Jacqueline f. Baure Midterm Exam
Jacqueline f. Baure Midterm Exam
Jacqueline f. Baure Midterm Exam
Statistics in Research
Note: In satisfaction variable, the higher the score the more the students are satisfied
with school services
Group Statistics
Lower Upper
The table shows the level of satisfaction in school services between male
and female students. It shows that male has a mean of 19.5000 while female has a
35.2000 over-all mean. This means that female students has a high level of satisfaction
compare to male students in school services. It also shows that the P value of .006 is
less than 0.05, therefore, there is a significant difference in the level satisfaction of the
students in school services when grouped according to sex.
2. The data correspond to an experiment where four (4) new soap formulas (T1 to T4)
were each tested on different subjects in order to measure their effect on the whiteness
of skin. The higher the score, the whiter is the result. All subjects who volunteered had
previously used the same soap. Compare the effectiveness of the new soap formulas
by using appropriate statistical tool. Assume that the data is normal.
N Mean Std. Deviation Std. Error Lower Bound Upper Bound Minimum Maximum
The table shows that the formula of soap T3 has the highest mean score of
28.1667 among the new soaps formula. This means that T3 soap formula has the
highest level of effectiveness in terms of whiteness. Furthermore, the P value of .001 is
less than 0.05, therefore there is a significant difference in the effectiveness of the
soaps when grouped according to whiteness.
*The result revealed that there is a significant difference on the level of anxiety
when grouped according to socio-economic status, therefore Post Hoc Test
is necessary.
Post Hoc Tests
Multiple Comparisons
Dependent Variable: whiteness
(I) soap (J) soap (I-J) Std. Error Sig. Lower Bound Upper Bound
The first P value is .416 which is greater than 0.05, therefore there is no
significant difference on the effectiveness of whiteness between T1 and T2 soap
formulas. T1 and T3 soap formulas have a significant difference because it has a P
value of .000 however, T1 and T4 also have a significant difference because it has a P
value of .013 which is less than 0.05.
T2 and T3 has a P value of .001 showing a significant difference between the two soap
formulas while T2 and T4 have no significant difference because it shows a P value
of .071.
Lastly, T3 and T4 soap formulas have no significant difference showing a P value
of .083 which is greater than 0.05.
3. A research was conducted to determine the level of satisfaction of students in school
services. The satisfaction survey is measured using a 5-point Likert scale from 5-
Strongly Agree to 1-Strongly Disagree.
Satisfaction Questionnaire
ITEMS 5 4 3 2 1
1. Staffs’ are willing to explain
questions appropriately about any
2. The staffs provide prompt services
when I need them
3. Students are treated well
Legend: 5- Strongly Agree 4-Agree 3-Moderately Agree 2-Disagree 1- Strongly Disagree
N Valid 33 33 33
Missing 0 0 0
Frequency Table
Frequency Percent Valid Percent Percent
The table shows that ages 26 and 27 have the highest frequency distribution of 3
with corresponding percentage of 9.1. Ages 23, 28, 38, 43 have a frequency distribution
of 2 with corresponding percentage of 6.1. Ages 21, 22, 24,25, 29,
30,31,32,33,34,35,36,37, 48,49,50,51,55 and 60 has a frequency distribution of 1 or 3.0
Frequency Percent Valid Percent Percent
The table shows that Upper class socio-economic status has a high frequency
distribution of 14 or 42.4 percent. Middle class has a frequency distribution of 9 or 27.3
percent, Lower Class has a frequency distribution of 8 or 24.2 percent and Poor has the
lowest frequency distribution of 2 or 6.1 percent.
Frequency Percent Valid Percent Percent
The table shows that Male has the frequency of 5 or 15.2 percent while the
female has the frequency of 28 or 84.8 percent. This means the majority of the
respondents are Female.
Descriptive Statistics
The table shows that there two highest mean, and these variables are “Staffs’ are
willing to explain questions appropriately about any procedure” and “The staffs
provide prompt services when I need them” which has a mean value of 4.3636; the
lowest variable is on “Students are treated well” which has a mean value of 4.3030.
The over- all mean rating is 4.3434.
c. Is there a significant relationship between age and satisfaction of students?
Age n
N 33 33
Overall_satisfaction Pearson Correlation .608** 1
N 33 33
The result reveals that there is significant relationship between age and
satisfaction of students with Pearson correlation of .608 thus it indicates that is directly
proportional, while the P-value is .000 which is below 0.05 that’s why there is a
significant relationship between the two variables.