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Christ_LLM syllabus

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School of Law

(Corporate and Commercial Law)

Syllabus and Regulations

CHRIST (Deemed to be University), Pune Lavasa,

Maharashtra, India

LLM Program Overview 04
Assessment Rules 05
Semester-wise Subjects 11


LLM151L Foundation Course 13

LLM152L Research Methods and Legal Writing 17
LLM132L Comparative Public Law 20
LLM133L International Trade Law 26
LLM134L Competition Law 31
LLM135L Law of E-Commerce 35
LLM136L Commercial Arbitration


LLM231L Globalization, Law and Justice 41

LLM232L Investment Laws 44
LLM233L Intellectual Property Law 47
LLM234L Corporate Governance 51
LLM251L Seminar on Contemporary Issues 54
LLM252L Teaching Practice 55
LLM281L Dissertation 56


As one of the top law schools in India, the School of Law of Christ University offers
LLM program as per the UGC guidelines. This program incorporates a rich array of law
courses, seminars, experiential learning opportunities, and special events. These would
promote interaction with attorneys, diplomats, business leaders, and policy makers.

Our distinguished faculty and administration have established strong ties with various
international, governmental, and non-governmental organizations in India and abroad.

This program has a flexible curriculum offering several options in each specialization.
Students have the option of selecting their specialization and their area of interest. In
addition, each student is encouraged to write a publishable thesis and to gain practical
experience through internships and other training programs.

Areas of Specialization
▪ Corporate and Commercial Law
▪ Constitutional and Administrative Law
▪ Intellectual Property and Trade Law

Corporate and Commercial Law

The significance of Corporate and Commercial Law can hardly be over-emphasized. In

fact, after the unleashing of the New Economic Policy and the advent of the WTO, this
specialization is deemed to be next to none. Economic enterprises and the multi-
national corporations have been in the forefront of providing the necessary economic
stability to the society at large. Law plays a unique role in enabling them to serve the
society in a holistic way.

This Specialization is designed to serve the interests of students who intend to practice
in the area of Corporate Law. It aims at aligning the objectives of a Corporate Lawyer
with the goals of business organizations. The subjects range from foundational papers
to the advanced ones such as International Trade Law, Commercial Arbitration,
Corporate Governance, etc.

Assessment Rules
Assessment is based on the performance of the student throughout the semester.

1. Credit Structure
• Courses with 45 hours per semester will earn the student 2 credits.
• Courses with 45-50 hours per semester will earn the student 3 credits.
• Courses with 51 hours and above per semester including practical will earn the student
4 credits.
• Dissertations/Practical equivalent to one course will earn the student 4-6 credits.
• Total credits can be earned in each semester are 18-25*.

*Total credits may vary from programme to programme.

2. Assessment of each paper

1. *Continuous Internal Assessment (CIA) for theory paper : 50% (50 marks out of 100
2. *End Semester Examination (ESE) : 50% (50 marks out of 100 marks)

(*Weight for CIA and ESE may vary for different programmes)

3. Components of CIA
CIA I : Assignments: 10 marks
CIA II : Mid-Semester Examination (MSE) (Theory): 25 marks
CIA III : Quizzes/Seminars/Case Studies/Project work: 10 marks

*Attendance: 5 Marks

% Attendance Marks

95% – 100% 05

90% – 94% 04

85% – 89% 03

80% – 84% 02

76% – 79% 01

Students representing the University/Departmental activities are eligible for attendance with
the permission of the HOD/Co-ordinator.

Students can check their attendance and academic reports from the University website in
Student Login.
4. Mid-Semester Examination (MSE)
• The examination will be held as per the timetable released by the Controller of
Examination (COE) in each semester and will be held simultaneously for I, III, V, VII, IX
semester in August and II, IV, VI, VIII, X Semester in Jan/Feb.
• Valued answer scripts will be distributed in the class on a day announced prior to the
distribution. Corrections if any are to be done during the same hour. No further changes
after this will be entertained.
• Those candidates missing the MSE (for valid reasons only) will be given a second
opportunity prior to the ESE, however, permission to repeat MSE is not automatic. The
candidate must procure an application from the office of Examinations and must pay the
required fee. If the candidate does not appear in the MSE then an entry denoted by ‘’
will be made in the marks card stating that appear in the first MSE if student fails to
appear the second chance, an entry denoted by will be made in the marks card stating
the student did not write the MSE. During the course of the study, a UG candidate can
repeat the MSE at most two times; the PG candidate can attempt it only once. There are
restrictions on the number of times a student can repeat MSE.
• The duration of the MSE will be of 2 hours and the same is applicable for the repeat
examination also.
• Absentee’s parents will be alerted through SMS within 1 hour after the commencement
of the examination.
• Hall ticket with timetable and seating allotment is compulsory for both regular and
repeat MSE and can be downloaded from the Student Login.
• Dress code of the University should be followed during the examination days except
wearing ties.
• MSE will be conducted out of 50 marks and will be reduced to 25 marks, by the COE
• Candidates must preserve all MSE answer sheets and present the same to the COE in
case of any discrepancy in the marks.
• The CIA marks will be displayed on the website for the candidate’s reference at the end
of the semester before the ESE.
• For courses having practical as part, the assessment patter is as follows:

• A. Continuous Internal Assessment (CIA): 50%

Records 05 marks

Mid-Semester Examination (Conducted during 10 marks

regular practical hours.)

Class Work 10 marks

B. End Semester Practical Examination: 50%

• For courses with independent practical / project the components of the CIA and its
weight may vary from programme to programme.
• The Mid-Semester practical examination will be conducted during a regular practical
hour with prior intimation to all candidates.
• All End-Semester practical examination will have two examiners, an internal and an
external examiner.

5. End-Semester Examination (ESE)

The examination for the theory as well as practical papers will be held at the end of the
semester. All papers will have a three hour examination except Functional English papers. ESE
will be conducted out of 100 marks, which will then be reduced to the required level, by the
office of the COE. In order to avoid identification during the valuation, bar codes are pasted on
the Answers Sheets by the students themselves instead of the Register Number.
Permission for admission to the ESE will not be granted unless
1. A student has put in at least 85% of attendance in aggregate at the end of the semester.
2. The Vice-Chancellor is satisfied with the character and conduct of the student.
6. Results
• Semester results will be announced within a period of 30 days of completion of
• Marks cards will be ready within 45 days of completion of examinations.
• Revaluation/Re-totalling request should be made within 5 days from the date of
announcement of results along with a fee notified by the Controller of examinations.
• There is no provision for improvement examination.
• Candidates who have not passed in at least 50% of the papers will not be promoted to
the next year.
• Requirement of Marks for Pass in each paper: 40% for ESE separately and 40% for
There will be a special supplementary examination in the June/July for final semester students
who have failed in the just concluded final semester examination subject to the condition that

they have no back-log in the previous semester. Students who are not debarred from
examinations for reasons of malpractice will not be able to avail this facility. Another special
supplementary examination is conducted in the month of January for the students who have
failed in their IX semester examination.
Students having arrears can attempt the same when the examination is next conducted for the
respective semester.
The Office of Examinations will preserve the answer sheets for a period of six months.
All marks cards issued by the COE will indicate the marks, percentage obtained, grade and
grade point average.

7. Grading Pattern
The Grade Point average will be calculated as follows: for each subject, multiply the Grade
Point with the Number of Credits; divide the sum of product by the total number of credits.
The CGPA (Cumulative GPA) is calculated by adding the total number of earned points [ GP x
Cr] for all semesters and dividing by the total number of credit hours for all semesters.

Grading Scheme for each paper: PG Courses

Percentage Grade Grade Interpretation Class


80 and A 4.00 Outstanding

First class with Distinction

73 – 79 A- 3.67 Excellent

66 – 72 B+ 3.33 Very Good First Class

60-65 B 3.0 Good

55-59 B- 2.67 Average

Second Class
50-54 C+ 2.33 Satisfactory

45-49 C 2.00 Pass

Pass Class
40-44 D 1.0 Pass

39 and F 0 Fail

Transcript/ Statement of Marks: can be downloaded from the University website after the
examinations for each semester. Consolidated statement of marks ad Provisional Degree
Certificate will be awarded to all eligible candidates at the end of the course on the Graduation

8. Regulations for repeating (improvement of) CIA

1. This Regulation shall apply to UG and PG Students of the University as well as
continuing students of erstwhile Christ College (Autonomous), other than students of
2. The eligibility criteria for Repeat Courses shall be as under
1. Student must have completed the academic duration of the Course in full-all odd
and even semesters.
2. Student must be pursuing the final semester of the course for obtaining
permission under clause 6.
3. Failure in the subject must be solely due to less than 40% score in CIA in respect
of the repeat subject, and has scored minimum pass % for ESE.
4. The student must have attempted and failed in at least one supplementary
examination in the subject after the first failing.
3. Repeat Course is permitted for students opting to repeat one or more subjects or any
semester due to their inability to complete and earn pass mark in the course for reason
of very low score in CIA.
4. Student may exercise the option to repeat course only after the completion of their final
(end of the course) ESE except for students under Clause 2 (b).
5. Repeat of the subject / paper in CIA shall be restricted to any one ongoing Semester at a
time (i.e., either odd or even semester subjects) and shall nullify all previous CIA scores
(including practical, where applicable) of the student in respect of the subject(s) repeated
(except for students under clause 6).
6. In exceptional circumstances as may be approved by the Management Committee, in
respect of cases like, ‘where a foreign student has non-renewable limited visa’ or ‘where
a student due to late admission misses to complete the CIA’, students under clause 2(b)
may be permitted to do the Repeat Course during the final Semester, on a failed subject
in respect to any semester except of the final semester.
7. The repeat course will follow a tutorial system of 20 hours in duration of not exceeding
30 days during which the entire repeat CIA process is expected to be completed. The
student shall follow the curriculum adopted by the applicable semester. If the subject or
paper has been revised or replaced by another in the changed syllabus, the student shall
be required to complete the revised/changed paper.

8. The tutor-in-charge, will conduct tutorial classes, on pre-determined timings, normally

outside the usual class hours, covering at least 60% of the syllabus portion, chosen at the
his/her discretion. The tutor will record the attendance, evaluate the assignments (CIA
II & III) and also conduct a test in lieu of MSE, in examination conditions.
9. The repeat course is only for the CIA (excluding attendance) and not for the ESE. The
student’s performance in the ESE and the marks secured for the attendance, as per the
relevant completed semester will be carried over.
10. On completion of the course meant for the improvement of CIA components, the results
will be announced along with that of regular students of the current semester and a
fresh marks card will be issued for the subject/semester the student has appeared for.
11. Eligible candidates other than those under clause 7 shall apply in the prescribed
application form (Form A) with details specified therein, and submit the same to the
Dean on or before the specified date. Applications duly approved by the Dean shall be
processed at IPM for payment of fee and entries in student records and the details
thereof will be communicated to the Dean and COE.
12. In respect of candidates under clause 7 eligible candidates shall apply in the prescribed
application form (Form B) with details specified therein, and submit the same to the
Dean on or before the specified date. Applications duly recommended by the Dean be
forwarded to the Registrar for consideration by the Management Committee and on its
approval, it shall be processed at IPM and the details thereof be communicated to the
Dean and the COE.
13. Fee for the repeat course will be announced be the Examinations Office.
9. Regulations for repeating Mid Semester Examination
1. Supplementary MSE shall be permitted only for students who were absent for the
regular MSE for genuine and valid reasons as may be confirmed and certified by the
Class Teacher and the HOD and as been approved by the Dean.
2. Number of chances to appear for the Supplementary MSE within the entire duration of a
course shall be restricted as under irrespective of the actual duration of the program.
1. UG Students can attempt at most two times.
2. PG and B.Ed, students can attempt only once.
3. Students who were absent for regular MSE due to deputation on University
sponsored / permitted programs (like NCC, CSA etc.) shall not be affected by
the restriction and may avail the permissible number of chances as may be
3. Students who exhaust the number of allowed chances shall not be permitted to appear
for any more Supplementary MSE and hence shall have to be satisfied with the CIA
marks without MSE score, in case they fail to appear for regular MSE.
Other procedures specified for supplementary MSE as per existing Regulation shall remain
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Programme Outcome
• Articulate thoughts and communicate effectively
• Practice ethical behavior in all engagements
• Train leaders in the field of law and policy-making
• Contribute effectively in research or academia
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Semester-wise Subjects

Code Title No. of Credits

Hrs /
LLM151L Foundation Course 2
LLM152L Research Methods and Legal Writing 5 4
LLM132L Comparative Public Law 5 4
LLM133L International Trade Law 4 3
LLM134L Competition Law 4 3
LLM135L Law of E-Commerce 4 3
LLM136L Commercial Arbitration 4 3
Total 26 22


Code Title No. of Credits

Hrs /
LLM231L Globalization, Law and Justice 5 4
LLM232L Investment Laws 5 3
LLM233L Intellectual Property Law 4 3
LLM234L Corporate Governance 4 3
LLM251L Seminar on Contemporary Issues 3 2
LLM252L Practical - (Teaching Practice) 3 2
LLM281L Dissertation 4 4
Total 28 21
12 | P a g e
13 | P a g e

(No. of Hrs. 45)

The course aims at understanding the various jurisprudential theories and concepts, the
principles of interpretation of statutes, basics of law and economics and also to hone
their soft skills in order to enhance their capacities to build a strong foundation for the
study of Master of Law course.

