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Wonderful WORLD


Chapter 1 Ambitions
Chapter Opener pp.10-11 Reading Comprehension p.16

a [1] 1. a
2. a

Unit 1 What’s the Best Career for You? 3. b

4. b
Before You Read p.12
5. c
Answers may vary.
[2] 1. interests
New Words p.13
2. students
[1] 1. goal preferences
2. career 3. They will have a career doing something
3. creative creative.
4. experienced
5. preference Reading Skills p.17
6. ambitious
[1] Graphic Organizer
7. leader
1. somewhat creative
8. mechanic
2. to be well paid
9. interest
3. not very experienced
10. qualification
4. spend time with people
[2] 1. b 5. depending on their interest
2. b 6. like working alone
3. d
[2] Summary
4. a
1. help students with their future goals
2. asked about their interests and qualifications
Find and circle the words. pp.14-15
3. It shows what students like
Line 1 career 4. they like to work with their hands
Line 12 well paid 5. can recommend a career for students
Line 14 Somewhat
Line 18 willing
Line 28 ambitious
Line 37 gardener

Wonderful WORLD SB_Answer Key

Wonderful WORLD

Unit 2 A Student’s Sensible Solution

Before You Read p.18 Reading Comprehension p.22

1. True [1] 1. a
2. False 2. c
3. True 3. b
4. d
5. a
New Words p.19

[1] 1. effective [2] 1. destroyed

2. substance farm animals

3. crop 2. chemicals

4. drought very expensive

5. determined 3. She won the top prize at the Google Science

6. purpose Fair (for her discovery).

7. improve
8. tough Reading Skills p.23
9. sensible
[1] Graphic Organizer
10. destroy
1. a special substance for the soil
[2] 1. a 2. bad for the environment
2. c 3. makes it tough
3. a 4. help soil absorb water
4. c 5. keep it in the ground
6. thrown away at factories

Find and circle the words. pp.20-21 [2] Summary

Line 2 losses 1. destroy crops and kill farm animals

Line 3 solution 2. it uses harmful chemicals

Line 11 sensible 3. She turned orange and avocado peels into a

Line 12 peels powder

Line 27 agriculture 4. Her solution isn’t bad for the environment

Line 31 determined 5. She is determined to use science

Wonderful WORLD SB_Answer Key

Wonderful WORLD

Unit 3 What Does Your Future Look Like?

Before You Read p.24 Reading Comprehension p.28

Answers may vary. [1] 1. b

2. d
3. d
New Words p.25
4. b
[1] 1. medicine
5. a
2. succeed
3. millionaire [2] 1. her own company

4. give up her own boss

5. waste 2. wasting his time

6. talent 3. She is determined to travel around the world

7. local taking amazing photos of people and places.

8. degree
9. complain Reading Skills p.29
10. apply
[1] Graphic Organizer
[2] 1. b 1. apply to university
2. c 2. become a millionaire
3. d 3. give up music
4. a 4. become famous
5. a degree in languages
6. sold her photos
Find and circle the words. pp.26-27

Line 5 running [2] Summary

Line 5 original 1. Laura wants to study computer science

Line 10 local 2. anyone with an original idea can succeed

Line 13 noise 3. people say they’ve got talent

Line 14 give up 4. His parents think he is wasting his time

Line 18 photography 5. go for a career in business or medicine

Wonderful WORLD SB_Answer Key

Wonderful WORLD

Chapter 2 Remarkable People

Chapter Opener pp.30-31 Reading Comprehension p.36

b [1] 1. a
2. c

Unit 4 Charles Darwin 3. b

4. a
Before You Read p.32
5. c
1. False
[2] 1. an ordinary student
2. True
the best grades
3. False
2. a five-year expedition
3. animals adapt over time in order for their
New Words p.33 species to survive

