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Total No. of Questions : 4] SEAT No.

P7022 [Total No. of Pages : 2
F.Y. B. Architecture
(2019 Pattern) (Semester - II) (1201910)

Time : 2½ Hours] [Max. Marks : 70

Instructions to the candidates:
1) All questions are compulsory.
2) Neat diagrams must be drawn wherever necessary.
3) Figures to the right side indicate full marks.
4) Assume suitable data, if necessary.
5) Answer all questions from Section - I on Drawing Sheets and from Section - II in
Answer Book only.


Q1) Draw any one of the following : [20]

A shed of 5.0m × 9.0m internal dimensions needs a king post truss roofing.
a) Draw a key plan at 1:100 scale and elevation of king post truss at scale
of 1:20.
b) Any one joinery detail at 1:5 scale.
A store room of 3000 × 4000 mm of size has an opening of 900 × 2100 mm
with all thickness of 230 mm. Provide a paneled door for the opening :
a) Plan, section and elevation of the paneled door at scale 1:10.
b) Draw any one joinery detail used in door construction at suitable scale.

Q2) Draw neat and labeled Sketches ONLY (any three) [15]
a) Draw a well labeled section through timber Lean to roof.
b) Draw a joinery between tread and riser in timber staircase.
c) Sketch any 5 types of timber joineries.
d) Sketch any 5 types of tools in timber construction.
e) Sketch any 3 hardware used in Timber doors with nomenclature.


Q3) Answer any two of the following : [20]

a) Explain 2 types of Reinforcement masonry systems with proper sketches.
b) Explain with sketches single TW flooring.
c) Sketch two types of earthquake waves and how they affect the structure?
Explain any two earthquake resistant measures in a load bearing structure.
d) Write a not eon seasoning of timber. Draw a cut section showing structure
of timber with nomenclature.

Q4) Answer any three of the following (short notes) [15]

a) What is an earthquake? Explain with sketch focus and epicenter.
b) Explain with sketches masonry vaults and domes.
c) Explain the defects in Timber.
d) Write short notes on any two types of Roofing materials used for small
span sloping roofs.
e) Differentiate between King post and Queen post.


[5874]-27 2
Total No. of Questions : 4] SEAT No. :
P1389 [Total No. of Pages : 2
F.Y. B. Arch.
(2019 Pattern) (Semester - II) (1201910)
Time : 2½ Hours] [Max. Marks : 70
Instructions to the candidates:
1) All questions are compulsory.
2) Neat diagrams must be drawn wherever necessary.
3) Figures to the right indicate full marks.
4) Assume suitable data, if necessary.
5) Answer all questions from Section - I on Drawing Sheets and from Section - II in
Answer Book only.

Q1) Draw any one of the following: [20]
A room of size 5.0 m × 9.0 m internal dimension needs a king post truss
roofing. Draw well labeled.
a) Elevation of a king post roof truss at 1:20 Scale.
b) Draw detail of any one joinery at 1:10 Scale.
c) Draw key plan at 1:100 Scale.
An office area of 3000 × 6000 mm in size has a door opening of 900 × 2100,
with wall thickness of 230 mm. [20]
Draw well labeled
a) Plan, Section and Elevation of a panelled door at 1:10 Scale.
b) Draw any one joinery details used in this door construction. 1:10 Scale.

Q2) Write answers of any 3 of the following. [15]

a) Sketch Cut section of a tree.
b) Sketch and name any five types of fasteners used in doors and windows.
c) Sketch and name any three types of defects in timber.
d) Draw a well labeled section through a close couple roof.
e) Sketch and name any 2 types of Domes and Vaults.

[6078]-73 1 P.T.O.
Q3) Explain in detail with sketches any 2 of the following. [20]
a) Explain with neat sketch a Timber Partition.
b) Explain with neat sketch Single Timber Floor.
c) Explain with neat sketch Timber Staircase.
d) Explain with neat sketch Timber Casement Window.

Q4) Write short notes on any 3 of the following. [15]

a) Seasoning of Timber.
b) Clay roofing tiles.
c) Advantages of Plywood
d) Earthquake and name any 3 terminologies.
e) Necessity of reinforcing masonry walls.


[6078]-73 2
Total No. of Questions : 4] SEAT No. :
PA-10272 [Total No. of Pages : 2

F.Y. B. Arch.
(2019 Pattern) (Semester - II) (1201910)
Time : 2½ Hours] [Max. Marks : 70
Instructions to the candidates :
1) All questions are compulsory.
2) Neat diagrams must be drawn wherever necessary.
3) Figures to the right indicate full marks.
4) Assume suitable data if necessary.
5) Answer all questions from Section-I on Drawing Sheets and from Section-II in
Answer Book only.


Q1) Draw any one of the following : [20]

Provide a Glazed and Paneled door for room with 230 mm thick brick masonry
having the opening size of 1000 mm. Consider lintel to be 2100 mm.
a) Draw plan section and elevation on the scale of 1:10
b) Draw one joinery details between style and lock rail.


