The growing demand for advanced energy storage highlights supercapacitors for their high power
density and long cycle life. Supercapatteries are hybrid supercapacitors (HSCs) that combine carbon
materials as anode and metal oxides as cathode with a battery-type behavior. Here, electrode materials
of Co-doped MnOx nanorods were prepared via incipient wet impregnation. The synthesis induced
morphological modifications in the material and the creation of oxygen vacancies was suggested by their
Mn3+/Mn4+ ratio. The 4.79 wt.% Co/MnOx electrode delivered a high specific capacitance of 1478.52 F
g−1 at 1 A g
−1 and enhanced stability after 1000 cycles for a symmetric device. Then, the supercapattery
reached 452.19 F g−1 at 1 A g
−1, energy density of 579 Wh kg−1, power density of 2881 W kg−1, and good
stability up to 1500 cycles. This study sheds light on the easy and low-cost production of a Co-doped
MnOx electrode material for enhanced energy storage.
efficient energy storage, making them suitable for portable elec- trode (as the energy source via Faradaic process) and a EDLC
tronics, electric vehicles, and renewable energy systems [1, 3–5]. electrode (as the power source) [8]. Because of their high energy
These devices are categorized into electrochemical double-layer density, battery-like supercapacitor electrode materials such
capacitors (EDLC) and pseudocapacitors (PC). EDLCs store metal disulfides, metal oxides, metal hydroxides, and layered
charge electrostatically using carbon-based materials, while metal hydroxides are potential electrode materials [9–12].
pseudocapacitors utilize reversible redox reactions involving Manganese oxide (MnOx) is a promising supercapacitor
Journal of Materials Research
metal oxides and conductive polymers [1, 6]. material due to its high electrochemical activity, theoretical
Hybrid supercapacitors (HSCs) represent a promising specific capacitance of 1370 Fg−1, and wide potential range.
advancement in energy storage technology by combining Despite this, its practical capacitance often falls short due to
© The Author(s), under exclusive licence to The Materials Research Society 2024
crystallographic and morphological limitations affecting ion wt.% Co/MnOx, 4.79 wt.% Co/MnOx, and 10.19 wt.% Co/MnOx,
intercalation. Strategies to improve ion storage, such as increas- respectively. The discrepancy between the theoretical and meas-
ing mesoporous M nOx pore size and doping with other materi- ured Co content can be attributed to several factors inherent to
als, have been explored. Cobalt (Co) doping, in particular, has the incipient wetness impregnation method. A primary issue
significantly enhanced the pseudocapacitive performance and may involve incomplete incorporation of the cobalt precursor
conductivity of M nOx electrodes, leading to improved capaci- into the M nOx support. In manual impregnation, the distribu-
tance and electrode conductivity in Co-doped MnOx nanocom- tion of the solution might not be entirely uniform, leading to
posites [13, 14]. cobalt loss during subsequent drying and calcination. Addi-
The high oxidation potential of Cobalt, combined with elec- tionally, the solubility and deposition behavior of CoCl₂·6H₂O
tron mobility of manganese enhances conductivity and revers- within the MnOx matrix likely plays a role in the observed vari-
ibility in bimetallic oxides, offering superior electrochemical ation. Issues such as pore blockage or precursor precipitation
performance for supercapacitors compared to using either can prevent the complete uptake of metal into the support. The
oxide alone [15]. Given such advantages, the use of Co-doped complex interactions between the metal precursor and support,
MnOx has gained significant attention in recent years, through solvent evaporation, and phase transformations during impreg-
various synthesis strategies to optimize their electrochemical nation, drying, and calcination can result in poor dispersion of
performance in energy storage applications. Hong synthesized the active species in the final material [19].
