Dynamic Analysis
Dynamic Analysis
Dynamic Analysis
Distributed Loading
Transient Analysis of a Cantilever Beam
NonLinear Analysis
Dynamic - Harmonic
Dynamic - Transient
Thermal-Mixed Bndry
Transient Heat
Transient dynamic analysis is a technique used to determine the dynamic response of a structure under a
MecE 563 time-varying load.
Mechanical Engineering The time frame for this type of analysis is such that inertia or damping effects of the structure are
University of Alberta
considered to be important. Cases where such effects play a major role are under step or impulse
loading conditions, for example, where there is a sharp load change in a fraction of time.
If inertia effects are negligible for the loading conditions being considered, a static analysis may be used
ANSYS Inc. instead.
For our case, we will impact the end of the beam with an impulse force and view the response at the
location of impact.
Copyright © 2001
University of Alberta
Since an ideal impulse force excites all modes of a structure, the response of the beam should contain all
mode frequencies. However, we cannot produce an ideal impulse force numerically. We have to apply a
load over a discrete amount of time dt.
After the application of the load, we track the response of the beam at discrete time points for as long as
we like (depending on what it is that we are looking for in the response).
The size of the time step is governed by the maximum mode frequency of the structure we wish to
capture. The smaller the time step, the higher the mode frequency we will capture. The rule of thumb in
time_step = 1 / 20f
where f is the highest mode frequency we wish to capture. In other words, we must resolve our step size
such that we will have 20 discrete points per period of the highest mode frequency.
It should be noted that a transient analysis is more involved than a static or harmonic analysis. It
requires a good understanding of the dynamic behavior of a structure. Therefore, a modal
analysis of the structure should be initially performed to provide information about the
structure's dynamic behavior.
The Full Method: This is the easiest method to use. All types of non-linearities are allowed. It is
however very CPU intensive to go this route as full system matrices are used.
The Reduced Method: This method reduces the system matrices to only consider the Master
Degrees of Freedom (MDOFs). Because of the reduced size of the matrices, the calculations are
much quicker. However, this method handles only linear problems (such as our cantilever case).
The Mode Superposition Method: This method requires a preliminary modal analysis, as
factored mode shapes are summed to calculate the structure's response. It is the quickest of the
three methods, but it requires a good deal of understanding of the problem at hand.
We will use the Reduced Method for conducting our transient analysis. Usually one need not go further
than Reviewing the Reduced Results. However, if stresses and forces are of interest than, we would
have to Expand the Reduced Solution.
Select Solution > Analysis Type > New Analysis > Transient
Select Solution > Master DOFs > User Selected > Define
Select all nodes except the left most node (at x=0).
The following window will open, choose UY as the first dof in this window
For an explanation on Master DOFs, see the section on Using the Reduced Method for
modal analysis.
Solution Menu > Define Loads > Apply > Structural > Displacement > On nodes
4. Apply Loads
We will define our impulse load using Load Steps. The following time history curve shows our
load steps and time steps. Note that for the reduced method, a constant time step is required
throughout the time range.
We can define each load step (load and time at the end of load segment) and save them in a file
for future solution purposes. This is highly recommended especially when we have many load
steps and we wish to re-run our solution.
We can also solve for each load step after we define it. We will go ahead and save each load step
in a file for later use, at the same time solve for each load step after we are done defining it.
We need to establish initial conditions (the condition at Time = 0). Since the
equations for a transient dynamic analysis are of second order, two sets of initial
conditions are required; initial displacement and initial velocity. However, both
default to zero. Therefore, for this example we can skip this step.
Select Solution > Load Step Opts > Time/Frequenc > Time - Time Step ..
set a time of 0 for the end of the load step (as shown below).
set [DELTIM] to 0.001. This will specify a time step size of 0.001
seconds to be used for this load step.
b. Load Step 2
Select Solution > Define Loads > Apply > Structural > Force/Moment >
On Nodes and select the right most node (at x=1). Enter a force in the FY
direction of value -100 N.
Enter LSNUM = 2
c. Load Step 3
Select Solution > Define Loads > Delete > Structural > Force/Moment >
On Nodes and delete the load at x=1.
Select Solution > Load Step Opts > Time/Frequenc > Time - Time Step ..
and set a time of 1 for the end of the load step
Enter LSNUM = 3
1. Define Variables
In here we have to define variables that we want to see plotted. By default, Variable 1 is assigned
either Time or Frequency. In our case it is assigned Frequency. We want to see the displacement
UY at the node at x=1, which is node #2. (To get a list of nodes and their attributes, select Utility
Menu > List > nodes).
Select TimeHist Postpro > Variable Viewer... and the following window should pop up.
Select Add (the green '+' sign in the upper left corner) from this window and the following
window should appear
We are interested in the Nodal Solution > DOF Solution > Y-Component of
displacement. Click OK.
Graphically select node 2 when prompted and click OK. The 'Time History Variables'
window should now look as follows
In the 'Time History Variables' window click the 'List' button, 3 buttons to the left of 'Add'
In the 'Time History Variables' window click the 'Plot' button, 2 buttons to the left of 'Add'
We also see another response at a higher frequency. We may have captured some
response at the second mode at 52 Hz of the beam.
Note that the response does not decay as it should not. We did not specify damping
for our system.
However, if stresses and forces are of interest, we would have to expand the reduced solution.
Let's say we are interested in the beam's behaviour at peak responses. We should then expand a
few or all solutions around one peak (or dip). We will expand 10 solutions within the range of
0.08 and 0.11 seconds.
Select Solution > Analysis Type > ExpansionPass... and switch it to ON in the window
that pops open.
Select Solution > Load Step Opts > ExpansionPass > Single Expand > Range of Solu's
Complete the window as shown below. This will expand 10 solutions withing the range of
0.08 and 0.11 seconds
Review the results using either General Postprocessing (POST1) or TimeHist Postprocessing
(POST26). For this case, we can view the deformed shape at each of the 10 solutions we
We did not specify damping in our transient analysis of the beam. We specify damping at the same time
we specify our time & time steps for each load step.
We will now re-run our transient analysis, but now we will consider damping. Here is where the use of
load step files comes in handy. We can easily change a few values in these files and re-run our whole
solution from these load case files.
Open up the first load step file (Dynamic.s01) for editing Utility Menu > File > List > Other >
Dynamic.s01. The file should look like the following..
Change the damping value BETAD from 0 to 0.01 in all three load step files.
We will have to re-run the job for the new load step files. Select Utility Menu > file > Clear and
Start New.
Repeat the steps shown above up to the point where we select MDOFs. After selecting MDOFs,
simply go to Solution > (-Solve-) From LS files ... and in the window that opens up select files
from 1 to 3 in steps of 1.
After the results have been calculated, plot up the response at node 2 in POST26. The damped
response should look like the following