[1] 1. experiment
2. specimen Reading Skills p.37
3. ordinary
[1] Graphic Organizer
4. observe
1. started studying medicine
5. biology
2. went on an expedition
6. expedition
3. born in England
7. religion
4. had 10 children
8. object to
5. study religion
9. athlete
6. most famous book
10. adapt
2 — 4 — 1 — 7 — 5 — 3 — 6
[2] 1. a
2. d [2] Summary

3. b 1. is known as the father of modern biology

4. c 2. but he loved exploring nature

3. He liked to do chemistry experiments
4. People objected to his theory of natural
Find and circle the words. pp.34-35
Line 11 chemistry
5. helped us better understand many species
Line 20 beetles
Line 23 objected to
Line 25 fossils
Line 33 adapt
Line 33 survive

Wonderful WORLD SB_Answer Key

Wonderful WORLD

Unit 5 Simone Biles

Before You Read p.38 Reading Comprehension p.42

1. False [1] 1. b
2. True 2. c
3. True 3. c
4. b
5. a
New Words p.39

[1] 1. competition [2] 1. was unable to care for

2. by accident 2. an amazing 19 medals

3. admire gold

4. extraordinary 3. She has collected clothes, school supplies, and

5. manage toys for them.

6. pay off
7. sign up Reading Skills p.43
8. adopt
[1] Graphic Organizer
9. achievement
1. later adopted them
10. gymnast
2. difficult competitions
[2] 1. d 3. won four medals
2. c 4. world champion gymnast
3. d 5. headed for the Olympics
4. b 6. her achievements

[2] Summary
Find and circle the words. pp.40-41 1. Simone Biles is an extraordinary athlete

Line 1 extraordinary 2. She may be the best gymnast of all time

Line 8 by accident 3. Simone started gymnastics by accident

Line 10 practice 4. Her hard work paid off

Line 19 title 5. help children with difficult lives achieve

Line 28 supplies
Line 34 matter

Wonderful WORLD SB_Answer Key

Wonderful WORLD

Unit 6 The Amazing Kids Competition

Before You Read p.44 Reading Comprehension p.48

Answers may vary. [1] 1. d

2. b
3. c
New Words p.45
4. b
[1] 1. complete
5. a
2. nominate
3. hashtag [2] 1. cleverest

4. describe kindest

5. recipe most talented

6. attitude 2. fun to read

7. take part easy enough

8. encourage 3. They must be between the ages of 8 and 18 (to

9. treat take part).

10. upload

[2] 1. a
Reading Skills p.49

2. b [1] Graphic Organizer

3. a 1. got first prize
4. d 2. her own recipe book
3. a car accident
4. give up running
Find and circle the words. pp.46-47
5. has completed
Line 1 Organization
6. attitude and strength
Line 2 talented
Line 6 nominate [2] Summary

Line 21 encourage 1. holding a competition to find the most amazing

Line 30 involved kid

Line 37 alive 2. someone who treats others well

3. you should upload a photo with a hashtag
4. Gina won a cooking competition
5. He lost part of his leg

Wonderful WORLD SB_Answer Key

Wonderful WORLD

Review Chapters 1-2 pp.50-51 Song Chapters 1-2 pp.52-53

[1] 1. c [1] creative

2. a goals
3. b biology
4. f ambitious
5. d qualifications
6. e difference

[2] 1. extraordinary [2] 1. b

2. expedition 2. False
3. millionaire 3. True
4. interests 4. True
5. treat
[3] 1. purpose
6. gave up
7. observe
2. help
8. tough
[3] 1. born
2. unable Video Chapters 1-2 pp.54-55
3. because of
[1] Answers may vary.
4. instead
5. during [2] 1. balance

6. training 2. slackline
3. gap
[4] 1. Are you going to want to spend time with
4. world record
people at work?
2. Kiara is determined to use science to make a [3] Answers may vary.

[4] 1. F
3. I think anyone with an original idea can
2. T
3. F
4. Charles Darwin was a scientist who changed
4. T
our understanding of the natural world.
5. F
5. She’s been called the best gymnast of all time.
6. We’re looking for people to nominate their
friends or family.