A room of size 7000 mm × 12000 mm needs a King post roof truss roofing.
Draw a key plan at 1:100 scale, elevation at 1:20 scale and details of king post
truss at ridge and eaves at 1:10 scale.

Q2) Draw neat and labeled Sketches ONLY (Any three) : [15]
a) Joinery between joist and wall plate in timber floors.

b) Sketch any five types of timber joinery.

c) Any two types of joints found in floor boards.

d) Sketch section showing three consecutive treads and risers in timber
staircase with nomenclature.

e) Any 5 tools used in timber construction.


Q3) Answer any two of the following : [20]

a) What is purpose of reinforcing masonry construction? Explain with sketch
any two types of reinforced masonry.

b) Explain with sketches types of staircases. Sketch detail showing fixing of

baluster to tread.

c) Explain with sketches three earthquake resistant measures for load bearing

d) Explain laying of sheet roofing with sketch showing eaves and ridge detail.

Q4) Write short notes on any three of the following : [15]

a) What is an earthquake? Explain with sketch focus and epicenter.

b) Write short note on seasoning of timber.

c) Explain with sketches masonry vaults and domes.

d) What are timber derivatives? List any 4 timber derivatives.

e) Explain any three defects in timber with sketches.


[5930]-103 2
Total No. of Questions : 8] SEAT No. :
P7023 [Total No. of Pages : 3
First Year B.Arch.
(2019 Pattern) (Semester - II) (1201912)
Time : 2½ Hours] [Max. Marks : 70
Instructions to the candidates:
1) Q.No.1 & 5 are compulsory. Solve any 2 from the other 3 in each section.
2) Figures to the right indicates full marks.
3) Assume suitable data, if required mention the assumption.
4) Use of non-programmable scientific calculator is allowed.


Q1) Compulsory. [13]

a) Define the following terms
i) Moment of Resistance. [2]
ii) Section Modulus. [2]

b) A rectangular beam 75mm wide and 150mm deep is loaded as shown

below Find the maximum bending stress induced in the beam section. [7]

c) Explain the concept of Neutral axis. [2]

Q2 Draw SFD & BMD of the beam shown below. Show the points of contra-
shear & contra-flexure. [11]

[5874]-28 1 P.T.O.
Q3 a) i) Write down the standard formula for Shear Stress across a section
and explain the terms. [2]
ii) Draw the Shear Stress Diagram across a T cross section showing
important values. [2]
b) A Beam of size 230mm × 600mm is loaded as shown below. Draw the
Shear Strees Diagram. [7]

Q4 a) i) What are perfect frames? Explain giving an example. [2]

ii) Write the assumptions in solution of perfect frames. [2]

b) For the frame shown below, calculate the forces in members AC, AH,
CH & HG. [7]

Q5 a) i) What are short and Long Columns?. [2]
ii) Write down Euler’s Formula and explain each term. [2]
b) A Concrete Column of size 230 × 600 is used as a column with one end
fixed and other free of height 4.2m. If E = 0.25 × 105 N/mm2, Find the
Buckling load. [7]
c) Show the effective heights of a column, fixed at both ends, and hinged at
both ends. [2]
Q6 a) Draw a simply supported beam with full udl. Show the deflection curve,
point of max. deflection and point of maximum slope also write down
the formulae for the same. [4]
b) A wooden beam of size 125mm × 375mm is simply supported over a
span of 3m, it carries a udl of 4 kN/m over the entire span and a central
point load of 5kN.
Calculate maximum Deflection if E = 1×104 N/mm2. [7]

[5874]-28 2
Q7) a) Explain the core a Kernel of the columm with the help of a sketch. [4]
b) A masonry column having cross section, 400mm×600mm is subjected
to compressive load of 800kN at an eccentricity of 100mm along X axis
only. The load is situated between second and third quadrant. Find
stresses at four corners. Draw the stress envelope and show tensile zone,
if any. [7]

Q8) a) Explain limitations of Euler’s theory. [4]

b) A hollow square column has cross section 400mm×400mm with 10mm
thickness. Height of the column is 4m, with one end fixed and the other
hinged. Crushing stress is 320N/mm2, E = 2×105 N/mm2. Find the failure
laod. [7]

  

[5874]-28 3
Total No. of Questions : 8] SEAT No. :
P1390 [Total No. of Pages : 3
[6078] - 74
First Year B. Arch.
(2019 Pattern) (Semester - II) (1201912)

Time : 2½ Hours] [Max. Marks : 70

Instructions to the candidates:
1) Q. No. 1 & 5 are compulsory. Solve any 2 from the other 3 in each section.
2) Figures to the right indicate full marks.
3) Assume suitable data, if required mention the assumption.
4) Use of non-programmable calculator is allowed.