At the end of the course the students will be able to:
1. Understand the various theories and concepts of Jurisprudence.
2. Explain the rules and aids of interpretation of statutes.
3. Enhance their research skills, reading, writing and speaking skills.


1.1 Nature of Jurisprudence
1.2 Schools of Jurisprudence-Natural law, Positivism, Pure science of law, Historical,
Sociological, Realism, teleological school
1.3 Evolution and definition of law
1.4 Sources of Law
1.5 The Technique of the law-Classification, Titles, Acts, Events
1.6 Public Law-Law and the State, Criminal law
1.7 The concept of Legal Personality
1.8 Rights and Duties
1.9 The Concept of Property
1.10 Possession and Ownership
1.11 Law of Procedure


2.1 Laws, commands and Orders
2.2 The variety of Laws
2.3 Sovereign and subject
2.4 Law as the Union of Primary and Secondary Rules
2.5 The foundations of a Legal system
2.6 Formalism and Rule Skepticism
2.7 Justice and Morality
2.8 International Law
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3.1 Introduction
3.2 Model Rules I and II
3.3 Hard cases, Constitutional Case
3.4 Justice and Rights
3.5 Taking Rights seriously
3.6 Civil Disobedience
3.7 Reverse discrimination
3.8 Liberty and Moralism; Liberty and Liberalism


4.1 Introduction-The Method of Philosophy
4.2 The Methods of History, Tradition and Sociology
4.3 The Method of Sociology, The Judge as a Legislator
4.4 Adherence to Precedent- The Subconscious element in the Judicial Process


5.1 The English Doctrine of Precedent
5.2 Ratio Decendi and Obiter Dictum
5.3 Stare decisis and exceptions to stare decisis
5.4 Precedent as a source of law; Precedent and Judicial Reasoning; Precedent and legal


6.1 Basics of Law and economics


7.1 Public speaking
7.2 Communication skills-Reading and writing


8.1Basics of legal research

Assessment pattern

Exam will be conducted at the end of the course

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(No. of Hrs. 60-80 Hrs.)

COURSE DESCRIPTION: This course intends to enhance the legal research skills
among students. Students would be able to appreciate the nuances of legal research by
discussions outlined in Unit I of the syllabus with basics of legal research. Unit II deals
with Research problem, hypothesis, Research design and sampling. Unit III deals with
Research Methods and tools. Unit IV deals with Tabulation, analysis, interpretation and
Report Writing. Unit V deals with Legal Writing.

COURSEOBJECTIVES: The main objective of this course is to acquaint the students of

LLM with the scientific method of social science research. This course is expected to
provide the knowledge of the technique of selection, collection and interpretation of
primary and secondary data in socio-legal research. Emphasis would be laid on
practical training in writing and publishing a research paper in this course.


By the end of the course the students will be able to:

1. Survey literature to identify gaps in the existing body of knowledge.

2. Students will be able to write a Literature Review.
3. Formulate research problem and identify research questions.
4. Analyse the issues related to applicability of scientific methods in legal research.
5. Apply appropriate research method.
6. Draw appropriate suggestions and conclusions based on sound logical legal

TEACHING METHODOLOGY: Lecture, Group discussion, Power Point presentation,

documentaries, student presentations etc. as per the requirement of each UNIT.


Learning Outcome: On completion of this UNIT students will be able to understand the
basics of research, kinds of research and scientific methods.
1.1 Meaning, objectives of legal research
1.2 Characteristics of scientific method – applicability of scientific method
1.3 Kinds of Research
1.4 Concepts and constructs- relationship between theory and fact
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1.5 Stages of Research Process



Learning Outcome: On completion of this UNIT students will be able to understand

broadly the criteria for identification of Research Problem Definition, Determination,
Sources of Data, Hypothesis – Meaning and definitions, Characteristics, Research
Questions and Hypothesis, Research Design – Meaning and essentials of Research
Design, Forms and major steps in Research Design.

2.1 Research Problem – Definition, Determination, Sources of Data

2.2 Hypothesis – Meaning and definitions, Characteristics, Research Questions and
2.3 Research Design – Meaning and essentials of Research Design, Forms of Research
Design, and major steps
2.4 Testing of Hypothesis
2.5 Sampling techniques – definition, basic assumptions, classifications


Learning Outcome: On completion of this UNIT students will be able to differentiate

between Social and legal survey, besides getting a perspective on Case method,
Jurimetrics, Questionnaires and Schedule, Observation , interview and Hawthorne
effect or observation bias .

3.1. Social and legal survey

3.2. Case Study method
3.3. Jurimetrics
3.4. Interview, Questionnaire and Schedule
3.5. Observation -Hawthorne effect / observation bias
3.6. Doctrinal and Non doctrinal /Empirical Methods of Research


12 Hrs.

Learning Outcome: On completion of this UNIT students will be able to get acquainted
with the means of Classification and Tabulation of Data, Analysis and interpretation of
Data, Use of Statistical methods and computers in legal research, Reporting and
Methods of Citations, Ethics in research and Plagiarism

4.1 Classification and Tabulation of Data

17 | P a g e

4.2 Analysis and interpretation of Data

4.3 Use of Statistical methods and computers in legal research
4.4 Reporting and Methods of Citations
4.5 Ethics in research and Plagiarism
4.6 Research Reports- Case Comment, Articles, Dissertation, Thesis


Learning Outcome: On completion of this UNIT students will be able to Foundations of

writing, Transmittal letter, client opinion letter and e-mail correspondence, Pleadings,
Preparation of a Memorandum and outlines of Legislative Drafting

5.1 Foundations of writing

5.2 Transmittal letter, client opinion letter and e-mail correspondence
5.3 Pleadings
5.4 Office memo
5.5 Memorandum of Law
5.6 Appellate brief
5.7 Legislative Research and Legislative Drafting; Preparation of draft Bill

• Assignment – submission of Literature Review & Viva – 20%
• Presentations: Statement of problem, research
questions, research methodology – 20%
• Submission of Records – 15%
• Publication of Research paper in a UGC listed – 30%
• Attendance - 05%
• Viva - 10%
TOTAL 100%


1. Amy E Sloan, Basic Method Research – Tools and Materials

2. Baxi, Upendra, ‘Socio-Legal Research in India–A Program Schriff, ICSSR,
Occasional Monograph, 1975.
3. Carol M Bast, Foundations of Legal Research and Writing
4. Cohen, Morris L., ‘Legal Research’, Minnesota, West Publishing Co. 1985.
5. Dawson, Catherine, 2002, Practical Research Methods, New Delhi, UBS
6. Erwin C. Surrency, B.Fielf and J. Crea, A Guide to Legal Research (1959)
18 | P a g e

7. Ghosh, B.N., ‘Scientific Method and Social Research’, New Delhi, Sterling
Publishers Pvt. Ltd., 1984.
8. Goode and Hatt, ‘Methods in Social Research’, Singapore, Mc. Graw Hill Book Co.,
1985 (reprint).
9. H.M.Hyman, Interviewing in Social Research (1965)
10. Harvard Law Review Association, Uniform System of Citations.
11. High Brayal, Nigel Dunean and Richard Crimes, Clinical Legal Education: Active
Learning in your Law School, (1998) Blackstone Press Limited,London.
12. ILI Publication, Legal Research and Methodology
13. Johari J.C. (ed.), ‘Introduction to the Method of Social Sciences’, New Delhi,
Sterling Publishers Pvt. Ltd. 1988.
14. Kothari C.K., ‘Research Methodology: Method and Techniques’, New Delhi, Wiley
Eastern Ltd., 1980.
15. Kothari, C.R., 1985, Research Methodology- Methods and Techniques, New Delhi,
Wiley Eastern Limited.
16. Kumar, Ranjit, 2005, Research Methodology-A Step-by-Step Guide for Beginners,
(2nd.ed.), Singapore, Pearson Education.
17. Whitney, F.L, The elements of Research.
18. Legal Research Methodology Indian Case Laws,
19. M.O.Price, H.Bitner and Bysiewiez, Effective Legal Research (1978)
20. Morris L. Cohan, Legal Research in Nutshell, (1996), West Publishing Co.
21. N.R. Madhava Menon, (ed.) A Handbook of Clinical Legal Education, (1998)
Eastern Book Company, Luck now.
22. Ne, The art of Asking Question (1965)
23. Pauline V. Young, Scientific Social Survey and Research, (1962)
24. Payne, The Art of Asking Questions (1965)
25. S.K. Verma and M. Afzal Wani (Eds.) Legal Research and Methodology, Indian
Law Institute (2001) 2nd Edition.
26. S.K.Agrawal (Ed.), Legal Education in India (1973), Tripathi, Bombay.
27. Stone, Julius, ‘Legal System and Lawyer’s Reasoning’, Sydney, Maitland
Publications, 1968.
28. William J. Grade and Paul K. Hatt, Methods in School Research, Mc Graw-Hill
Book Company London.
29. Dr. Tewari H N, Legal Research Methodology
30. Ranjit Kumar Research methodology: a step by-self guide for beginners
31. Krishna Swami O R Methodology of research in social sciences
32. Dr. Tewari H N Legal Research Methodology
33. Joseph Gibaldi MLA handbook for writers of research papers
34. Myneni S R Legal research methodology
35. AnwarulYagin Legal research and writing methods
19 | P a g e


1. The Legal Information Institute, www.law.cornell.edu

2. FindLaw, www.findlaw.com
3. WashLaw: Legal Research on the Web, www.washlaw.edu
4. The American Bar Association’s Public Resources page, www.abanet.org/public.html
5. HierosGamos, www.hg.org
6. Public Library of Law, www.plol.org
7. LexisOne, www.lexisone.com


1. How to Research a Legal Problem –American Association of Law Libraries, see

2. A Guide to India's Legal Research and Legal System -
3. Legal Research Methodology- Indian Case Laws-
4. Research Methodology - http://www.newagepublishers.com/samplechapter/000896.pdf
5. A Guide to India’s Legal Research and Legal System-
6. Sarah E. Valentine- Legal Research as a Fundamental Skill
7. How to Research a Legal Problem,
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(No. of Hrs. 60-80 Hrs.)
COURSE OBJECTIVES: The paper intends to undertake a comparative analysis of the
growth of public law, structure of governments and polities, legislative process,
fundamental rights and the role of the judiciary in USA, UK and France in order to have
a better understanding and assessment of the public law principles, practices and
institutional mechanisms that work the polity in India.