Wonderful WORLD SB_Answer Key

Wonderful WORLD

Chapter 3 Body and Mind

Chapter Opener pp.56-57 Reading Comprehension p.62

a [1] 1. d
2. b
Unit 7 How to Control Your Stress 3. c
4. d
Before You Read p.58
5. b
Answers may vary.
[2] 1. anger or sadness
feel less energetic
New Words p.59
2. a stuffed toy
[1] 1. emotional 3. our bodies and minds don’t work the way
2. suggestion they’re supposed to
3. tense
4. scented
Reading Skills p.63
5. de-stress
[1] Graphic Organizer
6. method
1. favorite healthy snack
7. sore
2. soft, comfortable clothes
8. physical
3. in a relaxing color
9. energetic
4. a scented candle
10. muscle
5. makes you feel good
[2] 1. d 6. a stream or fountain
2. d
[2] Summary
3. a
1. Stress can cause physical and emotional harm
4. b
2. to use your five senses
3. Follow these suggestions to feel better
Find and circle the words. pp.60-61
4. You can pet a furry animal
Line 2 physical 5. Hum or sing your favorite songs
Line 8 senses
Line 17 Pet
Line 25 scented
Line 29 Hum
Line 30 stream

Wonderful WORLD SB_Answer Key

Wonderful WORLD

Unit 8 Exercise for Your Body and Mind

Before You Read p.64 Reading Comprehension p.68

Answers may vary. [1] 1. b

2. c
3. b
New Words p.65
4. a
[1] 1. produce
5. d
2. affect
3. satisfied [2] 1. 60 minutes of exercise

4. depressed 2. six hours

5. benefit going to bed

6. routine 3. makes you feel more satisfied

7. suffer
8. ability Reading Skills p.69
9. self-confident
[1] Graphic Organizer
10. anxious
1. more energetic
[2] 1. d 2. wake up less
2. c 3. feeling depressed
3. b 4. you belong
4. a 5. your ability to learn
6. think creatively

Find and circle the words. pp.66-67 [2] Summary

Line 6 confidence 1. Exercise improves confidence

Line 15 mood 2. Exercise helps you get a good night’s sleep

Line 21 active 3. It affects the chemicals in your body

Line 22 suffer 4. Exercise can increase brain cells

Line 31 ability 5. Exercise should be a part of your daily routine

Line 40 belong

Wonderful WORLD SB_Answer Key

Wonderful WORLD

Unit 9 Ask Aisha

Before You Read p.70 Reading Comprehension p.74

Answers may vary. [1] 1. a

2. a
3. b
New Words p.71
4. a
[1] 1. helpful
5. a
2. hurt
3. relax [2] 1. old

4. healthy comfortable

5. exhausted 2. she is so stressed

6. recently 3. take a walk so that he gets some extra exercise

7. effort
8. positive Reading Skills p.75
9. diet
[1] Graphic Organizer
10. advice
1. hurt my feelings
[2] 1. d 2. doing something positive
2. a 3. always exhausted
3. d 4. Try to relax
4. a 5. get enough vitamins
6. making an effort

Find and circle the words. pp.72-73 [2] Summary

Line 2 recently 1. her gym clothes looked terrible

Line 3 gym 2. Lara has too much stress

Line 22 relax 3. Aisha tells her to relax before bedtime

Line 24 vitamins 4. he is spending too much time online

Line 30 online 5. advises him to take a walk

Line 35 extra

Wonderful WORLD SB_Answer Key

Wonderful WORLD

Chapter 4 The Arts

Chapter Opener pp.76-77 Reading Comprehension p.82

a [1] 1. d
2. b

Unit 10 Colorful Street Art 3. b

4. a
Before You Read p.78
5. b
Answers may vary.
[2] 1. museums
New Words p.79
2. a warm feeling
[1] 1. inspire 3. create colorful murals on and around their
2. individual buildings
3. limit
4. dull Reading Skills p.83
5. beautify
[1] Graphic Organizer
6. abandoned
1. put wool cloths
7. permission
2. the cold, hard objects
8. sophisticated
3. in abandoned areas
9. mural
4. beautifies urban areas
10. community
5. has become more sophisticated
[2] 1. b 6. live in the community
2. d
[2] Summary
3. b
1. You can see art in the streets
4. a
2. Street artists don’t always ask for permission
3. makes cities more colorful, enjoyable places
Find and circle the words. pp.80-81
4. is making gardens in abandoned areas
Line 2 centuries 5. to add interest and tell a story
Line 8 transportation
Line 9 cloths
Line 13 beautify
Line 17 own
Line 26 sophisticated

