The occurrence data presented is strictly for information purposes only. It is obtained from Agency databases
comprised of data from ICAO, EASA Member States, Eurocontrol and the aviation industry. It reflects knowledge
that was current at the time that the report was generated. Whilst every care has been taken in preparing the
content of the report to avoid errors, the Agency makes no warranty as to the accuracy, completeness or curren-
cy of the content. The Agency shall not be liable for any kind of damages or other claims or demands incurred as
a result of incorrect, insufficient or invalid data, or arising out of or in connection with the use, copying or dis-
play of the content, to the extent permitted by European and national laws. The information contained in the
report should not be construed as legal advice. Acknowledgements The authors wish to acknowledge the con-
tribution made by the Member States to thank them for their support in the conduct of this work and in the
preparation of this report.
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However, a regulator never rests on its laurels to ensure that this trend continues as the aviation system develops
to face new challenges such as drones and cyber security risks. Indeed, by the end of January this year, the histor-
ically low figures for global airline safety for the whole of 2017 had already been exceeded. In the EASA Member
States in 2017, there were fatalities in all non-commercial and specialised operation domains, as well as a fatal
accident involving a medical flight that crashed in Italy with the loss of all 6 people on board.
Such accidents demonstrate the need to continuously drive safety improvements across the board, to share les-
sons learned. This is achieved through the safety actions that are identified in the European Plan for Aviation
Safety (EPAS). In partnership with our Member States we are developing a better view of safety and defining
a collective response. Additionally, EASA coordinates beyond Europe at a global level in order to help protect our
citizens when they travel beyond our borders.
The Annual Safety Review will continue to evolve and with the launch of the Data4Safety, big-data programme,
EASA is significantly enhancing the ability of the European Aviation System to be aware of potential safety risks.
With this, we can react more quickly and help people to travel in the safest conditions.
Patrick Ky
Executive Director
Introduction 9
How the Safety Review is Produced...................................................................................................9
Chapter Overview..............................................................................................................................11
Typical Structure for Each Chapter....................................................................................................12
The Connection with the European Plan for Aviation Safety.........................................................12
Safety Overview 15
1.1 Global Airline Fatal Accidents....................................................................................................16
1.2 EASA Member States Cross Domain Safety Overview..............................................................17
Aeroplanes 20
2.1 Commercial Air Transport - Airlines...........................................................................................21
2.1.1 Key Statistics.......................................................................................................................................21 Phase of flight.......................................................................................................................24 Operation type......................................................................................................................25 Propulsion type.....................................................................................................................25
2.2 Non-Commercial Complex – Business...................................................................................... 26
2.2.1 Key Statistics.......................................................................................................................................26 Phase of flight.......................................................................................................................28 Propulsion type.....................................................................................................................28
2.3 Safety Risk Portfolio for Large Aeroplane (CAT-Airlines and NCC-Business)........................... 29
2.4 Specialised Operations...............................................................................................................35
2.4.1 Key Statistics.......................................................................................................................................35 Phase of flight.......................................................................................................................37 Operation Type.....................................................................................................................37
2.4.2 Safety Risk Portfolio...........................................................................................................................38
2.5 Non-Commercial Operations.................................................................................................... 40
2.5.1 Key Statistics...................................................................................................................................... 40 Phase of flight.......................................................................................................................42 Operation Type.....................................................................................................................42
2.5.2 Safety Risk Portfolio...........................................................................................................................43 Categories and ERCS scores 2016-2017...............................................................................43 Identified Safety Issues and ERCS scores.............................................................................43 The Portfolio........................................................................................................................ 44
2.5.4 Safety Issue Assessments..................................................................................................................46
Rotorcraft 47
3.1 Offshore Commercial Air Transport Rotorcraft........................................................................ 48
3.1.1 Key Statistics...................................................................................................................................... 48
3.1.2 Safety Risk Portfolio...........................................................................................................................50
3.2 Other Commercial Air Transport Helicopters........................................................................... 54
3.2.1 Key Statistics...................................................................................................................................... 54 Phase of flight.......................................................................................................................55 Operation type......................................................................................................................56 Rotorcraft Type/ Propulsion Type.........................................................................................57
3.2.2 Safety Risk Portfolio...........................................................................................................................57
3.3 Specialised Operations...............................................................................................................61
3.3.1 Key Statistics.......................................................................................................................................61 Phase of flight.......................................................................................................................62 Operation Type.....................................................................................................................63
Annual Safety Review 2018 PAGE 4
List of Tables
Table 1. Cross Domain Comparison of EASA MS Aircraft Fatal Accidents and Fatalities, 2007-2017��������������������� 17
Table 2. Cross Domain Comparison of EASA MS Infrastructure Fatal Accidents and Fatalities, 2007-2017����������� 18
Table 3. Key Statistics for Commercial Air Transport Airlines, 2007-2017���������������������������������������������������������������� 21
Table 4. Key Statistics for Non-commercial Complex Business Operations, 2007- 2017���������������������������������������� 26
Table 5. Key Statistics for Aeroplane Specialised Operations, 2007-2017��������������������������������������������������������������� 35
Table 6. Key statistics for non-commercially operated aeroplanes 2007-2017������������������������������������������������������� 40
Table 7. Key Statistics for Offshore Commercial Air Transport Helicopters, 2007-2017������������������������������������������ 48
Table 8. Key Statistics for Other Commercial Air Transport Helicopters, 2007-2017����������������������������������������������� 54
Table 9. Key Statistics for Specialised Operations Rotorcraft, 2007-2017���������������������������������������������������������������� 61
Table 10. Key Statistics for Non-commercial Rotorcraft, 2007-2017������������������������������������������������������������������������ 66
Table 11. Key statistics for balloons, 2007-2017�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 74
Table 12. Key statistics for sailplanes, 2007-2017.����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 79
Table 13. Key statistics for aerodromes and ground handling, 2007-2017�������������������������������������������������������������� 88
Table 14 Operational aerodromes and ground handling safety issues and problem statements������������������������� 96
Table 15 H uman performance-related aerodromes and ground handling safety issues and
problem statements������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 98
Table 16 Organisational aerodromes and ground handling safety issues and problem statements��������������������� 98
Table 17 Key statistics for ATM/ANS, 2007-2017������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 100
Annual Safety Review 2018 PAGE 6
List of Figures
Figure 1. Number of Fatal Accidents and Fatalities Involving Large Aeroplane Passenger and
Cargo Operations, EASA MS and Rest of the World, 2007-2017�������������������������������������������������������������� 16
Figure 2. N umber of Fatalities Involving Large Aeroplane Passenger and Cargo Operations Worldwide,
1970-2017���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 16
Figure 3. N umber of Fatal Accidents, Non-fatal Accidents and Serious Incidents by Domain, 2013-2017������������ 19
Figure 4. Number of fatal accidents, non-fatal accidents and serious incidents for commercial air
transport airlines, 2007 - 2017�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 22
Figure 5. N umber and rate of fatal accidents, non-fatal accidents and serious incidents for commercial air
transport airlines, 2013 - 2017�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 22
Figure 6. N umber of accidents and serious incidents by higher and lower ERCS score for commercial air
transport airline operations, 2013 - 2017�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 23
Figure 7. Number of fatalities and serious injuries involving commercial air transport airlines, 2007 - 2017������ 23
Figure 8. Distribution of accidents and serious incidents by flight phase for commercial air transport
airlines, 2007 - 2017������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 24
Figure 9. D istribution of accidents and serious incidents by operation type for commercial air transport
airlines, 2007 - 2017������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 25
Figure 10. Distribution of accidents and serious incidents by propulsion type of the aeroplane(s) involved
for commercial air transport airlines, 2007 - 2017���������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 25
Figure 11. N umber of fatal accidents, non-fatal accidents and serious incidents for non-commercial
complex business, 2007 - 2017����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 26
Figure 12. Number of accidents and serious incidents by higher and lower ERCS score for non-commercial
complex business, 2013 - 2017����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 27
Figure 13. Number of fatalities and serious injuries involving non-commercial complex business,
2007 - 2017������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 27
Figure 14. D istribution of accidents and serious incidents by flight phase for non-commercial complex
business, 2007 - 2017�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 28
Figure 15. Distribution of accidents and serious incidents by propulsion type for non-commercial complex
business, 2007 - 2017�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 28
Figure 16. Distribution of key risk areas by frequency and aggregated ERCS risk score for commercial air
transport airlines and non-commercial complex business, 2013-2017�������������������������������������������������� 29
Figure 17. Distribution of key risk areas by fatalities, number of higher risk occurrences and ERCS risk score
for commercial air transport airlines and non-commercial complex business, 2013-2017������������������ 30
Figure 18. Safety Risk Portfolio for CAT Airline and NCC Business aeroplane operations showing how
the 5-year occurrence data 2013-2017 relates to safety issues and their outcomes relative to risk
in descending order.���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 32
Figure 19. N umber of fatal accidents, non-fatal accidents and serious incidents for aeroplane specialised
operations, 2007 - 2017���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 35
Figure 20. A eroplane Specialised Operations Fatalities and Serious Injuries, 2007-2017�������������������������������������� 36
Figure 21. Aeroplane Specialised Operations Accidents and Serious Incidents by Phase of Flight, 2007-2017��� 37
Figure 22. Aeroplane Specialised Operations Accidents and Serious Incidents by Type of Operation,
2007-2017��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 37
Figure 23. D istribution of key risk areas by frequency and aggregated ERCS risk score for aeroplane
specialised operations, 2015-2017����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 38
Figure 24. Safety Risk Portfolio for SPO Aeroplane operations showing how the 3 year occurrence data
2015-2017 relates to safety issues and their outcomes relative to risk in descending order��������������� 39
Figure 25. Number of fatal accidents, non-fatal accidents and serious incidents for aeroplane
non-commercial operations, 2007 - 2017������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 40
Figure 26. A ccident rates per year in NCO per 1 000 000 movements�������������������������������������������������������������������� 41
Figure 27. Number of fatalities and serious injuries for aeroplane non-commercial operations, 2007-2017������� 41
Figure 28. NCO accidents per phase of flight 2007-2017������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 42
Figure 29. Main operation types in GA Aeroplane NCO.������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 42
Figure 30. D istribution of key risk areas by frequency and aggregated ERCS risk score for aeroplane non-
commercial operations, 2015-2017���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 43
Figure 31. GA FW NCO Accidents. Safety issues in relation to high and low risk occurrences.�����������������������������44
Figure 32. Safety Risk Portfolio for General Aviation fixed-wing aeroplane non-commercial operations
showing how the 3 year occurrence data 2015-2017 relates to safety issues and their outcomes
relative to risk in descending order��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 45
Figure 33. O ffshore Commercial Air Transport Helicopters Fatal Accidents, Non-fatal Accidents and Serious
Incidents, 2007-2017��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 49
Figure 34. Number of fatalities and serious injuries in offshore commercial air transport, 2007-2017���������������� 49
Figure 35. Offshore Commercial Air Transport Rotorcraft Accidents and Serious Incidents by phase of flight,
2007-2017��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 50
Figure 36. Offshore commercial air transport rotorcraft Key Risk Areas plotted in relation to the
European Risk Classification Score (ERCS) methodology������������������������������������������������������������������������ 50
Figure 37. Offshore commercial air transport rotorcraft safety issues.������������������������������������������������������������������� 51
Figure 38. Safety Risk Portfolio for Off-shore Helicopter operations showing how the 5 year occurrence
data 2013-2017 relates to safety issues and their outcomes relative to risk in descending order������� 52
Figure 39. Other Commercial Air Transport Helicopters Fatal Accidents, Non-fatal Accidents and Serious
Incidents, 2007-2017��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 54
Figure 40. N umber of fatalities and serious injuries for rotorcraft other commercial air transport, 2007-2017�� 55
Figure 41. Other Commercial Air Transport Helicopters Accidents and Serious Incidents by phase of flight,
2017 and 2007-2016���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 55
Figure 42. O ther Commercial Air Transport Helicopters Accidents and Serious Incidents by type of
operation, 2017 and 2007-2016���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 56
Figure 43. Other Commercial Air Transport Helicopters type of operation and aggregated ERCS risk score,
2007-2017��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 56
Figure 44. Other Commercial Air Transport Helicopters Accidents and Serious Incidents by Propulsion type,
2017 and 2007-2016���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 57
Figure 45. Other Commercial Air Transport Helicopters Key Risk Areas������������������������������������������������������������������ 58
Figure 46. O ther Commercial Air Transport Rotorcraft safety issues, by higher and lower ERCS risk score,
2013-2017.�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 58
Figure 47. S afety Risk Portfolio for Other CAT Helicopter operations showing how the 5 year occurrence
data 2013-2017 relates to safety issues and their outcomes relative to risk in descending order������� 59
Figure 48. Number of fatal accidents, non-fatal accidents and serious incidents for rotorcraft specialised
operations, 2007-2017������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 61
Figure 49. Number of fatalities and serious injuries for rotorcraft specialised operations, 2007-2017���������������� 62
Figure 50. Rotorcraft Specialised Operations Accidents and Serious Incidents by Phase of Flight, 2007-2017���� 62
Figure 51. Rotorcraft Specialised Operations Accidents and Serious Incidents by Type of Operation,
2007-2017��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 63
Figure 52. Distribution of key risk areas by frequency and aggregated ERCS risk score for rotorcraft
specialised operations, 2015-2017����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 64
Figure 53. S afety Risk Portfolio for SPO Helicopter operations showing how the 3 year occurrence data
2015-2017 relates to safety issues and their outcomes relative to risk in descending order��������������� 65
Figure 54. Non-commercially operated rotorcraft Accidents and Serious Incidents, 2007 - 2017������������������������ 66
Figure 55. Number of fatalities and serious injuries in non-commercially operated rotorcraft, 2007 - 2017������� 67
Figure 56. Distribution of accidents and serious incidents by rotorcraft propulsion type,
2007-2016 and 2017.���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 67
Figure 57. Distribution of accidents and serious incidents by phase of flight for non-commercially operated
rotorcraft, 2007-2016 and 2017����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 68
Figure 58.Distribution of accidents and serious incidents by operation type for non-commercially operated
rotorcraft, 2007-2016 and 2017����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 68
Figure 59. Non-commercially operated rotorcraft aggregated ERCS risk score by type of operation,
2013-2017.�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 69
Figure 60. N on-commercially operated rotorcraft Key Risk Areas plotted in relation to the European Risk
Classification Score (ERCS) methodology, 2013-2017������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 70
Figure 61. Non-commercially operated rotorcraft safety issues by high and low risk scores, 2013-2017������������� 70
Figure 62. S afety Risk Portfolio for NCO Helicopter operations showing how the 5 year occurrence data
2013-2017 relates to safety issues and their outcomes relative to risk in descending order��������������� 71
Figure 63. Balloon fatal and Non-fatal accidents from 2007-2017��������������������������������������������������������������������������� 74
Figure 64. Fatalities and serious injuries 2007-2017������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 75
Figure 65. Distribution of balloon accidents between flight phases����������������������������������������������������������������������� 75
Figure 66. Balloon accidents and serious incident key risk areas by aggregated ERCS score.������������������������������� 76
Figure 67. S afety Risk Portfolio for Balloon operations showing how the 5 year occurrence data 2013-2017
relates to safety issues and their outcomes relative to risk in descending order���������������������������������� 77
Figure 68. Sailplane fatal and non-fatal accidents 2007-2017���������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 80
Figure 69. Estimated accident rates for Sailplane operations 2014-2017���������������������������������������������������������������� 80
Annual Safety Review 2018 PAGE 8
EASA would like to welcome you to the 2018 version of the EASA Annual Safety Review. The review has been
published since 2005 and is now in its 13th year. The analysis presented in this review together with the domain-
specific safety risk portfolios provide the data-driven input that supports the decision-making in formulating the
European Plan for Aviation Safety (EPAS).
This edition provides safety risk portfolios in 11 of the aviation domains analysed and builds on the work of pre-
vious years. As with the previous edition, the ongoing European Safety Risk Management Process, in particular
the valuable input from the Network of Analysts (NoA) and Collaborative Analysis Groups (CAGs), means that
the analysis in this year’s review provides not just a statistical summary of aviation safety in the EASA Member
States (MS) but also identifies the most important safety challenges faced in European aviation today. This analy-
sis drives the development of safety actions for the EPAS and harnesses the experience of both the EASA Member
States (EASA MS) and industry to connect the data with the current and future priorities of the Agency.
Information Sources
The EASA Annual Safety Review is produced by the Safety Intelligence and Performance Department (SM1) of
EASA. The analysis in the review comes from two specific data sources:
• EASA’s Occurrence Database. The main source of data is the Agency’s own database, being accidents and
serious incidents reported to the Agency by Safety Investigation Authorities (SIAs) world-wide, which is
augmented by information collected by the Agency from other sources. In all domains, the data and its
quality is also checked with the EASA MS through the NoA. EASA is grateful for the support of the safety
analysis teams in each EASA MS in developing the Review.
• European Central Repository. The European Central Repository (ECR) is the central database of all occurrenc-
es reported to the competent authorities of the EASA MS, the reporting of which is governed by Reg. (EU)
376/2014 on the reporting, analysis and follow-up of occurrences in civil aviation. This is the primary source
of information that is used to cross-check the accidents and serious incidents in EASA’s own database.
The safety risk portfolios are developed through an iterative process, starting with the data available in EASA’s
occurrence database and in the European Central Repository. This provides the portfolios with a starting list of
the safety issues affecting aviation and an indication of the key risk areas that each safety issue relates to. In ad-
dition to understanding what the safety issues are, they are risk assessed using the European Risk Classification
Scheme (ERCS), as it is soon to be required under Regulation (EU) 376/2014. EASA has begun applying the ERCS
to historical occurrences assessed in this Review and are pleased to provide this additional element in the analy-
sis results. Each occurrence receives an ERCS risk classification and the overall risk level of the safety issue is then
calculated. This is then used to define the risk level of the key risk area.
Regulation (EU) 376/2014 on the reporting, analysis and follow-up of occurrences in civil aviation intro-
duced the requirement for common occurrence risk classification at national level. The ERCS provides
a clear understanding of the true risk of an occurrence leading to a fatal accident. The ERCS methodology
measures the risk through a matrix covering 2 dimensions. The vertical axis considers what the severity
would have been if the occurrence being scored had escalated into a fatal accident. This is done by con-
sidering both the size of the aircraft involved and how severe the accident outcome could have been.