cobalt-doped manganese oxide (Co-doped MnO₂) through a XRD characterized the structure of the bulk, calcined, and
controlled hydrothermal process and specific heat treatment, Co-doped MnOx materials [Fig. 1(A)]. The samples exhibited
resulting in a hierarchical micro-flower structure of α-MnO₂ the main characteristic diffraction peaks of β-MnO2 (JCPDS
with a substantial surface area and mesoporous distribution. 72-1984) at 28.98°, 37.16°, 40.94°, 43.25°, 46.29°, 56.9°, 59.55°,
This structure achieved an impressive specific capacitance of 67.16°, and 72.47° corresponding to (110), (101), (200), (111),
527 F g⁻1 [16]. Similarly, Prajapati utilized a Co-MOF precur- (210), (211), (220), (310), and (301) crystal planes [20]. For
sor via ion exchange to synthesize cobalt–manganese layered the bulk MnOx, the diffraction peaks match closely with the
double hydroxides (CoMn LDH), which delivered a remarkable standard reference, indicating that the bulk M nOx retains its
specific capacitance of 1305 F g⁻1, and assembled a high-perfor- original crystalline structure. The sharp and well-defined peaks
mance asymmetric supercapacitor device [17]. Mankge adopted suggest a high degree of crystallinity. After calcination, the mate-
a hydrothermal technique to produce a hybrid composite of rial presents some slight broadening of peaks, however, overall
cobalt–nickel oxalate and multi-atom doped electrochemically structure of the MnOx appears preserved, as the peak positions
exfoliated graphene (EEG), which exhibited a notable specific remain consistent. The introduction of a small amount of Co
capacity of 139.2 mAh g⁻1 [18]. Thus, Co-doped M nOx presents (1.37 wt.%) does not seem to change the M nOx phase. The peaks
a compelling avenue for advancing supercapacitor technology. remain largely consistent with those of calcined material, indi-
This study aims to investigate the effect of Co doping on the cating that the Co is well dispersed in the matrix without sig-
structural and electrochemical properties of M nOx nanorods, nificantly affecting the crystalline structure [21]. The 4.79 wt.%
focusing on varying C o2⁺ ion concentrations. The primary goal Co/MnOx sample shows slightly more noticeable changes com-
is to identify the optimal doping level to enhance MnOx-based pared to the lower Co-doped sample. There are minor shifts and
supercapacitor performance. The impact of the M n3⁺/Mn4⁺ intensity variations, which could suggest the introduction of lat-
ratio on oxygen vacancy formation and electrochemical behav- tice distortions due to the higher Co content. These distortions
ior is also evaluated. Comprehensive material characterization could lead to the creation of oxygen vacancies or changes in
explores morphological changes, synthesis details, and oxygen the Mn oxidation state. At the highest Co content (10.19 wt.%),
vacancy roles, with the aim of developing high-performance the XRD pattern displays the most significant changes. Peak
electrode material. broadening and intensity variations are evident, which might
Physicochemical characterizations The lattice parameters are presented in Table S1, the ther-
This study prepared the Co-doped MnOx materials via incipi- mal process had a different effect on the cell volume for the
Journal of Materials Research
ent wet impregnation; the doping amounts were incorporated Co-doped samples in comparison to calcined M nOx, where
in the following quantities: 5, 10, and 20 wt.% Co. However, the the a parameter increases significantly, while the c parameter
ICP-OES technique determined the Co content as 1.37, 4.79, decreases. This suggests structural reorganization or phase tran-
and 10.19 wt.%, respectively. Thus, the samples were labeled 1.37 sition induced by heat treatment. The cell volume also increases
© The Author(s), under exclusive licence to The Materials Research Society 2024 2
Figure 1: (A) XRD diffractograms for MnOx Bulk, M nOx Calcined, 1.37 wt.% Co/MnOx, 4.79 wt.% Co/MnOx, and 10.19 wt.% Co/MnOx; TEM images for (B,
C) bulk M nOx, (D, E) calcined M
nOx, (F, G) 1.37 wt.% Co/MnOx, (H, I) 4.79 wt.% Co/MnOx, and (J, K) 10.19 wt.% Co/MnOx.