After successful completion of this course, the students will be able to:

1. Understand and apply the concept and principles of public law in order to assess
the performance of governance structures.
2. identify and distinguish between presidential, parliamentary and hybrid forms
of government in order to understand the shortcomings and advocate changes.
3. should be able to comprehend the federal, unitary and other structures of
governance and advocate changes in governance processes. Analyse the
legislative process through comparative study and suggest reforms.
4. assess as to how the fundamental rights have evolved over a period of time in
tune with socio, economic & political changes so that people lead a life free from
discrimination and exploitation and propose policy changes in this regard.
5. To have a comprehensive understanding of the nature and organisation of the
higher judiciary and the process of ‘tribunalisation’ with their roles and
limitations under the constitution and propose reforms with respect to their
rationale, structure and functioning.

TEACHING METHODOLOGY: Lecture, Group discussion, Power Point presentation,

documentaries, student presentations, quiz etc., as per the requirement of each UNIT.


12 HRS.
History and rationale for study of comparative public law - Evolution of public law -
ancient to modern - distinguished from Private law

Concepts of public law - Rule of law - Separation of powers - Sovereignty

Accountability and liability of state - transparency - right to information - Sovereign
immunity - restorative & compensatory justice
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Presidential, parliamentary and hybrid systems - distinctive features - comparison and

advantages - powers of the president - Prime minister - the parliament - pattern of
relationships - Comparative evaluation.


12 HRS.
Federal & Unitary form of state - characteristics, differences & advantages - Distribution
of powers - legislative, administrative and financial - Legislative process – executive law
making - The amendment process



Evolution of fundamental rights- civil rights legislations - equality provisions -

approaches to affirmative action.



Organisation of the judiciary - issues of judicial independence - appointment - terms of

service and removal - Tribunalisation of justice – an evaluation - Ambit of judicial review
- Enforcement of fundamental rights - Public interest litigation.

• CIA I – Class Test / Assignment / Presentation – 10%
• CIA II – Mid Semester Examination – 25%
• CIA III – Research Topic – 10%
• Attendance – 05%
• End Semester Examination – 50%
TOTAL 100%


1. A.V.Dicey, Introduction to the Study of Constitution.

2. Brandt, E.M.; An Introduction to Constitutional Law ; Oxford University Press
3. Bernard Schwartz Commentary on American Constitution
4. Bhagwan Vishnoo, Bhushan Vidya, World Constitutions
5. Cane, Peter; Administrative Law ; Oxford University Press
6. Dauglus W.O, Studies in Indian and American Constitutional Law.
7. E.S.Venkataramaiah, Federalism Comparative Study
8. Finer, S.E.; Comparative Government ; Penguin Books
9. Godfrey and Blondel, The French Constitution and Government.
22 | P a g e

10. Jain, M.P.; Indian Constitutional Law ; LexisNexis

11. K.C.Wheare, Modern Constitutions.
12. Loughlin, Martin; The Idea of Public Law; Oxford University Press
13. Mason and Beany, American Constitutional law
14. Rodney Brazier, Constitutional Practice.
15. Rotunda and Nowak, Treatise on American Constitution.
16. Singh, M. P.; V.N Shukla’s Constitution of India; Eastern Book Company
17. Tom Ginsburg, Rosalind Dixon, Comparative Constitutional Law
18. Vicki C. Jackson, Mark V. HYPERLINK
ushnet%22"Tushnet, Comparative Constitutional Law


1. Asif Hameed v. State of J&K [AIR 1989 SC 1899]
2. State of Rajasthan v. Union of India [AIR 1978 SC 1361]
3. KeshavanandBharati v. State of Kerala [(1973) 2 SCR 347]
4. PanditMS.M.Sharma v. Sri Krishna Sinha [AIR 1959 SC 395]
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(No. of Hrs. 60-80 Hrs.)

COURSE OBJECTIVES: International Trade Law has two aspects: public and private.
The public aspect deals with the harmonization and coordination of national
commercial policies and private aspect seeks to provide a legal framework for
International commercial transactions between individuals belonging to different
nationalities. This course covers both public and private aspects.

1. To familiarize the students about the World Trade Organization and its role in
International trade.
2. To give an insight into the Origin of the WTO, sources of WTO law, structure,
functions, dispute settlement mechanism, principles of the WTO, dumping and anti-
dumping and allied matters related thereto.
3. To familiarize the students about the various agreements entered into under the
auspices of the WTO.
4. 4. To acquaint the students with the transnational commercial law covering history
of lexmercatoria, UNDROIT and UNCITRAL, International Sales Contract, Structure
and features of the Vienna Convention. To give an over-view of law relating to
International Carriages, multi-modal transportation, International payments, Role of
ICC, International commercial arbitration and the related matters thereto.
5. To give an over- view of the law and policy of India in relation to international


At the end of the course the student will be able to:

1. To discuss the structure, functions and sources of WTO.
2. To trace the historical background of WTO.
3. To examine the principles of WTO law.
4. To analyse the dispute settlement mechanism of WTO.
5. To discuss various agreements entered into under the auspices of the World
Trade Organization.
6. To explain the various aspects relating to international sales transactions and
allied matters related thereto.
7. The students will be able to give an over-view of FDI, Customs Act, SEZ’s in
relation to International trade.
8. To apply the concepts, principles and provisions learnt to the contemporary
issues in International trade law.
9. To identify, analyse and propose solutions to the issues involved in the field of
International trade law.
24 | P a g e

TEACHING METHODOLOGY: Lecture, Group discussion, Power Point presentation,

documentaries, student presentations, quiz etc., as per the requirement of each UNIT.


Learning Outcome: This UNIT aims at giving the students an insight into the history,
establishment, structure and functions of WTO. It also deals with the dispute
settlement mechanism of WTO. Further, it delves into the important principles of non-
discrimination namely the most favored Nation Treatment and National treatment.
Further the students are also introduced to dumping and antidumping measures.
1.1. Introduction to International trade and the law of the WTO, Sources of WTO
Law, Basic rules and principles of WTO Law
1.2. Economic Theories of free trade-Absolute Advantage theory; Comparative
Advantage theory; Heckscher–Ohlin theory; Leontief Paradox and New trade
1.3. Historical background- of WTO- Evolution of GATT as a trading institution and
transition of GATT to WTO; Marrakesh Agreement
1.4. WTO as an International institution- Origin of WTO; Mandate of WTO;
Membership of WTO; Institutional structure of the WTO; Decision-making in
the WTO; Other Issues-status of WTO; budget of WTO.
1.5. WTO Dispute Settlement - Dispute Settlement Understanding; Principles of dispute
settlement; Institutions of WTO settlement; WTO dispute settlement
proceedings; Main challenges to the WTO dispute settlement system
1.6. Principles of Non-discrimination-Most favored nation treatment and National
treatment obligation.
1.7. Dumping-Anti-dumping Measures


Learning Outcome: At the end of this UNIT the students will be equipped with an
understanding of various agreements entered into under the auspices of the World
Trade Organization and their importance in International trade relations.

2.1.WTO jurisprudence on TBT and SPS Agreements-Agreement on Sanitary and Phy to

Sanitary Measures; Agreement on Technical barriers to Trade
2.2. WTO and environment protection.
2.3. General Agreement on Trade in Services (GATs) - Meaning of trade in services.
General obligations. Specific obligations. Financial services. Telecommunication
services, India and the GATs.
25 | P a g e

2.4. Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPs) - IPRS covered by

TRIPs. Rights of patentees under the TRIPs. Compulsory licensing. Public
health and the TRIPs. Indian response to the TRIPs.
2.5. Agreement on Agriculture
2.6. Trade Related Investment Measures (TRIMS)


Learning Outcome: This UNIT is aimed at making the students aware of the
International Sale of goods transaction and allied matters thereto.

3.1 Transnational Commercial Laws: Meaning and scope of Transnational

Commercial Law. Evolution of Law Merchant. Sources of Transnational
Commercial Law. Movement towards unification of national commercial laws.
3.2 International Carriages- Carriage of goods by sea; Carriage by air; Multimodal
3.3 International Sales of goods- Vienna Convention on Contract for International
Sale of Goods; Drafting of International Commercial contracts- an Introduction.
3.4 International Payments- The role of International Chamber of Commerce in the
development of Transnational Commercial Laws; Uniform Customs and
Practices on Documentary Credits.
3.5 International Commercial Arbitration. UNCITRAL Model Law on International
commercial arbitration. Indian Arbitration and Conciliation Act, 1996;
Enforcement of foreign arbitral awards.


Learning Outcome: At the end of this UNIT the students will be equipped with a brief
understanding of the Law and Policy related to Export and Import Trade in India, The
students will also be familiarized with FDI, Customs Act, SEZ’s in relation to
International trade.

4.1. Introduction to Law and Policy of Export-Import Trade in India

4.2. Foreign Trade (Development and Regulation) Act, 1992.
4.3. Foreign Exchange Management Act, 1999.
4.4. Special Economic Zones and International trade
4.5. Law relating to Customs- Customs Act, 1962
4.6. Foreign Investment in India-Liberalization in the nineties. Foreign Investment
Promotion Board. Current issues relating to foreign direct investment.
4.7. The Industries(Development and Regulation) Act and its application.
26 | P a g e

• CIA I – Class Test / Assignment / Presentation – 10%
• CIA II – Mid Semester Examination – 25%
• CIA III – Research Topic – 10%
• Attendance – 05%
• End Semester Examination – 50%
TOTAL 100%

1. A.G. Benjamin’s Sale of Goods (6thedn, London: Sweet & Maxwell, 1995)
2. B.Griffin, Day & Griffin, The Law of International Trade (3rdedn, London:
Butterworths Lexis Nexis, 2003)
3. BhagirathLal Das, The WTO: a guide to framework for International Trade.
4. C. Debattista, Sale of Goods carried by Sea (2ndedn, London: Butterworth’s, 1998)
5. Carole Murray, David Holloway, Schmitthoff’s export trade: The Law & Practice of
International Trade.
6. Daniel L. Bethlehem, Oxford Handbook of International Trade Law.
7. Dr. NeerajVarshney, Anti-dumping measure- Law, Practice & Procedure, Indian
case laws, 2007 edition.
8. From GATT to the WTO: the multilateral trading system in the new millennium by
World Trade Organization Secretariat, Graduate Institute of International studies
(Geneva, Switzerland.
9. Indira Carr& Richard Kidner, Statutes and Conventions on International Trade Law,
4th edition, Routledge Cavendish.
10. Jackson, John H. and Edwin A. Vermulst, Anti-Dumping Law and Practice
11. Jason C.T. Chauh, Law of International Trade, Fourth Edition, Sweet and Maxwell,
South Asian Edition, 2011.
12. JayantaBagchi, WTO: An India Perspective, Second edition, Eastern Law house.
13. JF. Wilson, Carriage of Goods by Sea, (5thedn, Harlow, Pearson education, 2004).
14. K.R. Gupta, A study of WTO, Second revised edition, Atlantic publishers and
Distributors (P) Ltd.
15. M.G. Bridge, International Sale of Goods: Law and Practice, (oxford: Oxford
University Press, 1999)
16. Michael J. Trebilcock, Robert Howse, The Regulation of International Trade
17. Michael K. Levine, Inside International Trade Policy formulation
18. Nicholas Kouladin, Principles of Law relating to International Trade, Springer, 2006.
19. P. Sellman, The Law of International Trade, 150 leading Cases (2nd 3dition, London:
Old Bailey Press, 2004)
20. P.Todd, Cases and Materials on International Trade Law (1stedn, London: Sweet &
Maxwell, 2003)
27 | P a g e

