December 2022
December 2022
December 2022
Reg No.:
Answer all questions. Each question carries 3 marks Marks
1 Form a partial differential equation from the relation z = (x + y)f (xz - (3)
,f vr.
2 Solve
ffi=cos(3r+4y). (3)
3 Write any three assumptions involved in the derivation of one dimensional (3)
wave equation.
4 Find the steady state temperature distribution in a rod of length 25 cm, if the (3)
ends ofthe rod are kept at Tooc and 70"c.
5 Determine whether w= cos z is analytic. (3)
6 Check whether the function xy2 is the real part of an analytic function. (3)
.t Using Cauchy's integral formula, Evaluate I, "#
-u z-_L d.z whereC is the (3)
circle of unit radius with centre at z : I.
o Find the Laurent series of z" e-t z abovt z= O and determine the region of
* convergence. f'r
l0 Find the zeros and their order of the function stnz Q) .
Answer any onefull questionfromeach module. Each question carries 14 marks
Module I
I I (a) find the differential equation of all planes which are ata constant distance (7)
'c' from the origin.
(b) Solve - xyct = x(z - 2y) (7)
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Module 2
13 (a) A tightly stretched string of length one cm is fastened at both ends. Find the (7)
5 sin 3nx .
(b) A rod of 30 cm long has its ends A and B kept at 30"c and 90"c (7)
respectively until steady state temperature prevails. The temperature at each
end is then suddenly reduced to zero temperature and kept so. Find the
resulting temperature function u(x,y), taking x = 0 at A.
14 (a) A tightly stretched homogeneous string of unit length with its fixed ends at (7)
by u(x,O) = {
( t, o.r<1' . Find
and the initial deflection is given 7
[-1, =< x11
the deflection u(x,t) at any time t.
(b) Derive one dimensional heat equation Q)
odule 3
15 (a) Find the image of the semi circle y : tl& under the transformation Q)
t (u) Show that Lt = )c2 - y2 -y is harmonic. Also find the corresponding Q)
harmonic conjugate function.
16 (a) (7)
Findtheimageofthe circlelz-11 = 1 underthemappin g w -:.z
(b) If f (z) = u(x,y) + iv(x,y) "is;analytic and uu = 2023, then show'that (7)
f(z) is a constant
Module 4
17 (a) Using cauchy's integral formula, Evaluate the integral t, T d.z , where Q)
C - il = 2 counter clockwise.
is a circle lz
(b) Evaluate I, {t' + 3z) dz along the circle lzl = Z from (2,0) to (0,2) in (7)
counter-clockwise direction.
using cauchyls
18 (a) irs€gTl {ormula, Evatuate f, # d"z wbq+c is dre
circte lzl - Z.
(b) Expand f (z) - 'j3 as a Taylor
series about z= -f (7)
Module 5
Find the Laure,nt scries expansion of f (z) =
lg (a) # about z = L in the
regions Q'
(i) 0 <lz-Ll<z (ii) lz-Il>2
(b) ru"e $"fruae.
i.l''l @
i. f 3oz2-z3z+S
20 (a) 'using Cauchy's nesie *ka&.nlr1ry_d..1g JcMdzfiwEc
is the circle lzl = teounter-clockwise.
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