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How adults/college students learn: Major differences

Knowing how College students learn is crucial when designing your
learning materials. It seems like common sense, but it’s important to be
clear: You cannot design and present material for adult students in the same
way you would for children and expect good results.

What are the major differences between child and adult learners?
 Whereas children often require help, adults crave autonomy
 Children have a narrower viewpoint, but adults bring life experience to
their learning
 Casting a broad net with kids is fine, but adults want direct application
 Kids might do it because you say so, but adults require more motivation

 Within these differences, adult learning styles further complicate how

adults learn. Learners of all ages are wired differently.

Learning delivery that makes sure your material is presented in the proper
way with a consideration of learning styles helps lighten that cognitive load.
Put simply, and when done well, College teachers don’t have to work so
hard just to understand the material.

The major types of adult/college students learning styles

Research has shown that not everyone learns the same way. Consider the
following adult learning styles as you design your learning activity materials.

Visual/spatial learners lean heavily on images to process new
information. These learners are able to vividly picture patterns and
learn best with images and graphics that use fewer words. Further,
these learners can literally see the forest and the trees. They are good
at making connections in visual/spatial relationships and may be able
to see details that others miss.
How to design learning material for this type of learner:
 Consider infographics, drawn guides, and text broken up with
illustrations. Or use PowerPoints, flipcharts, videos, and graphics to
better reach this type of learner
Auditory learners learn by hearing information, retaining up to 75% of
it. Schools are designed around this type of learner.
How to design learning material for this type of learner:
 Lectures, podcasts, and traditional classroom-style learning is geared
towards auditory learners. The best adult learning methods for auditory
learners incorporate these resources into training.

3.Linguistic learners
Linguistic learners process information best through speaking and
language. They are often voracious readers and able to pick up other

Consider a book group that reads a book and then uses guided
questions to unpack themes and deepen understanding. Linguistic
learners function the same way.

Further, a linguistic learner is generally a good communicator. They

might listen to someone speaking and then summarize what was said
to gain clarity or identify anything they missed.
How to design learning material for this type of learner:
 Linguistic learners will pick up anything you write down.
Communication via discussion boards is a great way to reach them if
you have online training
 Adult learning techniques for linguistic learners also use small-group
discussion, guided readings, and writing exercises. Simply including
closed captioning is a big benefit for this type of learner.

4.Logical/Mathematical learning
Logical/mathematical learners use distinct processes to break down
learning into steps. Think about how the scientific method is applied,
and you have a great example of how this learning style works

These adult learners are great at analyzing problems logically and

developing solutions for them. And, if you are worried that your
training is not in the proper sequence or doesn’t follow a logical flow,
this learner will let you know!
How to design learning material for this type of learner:
 Troubleshooting and analyzing are two places where this learner
does well. Gamification using simulations is also a great way to
reach this learner.
 Further, use bullet points, logical steps, and flow charts to help this
type of learner understand new concepts.

Intrapersonal learners require solitude and reflection to really take new
information on board. These quiet thinkers need time and space to
reflect on and integrate new material. This allows for deeper insights
and helps transfer old information to new settings.

Intrapersonal learners also are excellent at generating new ideas and

making connections that may not be obvious on the surface.
How to design learning material for this type of learner:
 Incorporating time for reflection into training is especially important for
this type of learner. Also allowing for longer response times will help
intrapersonal learners to participate more in discussions.
 Incident reports and program evaluations are two activities where
intrapersonal learners shine. Any learning activity that requires a step
back and a pause for thought suits this adult learning style.

Social interaction is key for this type of adult learner. Interpersonal
interactions help these learners process information. Through social
cues, conversation, and discussion, they integrate their learning into

Interpersonal learners are often extroverts who are ready and willing to
guide discussions with good emotional intelligence. They are good at
reading social cues and can help interpret a group’s response to a
training activity.
How to design learning material for this type of learner:
 Small-group, in-person discussions that lead to large-group
conversations suit this learner who thrives in social situations.
 Provide formal and informal opportunities to interact with information
in groups.

Kinesthetic adult learners process information by doing. It’s not enough
to tell them how something works – this type of adult learner needs to
put their hands on to experience it. This is one of those learning styles
that needs action to make information stick.
How to design learning material for this type of learner:
 On-the-job experiential learning is best for this type of learner. When
possible, pair kinesthetic learners with a mentor who can provide
hands-on training. Another option is AR or VR training that allows
learners to work through simulations of key activities.
 This learning style will not benefit as much from videos or written

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