(685.53 Å3), reflecting a more expanded structure, likely due to TEM and SEM–EDS elucidated the morphology of the sol-
the removal of adsorbed species and the formation of a more ids (Fig. 1). Figure 1(B), (C) represents bulk M nOx. The image
stable oxide phase. At the higher doping level, 10.19% Co/MnOx, taken at a lower magnification [Fig. 1(B)] reveals the general
both lattice parameters decrease compared to lower doping lev- morphology of the bulk M nOx, showing a nanorods-like struc-
els 1.37 wt.% and 4.79 wt.%. The cell volume is significantly ture [23]. The image at a higher magnification [Fig. 1(C)] pro-
reduced (304.51 Å3), indicating that higher Co content leads to vides a closer look at the crystalline structure of M
nOx, indicat-
further contraction of the M nOx lattice, possibly due to cobalt ing the quality of the synthesis. Figure 1(D), (E) depicts calcined
ions significantly altering the MnOx lattice or phase. Co has a MnOx. Figure 1(D) shows the morphology after the calcination
smaller covalent radius, 1.26 Å, than Mn, 1.39 Å. The decrease in process; they appear to have thicker nanorods than the bulk
unit-cell volume upon doping confirms the substitutional effect form. Figure 1(E) provides a high-magnification view, corrobo-
of the element [22]. rating this conclusion.
The calculated crystallite sizes (d, Table S1) obtained from Figure 2(F), (G) focuses on MnOx with a 1.37 wt.% Co (1.37
Debye–Scherrer equation were 48.29 nm, 37.20 nm, 36.69 nm, wt.% Co/MnOx). Figure 2(F) shows the overall morphology with
38.04 nm, and 39.36 nm for MnOx bulk, MnOx calcined, 1.37 a notable presence of thicker particles, suggesting good inter-
Journal of Materials Research
wt.% Co/MnOx, 4.79 wt.% Co/MnOx, and 10.19 wt.% Co/MnO2, actions between Co and MnOx. Figure 2(G), at a higher mag-
respectively. The d value decreased with the thermal treat- nification, emphasizes the fine structural details and potential
ment, whereas with the increasing cobalt content, there was an incorporation of Co within the M nOx matrix. Figure 2(H), (I)
increase in crystallite size. examines MnOx with a 4.79 wt.% Co (4.79 wt.% Co/MnOx).
© The Author(s), under exclusive licence to The Materials Research Society 2024 3
Figure 2: SEM–EDS images of the nanorods. O (red), Mn (green), and Co (blue) for (A) 1.37 wt.% Co/MnOx, (B) 4.79 wt.% Co/MnOx, and (C)10.19 wt.% Co/
MnOx. (D) XPS spectra for Co 2p: 1.37wt.% Co/MnOx, 4.79wt.% Co/MnOx, and 10.19 wt.% Co/MnOx.
Figure 2(H) presents the general morphology, indicating mor- MnOx, 4.79 wt.% Co/MnOx, and 10.19 wt.% Co/MnOx samples
phology changes. Figure 2(I), taken at a higher magnification, is shown in Fig. 1(L), (M), (N). The dispersion of Mn, O and
highlights how the increased Co content influences the MnOx Co, Mn, and O is uniform on the surface of the nanorods. This
structure. Finally, Fig. 2(J), (K) investigates MnOx with 10.19 is consistent with the results of XRD demonstrating that the
wt.% Co (10.19 wt.% Co/MnOx). Figure 2(J) displays the overall introduction of Co changed the lattice structure of the catalysts.
morphology, showing a more nanorod-defined structure than Then, the surface of the precursors and the cobalt-doped
the previous material. Figure 2(K), at a higher magnification, MnO2 nanorods were analyzed by XPS, identifying their chemi-
provides detailed insights into the structural changes induced by cal composition, binding energy, and the valence state of ele-
the high cobalt loading. Notably, defects on the edge of the mate- ments (Fig. 2 and Table 1). The high-resolution spectra of Co 2p
rial are observed. Such partitions at the edge of these nanorods represent the existence of Co2+ species. Each spectrum can be
Journal of Materials Research
are noticeable in the Co-doped samples in Fig. 2(G), (I), (K). deconvoluted into four peaks: Co 2 p3/2 is featured in the range
SEM–EDS demonstrated the distribution of the elements of 785.6–785.9, and Co 2 p1/2 in the 796.2–796.5 eV range. The
in the materials. The images for bulk and calcined MnOx are two regions at 802.4–804.6 eV and 785.6–785.9 eV are satel-
featured in Figure S1. The presence of Co in 1.37 wt.% Co/ lite peaks [24, 25]. Regarding the Mn 2p region, Fig. 3(A), the
© The Author(s), under exclusive licence to The Materials Research Society 2024 4
TABLE 1: XPS results for Co 2p, Mn 2p, and O 1s regions for MnOx bulk, MnOx calcined, 1.37wt.% Co/MnOx, 4.79wt.% Co/MnOx, and 10.19wt.% Co/MnOx.
