Schedule gauripur bypass
Schedule gauripur bypass
Schedule gauripur bypass
Schedule – A
(See Clauses 2.1 and 8.1)
1 The Site
1.1 Site of the Four-Lane Project Highway shall include the land, buildings,
structures and road works as described in Annex-I of this Schedule-A.
1.2 The dates of handing over the Right of Way to the Contractor are specified in
Annex-II of this Schedule-A.
1.3 An inventory of the Site including the land, buildings, structures, road works,
trees and any other immovable property on, or attached to, the Site shall be
prepared jointly by the Authority Representative and the Contractor, and such
inventory shall form part of the memorandum referred to in Clause 8.2 (i) of this
1.4 The alignment plans of the Project Highway are specified in Annex-III. In the
case of sections where no modification in the existing alignment of the Project
Highway is contemplated, the alignment plan has not been provided. Alignment
plans have only been given for sections where the existing alignment is proposed to
be newly Constructed/upgraded. The proposed profile of the Project Highways shall
be followed by the contractor with minimum FRL as indicated in the alignment plan.
The Contractor can, however, improve/upgrade the Plan / Road Profile as indicated
in Annex-III based on site/design requirement within the Right of Way as specified in
Annex-II of this Schedule-A. The FRL indicated in the road profile is the RL of the
median center line matching with the main carriage way on either side i.e. below
raised median or crash barrier.
1. Site
The Site of the Four-Lane Project Highway comprises the section of National
Highway 31 (New NH-17) from km 852.560 to km 862.168 bypassing the existing NH-
31 passing through Gauripur Town in the State of Assam. The land, carriageway and
structures comprising the Site and the bypassed section is described below.
2. Land
The Site of the Project Highway comprises the land (sum total of land already
in possession and land to be possessed) as described below:
Design chainage(m)
From To
1 0 440 45
2 440 480 45
3 480 2440 45
4 2440 2740 70
5 2740 2977 70
6 2977 6568 45
7 6568 6940 55
8 6940 7189 45
9 7189 7380 50
10 7380 7450 50
11 7450 9031 45
12 9031 9150 45
13 9150 9180 45
14 9180 9240 45
15 9240 9608 45
3. Carriageway
The existing NH 31 passes through Gauripur town and is being bypassed by a 4-lane
Highway as indicated in Annexure III of Schedule A, in this project along a new
greenfield alignment on the northern side of the existing National Highway.
The existing section of NH-31, being bypassed, has a carriageway width of 7.0 with
1.5 m wide paved shoulders on either side and is to be maintained by the contractor
during the entire construction period of bypass.
4. Major Bridges
The Greenfield alignment crosses Khudimari Beel at Ch. 856+322 (design chainage-
3762) and Gadadhar River at Ch. 859+270 (design chainage-6710) requiring
construction of major bridges at these locations (Annexure-III of Sch. A and
Annexure-I of Sch. B).
In the existing alignment of NH-31, which is being bypassed in this project, there is
one (1) Major Bridge as detailed below, which is to be maintained by the contractor
to ensure constant safe and smooth flow of traffic during the entire construction
Bridge No. (As per Year of Condition
Sl. Arrangement Width (m)
Existing Chainage) Construction of Bridge
863/1 (Gadadhar
1 2X40.6m 7.3 1962 Good
6. Grade separators
7. Minor bridges
10. Culverts
S. No. Location T -junction Y -junction Cross road
16. Bypasses
1 852+560 000+000
2 862+168 9+610
19. Utilities:
The dates on which the Authority shall provide Right of Way to the Contractor on
different stretches of the Site are stated below:
From km To
Date of providing
Sl. No (Design km(Design Length (km) Width (m)
Right of Way *
Chainage) Chainage)
1 2 3 4 5 6
(i) Full Right of Way (full width) 90% ROW shall be
provided on
(a) Stretch 000.000 9.610 9.61 45 to 70 Appointed Date
*The dates specified herein shall in no case be beyond 150 (one hundred and fifty) days
after the Appointed Date.
Annex – III
Alignment Plans
The existing alignment of the Project Highway shall be modified in the following
sections as per the alignment plan indicated below:
(i) The alignment of the Project Highway is enclosed in the alignment plan. Finished
road level indicated in the alignment plan shall be followed by the contractor as
minimum FRL. In any case, the finished road level of the project highway shall not
be less than those indicated in the alignment plan. The contractor shall, however,
improve/upgrade the Plan/Road profile as indicated in Annex-III based on
site/design requirement within the Right of Way as specified in Annex-II of this
Schedule-A. The FRL indicated in the road profile is the RL of the median center line
matching the main carriageway on either side i.e. below raised median or crash
(ii) Traffic Signage plan of the Project Highway showing numbers & location of
traffic signs is enclosed. The contractor shall, however, improve/upgrade upon the
traffic signage plan as indicated in Annex-III based on site/design requirement as per
the relevant specifications/IRC Codes/Manual.
Annex - IV
Environment Clearances
As per the MOEF notification dated 22ndAugust 2013, the project does not require
Environmental Clearance because the length of road is less than 100km.
