The features in the table below were originally delivered Disabled. That is, the features required you to take
action in the Opt-In UI to enable for end users (plus possibly take additional setup or configuration steps).
Column A shows when these features were originally delivered.
Beginning in the update version specified in Column B, these features will no longer require the Opt-In UI to
enable for end users. However, you may still need to take additional setup or configuration steps to enable the
feature, per Column C. If additonal customer action is still required to enable, click on the feature name to get
more information.
Important Note: If you have already enabled these features in the Opt–In UI then NO further action is
This document will continue to evolve as existing sections change and new information is added. All updates
appear in the following table:
This guide outlines the information you need to know about new or improved functionality in this update.
The Role section of each feature identifies the security privilege and job role required to use the feature. If
feature setup is required, then the Application Implementation Consultant job role is required to perform the
setup, unless otherwise indicated. (If a feature doesn't include a Role section, then no security changes are
required to use the feature.)
If you have created job roles, then you can use this information to add new privileges to those roles as needed.
We welcome your comments and suggestions to improve the content. Please send us your feedback
at oracle_fusion_applications_help_ww_grp@oracle.com.
1. Click the Navigator, and then click New Features (under the My Enterprise heading).
2. On the New Features page, select the offering that includes new features you’d like to review.
3. Click Opt-In for any feature that you want to opt-in to.
4. On the Edit Features page, select the Enable option for the feature, and then click Done.
Column Definitions:
Customer Action Required = You MUST take action before these features can be used by END USERS. These features are delivered disabled and you choose if and when
to enable them. For example, a) new or expanded BI subject areas need to first be incorporated into reports, b) Integration is required to utilize new web services, or c) features
must be assigned to user roles before they can be accessed.
New Features Delivered Ready to Use New Features That Customer Must Take Action to
(Delivered Enabled) Use (Delivered Disabled)
Reports plus Small Scale UI or Process-Based new features Not disruptive as action is required to make these features
will have minimal user impact after an update. Therefore, ready to use. As you selectively choose to leverage, you
customer acceptance testing should focus on the Larger set your test and roll out timing.
Scale UI or Process-Based* new features.
UI or UI or
Process-Based: Process-Based:
Feature Report Small Scale Larger Scale* Customer Action Required
User Interface
Access Work Areas in Reorganized Navigator Groups
and Group Icons
Deactivate a Work Definition
Manually Procure Materials for Work Orders
Create Resource Instance Usage Reports Using OTBI
Create a Maintenance Work Order by Copying an
Existing Work Order
In this update, a new Order Management heading in the Navigator and group icon on the home page includes
the following work areas:
Order Management
Pricing Administration
Global Order Promising
Service Logistics
A new Supply Chain Execution heading and group icon includes the following work areas:
Work Definition
Work Execution
Maintenance Management
Quality Management
Inventory Management
Cost Accounting
Receipt Accounting
Fiscal Document Capture
Electronic Records
Financial Orchestration
Supply Orchestration
In addition, the Supply Chain Collaboration work area has moved to the Supply Chain Planning heading and
group icon, and the Collaboration Messaging work area has moved to the Tools heading and group icon.
The Costing, Manufacturing, and Quality Management headings and group icons that appeared in previous
updates are no longer available.
The new group icons on the home page are easy to identify:
Order Management and Supply Chain Execution Headings in the Navigator
When you deactivate a work definition, the header is updated with an inactive status, and a date that specifies
when the work definition became inactive. This prevents future usage of the work definition in maintenance
plans or maintenance work orders.
Any released work orders that reference an inactive work definition version can continue to use it.
After a work definition is deactivated, you cannot reactivate the work definition or make changes of any kind to
any of its versions, and its work definition name cannot be reused for the item. As a result, you have a clear
separation between the obsolete and the active work definitions. This facilitates downstream supply chain
You must opt in to enable this feature. For instructions, refer to the Optional Uptake of New Features section of
this document.
The following diagram depicts a comprehensive process flow for manual procurement of materials for a
maintenance work order:
You can raise a purchase requisition directly from the Edit Work Order page. To create a purchase requisition,
click the Review Purchased Item Details button on the Edit Work Order page to open the Purchased Item
Details page. On the Purchased Item Details page, click the Create Requisition button to open the Self Service
Procurement page.
Purchased Item Details Page
You can create purchase requisitions on the Self Service Procurement page for three kinds of items:
Catalog item
Inventory items
Non-catalog items (can be amount based or quantity based)
It is important to associate your requisition items with a work order. You must make the association individually
for all requisition lines. To make the work order association, on the Edit Requisition page, in the Requisition
Lines section, select Work Order as the destination type.
Edit Requisition Page
Once the association is made and submitted, a purchase order is created for the requisition. Based on your
setup, you may need approvals for both the purchase requisition document and the purchase order document.
You can also view a list of purchased items on the Edit Work Order page, in the operations tab for each work
order operation.
The warehouse manager receives the purchased items. All purchased items are received for their respective
work orders, since the destination type is specified for all requisition lines. You can view the details on the
Purchased Item Details page or the Maintenance Transaction History page.
On the Purchased Item Details page, you can configure a receipt for the following:
Correct quantity
Return to supplier
Return to receiving.
You can view all transactions performed for a maintenance work order on the Maintenance Transaction History
page. With respect to purchased items for a work order, you can view the following transactions:
A maintenance manager can view the total cost of a maintenance work order on the Maintenance Work Order
Costs page. The total cost comprises of cost for resources and materials. Material cost includes both transacted
operation items and received purchased items.
Watch a Demo
Availability of this feature is controlled by a plant parameter attribute called "Allow direct purchases for work
order" in the respective maintenance organizations.
When navigated from maintenance work order, context information of the Work order like Organization,
Location, Business Unit is not carried over.
Requester Preference had to be set manually every time user navigates to the Self Service Procurement
page from a maintenance work order.
The work order details has to be associated to each requisition line manually:
Non-catalog items (amount/quantity) are not considered for calculating work order costs
Watch Manually Procure Materials for Work Order Readiness Training
Job role name and code:
You can add the new Resource Instance dimension of the Maintenance Management - Resource Usage Real
Time subject area to your existing reports, or create new reports that use the new dimension. For details about
creating and editing reports, see the Oracle SCM Cloud: Creating and Administering Analytics and Reports
guide, available on the Oracle Help Center
You can search for a work order in the Maintenance Work Orders page and select an existing work order in any
status. Click the Copy icon to open the Edit Work Orders page, where you can edit details of a new
maintenance work order..
Manage Maintenance Work Orders
Once the new work order is created, you can update the asset and work definition, and add or delete an
If the existing work order contains an invalid attribute, the attribute is not copied to the new work order. For
example, if the work definition version is not valid in the existing work order as of the system date, the attribute
is not copied to the new maintenance work order.
Watch a Demo
Watch Create a Maintenance Work Order by Copying an Existing Work Order Readiness Training
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