Annual Safety Review 2018 PAGE 10
Secondly, the horizontal axis measures how close the occurrence was to that fatal accident outcome based
on a weighted barrier model. Therefore the ERCS gives a much better representation of risk that the nor-
mal classifiers of accident, serious incident and incident as it provides a proper estimation of the likely risk.
Using this data input, the draft portfolios are then discussed within the collaborative analysis groups. This en-
sures that the safety issues have been correctly defined and assessed and to add any safety issues that may not
yet be present in the data, such as emerging issues.
The CAGs are expert groups, responsible for analysing the safety of European aviation. Each CAG works
on a domain and its membership is derived from key stakeholders in the domain. These stakeholders may
come from industry or from EASA’s regulatory partners. Each CAG meets up to three times per year to re-
view available safety information, arrange in depth safety issue analyses and to identify emerging issues.
They monitor the safety performance of their domain and provide feedback on the effectiveness of ac-
tions taken.
Chapter Overview
This document is split into a number of chapters, each of which covers the different operational domains in the
European Aviation System. The different domains in each chapter cover the areas for which a specific safety risk
portfolio has been developed. The scope of each domain chapter (and corresponding safety risk portfolio) is lim-
ited to the EASA MS, either as the state of operator or the state of registry. For the Aerodrome and ATM chapters,
this scope is limited to the EASA MS as state of occurrence. The chapters of this review cover the following areas:
Review of Global Airline Safety: this provides a review of global safety for large commercial air trans-
port aeroplanes.
Cross-domain Safety Overview for EASA MS: This provides an overview of the most important statis-
tics across all the different domains. It helps to identify which domains are likely to need the greatest
focus in the EPAS.
Chapter 2 Aeroplanes
Chapters 2.1-2.3 – Commercial Air Transport: This covers all commercial air transport airline (passen-
ger and cargo operators) operations involving aeroplanes, as well as Non-commercially operated
complex aircraft flown for business operations. The airline and business operations have the same
safety risk portfolio due to the strong commonalities in their safety issues and key risk areas.
Chapter 2.4 – Specialised Operations: This covers all aerial work/ Part SPO operations involving aero-
planes and involves a wide range of different operational activities including aerial advertising, aerial
patrol, agricultural, air shows, parachuting and towing (with glider operations).
Chapter 2.5 – Non-commercial Operations: The chapter covers all non-commercial operations involv-
ing aeroplanes and includes analysis of what would be understood within the traditional definition
of general aviation. The chapter also includes flight training and other non-commercial activities.
Chapter 3 Rotorcraft
Chapter 3.1 – Offshore Commercial Air Transport: This covers operations in the offshore helicopter
domain and includes some initial input on offshore renewable operations in addition to the oil and
gas industry.
Chapter 3.2 – Other Commercial Air Transport: This covers all other commercial air transport opera-
tions involving helicopters such as passenger flights, air taxi and HEMS.
Chapter 3.3 – Specialised Operations: This covers all aerial work/ Part SPO operations involving helicop-
ters and includes an even wider range of different operational activities than the equivalent aeroplanes
chapter, adding Construction/ Sling Load operations and Logging to the categories already mentioned.
Chapter 3.4 – Non-commercial Operations: The chapter covers all non-commercial operations involv-
ing helicopters and includes analysis of what would be understood within the traditional definition
of general aviation. The chapter also includes flight training and other non-commercial activities.
Chapter 4 Balloons: This chapter covers all operations involving hot air balloons.
Chapter 5 Gliders/ Sailplanes: This chapter covers all operations involving gliders and sailplanes.
Chapter 6 Aerodromes and Ground Handling: This chapter covers aerodrome operations that occur within the
EASA MS. Therefore the scope for this chapter is EASA MS as state of occurrence. For the first time
a safety risk portfolio is provided for this domain.
Chapter 7 ATM/ANS: This chapter is EASA MS as state of occurrence and covers ATM/ANS operations. An initial
safety risk portfolio has also been provided for this domain for the first time.
Annual Safety Review 2018 PAGE 12
Key Statistics: Every chapter starts with a set of key statistics. This provides information on the Tier 1 SPIs for that
domain, which includes details of the number of fatal accidents, non-fatal accidents and serious incidents. It also
outlines the number of fatalities and serious injuries in the domain. In all cases, the figures for 2017 are provid-
ed followed by comparison with the annual averages over the past 10 years. This helps to provide a reference on
how this year’s performance relates to historical trends. This information is also provided in a graphical format.
Domain Specific Analysis: As every domain has different facets to it, a further analysis of useful domain specific
information is included. For example, within the areas of special operations it is useful to provide information on
the type of operation involved in safety events, while some chapters include an analysis of the type of propulsion.
Safety Risk Analysis: The next part of the analysis, and the most important in each chapter, is the domain safety
risk analysis. This section provides an overview of the relative risk level of each key risk areas, as well as outlin-
ing the high risk safety issues for the domain. The full safety risk portfolio is then provided. These safety risk
portfolios show a snapshot in their development, taken at the point where occurrence data and CAG inputs have
identified the safety issues, but without further consideration of the potential mitigating effects of forthcoming
safety actions or the worsening effects of other circumstances.
The safety risk portfolio tables have 2 axes. Along the top, information is provided on the key risk areas, which
are the most frequent accident outcomes or potential accident outcomes in that domain. In the context of the
safety performance framework, the key risk areas are the Tier 2 safety performance indicators (SPIs) for the do-
main. The key risk areas are, in most cases, ordered on the basis of their risk levels, determined using the ERCS.
On the left hand axis of the portfolio are the safety issues, which relate to the causal and contributory factors to
the key risk areas (accident outcomes). In terms of safety performance, these are the Tier 2+ SPIs. These are prior-
itised on the basis of their high, medium or low risk using ERCS. The occurrences related to the individual safety
issues and are identified by mapping event types in the ECCAIRS taxonomy to each safety issue.
The European Plan for Aviation Safety (EPAS) is a coordinated safety action plan that is prepared by EASA each
year with the support and technical inputs from EASA Member States and aviation stakeholders. It seeks to
further improve aviation safety throughout Europe. The Plan looks at aviation safety in a systemic manner by
analysing data on accidents and incidents. It considers not only the direct reasons, but also the underlying or hid-
den causes behind an accident or incident. Moreover, the Plan takes a longer term view into the future. Although
the Plan is originated from EASA MS, it intends to be a valid reference for all States in ICAO EUR Region.
The EPAS is a key component of the Safety Management System at the European level, and it is constantly be-
ing reviewed and improved. As an integral part of EASA’s work programme, the Plan is developed by EASA in
consultation with the EASA Member States and industry. It is implemented by the EASA Member States on a vol-
untary basis through their State Programmes and Plans. The current EPAS edition covers the 5-year period from
2018 to 2022.
The EPAS is developed through the European safety risk management (SRM) process, which is defined in 5 clear
and specific steps as shown below:
5. Safety
Performance 1. Identification
Measurement of Safety Issues
4. Implementation 2. Assessment of
and Follow-up Safety Issues
3. Definition and
Programming of
Safety Actions
Identification of Safety Issues: The identification of safety issues is the first step in the SRM process and it is per-
formed through analysis of occurrence data and supporting information from the Collaborative Analysis Groups.
These candidate safety issues are formally captured by the Agency and are then subject to a preliminary safety
assessment. This assessment then informs the decision on whether a candidate safety issue should be included
formally within the relevant safety risk portfolio or be subject to other actions. Advice is taken from the Network
of Analysts1 and CAGs. The output of this step in the process are the domain safety risk portfolios. Within the
portfolios, both the key risk areas and safety issues are prioritised.
Assessment of Safety Issues: Once a safety issue is identified and captured within the safety risk portfolio, it is
subject to a formal safety assessment. These assessments are prioritised within the portfolio. The assessment
process is led by EASA and is supported by the NoA and the CAGs. In addition, group members are encouraged
to participate in the assessment itself; this external support is vital to achieving the best possible results. The re-
sult of the assessment is the production of scenario based bow tie models that help to identify weak controls for
which potential actions can be identified. Together this forms the Safety Issue Assessment (SIA), which provides
potential actions for the EPAS. This is followed by the Preliminary Impact Assessment (PIA), which assesses the
wider implications and benefits of the proposed actions and makes recommendations on the actions to be im-
plemented in the EPAS.
Definition and Programming of Safety Actions: Using the combined SIA/PIA, formal EPAS actions proposals are
then made to the advisory bodies. Once discussed and agreed upon, the actions are then included in the next
version of the EPAS. Prior to publication, the EPAS is approved by the EASA Management Board.
Implementation and Follow Up: The next step in the process involves the implementation and follow-up of the
actions that have been included within the EPAS. There are a number of different types of action within the EPAS.
These include focussed oversight, research, rulemaking and safety promotion.
Safety Performance Measurement: The final stage in the process is then the measurement of safety perfor-
mance. This serves two purposes, firstly to monitor the changes that have resulted from the implementation of
safety actions. Secondly, it also serves to monitor the aviation system so that new safety issues can be identified.
To ensure that there is a systematic approach to the work in this step of the SRM process, a Safety Perfor-
mance Framework has been developed that identifies different tiers of Safety Performance Indicators (SPIs). Tier 1
1 See Article 14(2) of REGULATION (EU) No 376/2014 OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL of 3 April 2014 on the
reporting, analysis and follow-up of occurrences in civil aviation
Annual Safety Review 2018 PAGE 14
transversally monitors all the domains and the overview of the performance in each domain. Tier 2 then covers
the key risk areas at domain level, whilst Tier 2+ monitors the safety issues. The Annual Safety Review is the an-
nual review of the Safety Performance Framework. It identifies safety trends, highlights priority domains, key risk
areas and safety issues. From this step the SRM process begins again.
Annual Safety Review 2018 PAGE 16
Safety Overview
´´ Figure 1. Number of Fatal Accidents and Fatalities Involving Large Aeroplane Passenger
and Cargo Operations, EASA MS and Rest of the World, 2007-2017
35 1200
Number of Fatal Accidents
Number of Fatalities
0 0
2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017
EASA Member States' Operators Rest of the World EASA Member States' Operators Rest of the World
´´ Figure 2. Number of Fatalities Involving Large Aeroplane Passenger and Cargo Operations
Worldwide, 1970-2017
2.365 fatalities in 1972
67 fatalities in 2017
Number of Fatalities
1970 1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015
One of the reasons that 2017 had a particularly low number of fatalities in comparison with previous years is
that the highest number of fatalities in a single accident was 39 and the median number of fatalities was 4 per
accident. In comparison, over the previous ten years (2007-2016), the highest number of fatalities in a single ac-
cident was 298 and the median was 8.
Both the mean average and the median number of fatalities are shown for the period 2007-2016. This is because
for some aircraft domains the median provides a better representation of the number of accidents per year. This
is typically related to the number of passengers on board aircraft involved in fatal accidents. Gliders usually only
have one person on board and the number of fatal accidents and both the mean and median number of fatalities
are very similar. By contrast, commercial air transport (CAT) airline accidents may involve one or several hundred
fatalities, therefore the annual number of fatalities varies and the mean and median figures are quite different.
It can be seen in Table 1 that the highest number of fatal accidents and fatalities in 2017 occurred in the NCO
aeroplane domain. This domain also has the highest mean number of fatal accidents and the highest mean and
median number of fatalities over the preceding 10 years. By contrast, there were no fatal accidents in CAT-air-
lines, NCC-business, and Offshore CAT rotorcraft in 2017. Of these domains, over the preceding 10 years the
lowest mean number of fatal accidents per year was in CAT-airlines. NCC-business had the lowest number of fa-
talities over the decade, followed by Offshore CAT helicopters.
Table 1. Cross Domain Comparison of EASA MS Aircraft Fatal Accidents and Fatalities, 2007-2017
Aircraft Domain Fatal Accidents Fatal Accidents Fatalities 2017 Fatalities Annual Fatalities Annual
2017 2007-2016 Mean 2007-2016 Mean 2007-2016
34 50.1 62 92.2 91
3 5.6 7 13.2 12.5
Annual Safety Review 2018 PAGE 18
Safety Overview
Aircraft Domain Fatal Accidents Fatal Accidents Fatalities 2017 Fatalities Annual Fatalities Annual
2017 2007-2016 Mean 2007-2016 Mean 2007-2016
A separate table has been used for aerodromes and ground handling and ATM/ANS, reflecting the fact that the
definition here is different: it includes all fatal accidents and fatalities that happened at aerodromes or in air-
space in an EASA member state. Therefore the infrastructure table not only counts fatal accidents and fatalities
that are already in the table for the aircraft chapters, but also some that involve operators or aircraft registered
outside of a member state.
Table 2. Cross Domain Comparison of EASA MS Infrastructure Fatal Accidents and Fatalities,
Infrastructure Fatal Accidents Fatal Accidents Fatalities 2017 Fatalities Annual Fatalities Annual
2017 2007-2016 Mean 2007-2016 Mean 2007-2016
The graphs below show the number of fatal accidents, non-fatal accidents and serious incidents for each aircraft
domain, providing a visual comparison.
´´ Figure 3. Number of Fatal Accidents, Non-fatal Accidents and Serious Incidents by Domain,
Number of accidents
35 400
25 300
15 200
10 100
0 0
2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017
Offshore Commercial Air Transport Rotorcraft Other Commercial Air Transport Rotorcraft
4 12
and serious incidents
Number of accidents
and Serious Incidents
Number of Accidents
2 6
0 0
2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017
Number of Accidents
16 70
14 60
12 50
8 40
6 30
4 20
2 10
0 0
2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017
Balloons Sailplanes
35 250
and serious incidents
Number of accidents
Number of Accidents
20 150
15 100
0 0
2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017
Aerodromes and Ground Handling Air Traffic Management and Air Navigation Services
90 50
80 45
and Serious Incidents
Number of Accidents
and serious incidents
Number of accidents
60 35
50 30
40 20
30 15
20 10
10 5
0 0
2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017
This chapter covers all aeroplane operations. The chapter is divided in four main sections:
1. EASA MS Air Operators (EASA MS AOC Holders) of airline passenger/cargo with aeroplanes having a max-
imum take-off weight above 5700 kg
2. EASA MS registered complex aeroplanes operating non-commercial operations (NCC) not classified as spe
cial operations (SPO) and with a maximum take-off weight above 5700 kg
3. EASA MS registered aeroplanes or EASA MS AOC Holder performing special operations (SPO) such as air
ambulance, advertisement, photography, etc.
For each section, the key statistics are presented. For sections 1 and 2, a common safety risk portfolio has been de-
veloped since, despite of the different type of operations, they both have a large amount of commonalities in terms
of risk areas and safety issues. Sections 3 and 4 contains an individual safety risk portfolio covering each domain.
2017 0 15 99
2017 0 10
During 2017, there were no fatal accidents involving European CAT AOC Holders and the number of non-fatal
accidents was lower than the average of the previous 10-year period. In 2017, there was an increase in serious
incidents in comparison with the average of the previous 10-year period.
Annual Safety Review 2018 PAGE 22
´´ Figure 4. Number of fatal accidents, non-fatal accidents and serious incidents for
commercial air transport airlines, 2007 - 2017
Number of Accidents or Serious Incidents
2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017
Non-Fatal Accident 23 22 16 19 27 34 26 29 23 15 15
Fatal Accident 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 2 1 1 0
The rate of accidents has continued to decrease since 2014, although the number of serious incidents remains
higher than usual following a peak in 2016. This peak is the result of the more stringent classification of separa-
tion minima infringements by the Members States Aviation and Safety Investigation Authorities, after the entry
into force of the Regulation (EU) 376/2014.
´´ Figure 5. Number and rate of fatal accidents, non-fatal accidents and serious incidents for
commercial air transport airlines, 2013 - 2017
CAT Aeroplane Airline
160 16
Number of Accidents or Serious Incidents
140 14
Number of Accidents or Serious
Incidents per Million Flights
120 12
100 10
80 8
60 6
40 4
20 2
0 0
2013 2014 2015 2016 2017
Serious Incident 75 66 60 109 99
Non-Fatal Accident 26 29 23 15 15
Fatal Accident 0 2 1 1 0
Rate per million flights 14 13 11 15 13
The use of the classification of accidents and serious incidents does not necessarily provide an accurate picture
of the risk of those events. As example, a very close near-miss would be classified as a serious incident, while a
collision between ground handling vehicle and an aircraft leading to substantial damages of the later would be
classified as an accident. It is clear that in terms of risk, the serious incident in this example would be higher than
the accident. This is the reason why the Regulation (EU) 376/2014 mandates the development and use of a com
mon risk classification scheme (ERCS) to risk classify all occurrences reported to the European Authorities. The
main purpose of this risk score is to be able to discriminate between the occurrences with a high and lower as
sociated risk. EASA, together with an expert group composed by relevant European Risk Experts, has developed
the ERCS methodology that will be published by the European Commission in 2018.
Figure 6 shows the intended evolution of the key statistics from the accidents and serious incidents data sup
porting this section toward higher risk and lower risk occurrences. As it can be seen, the data shows a different
pattern than the representation of accidents and serious incidents. This is because of the high risk of the occur
rences classified as serious incidents that, in many cases equals or even exceeds the risk of certain accidents.
´´ Figure 6. Number of accidents and serious incidents by higher and lower ERCS score for
commercial air transport airline operations, 2013 - 2017
Number of Occurrences
2013 2014 2015 2016 2017
Lower Risk 8 5 13 37 11
As can be seen in Figure 7, the number of fatalities per year changes substantially, being dependent on the size
and occupancy of the aeroplane that involved in the accident.
´´ Figure 7. Number of fatalities and serious injuries involving commercial air transport
airlines, 2007 - 2017
Number of Injuries
2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017
Total Serious Injuries 2 25 4 6 11 18 8 18 10 9 12
Total Fatalities 1 155 228 0 6 2 0 120 150 2 0
Annual Safety Review 2018 PAGE 24
´´ Figure 8. Distribution of accidents and serious incidents by flight phase for commercial air
transport airlines, 2007 - 2017
Number of Accidents
or Serious Incidents
Standing Taxi Take-off En route Approach Landing Tow Blank
2017 11 7 19 42 14 19 2 5
´´ Figure 9. Distribution of accidents and serious incidents by operation type for commercial
air transport airlines, 2007 - 2017
Number of Accidents or Serious Incidents
Passenger Cargo Unknown/Blank
Average 2007-2016 97 6 4
2017 109 8 3
´´ Figure 10. Distribution of accidents and serious incidents by propulsion type of the
aeroplane(s) involved for commercial air transport airlines, 2007 - 2017
Number of Accidents or Serious Incidents
Turboprop Turbofan
2017 28 92
Annual Safety Review 2018 PAGE 26
Table 4. Key Statistics for Non-commercial Complex Business Operations, 2007- 2017
Fatal Accidents Non-Fatal Accidents Serious Incidents
2007-2016 total 5 22 49
2017 0 0 5
2007-2016 total 6 3
2017 0 0
During 2017, there were no accidents involving European registered NCC operated aircraft, therefore there were
also no fatalities or serious injuries in 2017. The number of serious incidents remained as the average of the pre-
vious 10-year period. The low numbers probably indicate an incomplete dataset, possibly as a result of the lack
of reporting of occurrences not classified as accidents.
