Working Wifi Hotspot without Root!!! _ XDA Forums
Working Wifi Hotspot without Root!!! _ XDA Forums
Working Wifi Hotspot without Root!!! _ XDA Forums
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Senior Member
Aug 30, 2016 #1
Type " adb devices " and hit enter to make sure your phone is recognized....
Once it is...
Wait about ten seconds then unplug your phone and reboot...
If not make sure wifi hotspot sharing is enabled in the hotspot settings....
L t dit d S 30 2016
Last edited: Sep 30, 2016
maxcala, PokrTom, kstephens98 and 6 others
T Member
Yes we are interested why would you even ask that please post the instruction ASAP
T Senior Member
t5mckinney said:
Yes we are interested why would you even ask that please post the instruction ASAP
Edit: damn that looks easy. Will do this once I get home
Senior Member
T Member
T Senior Member
t5mckinney said:
T Member
T Senior Member
t5mckinney said:
It is not working for me. Guess I'll be going back to root. This was really my reason to be rooted, but alas *sigh*
Edit: tried a few times, no go. I can see the change in ADB, it does change the value to 0. Still, after a minute or less it
changes back to 1 by itself. Set it to 0,'s back to 1. Set it to 0, confirm at 0... Still goes back to 1 after a moment.
There's no stopping that 1 damnit lol
t hf 12
T Member
themisterwilson said:
It is not working for me. Guess I'll be going back to root. This was really my reason to be rooted, but alas *sigh*
Edit: tried a few times, no go. I can see the change in ADB, it does change the value to 0. Still, after a minute or less it changes
back to 1 by itself. Set it to 0,'s back to 1. Set it to 0, confirm at 0... Still goes back to 1 after a moment. There's no
stopping that 1 damnit lol
Forgive my naivete if this is obviously not possible for whatever reason but is there a way to directly edit the APN settings
via ADB or other tool/utility outside the UI? Is there a chance sammy might have just disabled the UI without restricting
permissions to the values themselves. Just spit balling.
To clarify, I'm assuming "tether_dun_required 0" is an attempt to disable the authorization verification method by changing
the flag to zero. Could there be some way to edit the value(s) (assuming they're APN related per the previous successful
non-root tether enabling method) responsible for failing the "tether_dun_required" method?
T Senior Member
techfuse12 said:
Forgive my naivete if this is obviously not possible for whatever reason but is there a way to directly edit the APN settings via
ADB or other tool/utility outside the UI? Is there a chance sammy might have just disabled the UI without restricting
permissions to the values themselves. Just spit balling.
To clarify, I'm assuming "tether_dun_required 0" is an attempt to disable the authorization verification method by changing the
flag to zero. Could there be some way to edit the value(s) (assuming they're APN related per the previous successful non-root
tether enabling method) responsible for failing the "tether_dun_required" method?
There are other methods, but they involve editing a database file. Unfortunately, you need root for that. Possibly other ways,
but I haven't found one that works outside of root as of yet.
M Senior Member
themisterwilson said:
It is not working for me. Guess I'll be going back to root. This was really my reason to be rooted, but alas *sigh*
Edit: tried a few times, no go. I can see the change in ADB, it does change the value to 0. Still, after a minute or less it changes
back to 1 by itself. Set it to 0,'s back to 1. Set it to 0, confirm at 0... Still goes back to 1 after a moment. There's no
stopping that 1 damnit lol
techfuse12 said:
Forgive my naivete if this is obviously not possible for whatever reason but is there a way to directly edit the APN settings via
ADB or other tool/utility outside the UI? Is there a chance sammy might have just disabled the UI without restricting
permissions to the values themselves. Just spit balling.
To clarify, I'm assuming "tether_dun_required 0" is an attempt to disable the authorization verification method by changing the
flag to zero. Could there be some way to edit the value(s) (assuming they're APN related per the previous successful non-root
tether enabling method) responsible for failing the "tether_dun_required" method?
themisterwilson said:
There are other methods, but they involve editing a database file. Unfortunately, you need root for that. Possibly other ways, but
I haven't found one that works outside of root as of yet.
I had tried Hotspot edit via adb and had the same issue where it would auto revert back.
I ended up just editing the telephony.db via current KNOX friendly ROOTED ROM.
I may give CDMA Workshop a try later after Nougat update is available.
T Senior Member
mariano3113 said:
I had tried Hotspot edit via adb and had the same issue where it would auto revert back.
I ended up just editing the telephony.db via current KNOX friendly ROOTED ROM.
I may give CDMA Workshop a try later after Nougat update is available.
Same here. I'm glad I kept a copy of the telephony.db I modified. Just went back to root and pasted the file and was back in
business lol
I know nothing about CDMA workshop unfortunately. Never messed with it.
M Senior Member
T Senior Member
T Senior Member
maxcala said:
What build are you on? And what exactly did you do (if any) other than the steps in the instructions?
S Member
hi all!! well, i have other problem. When i enter to SETTINGS, i dont have HOTSPOT menu. :/ someone can help me? my
phone is Note 7 Sprint.
M Senior Member
I'm on PGC! I turned it on again and I still have it! I don't need root anymore since this is all I need. Where do you guys
g y y g y
submit pics so I can link it here?
L Senior Member
themisterwilson said:
Same here. I'm glad I kept a copy of the telephony.db I modified. Just went back to root and pasted the file and was back in
business lol
I know nothing about CDMA workshop unfortunately. Never messed with it.
I have a Note 3 rooted still with Hotspot. Are you saying you transferred this over somehow or would that be something you
had on a computer?
T Senior Member
Lyvewire said:
I have a Note 3 rooted still with Hotspot. Are you saying you transferred this over somehow or would that be something you had
on a computer?
No, I had rooted this phone and modified the right database. Just held onto it, just in case. Good thing I did lol
P Member
I am currently using the Sprint Note 7 running PGC Unrooted, I followed the instructions provided in the first post by
intenselyinsane and I not only rebooted my phone, I followed up by powering off my phone and restarting it. In both cases I
retained my ability to use my Hotspot and Tethering. Like many, this is the primary reason I root my phone and can hold off
for the time being until the developers are more comfortable with their rooting methods now that this is available to me.
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Forums Samsung Sprint Samsung Galaxy Note 7 Sprint Note 7 Themes, Apps, an…
9 intenselyinsane
2 T t5mckinney
Yes we are interested why would you even ask that please post the instruction ASAP
Aug 30, 2016 View
2 Reaper333
2 P PokrTom
I am currently using the Sprint Note 7 running PGC Unrooted, I followed the instructions provided in the first post by
intenselyinsane and I not only rebooted my phone, I followed up by powering off my phone and restarting it. In both cases I
retained my ability to use my Hotspot and Tethering. Like many, this is the primary reason I root my phone and can hold off for the
time being until the developers are more comfortable with their rooting methods now that this is available to me.
1 pinetreehater
themisterwilson said:
The thing the ADB switches always reset back for me. Always. Within seconds. Verified this through ADB. I'm convinced it
does nothing permanent. I suppose if it's worked for others, hell.. good for you.
The simple reboot and activate worked 99% of the time. When it didn't, I'd just reboot and it would work the next time. Never
dropped out for no reason, never got the 'not subscribed' message after connecting, so it is what it is I guess...
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