Co 2p Mn 2p O1s
Sample BE Sat (eV) Co 2p 1/2 (eV) BE Sat (eV) Co 2p 3/2 (eV) Mn 2p 1/2 (eV) Mn 2p 3/2 (eV) Oa (eV) Ob (eV) Oα/(Oα + Oβ)
peaks exhibited at binding energy ranges of 641.6- 41.9 eV and foam does exhibit some electrochemical activity, its impact
652.9–653.4 eV are related to 2 p3/2 and 2 p1/2 peaks, assigned on the measured values of the MnOx and Co/MnOx samples
to Mn3+. The peaks in the 643.0–644.4 eV and 655.1–656.3 eV was negligible. When examining the CV curves, distinct oxi-
n4+ species [14, 26]. The
are assigned to 2 p3/2 and 2 p1/2 of M dation peaks were observed in the most positive region and
mismatch in C o2+ and M n4+/Mn3+ ratio is expected to create a reduction peaks in the most negative region for all samples,
charge imbalance in the crystal structure. This imbalance can which is the typical behavior of this type of material. The
be mitigated by the formation of oxygen vacancy close to Co presence of these redox signals suggests the occurrence of
atoms [25]. oxidation and reduction processes associated with the forma-
The O 1 s spectra in Fig. 3(B), Table 1, can be deconvo- tion of manganese and cobalt oxyhydroxides (MnO(OH) and
luted into two contributions. The oxygen species are assigned to CoO(OH))[31] These processes involve electronic transitions
surface-adsorbed oxygen (located at the surface oxygen vacan- between the oxidation states M n +3/Mn +4 and C o +2, which
cies of MnOx), (Oα) in the range of 531.22−531.5 eV and the are fundamental for forming the corresponding oxides of
lattice oxygen ( Oβ) at 529.0 -529.6 eV [25, 27]. As indicated in these elements. This mechanism consists of the absorption
Table 1, after doping with cobalt, the Oα/Oβ ratio increased with and release of electrons during the reaction, leading to the
the higher Co content, suggesting that more oxygen vacancies formation of manganese and cobalt compounds [3].
and adsorbed oxygen species are enriched on the surface [28, Furthermore, an increase in scanning speed resulted in a
29]. The 4.79 wt.% Co/MnOx nanorod contains the highest ratio shift of the oxidation and reduction signals to more positive
of adsorbed oxygen species. XPS analysis provides indirect evi- and negative regions, respectively, in all electrode materials.
dence for the presence of oxygen vacancies, particularly through This phenomenon highlights kinetic limitations associated with
the observed changes in the O α/Oβ ratio after Co doping. These charge transfer, resulting from the diffusion of ions between the
results are suggestive rather than conclusive. Techniques such electrode and the electrolyte [32]. At higher scan speeds, the
as Electron Paramagnetic Resonance (EPR) could provide more time available for ionic diffusion decreases, leading to a lower
definitive insight into the oxygen vacancy distribution. Never- reaction rate and, consequently, a change in the potentials at
theless, the XPS findings strongly indicate an increase in oxygen which redox reactions occur, Table S2. It is evident that the
vacancies near the Co sites, consistent with the previous litera- CV demonstrated a behavior that encompasses characteristics
ture, even though further characterization techniques would be of battery-type electrodes [33–35]. Figure 4(F) illustrates the
required to confirm these vacancies unambiguously. kinetic and diffusion reactions at the electrodes. The linearity
observed in the relationship between the peak current (Ip) and
the square root of the scanning speed (υ) suggests a diffusion-
© The Author(s), under exclusive licence to The Materials Research Society 2024 5
Journal of Materials Research
© The Author(s), under exclusive licence to The Materials Research Society 2024 6
Journal of Materials Research
Figure 4: CV curves at different scan rates for (A) bulk MnOx, (B) calcined MnO(C) 1.37 wt.% Co/MnOx, (D) 4.79 wt.% Co/MnOx, (E) 10.19 wt.% Co/MnOx,
(F) redox peak current vs. square root of scan rates.