Q1) Compulsory.
a) A rectangular beam of size 230 mm wide & 450 mm deep is used over a
simply supported span of 5.0 meter. It carries u.d.l. of 4.0 KN/m over
entire span along with central point load of 5 KN. [7]
i) Calculate the maximum tensile and compressive bending stress.
ii) Draw Bending stress diagram across cross section.
b) Write down the Flexural formula and explain each term. [3]
c) Explain why Deeper Beams are stronger to Resist Moments than Wider
Beams? [3]

Q2) Draw SFD & BMD for a given beam as shown in fig. Show the point of
contra-shear. [11]

Q3) a) A Steel section of 120mm diameter is used as a cantilever over a span of
2.5m and carries an udl of 30kN/m over the entire span and a point load
of 10kN at the free end. Draw the Shear Stress Diagram across the
section showing important values. Calculate the maximum shear. [7]

b) Write down the maximum shear stress formula for a rectangular and
circular section. [4]

Q4) a) For the truss shown below, calculate the forces in members DF, EF, EG.

b) Define an imperfect frame. Explain giving example. [3]


Q5) Compulsory.

a) A steel rod 6m long and having diameter 50mm is used as column with
one end fixed and other end free. Determine Euler’s load if
E= 2 × 105 N/mm2. [8]

b) State the assumptions of Euler’s theory of Buckling. [3]

c) What are Short and Long Columns? [2]

[6078] - 74 2
Q6) a) For the column shown below find the stresses at all four corners. Load is
of 600 KN at a distance of 125 mm from YY - axis along XX - axis only.
Draw the stress diagram across all four sides. [8]

b) State and explain with the neat sketch middle third rule for rectangular
column. [3]

Q7) a) A concrete column of size 230 × 400 is used as a column with both ends
hinged of height 10.0m. If E = 0.20 × 105 N/mm2, find Failure Load by
Rankine’s Theory. Crushing Stress in Concrete is 25 N/mm2. [7]
b) Draw a cantilever beam with full UDL. Show the deflection curve, point
of maximum deflection, point of maximum slope and write down the
formulae for the same. [4]

Q8) a) A beam of size 230 mm × 650 mm is simply supported and carries a load
of 25 KN/m over the entire span of 6.5 m. If E=0.25 × 105 N/mm2,
calculate maximum deflection. [7]
b) Define the following terms. [4]
i) Section Modulus
ii) Neutral Axis

  
[6078] - 74 3
Total No. of Questions : 8] SEAT No. :
PA-10273 [Total No. of Pages : 3
F.Y. B.Arch.
(2019 Pattern) (Semester - II) (1201912)
Time : 2½ Hours] [Max. Marks : 70
Instructions to the candidates:
1) Q. no. 1 & 5 are compulsory. Solve any 2 from the other 3 in each section.
2) Figures to the right indidcate full marks.
3) Assume suitable data, if required. Mention the assumption.
4) Use of Non-programmable scientific calculator is allowed.

Q1) a) Explain any 4 assumptions of Theory is simple bending. [4]
b) A simply supported beam 230×400 in cross section is subjected to a
load of 24 kN/m over the entire span of 4.5 m. It also is subjected to a
central point load of 20 kN. Determine, [7]
i) Max. bending stress in compression and tension.
ii) Bending stress at a layer 50 mm above the neutral axis.
c) Explain the concept of Moment of resistance of a beam. [2]

Q2) Draw SFD & BMD of the beam shown below. Show the points of
contra-shear & contra-flexure. [11]

Q3) a) Draw conceptual shear stress diagrams of a typical T & I section. With
Max. magnitude location. [4]
b) A simply supported beam 230×500 in cross section, is subjected to a
load of 22 kN/m over the entire span of 6m. and a central point load of 25
kN. Determine Max. shear stress and draw the shear stress diagram. [7]
[5930]-104 1 P.T.O.
Q4) a) Explain with sketches, perfect, deficient & redundant frame. [4]
b) W.r.t. the frame shown below, determine forces in magnitude & type in
the members AC, AF, CF & FG. Tabulate the end results. [7]

W.r.t. the frame shown below, determine forces in magnitude & type in
the members EJ, EF, HE & HJ. Tabulate the end results. [7]

Q5) a) Explain any 4 assumptions of Euler’s theory. [4]
Explain with sketches, the end conditions of a column with their respective
effective heights. [4]
b) A column 300 × 450 in cross section is 3.60 m high, and fixed at both
ends. Determine Crippling load of the column. Take E value as 0.2 ×105
N/mm2. [7]
c) Explain long & short columns with their failure patterns. [2]

[5930]-104 2
Q6) a) For a typical simply supported beam with central point load, show the
deflection curve and write the formulae for max. slope and deflection.[4]
b) A simply supported beam 230 × 600 in cross section, is subjected to a
load of 30 kN/m over the entire span of 7 m., and a central point load of
35 kN. Determine max. deflection only. Take E value as 0.15 × 105
N/mm2. [7]

Q7) Determine stresses at the corners of the column subjected to an eccentric load
of 800 kN, as shown below. Sketch the stress diagram. [11]

Q8) a) Explain with sketches the concept of Middle third rule of a rectangular
column. [4]
b) A hollow steel column with outer diameter 300 mm & thickness 20 mm is
7 m high, with one end fixed and the other hinged. Check whether the
column is safe to take a load of 3650 kN, if the E value & crushing stress
for steel are 2 ×105 N/mm2 and 320 N/mm2 respectively. [7]

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[5930]-104 3

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