´´ Figure 11. Number of fatal accidents, non-fatal accidents and serious incidents for non-
commercial complex business, 2007 - 2017
Number of Accidents or Serious Incidents
2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017
Serious Incident 8 2 6 5 6 4 4 4 5 5 5
Non-Fatal Accident 3 3 3 3 1 1 1 3 2 2 0
Fatal Accident 1 0 0 1 0 2 1 0 0 0 0
In the same way as in the previous section, Figure 12 shows the split of the accidents or serious incidents by the
ERCS score grouped by higher risk and lower risk. This indicator provides an additional view with a proxy to the
risk of those occurrences.
´´ Figure 12. Number of accidents and serious incidents by higher and lower ERCS score for
non-commercial complex business, 2013 - 2017
Number of Occurrences
2013 2014 2015 2016 2017
Lower Risk 0 0 0 3 0
High Risk 6 7 7 4 5
´´ Figure 13. Number of fatalities and serious injuries involving non-commercial complex
business, 2007 - 2017
Number of Injuries
2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017
Total Fatalities 1 0 0 2 0 2 1 0 0 0 0
Due to the size of the aeroplanes used for the majority of this type of operation, the number of fatalities is sig-
nificantly low.
Annual Safety Review 2018 PAGE 28
´´ Figure 14. Distribution of accidents and serious incidents by flight phase for non-
commercial complex business, 2007 - 2017
Number of Accidents or Serious Incidents
En route
Average 2007-2016 2017
´´ Figure 15. Distribution of accidents and serious incidents by propulsion type for non-
commercial complex business, 2007 - 2017
Number of Accidents or Serious Incidents
Turboprop Turbofan
The safety risk portfolio for Airline and NCC-business operation provides a summary of the top risk areas and
safety issues of this part of the aviation system. It covers the Tier 2 (Key Risk Areas) and Tier 2+ (Safety Issues) of
the performance framework in each domain. The portfolio is used to prioritise the assessment of safety issues,
to target analysis activities over key risk areas and to prioritise safety actions.
However, the portfolio presented in this section is not yet that safety risk portfolio referred above but the so-
called “data portfolio”. This is the result of the yearly review of the relevant occurrence data to establish the link
between each individual occurrence and the key risk areas and safety issues already listed in the last year’s port-
folio. This is considered an intermediate step towards the final Safety Risk Portfolio.
While the information presented in the data portfolio is relevant and provides an indication of the potential areas
of concern, it is not yet an indication of the main risk areas or safety issues. The data portfolio is used to identify
a reduced number of key risk areas for which an in-depth analysis will be carried out to determine the complete-
ness of safety issues that have contributed to those risk areas and to assess the level of control of over the most
relevant safety issues. This assessment would consider the increase/decrease of exposure to the relevant hazard,
the effectiveness of existing controls and the expected risk reduction by committed safety actions. This analy-
sis integrates the expertise from the CAGs and the EASA operational departments so as to complement the view
provided by occurrence data. The result of this review is the Safety Risk Portfolio that defines the safety priori-
ties for each aviation domain.
The data portfolio uses the aggregated ERCS score to provide and initial ranking of the key risk areas and safety
issue. The figure below plots the high risk occurrences, based on its ERCS risk score, by their associated key risk
areas. It draws in the x-axis the number of those high risk occurrences per key risk area and in the y-axis the ag-
gregated ERCS risk score for each key risk area.
´´ Figure 16. Distribution of key risk areas by frequency and aggregated ERCS risk score for
commercial air transport airlines and non-commercial complex business, 2013-2017
Higher Risk
Runway Excursion Aircraft Upset
Agregated ERCS Score
Ground Collision
Runway Collision Airborne Collision
Obstacle Collision
Aircraft Environment
Taxiway Excursion
0 20 40 60 80 100 120
The figure below provides a similar representation of the key risk areas but it introduces the dimension of fatali-
ties associated to them (y-axis) and shows the aggregated ERCS risk score as the size of the bubbles.
´´ Figure 17. Distribution of key risk areas by fatalities, number of higher risk occurrences
and ERCS risk score for commercial air transport airlines and non-commercial complex
business, 2013-2017
Aircraft Upset
160 Ø Aggregated ERCS Score
1; 150 Runway Excursion
140 89; 118
Number of Fatalities
Runway Collision
Airborne Collision
Aircraft Environment
40 81; -
11; - 28; 5 69; - 104; -
83; - Ground Collision
20 52; -
1; -
10; - Taxiway Excursion
From these two representations, it can be concluded that the key risk areas accumulating higher risk score, based
on the occurrence data used, are Runway Excursion and Aircraft Upset. They concern a high number of higher
risk occurrences and aggregating the highest risk score. At a second stage, it lays the key risk areas of Injuries/
Damages and Security. The first one occurs often leading to high severity outcomes though to a reduced number
of persons (injuries to few crew or passengers). The second one, Security, very much depends on the will and ca
pability to cause harm, considerations not appearing in pure safety risk assessments. Security shows that, while
high risk occurrences associated to it are infrequent (only one confirmed in the last 5 years), it becomes of high
risk due to the lack of efficient barriers to stop it. Runway Collision and Airborne Collision can be considered at
a third stage of importance.
The data portfolio shown here below has been sorted following the risk order given by the aggregated ERCS risk
score of the high risk occurrences related to key risk areas or to safety issues. It is acknowledged that this indi-
cator is still a proxy to the risk, but it is evaluated as a better reference than the pure sorting by the number of
accidents and serious incidents. This indicator will be complemented by the qualitative analysis to estimate the
actual risk by considering the increase/reduction of exposure to the relevant hazards and the expected risk re-
duction of the ongoing safety actions, for both key risk areas and safety issues. This analysis will provide still
a proxy to the risk but it will provide a more consistent ranking.
The safety risk portfolio shows in the upper part, the key risk areas (based on the ERCS score) for the past 5 years.
A key risk area includes both the undesired outcome (accident) and the immediate precursors to those outcomes
(less severe occurrences, normally). In rows, the safety risk portfolio shows a similar spread by safety issues based
on the aggregated ERCS score of those occurrences where those safety issue were present. The dotted grid estab-
lishes the relation between safety issues and key risk areas – it identifies which safety issues contribute to which
(potential) accident outcomes. Dots come from occurrence data.
Based on the data supporting the portfolio, the following relations between the priority 1 key risk areas and
safety issues can be highlighted:
• Aircraft upset:
›› Monitoring of flight parameters and automation modes
›› Approach path management
›› Convective weather
›› In flight icing
›› Handling of technical failures
• Runway Excursion
›› Approach path management
›› Monitoring of flight parameters and automation modes
›› Handling of technical failures
The main Key Risk Areas highlighted above are defined by their accident outcome that needs to be prevented
and by its immediate precursors.
• Aircraft upset: It includes uncontrolled collisions with terrain following an aircraft upset, but also occur-
rences where the aircraft deviated from the intended flight path or intended flight parameters, regardless
of whether the flight crew realised the deviation and whether it was possible to recover or not. It also in-
cludes the triggering of stall warning and envelope protections.
• Runway excursion: It covers materialised runway excursions, both at high and low speed, and occurrences
where the flight crew had difficulties maintaining the directional control of the aircraft or of the braking
action during landing, where the landing occurred long, fast, off-centred or hard, or where the aircraft
had technical problems with the landing gear (not locked, not extended or collapsed) during landing.
The safety issues identified as the main contributors and highlighted above are defined as follows:
• Monitoring of flight parameters and automation modes: It is the inadequate monitoring of the main flight
parameters and automation modes, potentially leading to the upset of the aircraft, runway excursion or
controlled collision with terrain. It covers the relevant SOPs and trainings of the flight crew. It also includes
the considerations related to human factors, especially to the human-machine interface (HMI) of aircraft
systems and indications.
• Approach path management: Ineffective or incorrect management of the approach path (i.e. not stable
and/or compliant) that may lead to go-arounds, hard landings or runway excursion.
• Convective weather: it is the situation where the aeroplane flies within atmospheric convective phenom-
ena, potentially leading to aircraft upset (uncontrolled collision with terrain) and injuries to passengers
or crews. The safety issue covers the main convective phenomena affecting the safe flight, such as con-
vective turbulence, up/down-drafts, wind shear, hail precipitation, lightning and icing. The main threat
posed by this safety issue is the loss of control of the aircraft after being forced out of its flight envelope
by a severe atmospheric phenomenon or after a system failure not adequately handled by the flight crew.
This safety issue may also lead to injuries mainly due to the sudden encounter with turbulences. The safe-
ty issue covers the detection, avoidance and flying-in convective weather during the flight, and all the
support to flight crews to deal with it before (e.g. flight planning, meteorological information) and during
the flight (e.g. on-board detection systems, ATS vectoring). It especially covers the SOPs and training of
the flight crew to maintain or recovering the safe flight. The safety issue also considers the robustness of
the aeroplane to conduct a flight in convective atmospheric conditions, as per its initial certification and
its in-service experience (i.e. continuous airworthiness process).
• Inflight icing: it is the situation where the aeroplane flies within icing conditions, potentially leading to
aircraft upset (uncontrolled collision with terrain) due to ice accretion on the aeroplane. The main threat
posed by this safety issue is the contamination of aircraft surfaces or systems that may severely impact
the performance or controllability of the aircraft. It covers the detection, avoidance and flying-in icing
conditions during the flight, and all the support to flight crews to deal with it before (e.g. flight plan-
ning, meteorological information) and during the flight (e.g. on-board detection systems, de/anti-icing
Annual Safety Review 2018 PAGE 32
systems). It especially covers the SOPs and training of the flight crew to maintain or recovering the safe
flight. The safety issue also considers the robustness of the aeroplane to conduct a flight in icing condi-
tions, as per its initial certification and its in-service experience (i.e. continuous airworthiness process).
This safety issue partially overlaps with the Convective Weather.
• Handling of technical failures: It is the ineffective handling of a non-catastrophic technical failure by the
flight crew. Technical failures are those not rendering the aircraft uncontrollable and for which the flight
crew are trained to manage them. It includes the human factors playing a role in the realisation and pro
cessing of the failure information and the later reaction of the crew to handle the issue. It covers the
related SOPs and trainings of the flight crew.
´´ Figure 18. Safety Risk Portfolio for CAT Airline and NCC Business aeroplane operations
showing how the 5-year occurrence data 2013-2017 relates to safety issues and their
outcomes relative to risk in descending order.
Perception and Situational Awareness • • • • • •
Icing in Flight •
Mental Health •
Crosswind • • • • • •
Fatigue • •
Wake Vortex • •
Fumes Effects • •
Bands of Aggregated ERCS Risk Score (2013-2017) Priority 1 Priority 2 Priority 3 Priority 4
Aircraft Environment
Bands of
Taxiway Excursion
Runway Excursion
Airborne Collision
Obstacle Collision
Runway Collision
Ground Collision
Safety Issues
Terrain Collision
ERCS Score
Aircraft Upset
Aircraft maintenance • • •
Icing on Ground • • • • •
Windshear • • •
Gastrointestinal Illness •
Disruptive Passengers
2017 3 29 13
2017 4 11
There were 3 fatal accidents in 2017, lower than the average of the preceding decade. However, at 29 the num-
ber of non-fatal accidents was slightly higher than the average of 2007-2016 and the number of serious incidents
was considerably higher than the average of the preceding 10-year period. The number of fatalities in 2017 was
considerably lower than the preceding decade average, whereas the number of serious injuries was slightly high-
er than the 2007-2016 average.
´´ Figure 19. Number of fatal accidents, non-fatal accidents and serious incidents for
aeroplane specialised operations, 2007 - 2017
Number of Accidents or Serious Incidents
2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017
Serious Incidents 3 0 3 7 9 6 5 4 6 10 13
Non-Fatal Accidents 29 27 34 24 26 24 25 27 24 14 28
Fatal Accidents 7 9 7 9 5 7 7 10 8 4 3
The number of fatal accidents in 2017 was lower than that of any year in the preceding decade. Contrasting-
ly, the number of non-fatal accidents was higher than all but two of the years (2007 and 2009) in the preceding
10-year period.
´´ Figure 20. Aeroplane Specialised Operations Fatalities and Serious Injuries, 2007-2017
Number of Injuries
2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017
Total Fatalities 17 13 16 19 5 18 16 30 33 14 4
In line with the number of fatal accidents, the number of fatalities in 2017 was also lower than any year in the
preceding decade. The number of serious injuries in 2017 was higher than all but two years (2008 and 2015) in
the preceding 10-year period.
Annual Safety Review 2018 PAGE 36
´´ Figure 21. Aeroplane Specialised Operations Accidents and Serious Incidents by Phase of
Flight, 2007-2017
Number of Accidents or Serious Incidents
En route
Average 2007-2016 2017
´´ Figure 22. Aeroplane Specialised Operations Accidents and Serious Incidents by Type of
Operation, 2007-2017
Number of accidents and serious incidents
Aerial Advertising
Aerial Patrol
Parachute drop
´´ Figure 23. Distribution of key risk areas by frequency and aggregated ERCS risk score for
aeroplane specialised operations, 2015-2017
Higher Risk
Aircraft Upset
Aggregated ERCS Score
Taxiway/Apron Excursion
Airborne Collision
Ground Damage Terrain Collision
Runway Collision
Runway Excursion
Lower Risk
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45
The Safety Risk Portfolio for Specialised Operations Aeroplanes is based solely on occurrence data, since an
SPO Aeroplanes CAG has not yet been established. The Safety Issues and Key Risk Areas are prioritised based
on the cumulative ERCS risk score for accidents and serious incidents in the EASA occurrence repository for the
2015-2017 period.
Strikingly, the highest risk safety issues in this domain all relate to human factors. The absence of an SPO aero-
plane CAG means that these issues are not yet fully defined, but some examples of the human factors issues are
provided here. “Perception and Situational Awareness“, “Human Performance” and “Experience, Training and
Competence of Individuals”, all Human Factors-related issues, are among the top priority issues. One example
of such an occurrence was a parachute jumper who, upon leaving the aircraft, did not notice that his leg had be-
come entangled with a static line that had been used by one of the previous jumpers. As he jumped out, he was
retained by the static line and was hanging approximately four meters below the aircraft, unable to free himself
from the static line. The pilot was also not able to cut the line. The airfield fire services laid out a large area of
foam on the airfield and the aircraft landed in the foamed area with the jumper hanging from it. The jumper re-
ceived minor injuries. Another example is relates to the pre-flight/flight planning phase. A glider towing aircraft
ran out of fuel shortly after releasing the glider, and the pilot carried out a successful forced landing in a field.
It was determined that the fuel starvation was due to the pilot misjudging the amount of fuel needed for carry-
ing out the planned flight.
Annual Safety Review 2018 PAGE 38
´´ Figure 24. Safety Risk Portfolio for SPO Aeroplane operations showing how the 3 year
occurrence data 2015-2017 relates to safety issues and their outcomes relative to risk in
descending order
System Reliability • • • •
Human Performance • • •
Airborne Separation •
Aircraft Maintenance •
Crosswind No data
2017 62 45
In non-commercial operations with aeroplanes, there were 34 fatal accidents, which continues the downward
trend and is lower than the 10-year average. However, looking at non-fatal accidents it can be seen that from
2016 to 2017 there is close to 12% increase in those accidents. Combined with fatal accidents the increase be-
tween 2016 and 2017 is 7.3%. When looking at the historical data in Figure 25 for fatal and non-fatal accidents
since 2007 it can be observed that the downward trend for the period is 27%.
´´ Figure 25. Number of fatal accidents, non-fatal accidents and serious incidents for
aeroplane non-commercial operations, 2007 - 2017
2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017
Non-Fatal Accidents 424 428 405 386 423 360 319 365 337 283 321
Fatal Accidents 59 53 59 49 61 45 35 44 50 46 34
Last year EASA published for the first time accidents rates for GA Fixed wing aircraft. These rates were based on
responses from 12 NAAs and estimations made for the rest of the EASA MS. EASA has not received the neces-
sary data for exact calculation of the accident rates but instead based the estimation for 2017 on the average EU
GDP of 2.6%. This is reflected in Figure 26. The number of movements are estimated to have increased in direct
proportion of the GDP as a better economy should affect the whole community and also the pilot’s budget for
flying. This figure will be updated when reliable data is available.
´´ Figure 26. Accident rates per year in NCO per 1 000 000 movements
Annual Safety Review 2018 PAGE 40
450 70
250 40
200 30
0 0
2014 2015 2016 2017
Non-Fatal Accidents 365 337 283 321
Fatal Accidents 44 50 46 34
Fatal Accident Rate 7.2 7.9 7.2 5.3
Non-fatal Accident Rate 60.8 53.7 45.2 49.9
Number of fatalities have also been significantly reduced compared to the 10-year average but the number of se
rious injuries shows a slight increase when compared to 2016. When looking at the period 2007-2017, it may be
seen that the combined number of fatalities and serious injuries has reduced by 38%.
´´ Figure 27. Number of fatalities and serious injuries for aeroplane non-commercial
operations, 2007-2017
Number of Injuries
2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017
Number of accidents
En route
2017 2007-2016
Number of Accidents
Flight Training/Instructional Pleasure
EASA has now risk assessed the GA FW NCO dataset - both fatal and non-fatal accidents using the European Risk
Classification Scheme (ERCS). Figure 30 shows the Key Risk Areas (KRAs) in relation to the number of accidents
vs. the aggregated ERCS score. The figure shows clearly that the KRA showing the highest risk is Aircraft upset.
Runway Excursions are common but have a lower risk of fatalities or serious injuries. Figure 30 therefore indi-
cates where the efforts should lie in terms of action areas in the EPAS.