© The Author(s), under exclusive licence to The Materials Research Society 2024 7
Journal of Materials Research
Figure 5: Discharge curves at different current densities for (A) MnOx Bulk, (B) MnOx Calcined, (C) 1.37wt.% Co/MnOx, (D) 4.79wt.% Co/MnOx, (E)
10.19wt.% Co/MnOx, and (F) Specific capacity vs. current density.
© The Author(s), under exclusive licence to The Materials Research Society 2024 8
capacitance (Cs) of the materials was calculated from the dis- MnOx was evaluated through 1000 cycles of GCD at a current
charge curve using Eq. 3, with corresponding values detailed in density of 20 A g −1. It was observed that the sample contain-
Table S4, furthermore, the coulombic efficiency surpassed 87%, ing 4.79 wt.% cobalt retained 61.9% of the initial Cs until the
as depicted in Table S5. end of 1000 GCD cycles [Fig. 6(A)]. These values represent an
Interestingly, the Co/MnO2 sample doped with 4.79 wt.% Co increase of 9.13% and 19.24% concerning the bulk MnO2 and
demonstrates an even higher specific capacitance compared to 1.37 wt.% Co/MnOx samples, respectively. This result demon-
10.19 wt.% Co at a current density of 1 A g−1. The higher Cs in all strates that the incorporation of Co, along with the associated
Co-doped electrode materials compared with bulk and calcined morphological changes and formation of oxygen vacancies,
MnOx indicate that Co doping enhanced specific capacitance enhances electronic conductivity. These improvements con-
and electrical conductivity by introducing Co in the Mn oxide tribute to increased electrode material stability and its reten-
framework [9]. In the potential region examined, a transition tion of specific capacitance over extended periods and multiple
of Mn4+/Mn3+ involving single-electron transfer is responsible charge–discharge cycles.
for the pseudocapacitive behavior of the Co-doped Mn oxide. The impact of internal resistances and charge transfer was
Although the presence of Co ions contributes to increasing the investigated using electrochemical impedance spectroscopy
specific capacitance, there may be a saturation point or limit at (EIS), represented in the Nyquist plot, Fig. 6(B). This graph
which additional addition of Co may not result in a proportional presents an incomplete semicircle in the high-frequency region
increase in specific capacitance. The decrease in specific capaci- and an oblique line with an angle between 45 and 90º in the low-
tance with the addition of a higher concentration of Co ions frequency region, corresponding to the diffusion process[39].
indicates an optimal cobalt concentration point to maximize the Interpreting this impedance spectrum allows us to understand
performance of Co-impregnated M nO2 [37, 38]. the electrical and kinetic properties of the electrochemical sys-
Moreover, from the XPS for the Os region, Fig. 3(B), it is tem. The incomplete semicircle in the high-frequency region is
possible to correlate the Cs performance and the higher ratio Oα related to the solution or series resistance (Rs) and the charge
in 4.79 wt.% Co/MnOx electrode material. The oxygen vacancies transfer resistances (Rct) at the electrode–electrolyte interface.
substantially boost the reactive active sites toward the electro- Conversely, the oblique line observed in the low-frequency
lyte; this increased accessibility of reactants for the redox process region of the Nyquist graph is related to the ion diffusion pro-
and explains the improved electrical conductivity, resulting in cesses that occur in the electrode material and is also known as
intensive reaction kinetics and reversible redox reactions [26, Warburg resistance (W) [40, 41].
27]. Furthermore, the Cs values calculated for the 4.79 wt.% Co/ The analysis of the equivalent circuit of the system obtained
MnOx sample in this study present values comparable with those from the impedance spectrum revealed an Rs of 573 mΩ and an
reported for Co/Mn-based nanocomposites and other dopants, Rct of 494 mΩ toward the beginning of the study of charge and
as detailed in Table 2. discharge cycles. After carrying out 1000 cycles, the series resist-
Following, the stability of a supercapacitor is an important ance remained at 573 mΩ, while the charge transfer resistance
performance indicator. The specific capacitance of 4.79 wt.% Co/ increased to 2.538 Ω. This variation in circuit parameters reflects
TABLE 2: Performance of the 4.79 wt.% Co/MnOx battery-type electrode material in comparison with the previous works.
