs.
7. Structures which are present at the medial surface of right lung.
8. What is lingula.
9. Enlist all muscles of breathing with their blood and nerve supply.
10. What is pleura. Explain its types (Repeated uhs question).
11. Difference between right and left lung.
12. Explain the structural changes which occur along the respiratory tract. (Uhs
Digestive system
1. Basic structure of alimentary canal. (Most imp for seq+mcq)
2. Boundaries of oral cavity and blood supply of tongue.
3. Enlist main and accessory organs of the digestive system.
4. Features of the stomach.
5. Parts of the small and large intestine.
6. Composition of gastric juice, bile, pancreatic juice and intestinal juice. Imp for
7. Structure of the pancreas. Difference between endocrine and exocrine pancrease.
Also enlist isle s of Langerhans with their secretions. Uhs repeated seq
Anatomy Notes Prepared by Cool Education Nursing Academy 0304-3447392 Written by Shahzad Mustafa
8. Arterial supply of alimentary canal. Uhs repeated question
9. Relations of liver.
10. Microscopic structure of liver. Imp for mcq
11. Biliary tract. Imp for mcq
12. Portal fissure... Uhs seq
Lymphatic system
1. Define lymph and explain circulation of lymph. (Imp seq)
2. Write down the organs associated with spleen.
3. Explain the structure of spleen.
4. Structure of lymph capillaries and lymph vessels
5. Explain the structure of lymph node. (Imp seq)
6. Write down the organs associated with thymus gland. (Imp seq)
7. Briefly mention the anatomical features of lymph nodes. (Imp seq)
Urinary System
1. Relations of right and left kidney. Imp seq
2. Macroscopic and microscopic structure of kidney.
3. Structure of ureters urinary bladder and urethra. (Their lining imp for mcq)
4. Relations of urinary bladder in males and females.
5. Composition of urine+normal abnormal constituents of urine.(imp for mcq)
Reproductive system
1. Organs included in external and internal genitelia. Imp for seq+mcq
2. Structure of uterus.
3. Layers of uterus. Imp for seq+mcq
4. Structure of ovaries. (3,4 mcq hein is mn) Imp
5. Structure of uterine tubes.
6. Structure of testis, spermatic cord, seminal vesicles, ejaculatory ducts, prostate
7. Menarche and menu pause in females.
8. Puberty in males... Which secondarry characteristics develop.
Anatomy Notes Prepared by Cool Education Nursing Academy 0304-3447392 Written by Shahzad Mustafa
Endocrine system
1. Enlist main endocrine glands.
2. Explain the structure of pituitary gland.
3. Enlist the hormones which are secreted by anterior pituitary gland and also give
brief description of their function. (Box)
4. What do you know about pituitary portal system.
5. Different layers of adrenal glands with specific hormones they secrete.
6. What is a pancreas. Enlist the cells of the pancreas with substance which they
7. Enlist the hormones secreted by hypothalamus and give their site of action (box).
Anatomy Notes Prepared by Cool Education Nursing Academy 0304-3447392 Written by Shahzad Mustafa
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Anatomy Notes Prepared by Cool Education Nursing Academy 0304-3447392 Written by Shahzad Mustafa
Anatomy Notes Prepared by Cool Education Nursing Academy 0304-3447392 Written by Shahzad Mustafa