Semactic Final
Semactic Final
Semactic Final
GEO tomorrow:
Set your 2025 search plan in motion
The fast track
to SEO success
We empower digital teams to leverage their
website's potential with our SEO software
and personalized support.
Generative Engine Optimization
GEO stands for “generative engine optimization”, the
process of optimizing your website content to
increase its visibility in AI-driven search engines
such as ChatGPT (soon to be SearchGPT), Perplexity,
Gemini, Copilot and Google AI Overviews.
Generative Engine Optimization
Why you should care NOW
1. Because it’s coming (massively)
Generative Engine Optimization
Why you should care NOW
2. Because it’s improving impressively
• UX (direct summary +
• Output quality
• Ad-free (mostly)
How does GEO work?
How do AI-driven Search Engines work?
Answer Answer
Ranking Generated output Summarizing
(Rich snippets)
Algorithm + conversational Model
+ blue links
+ links
How do AI-driven Search Engines work?
A new playground for brands
How do AI-driven Search Engines work?
Rely on keywords to find information Understand context and natural language
Traditional search engines rely on matching user queries • AI-driven engines use advanced natural language
with keywords to retrieve relevant results. processing to understand the intent and context
behind queries, even if specific keywords are absent.
Clicks are required for full information Direct answers within the tool
• Users must click through links and visit sites to gather • AI provides answers directly within the interface,
comprehensive answers. often giving all the information needed without
requiring extra clicks.
A 6-steps approach
1 Content-depth
Focus on rich, relevant & contextualized content that provides deep
insights and value, rather than just matching keywords.
Cover user intent hollistically and pay attention to structure (e.g.,
product features, reviews, comparisons) to help AI models extract relevant
• Regulations
Data-driven decisions Monitor your classic SEO KPIs Monitor AI-response patterns &
referral traffic from GE
SEO/GEO in practice
Otovo on Perplexity
Quel est le prix d’une pompe à
chaleur en Belgique?
SEO/GEO in practice
SEO/GEO in practice
…and on Google
Key takeaways
Key takeaways
Embrace this new era of search - it's already begun, and the
best time to tackle it is NOW.
SEO habits must evolve towards GEO. The good news is that
sustainable SEO strategies are well equipped - if not ready -
for this new era!
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