Clinical Project

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Identifying Information:

Name : ABC

Age: 27 Years

Gender: Female

No. Of Siblings: Six

Birth Order: Last birth

Education: MS

Marital Status: Unmarried

Family system: Nuclear

Interview Information:

Presenting Complaints:

According to client:

Weakness and fatigue

Lack of energy

Loss of appetite


Weeping spell



Initial Observation:

The client was not talkative and looking very confused. She wears simple dress.
Initially she hesitated to share her problems. When rapport built, she shared her
problems easily. During the interview she was rubbing her hands. Her eye contact was
maintained. Her tone of voice was slow. Her attitude was cooperative. Her facial
expressions were sad and started weeping at the beginning of session. Her sitting
posture was appropriate but she was worried about her future.

She was reluctant in reporting about her problem. During session she was very
depressed. Case history was taken for the purpose of getting information about
client’s problem through interview with the client. It is an opportunity to observe
client’s present symptoms of her problems which she suffered since 6 months.

Background Information:

Historical Background:

As a child the patient has very good relations with her parents. She was an
overprotected child. But the present situation is different. Client reported that she was
active before this condition. Currently client is very depressed but future related
thoughts were ambitious. She is motivated and willing to take measures to overcome
her problem.

Tests Administered:

Thematic Apperception Test (TAT)

Thematic Apperception Test was administered under peaceful environment. Proper

instructions were given to the client. Client was comfortable during interview. Her
talk was relevant but style of speech was slow. Rapport was established easily.

Qualitative Interpretation:

The responses of the client on this test indicated that the client was anxious, lonely,
depressed and worried. The client is under pressure. The client has low self esteem
and isolated. The client was depressed about current situation because her parents
give more attention on her study. But client results were not related to parent’s


A 27year old female was brought with complaints of depressed mood, decreased sleep
weakness and hopelessness. She was diagnosed as having Major depressive disorder.
Overall evaluation of TAT shows insecurity and depressive tendency.
Counseling Stratifies

Cline’s state is improving due to counseling and medication in hospital but still he is
having complaints of low mood and sleep disturbance.

Short Term Goals

Rapport building

Psycho education

Relaxation therapy

Cognitive Behavior therapy

Rapport building

Therapist discusses topics with client which shows his interest. Therapist talked about
his hobbies, about the siblings and children; these techniques are used to develop
rapport with client.

Psycho education

Psycho education was a major part of management plan. One of the goals of Psycho
education is to provide support and direction for understanding the problem issues,
the therapist give the client awareness of his illness, and told him that the reason of
his problems is low selfesteem and lack of trust on his family members. Therapists
also told him that this behavior will ruin your health and relations.

Relaxation therapy

A relaxation technique (also known as relaxation training)is any method, process,

procedure, or activity that helps a person to relax; to attain a state of increased
calmness; or otherwise reduce level of anxiety, stress or anger. Relaxation technique
are often employed as one element of a wider stress management program and can
decrease muscle tension, lower the blood pressure and slow heart and breathe rates,
among other health benefits. People respond to stress in different ways, namely, by
becoming overwhelmed, depressed or both. Yoga and other techniques that include
deep breathing tend to calm people who are overwhelmed by stress, while rhythmic
exercise improves the mental and physical health of those who are depressed. People
who encounter both symptoms simultaneously, feeling depressed in some way and
overexcited in others, may do best by walking or performing yoga techniques that are
focused on strength.

Cognitive behavior techniques

Cognitive behavioral therapy is a form of psychotherapy. It was originally designed to

treat depression, but is now used for a number of mental disorder. It works to solve
current problems and change unhelpful thinking and behaviour. The same refers to
behaviour therapy, cognitive therapy and therapy based upon a combination of basic
behavioral and cognitive principles. Most therapist working with patients dealing with
anxiety and depression use a blend of cognitive and behavioral therapy.

CBT acknowledges that there may be behaviors that cannot be controlled through
rational thought, but rather emerge based on prior conditioning from the environment
and other external and/or internal stimuli. CBT is "problem-focused" (undertaken for
specific problems) and "action oriented" (therapist tries to assist the client in selecting
specific strategies to help address those problems), or directive in its therapeutic
approach. It is different from the more traditional, psychoanalytical approach, where
therapists look for the unconscious meaning behind the behaviors and then diagnose
the client’s problem. Some clinicians and researchers are more cognitive oriented (e.g.
cognitive restructuring), while others are more behaviorally oriented (in vivo
exposure therapy). Other interventions combine bother (e.g. imagine exposure

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