21. Palmeter, N. David; Mavroidis, Petros C., Dispute Settlement in the World Trade
Organization: Practice and Procedure.
22. Raj Bhalla, International Trade Law: Theory and Practice, Second Edition, Lexis
Publishing, 2001.
23. Rao M B, WTO & International Trade, 2nd edition, Vikas Publishing House Pvt.Ltd
24. Rene David, Arbitration in International Trade, Kluwer Law and Taxation
Publishers, Netherlands, 1985.
25. Schnitzer, Simone, Understanding International Trade law, Universal Publishing
House, 2007
26. VibhaMathur, WTO and India.
27. WTO AnalytiCCL Index: Guide to WTO Law and Practice, WTO Geneva 2003
28. Andrew T. Guzman and JoustPauwelyn. International Trade Law: Cases and Materials,
Aspen Publishers. Aspen Publishing, 2009.
29. Parthapratim Pal, International Trade and India, Oxford publications.
30. Clive M. Schmitthoff's Select Essays on International Trade Law, Kluwer academic
31. John J. Parker, Drafting of an International Sales Contract: Problems and Remedies.
University of North Carolina, chapel Hill.,
32. Gabriel Moens, Peter Gillies, International Trade and Business: Law, Policy and
Ethics, Cavendish Publishing house, 2005


1. Andrew T. Guzman. "Dispute Resolution in SPS Cases"Ten Years of WTO Dispute

Settlement. Ed. Horovitz, Moulis, and Steger. London: International bar Association,
2007. 215-233.
Available at: http://works.bepress.com/andrew_guzman/4
2. B.S.Chimni, WTO and Environment-Shrimp Turtle and EC-Hormone Cases, Economic &
PolitiCCL weekly, Vo. 35, No. 20, PP.1752-1761.
3. David Palmeter&Petros C. Maurois, The WTO Legal System, Sources of Law,The American
Journal of International Law, Vol.92, No.3 (July 1998) PP. 398-418
4. Debra P. Steger & Peter van den bossche, WTO dispute settlement, emerging practice and
procedure, www.jstor.org/stable/25659196
5. Harold J. Berman, Law of International Trade: Contract, Custom and Codification,
Harvard International Review, Vol.6, No.3 (December 1983), pp.44-46, http://www.
6. INGEBORG SCHWENZER and PASCCL HACHEM The CISG, Successes and pitfall,
The American Journal of Comparative Law, Vol. 57, No. 2 (SPRING 2009), pp. 457-
7. John. H. Jackson, Robert E. Huedec, Donald Davis, The Role and effectiveness of the
WTO dispute settlement mechanism, Brooking Trade Forum (2000) pp. 179-236.
28 | P a g e

8. John.H. Jackson, Case of the WTO, pp. 437-454),

9. K Iida, WTO dispute settlement effective, www.jstor.org/stable/27800522
10. K. Ravi Srinivas, WTO and Asbestos: Dispute Settlement at work, Economic and
PolitiCCL Weekly, Vol. 36, No. 36 (Sep. 8-14, 2001), pp. 3442-3447
11. Marc. L. Busch and Eric Reinhardt, Three’s A crowd, Third Parties and Dispute
Settlement, World Politics, Vol. 58, No. 3 (Apr., 2006), pp. 446-477
12. Michael M. Weinstein, Steve Charnovitz, The Greening of the WTO,Foreign Affairs,
Vol. 80, No. 6 (Nov. - Dec., 2001), pp. 147-156
13. P. M. Roth, Passing of Risk, The American Journal of Comparative Law, Vol. 27, No.
2/3, Unification of International Trade Law: UNCITRAL's First Decade (Spring -
Summer, 1979), pp. 291-310
14. P.Ranjan, Applicable law in the dispute settlement body of the WTO, Vol. 44, No. 15, Apr.
11 - 17, 2009 Economic and PolitiCCL Weekly.
15. Steve Charnovitz, Environment and Health under WTO Dispute settlement, The
International Lawyer, Vol. 32, No. 3, Symposium on the First Three Years of the
WTO Dispute Settlement System (FALL 1998), pp. 901-92
16. Thomas J. Shoenbaum, International Trade and protection of the Environment, The
American Journal of International Law, Vol. 91, No. 2 (Apr., 1997), pp. 268-313


(No. of Hrs. 60- 80 Hrs.)
COURSE OBJECTIVES: The processes of globalization and liberalization have brought
a considerable awareness towards improving the competitive process in developing
economies such as India. Until recently most of the developing countries operated
without a structured competition policy, and have justified the intervention by the state
over economic activities. India owing to its WTO obligations enacted Competition Act,
2002. The course seeks provide fundamentals of market economy and extensive
knowledge of application of competition policy in India.

The course aims to study the developments of the policy of free and fair competition in
India. The course will provide an analysis of the legal developments, from MRTP to the
29 | P a g e

Competition Act. The course will analyze the progress of the Competition Law in
various legal systems and also determine the role of WTO in its policies.

Upon the successful completion of this course, the students will be able

• To appreciate the economic theory, practice and analytic tools that underpin and
inform Competition law and policy
• To analyze how Competition Law facilitates the promotion of free Competition and
acts as an instrument in regulating the markets.
• To apply the law to solve practical problems concerning the control of anti-
competitive practices
• To critically appreciate the strategies and mechanisms of Competition law
enforcement agencies in India and abroad.
• To research Independently and evaluate solutions to more complex Competition
law, Economic, Legal and enforcement issues, through interdisciplinary learning

TEACHING METHODOLOGY: Lecture, Group Discussion, PowerPoint Presentation,

Simulation Exercise, etc. as per the requirement of each module.


Learning outcome: On the competition of this module students will have clarity
about evolution, object and functions of Competition law.

1.1. Concept of market, Open market- Regulated market, Market functions of role of
competition law
1.2. Nature & Scope of competition law and policy
1.3. Evolution & Growth of competition law
1.4. Theoretical foundations of competition law
1.5. Competition Act, 2002- overview, definitions and ideas of agreement, dominant
position, combination and effects of anti- competitive activities


Learning outcome: On the completion of this module students will have clarity about
the types of anti-competitive agreements and testing its validity.

2.1. Anti-competitive agreements: Concept, forms and treatment in India

30 | P a g e

2.2. Parallel import

2.3. Treatment of anti- competitive agreements under USA, EU, UK, Australia


Learning outcome: On the completion of this module students will have a clear
understanding about the practices covered by abuse of dominant position.

3.1. Abuse of dominant position: Concept, forms and treatment in India

3.2. Essential facilities doctrine
3.3. Refusal and abuse of dominant position.
3.4. Pricing strategies and abuse of dominant position
3.5.Treatment of abuse of dominant position under USA, EU, UK, Australia


Learning outcome: On the completion of this module students will have a clear
understanding about the practices in connection with combinations.

4.1. Combinations: Concept, forms, reasons and regulatory framework in India

4.2. Different tests for studying the impacts of combinations in the market
4.3. Unilateral and co- ordinate effects of combinations
4.4. Foreclosure
4.5. Failing firm
4.6. Creeping acquisitions
4.7. Regulation of Cross- border combinations
4.8. Treatment of combinations under USA, EU, UK, Australia


Learning outcome: On the completion of this module students will have a clear
understanding about the role of the CCI.

5.1. Composition, powers and function of CCI

5.2. Role of the DG
5.3. Appellate Tribunal
5.4. Penalties and remedies


Learning outcome: On the completion of this module students will have a clear
understanding about the conflicting issues regarding the IPR and competition laws.
31 | P a g e

6.1. Theoretical basis of IPR and Competition law

6.2. TRIPs and its impact on competition law regime
6.3. Abuse of IPR and competition law (agreements, abuse of dominant position,
6.4. Doctrine of exhaustion and its treatment
6.5.Modern trend to the conflict in IPR and Competition law


Learning outcome: On the completion of this module students will have a clear
understanding about the investment issues under the competition laws.

7.1. WTO norms for investment

7.2. OECD guidelines in investment
7.3. FDI policies and it’s impacts on Competition in domestic market
7.4. Regulation of FDI in India, USA, EU, UK, Australia


Learning outcome: On the completion of this module students will have a clear
understanding about the different modern dimensions of competition law.

8.1. WTO and its impacts on Competition Laws with reference to UNCTAD
8.2. International enforcement and judicial assistance
8.3. Applicability of competition law into agricultural sector
8.4. Dumping
8.5. State aid
8.6. Recession

• CIA I – Class Test / Assignment / Presentation – 10%
• CIA II – Mid Semester Examination – 25%
• CIA III – Research Topic – 10%
• Attendance – 05%
• End Semester Examination – 50%
TOTAL 100%

32 | P a g e

1. Alexandra Karmerling, Restrictive Convenants Under Common And

Competition Law: London Sweet And Maxwell 2007.
2. Alphen aan den Rijn, The reform of EC competition law : new challenges
3. Avtar Singh; Competition Law; Eastern Law House, 2012-11-27
4. Competition Law and Cartels ICFAI University,
5. Competition Law in India; Srinivasan Parthsarthy; Wolter Kluwer, 2012
6. Competition Law-Emerging Trends: ICFAI University
7. D P Mittal, Competition Law and Practice : New Delhi Taxmanns Allied Services
8. Dabbah, Maher M,.EC and UK competition law : commentary, cases, and
materials /Cambridge, UK
9. Dugar,S.M ,Guide to Competition Law : Containing commentary on Competition
Act, MRTP Act & Consumer Protection Act LexiNexis Butterworths Wadhwa
Nagpur, 2010
10. Furse, Mark., Competition law of the EC and UK, Oxford University Press, 2008
11. Gurbax Singh, Law of Consumer Protection.
12. Haracoglou, Irina, Competition law and patents : a follow-on innovation
perspective in the biopharmaceutical industry Cheltenham, UK
13. Haracoglou, Irina, Competition law and patents : a follow-on innovation
perspective in the biopharmaceutical industry Cheltenham, UK ;
14. Indian Competition Law: An International Perspective; Suzanne Rab; CCH - A
Wolters Kluwer Business, 2012
15. Ioannis, N Kessides, Reforming Infrastructure: Privatization, Regulation, and
Competition, Washington D C World Bank 2004.
16. Law of Monopolistic, Restrictive and Unfair Trade Practices, Wadhwa & Co.
17. Ritter European ,Competition Law: A Practitioners Guide Netherlands Kluwer
Law International 2004
18. Martin Smith, Competition Law-Enforcement and Procedure, Oxford University
Press 2001.
19. Renato Nazzini, Concurrent Proceedings in Competition Law, Oxford University
Press 2007
20. Rodger, Barry J. Competition law and policy in the EC and UK London :
Cavendish, 1999
21. Rodriguez, A. EThe limits of competition policy : the shortcomings of antitrust in
developing and reforming economies Aspen Pub, 2010
22. T Ramappa, Competition Law in India: Policy, Issues, and Developments, New
Delhi Oxford University Press 2006
23. Taxmann’s Guide to Competition Act.
33 | P a g e

24. Telecommunications, Broadcasting and the Internet EU Competition Law and

Regulation London : Thomson Reuters Limited,
25. Van Der Jones Woude, Ec Competition Law Handbook, Lib London Sweet And
26. Vinod Dhall ,Competition Law Today: Concepts, Issues, and the Law in Practice
New Delhi Oxford University Press 2007
27. Vinod Dhall, Competition Law Today, Oxford University Press.
28. Whish, Richard, Competition law, Oxford University Press, 2009.
29. Yang-Ching Chao , International And Comparative Competition Law And
Policies India Kluwer Law International 2008
34 | P a g e


(No. of Hrs. 60-80 Hrs.)
COURSE OBJECTIVES: This subject aims at an understanding of the basic principles
of E-Commerce and gives an insight into the application of this important area. It also
analyses the impact of other areas such as IP and attempts a holistic view. It would
make the students aspiring for corporate jobs more up-to-date.