´´ Figure 30. Distribution of key risk areas by frequency and aggregated ERCS risk score for
aeroplane non-commercial operations, 2015-2017
Higher Risk
Aircraft Upset
Agregated ERCS Score
Airborne Collision
Terrain Collision
Landing on an airfield
Figure 31 shows that the safety issue ‘Stall/Spin’ is the most common one. This supports Figure 30 where we see
Aircraft Upset bearing the highest risk. Strongly associated with that safety issue is the ‘Handling of Technical Fail-
ures’ which highlights pilot’s actions that are either precursors or resulting actions to salvage the situation. The
third issue is ‘Airborne Conflict’ this issue shows both actual collisions as well as near-misses. Due to the nature
of the issue it often bares high risk and is therefore high on the list. The fourth safety issue is ‘Loss of control –
Other’. This issue relates to other types of control loss and excludes stalls and spins. Directional control, heading,
pitch and roll are all part of this safety issue. The fifth safety issue touches the operational side where human
factors are often strongly associated with. This is the ‘Flight Planning and Preparation’ issue. This issue includes
events like Flight planning, minimum equipment violation, performance calculation, pre-flight planning, route
planning and loading of the aircraft, weight/balance calculations and weather planning.
´´ Figure 31. GA FW NCO Accidents. Safety issues in relation to high and low risk
Handling of Technical Failure
Airborne Conflict
Loss of Control - Other
Flight Planning and Preparation
Approach Path Management
Fuel Management
Wheels up Landing
Fuel Starvations
Handling and Executioin of Go-Arounds
Misuse of Controls
Control of Manual Flight Path
Icing in Flight
Bird/Wildlife Strikes
Intentional Low Flying
Incorrect Loading
Terrain Collision
UAS Strikes
Deconfliction with IFR/VFR traffic
Icing on Ground
0 10 20 30 40 50 60
Number of occurrences
´´ Figure 32. Safety Risk Portfolio for General Aviation fixed-wing aeroplane non-commercial
operations showing how the 3 year occurrence data 2015-2017 relates to safety issues and
their outcomes relative to risk in descending order
System Reliability • • •
Airborne Separation
Crosswind • •
Fuel Management • • • •
Aircraft Maintenance • • • • •
Icing in Flight • • • •
Turbulence • •
Icing on Ground • •
Other safety issue assessments have not been launched. However, the information shown above provides a di-
rection on where to focus the Community’s efforts.
Annual Safety Review 2018 PAGE 46
This chapter covers all rotorcraft operations and it is divided into four sections. The first
section covers offshore operations and the second section covers all other commercial air
transport helicopter operations. The scope in these two sections being helicopter operations
involving an EASA Member State Air Operator Certificate (AOC) Holder. The third and fourth
sections cover Specialised Operations (Part SPO)/aerial work operations and Non-Commer-
cial Operations, respectively, involving “certified” helicopters of all mass groups with an
EASA MS as State of registry or as State of operator.
Each section provides details on key statistics, an overview of key risk areas and safety risk
portfolio and discusses possible safety priorities in support of the European Plan for Avia-
tion Safety.
Annual Safety Review 2018 PAGE 48
Table 7. Key Statistics for Offshore Commercial Air Transport Helicopters, 2007-2017
Fatal Accidents Non-Fatal Accidents Serious Incidents
2007-2016 total 4 8 13
2017 0 0 2
2007-2016 total 13 6
2017 0 0
There have been 2 serious incidents and no fatal or non-fatal accidents in offshore helicopter operations in 2017.
The number of serious incidents in 2017 is higher than the average for the 10 year period previous to 2017. Prior
to 2017, there have been one fatal accident which involved the loss of an Airbus Helicopters EC225 Super Puma
in Norway on 29 April 2016 and another fatal accident in 2013 involving the loss of EUROCOPTER AS332 Super
The number of fatal accidents, non-fatal accidents and serious incidents is shown below, covering the period
2007-2017. It can be seen that the number of these occurrences has remained relatively stable over the period
´´ Figure 33. Offshore Commercial Air Transport Helicopters Fatal Accidents, Non-fatal
Accidents and Serious Incidents, 2007-2017
Number of accidents and serious incidents
2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017
Serious incidents 2 1 1 2 2 3 1 1 0 0 2
Non-fatal accidents 0 2 1 0 2 1 0 0 0 2 0
Fatal accidents 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 0
´´ Figure 34. Number of fatalities and serious injuries in offshore commercial air transport,
Number of Fatalities or Serious njuries
0 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017
Total Fatalities 0 0 16 0 3 0 4 0 0 13 0
The low number of accidents and serious incidents in this domain prevents any conclusions from being drawn
regarding the phase of flight. However, the figures are presented below for information.
Annual Safety Review 2018 PAGE 50
´´ Figure 35. Offshore Commercial Air Transport Rotorcraft Accidents and Serious Incidents
by phase of flight, 2007-2017
Number of accidents and serious incidents
Standing Taxi Take-off En route Manoevring Approach Landing Unknown
2017 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0
´´ Figure 36. Offshore commercial air transport rotorcraft Key Risk Areas plotted in relation to
the European Risk Classification Score (ERCS) methodology
Higher Risk
Aircraft Upset
Agregated ERCS Score
Lower Risk
0 1 2 3 4 5 6
The main key risk areas in offshore helicopter operations are Aircraft Upset, Obstacle Collision in Flight and
Ground Damage. Aircraft Upset (Loss of Control) is the largest key risk area for offshore operations and includes
two fatal accidents and 17 fatalities, 1 non-fatal accident and 2 serious incidents. Obstacle Collision in Flight is
the second largest key risk areas for offshore and has been identified in 2 serious incidents reported in 2017 as-
sociated with landing on a wrong deck. Ground Damage key risk area includes a non-fatal accident during taxi
where the helicopter main rotor blades hit the side of a parked truck.
The safety risk portfolio lists the safety issues that contribute to the key risk areas, based on the number of high
risk occurrences and their aggregated risk score. The key risk areas are listed at the top of the safety risk portfo-
lio and prioritised based on the number of high risk occurrences.
For each safety issue listed in the safety risk portfolio information is provided on the number of high risk occur-
rences and their aggregated risk score, which is further distributed by the key risk areas to which the safety issue
had contributed in terms of both number of high risk occurrences and aggregated risk score.
In this way, it can be easily assessed to which key risk area a safety issues is more relevant for, as well as to prior-
itize safety issues within a key risk area.
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Number of Occurrences
Based on the data supporting the portfolio, the following relations between the priority 1 key risk areas and
safety issues can be highlighted:
• Aircraft Upset
›› Software and Configuration
›› Systems Failures
›› Flight Path Management
›› Perception and Situational Awareness
›› Experience, Training and Competence of Individuals
• Obstacle Collision
›› CRM and Operational Communication
›› Software and Configuration
›› Flight Planning and Preparations
›› Wrong Deck Landings
›› Helideck Operations
Annual Safety Review 2018 PAGE 52
The safety issues listed in the safety risk portfolio that were not identified in high risk occurrences are included
for safety performance monitoring purposes as they were identified during the meetings of the Offshore CAG.
´´ Figure 38. Safety Risk Portfolio for Off-shore Helicopter operations showing how the 5 year
occurrence data 2013-2017 relates to safety issues and their outcomes relative to risk in
descending order
Software and Configuration 6 •
Airworthiness Management 2
Aircraft Maintenance 2
Helideck Operations 2
Human Performance 1
Airborne Separation 0
Downwash 0
Icing in flight? 0
Bird/Wildlife Strikes 0
Safety Culture 0
Ground handling 0
Table 8. Key Statistics for Other Commercial Air Transport Helicopters, 2007-2017
Fatal Accidents Non-Fatal Accidents Serious Incidents
2007-2016 total 17 46 14
2017 1 4 6
2007-2016 total 54 39
2017 6 3
´´ Figure 39. Other Commercial Air Transport Helicopters Fatal Accidents, Non-fatal Accidents
and Serious Incidents, 2007-2017
Number of accidents or serious incidents
2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017
Serious incidents 1 2 0 1 1 3 1 1 1 3 6
Non-fatal accidents 4 8 3 6 2 5 5 3 7 3 4
Fatal accidents 2 2 2 2 2 1 0 1 2 3 1
Annual Safety Review 2018 PAGE 54
There was one fatal accident in 2017, the AW139 accident in Campo Felice, Italy during HEMS operations. Over-
all, the number of fatal accidents in 2017 had decreased compared to 2016 and 10 year average. The number of
non-fatal accidents have increased slightly in 2017 compared to 2016 but it is below the 10-year average. For se-
rious incidents, the numbers doubled in 2017 compared to 2016 but they are well below the 10-year average.
The number of fatalities in other CAT helicopter operations are slightly above the median for 2007-2016 where-
as the number of serious injuries have decreased. Overall, the number of fatalities and serious injuries have not
changed substantially between 2007 and 2017.
´´ Figure 40. Number of fatalities and serious injuries for rotorcraft other commercial air
transport, 2007-2017
Number of fatalities or serious injuries
2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017
Serious injuries 1 6 4 5 4 4 4 1 7 3 3
Fatalities 8 4 4 8 6 6 0 2 7 9 6
´´ Figure 41. Other Commercial Air Transport Helicopters Accidents and Serious Incidents by
phase of flight, 2017 and 2007-2016
Number of accidents or serious incidents
Standing Taxi Take-off En route Manoevring Approach Landing Unknown
Most of the accidents and serious incidents in 2017 happened during the en route and manoeuvring phases of
flight, and in comparison with 10 year average the numbers are well higher.
´´ Figure 42. Other Commercial Air Transport Helicopters Accidents and Serious Incidents by
type of operation, 2017 and 2007-2016
Number of accidents and serious incidents
Airline Air Taxi HEMS Sightseeing Other/ Unknown
2017 0 2 6 2 1
The highest number of accidents and serious incidents in 2017 have been in HEMS followed by Air Taxi and Sight-
seeing types of operation.
´´ Figure 43. Other Commercial Air Transport Helicopters type of operation and aggregated
ERCS risk score, 2007-2017
Lower Risk
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40
Figure 43 provides information regarding the aggregated risk score of high risk occurrences of the different op-
eration types falling in the scope of this section that happened from 2007 – 2017. As it can be observed HEMS
Annual Safety Review 2018 PAGE 56
operations have the highest aggregated risk score and highest number of high risk occurrences too, followed by
Air Taxi and Sightseeing operation types.
EASA has already started an analysis activity into HEMS operation in collaboration with industry and Network of
Analysts to support decision-making in the context of the SRM process.
´´ Figure 44. Other Commercial Air Transport Helicopters Accidents and Serious Incidents by
Propulsion type, 2017 and 2007-2016
Number of accidents or serious incidents
Reciprocating engine Turboshaft
2017 2 9
There have been a higher number of accidents and serious incidents involving turboshaft equipped helicopters
then those with a reciprocating engine. For both propulsion types the number of accidents and serious incidents
are above the 10 year average.
Aircraft Upset, Obstacle Collision inflight and Terrain Collision are the main key risk areas for other CAT helicop-
ters based on the aggregated risk score and number of high risk occurrences that covers 2013 – 2017 period.
´´ Figure 45. Other Commercial Air Transport Helicopters Key Risk Areas
Higher Risk
Terrain Collision
Aggregated ERCS score
Aircraft Upset
Ground Damage
Airborne Collision
Lower Risk
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18
The main key risk areas in terms of aggregated risk score and number of high risk occurrences covering
2013 – 2017 are Aircraft Upset, Terrain Collision and Obstacle Collision inflight.
´´ Figure 46. Other Commercial Air Transport Rotorcraft safety issues, by higher and lower
ERCS risk score, 2013-2017.
Annual Safety Review 2018 PAGE 58
Based on the data supporting the portfolio, the following relations between the priority 1 key risk areas and
safety issues can be highlighted:
• Aircraft Upset
›› Flight Path Management
›› Systems Failures
›› Perception and Situational Awareness
›› Experience, Training and Competence of Individuals
›› Handling of Technical Failures
• Obstacle Collision
›› Helicopter Obstacle See and Avoid
›› Perception and Situational Awareness
›› Intentional Low Flying
›› Software and Configuration
• Terrain Collision
›› Perception and Situational Awareness
›› Helicopter Obstacle See and Avoid
›› Decision Making and Planning
›› Experience, Training and Competence of Individuals
›› Degraded Visual Environment
´´ Figure 47. Safety Risk Portfolio for Other CAT Helicopter operations showing how the
5 year occurrence data 2013-2017 relates to safety issues and their outcomes relative to
risk in descending order
Perception and Situational Awareness 15 • •
Systems Failures 6 •
Airborne Separation 4
Airworthiness Management 2
Bands of Aggregated ERCS Risk Score (2013-2017) Priority 1 Priority 2 Priority 3 Priority 4
Unsurvivable Aircraft
Bands of
Airborne Collision
Obstacle Collision
Runway Collision
Ground Damage
Terrain Collision
Aircraft Upset
Safety Issues
Risk Score
Bird/Wildlife Strikes 1
Human Performance 1
Downwash 1
Aircraft Maintenance 0
Icing in flight 0
Safety Culture 0
2017 3 12 5
2007-2016 total 75 71
2017 4 5
The number of fatal accidents in 2017 was slightly lower than the average of the preceding decade, the number
of non-fatal accidents was lower than the average of 2007-2016, while the number of serious incidents was con-
siderably higher than the average of the preceding 10-year period. The number of fatalities in 2017 was lower
than the preceding decade average, whereas the number of serious injuries was slightly lower than the 2007-
2016 average.
´´ Figure 48. Number of fatal accidents, non-fatal accidents and serious incidents for
rotorcraft specialised operations, 2007-2017
Number of Accidents or Serious Incidents
2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017
Serious Incidents 1 1 1 3 0 0 3 3 0 3 3
Non-Fatal Accidents 30 13 25 18 20 16 10 10 7 15 13
Fatal Accidents 4 3 7 6 8 6 3 0 2 1 3
The four fatalities in 2017 was the highest total number of fatalities since 2013, although from 2007 up to and
including 2013 the number of fatalities have been 4 or higher per year. Overall, the number of fatal or serious in-
juries has decreased across the period analysed.
´´ Figure 49. Number of fatalities and serious injuries for rotorcraft specialised operations,
Annual Safety Review 2018 PAGE 62
Number of Injuries
2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017
Total Fatalities 5 4 21 9 17 9 7 0 2 1 4
´´ Figure 50. Rotorcraft Specialised Operations Accidents and Serious Incidents by Phase of
Flight, 2007-2017
Number of Accidents or Serious Incidents
En route
Aerial Patrol
Operation, 2007-2017
Aerial Survey
Average 2007-2016
Sling load
2017 Logging
´´ Figure 51. Rotorcraft Specialised Operations Accidents and Serious Incidents by Type of
Annual Safety Review 2018 PAGE 64
The key risk areas with the highest risk and highest number of occurrences involving specialised operations ro-
torcraft were Obstacle Collision In-flight and Aircraft Upset.
´´ Figure 52. Distribution of key risk areas by frequency and aggregated ERCS risk score for
rotorcraft specialised operations, 2015-2017
Higher Risk
Runway Collision
Ground Damage
Airborne Collision
Runway Excursion
Lower Risk
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20
Based on the data supporting the portfolio, the following relations between the priority 1 key risk areas and
safety issues can be highlighted:
• Aircraft Upset:
›› System reliability.
´´ Figure 53. Safety Risk Portfolio for SPO Helicopter operations showing how the 3 year
occurrence data 2015-2017 relates to safety issues and their outcomes relative to risk in
descending order
Intentional Low Flying • •
System Reliability •
Human Performance • •
Airborne Separation •
2017 3 22 8
2017 7 11
2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017
Serious incidents 1 2 0 1 3 2 2 1 3 12 8
Non-fatal accidents 43 46 43 47 40 32 37 35 30 23 22
Fatal accidents 7 4 10 6 5 3 6 8 2 5 3
There has been a decrease in the number of fatal accidents in 2017 compared to 2016 and the 10 year aver-
age. There were also fewer non-fatal accidents and serious incidents in 2017 compared with 2016 and 10-year
2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017
Serious injuries 11 11 3 7 8 0 2 6 4 6 11
Fatalities 26 10 17 15 9 7 17 22 2 7 7
The number of fatalities was also lower in 2017 compared to the 10 year average, and there is a higher number
of serious injuries in 2017 compared to 2016 and previous 10 year-average. The number of fatal and serious in-
juries for non-commercially operated rotorcraft changes each year. Although the number of fatal injuries in the
last three years has been lower in general than the ten year period, no overall trend could be identified.
´´ Figure 56. Distribution of accidents and serious incidents by rotorcraft propulsion type,
2007-2016 and 2017.
Number of accidents or serious incidents
Reciprocating Turboshaft
2017 13 20
Annual Safety Review 2018 PAGE 68
In 2017 there were fewer accidents and serious incidents involving rotorcraft with reciprocating engines than
turboshaft engines. However, based on the 2007-2016 average, the number of accidents and serious incidents
involving reciprocating engine helicopters was higher than the average for turboshaft.
´´ Figure 57. Distribution of accidents and serious incidents by phase of flight for non-
commercially operated rotorcraft, 2007-2016 and 2017
Number of accidents or serious incidents
Standing Taxi Take-off En route Manoeuvring Approach Landing Unknown
2007-2016 Average 1.5 3.3 8 10.1 6.2 3.8 11.7 1.3
2017 1 1 8 7 1 2 10 3
The highest number of accidents and serious incidents occurred during the take-off, en-route and landing
phases of flight. There is a significant decrease in 2017 in the number of accidents and serious incidents during
enroute and manoeuvring compared to the 10-year average.
´´ Figure 58. Distribution of accidents and serious incidents by operation type for non-
commercially operated rotorcraft, 2007-2016 and 2017
Number of accidents or serious incidents
Pleasure Training/ Other/Unknown Business Relocation Test Flight
2007-2016 Average 19.6 15.3 4.7 2.8 2.6 0.9
2017 7 10 7 6 0 3
Most accidents and serious incidents occurred in 2017 have happened during Flight Training/Instructional and
Pleasure types of operations, and they are below the 10-year average.
´´ Figure 59. Non-commercially operated rotorcraft aggregated ERCS risk score by type of
operation, 2013-2017.