Development of the Project Highway shall include design and construction of the
Project Highway as described in this Schedule-B and in Schedule-C.
The Project Highway shall be designed and constructed in conformity with the
Specifications and Standards specified in Annex-I of Schedule-D.
Annex - I
Description of Four-Laning
(a) Four Lanning with paved shoulders shall be undertaken. The paved
main carriageway width shall be in accordance with the typical cross-sections
as given in paragraph 2(xi) of Annex-I of Schedule-B and Appendix-B1
(i) General
(b)In open country, [paved shoulders of 1.5 m width shall be provided and earthen
shoulder of 2m].
(b) Lateral clearance: The width of the opening at the underpasses shall be as
SL.NO. Type Size Length Proposal
1 440 VUP (PSC GIRDER) 1x30x5.5 27.00 m New Construction
(a) Lateral and vertical clearances at overpasses shall be as per paragraph 2.11
of the Manual.
(b) Lateral clearance: The width of the opening at the overpasses shall be as
S No. Span/opening (m) Remarks
Service road/ Slip Road shall be constructed at the locations and for the
lengths indicated below:
(a) Grade separated structures shall be provided as per paragraph 2.13 of the
Manual. The requisite particulars are given below:
SL.NO. Type Size Length Proposal
1 440 PSC VUP 1x30x5.5 27.00 m New Construction
2 3185 R.C.C. VUP 1x20x5.5 27.00 m New Construction
3 9140 PSC VUP 1x30x5.5 27.00 m New Construction
(ii) Entry & Exit Ramp
Chainage Approach
Sl no Chainage to Side Length Remarks
from gradient
1 2985 3740 LHS 755 2.50% Entry and Exit
at VUP through
2 2985 3740 RHS 755 2.50% RE wall.
(b) In the case of grade separated structures, the type of structure and the level
of the Project Highway and the cross roads shall be as follows:
SL.NO. Length(m) TCS Type
1 0 270 270 TCS I
2 270 770 500 TCS V
3 770 920 150 TCS VI
4 920 930 10 TCS II
5 930 990 60 TCS VI
6 990 1240 250 TCS III
7 1240 1650 410 TCS VI
8 1650 1660 10 TCS II
9 1660 1690 30 TCS VI
10 1690 1700 10 TCS II
11 1700 1780 80 TCS VI
12 1780 1790 10 TCS II
13 1790 1860 70 TCS VI
14 1860 1870 10 TCS II
15 1870 1890 20 TCS VI
16 1890 1900 10 TCS II
17 1900 1920 20 TCS VI
18 1920 1930 10 TCS II
19 1930 1940 10 TCS VI
20 1940 2010 70 TCS II
21 2010 2040 30 TCS VI
22 2040 2060 20 TCS II
23 2060 2090 30 TCS VI
24 2090 2100 10 TCS II
25 2100 2210 110 TCS VI
26 2210 2220 10 TCS II
27 2220 2250 30 TCS VI
28 2250 2280 30 TCS II
29 2280 2320 40 TCS VI
30 2320 2330 10 TCS II
31 2330 2340 10 TCS VI
32 2340 2350 10 TCS II
33 2350 2380 30 TCS VI
34 2380 2400 20 TCS II
35 2400 2420 20 TCS VI
36 2420 2430 10 TCS II
37 2430 2470 40 TCS VI
38 2470 2490 20 TCS II
39 2490 2895 405 TCS VI
40 2895 2940 45 TCS VII
41 2940 3040 100 TCS VI
42 3040 3140 100 TCS IV
43 3140 3240 100 TCS V
44 3240 3340 100 TCS IV
45 3340 3660 320 TCS III
46 3660 3680 20 TCS VI
47 3680 3840 160 TCS IX
48 3840 4230 390 TCS VI
49 4230 4310 80 TCS II
50 4310 4500 190 TCS VI
51 4500 4760 260 TCS III
52 4760 4780 20 TCS II
53 4780 4910 130 TCS VI
54 4910 4960 50 TCS II
55 4960 5000 40 TCS VI
56 5000 5090 90 TCS II
57 5090 5270 180 TCS VI
58 5270 5750 480 TCS III
59 5750 5960 210 TCS II
60 5960 6020 60 TCS VI
61 6020 6060 40 TCS II
62 6060 6270 210 TCS VI
63 6270 6300 30 TCS VII
64 6300 6330 30 TCS VI
65 6330 6340 10 TCS VII
66 6340 6460 120 TCS VI
67 6460 6630 170 TCS VII
68 6630 6790 160 TCS IX
69 6790 6830 40 TCS VI
70 6830 6850 20 TCS II
71 6850 6880 30 TCS VI
72 6880 6940 60 TCS VII
73 6940 7240 300 TCS VI
74 7240 7390 150 TCS VII
75 7390 7450 60 TCS IX
76 7450 7460 10 TCS VI
77 7460 7770 310 TCS III
78 7770 7830 60 TCS VI
79 7830 7860 30 TCS II
80 7860 8000 140 TCS III
81 8000 8720 720 TCS VI
82 8720 9330 610 TCS V
83 9330 9540 210 TCS II
84 9540 9600 60 TCS VI
85 9600 9610 10 TCS II
Total9610 m
All intersections and grade separators shall be as per Section 3 of the Manual.