Wonderful WORLD SB_Answer Key

Wonderful WORLD

Unit 11 Recycled Rhythms

Before You Read p.84 Reading Comprehension p.88

Strings: b f [1] 1. a
Brass: c d 2. b
Woodwinds: e h 3. d
Percussion: a g 4. a
5. b

New Words p.85 [2] 1. donated instruments

[1] 1. landfill 2. the proud parents

2. resource 3. responsibility, hard work, and creativity

3. offer
4. face Reading Skills p.89
5. opportunity
[1] Graphic Organizer
6. motivate
1. work as an engineer
7. resident
2. very little opportunity
8. prove
3. began giving lessons
9. run out
4. ran out of instruments
10. donate
5. the only resource
[2] 1. d 6. performed around Paraguay
2. d
[2] Summary
3. b
1. This community doesn’t offer much to its
4. c
2. He began teaching children music
Find and circle the words. pp.86-87 3. His classes were so popular

Line 7 instruments 4. This orchestra changed the lives of its

Line 8 ran out members

Line 23 professional 5. the children to imagine life beyond Cateura

Line 28 responsibility
Line 29 treasure
Line 30 proves

Wonderful WORLD SB_Answer Key

Wonderful WORLD

Unit 12 Designing People

Before You Read p.90 Reading Comprehension p.94

Answers may vary. [1] 1. a

2. b
3. c
New Words p.91
4. c
[1] 1. call for
5. c
2. detail
3. process [2] 1. a school play

4. repair 2. newspapers and fashion magazines

5. material 3. She usually works with about 50 people.

6. period
7. requirement Reading Skills p.95
8. represent
[1] Graphic Organizer
9. costume
1. newspaper articles
10. several
2. from the period
[2] 1. a 3. each costume
2. b 4. their requirements
3. c 5. finding the materials
4. d 6. begin to sew

[2] Summary
Find and circle the words. pp.92-93 1. Kiki began her career as a designer

Line 1 costume 2. she worked on several historical films

Line 9 historical 3. she repairs old clothing

Line 12 articles 4. The best thing about her job is meeting actors

Line 19 repair 5. when the director calls for something

Line 22 thorough
Line 23 director

Wonderful WORLD SB_Answer Key

Wonderful WORLD

Review Chapters 3-4 pp.96-97 Song Chapters 3-4 pp.98-99

[1] 1. individual [1] anxious

2. produce stress

3. opportunity suffering

4. energetic eases

5. exhausted mood

6. call for anxiety

7. repair
[2] 1. c
8. anxious
2. True
9. method
3. False
10. recently
4. True

[2] 1. costume
[3] 1. pain
2. suffer
3. dull
2. energy
4. tense
5. relax
6. residents
Video Chapters 3-4 pp.100-101
7. satisfied
[1] 1. A
8. advice
2. M
[3] c — e — f — d — b — a 3. A
4. A
[4] 1. It’s very important to know how to control our
5. M
6. A
2. Exercise helps you stop from feeling depressed
or anxious. [2] 1. sketch

3. Try to relax at bedtime by having a warm bath 2. helicopter

before bed. 3. architecture

4. Many people don’t like it when people paint on [3] tall buildings
walls without asking. a park
5. He knows that music lets the children trees
experience something extraordinary. mountains
6. What do you find most difficult about this job? streets

[4] 1. F
2. T
3. T
4. T
5. F

Wonderful WORLD SB_Answer Key


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