Co-doped on M
nOx via incipient wetness 4.79 wt.% Co/MnOx CoCl2.6H2O MnO2 bulk 1478.52 1 This work
Co-doped MnO2 microflower by hydrother- Co-doped MnO₂ KMnO4 527 1 16
© The Author(s), under exclusive licence to The Materials Research Society 2024 9
−1, for MnOx Bulk, MnOx Calcined, 1.37wt.% Co/MnOx, 4.79wt.% Co/MnOx, and
Figure 6: (A) Specific capacitances vs. number of cycles at 20 A g
10.19wt.% Co/MnOx. Tests using 2 M KOH solution as electrolyte. (B) EIS analysis for 4.79 wt.% Co/MnOx sample, before and after 500 and 1000 charge–
discharge cycles. Tests using 2.0 M KOH solution as electrolyte.
Journal of Materials Research
the evolution of the system throughout the charging and dis- an increase in Rct may be related to a lower rate of unwanted
charging life cycle. The gradual increase in charge transfer resist- reactions, resulting in a longer system life [42].
ance may indicate greater system stability over time, whereas
© The Author(s), under exclusive licence to The Materials Research Society 2024 10
Furthermore, before 1000 GCD cycles, the circuit ele- factors, such as ion adsorption at the electrode–electrolyte
ment capacitance (CPE) had a value of 7708 µF. This value interface, alterations in pore structure, or increased surface
indicates the effective capacitance of the system during the roughness.
first stages of the life cycle, reflecting the capacitive response The battery-type electrode material was also tested as an
of the electrode–electrolyte interfaces and possible adsorp- asymmetric supercapacitor (HSC) using activated carbon as
tion or absorption processes of chemical species on the anode to assess the practical application as a supercapattery.
electrode surface [43, 44]. However, after 1000 GCD cycles, The electrochemical performance was investigated using CV
a notable increase in CPE was observed, rising to 3530 µF. and GCD. In CV, variations in scanning speed were explored
This enhancement in capacitance can be attributed to various within a potential range of 0.0 to 1.6 V at scanning speeds of 5
Journal of Materials Research
Figure 7: (A) Cyclic voltammetry for activated carbon and 4.79%Co/MnOx electrodes, (B) CV curves at different scan rates for the HSC device, (C)
Discharge profiles at 1, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 15, 20, and 30 A g −1. (D) Specific capacitances vs. current densities and (E) Stability of the 4.79 wt.% Co/MnOx //
Activated carbon HSC after 1500 cycles at 25 A g −1. Tests in 2.0 M KOH solution.
© The Author(s), under exclusive licence to The Materials Research Society 2024 11
to 80 mV s−1. Conversely, in GCD, the behavior of the HSC was capacity per unit mass [48, 49]. Comparing these results with
analyzed at different current densities, ranging from 1 to 30 A Co/Mn-based materials and diverse approaches reported in
g−1, within a potential range of 0.0 to 1.6 V. Figure 7(A) displays the literature, as described in Table 3, it is possible to indicate
the CVs for the activated carbon (AC) and 4.79 wt.% Co sam- the high competitiveness and effectiveness of the Co/MnOx//
ples, with a scan rate of 5 mV s−1. Meanwhile, the CV curves for AC supercapattery. The results presented in Table 3 reinforce
AC, illustrated in Fig. 7(B), reveal a distorted rectangular shape that introducing Co into the structure of the MnOx nanorods
with subtle hints of oxidation at 1.08 V and reduction at 0.97 V promoted promising results, indicating the effectiveness of the
(at 5 mV s−1), highlighting the distinctive behavior of this type doping process via incipient wet impregnation.
of material.
