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Curriculum-Mapping Science Grade7 Quarter3

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Grade 7: April A. Boongaling, Geneena M. Villarico, Jessica D. Lorenzana Unit: Quarter 3

Learning Instructional Assessment
Standard Content Big Ideas Competencies Objectives Summative Formative
Content Standard
1. Scientists and engineers 1. Balanced and Objects can affect 1. identify that forces 1.1 identify forces thatSummative Test #1: 10- Picture Analysis:
analyze forces to predict unbalanced forces other objects at a act between objects act between objects items PISA/NAT Multiple Predict the effect of
their effects on movement. distance. and can be measured. Choice, 5-items forces in different
(Week 1 Day 1-2) 1.2 classify forces as Contextual Gap-filling, scenario.
contact and non- and 10-items analyzing Determine the forces
contact forces the illustration and involved in different
labelling the forces situations.
1.3 measure the forces acting on it;
acting on an object Measure the amount
of force using spring

Changing the 2. draw a free-body 2.1 explain how the

movement of an diagram to represent magnitude and
object requires a net the relative magnitude direction of forces are Draw a free-body
force to be acting on it and direction of the represented in a free- diagram based on a
forces involving body diagram given scenario
balanced and
unbalanced forces; 2.2 draw a free-body
(Week 1 Day 3-5) diagram to represent
forces acting on an
3. identify and describe 3.1 differentiate Pictionary game:
everyday situations balanced from Draw motion and
that demonstrate: unbalanced forces identify if it has
a. balanced forces balanced or
such as a box resting 3.2 Describe how unbalanced forces
on an inclined plane, a balanced forces result
man standing still, or in no change in an
an object moving with object’s motion and
constant velocity; how unbalanced forces
b. unbalanced forces, cause changes in an
such as freely falling object’s motion, such
fruit or an accelerating as acceleration or
car; (Week 2 Day 1-3) deceleration.

3.3 Analyze the forces

acting on an object in
different scenarios to
determine if they are
balanced or

4. identify that when 4.1 explain the effects Demonstrate balanced

forces are not of unbalanced forces and unbalanced
balanced, they can on an object's speed or forces using the
cause changes in the direction of motion materials available.
object’s speed or
direction of motion;
(Week 2 Day 4-5)
2. Vectors differentiate the 2. Motion: 5. explain the 5.1 differentiate a Summative Test #2: 10- Role playing
concepts of speed and Displacement and difference between scalar quantity from a items PISA/NAT Multiple differentiating distance
velocity. Velocity distance and vector quantity Choice, 5-item Matching and displacement
displacement in type, and 5-items
everyday situations 5.2 explain the Modified True or False Distance and
in relation to a difference between Displacement
reference point; distance and Challenge: Students
(Week 3 Day 1-4) displacement using the will receive a set of
concepts of scalars scenario cards and
and vectors will work in groups to
classify each scenario
5.3 analyze and solve as either distance or
real-life situations displacement and
involving distance and explain why.

6. distinguish between 6.1 differentiate speed Problem-solving

speed and velocity from velocity using the activity: Students will
using the concept of concept of scalars and be given word
vectors; (Week 3 Day vectors problems about speed
5 & Week 4 Day 1-2) and velocity
6.2 analyze and solve
real-life situations
involving speed and
3. Graphing motion provides 3. Distance-Time 7. describe uniform 7.1 discuss the concept Peer Discussions
graphs velocity and represent of uniform velocity Activity: Have
it using distance-time students work in pairs
4. Identifying and graphs; (Week 4 Day 7.2 determine whether or small groups to
controlling variables 3-5 & Week 5 Day 1-3) an object is in uniform discuss whether
motion different examples of
motion are uniform or
7.3 plot a distance-time not, providing
graph to represent an evidence from the
object's motion scenario.