At the end of the course students will be able to -

a) Student will be to apply law to the technology applicable to e-commerce and

legal regime of e-commerce.
b) Students will be able to differentiate electronic commerce from other kinds of
commercial transaction
c) Students will be able to draft electronic contracts as well as identifying the laws
applicable to electronic contracts
d) Students will be able to identify the legal challenges faced by consumer
protection laws in online transactions
e) Students will be able to analyse the legal framework existing for the protection of
consumer rights
f) Students will be able to critically analyse the legal framework regulating IPR in
electronic transactions.
g) Students will be able to apply the relevant laws in a given cases of IPR Violations
in electronic transactions
h) Students will be able to critically analyse the existing legal framework regulating
taxation as well as drafting policies for effective taxation of e-commerce
i) Students will be able to identify the jurisdictional issues in deciding e-commerce

TEACHING METHODOLOGY: Lecture, Group Discussion, PowerPoint Presentation,

Simulation Exercise, etc. as per the requirement of each UNIT.


Learning Outcome: On completion of this UNIT students will be able to discuss the
technology and legal regime of e-commerce.
35 | P a g e

1.1. Concept of e- commerce and differences with e- business

1.2. Advantages and disadvantages of e- commerce
1.3. Types of e- commerce
1.4. Medium and Transactions in e- commerce
1.5. UNCITRAL Model Law on e-commerce,
1.6. Information Technology Act,2000


Learning Outcome: On completion of this UNIT students will be able to discuss the
contractual issues related to e-commerce and distinguish them from ordinary contracts.

2.1. E-contracts – concept, offer and acceptance,

2.2.Acceptance of contract: applicability of postal rule
2.3. E-commerce directives and Regulations
2.4.Incorporation of terms
2.5. Identity of contracting parties
2.6. E-contracts: extent of details
2.7. Breach of contract
36 | P a g e


Learning Outcome: On completion of this UNIT students will be able to discuss the
differences between secured and unsecured electronic documents, encryption of
documents and the provisions of law related thereto.
3.1. Provisions under IT Act
3.2. Certifying authorities
3.3. Issuing authorities
3.4. PKI
3.5. Electronic Signature Certificate
3.6. Grant, Revocation and withdrawal of ESC


Learning Outcome: On completion of this UNIT students will be able to identify risks
involved in online payments and the legal provisions related to the same.

4.1. Modes and mechanism of payment in electronic environment

4.2. Fraud Risk and Protection
4.3. Breach of contract
4.4.Charge back agreements
4.5. EDI
4.6. Electronic fund transfer


Learning Outcome: On completion of this UNIT students will be able to discuss the
consumer related issues of e-commerce.

5.1. Concept of the rights of consumer

5.2. Problems of protection of consumers in virtual world
5.3. Consumer Protection Act, 1986
5.4. EC Directive on distance selling
5.5. E-commerce Directives and consumer protection


Learning Outcome: On completion of this UNIT students will be able to explain the
intellectual property in digital media.
37 | P a g e

6.1. Digital copyright, linking, caching

6.2. Digital rights management, DMCA, Patents, Trademarks and domain names
6.3. Brand identities, search engines and secondary market
6.4. ICANN,
6.5. Database Right – Digital Copyrights
6.6. Open Source
6.7. Software Patents
6.8. Right to forgetting


Learning Outcome: On completion of this UNIT students will be able to discuss the
taxation related issues of e-commerce.

7.1. Problem of taxation in virtual world

7.2. OECD guidelines on taxation
7.3 Tax structure on e- commerce in India (Direct, Indirect, and VAT)
7.4. EU, US practice on taxation on electronic commerce


Learning Outcome: On completion of this UNIT students will be able to discuss the
problems of jurisdiction in respect of e-commerce and the related case law.
Characteristics of internet jurisdictio
8.1. Theoretical framework to address multiple jurisdictions
8.2. Application of the principles of Private International law
8.3. Hague Convention, EC Regulations (Brussels & Rome)
8.4. Minimum contact test, Effect test, Zippo Test
8.5. Current trends


Learning Outcome: On completion of this UNIT students will be able to discuss the
problems in the market in respect of e-commerce and the related case law.

9.1. Impacts of e- commerce in traditional market

38 | P a g e


Learning Outcome: On completion of this UNIT students will be able to discuss the
problems in cloud computing in respect to e-commerce and the related laws in this
10.1. Concept of cloud computing
10.2. Impacts of cloud computing in e- commerce

• CIA I – Class Test / Assignment / Presentation – 10%
• CIA II – Mid Semester Examination – 25%
• CIA III – Research Topic – 10%
• Attendance – 05%
• End Semester Examination – 50%
TOTAL 100%

1. Paul Todd. Law of E-commerce. London: Cavendish, 2008.
2. Sharma, Vakul. Information Technology: Law and Practice. 2nded. New Delhi:
Universal Law Publishing Co., 2007.
3. Ramappa, T. Legal Issues in Electronic Commerce. Delhi: Macmillan, 2003.
4. Schellekens, M. H. M. Electronic Signatures: Authentication Technology from a Legal
Perspective. The Hague: T. M. C. Asser Press, 2004.
5. Ahmad, Tabrez. Cyberlaws, e-commerce & m-commerces. New Delhi: A. P. H.
Publishing Corporation, 2009.
6. Phillips, Jeremy. Butterworths E-commerce and IT Law Handbook. 4th ed. London:
LexisNexis Butterworths, 2007.
7. Seth, Karnika. Cyber Laws in the Information Technology Age. New Delhi: LexisNexis
ButterworthsWadhwa, 2009.
8. Ryder, Rodney. Guide to Cyber Laws. 3rded. New Delhi: Wadhwa& Co., 2007.
39 | P a g e


(No. of Hrs. 60-80 Hrs.)
Commercial arbitration is the preferred method of resolving commercial disputes both
globally as well as within India. Disputes relating to international trade, foreign
investments, insurance and reinsurance, and construction are generally being resolved
by arbitration. In India the Arbitration & Conciliation Act 1996 has been enacted in
pursuance of the UNCITRAL model law incorporating provisions enacted as per the
Geneva Convention and the New York Convention.

COURSE OBJECTIVES: The course intends to describe and explain the principles and
specific legal requirements in a commercially arbitration, including the limitations of
matters that may be legally arbitrated. The course also includes the legal framework for,
and major legal issues relating to, international commercial arbitration under the New
York Convention of 1958 and the Geneva Convention. It identifies the rights and
responsibilities of parties to the arbitration and powers and functions of arbitrator.

The object of the course is to impart, theoretical as well as practical, knowledge and
understanding, to the students of international arbitration. After the end of the course,
the students shall have gained a thorough knowledge of the new Swedish Arbitration
Act, UNCITRAL’s model law, its arbitral rules, the New York Convention of 1958, and
of the legal issues that might arise in this context. Additionally, the students shall gain
an overall knowledge of the world’s leading arbitration institutions, and their rules of
procedure. The course also focuses on international commercial arbitration outlining
the legal issues in the choice of law and forum for arbitration.


1. On completion of this unit, students will be able to- demonstrate a sound

understanding of alternative dispute resolution methods in international
commercial relations - especially that of arbitration
2. The students would be able to get an understanding of the significance of
arbitration agreement, forms of arbitration agreement, and foreign arbitration
3. The students gain knowledge base of the currently existing main international
legal provisions and sources of norms viz., UNCITRAL model law on arbitration
regulating international commercial arbitration and have demonstrated the
application of the law in the recent and leading Supreme Court decisions
4. At the end of this UNIT the students will be familiarised with the concept of
arbitral awards and its enforceability.
40 | P a g e

TEACHING METHODOLOGY: Lecture, Group Discussion, Video /PowerPoint

Presentation, Simulation Exercise, etc. as per the requirement of each UNIT.


Learning Outcome: On completion of this unit, students will be able to- demonstrate a
sound understanding of alternative dispute resolution methods in international
commercial relations - especially that of arbitration

1.1. Importance of ADR, concept and nature of arbitration, dispute resolution in

international trade
1.2. Important terms used in commercial arbitration
1.3 Types of arbitration,
1.4 Overview of Arbitration & Conciliation Act 1996


Learning Outcome: The students would be able to get an understanding of the

significance of arbitration agreement, forms of arbitration agreement, and foreign
arbitration agreement

2.1. Significance of arbitration agreement

2.2. Forms of arbitration agreement & definitions and validity
2.3. Foreign arbitration agreement
2.4. Jurisdiction of arbitral tribunal
2.5. Theory of competence-competence


Learning Outcome: The students gain knowledge base of the currently existing main
international legal provisions and sources of norms viz., UNCITRAL model law on
arbitration regulating international commercial arbitration and have demonstrated the
application of the law in the recent and leading Supreme Court decisions;

3.1. UNCITRAL model law on arbitration

3.2 Governing law of arbitration, applicable law and choice of law and principles and
judicial intervention
3.3. Conflict rules


Learning Outcome: At the end of this UNIT the students will be familiarised with the
concept of arbitral awards and its enforceability.
41 | P a g e

4.1. Appointment of arbitrators -Choice of law (Seat Theory)

4.2. Jurisdiction of arbitral tribunal -Independence and impartiality of the tribunal
4.3. Arbitral process -Party autonomy and arbitral award
4.4. Grounds for setting aside arbitral award
4.5. Recognition and enforcement of foreign arbitral awards

• CIA I – Class Test / Assignment / Presentation – 10%
• CIA II – Mid Semester Examination – 25%
• CIA III – Research Topic – 10%
• Attendance – 05%
• End Semester Examination – 50%
TOTAL 100%


1. Bansal A K ‘Law of International Commercial Arbitration’ 2ndEdn. Universal

Law Publishers
2. Bansal Ashwinie Kumar, Arbitration Awards - Law on Setting Aside and
Execution of Arbitration Awards, Agreements and Appointment of Arbitration,
3rd Edn.
3. Saraf, B.P. and M. Jhunjhunwala; Law of Arbitration and Conciliation; Snow
White Publication
4. S.K. Chawla, Law of Arbitration & Conciliation –Including other ADRs, 3rd Edn
2012 Eastern Law House, New Delhi
5. Dr. Markanda P.C., Law Relating to Arbitration and Conciliation 8thEdn., 2013
Lexis Nexis
6. Mohta VA., Arbitration Conciliation and Mediation, Manupatra
7. Justice SB Malik, Commentary on The Arbitration and Conciliation Act, 2013,
Universal Law Publishing Co.,
8. A K Ganguli, Arbitration Law, Annual Survey of Indian Law – 2012,pp27-47
Indian Law Institute, New Delhi
9. Nigel Blackabyet. al., Redlam& Hunter on International Arbitration 23rdEdn.
Thomson Reuters
10. Avtar Singh, ‘Arbitration and Conciliation Act’10th Edition, 2013, EBC,
11. Reports on International Commercial Arbitration including Bachawat on Law of
12. Gary B Born., International Commercial Arbitration 1 ( WolterKluer) 2009
13. Bijoylashmi Das and Harsimran Singh -Commercial Arbitration In India - An
Update 2013
42 | P a g e