Number of Fatalities
15 Flight
10 Other/Unknown
Figure 59 provides information regarding the aggregated risk score of high risk occurrences of the different op-
eration types falling in the scope of this section that happened from 2013 – 2017. It can be seen that there are
more high risk occurrences in Flight Training/Instructional operation type then in Pleasure but Flight Training/In-
structional has a lower aggregated risk score than Pleasure operation type.
Aircraft Upset, Obstacle Collision inflight and Terrain Collision are the main key risk areas non-commercial
helicopter operations based on the aggregated risk score and number of high risk occurrences that covers
2013 – 2017 period.
Annual Safety Review 2018 PAGE 70
´´ Figure 60. Non-commercially operated rotorcraft Key Risk Areas plotted in relation to the
European Risk Classification Score (ERCS) methodology, 2013-2017
Higher Risk
+ Aircraft Upset (Loss of Control)
Terrain Collision
Obstacle Collision in Flight
Aggregated ERCS score
Unsurvivable Aircraft
´´ Figure 61. Non-commercially operated rotorcraft safety issues by high and low risk scores,
Based on the data supporting the portfolio, the following relations between the priority 1 key risk areas and
safety issues can be highlighted:
• Aircraft Upset
›› Flight Path Management
›› Perception and Situational Awareness
›› Systems Failures
›› Experience, Training and Competence of Individuals
›› Knowledge of Aircraft Systems and Procedures
• Obstacle Collision
›› Helicopter Obstacle See and Avoid
›› Degraded Visual Environment
›› Navigation and Airspace Knowledge
›› Landing Site Operations
• Terrain Collision
›› Helicopter Obstacle See and Avoid
›› Navigation and Airspace Knowledge
›› Decision Making and Planning
´´ Figure 62. Safety Risk Portfolio for NCO Helicopter operations showing how the 5 year
occurrence data 2013-2017 relates to safety issues and their outcomes relative to risk in
descending order
Flight Path Management 139 • •
Systems Failures 53 • •
Weather(Wind) 13 •
Aircraft Maintenance 11
Airborne Separation 6
Airworthiness Management 5
Annual Safety Review 2018 PAGE 72
NCO Helicopters
Bands of Aggregated ERCS Risk Score (2013-2017) Priority 1 Priority 2 Priority 3 Priority 4
Unsurvivable Aircraft
Airborne Collision
Obstacle Collision
Runway Collision
Ground Damage
Terrain Collision
Safety Issues
Aircraft Upset
Human Performance 5 • •
Bird/Wildlife Strikes 1
Safety Culture 1
Annual Safety Review 2018 PAGE 74
This chapter covers balloon operations where the state of registry was an EASA MS. The Balloon Collaborative
Analysis Group was the first CAG to be established and met for the fourth time in 2018. It has already proven the
concept of CAGs. The group has reviewed all the fatal accidents and to some extent the non‑fatal accidents last
five years. The group is combination of industry, manufacturer and NAAs providing an excellent source of inside
knowledge and expertise for the deeper analysis of the accidents. The identified safety issues in relation to the
available data are seen to give an accurate picture of the safety within the hot air ballooning industry today. The
future work of the CAG will be to risk assess the balloon accidents and further support the EASAs SRM process.
2017 0 17 2
2017 0 15
2017 was a good year for balloon operations. No fatal accident occurred and number of non-fatal accidents have
reduced. There were two serious incidents in 2017, which is in line with historical data.
Number of Accidents
2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017
Non-Fatal Accidents 15 25 19 14 26 22 28 17 8 12 17
Fatal Accidents 0 1 0 0 3 3 1 2 2 1 0
There were no fatal injuries in 2017. Number of serious injuries also decreased, or from 19.2 on average for the
time period 2007-2016 to 15 in 2017.
Number of Injuries
2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017
Total Fatalities 0 1 0 0 4 10 1 2 3 1 0
% Distribution
Standing Take-off En route Approach Landing
´´ Figure 66. Balloon accidents and serious incident key risk areas by aggregated ERCS score.
Higher Risk
Obstacle Collision in Flight
Balloon Landings
Aggregated ERCS Numerical Score
Ground Damage
Taxiway/Apron Excursion
Runway Collision
Terrain Collision
Aircraft Upset
Lower Risk
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45
Number of Occurrences
Based on the coding of the occurrences, the priority one safety issues are Decision Making and Planning and
Presence and Use of Pilot Restraints.
´´ Figure 67. Safety Risk Portfolio for Balloon operations showing how the 5 year occurrence
data 2013-2017 relates to safety issues and their outcomes relative to risk in descending
Decision Making and Planning • •
Turbulence • • •
Airborne Separation •
Fuel Systems • •
Sailplanes in the GA domain differ somewhat from other General Aviation applications. This has to do with how
gliding is performed. In other domains you jump on board your aircraft and you start flying but that is not so sim-
ple with sailplanes – unless you are flying a motor glider of course. Sailplane operations depend on teamwork.
You will not go anywhere unless you have a team around you that makes sure that you are safely towed into
the air. This added operational complexity has provided the gliding community with a collaborative team spirit
and a cohesive atmosphere for safety. The gliding community with the leadership of the European Gliding Union
(EGU) has been active in EASA’s work on the new Sailplane OPS and FCL rules and has provided EASA with valu-
able input and insight into sailplane operations. The analysis that EGU with the diligent support from the British
Gliding Association (BGA) has provided insight on where the risks are and what they should be called so as to be
of the best use for the gliding community.
This chapter covers Sailplane operations where the state of registry is an EASA MS using EASA’s accident dataset.
2017 25 138 18
2017 27 20
For Sailplanes, there was an increase of fatal accidents in 2017 with 25 fatal accidents causing 27 fatalities. The
number of nonfatal accidents was substantially lower than the 10-year average with 138. There was a significant
decrease in the number of serious injuries. A detailed picture showing the historical fatal and non-fatal acci-
dent development can be seen in Figure 55 and fatal and serious injuries in Figure 70 below. It can be seen that
number of fatal accidents have been very stable through the last decade. However, the overall trend in terms of
number of accidents is decreasing.
Annual Safety Review 2018 PAGE 80
Number of Accidents
2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017
Non-Fatal Accidents 201 198 253 194 202 201 192 189 189 173 138
Fatal Accidents 30 27 28 25 30 30 20 18 26 20 25
There are no accurate figures available on number of movements. However, by using the available data report-
ed by NAAs in 2016 and a joint survey performed by AOPA and EASA in relation to fleet size and estimation of
movements and use that data to estimate for the rest of the EASA MS it is possible to estimate number of flights
from 2014-2016. It was decided to use the average EU GDP increase of 2.6% from 2016 to 2017 to estimate the
movements for 2017.
250 9.0
200 7.0 Accidents per 100 000 movements
Number of Accidents
50 2.0
0 0.0
2014 2015 2016 2017
Non-Fatal Accidents 189 189 173 138
Fatal Accidents 18 26 20 25
Fatal Accident Rate 0.7 1.0 0.9 1.0
Non-fatal Accident Rate 7.7 7.7 7.5 5.7
It should be noted that the rates displayed in the Figure 69 are estimated for all EASA MS. It should also be not-
ed that accidents rates are different between individual EASA MS. This is in particular evident when comparing
geographically where the accidents occurred. Number of fatal accidents are higher in the Alpine area than in
areas with lower or more even landscape. The duration of the flights are also longer in the mountainous areas
than in the lower parts of Europe where the number of movements is higher but the duration of each flight is
much shorter.
The fatal accident rate is relatively stable over the four year period but then non-fatal accident rate is dropping
in 2017. As the exposure data is very fragmented it is impossible at this time to provide an accident rate map of
Europe. NAAs, flight clubs and associations are encouraged to both collect and share aggregated exposure data
with EASA to enable better overview of the current situation.
There were 27 fatalities in sailplanes in 2017, which is in line with the figures over the preceding decade. The
number of serious injuries in 2017 was the lowest in the time period analysed. As can be seen in Figure 56
a downward trend from 2007 to 2017 is evident.
Number of Injuries
2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017
Total Fatalities 36 29 33 29 40 33 21 22 30 22 27
Take-off Climb Manoeuvring Landing
When looking at the landing phase specifically it can be seen that over 70% of the landing accidents are during
Level-off/touch down or during landing roll at the airfield. Last year 30% were attributed to off-field landings
where the aircraft landed outside the airfield perimeter. As the event type ‘Off-field landing’ is relatively new it
does not give a perfect picture. It can be assumed that some of the ‘Level-off/touchdown’ event types have oc-
curred during an off-field landing.
Airshow/Race Flight Training/Instructional Pleasure
´´ Figure 73. Percentage of Sailplane Fatal Accidents per Safety Issue - EASA dataset
Collision with Hill
Other flying
Mid-air collision
Safety Issues
Glider Integrity
Off-Field landing
Control Misuse
Motor glider/Tugs
0 5 10 15 20 25 30
% of Fatal Accidents
Figure 74 shows us the fatal accidents being mapped onto the safety issues. It should be noted that of 108 fatal
accidents from 2013-2017 there were 15 occurrences where there was no information available to determine the
immediate cause of the accident. The largest killers are:
• Collision with hill: Alpine flying is popular but very unforgiving. The strong winds that form around the
mountains can be deadly.
• Winch launches: During the take-off run the aircraft swerves due to wing tip hitting the ground, angle of
attach is to high causing structural overload or stall, or pilot loses control due to incomplete winch launch.
• Stall/spin: Loss of control is a big part of the picture when it comes to winch launches but also during the
approach and landing phases of the flight.
• Mid-Air collisions: Searching for thermal lift with other sailplanes at the same time and approaching an
airfield where communication is minimal or non-existent increases the risk of mid-air collisions.
The ‘Other flying’ safety issue contains 3 structural overload during flight, 1 aerobatics accident, 1 dive into the
ground, 1 unexplained loss of control and 1 suicide. The Glider Integrity issue relates to the ‘Pre-flight planning
and preparation’ used in the last version of the portfolio including assembly of the Sailplane before flight.
Annual Safety Review 2018 PAGE 84
Off-Field Landing
Landing on Airfield
Incomplete winch launch
In motor gliders/tugs
Misuse of Controls
Mid-Air Collision
Ground Collisions
Collision with Hill
Glider Integrity
Wheel Up Landing
Bird/Wildlife Strikes
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35
% of Substantially Damaged Sailplanes
Considering Figure 74 it shows accidents where sailplanes suffered substantial damage or were considered to be
damaged beyond repair. The main Safety Issues are:
• Off-field landings: Landings in an unfamiliar territory – crop fields and other agricultural areas where it
can be difficult to determine the quality of the designated landing field from above.
• Landing on airfield: The second Safety Issue involves landings at airfields. This includes the hard and
bounced landings, causing a swerve or a runway excursion.
• Incomplete winch launches: This type of take-offs requires a good coordination between the pilot and
the ground crew. Too high angle of attack or incorrect adjustments for the winch can cause unexpected
and unintended results for the people involved.
• In motor gliders/Tugs: These are occurrences that can only occur to motorised sailplanes e.g. involving
engine failures.
• Stall/spin: Loss of control is the cause of many of the fatalities. Actions are needed to address these
• Under/overshoot: This Safety Issue involves unstable approaches, speed and approach control in general.
Figure 75 displays the aggregated risk vs. the number of accidents in Sailplane operation. Note that the scale of the
risk is not visible as the actual risk score is not relevant. The figure shows quite clearly that the attributed risk in oc-
currences involving a stall or a spin resulting in a fatality or serious injury is quite high. On the other hand the figure
shows also that in spite of high number of accidents the risk of a fatality or serious injury is very low. Both the Off-
field landing and Landing on an airfield issues are very low in risk. Collision with Hill is showing a clear distinction
in terms of risk but other safety issues show low risk but also with fewer accidents behind them.
´´ Figure 76. Sailplane Safety Issues split between Higher and Lower Risk base on the
ERCS score.
Landing on airfield
Off-Field Landings
Incomplete Winch Launches
Misuse of Controls
Under and Overshoot
Collision with Hill
Motor Gliders and Tugs
Glider Integrity
Mid-Air Collision
Wheel up Landings
UAS Strikes
Bird/Wildlife Control
Figure 76 gives us a different perspective. The higher risk occurrences are the yellow and red areas in the risk ma-
trix where the lower risk areas are green. The safety issues ‘Landing on airfield’ and ‘Off-field landings’ contain
many occurrences resulting in both higher and lower risk occurrences. The higher risk occurrences are not high
enough to push them up the scale in Figure 75 as fatalities and serious injuries are few. The main outcome of
the high risk accidents are substantial damage of the sailplane involved. It can also be observed that ‘Incomplete
Winch Launches’ has much fewer lower risk occurrences. This implies that both damage and injuries are more
severe in that type of accidents. The safety issue ‘Stall/Spin’ has fewer still lower risk accidents but the number
of fatalities are much higher. This explains why Stall/spin is so high in Figure 75.
Aerodromes and Ground
Annual Safety Review 2018 PAGE 88
Aerodromes and Ground Handling
This chapter covers aerodrome operations, with the scope being the EASA Member States as State of Occurrence.
Data is fetched from the EASA database (accidents and serious incidents) as well as the European Central Repos-
itory. It is worth noting that the accidents and serious incidents in this Chapter are those related to Aerodrome
operations in a general context, which means that the aerodrome itself may or may not have had a contribution
to the given occurrence, but it may have a role in preventing similar occurrences in the future.
The data in this chapter differs from previous years’ Annual Safety Review; this is because the scope of the data
extraction from the database has changed. The data is now only extracted based on aerodrome related event
types and non-airborne flight phases in the ECCAIRS taxonomy.
A Safety Risk Portfolio for Aerodrome and Ground Handling operations is also provided. This has been developed
with the support of the Aerodrome and Ground Handing Collaborative Analysis Group (CAG). The CAG is lead by
the Agency and has members from airports, airlines, national authorities, international organisations and unions.
Table 13. Key statistics for aerodromes and ground handling, 2007-2017
Fatal Accidents Non-Fatal Accidents Serious Incidents
2017 0 35 8
2007-2016 total 17 36
2017 0 4
There were no fatal accidents related to aerodrome and ground handling operations in 2017. The number of non-
fatal accidents were 35, which is less than the average of the preceding decade, which was 47.5.
´´ Figure 77. Aerodrome related fatal accidents, non-fatal accidents and serious incidents,
Number of Accidents or Serious Incidents
2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017
Serious Incidents 5 10 2 9 8 11 10 7 10 18 8
Non-Fatal Accidents 48 47 26 43 52 74 53 73 31 28 35
Fatal Accidents 1 0 0 1 0 3 0 1 1 0 0
The figures for the past three years (2015-2017) represent a return to more normal accident and serious incident
levels after a peak between 2012 and 2014.
Number of Injuries
2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017
Total Fatalities 1 0 0 1 0 5 0 8 2 0 0
With the exception of 2014, the number of fatalities and serious injuries in aerodromes and ground handling
have not exceeded 7 in any year in the past decade. However, in 2014 8 people were killed and a further two
were seriously injured in a single accident in Finland when the aircraft’s right wing broke shortly after take-off.
Annual Safety Review 2018 PAGE 90
Aerodromes and Ground Handling
´´ Figure 79. Number of Aerodromes in scope of Regulation (EU) 139/2014, by EASA Member
France 53 108
Germany 26 57
Norway 1 49
United Kingdom 3 42
Italy 7 42
Sweden 4 40
Spain 1 36
Greece 2 32
Finland 0 24
Romania 0 16
Poland 1 15
Portugal 3 14
Denmark 4 14
Ireland 1 9
Croatia 1 9
Switzerland 3 8
Netherlands 3 7
Austria 1 7
Slovakia 1 6
Hungary 2 6
Belgium 1 6
Czech Republic 0 5
Bulgaria 1 5
Iceland 0 4
Estonia 0 4
Slovenia 23
Lithuania 0 3
Latvia 02
Cyprus 02
Malta 1
Luxembourg 01
0 20 40 60 80 100 120
Number of aerodromes
Of the 577 aerodromes in the scope of Regulation (EU) 139/2014, the Agency has, at time of publication, received
traffic data (number of passengers and number of cargo movements) for 490 aerodromes for 2016. The Agency
has also received traffic data for 2017 from 326 of those aerodromes. Those 326 aerodromes had a total of just
over 800 million passengers and 286 000 cargo movements in 2017, an increase in passenger numbers by 6.6%
and an increase in cargo movements by 3.6% compared to 2016. The highest increase in passenger numbers for
an individual aerodrome was just under 4.9 million passengers, which for that aerodrome was an increase of
7.7%. The highest decrease in passenger numbers for an individual aerodrome was just over 793 000 passengers,
which for that aerodrome was a decrease by 3.7%. The highest increase in cargo movements for an individual aer-
odrome was 2327 movements, which for that aerodrome was an increase of 8.2%. The highest decrease of cargo
movements for an individual aerodrome was 681 movements, which for that aerodrome was a decrease by 15.1%.
In the Aerodromes and Ground Handling scope, EASA has reviewed the accidents and serious incidents for 2015,
2016 and 2017 with regards to risk. All accidents and serious incidents within the scope have been risk assessed
using the European Risk Classification Scheme methodology, and have been given an ERCS score.
´´ Figure 80. Distribution of key risk areas by frequency and aggregated ERCS risk score for
aerodromes and ground handling related accidents and serious incidents, 2015-2017
Higher Risk
+ Ground Damage
Aircraft Upset
Aggregated ERCS Score
Terrain Collision
Runway Excursion
Number of ERCS - scored Aerodrome and Ground Handling - related Occrrences 2015-2017
The most common Key Risk Area for Aerodrome and Ground Handling related accidents and serious incidents is
Ground Damage, followed by Aircraft Upset and Runway Excursions.
The table below shows the number of occurrences in the ECR for each safety issue (where an ECCAIRS query was
possible). One occurrence can be included in more than one safety issue.
´´ Figure 81. Number of ECR occurrences per Aerodromes and Ground Handling Safety
Issue – 2015-2017
Baggage and Cargo Loading in Passenger Aircraft is the top safety issue based on number of occurrences in the
ECR. It was also identified as the top safety issue of concern by the members of the Aerodromes and Ground Han-
dling CAG. Therefore it has been selected as the first issue for assessment in the Safety Risk Management (SRM)
Process and this assessment was started in 2017.