7.4 analyze and Interactive

interpret distance-time Whiteboard Activity:
graphs to differentiate Use an interactive
uniform velocity from whiteboard or tablet
non-uniform velocity where students plot
distance vs. time data
from a given scenario.
Provide them with
data (e.g., distance of
a moving car at
different time
intervals), and ask
them to graph the

Short Concept
Check: Ask students
to answer questions

"What does the x-axis

represent in a
distance-time graph?"
4. The particle model 5. Heat transfer Scientific 8. explain the 8.1 relate heat, Summative Test #3: 10- Concept Mapping:
explains natural systems explanations, theories, difference between temperature, and items PISA/NAT Multiple Ask students to create
and processes. and models are those heat and temperature; internal energy with Choice, 10-item a concept map linking
that best fit the (Week 5 Day 4-5 & one another Contextual Gap-filling heat, temperature,
available at a Week 6 Day 1-2) test, and 5-items and internal energy,
particular time. 8.2 discuss the Modified True or False showing how they are
conditions for heat related.
transfer to take place

9. identify 9.1 recall how heat is Pair-Share and

advantageous and transferred through Poster Activity: Ask
disadvantageous conduction, convection, students to work in
examples of and radiation pairs to create a
conduction, poster that shows
convection, 9.2 identify examples of
and radiation; (Week 6 advantageous and advantageous and
Day 3-5 & Week 7 Day disadvantageous disadvantageous uses
1-2) examples of of conduction,
conduction, convection, convection, and
and radiation radiation.
10. explain in terms of 10.1 explain how heat K-W-L Chart (Know,
the particle model the is transferred through Want to Know,
processes underlying the movement of Learned): Have
convection and particles students fill out a "K-
conduction of heat W-L" chart (What I
energy; (Week 7 Day Know, What I Want to
3-5) Know, What I
Learned) about heat
transfer through
particle movement. At
the end of the lesson,
revisit the chart to see
if students' questions
were answered and if
their understanding
has changed.
5. Scientists and engineers Applications of 11. gather information 11.1 cite examples of Group Research &
conduct innovative science often have from secondary innovative devices that Collaboration:
research to find solutions ethical, social, sources to identify and transform heat into Students will be
to the current global economic, and describe examples of electrical energy and grouped into groups of
energy crisis by seeking political implications. innovative devices that explain how these help 3-5 members. Each
renewable energy can be used to reduce energy group will research the
solutions. transform heat energy consumption different devices or
into electrical technologies that
energy. (Week 8 Day transform heat into
1-5) electrical energy and
help save energy
efficiently. They
should organize,
deliver, and present
their output using
presentation tools
such as PowerPoint,
Canva, etc.

Performance Task
Design your own e-jeep

Performance Standard: By the end of the Quarter, learners employ scientific techniques, concepts, and models to investigate forces and motion and represent their understanding using scientific la
time graphs. They use their curiosity, knowledge and understanding, and skills to propose solutions to problems related to motion and energy. They explore how modern technologies might be used
Performance Task 1: By the end of the Quarter, learners employ scientific techniques, concepts, and models to investigate forces and motion and represent their understanding using scientific lang
graphs. They will also leverage their knowledge and skills to explore techniques for improving actions in sports, such as sprinting. By analyzing and comparing data using distance-time graphs, learn
and its practical applications in optimizing athletic performance.

The class will be divided into groups. Each group will be composed of 10 members, 5 members will play a relay race. They will be tasked to run a distance of 20m and pass the flag to the succeedin
This will continue until all the members are finished. The remaining 5 members will record the time of each runner and plot a distance-time graph of the data that they

G - Employ scientific techniques, concepts, and models to investigate forces and motion and represent their understanding using
scientific language, force diagrams, and distance-time graphs
R - Athletes (Relay Race) and Sports Scientists
A - Coach, Team mates, Sports Enthusiasts
S - You are tasked to create a distance-time graph based on the data that will be gathered from a Relay Race
P - Distance-time Graph Report
S - The final output shall be graded following the suggested rubric below:

Rubrics for Quarter 3 Performance Task

CATEGORY 4 3 2 1

All required elements One required element

are present and is missing, but
additional elements additional elements
Components of the All required elements Several required
that add to the report that add to the report
Report are present. elements are missing.
(e.g., thoughtful (e.g., thoughtful
comments, graphics) comments, graphics)
have been added. have been added.