Figure 7(C) illustrates the galvanostatic discharge curves of
the supercapattery, as the current density increases, there is a
decrease in the specific capacitance of the system. Figure 7(D) Conclusions
shows the specific capacitance of the material 4.79 wt.% Co/ This work highlights the potential of electrochemical energy
MnOx//AC at different current densities. This behavior is storage as a promising solution to contemporary environmental
consistent with prior observations in the GCD curves of Co/ and energy challenges. The Co-doped MnOx nanorods were
MnOx materials. The observed decline in specific capacitance successfully synthesized via incipient wet impregnation with
is attributed to the restricted access of cations to the active sites Co-doping levels of 1.37, 4.79, and 10.19 wt.%, as determined
responsible for energy storage. At elevated current densities, the by ICP-OES analysis. The discrepancy between the nominal and
inability of cations to effectively engage in the energy storage actual Co content suggests limitations in the uniform incor-
mechanism results in a diminished specific capacitance [36, poration of the cobalt precursor during the synthesis process.
44−46]. Microscopy revealed that cobalt doping induced significant
The values of specific capacitance calculated for the HSC morphological alterations in the nanorods. Structural charac-
were 452.19 F g−1 (1 A g−1), 394.38 F g−1 (2 A g−1), 353.75 F g−1 terization by XRD confirmed that low Co doping had minimal
(4 A g −1), 315 F g −1 (8 A g −1), 300 F g −1 (10 A g −1), 281.25 F g −1 impact on the MnOx crystalline structure, while higher Co con-
(15 A g−1), 268.75 F g−1 (20 A g−1), and 262.5 F g−1 (30 A g−1). tent induced lattice distortions and oxygen vacancies, influenc-
The energy and power densities, calculated using Eqs. 4 and 5, ing the electrochemical properties of the material.
respectively, were 578.80 Wh k g−1 and 2934.78 kW kg−1. The 4.79 wt.%Co/MnOx electrode exhibited a high specific
The supercapattery was subjected to 1500 consecutive gal- capacitance of 1478.52 F g−1 at 1 A g −1 and demonstrated good
vanostatic charge–discharge cycles at a current density of 25 cycling stability after 1000 cycles. The higher number of oxygen
A g−1, as illustrated in Fig. 7(E). The 4.79 wt.% Co/MnOx// vacancies in this material can be related to its enhanced electro-
AC asymmetric system retained 156% of the specific capaci- chemical performance. Moreover, a supercapattery constructed
tance at the end of 1500 GCD cycles. This result highlights using 4.79%Co/MnOx as cathode and an activated carbon elec-
the stability and longevity of the supercapacitor, suggesting trode achieved a specific capacitance of 452.19 F g−1 at 1 A g−1
an improvement in the accessibility of the active sites on the and an outstanding energy density of 579 Wh k g−1, with a power
electrode surface to the electrolyte [47]. These values provide density of 2881 W k g−1. Furthermore, the device demonstrates
a meaningful measure of the performance of the supercapat- impressive cycling stability in a wide potential window of 1.6 V
tery in terms of its energy storage capacity and energy supply with capacitance retention even after 1500 cycles. These results
© The Author(s), under exclusive licence to The Materials Research Society 2024 12
Cs = Fg−1 , (2)
Instruments GmbH, Kleve, Germany), with a Limit of detec- V × m
tion (LD) = 0.01 ppm. The sample was prepared in aqua regia where Cs is the specific capacitance, I is the current, Δt in (s) is
(HNO3+HCl, 1:3) and its heating was carried out in a digester the discharge time, ΔV is the voltage window, and m is the mass
block at 100 °C, in closed bottles. of the electrode material in mg.
© The Author(s), under exclusive licence to The Materials Research Society 2024 13
m × Cs × V
, (4) Data availability
m− Q− m × Cs × V
The data are available from the corresponding author of the
+− +−
where m and Q represent the mass/charge balance, m is article on reasonable request.
the mass (in mg), SC is specific capacitance, ΔV is the voltage
window of both the AC and the active material. Declarations
The energy density (ED) is of utmost importance for the
selection of an energy storage device, here it is calculated using Conflict of interest There are no conflicts to declare.
Eq. 5 [26]:
Supplementary Information
ED = × Cs(�V )2 , (5) The online version contains supplementary material avail-
able at https://doi.org/10.1557/s43578-024-01455-w.
where Cs is the specific capacitance (F g−1) obtained in the GCD
tests for the hybrid supercapacitor, ∆V (V) is the potential range
between the cathode and anode. References
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