[Glints] - Nghiem Quynh Giang - Customer Support

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Presented by : Diep Ha – Recruitment Consultant

Email : diep.ha@glints.com

Full Name Nghiem Quynh Giang

Gender Female

Address Hanoi
Position Applied Customer Support -HN
Consultant’s Overview
- Education background: Tokyo International University, major Human
Resource and Administration.

- Experience: She has 3 years working experience, including more than 1 year
experience in Customer Service. She used to work as Customer Service/Call
agent at Bellsystem24 Vietnam with the HTH Telecommunication project. At
Bellsystem24 she worked as a call agent for the first 6 months, handling
inbound to assist customers residing in the United States with their wireless
service. Then she was promoted to Customer Service Team leader, handling
required supervisor calls, chat, and tickets.
Here, she worked 100% night shift, specifically: 8PM - 5AM and 11PM - 8AM.

- Motivation: She left Bellsystem24 due to addressing some personal and

family issues and is now ready to return to work. She has experience working
the night shift at Bellsystem24 and supporting American customers so she
understands the nature of this job.
- Communication and Soft Skills
● Proven customer service, time management, problem solving, skills
● Excellent communication skills, both written and verbal
● Experience working in a fast-paced and demanding environment
- English: 7.5 IELTS. Fluent

Notice Period As soon as possible (She is available)


Service-oriented individual with excellent time management, organizational

and prioritizing skills, interested in becoming an expert in customer service.
Problem resolution with superb verbal and written communication skills.


Oct ober , 10t h, 2001 UNI LANGUAGE CENTER
+84 56 972 9603 Quality Assistance Manager April ,2019 - August, 2020
Develop the center's strategy, oversee its operations, and take
nghi emquy nhgi a ng@gma i l . com charge of all its general duties.
Assure that the center's goals are met in accordance with the
6 Ta y Tr a St r , Tr a n Phu Di s t r i ct ,
annual plan.
Hoa ng Ma i , Ha noi Human resource management, in charge of the center's
employee training
Oversee training and educational activities at the center and in
Ski l l s and Qual i f i cat i ons compliance with the system's overall criteria.
In charge of keeping an eye on and managing the center's
Pr obl em s ol v i ng expenses and income to guarantee smooth business
Publ i c s pea k i ng operations.
Plan and implement extracurricular activities, center and
Ti me ma na gement system events, and new courses.
Oversee training materials, equipment, and facilities...
Ment or i ng
I ELTS 7. 5 J LPT N4
Mc Donalds Corporation Japan Nov 2022 - June 2023
Empl oy ee of t he y ea r i n gl oba l
Human Resource Assistant
di v i s i on a wa r d • Plan, develope and implement new innovative programs
of recruitment.
• Manage the interview, screening and referral of qualified
EDUCATION applicants.
• Interpret and explain policies, procedures, standards and
Tokyo Nihongo Kenkyujo regulations.

Japanese Language Institue Bell system24 vietnam HTH Telecommunication

- Japanese language and culture major. QA/ Team Leader Customer Service Department April 2023 - Jul 2024
- Japanese annual festival and journalism. (US time range)
•Working as a call agent for the first 6 months, handling
inbounds to assist customers residing in United States with their
Nov 2020 - Dec 2021 in Tokyo Japan
wireless service.
• Working as a Customer Service team lead, handling required
supervisor calls, chat, ticket.
Tokyo International University • Participating in the interview as an interviewer in order to find
Human Resource and Administration possible applicants.
• Arrange the training session, instructing beginners and
- Internship in Human Resource management
imparting policies and fundamental abilities for customer service
for McDonald's Corporation. domains, like upselling and CSR soft skills.
- Currently taking gap years to experience the • Testing tyand assisting new hires both during and after their
practical working environment. probation.
• Auditing team members; retraining and supplying business
partner's updated policy.
Dec 2021 - Dec 2022 in Saitama, Tokyo • Preparing a weekly report on the output and quality of the
• Attending management team meetings to discuss the team's
performance and to assign necessary tasks.

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