14. Lavin Hirani-The Legal Regimes Affecting International Commercial Arbitration

In India & Singapore- A Comparative
15. William W. Park -Arbitrators and Accuracy -Journal of International Dispute
Settlement, Vol. 1, No. 1 (2010), pp. 25–53, available at http://www.arbitration-
16. Prof. A.V.V. Giorgio Bernini-International Arbitration: A Contemporary
17. Ajay Kr. Sharma -Judicial Intervention In International Commercial Arbitration:
Critiquing the Indian Supreme Court’s Interpretation of The Arbitration And
Conciliation Act, 1996
18. Law Commission of India Report No. 246 Amendments to the Arbitration and
Conciliation Act, 1996 August , 2014
19. Amendments to the Arbitration & Conciliation Act,1996 - A Consultation

Case Law inter alia latest decisions

1. Arbitration clause court’s committee SC., State of Tamil Nadu vs State of Kerala
&Anr decided on 7 May, 2014 indiankanoon.org/doc/41744252/
2. M/s. Navodaya Mass Entertainment Ltd. Vs. M/s. J.M. Combines decided on August
26, 2014
3. Supreme Court of India Sakuma Exports Ltd vs Louis Dreyfus Commodities
Suisse ... on 28 March, 2014 http://indiankanoon.org/doc/57009022/
4. dSwan Gold Mining Ltd vs Hindustan Copper Ltd decided on 22 September, 2014
5. Orissa Manganese & Minerals Ltd vs Synergy IspatPvt Ltd decided on 12
September, 2014
6. S.Balachandran vs M/S Ramaniyam Real Estates Ltd decided on 10 September, 2014
7. M/S. Harsha Constructions vs Union Of India & Ors decided on 5 September, 2014
8. Oil & Natural Gas Corpn.Ltd vs Western Geco International Ltd decided on 4
September, 2014
9. M/S Anand Brothers P.Ltd.Tr.M.D vs Union Of India & Ors decided on 4
September, 2014
10. Bharat Heavy ElectriCCLs Ltd vs Tata Projects Ltd decided on 1 September, 2014
11. Stock Exchange, Bombay vs V.S. Kandalgaonkar&Orsdecided on 25 September,
43 | P a g e

12. Co op arbitration award SC., Akalakunnam Village Service Co-op. Bank Ltd vs Binu
N.& Ors decided on 20 August, 2014
13. arbitration proceedings SC., North Eastern Railway &Ors vs Tripple Engineering
Work decided on 13 August, 2014
14. Section 37 (1) (b)SC., Y.SleebachenEtc vs Superintending Engineer Wro/Pwd ...
decided on 4 August, 2014 2014 STPL(Web) 503 SC
15. Section 11 and negative arbitration clause SC., M/S. Kaikara Construction Co vs
State of Kerala And Ors on 1 July, 2014
16. S 2,11,16 CAA 96 SC., Swiss Timing Ltd vs Organizing Committee ... decided on 28
May, 2014
17. InlComrl arbitration UNCITRAL SC., Reliance Industries Limited &Anr vs Union of
India decided on 23 May, 2014
18. S 8 SC., VikramBakshi&Ors vs Sonia Khosla[Dead] By Lrs decided on 8 May, 2014
19. Supreme Court of India Arasmeta Captive Power Co. Pvt. ... vs Lafarge India P.
Ltd on 12 December, 2013 http://indiankanoon.org/doc/150814946/
20. INL Com Arb. Supreme Court of India Chatterjee Petrochem Co. &Anr vs Haldia
Petrochemicals Ltd on 10 December,
21. Supreme Court of India Gail (India) Ltd vs Gujarat State Petroleum Corpn. ... on
17 September, 2013 http://indiankanoon.org/doc/191369911/
22. Supreme Court of India Punjab State Power ... vs Atma Singh Grewal on 17
September, 2013 http://indiankanoon.org/doc/149385545/
23. Seat Supreme Court of India Sakuma Exports Ltd vs Louis Dreyfus Commodities
Suisse ... on 28 March, 2014
24. TDM Infrastructure Pvt. Ltd vs. UE Development Pvt. Ltd. [2008 (2) ARBLR439
25. R.M. Investment Trading V. Boeing Co AIR 1994 SC11
26. Mitsubishi Motors Corp. v. Soler Chrysler-Plymouth, Inc., 473 U.S. 614 (1985)
27. Eco Swiss China Time Ltd. v. Benetton Int N.V. (1999) 2 All ER 44(Comm.),(1999)
28. Wellinton Associates v. Kirit Mehetha [(2004) 4 SCC 272]
29. Smita Construction v. Euro Alloys Ltd. (2001)7 SCC 728]
30. M.V. Baltic v. State Trading Corp. (2001) 7 SCC 474
31. Gas Authority of India Ltd. vs. Spie Capag, S.A. and others, AIR1994Delhi75
32. Prima Paint Corp. v. Flood and Conklin Mfg. Co. 388 U.S. 395 (1967)
33. National Agricultural Coop. Marketing Federation Ltd. v. Gains trading Ltd.
(2007)5 SCC 692
34. State of Orissa v. Klockner and Co. 1996 (1) Arb. LR 591
35. Star Shipping vs. China National Foreign Trade (1993) 2 Lloyd’s Rep 445
36. N T P C v. The Singer Company, AIR 1993 SC 998
37. Union of India vs. McDonnell Douglas Corp. (1993) 2 Llyod’s Rep 48 CvD
44 | P a g e

38. Citation Infowares Ltd. vs. Equinox Corp.(2009) 7 SCC 220

39. Tradex Internacional S.A. v. Cerrahogullari T.A.S., (1981) 3 All ER 344
40. Naviera Amazonica Peruana Sa v. Compania Internacional De Seguros Del Peru,
[1988] 1 Lloyd’s Rep 116
41. Bhatia International V. Bulk Trading S.A.(2002) 4 SCC 105
42. N T P C v. The Singer Company, AIR 1993 SC 998
43. Dalmia Dairy Industries Ltd. v. National Bank of Pakistan, [1978] 2 Lloyd’s
44. Shin-Etsu Chemical Co. Ltd. v. AkshOptifibre Ltd., (2005) 7 SCC 234
45. Channel Tunnel Group Ltd. vs. Balfour Beatty Construction Ltd.(1993) AC 334
46. Renu Sagar Power Co v General Electric Co. [1984 (4) SCC 679 ]
47. Harbour vs. Kansa (1993) 3 All ER 897
48. SBP & Co v. Patel Engineering Ltd. (2005) 8 SCC 618
49. Citation Infowares Ltd. vs. Equinox Corp.(2009) 7 SCC 220
50. MARC Rich & Co vs. SocietaItalianaImpainti Pa (The “Atlantic Emperor)
(1992)1Llyod’s Rep. 342
51. Channel Tunnel Group vs. Balfour Beatty Ltd. (1993) AC 334
52. Dalmia Dairy Industries Ltd. v. National Bank of Pakistan, (1978) 2 Lloyd’s Rep.
53. ONGC Ltd. v. Saw Pipes Ltd. (2003) 5 SCC 705
54. OAO Northern Shipping Co v. Remolcadores De Marin SL ‘Remar’ (2007)
EWHC 1821
55. Thyssen Canada Ltd. v. Mariana Maritime SA and another (2005) EWHC 219
56. Indian Organic Chemical Ltd. v. Subsidiary 1(US) Subsidiary 2 (US) and
Chemtex Fibres Inc. (1979) IVYB Commr. Arb. 271.
57. Foreign Award Centrotrade Minerals and Metal Inc. vs. Hindustan Copper Ltd.
(2006) 11 SCC 245
58. Foreign Award Venture Global Engineering v. Satyam Computer Services Ltd.
(2008) 4 SCC 190
59. Bharat Aluminium Co Vs Kaiser Aluminium Technical Services Inc ( 2012 ) 9
SCC 552-BALCO case

1. Fundamentals of International Arbitration_(360p)
2. An introduction to international arbitration_(360p)
3. Issues in International Commercial Arbitration_(360p)
4. Justice AM Ahmadi _ Seminar on International Arbitration_(360p)
5. Litigation, Arbitration and Mediation by VivekKathpalia_(360p)
6. Mediation and Arbitration_(360p)
7. PwC India_ Ad-hoc vs institutional arbitration_(360p)
8. The Courtroom - Arbitration in India_(360p)
45 | P a g e

9. The Courtroom_ The Prospective Arbitration Law_(360p)

10. The Impact of International Arbitration on the Rule of Law_(360p)
11. Interview with Gary B. Born on International Commercial Arbitration - 2nd
12. BITS, BATs and Buts - Reflections on International Arbitration_(360p)
13. Delays in Arbitration Proceedings in India_(360p)
14. Arbitration is jurisprudentially close to my heart_(360p)
15. Arbitration and Financial Markets Disputes_(360p)
16. Gary Borne International Commercial Arbitration
17. Arbitration and Conciliation Act 1996_(360p)
46 | P a g e



(No. of Hrs. 60-80 Hrs.)
COURSE OBJECTIVES: It is said that we are now living in a global neighborhood,
which is not yet global village. This is the result of the so called “globalization” which
refers to those processes that tend to create and consolidate a unified economy, a single
ecological system, and a complex network of communications that covers the whole
globe, even if it does not penetrate into every part of it. We find in every discipline
studies under the titles global, globalism and globalization but not much in the
discipline of law and now it is entering it also. The process of globalization has its own
impact on every discipline and this paper or course intends to study its influence on the
discipline of law. The purpose is to sensitize students of law about implications of the
process of globalization on basic principles, concepts and ideas underlying the
discipline of law. To name a few the concept of law itself, justice, human rights and
legal process. The thrust is to analyze and evaluate them from a global perspective.


At the end of the course the students will be able to:

• Identify and explain the nature of globalisation and its impact on the
developments of law and legal theory;
• Analyse the various issues like human rights, sovereignty of nation-state,
legitimacy of international law in the wake of globalisation; and
• Develop a critical understanding about globalisation vis-a-vis various global
issues as well as various theories of justice.

TEACHING METHODOLOGY: Lecture, Group discussion, Power Point presentation,

documentaries, student presentations, quiz etc., as per the requirement of each UNIT.


Learning Outcome: At the end of this UNIT the students will be able to understand the
concept of globalization and its impact on society in the 21st century

1.1.Concept of Liberalization, Privatization, Globalization, Meaning and definition of

globalization, nature, scope and limits of globalization, Different kinds.
1.2.History and evolution of globalization.
47 | P a g e

1.3.Causes and consequence of globalization, effect of globalization on economic, social,

cultural and political aspects of life in twenty-first century.
1.4.Effect of globalization on law and justice-an introduction


Learning outcome: At the end of this UNIT the students will be equipped to
appreciate jurisprudence in the context of globalization and inter relation between
legal theory and globalization
2.1. Jurisprudence, globalization and the discipline of law
2.2 Globalization and legal theory, the need for the study of concept of law from a
global perspective.
2.3 Basic concepts of law in western legal thought. A brief analysis of positivist,
normative and realist theories of law in western tradition.
2.4. The concept of justice and its relation to law in Western and Indian Legal thought
and concept of Dharma as a legal tradition. The relation between law and justice.
2.5. Normative Jurisprudence, the western heritage, classical utilitarianism, Benthamite
and modified Benthamite utilitarianism.
2.6. Theories of Justice Rawls and Pogge.


Learning outcome: this UNIT will help the students understand the policy issues
governing globalization

3.1. Globalization and Democracy

3.2. Rule of Law-economic development-political development
3.3. Globalization and Justice
3.4. Globalization and Security


Learning outcome: At the end of this UNIT the students will be in a position to
understand the human rights in the context of globalization.
4.1. Human rights theory: Five Perspectives
4.2. Human Rights law as universal-criticism and rhetoric or Rights
4.3. Human Rights and the challenges-pluralist theories and Sen’s challenge
4.4. Human Rights and Southern voice-Upendra Baxi.


