Module 2 Flash Card_merged

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are those form of works, which involves advanced

1 expertise, self-regulation and concerted service to the public Professions
good’– Bayles (1989)
Which of the following is NOT a characteristic essentially required
2 Professionals are not self-regulating
in a professional
The first essential characteristic of a professional is that s/he has
3 vast and complex
to master a ………………. body of knowledge
During the ‘Guru-Shishya Parampara’ days, ‘The knowledge in all
respects and in all the three domains of learning is passed on from
4 emotional
the teacher to the student through the spiritual, intellectual and
………………bonding between them
‘Industry’ means ‘any ……………… the community or corporate
5 sector (wage employed or self-employed), which helps to earn enterprise
one’s livelihood’
Which of the following capabilities is NOT correct which the
6 Lucrative
teacher has to develop in every student?
A professional should possesses ……cardinal characteristics, all of
7 which are equally important, because absence of even one of 5
them, the person ceases to be a professional.
If a professional engineering college teacher is not able to develop
the required competency in the students of his/her class, as s/he is
8 unethical
lazy of to acquire indepth knowledge of that course, it means that
the teacher’s behaviour is ……………..

When the nature of professionals work is complex (such as an

engineering college teacher) by which it is difficult for their clients
9 Self-regulate
(such as the students) to detect their mistakes, the professionals
have to……………………………themselves for an ethical. behaviour
Excellence in their profession is …………..quality required in
10 an essential
professionals to ensure ethical behavior by them
11 Socrates has said ‘……………. is the cause of all evils’. Ignorance
12 ‘Happiness is because of the…………….. ’. happenings around you
‘Prosperity’ is ‘the …………….. that you have more than the required
13 feeling
physical resources in abundance’.
(For teachers in higher education it is essential to learn about the
new developments taking place in their discipline thorough out
the world by reading reputed journals, if they do not do it then it
results in unethical professional behaviour because of which of the
following deficiencies:
(i) Their API (Academic Performance Index) will be relatively less
14 as compared to others who read reputed journals Only (i)
(ii) They will not be able to properly develop the curriculum as per
state of art in their discipline
(iii) They will not be able to properly guide research in emerging
The deficiency/ies responsible for unethical behaviour resulting
from lack of learning from new discipline is/are:

15 Identify the incorrect purpose of students’ mentoring Prescribing a career path

Mentoring and counselling are
Identify the incorrect statement related to mentoring and carried out without any purposes
counselling because it is the requirement of the

Identify the incorrect characteristic of the Mentoring and It is one-way communication from
counselling process mentor or counselor to counselee
Identify incorrect statement. Mentoring and counselling services
Biased approaches of personality
18 ininstitute will be successful for personality development of the
development are encouraged
students when
work for overall development of
19 Accountability of a teacher means that s/he has to……………..
students including academics
Making teaching learning process
20 Social responsibility of a teacher covers……………..
to be responsive to the needs of
21 The purpose of education system is……………..
society w.r.t development
making arrangement so that all
22 Transparency in teaching learning means…………….. relevant information regarding the
process is available.
To develop from animal consciousness to
23 human
………………..consciousness is a distinct transformation.
‘Love or respect comes to you, only when you give some things to without expecting anything in
people …………….. ’. return
For experience ‘harmony with oneself’, the choice of a profession
25 liking and capability
should be based on two basic criteria viz.………………
The present day definition of healthy person is ‘when that person
26 physically, mentally and socially fit
is physically, mentally and socially fit’.
‘When relationships between family members are based on
27 …………….. amongst family members, then harmony within family trust
can be established,’.
28 The plant order supports the .……………… animal order
29 Values of a person are principles that help him decide…. What is important to him?
30 Attitude of a person is best described by the ways/he…………… looks at any person or situation
Ethics are for teachers and not for
31 Identify the statement which is correct.
more important and help him make
32 Personal values guide the person as to what is…………… better choices in different
33 Value Education does not enables one to…………….. select a good career
34 Self-exploration can help a person to………………….. do self-investigation
Which of these values will help students to become a better
35 teachers character building
engineer? Values related to…………………………….
A professional code of ethics outlines teachers' main
36 students
responsibilities to their ……………..
Which one of the following four characteristics is not a necessary
37 Code of conduct inside the institute
netiquettes for netizens.
Personal …………………. guide a person as to what is more important
38 values
and help him/her to make better choices in various situations
control and govern the behaviour of a person according to norms
39 ethics
set by others
Cases which are both morally and
40 Which one of the following statements is NOT correct?
emotionally incorrect.
Teach emerging technology from
41 Which of these does not fall under good conduct of a teacher?
notes prepared many years before

Co-operate through their

Which of the following falls under poor conduct of teacher with organisations in the formulation of
authorities? policies of the other institutions and
accept offices
Encourage his students to
Which of the following is considered good conduct of the teacher
43 participate in NSS/NCC and such
with society?
Every professional society seeks to further the cause of that
44 profession
particular …………..
Some professional societies have powers to ………………… in that
45 withdraw license to practice
professional, if the professional resorts to unethical practices.
Though many codes may differ across the spectrum, few basic You shall be truthful and
ethics stand out clearly such as………….. transparent.
………….. countries unanimously approved the
1 Millennium Declaration, culminated in eight 2001
Millennium Development Goals (MDGs).
Development means ‘improvement in
2 social
country’seconomic and
3 GNP is………….. Gross National Product
Which of the following is not part of the ‘Panch-
4 Rain
As a technical teacher, teach such that students
are encouraged constructive techniques and
5 polluting
technologies to utilise the earth’s resources
The industrial revolution has led to the rapid
6 air pollution
increase in man-made Panch Tatva
Sustainable development calls for a balance
7 environment, economy and society
Promoting women empowerment through ICT is
8 Goal 5 Gender Equality
covered under SDG
Use of DDT prevent human beings from Malaria.
However killing mosquitoes using DDT by
9 eco centrism
humans severely damage the ecological
balance. This supports……………………
Sustainability principle related to ‘one design
10 Design flaw
fits all’ focus on…………………..
Cradle-to-Cradle phrase was coined by
11 Walter R Stahel
Social, economic and environmental equity is
12 Sustainable development
the necessary condition for achieving
………………… propounded the Concept of 5Rs for
13 Bea Johnson
sustainable development.
In the context of sustainability reduce
14 Use less and create less waste
15 Select the correct order for 3Rs. Reduce, reuse, recycle
16 A good and strong organisation culture increases
17 A good organisational structure will always adapt to
The ___________ of companies play a great role
18 in image building of the organisation as well as core values
that of employees

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