Report illustrates an Report illustrates an Report illustrates

Report illustrates a
accurate and thorough accurate inaccurate
limited understanding
Scientific Concepts understanding of understanding of most understanding of
of scientific concepts
scientific concepts scientific concepts scientific concepts
underlying the activity.
underlying the activity. underlying the activity. underlying the activity.
Clear, accurate
diagrams are included
and make the Diagrams are included Needed diagrams are
Diagrams are included
Diagrams experiment easier to and are labeled neatly missing OR are missing
and are labeled.
understand. Diagrams and accurately. important labels.
are labeled neatly and

Professional looking
and accurate Accurate
representation of the
representation of the representation of the
data in tables and/or Data are not shown OR
Data data in tables and/or data in written form, but
graphs. Graphs and are inaccurate.
graphs. Graphs and no graphs or tables are
tables are labeled and
tables are labeled and presented.

Did the activity but did

Used time pretty well. Participation was
Used time well and not appear very
Stayed focused on the minimal OR student was
Participation focused attention on interested. Focus was
activity most of the hostile about
the activity. lost on several
time. participating.

Performance Task 2: They use their curiosity, knowledge and understanding, and skills to propose solutions to problems related to motion and energy. They explore how modern technologies migh
energy concerns.
Learners will form groups composed of 5 members. The group will play the role of engineers and layout artists. They are tasked to create a brochure presenting the advantages of using an Electric J
propose a design of their E-Jeep, they will present their design via brochure to the Local Government Officials and community who will use and benefit from the project.

G - Use your curiosity, knowledge and understanding, and skills to propose solutions to problems related to motion and
energy. Explore how modern technologies might be used to overcome current global energy concerns.
R - Mechanical / Electrical Engineer, Lay-out Artist
A - Local Government Officials and Community
S - You are engineers and lay-out artists and you are tasked to present the advantages of using an Electric Jeep (E-
Jeep) via brochure. You are also tasked to propose a design of your E-Jeep, present your design to the Local
Government Officials and community who will use and benefit from your project.
P - E-Jeep Design Brochure
S - The final output shall be graded following the suggested rubric below:

CATEGORY 4 3 2 1

All students in the All students in the Most students in the

group can accurately group can accurately group can accurately Several students in the
answer all questions answer most questions answer most questions group appear to have
related to facts in the related to facts in the related to facts in the little knowledge about
Knowledge Gained
brochure and to brochure and to brochure and to the facts or technical
technical processes technical processes technical processes processes used in the
used to create the used to create the used to create the brochure.
brochure. brochure. brochure.

99-90% of the facts in 89-80% of the facts in Fewer than 80% of the
All facts in the
Content Accuracy the brochure are the brochure are facts in the brochure are
brochure are accurate.
accurate. accurate. accurate.

Each section in the Almost all sections of Most sections of the Less than half of the
brochure has a clear the brochure have a brochure have a clear sections of the brochure
Writing - Organization
beginning, middle, and clear beginning, middle beginning, middle and have a clear beginning,
end. and end. end. middle and end.
Graphics go well with
Graphics go well with Graphics go well with Graphics do not go with
the text, but there are
the text and there is a the text, but there are the accompanying text
Graphics / Design too few and the
good mix of text and so many that they or appear to be
brochure seems "text-
graphics. distract from the text. randomly chosen.