The second issue to be assessed in the SRM process will be Ground Staff Movement Around Aircraft. The num-
ber of ECR occurrences for this safety issue is low, this is however a function of the ECCAIRS taxonomy not
having event types to clearly capture such risks, in combination with under-reporting from ground handling
The ERCS review of the accidents and serious incidents for each Safety Issue is presented below.
´´ Figure 82. Number of occurrences per safety issue and ERCS severity – accidents and
serious incidents 2015-2017
Higher Risk means occurrences that were given a red or amber score, Lower risk refers to occurrences that were
given a green score.
Annual Safety Review 2018 PAGE 94
Aerodromes and Ground Handling
´´ Figure 83. Safety Risk Portfolio for Aerodromes and Ground Handling operations showing
how the 5 year occurrence data 2013-2017 relates to safety issues and their outcomes
relative to risk in descending order
Aircraft movement under its own power • •
Fuelling Operations • • •
Human Performance •
Aircraft towing •
Commercial Pressures • •
Bands of Aggregated ERCS Risk Score (2015-2017) Priority 1 Priority 2 Priority 3 Priority 4
Unsurvivable Aircraft
Obstacle Collision in
Runway Excursion
Airborne Collision
Runway Collision
Ground Damage
Terrain Collision
Safety Issues Priority
Aircraft Upset
Parking and Positioning of Aircraft •
Pushback Operations •
Jet Blast •
Fatigue • •
Bird/Wildlife Control •
The Aerodromes and Ground Handling CAG has given each Safety Issue a problem statement, to further specify
what needs to be addressed. These are presented in the tables below, in alphabetical order.
Annual Safety Review 2018 PAGE 96
Aerodromes and Ground Handling
Table 14 Operational aerodromes and ground handling safety issues and problem statements
Aircraft movement under its own power The management, handling or coordination of aircraft movement under
its own power may lead to damage and/or injuries.
Apron/Stand Design and Layout Apron/Stand design and layout problems that may induce the potential
for collisions, aircraft damage, and injuries. Continuous monitoring of
occurrences related to Aerodrome Design and Layout.
Baggage and Cargo Loading in Passenger Inadequate management or handling of the baggage and cargo loading
Aircraft process that may lead to ground damage or other safety effects.
Bird/Wildlife Control The control of birds and wildlife that may lead to either damage or loss
of control.
Cargo Loading in Cargo Aircraft The management or handling of the cargo loading process that may lead
to ground damage or other safety effects.
Condition and Serviceability of Airport The management of the condition and serviceability of the airport
Operating Environment operating environment including maintenance of ATM/CNS Equipment,
Aerodrome Surfaces, Visual Aids, Markings/Signage, Lights, Snow/Ice
Removal, FOD control and Other Infrastructure.
Control of airside works The supervision, coordination and control of airside works may lead to
damage and/or injuries.
Control of Passengers on the Apron Control of passengers on the apron or any other operational area of the
aerodrome or airport.
Coodination and Control of Turnrounds The management, handling or coordination of the turnaround process.
Dangerous Goods Handling and Lithium Fires involving lithium batteries and/or other dangerous goods, both
Batteries in the aircraft cabin or hold areas, followed by the potential inability to
extinguish any subsequent fire to prevent injuries or an Unsustainable
Aircraft Environment.
Design of Air Bridges/Passenger Boarding Design of air bridges that may lead to ground collisions or injuries.
Bridges (PBB)
Design of Ground Equipment Design of non-motorised airport ground support equipment including
(Non-Motorised) steps, baggage trollies/dollys may lead to damage and/or injuries.
Design of Vehicles (Motorised GSE) Design of motorised airport ground support equipment including belt
loaders, baggage trucks, catering trucks, fuel bowsers and pushback
equipment etc. may lead to damage and/or injuries.
Emerging technologies
Fuelling Operations The management and handling of the refuelling process and its
Ground Operations in Adverse Weather Negative effects of adverse weather on ground operations including low
Conditions visibility, high winds, thunderstorms, and extremes of temperature etc.
Ground Staff Movement Around Aircraft Unsafe movement of personnel takes place around an aircraft while
engines are running or an aircraft is about to move (anti-collision beacon
on) or within extended danger zones during cross-bleed engine starts.
Handling of Passengers with Reduced Handling of passengers with reduced mobility may lead to injuries.
Load Sheets and Other Documentation/ Errors and omissions in load systems and documentation or systems for
Systems recording loading of aircraft.
Operation of Air Bridges/Passenger The operation of air bridges that may lead to ground collisions or
Boarding Bridges (PBB) injuries.
Operation of Ground Equipment Operation of non-motorised ground equipment that may lead to ground
(Non-Motorised) collisions or injuries.
Operation of Vehicles (and Other Motorised The operation of vehicles/motorised ground equipment that may lead to
GSE) ground collisions or injuries.
Parking and Positioning of Aircraft The marshalling, parking or positioning of aircraft that may to lead to
damage or injuries. This includes problems with visual parking aids. This
also includes stand allocation.
Positioning and Securing of Ground The positioning or inadequate securing of ground equipment such as
Equipment baggage trolleys/dollys, ULDs etc. or steps that may be blown around
the apron in bad weather.
Pushback Operations The management, handling or coordination of the pushback may lead to
damage and/or injuries.
Runway/Taxiway Design and Layout Runway/Taxiway design and layout problems that may induce runway
incursions or the potential for collisions and aircraft damage. Continuous
monitoring of occurrences related to Aerodrome Design and Layout.
Servicability of Air Bridges/Passenger Servicability and maintenance of air bridges that may lead to ground
Boarding Bridges (PBB) collisions or injuries.
Serviceability of Vehicles (Motorised GSE) Servicability of motorised airport ground support equipment including
belt loaders, baggage trucks, catering trucks, fuel bowsers and pushback
equipment etc. may cause damage and/or injuries.
Terminal Design and Layout Terminal design and layout problems that may induce the potential
for collisions, aircraft damage, and injuries. Continuous monitoring of
occurrences related to Aerodrome Design and Layout.
Transition of service contracts The transition of the ground handling operations between service
providers might induce damage and/or injuries.
Worker Fatigue leading to Human Error Inability to recruit and retain ground handling staff is leading to staff
shortages, long working hours and an ageing workforce.
In the long term, if left unchecked, commercial growth & expectations
will exceed human resources, resulting in unsustainable operations with
possible safety critical impact on flight safety due to human error.
Annual Safety Review 2018 PAGE 98
Aerodromes and Ground Handling
Table 15 Human performance-related aerodromes and ground handling safety issues and
problem statements
CRM and Operational Communication Ineffective CRM and communication, including Language Proficiency,
Use of Standard Terminology, Hand Signals, Visual Communication,
Distraction from outer sources (ex. Mobile Phones).
Decision Making and Planning Incorrect planning and decision making by individuals.
Experience, Training and Competence of Individuals (all types of actors) have insufficient experience, training or
Individuals competence to perform the duties that they have been assigned.
Perception and Situational Awareness Incorrect perception and inadequate situational awareness of
Personal Pressure and Arousal Inability of individuals to perform to their best due to pressure or lack
of/excessive arousal. Problems typically arise during periods of intense
workload such as the turnround.
Weather Effects Inability of individuals to perform to their best due to the effect of
Human Performance Combining all of the above HF safety issues to address the ability of
individuals to meet the human performance needs for a specific task
or duty for reasons such as arousal, fatigue, repetitive processes and
Table 16 Organisational aerodromes and ground handling safety issues and problem
Commercial Pressures Commercial pressures (e.g. Seasonal Workforce/Contracts/On-Time
Performance/Non-Aviation Regulations) have an effect on Safety.
Safety Culture Inadequate Safety Culture in all levels of the organisation (Including
Senior Leadership Role in Safety)
Annual Safety Review 2018 PAGE 100
This Chapter covers accidents and serious incidents related to the provision of ATM/ANS services in the EASA
Member States and the analysis thereof. The analysis includes accidents and serious incidents extracted from the
EASA’s Occurrence Database which occurred within an EASA MS as State of Occurrence, involving at least one
CAT, either fixed wing airplane with MTOW of 2,250 kg or above, or small (CS-27) or large (CS-29) helicopter. It
should be noted that, contrary to previous years, CAT helicopter operations have been included in the statistics
of this Chapter. As a result, figures of accidents and serious incidents included in previous editions of the Annu-
al Safety Report may not be coherent to the figures in this edition.
It is worth noting that the accidents and serious incidents mentioned in this Chapter are those related to the pro-
vision of ATM/ANS services, which means that the ATM system may or may not have had a contribution to the
given occurrence, but it may play a role in preventing or ameliorating similar occurrences in the future. These
are named as “ATM/ANS related”. Among them, there are occurrences where the ATM/ANS provision of servic-
es was a factor contributing to the occurrence, or at least the ATM/ANS services played a role in aggravating the
occurrence encountered by the aircraft. These events are usually known as events with “ATM/ANS contribution”.
In the chapter, these two types of events are distinguished when necessary.
The ATM/ANS Collaborative Analysis Group (CAG) launched in 2017 has developed an initial ATM/ANS Safety Risk
Portfolio identifying Key Risk Areas and main Safety Issues in relation to the ATM/ANS provision of services. The
group is working to analyse the safety issues identified and updating the portfolio on regular basis. The chapter
introduces the initial ATM/ANS safety risk portfolio and the major candidate safety issues identified by the group
and the prioritisation based on the analysis of accidents and serious incidents collected in the EASA database.
The Safety Issues will be later completed by the ATM/ANS group with expert advice and additional occurrence
data analysis from other sources (e.g., European Central Repository) as to prioritise the safety issue assessments
and derive actions that will be included in the European Plan for Aviation Safety (EPAS).
2017 1 0 2 0 25 5
2007-2016 total 16 0 48 2
2017 6 0 2 0
Table 17 shows that there were no accidents with contribution from ATM/ANS services provided in EASA MS
in 2017. Fatal accidents with ATM/ANS contribution remains cero for the last ten-year period, and the non-fa-
tal accidents (cero) and serious incidents (five) were lower than the average in previous ten-year period. One
PAGE 101
fatal accident and three non-fatal accidents ATM/ANS related occurred in 2017. The total number of non-fatal
accidents and the number of serious incidents ATM/ANS related in 2017 remains lower than the average of the
preceding ten-year average period.
Figure 84 illustrates the evolution of accidents and serious incidents throughout the last decade. During the last
three years, fatal accidents with some relation to ATM/ANS have happened. These accidents involved helicop-
ters (see Appendix 1.5) as the last accident with ATM relation that involved a CAT fix-wing aeroplane occurred
in 2012.
´´ Figure 84. ATM/ANS related fatal and non-fatal accidents and serious incidents per year,
2007-2017, in EASA MS
Number of Accidents or Serious Incidents
2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017
Serious Incidents 53 28 33 47 40 30 28 30 21 37 25
Non-Fatal Accidents 7 4 6 7 6 5 4 9 8 5 2
Fatal Accidents 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 2 1 1
Figure 85 depicts that the rate of ATM/ANS related accidents (fatal and non-fatal) per millions of IFR controlled
flight hours continues decreasing since the plateau reached in 2014. The rate of serious incidents, despite the
steady increase of flight hours, does not show a constant trend.
´´ Figure 85. Rates of ATM/ANS related accidents and serious incidents per year, 2013-2017, in
50 4
Number of Accidents or Serious Incidents
Number of Accidents or Serious
Incidents per Million Flights
25 2
0 0
2013 2014 2015 2016 2017
Serious Incidents 28 30 21 37 25
Non-Fatal Accidents 4 9 8 5 2
Fatal Accidents 0 0 2 1 1
Serious incident rate 2.2 2.3 1.6 2.7 1.8
per million flights
Accident rate 0.3 0.7 0.8 0.4 0.2
per million flights
Annual Safety Review 2018 PAGE 102
Figure 86 illustrates that, when restricting on those occurrences with some level of contribution of the ATM/ANS
services, no accidents, either fatal or non-fatal, have occurred in the last two years, with no fatal accident in the
last decade.
´´ Figure 86. Fatal and non-fatal accidents and serious incidents with ATM/ANS contribution
per year, 2007-2017, in EASA MS
Number of Accidents or Serious Incidents
2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017
Serious Incidents 25 10 8 20 13 13 16 13 11 14 5
Non-Fatal Accidents 1 1 2 2 0 2 2 2 1 0 0
Fatal Accidents 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
The decreasing trend in the last 5 years is also observed in the rate of both the accidents and serious incidents
with ATM/ANS contribution, as Figure 87 illustrates.
´´ Figure 87. Rates of fatal and non-fatal accidents and serious incidents with ATM/SN
contribution per year, 2013-2017, in EASA MS
Accidents and Serious incidents with ATM/ANS contribution
Number of Accidents or Serious Incidents
20 2.0
18 1.8
Number of Accidents or Serious
16 1.6
Incidents per Million Flights
14 1.4
12 1.2
10 1.0
8 0.8
6 0.6
4 0.4
2 0.2
0 0.0
2013 2014 2015 2016 2017
Serious Incidents 16 13 11 14 5
Non-Fatal Accidents 2 2 1 0 0
Fatal Accidents 0 0 0 0 0
Accident rate
per million flights 0.2 0.2 0.1 0.0 0.0
Serious incident rate 1.3 1.0 0.8 1.0 0.4
per million flights
The statistics of accidents and serious incidents does not necessarily represent an accurate picture of the risk
of past events, as each occurrence of the same kind may bear a different risk, and even some accidents may be
PAGE 103
considered to bear lower risk than some serious incidents. For example, a near-miss involving an aircraft with the
TCAS unserviceable would be classified as a serious incident, while a collision between a ground handling vehicle
and an aircraft would be classified as an accident. However, based on the potential credible worse consequenc-
es of both events, the serious incident notionally would bear higher risk that the accident described. This led the
Regulation (EU) 376/2014 to consider the development a common risk classification scheme (ERCS) to risk classify
all occurrences reported to the European Aviation Authorities, which will be finalised and published in 2018. The
main purpose of this method is to associate a risk score to each occurrence store in the EASA’s database. Even
though the ERCS material is not finalised and published, EASA has applied the classification to the occurrences as
from 2013. Figure 88 shows the distribution of aggregated higher and lower risk events with ATM/ANS contribu-
tion in the last 5 years. The decreasing trend of risk of events is observed as indicated by Figure 87 based on the
absence of accidents in 2016 and 2017, but the indication that the serious incidents that occurred in 2016 and
2017 had a greater proportion of higher risk suggests that performance of the system can be further improved
and that effort should still be dedicated towards this objective.
´´ Figure 88. Higher and lower risk scored accidents and serious incidents with ATM/ANS
contribution per year, 2013-2017, in EASA MS
Number of Accidents & Serious incidents
2013 2014 2015 2016 2017
Lower Risk 3 3 5 4 1
Higher Risk 15 12 7 10 4
With regards to fatalities and injuries, Figure 86 shows that the number of fatalities and serious injuries in events
where there was ATM/ANS contribution was zero in 2017, while Figure 89 shows that within the ATM/ANS- relat-
ed occurrences, the number of fatalities and serious injuries in 2017 were 6 and 2, respectively.
As it can be seen in Figure 89 below, the number of fatalities per year in ATM/ANS related accidents does not fol-
low a clear pattern, depending on the size of aircraft involved in the reduced number of accidents that occurred
only in some years of the period under analysis, which corresponds to only CAT helicopters involved in ATM/ANS
related accidents in the last three years.
Annual Safety Review 2018 PAGE 104
´´ Figure 89. Fatalities and serious injuries in ATM/ANS related accidents per year, 2007-2017,
Number of Injuries
2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017
Total Fatalities 0 0 0 0 0 8 0 0 7 1 6
´´ Figure 90. Phase of flight in ATM/ANS related accidents and serious incidents per year,
2007-2017, in EASA MS
Number of accidents and serious incidents
Standing Taxi Take-off En route Approach Landing
Average 2007-2016 0.5 6 7.7 13.4 13.5 3.5 3.3
2017 0 3 4 10 9 2 1
PAGE 105
´´ Figure 91. Airspace class where ATM/ANS related accidents and serious incidents occurred,
2007-2017, in EASA MS
Number of accdeints and serious incidents
A B C D E G Blank
2017 0 0 1 3 0 0 23
Annual Safety Review 2018 PAGE 106
It is worth noting that the ATM safety portfolio that is described below is a snapshot of the risks beard by past
events derived by the limited data analysed, i.e. accidents and serious incidents. This is considered an interme-
diate step towards the final ATM/ANS Safety Risk Portfolio. The incorporation of additional occurrence data not
analysed by the Aviation Safety and Investigation Authorities, e.g., occurrences reported to the European Cen-
tral Repository or occurrences analysed by the SMS of organisations providing ATM/ANS services, may change
the risk picture shown here, helping identify additional precursors of accidents and making the analysis more
proactive. In addition, the safety risk portfolio may add other criteria, based on qualitative expert judgement of
the ATM CAG members and the EASA Operational Departments that consider, for example, the effectiveness of
existing controls and barriers and the expected risk reduction by already agreed safety actions. This will help
close the gap of risks that are not observable in the data sample. By adding this additional information, the safe-
ty risk portfolio may change both in terms of additional safety issues and a different prioritisation for analysis
of safety issues.
The top Key Risk Areas highlighted above are defined by their accident outcome to be prevented and by the im-
mendiate precursors of that accident outcome:
• Airborne Collision: it includes occurrences involving actual or potential airborne collisions between air-
craft while both aircraft are airborne and between aircraft and other controllable airborne objects (which
excludes birds and wildlife). This includes all separation-related occurrences regardless the cause, AIRPROX
reports and genuine TCAS/ACAS alerts. It does not include false TCAS/ACAS alerts caused by equipment
malfunctions or loss of separation with at least one aircraft on the ground, which may be coded as Run-
way or Movement Area Collision if the occurrence meets the criteria.
• Runway Collision: it includes all occurrences involving actual or potential runway collisions between an
aircraft and other aircraft, vehicle or person that occurs on the runway of an aerodrome or other predes-
ignated landing area. This includes occurrences involving the incorrect presence of an aircraft, vehicle or
person on the protected area of a surface designated for the landing and take-off of aircraft. It does not
include occurrences involving wildlife on the runway.
PAGE 107
´´ Figure 92. Prioritisation of Key Risk Areas of the ATM/ANS services, 2013-2017, in EASA MS
Runway Collision
Aggregated ERCS Score
Runway Excursion
Taxiway Excursion
Terrain Collision
Technical Failure
Aircraft Upset
Lower Risk Ground Collision
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80
Obstacle Collision
Security Number of ATM-related Occrrences with Higher Risk value in the ERCS matrix
The top row of the table include the key risk areas ranked by the aggregated ERCS score, as indicated previously.