Learning Outcome: At the end of this UNIT students will be able to understand the
need for integrating law with globalization
48 | P a g e

5.1. Public and Private International Law governance

5.2. Regulation of International banks and money laundering
5.3. Harmonization of private commercial law-lex mercatoria
5.4. Harmonization of Intellectual Property law
5.5. Jurisdictional Issues in the era of globalization.

• CIA I – Class Test / Assignment / Presentation – 10%
• CIA II – Mid Semester Examination – 25%
• CIA III – Research Topic – 10%
• Attendance – 05%
• End Semester Examination – 50%
TOTAL 100%

1. Jan Aart Scholte, Globalization – A critical introduction
2. Jarrod Wiener – Globalization and the harmonization of law
3. Michael Goodhart – Democracy as Human Rights – Freedom and Equality in the
age of Globalization
4. James H Mitelman, The Globalization Syndrome
5. Manfred B. Steger, Globalization –A very Short introduction-Oxford
introductory series.
6. Thomas Fleiner & Lidija R. Basta Fleiner, Constitutional democracy in a
multicultural and globalised world, Springer.
7. William Twining, General Jurisprudence; Understanding Law from a Legal
perspective, Cambridge, Cambridge University, 2009
8. William Twining, Globalization and Legal Theory, New York: Butterworths,
9. Boaventura d Sousa Santos, Towards a New Legal Common Sense: Law,
Globalization and Emanicipation, London: Butterworths, 2002.
10. Otto A Bird, The Idea of Justice, New York: Frederick A Praeger, 1968
11. M.D.A. Freeman, Lloyd’s Introduction to Jurisprudence, London: Sweet and
Maxwell, 2010
12. Amartya Sen, The idea of Justice, New Delhi: Allen Lane, 2009.
13. Upendra Baxi, The Future of Human Rights, New Delhi: Oxford University
Press, 2006.
14. Thomas Pogge, Global Justice, Oxford: Blackwell, 2001
15. B.S. Santos and Cesar A. Rodriquez-Gravito (ed.,) Law and Globalization from
below: Towards a Cosmopolitan Legality, New York Cambridge University
Press, 2005.
49 | P a g e


(No. of Hrs. 60-80)
COURSE OBJECTIVES: This course seeks to provide the investment mechanism in
India and the regulatory framework for the protection of investor and other stake
holders of the market.

At the end of the course the students will be able to:

1. Explain and analyze the legal and regulatory framework governing investments
in India.
2. List out the importance, characteristic features and functions of the various
3. To define, explain and analyze the basic concepts, financial system and financial
instruments relating to investments.
4. To explain the concept of mutual funds, venture capital and collective
investment schemes.
5. Explain the constitution, powers, functions and working of SEBI and the
Securities Appellate Tribunal
6. Discuss the depository system and analyze the provisions of the Depositories
Act, 1996
7. To evaluate the principles relating to International Investments.
8. Analyze the legal concepts, principles, cases and provisions applicable thereto.
9. Devise a correct way of handling legal problems.
10. To develop good analytical skills that is a pre-requisite for good advocacy.

TEACHING METHODOLOGY: Lecture, Group discussion, Power Point presentation,

documentaries, student presentations, quiz etc., as per the requirement of each UNIT.


Learning outcome: On completion of this UNIT, students will be familiar with the
legal framework of various investment laws applicable in India.

1.1 Meaning of investment and market

1.2 Nature and risk associated with investment
1.3 Evolution of Investment and bargaining norms
50 | P a g e

UNIT 2: SHARES 10 Hrs.

Learning outcome: To understand the basic concepts of raising corporate finance and
the laws related to the same

2.1. Definition and nature

2.2. Shares and Shareholders
2.3. Stock and Shares
2.4. Certificate of shares
2.5. Call on shares
2.6. Lien on shares
2.7. Minimum subscription
2.8. Share capital
2.9. Issue and allotment of shares
2.10. Transfer and Transmission of shares
2.11. Debentures, Charges and Deposits
2.12. Inter-Corporate loans and investments


Learning outcome: To provide working knowledge of the operation of the legal

framework of stock exchange and the legal sanctions behind various market regulatory

3.1. Basic Features of the Securities Contracts

3.2. Recognition of Stock Exchange
3.3. Derivatives
3.4. Options and futures
3.5. Debt & Money Market Instruments
3.6. Mutual Funds, Venture Capital, Collective Investment Schemes
3.7. Methods of Resource Mobilization in International Capital Market
3.8. Listing of securities
3.9. Penalties and procedure for adjudication


Learning outcome: To expose the students specifically to the establishment of SEBI, its
constitution, roles, powers, functions etc.

4.1. SEBI constitution

4.2. Powers and Functions of SEBI
4.3. Securities Appellate Tribunal
4.4. SEBI (Disclosure & Investor Protection) Guidelines
51 | P a g e


5.1. Salient features

Learning Outcome: To give an account of the depositories system in India, its

operation and legal framework.

5.2. Agreement between depository and participant

5.3. Registration of transfer of securities with depository
5.4. Stamp duty on transfer
5.5. Non-Banking Financial Institutions


Learning outcome: To enable the students to understand the basic principles of

international investment and investment related treaties

6.1. International treaties

6.2. Types of Investment contracts
6.3. Applicable law
6.4. Stabilization clauses
6.5. Renegotiation and adaptation

• CIA I – Class Test / Assignment / Presentation – 10%
• CIA II – Mid Semester Examination – 25%
• CIA III – Research Topic – 10%
• Attendance – 05%
• End Semester Examination – 50%
TOTAL 100%

1. Chandratre,K.R, et,al. Bharat's SEBI Compendium. 2Vol, 4th Ed. New Delhi: Bharat
Law House, 2010.
2. Ferran,Eilis. Principles of Corporate Finance Law. Oxford: Oxford University Press,
3. Khilnani,D.T. FEMA Ready Reckoner. 2Vol, 12th Ed. New Delhi: Snow White
Publications Pvt., 2007.
4. Myneni, S.R. Law of Investment and Securities. Hyderabad: Asia Law House, 2006.
52 | P a g e

5. Puliani,Ravi, et,al,eds. Bharat's Manual of SEBI

Act,Rules,Regulations,Guidelines,Circulars,ETC. 2Vol, New Delhi : Bharat Law House
6. Saxena, Ashok. Bharat's Foreign Exchange Management Manual. 3Vol, 5th Ed. New
Delhi: Bharat Law House, 2008.
7. Singh,Avtar. Company Law. 14th ed. Lucknow: Eastern Book Company, 2004.
8. Taxman. Taxman's Foreign Exchange Management Manual: With Foreign Exchange Laws
Ready Reckoner. 2Vol, 18th Ed. New Delhi: Taxman Publications, 2011.
9. Taxman. Taxman's SEBI Manual. 2Vol, 15th Ed. New Delhi: Taxman Publications,
53 | P a g e


(No. of Hrs. 60-80 Hrs.)

COURSE OBJECTIVES: Trade in goods protected by various forms of intellectual

property rights is a common feature of today’s market economy. IPR plays a prominent
role in regulating the availability and accessibility of information based goods. It often
depicts the conflicting interest of the owners and users of intellectual property and the
policy options various countries adopt to achieve a level playing field for different
stakeholders. This paper aims to give an account of the four major classes of IPR that
are commercially significant and hotly debated. The objective of this paper is to expose
the students to the commercial law of intellectual property with respect to their
acquisition, maintenance and enforcement.

COURSE OUTCOME: At the end of the course students will be able to -

1. Identify the different forms of intellectual property and describe the importance
of protection of IP.
2. List out the criteria/essential requirements of IP protection, duration, rights
conferred and remedies provided.
3. Apply the principles of IP protection to legal problems correctly.
4. Analyse the issues related to infringement of IP.
5. Evaluate as against other the international legal framework related to IP
protection and articulate the problem areas for the deficiency.
6. Propose a solution to the existing IP problems in India.

TEACHING METHODOLOGY: Student presentations and class room discussion.

Lecture and power point presentations wherever necessary.


Learning outcome: This UNIT will enable the students to understand the
commercial law of patents in India with respect to its eligibility, ownership,
acquisition, transfer, enforcement and remedies

1.1. Philosophy and justification for the patent system in a market economy
1.2. Paris Convention
1.3. Eligibility and subject matter: TRIPS and Indian law
1.4. Acquisition of patents and the rights granted
1.5. Compulsory Licensing, Government use, Infringement and parallel imports
1.6. Remedies for infringement
54 | P a g e


Learning outcome: This UNIT will enable the students to understand the
commercial significance of copyrighted works and the law governing the same.

2.1. Historical Development of Copyright Law, Berne Convention

2.2. Originality, Idea-expression dichotomy
2.3. Meaning and subject matter of copyright – commercial significance of computer
software, cinematograph films and sound recordings, neighboring rights
2.4. Ownership and transfer of copyright and related rights, collecting societies
2.5. Infringement, fair dealing/fair use - comparison with US and UK
2.6. Remedies for infringement


Learning Outcome: This UNIT will enable the students to learn the importance of
trademark and the law governing the same in a market economy.

3.1. Purpose of Protecting Trademarks, Historical Development of trademark law,

definition of trademark, Function of trademark
3.2. International Conventions – Lisbon, Madrid; Role of WIPO – different forms and
types of trademarks; purpose of registration of trademarks
3.3. Criteria for protection - The concept of distinctiveness and consumer deception;
deceptively similar trademarks; Procedure for registration; grounds for refusal to
3.4. Infringement and passing off; well known marks; the concept of dilution;
character merchandizing, ambush marketing,
3.5. Cyber-squatting - Registration of Domain names; Role of ICANN; Uniform
Dispute Resolution Policy


Learning outcome: This UNIT will enable the students to learn the commercial
importance of geographical indications nationally and internationally and the law
governing the same.

4.1. Historical evolution of GI protection – Lisbon Agreement, Madrid Agreement and

4.2. Meaning scope, features of geographical indication, goods protected
4.3. Conditions for registration – contents of application – rights granted –
beneficiaries – nature of protection
55 | P a g e

4.4. Infringement – remedies – conflict between Geographical Indications and

4.5. Areas of Conflict with IPR – Bio-diversity, Traditional knowledge, Farmers Rights

• CIA I – Class Test / Assignment / Presentation – 10%
• CIA II – Mid Semester Examination – 25%
• CIA III – Research Topic – 10%
• Attendance – 05%
• End Semester Examination – 50%
TOTAL 100%


1. A.S. Srivastava (ed.) Lai's Commentary on Law of Copyright, 3"1edn. 1999. Delhi
Law House.
2. Akhil Prasad and Aditi Agarwala, Copyright Law Desk Book: Knowledge, Access
and Development, Universal Law Publishing Co. 2009
3. Alan S. Guttcrman & Bentby J. Anderson - Intellectual Property
4. Bibek Dcbroy (ed). - Intellectual Property Rights.
5. Carlos M. Correa (Ed.). Intellectual Property and International Trade Patent
Cooperation Treaty Hand Book (1995) Sweet and Maxwell.
6. Catharine Colstone -Principles of Intellectual Property Law. Cavendish. London.
7. Christopher Wadlow. The Law of Passing-Off (1998), Sweet and Maxwell
8. Cohen, Loren et.al, Copyright in the Global Information Economy, Aspen, 2 nd ed.,
9. Copinger & Skone James- Copyright, 13thedn. Sweet & Maxwell, Lo
10. David Bainbridge, Software Copyright Law (1999), ButterworthsSookman,
Computer Law (1998), Carswell
11. Gomulkiewics, Nguyen, Conway-Jones, Licensing Intellectual property: Law and
Application, Aspen 2008
12. Gopalakrishnan, N. S. &Agitha T. G, Principles of Intellectual Property, Eastern
Book Company, 2009
13. J.S. Sarkar - Trade Marks; Law and Practice. Kamal Law House. Calcutta. 2000.
14. K.R.U. Nair & Ashok Kumar - Intellectual Property Rights
15. K.V.Swaminathan - Guiding Principles in the Decisions on Patent Law. Bahari
Brothers, Delhi, 2000.
16. Lee B. Burgunder, Legal Aspects of Managing Technology, West Legal Series in
Business, 2nd ed.,2001
56 | P a g e

