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R22 B.Tech.

CSE Syllabus
JNTU Hyderabad
CS613PE: SCRIPTING LANGUAGES LAB (Professional Elective - )
B.Tech. Ill Year Il Sem.
00 2 1
Prerequlsites: Any High level programming language (G, C++)
Course Objectlves
To Understand the concepts of scripting languages for developing web based
To understand the applications the of Ruby, TCL, Perl scripting projects
Course Outcomes
Ability to understand the differences between
Gain some fluency Scripting languages and programming languages
programming in Ruby, Perl, TCL
1. Writea Ruby script to
create a new string which is n
copies of a given string wheren is a
integer non-negative
2. Write a Ruby script which
accept the radius of a circle from the
area. user and compute the
parameter and
Write a Ruby script which accept the
space between them users first and last name and print
them in reverse order with a
4. Write a Ruby script to accept a filename
from the user print the
5. Write a Ruby script to find the greatest of
three numbers
extension of that
6. Writea Ruby script to
7. Write a Ruby script to
print odd numbers from 10 to 1
check tWo integers and return true if
one of them is 20 otherwise
8. Write a Ruby script to check two
return their
greater than 100 temperatures and return true if one is less than 0 and the other is
9. Writea Ruby script to
10. Write a Ruby
print the elements of a given array
program to retrieve the total marks where
in a hash subject name and marks of a
11. Write a TCL student stored
script to find the factorial of a
12. Write a TCL script number
that muitiplies the numbers from 1 to
13. Write a TCL script for 10
14. Write a TCL script tosorting a list using a
() create a list (ü) comparison function
Concatenate the list append elements to the list (ii)
15. Write a TCL script to Traverse the list (iv)
16. Write a TCL comparing
script to Copy a fle and
the file modified times.
17. a) Write a Perl translate to native format.
b) Write a Perl
script to find the
largest number anmong three
18. Write a Perl programscript to print the
tables from 1-10numbers.
implement themultiplication
following of
list using subroutines.
a) Shift
b) Unshift
manipulating functions
c) Push
19. a) WNrite a Peri
script to substitute a
b) Write a Perl word, with another word ina
20. Write a Perl script toscript to validate IP address and email string.
print the file in reverse
order using command line address.
TEXT BOOKS: arguments
1. The World of
2. Ruby Scripting Languages, David
Programming by David Barron,Wiley Publications.
"Programming Rubylanguage
The Pramatic Flanagan and Yukihiro Matsumoto
Progammers guide by Dabve Thomas Second
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