The risk priority is depicted notionally with coloured bands from red (higher priority) to blue (lower priority). The
number of occurrences with higher risk ERCS scores are indicated in the table above each Key Risk Area too. The
“•” symbol indicates that an observed occurrence contained a certain safety issues and was associated to a key
risk area areas, i.e. it identifies which safety issues contribute to which (potential) accident outcomes. When the
symbol “•” is used means that the majority of occurrences of the safety issue contributes primarily with that key
risk areas, in other words with that (potential) accident outcome. Where no symbol is indicated means that no
occurrence was found linked to the safety issue and the concerning risk area.
The safety issues with higher risk scores identified in Figure 93, based on the used data sample, are defined as
• Deconfliction IFR vs VFR flights. It involves ineffective deconfliction of IFR vs VFR flights in an airspace
class where IFR-VFR are not provided (i.e., class D, E, and G), which may lead to airproxes and ultimately
to airborne collision.
• Airspace Infringement. Airspace infringement occurs when an aircraft enters notified airspace without
previously requesting and obtaining clearance from the controlling authority of that airspace, or enters
the airspace under conditions that were not contained in the clearance.
• Undetected Occupied runway. It involves runway incursions with aircraft landing/taking-off and the ATC
missing that the runway is occupied by a vehicle or aircraft that had received a clearance to be on the
Annual Safety Review 2018 PAGE 108
• ACAS RA not followed by the pilot. It involves encounters where the TCAS system installed on board of
aircraft triggered a Resolution Advisory message and one of the aircraft’s flight crew (or both) did not fol-
low the instruction given by the TCAS to resolve the conflict and avoid the mid-air collision.
• Provision of weather information (wind at low height). In involves inaccurate or missing wind-relat-
ed information provided to the crew by ground (e.g., tail wind on ground, gusts) during the approach
phase, which may lead to increase of non-stabilised approaches and thus increasing the risks of runway
It is worth noting that this ranking and the list of safety issues in the safety risk portfolio may vary when addi-
tional occurrence data, i.e. other than accidents and serious incidents, are added and/or when complemented
with qualitative criteria evaluated by the ATM CAG and EASA operational departments. One example of special
interest of additional criteria considered may be to prioritise safety issues that involve not only ATM/ANS relat-
ed occurrences, but those that have contribution from the ATM/ANS services, and therefore, where the ATM/ANS
has greater managerial control to mitigate the risks.
´´ Figure 93. Safety Risk Portfolio for ATM/ANS services operations showing how the 5 year
occurrence data 2013-2017 relates to safety issues and their outcomes relative to risk in
descending order
Deconfliction IFR/VFR 10
Airspace infringement 6
Integration of RPAS/Drones 4
Level Bust 4 • •
Coordination/handling of pushback 1
Failure of Air/Ground
1 • •
Cybersecurity 0
PAGE 109
Bands of Aggregated ERCS Risk Score (2013-2017) Priority 1 Priority 2 Priority 3 Priority 4
Taxiway Excursion
Runway Excursion
Obstacle Collision
Runway Collision
Airborn Collision
Ground Collision
Technical Failure
Terrain Collision
Safety Issues
Aircraft Upset
Risk Score
Safety Culture 0
1.1 Aeroplanes
01/06/2009 South Près du point AIRBUS - A330 - 200 Loss of control during cruise due
Atlantic TASIL to incorrect handling of technical
Ocean failure. Aircraft crashed into the
10/02/2011 Ireland Cork Apt SWEARINGEN - SA227 - BC Loss of control during landing
EICK below weather minima. Impacted
runway inverted
24/03/2015 France Prads-Haute- AIRBUS - A320 - 200 - 211 First officer alone in the cockpit,
Bléone initiated a rapid descent - Aircraft
impacted mountainous terrain
08/01/2016 Sweden Oajevágge BOMBARDIER - CL600 2B19 IRU malfunction - Crew spatial
disorientation - Loss of control -
Aircraft crashed on a mountainous
Annual Safety Review 2018 PAGE 112
Appendix 1 - List of Fatal Accidents
14/02/2010 Germany Reinhardts- CESSNA - 550 - NO SERIES EXISTS During climb the crew performed
dorf- an aerobatic manoeuvre and lost
Schöna control of the aircraft. Aircraft
disappeared from radar screen at
24/09/2012 United States San Francisco GULFSTREAM - GV Truck collision with stationary
CA aircraft
10/12/2012 Cyprus Larnaca CESSNA - 750 - NO SERIES EXISTS A service vehicle struck the right
wingtip, vehicle driver trapped
29/04/2013 Congo, FZAA (FIH): DASSAULT - FALCON 900EX Runway incursion by a person
Democratic Kinshasa/ during take-off. Aircraft hit the
Republic of N'djili person
2007-03-17 Italy Campo dei MAULE - MXT7 – 180, PZL Loss of control and subsequent
Fiori (Varese) BIELSKO - SZD55 crash after glider release
2007-08-07 Spain SANTA PIPER - PA36, PIPER - PA36 - 285 Mid-air collision between two
AMALIA aircraft
2007-09-01 Poland MATZ EPRA ZLIN - Z526 - AFS, ZLIN - Z526 - F Airshow midair collision.
2007-12-06 France Enroute NORTH AMERICAN - T6 - G North American T6 - Flew Into the
Ground During Aerobatics - 2 POB -
2 Killed
2008-06-14 France Castres (81) OTHER Loss of control during practice for
2008-08-12 Italy località Val PIPER - PA18 - 150 Piper PA18-150 - Loss of control in
Vibrata, flight and ground impact- 1POB -
Corropoli, 1OB Fatal - A/C Destroyed
2009-08-23 Germany Erpfental CESSNA - F182, ROBINSON - R44 Mid-air collision between aeroplane
near and helicopter near airshow
2009-09-06 Italy LIPO Airport MUDRY - CAP10 Aircraft impacted on ground during
aerobatic manouver.
2010-09-04 United Near Ryde, MOONEY - M20, VANS - RV4 - Mid air collision during Merlin
Kingdom Isle of Wight UNDESIGNATED SERIES Trophy Air Race
Annual Safety Review 2018 PAGE 114
Appendix 1 - List of Fatal Accidents
2010-09-19 Germany Warngau EXTRA - EA300, OTHER Mid-air collision during airshow
2010-10-02 France Les Moëres CESSNA - F172 - M, Aveko VL3B Cessna F172 & Aveko VL3B - Midair
Collision - 4POB - 2OB Fatalities -
2OB Minor - F172 Substantial
damage - Aveko Destroyed
2011-01-11 Italy Airport LIRG ROBIN - DR400 - 180R Robin 400 180R while towing
a glider in the take off phase
crashed. The pilot of the airplane is
2011-06-02 Netherlands EHTE CESSNA - F172 The aircraft crashed after pick up of
a banner
2011-06-18 Poland Plock - Wisla CHRISTEN - EAGLE II Crash during aerobatics over river
2011-08-30 Poland Nowy Targ PZL OKECIE Loss of control during approach and
subsequent crash with post-impact
2012-04-28 Germany Alkersleben ZLIN - Z226 A/C touched the ground after
a formation flight
2012-05-05 France AD Buno PIPER - PA25 - 235, SLINGSBY - T31 Mid-air collision between a glider
Bonnevaux and an aeroplane above runway
2012-09-09 Germany Backnang- ROBIN - DR400 - 180R Avions Robin DR400 - Loss of
Heiningen control during take off as A/C fell
into the vortex generated by the
preceding a/C flying - 4POB - 3OB
Fatalities - 1OB Serious
2012-10-22 Netherlands EHAA DIAMOND - DA40, GENERAL Mid air collision during photo
AVIA - F22 flight - POB 2 on each aircraft -
2 fatalities - 2 serious injuries - both
aircraft destroyed
2013-03-09 Czech 600m ZLIN - Z37 - A Aircraft collided with trees in IMC
Republic N Srbce
PAGE 115
2013-05-08 Netherlands Egmond aan OTHER - Not mapped Ditched in north sea near Egmond
Zee, Noord-
2013-06-29 Germany Eberswalde- ZLIN - Z526 - AFS Aircraft crashed during aerobatics
2014-04-20 Finland 2 km from OTHER During climb, right wing broke due
Jämijärvi to a fatigue failure - aircraft entered
airfield EFJM, a spin, crashed and caught fire -
Satakunta 11POB - 8OB Fatalities
2014-05-08 Latvia EVLA - Liepaja PITTS - S2 - B Pitts S-2B Special - Aircraft crashed
during aerobatic routine - 1POB -
1OB Fatal - A/C Destroyed
2014-06-06 Czech near TECNAM - P92 Crashed shortly after take off whilst
Republic Krizanov glider towing. Glider disconnected
airfield, LKKA and landed safely - 1POB - 1OB
Fatal - A/C Destroyed
2014-06-23 Germany Near LEARJET - 35 - A, OTHER - Military Collision of two A/C in flight, one
Olsberg-Elpe military - 3POB - 2OB Fatally Injured
2015-05-31 Adriatic Sea Tortoreto, VANS - RV8 - A, VANS - RV7 Collision of two aircraft in flight
Alba during an air show
Adriatica (TE)
2015-08-01 United near Oulton OTHER - Military Flight into terrain during airshow
Kingdom Park
2015-08-01 Romania Stancuta, PZL MIELEC - AN2 - R Aircraft crashed shortly after
Braila county take-off.
2015-08-20 Slovakia Cervený LET - L410 - UVP, LET - L410 Mid-air collision during en-route.
Kamen Both aircraft were performing
parachute dropping operations.
2015-08-22 United near EGKA - HAWKER - HUNTER - T7 - T7 Aircraft crashed on a road during
Kingdom Shoreham an air show.
2015-08-23 Switzerland Dittingen 2x COMCO IKARUS - IKARUS C42 - B Mid-air collision during airshow
2016-05-20 Germany Rodigast PZL OKECIE - PZL101 Loss of control and subsequent
crash into forest
2016-09-18 Hungary Gödöllo PIPER - PA28 - 140, CESSNA - 182 - D Two aircraft collided with each
Arboretum other in the vicinity of LHGD. 4 POB,
4 fatalities
2017-08-15 Spain Near the 55 PIPER - PA36 - 375 Bird strike followed by crash during
kilometer fumigation work in a rice field (low
point of altitude operation)
N-340 road
2017-09-03 Italy Pontinia CESSNA - 182 - P Loss of control inflight - crash and
03/01/2015 United Blackwood ALPI AVIATION - PIONEER400 Engine failure at approach, aircraft
Kingdom Forest, near crashed in woodland.
the EGHP
18/01/2015 Germany Rech- PIPER - PA24 - 260 Aircraft crashed into a garage
26/01/2015 Germany Dannenfels PIPER - PA30 Aircraft crashed killing the pilot
18/02/2015 France Colombier ROBIN - DR400 - 160 Aircraft impacted the top of a tree
and crashed in adverse weather
23/02/2015 Switzerland Proche AD ROBIN - DR400 - 140B Aircraft crashed near the airfield
Yverdon shortly after the take-off
04/04/2015 United Near Loch PIPER - PA28 - 140 Aircraft crashed into mountainous
Kingdom Etive, Oban, terrain
Argyll and
12/04/2015 Germany Oldenburg - CESSNA - F172 - N A/C hit trees and crashed into the
Hatten ground
21/05/2015 France Saint- ROBIN - DR400 - 140B Engine power loss and loss of
Laurent- control during initial climb, Aircraft
Blangy crashed and caught fire
23/06/2015 Germany Holzminden JABIRU - J430 Aircraft hit tree tops and then
impacted the ground
25/06/2015 Croatia Split LAKE - LA4 - 200 Accident report - Airplane below
2250 kg
30/06/2015 Germany Egelsbach DIAMOND - DA20 - A1 Take-off collision with power lines
01/07/2015 France Treilles PIPER - PA28 - 181 Collision with high terrain during
cruise affected by adverse weather
conditions. Post-crash fire
12/08/2015 Spain Robledillo de ZENAIR - CH640 Aircraft fell to the ground during
Mohernando the base leg.
municipal de
17/08/2015 United Newquay PIPER - PA34 - 220T Aircraft crashed during go-around.
Kingdom Airport
16/09/2015 Germany Mechernich- PIPER - PA28 - 161 Crew abandoned the aircraft during
Bergheim enroute. Aircraft crashed and
caught fire.
20/09/2015 Switzerland Muhen/AG NEW GLASAIR - GLASAIR SUPER Collison with a car during
II - RG emergency landing in Muhen/AG
03/10/2015 United Near BEECH - 200 - B200 Aircraft crashed shortly after
Kingdom Chigwell take-off
08/11/2015 Austria Ma. Rojach BREEZER Aircraft crashed during low flying.
2 POB, 2 fatalities
08/11/2015 Slovenia near TL ULTRALIGHT - TL2000 STING Ultralight aircraft crashed shortly
Slovenske after take-off. Ballistic Recovery
Konjice System activated but parachute
Airport didn’t fully open.
03/12/2015 United EGNH (BLK): ROCKWELL - 112 - B Aircraft reported missing over sea.
Kingdom Blackpool One POB, missing.
03/12/2015 Austria Mengeš PIPER - PA28R - 201 Aircraft crashed. Pilot reported
having problem during the
04/12/2015 France La Bresse ROBIN - DR400 - 140 Aircraft collided with mountainous
terrain in adverse conditions not
favourable to VFR flight
06/12/2015 France Peypin PIPER - PA28 - 161 Loss of visual references - aircraft
d’Aigues crash on a mountainous terrain
04/01/2016 Netherlands North See, CIRRUS - SR20 Unintended flight in IMC, loss of
4.5 NM west control and crash to the sea. 1 POB,
from Schoorl 1 fatality
16/01/2016 Spain Serranía SOCATA - TB20 Bird strike - left wing partial
de Cuenca detachment - aircraft crashed and
Natural Park caught fire. 4 POB, 4 fatalities
09/02/2016 Spain near Beas de CESSNA - 172 - P Aircraft asked a flight path
Segura deviation due to bad weather
before crash. 1 POB, 1 fatality
25/02/2016 France Saint-Héand EXTRA - EA300 - 200 Collision with high level terrain
due to adverse weather conditions.
1 POB, 1 fatality
Annual Safety Review 2018 PAGE 120
Appendix 1 - List of Fatal Accidents
25/03/2016 Hungary Dány térsége TECNAM - P2002 - JF Aircraft crashed due to unknown
reasons. 2 POB, 2 fatalities
01/04/2016 Poland Chmielewo TECNAM - P2002 Aircraft lost control and collided
with terrain on a steep angle.
2 POB, 2 fatalities
01/04/2016 France Sondernach ROBIN - HR100 - 210D Aircraft crashed and caught fire.
The aircraft impacted the ground
with a significant pitch down
attitude. 1 POB, 1 fatality
20/04/2016 Czech near LKST - CESSNA - 150 Aircraft lost control and crashed
Republic Strakonice into a meadow. 1 POB, 1 fatality
30/04/2016 United Whitwell-on- SLINGSBY - T67 - MII Loss of control in flight - Aircraft
Kingdom the-Hill crashed into a field. 2 POB,
2 fatalities
05/05/2016 Germany Grafenau- MORANE SAULNIER - MS893 - E Aircraft collision with the ground
Lichteneck due to unknown reasons. 1 POB,
1 fatality
06/05/2016 Austria near LOAN - RANS - S12 Aircraft spin and crash during flight
Wr.Neustadt around the aerodrome. 2 POB,
/ Ost 2 fatalities
19/05/2016 Spain Arbizu ROBIN - DR400 - 180 Aircraft crashed due to bird strike.
3 POB, 3 fatalities
09/06/2016 United Near COMCO IKARUS - IKARUS C42 - FB80 Aircraft crashed into the sea
Kingdom Cushendun, for unknown reasons. 2 POB,
2 fatalities
08/07/2016 United 1 nm north YAKOVLEV - YAK52 After loss of engine power and
Kingdom of Dinton, unsuccessful forced landing due to
Wiltshire late decision A/C crashed in field.
2 POB, 1 fatal, 1 serious injury
10/07/2016 Austria LOWZ:Zell PIPER - PA28 - 161 Aircraft not able to maintain climb
am see due to low speed during take-off
and stalls followed by crash. 4 POB,
1 fatal, 3 serious injuries
PAGE 121
06/08/2016 United English PIPER - PA28 - 161 Engine problem reported - most
Kingdom Channel, 1 likely carburettor icing, aircraft
mile from ditched and sank. 1 POB, 1 fatality
15/08/2016 France LFNE - Salon EXTRA - EA300 - 200 Unconsciousness during a training
/ Eyguieres flight in aerobatics and crash.
1 POB, 1 fatality
25/08/2016 France Saint- JODEL - D11 Loss of control during the initial
Rémy de climb - Aircraft crashed and caught
Maurienne fire. 2 POB, 2 fatalities
01/09/2016 Slovenia near Cezsoca PIPER - PA28 - 161 Aircraft crashed due to unknown
circumstances. 3 POB, 3 fatalities
01/09/2016 Germany Herlazhofen ROBIN - DR400 - 140B Aircraft crashed after engine
failure. 3 POB, 3 fatalities
04/09/2016 Germany Stettiner Haff SOCATA - TB20 Aircraft crashed into the ocean.
3 POB, 3 fatalities
04/09/2016 Poland Wrocanka VANS - RV6 Loss of control shortly after take-
off. 2 POB, 2 fatalities
06/09/2016 Spain Close to ROBIN - DR400 - 180 On a long visual flight the AC came
Villanueva down at a meadow close to the
del Condado village buildings. 2 POB, 2 fatalities
(León - Spain)
14/09/2016 Austria near Sankt AQUILA - AT01 Collision with cableway. 1 POB,
Anton, Steiß- 1 fatality
18/09/2016 Hungary Gödöllo PIPER - PA28 - 140 Two aircraft collided with each
Arboretum other in the vicinity of LHGD. 4 POB,
4 fatalities
02/10/2016 United near Topcroft NORTH AMERICAN - P51 - D Aircraft crashed into a tree during
Kingdom Farm Airstrip aborted landing. 2 POB, 1 fatal,
1 seriously injured
15/10/2016 Romania Luncani, Cluj CESSNA - 182 Skydiver’s parachute was deployed
County while he was inside the aircraft
and fell to the ground unconscious.