17. Martin Howe, Russel-Clarke & Howe on Industrial Designs, Sweet& Maxwell 8th ed.
18. N.R.Subbaram - Patent Law.
19. NunoPires de Carvalho, The TRIPS Regime of Trademarks and Designs, Kluwer
Law International 2006
20. P. Narayanan - Trade Marks Trade Name and Passing of Cases. Easter Law House,
CCLcutta. 1977.
21. P.Narayanan - Intellectual Property Law, Eastern Law House. Calcutta.
22. P.Narayanan - Law of Trade Marks (Trade Marks Act 1999) and Passing off. Eastern
Law House. House. Calcutta. 2000.
23. P.Narayanan - Patent Law, 3'dedn. Eastern Law House.
24. Paul Torremans and Jan Holyoak - Intellectual Property Law. 2nJ edn.
Butterworths. 1998.
25. Peter K. Yu, Intellectual property and Information Wealth: Issues and Practices in
the Digital Age, Pentagon Press 2009 Vol. I-IV
26. RG. Chaturvedi (ed.) Iyengar's The Copyright Act 1957, 6thedn. Butterworths. India
27. Robert F. Braunies, Intellectual Property Protection of Fact-based Works: Copyright
and Its Alternatives, Edward Elgar 2009
28. S. Venkateshwaran - The Law of Trade Marks and Passing - off. Reprint 1999.
29. Special attention should be given to literature of the U.N.System, WIPO and the
30. StavroulaKarapapa, Private Copying, Routledge 2012
31. Terenee P. Stewart (Ed.). The GATT Uruguay Round : A Negotiating History (1986-
1994) the end game (Part-1) (1999), Kluwer
32. Terrell on the Law of Patents, Sweet& Maxwell, 2011
33. V. J. Taraporewala, The Law of Intellectual Property, Thomson Reuters 2nded, 2013
34. W.R.Cornish - Intellectual property Rights. 4medn. Sweet & Maxwell. 1999.
35. Watal, Jayashree, Intellectual Property Rights in the WTO and Developing
Countries, Oxford University Press 2001
57 | P a g e


(NO. OF HRS. 60-80 Hrs.)

Course Name: Corporate Governance Course Code: LLM234L

Total number of hours: 45-60 Credits: 3

Course description: This course is spread into 8 units. The primary focus of the
course is to deliberate on the board and its role in corporate governance. Unit-I
deals with Evolution of Corporate Governance Models, Unit-2 is on the legislative
frame work of corporate governance, Unit-3 is on focus on Board of directors, Unit-4
is on Corporate Governance and Shareholder rights, Unit-5 emphasis is on ESG-
Global Perspective, Unit-6 is on Risk Management and Internal Control, Unit-7 is
focusing on Corporate Frauds and Unit-8 is on Corporate Social Responsibility.
Course outcomes: At the end the students will be able to
1. Identify the issues connected with governance of corporations
2. Prepare the strategies and terms to enable a business entity to minimize
frictions due to non-compliance of corporate governance standards
3. Develop plans for mitigating the risks through due diligence in corporate
transactions by way of good governance standards
4. Compare the best practices and differentiate the Indian corporate governance
standard with Global corporate governance norms, including ESG.
Pedagogy: Lecture, Panel Discussion, Role play and Case study of corporate
governance issue of corporations.

Unit 1: Evolution of Corporate Governance Models 8 Hrs.

At the end of this UNIT the students will be familiarized with corporate governance
models and its significance
1. Corporate governance – Introduction, need, scope.
2. Evolution of corporate governance-Developments in India, US, UK.
3. Principles of corporate governance – OECD principles
4. Concept of corporate governance and stake-holders
5. Evolution of Corporate Governance Model: Principal-Agent Theory: Closely-
Held Business -Privately-Held Corporation-IPO: Dispersion of Ownership Public
Company• Shareholder Theory• Stakeholder Theory: Multiple Stakeholders

Unit 2: Legislative Framework Of Corporate Governance In India 8 Hrs.

At the end of this UNIT the students will be familiarized with the legislative
framework of corporate governance in India.
58 | P a g e

1. Companies Act, 2013

3. Listing agreement
4. Allied Corporate Legislations

Unit 3: Board of Directors 8 Hrs.

This UNIT enables a student to get a detailed picture about the role of the Board of
Directors in Corporate governance.

1. Directors-Introduction, types of directors, duties and responsibilities,

2. Board composition, diversity in board, board’s role and responsibility
3. Board Charter, Meetings and Processes, Performance evaluation of Board
and Directors.
4. Board committees-composition, role and responsibilities, contribution to
board governance, Auditors, Audit committee, Shareholders Grievance
committee, Remuneration committee, Corporate Governance committee,
Nomination committee, Corporate Compliance committees.
5. Cause of Corporate Governance Issues, Corporate Approvals and Process,
Capital Distribution; Dividends, Mergers and Acquisitions, Proxy
Statements, Written Consents, Supermajority

Unit 4: Corporate Governance and Shareholder Rights 8 Hrs.

At the end of this UNIT the students will be familiarized with the concept of
corporate governance and the role and importance of it in protecting the rights of
shareholders. Students will also be familiarized with investor protection in India.
4.1. Rights of shareholders
4.2. Challenges in exercising shareholder’s rights
4.3. Corporate governance and related party transactions
4.4. Investor protection in India; Role of institutional investors

Unit 5: Environment, Sustainability and Corporate Governance: Global

Perspective 7 Hrs
At the end of this UNIT the students will be familiarized with the concept of
corporate governance and the role and importance of its stakeholders. The global
perspective can include the specific actions by few model countries and best
practices with case studies.
1. ESG-Introduction
2. Employees
3. Customers
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4. Institutional Investors
5. Creditors
6. Community
7. Government
8. Comparative study of CSR regulations in other countries

Unit 6: Risk Management and Internal Control 7 Hrs

At the end of this UNIT the students will be familiarized with the risk management
in corporations and its role in corporate governance.
1. Risk and its Classification
2. Risk management and oversight function
3. Enterprise Risk Management
4. Internal control
5. Disclosures

Unit 7: Corporate Frauds 7 Hrs.

At the end of this UNIT the students will get an insight into corporate frauds,
reasons and the ways and means to deal with the same.
1. Introduction to Corporate frauds
2. Major Corporate frauds-case studies
3. Whistle-blowing and Corporate governance

Unit 8: Corporate Social Responsibility 7 Hrs.

At the end of this UNIT the students are familiarized with the concept of Corporate
Social responsibility and issues relating to corruption, code of ethics, and
environment. Under CSR the Critical Maritime situations caused by Manufacturing
of products and its handling by the Corporations and effect of MNC’S in the life
below water and the steps if any taken on international level with case studies.
1. CSR and investment climate
2. Corruption
3. Code of Ethics
4. Environment
5. Study of Maritime pollution caused by industrial activity and the role of CSR
policies in alleviating it.
Essential References:
1. Prof. N. Balasubramanian, ‘ Corporate Governance and Stewardship’
2. Petri Mantyasaari, ‘Comparative Corporate Governance’ Springer
3. Jonathan Charkham, ‘Keeping Better Company’ Oxford
4. Kevin Keasey, Steve Thompson, Michael Wright, Corporate Governance,
Accountability, Enterprise and International Comparisons
5. Christine Mallin, International Corporate Governance- A case Study
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6. Frederick Lipman & Keith Lipman, Corporate Governance Best Practices,
Strategies for Public, Private and NGOs
7. A.C. Fernando, Policies and Practices

End of the syllabus

Co-Curricular Activities: Seminar/Conference/Workshop on Corporate Governance

Assessment Outline:

Course Code: Course Title: Assessment details:

LLM234L Corporate
Governance ● CIA I – Class Test / Assignment /
Presentation – 10%
● CIA II – Mid Semester Examination
– 25%
● CIA III – Research Topic – 10%
● Attendance – 05%
● End Semester Examination – 50%

TOTAL 100%
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(No. of Hrs.30-45 Hrs.)

COURSE OBJECTIVES: To implement and evaluate an innovative approach to a law

seminar course intended to develop students' presentation skills and encourage them to
think critically about contemporary legal issues. Further, the objectives of this course
are to enhance verbal and written presentation skills of students and to develop
analytical skills as students learn about sides of a contemporary issue in legal practice.
The students also enhance their skills in providing peer evaluations Specific School
curricular competencies addressed by the course are: (1) maintain professional
competence by identifying and analyzing emerging issues; and (2) participate in self-
learning and professional development

On completion of the course students will be able to:

1. Develop and apply better skills in writing and presentation

2. Improve their presentation skills
3. Learn to collect data to keep up with the latest developments in the area of the
topic chosen by them
4. Select contemporary legal issues, prepare and present topics – thereby enhancing
their research and presentation skills
5. Appreciate and analyse case laws and develop a critical approach towards
assessment of case laws thereby enhancing their academic and professional
6. Will have an impression about the varied state of legal awareness in India and
play an active role in spreading legal awareness

TEACHING METHODOLOGY: Lecture, Group discussion, Power Point presentation,

documentaries, student presentations, quiz etc., as per the requirements of each UNIT.

Learning Outcome: At the end of this UNIT the students will be equipped with good
writing, analytical and presentation skills


1.1. Abstract writing

1.2. Learning Objectives
1.3. Use of Visual aids
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Fifty percent of the evaluation will be done on the basis of student ability to select the
contemporary issue and preparing a report. The remaining fifty percent is allotted to
presentation of the legal issue.
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COURSE OBJECTIVES: To equip the students to teach UG law students and make
them understand art of preparing for the classes.
On completion of the course students will be able to:

• Develop and apply better skills in presentation and teaching

• Improve their preparation skills
• Learn to collect data to keep up with the latest developments in the area of the
topic chosen by them
• The student will be able to prepare a report and comment on the areas of the
subject taught by them during teaching. It develops their critical approach to the
subject and enhances their capabilities while teaching and in research

DESIGN: Students will be assigned a topic from UG courses and they have to prepare
and teach the UG students in classroom. Students are required to research and prepare
teaching report and notes for the class. Students have to make their presentations before
the panel constituted for the purpose before engaging a UG class. Students are required
to prepare for the UG class under the guidance of a Teacher. Students have to engage 10
sessions to satisfy the requirement of this course.

ASSESSMENT: Fifty percent of the evaluation will be done on the basis of student
ability prepare the teaching notes and preparing a report. The remaining fifty percent is
allotted to his performance in the classroom as a teacher.
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(No. of Hrs. 60-80 Hrs.)
COURSE OBJECTIVES: This course is designed to test the research prowess of the
students and their analytical skills. It is aimed at enabling the students to hone their
skills as a researcher that would be of immense help to them in their career.

Students are required to select their dissertation topic at the beginning of the academic
year (1stSemester) and register with a faculty member for Guidance.
Dissertation work carries 100 marks in total and research report has to be submitted
before the commencement of the examination of 2nd Semester.
COURSE OUTCOME: Students will be able to-
1. Formulate legal research problem.
2. Identify proper research methodology to deal with the legal issue.
3. Apply objective, logical legal reasoning to make arguments and arrive at
4. Draft a research report.

Learning Outcome: This subject will help the students to enhance their research,
analytical and writing skills.

TEACHING METHODOLOGY: Lectures, Discussion, Library visit, etc., according to

the requirements of the students.

1. Research Proposal - 15%
2. Submission of Progress Report – 15 %
3. Research Report – 60 %
4. Viva - 10 %

TOTAL 100%

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