The brochure has The brochure's

The brochure has
exceptionally formatting and
attractive formatting The brochure has well-
Attractiveness attractive formatting organization of material
and well-organized organized information.
and well-organized are confusing to the
information. reader.
Strategy Resources 21st Century Skills

Inquiry-based Science in the Learning and Innovation

learning, Modern World Skills:
Cooperative Textbook p.140, Critical Thinking
learning, Hands-on p. 143
Experiments, and Communication Skills:
Concept Mapping GCSE Physics Collaboration
"Contact and
Forces" retrieved

Active learning and Science in the Communication Skills:

Hands-on Modern World Collaboration
Experiments, Textbook p.145,
Inquiry-based p. 147, p. 148 Learning and Innovation
learning, Peer Skills:
Teaching and Group Activity 11 - Critical Thinking, Creativity
Discussion Measuring
Forces pp.151-
Teacher's PhET simulation: Forces
and Motion:
Media and
demonstration Technology Skills: Visual
Kinesthetic Learning Communication Skills:
Thug-of-war Collaboration

PhET simulation:
Forces and Motion:

Group-Based Science in the Communication Skills:

Inquiry Modern World Collaboration
Discussion Textbook p. 148-
149 Learning and Innovation
Critical Thinking
Kinesthetic Learning Science in the Modern
World Textbook
Skills:p. 158-160 GCSE Physics Revision "Scalar and Vector Quantities" retrieved from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P1lSWWUkMdQ&list
(Role-Playing Collaboration
Motion), Venn

Collaborative Learning and Innovation

Learning and Skills: Problem Solving,
Inquiry-based Critical Thinking

Cooperative Science in the Modern

p. 161-164The Physics Classroom accessed from https://www.physicsclassroom.com/Physics-Interactives/1-D-Kinematics/Pace-Tracer/Stu
learning, Peer Skills: Problem Solving,
teaching, Active Critical Thinking
Cooperative Science in the Modern
World Textbook
Skills:p. 166-169GCSE Physics Revision "Distance-Time Graphs" retrieved from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DkCw2C-DkT0&list=PL9IouN
learning, Active Collaboration
learning, Inquiry-
based learning Learning and Innovation
Skills: Problem Solving,
Critical Thinking

Information, Media, and

Technology Skills:
Digital literacy
Active learning and Science in the Modern
p. 180-186Heat vs. Temperature accessed from https://www.energyeducation.ca/encyclopedia/Heat_vs_temperature
Hands-on Skills:
Demonstration, Critical Thinking, Creativity
learning, Communication Skills:

Active Learning and Science in the Modern

World Textbook
Skills:p. 183-186Conduction accessed from https://pressbooks.bccampus.ca/introductorygeneralphysics2phys1207/chapter/14-5-conduction/Con
Hands-on Collaboration
Collaborative Learning and Innovation
learning, Inquiry- Skills: Critical Thinking,
based learning Creativity
Active Learning, Science in the Modern
World Textbook
Media, and
p. 180-186The Physics Classroom accessed from https://www.physicsclassroom.com/Class/thermalP/u18l1e.cfm
Collaborative Technology Skills:
learning, Inquiry- Visual Literacy
based learning
Learning and Innovation
Critical Thinking

Communication Skills:
Teamwork, Collaboration
Collaborative Science in the Modern
World Textbook
Media, and
p. 187-190The 8 most innovative technologies in renewable energy accessed from https://interestingengineering.com/science/most-innovat
Learning, Technology Skills:
Technology Information Literacy, Digital
Integration literacy

Learning and Innovation

Critical Thinking

Communication Skills:
Teamwork, Collaboration

derstanding using scientific language, force diagrams, and distance-

technologies might be used to overcome current global energy
standing using scientific language, force diagrams, and distance-time
g distance-time graphs, learners will gain deeper insights into motion

pass the flag to the succeeding member who will run the same distance.
me graph of the data that they gathered.
w modern technologies might be used to overcome current global

antages of using an Electric Jeep (E-Jeep). They are also tasked to

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