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CCS University, Meerut/Pre PhD Coursework (Education) Syllabus/Session 2017-18 onwards

Programme Structure

The Pre Ph.D. course shall compromise of only one semester (i.e. six months)
in which there will be two compulsory papers:

Sl.No. Paper Marks

1. Paper-I: Research Methodology in Behavioural Sciences 100

2. Paper-II: Emerging Trends and Issues in Education 100

3. Submission of two term papers (more than 7500 words) and 50


Paper I: Research Methodology in Behavioural Sciences

UNIT I Research Procedure
 Meaning and objectives of educational research
 Selection of problem
 Review of literature
 Research design, population and sampling
 Tools and data collection
 Statistical analysis of data
 Formulation of conclusions and generalization

UNIT II Research Methods

 Philosophical research
 Historical research
 Descriptive research
 Survey research
 Development research
 Ex-post facto research

UNIT III Experimental Designs

 Meaning and purpose of basic experimental design and basic types of errors
 Difference between research design and experimental design
 Types of experimental design
 Simple Random design
 Levels of treatment design
 Level & Subject design
 Random Replication design
 Group with in treatment design
 Factorial design

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CCS University, Meerut/Pre PhD Coursework (Education) Syllabus/Session 2017-18 onwards

UNIT IV Parametric and Non Parametric Tests

 Meaning and purpose of parametric test and non-parametric test
 Difference between parametric and non-parametric test
 “H” test, its meaning, purpose; assumptions and uses
 Analysis of variance technique of “F” test
 Analysis of co-variance technique
 Regression, step regression
 X2=test, its purpose and use
 Median test and sign test

UNIT V Advanced Technique of Correlation

 Meaning and purpose of correlation
 Correlational technique
 Contingency
 Phi-correlation
 Person’s correlation
 Multiple-correlation
 Factor-Analysis Technique with special reference to centroid method

UNIT VI Computer Application in Research

 Use of computers in:
 Data processing
 Word processing
 Graphical processing
 Different phases of research
 Use of statistical software in data analysis

UNIT VII Writing Research

 Need for writing research report
 Preparing research synopsis
 Format of research report
 Technical aspects of research report
 Writing research report
 Writing research abstract
 Writing research paper

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CCS University, Meerut/Pre PhD Coursework (Education) Syllabus/Session 2017-18 onwards

Paper II: Emerging Trends and Issues in Education

UNIT I Interdisciplinary Approach in Education
 Interdisciplinary approaches - concept , need and scope
 Interdisciplinary approach in Teaching
 Interdisciplinary approach in Learning
 Interdisciplinary approach in Research

UNIT II Approaches of Learning

 Lifelong Learning
 Open and Distance Learning
 Co-operative Learning
 Blended Learning
 Flexi Space Learning
 Reflective Learning

UNIT III Processes of Learning

 Inquiry Based Learning
 Brain Based Learning
 Media literary and Learning

UNIT IV Trends in Education

 Inclusive Education
 ICT in Education
 Life Skill Education
 Multicultural Education
 Alternative Assessment
 Social Constructivism

UNIT V Issues in Education

 Educational Policies
 Wellbeing Education
 Comparative Education
 Development Education
 Citizenship Education
 Economics of Education

UNIT VI Globalization and Education

 Differences between globalization, internationalization, and internationalism
 Paradoxes of globalization
 Global Policies in Education. EFA, MDGs.
 Globalization and educational reform

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