1 fatality
Annual Safety Review 2018 PAGE 122
Appendix 1 - List of Fatal Accidents
24/11/2016 Poland EPZP - PIPER - PA31 - 350 Premature LG retraction and crash
Zielona Góra during take-off. 1 POB, 1 fatality
04/12/2016 United over CESSNA - 150 - L Mid-air collision powered ACFT and
Kingdom Lubenham glider; Glider crashed killing the
07/12/2016 France AD Bale- PIPER - PA34 - 200T Collision with the ground during
Mulhouse landing - fire. 1 POB, 1 fatality
19/12/2016 Germany Garz TECNAM Aircraft crashed into the forest for
unknown reasons. 1 POB, 1 fatality
15/01/2017 United Near Aston PIPER - PA30 Aircraft flying at low altitude in IMC
Kingdom Rowant condition, crashed into woodland.
Nature 1 POB, 1 fatality
15/01/2017 Spain near LEMT - TECNAM - P2002 Aircraft crashed into a field in
Casarrubios a high nose down attitude. 2 POB
Del Monte 2 fatalities.
20/02/2017 Guadeloupe Petit Bourg PIPER - PA28 - 161 Airplane crashed into a building.
1 POB, 1 fatality
09/04/2017 France AD Chelles EVEKTOR AEROTECHNIK Bounced landing, the student pilot
Le Pin lost the aircraft’s control after
initiating a go/around. The aircraft
crashed in a field. 1 POB, 1 fatality
14/04/2017 Italy Dovera (CR) TECNAM - P92 A/C crashed on the ground during
VFR flight. 2 POB, 2 fatalities
17/04/2017 Portugal Cascais PIPER - PA31T Aircraft stalled during take-off and
crashed to the buildings. 4 POB,
4 fatalities
29/04/2017 Spain Canillas de SOCATA - TB20 Direct impact against the terrain.
Aceituno 3 POB, 3 fatalities
25/05/2017 United 2 miles north PIPER - PA28R - 201 Aircraft lost from radar, wreckage
Kingdom of Skipness, found in water. 2 POB, 2 fatalities
05/07/2017 Switzerland near LSGN - CZECH SPORT - PS28 Pilot lost control after take-
Neuchatel off during initial climb. 2 POB,
2 fatalities
19/07/2017 Finland near PIPER - J3C - 65 - 65 The aircraft crashed into a forest
Haalatvantie during final approach in bad
weather condition. 1 POB, 1 fatality
28/07/2017 Poland EPLL CESSNA - 152 Aircraft collided with trees during
approach. 1 POB, 1 fatality
02/08/2017 Portugal Praia de CESSNA - 152 Forced landing on the beach due to
São João da engine failure. Aircraft collided with
Caparica pedestrians. 2 POB 2 fatal injuries
on ground
04/08/2017 Switzerland Diavolezza/ PIPER - PA28 - 181 Collision with high terrain. 3 POB,
GR 3 fatally injured
08/08/2017 Germany Bodensee / PIPER - PA46 The aircraft crashed into the Lake
Mainau Bodensee north of Konstanz. 2 POB
2 fatalities
20/08/2017 Switzerland Alp PIPER - PA28 - 161 Aircraft collided with terrain. 3 POB
Tsanfleuron, and 3 fatalities
Savièse VS
22/08/2017 Norway near PITTS - S2 - B Pilot lost the aircraft control while
Holmestrand performing aerobatics manoeuver
and crashed. 2 POB, 2 fatalities
27/08/2017 Germany Moormeer MORANE SAULNIER - MS883 Collision with the ground due to
land unknown circumstances. 1 POB
1 fatality
09/09/2017 Italy Salussola (BI) PIPER - PA34 Aircraft crashed on the ground
during VFR approach in poor
weather conditions. 1 POB 1 fatality
11/09/2017 United Wolferton, PIPER - PA28RT - 201 Rough running engine and
Kingdom Norfolk electrical fire followed by Mayday
call by pilot. 2 POB, 2 fatalities
19/09/2017 Norway near ENHA - VANS - RV4 Loss of control on approach, spin
Hamar / and crash. 2 POB, 2 fatalities
05/10/2017 Portugal Olhão: KOLB - TWINSTAR - III Aircraft stalled shortly after take-
Quelfes off. 1 POB, 1 fatality
1.2 Rotorcraft
01/04/2009 United Near AEROSPATIALE – AS332 - L2 Loss of control inflight due to main
Kingdom Peterhead, rotor gearbox failure
29/04/2016 Norway near Turøy EUROCOPTER – EC225 - LP Loss of control inflight due to main
rotor gearbox failure
02/06/2007 Italy Villa Vomano ROBINSON - R44 Collision with power lines during
(Teramo) sightseeing flight
02/03/2008 Antarctica nr Neumayer EUROCOPTER - BO105 - CBS4 Helicopter crash during research
II mission
31/07/2008 Hungary Near EUROCOPTER - EC135 Loss of control following power loss
Bankháza- during HEMS operations
17/02/2009 Poland Jerostow PZL SWIDNIK - MI2 Loss of control during HEMS flight
14/08/2009 France Dangé Saint ROBINSON - R44 Loss of control during sightseeing
Romain (86) flight
14/01/2014 Norway Near EUROCOPTER - EC135 - P2 Collision with power lines during
Solihogda, HEMS operations
31/07/2015 Italy Pizzo Zocca AEROSPATIALE - AS350 - B3 Terrain collision during flight in
di val Masino adverse cloud condition
17/07/2015 Slovakia Hornád AGUSTA - A109 - K2 Collision with power cables during
canyon - en-route HEMS operations
Slovenský Raj
24/01/2017 Italy Campo Felice AGUSTA - AW139 Collision with mountain slope
during HEMS operations.
2007-07-20 Austria Gusswerk/ AEROSPATIALE - AS332 Ground staff fatally injured by sling
Steiermark load
2007-10-11 Germany Tegernsee BELL - 206 Filming flight over lake, rotor
downwash capsized a canoe, one
canoe occupant drowned
2008-07-03 Slovakia near Brusno MIL - MI8 Engine failure and subsequent crash
2008-09-27 Denmark Kirke Såby ROBINSON - R22 Fatal helicopter accident - vortex
2009-08-23 Germany Erpfental ROBINSON - R44, CESSNA - F182 Mid-air collision between aeroplane
near and helicopter near airshow
2009-09-07 Italy Val d’Aosta AEROSPATIALE - SA315 Rotor strikes rocks on ground
2009-10-09 France Domjulien AEROSPATIALE - AS350 - B3 Collision with trees and ground due
(88) to adverse weather conditions
2010-07-23 Austria Gahbuhel BELL - 204 - B Tail rotor collision with tree during
sling load operation
2010-08-08 Belarus Minsk- HUGHES - 369 - H - HS Accident during low level aerobatic
Barawaja flight manoeuvres
2011-04-26 Italy 1.3 NM S-SE ROBINSON - R22 Helicopter R22 Accident - CFIT
of Sulmona during aerial work
2011-06-15 Andorra Pleta de AEROSPATIALE - AS350 - B3 Helicopter crash durirng sling load
Juclar operation
2011-09-14 France Vallorcine AEROSPATIALE - AS350 - B3 Collision with cable car cable, post-
(74) impact fire
2011-10-18 Belgium 10km from EUROCOPTER - EC120 Crashed during aerial work
2013-06-29 Switzerland Switzerland AEROSPATIALE - AS350 - B2 Crash due to loss of control caused
by a previous rotor strike
2015-12-31 Réunion Rempart du AEROSPATIALE - AS350 - B3 Aircraft turned back due to bad
Maïdo weather conditions and crashed
shortly afterwards.
2016-05-19 Bulgaria Gylovtsa KAMOV - KA26 Fatal accident - collision with power
village, lines
1.3 Balloons
29/08/2008 Germany Bobenheim SCHROEDER - FIRE BALLOONS G Uncommanded balloon lift off after
landing. Two passenger fell from
the basket one fatal injury.
01/01/2011 United Midsomer CAMERON - O120 Balloon deflated during flight and
Kingdom Norton fell to the ground
06/08/2013 Switzerland Haut- CAMERON - Z105 Collision of balloon with power line
05/10/2014 France Lauzerte SCHROEDER - FIRE BALLOONS G Balloon basked tipped over and fire
broke out
12/07/2015 Spain Vilanova del ULTRAMAGIC - S160 Balloon basket impacted against
Cami the top of a metal fence on final
approach, basket overturned,
expulsion of some occupants
included pilot - pilot died
08/10/2015 Italy Montescagli- SCHROEDER - FIRE BALLOONS G Balloon forced landing after hitting
oso (MT) power line
1.3.1 Sailplanes
Local date State/area of Location Aeroplane Headline
06/04/2015 Sweden 10 km SSE GROB - G103C - TWIN III SL - TWIN Loss of control during wave flight
Nikkaluokta III SL (in cloud), glider destruction in
flight. Pilot bailed out, the student
was killed.
12/04/2015 Germany Oschatz SCHEIBE - LSPATZ 55 Wing hit the Ground during
Take Off - the glider swerved and
02/05/2015 Germany Bad Münder, SCHEMPP HIRTH - NIMBUS 3 Glider stalled and crashed into
Bakede a forested area.
18/05/2015 Austria Near Airfield GLASER DIRKS - DG300 Mid-air collision. One of the two
Hohenems, aircraft crashed into the mountain
Vorarlberg rocks and caught fire. The other
aircraft returned to the airfield and
landed safely.
28/05/2015 Germany Bartholomä SCHEMPP HIRTH - JANUS Glider crashed into the Ground
during a winch launch.
05/06/2015 Italy Monte SCHEMPP HIRTH - VENTUS 2CM Glider crashed on a mountain slope.
Terlago (TN)
03/07/2015 Austria Seiten- PILATUS - B4 - PC11 The sailplane hit the ground after
stetten, NÖ an aerobatic manoeuvre (ARF
02/08/2015 France Saint-André SCHEMPP HIRTH - VENTUS C Collision with the mountain side.
The glider wreckage has been
found at 2700m of altitude.
06/08/2015 Germany Füssen ROLLADEN SCHNEIDER - LS8 The Glider lost control and crashed
in a forested area
11/08/2015 France Embrun ROLLADEN SCHNEIDER - LS1 Glider collided with trees and
crashed to the mountain.
12/08/2015 Italy Col FERRET SCHEMPP HIRTH Motor glider crashed against
a mountain slope.
20/08/2015 Germany Purkshof GLASER DIRKS - DG100 Glider disconnected the rope during
towing and crashed on the runway.
24/09/2015 Norway Hatten SCHLEICHER - ASW24 Aircraft crashed. The pilot bailed
mountain, out the aircraft before the crash at
Lesja low altitude and was killed when
municipality hit the ground.
26/09/2015 Denmark 5 km øst SCHLEICHER - ASW24 From level flight the aircraft
for EKRS: suddenly pitched nose down and
Ringsted hit the ground in a steep nose down
attitude. The pilot died and the
glider was destroyed.
03/10/2015 Poland Miedzy- PZL BIELSKO - SZD48 - 3 Glider entered spin after a long
brodzie flight and crashed.
24/12/2015 Namibia Stryfontein SCHEMPP HIRTH - VENTUS CM Powered Glider crashed, no details
Farm available.
03/01/2016 Germany Near Kamp DIAMOND - HK36 - R Aircraft crashed during a go-
Lintfort around - 1 POB 1 fatality.
03/04/2016 Austria 3,3 kmNorth SPORTINE AVIACIJA - LAK19 Glider entered spin and crashed
from LOGL - into terrain. 1 POB - 1 fatality.
03/04/2016 Austria Kötschach GLASER DIRKS - DG400 Glider crashed into a mountain -
Mauthen 1 POB, 1 fatality.
16/04/2016 Poland EPST PZL BIELSKO - SZD9 Glider crashed into the ground after
winch cable was released. 1 POB
1 fatality.
20/04/2016 Slovakia Lysá Polana SCHLEICHER - ASW27 - 18E Competition flight - loss of height
below safe altitude - abrupt
manoeuvre - The aircraft stalled and
crashed with a nose down attitude.
1 POB 1 fatality.
03/05/2016 Germany Bautzen PIK - PIK20E - NO SERIES EXISTS Crash on Approach during glider
Annual Safety Review 2018 PAGE 132
Appendix 1 - List of Fatal Accidents
21/05/2016 Switzerland Montricher GLASER DIRKS - DG400 Glider collides with trees and
LSTR crashes. 1 POB 1 fatality.
29/05/2016 Germany Rhede/ LET - L23 Glider crashed into a field under
Emsland unknown circumstances. 2 POB
1 fatality.
06/07/2016 Switzerland Lenk/BE GLASER DIRKS - DG800 Glider collides with elevated
terrain. 1 POB 1 fatality.
09/08/2016 Germany Lüsse SCHLEICHER - ASW27 Glider fell to the ground during
winch launch take-off. 1 POB
1 fatality.
27/08/2016 France Sauto SPORTINE AVIACIJA - LAK17 - A Collision with a cable/wire followed
by crash. 1 POB 1 fatality.
10/09/2016 Germany Großrück- SCHLEICHER - ASK21 Two aircraft -glider and an ultralight
erswalde collided close to the threshold. Pilot
of the ultralight died.
04/12/2016 United over CESSNA - 150 - L Mid-air collision powered ACFT and
Kingdom Lubenham glider; Glider crashed killing the
04/12/2016 United Brentor SCHLEICHER - ASW24 Glider winch launch failed. Pilot
Kingdom was not able to land safely due to
downdraft. 1 POB 1 fatality.
19/03/2017 France Le Vernet GLASER DIRKS - DG1000 - M Collision with trees and ground.
2 POB 1 fatality 1 serious injury.
29/03/2017 France LFLE - SPORTINE AVIACIJA - LAK17 - A Glider crash during winch launch
Chambéry / take-off. 1 POB 1 fatality.
08/04/2017 United Currock Hill PZL BIELSKO - SZD55 - 1 Glider elevator not connected -
Kingdom airfield glider crashed on aero tow. 1 POB
1 fatality.
08/04/2017 Germany Eschbach SCHLEICHER - ASW24 - E Glider Crashed into Industrial Area.
1 POB 1 fatality.
12/04/2017 France Valdeblore SCHLEICHER - ASW22 Glider lost control - rolled onto its
side and crashed into the ground.
1 POB 1fatality.
03/05/2017 Poland EPJL PZL BIELSKO - SZD30 Glider made a steep climb then
rolled and crashed during a winch
launch. 1 POB 1 fatality.
PAGE 133
14/05/2017 France Near to AD SCHEMPP HIRTH - CIRRUS The glider collides with the ground
Auch shortly after release.
20/05/2017 Hungary Nyíregyháza PZL BIELSKO - SZD30 Glider crash for unknown reasons.
10/06/2017 Italy Riva GLASFLUGEL - MOSQUITO Glider collided the terrain below
Valdobbia mountain tip.
11/06/2017 Italy Novi Ligure OTHER Glider lost wing during aero tow
and crashed in city centre
15/06/2017 Austria near GLASER DIRKS - DG600 Glider lost control and crashed in
Karlhöhe a mountainous area.
16/06/2017 Hungary LHTL SCHEIBE - SF25 - C Motorized sailplane lost control and
crashed during training exercise.
2 POB 2 fatalities.
18/06/2017 Germany Purkshof GROB - G102 - ASTIR CS Wing tip of the Glider hit ground
during winch launch causing it to
overturn. 1 POB 1 fatality.
24/06/2017 Germany Bartholomä- GROB - G103 - TWIN ASTIR Glider lost control while searching
Amalienhof for lift and fell to the ground. 1 POB
1 fatality.
13/07/2017 United Near DIAMOND - HK36 - TC Aircraft crashed into a field due
Kingdom Brimslade to unknown circumstances. 2 POB
Farm 2 fatalities.
13/07/2017 Hungary Pirtó SCHLEICHER - ASW27 - 18E Glider crashed due to loss of
control. 1 POB. 1 fatal injury.
14/07/2017 France Val des Prés SCHEMPP HIRTH - VENTUS C Glider collided with elevated terrain
due to unknown circumstances.
1 POB 1 fatality.
17/07/2017 France LFOV CENTRAIR - 101 - A Glider impacted the ground during
(LVA): Laval winch launch take-off
04/08/2017 Germany Rädicke SCHLEICHER - ASW24 - E Glider was found crashed on a field.
Loss of control suspected. 1 POB
1 fatality.
13/08/2017 Switzerland Villavolar GLASER DIRKS - DG800B The glider crashed onto a steep
pasture and was destroyed upon
27/08/2017 Croatia Sinj - GROB - G103 - TWIN ASTIR Sailplane crashed below
Kamešnica a mountain ridge. 2 POB. 1 Fatality
and 1 Seriously injured.
30/08/2017 Poland EPBC PZL BIELSKO - SZD50 - 3 Glider accident (crash) – spin after
Warszawa the safety latch of the winch cable
Babice / ATZ broke while winch launching.
10/09/2017 Germany Hockenheim ROLLADEN SCHNEIDER - LS8 Glider stalled during winch
launching. 1 POB 1 fatality.
14/10/2017 Switzerland Davos/GR ROLLADEN SCHNEIDER - LS8 - 18 Glider crashed in ca 2500 meter
altitude in mountainous area.
Circumstances unknown. 1 POB
1 fatality.
Annual Safety Review 2018 PAGE 134
Appendix 1 - List of Fatal Accidents
2012-05-05 France AD Buno PIPER - PA25 - 235, SLINGSBY - T31 Mid-air collision between a glider
Bonnevaux and an aeroplane above runway
2012-12-10 Cyprus Larnaca CESSNA - 750 - NO SERIES EXISTS A service vehicle struck the right
wingtip, vehicle driver trapped
2014-04-20 Finland 2 km from OTHER During climb, right wing broke due
Jämijärvi to a fatigue failure - aircraft entered
airfield EFJM, a spin, crashed and caught fire -
Satakunta 11POB - 8OB Fatalities
31/07/2015 Italy Pizzo Zocca AEROSPATIALE - AS350 - B3 Helicopter ontrolled flight into
di val Masino mountain peak obscured by clouds
24/01/2017 Italy Campo Felice AGUSTA - AW139 Helicopter crashed into a mountain
(AQ) slope during a medical emergency
European Aviation Safety Agency
Safety Intelligence & Performance
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