Existing intersections which are deficient shall be improved to the prescribed
1 707 Both Side Cross Road
2 1646 Both Side Cross Road
3 2350 Both Side Cross Road
4 3195 Both Side Cross Road
5 3460 Both Side Cross Road
6 3900 Both Side Cross Road
7 4010 Both Side Cross Road
8 4710 Both Side Cross Road
9 5040 Both Side Cross Road
10 5357 Both Side Cross Road
11 5380 LHS Y-Junction
12 6035 Both Side Cross Road
13 6369 Both Side Cross Road
14 6840 Both Side Cross Road
15 7140 RHS Y-Junction
16 7340 LHS Y-Junction
17 7856 Both Side Cross Road
18 8230 Both Side Cross Road
1) Contractor has to design all the major and minor intersections as per
section-3 of the manual
SL.NO. Type Size Width Proposal
1 440 VUP 1x30x5.5 27.00 m New Construction
2 3185 VUP 1x20x5.5 27.00 m New Construction
3 9140 VUP 1x30x5.5 27.00 m New Construction
SL.NO. Chainage Type Size Length Proposal
(i) Pavement design shall be carried out in accordance with the provision of
Section 5 of the Manual.
The new pavement section and service road shall be flexible pavement type
Flexible pavement for new pavement shall be designed for a minimum design
period of 20 years. Stage construction shall not be permitted.
Drainage system including surface and subsurface drains for the Project Highway
shall be provided as per Section 6 of the Manual.
(b) The detail of location of PCC Channel Kerb, Chute Drain and CC open drain
at toe connecting chute drain are as under: -
Left Hand Side Right Hand Side
SL. Location
Chainage Length (m) Chainage Length (m)
From To From To
High embankment
and for protect the
1 1023 1058 35 1023 1058 35
side slope from rain
2 3590 3682 92 3590 3682 92 R.C.C. BRIDGE at Ch.
3 3842 4006 164 3842 4006 164 3760
High embankment
and for protect the
3 5523 5865 342 5523 5865 342
side slope from rain
4 6498 6630 132 6498 6630 132 R.C.C. BRIDGE at Ch.
5 6790 7029 239 6790 7029 239 6710
6 7240 7340 100 7240 7340 100 R.C.C. BRIDGE at Ch.
Left Hand Side Right Hand Side
SL. Location
Chainage Length (m) Chainage Length (m)
From To From To
7500 7540 40 7500 7540 40 7420
High embankment
and for protect the
7 8228 8378 150 8228 8378 150
side slope from rain
Total = 1294 1294
Total Length = 2588.0 m
(i) General
(a) All bridges, culverts and structures shall be designed and constructed in
accordance with the Manual and shall conform to the cross-sectional features
and other details specified therein.
(b) Width of the carriageway of new bridges and structures shall be as follows:
Major Bridge
New Major bridge at the following location on the project highway shall be constructed.
(e) The following structures shall be designed to carry utility services specified in
table below:
(f) Cross-section of the new culverts and bridges at deck level for the Project
Highway shall conform to the typical cross-sections given in section 7 of the
(a) Overall width of all culverts shall be equal to the roadway width of the
All existing culverts which are not to be reconstructed shall be widened to the
roadway width including Service Road of the Project Highway as per the typical
cross section specified in paragraph 2 (ix) of this Annex-I of Schedule-B.
Repairs and strengthening of existing structures where required shall be
carried out.
Note: The overall width of the above culverts shall be equal to Main
Carriageway width and service road width including median/separator
gaps as per TCS Schedule given in paragraph 2(xi) of Annex-I of
Schedule-B including the width of existing culverts. In other words,
the above culverts shall also be provided in median gap and also
between main carriageway and service road/slip road, in case there is
any service road/slip road.
(d) Additional new culverts shall be constructed as per particulars given in the
table below:
(f) Floor protection works shall be as specified in the relevant IRC Codes and
(g) Utility ducts in form of NP-4 Hume Pipe 600mm diameter shall be provided
across the Project Highway @ 500m c/c along with inspection box/chamber
for crossing of utilities anywhere as per IRC: SP:84-2019 (Clause 2.16)
(iii) Bridges
Total width (m)
Bridge Width of effective
length (m) of
Sl. at km - Salient Details carriageway and
of proposed proposed
No Design of existing cross-sectional Remarks
. Chaina bridge features of proposed
reconstruct cted
ge (km) reconstructed bridge
ed bridge bridge
Existing Extent of at deck
S. No. Location (km)
width (m) widening (m) level for
widening @
SL.NO. Type Span (M) Proposal Name of River
1 R.C.C. BRIDGE 60.0 New Construction Silai
(c) The railings of existing bridges shall be replaced with crash barriers
Location -
Sl. Design Nature and extent of repairs /strengthening to
No. Chainage be carried out
An effective drainage system for bridge decks shall be provided as per section
7.20 of the Manual
Road over-bridges (road over rail) shall be provided at the following location,
as per drawings attached:
Length of Proposed
S. No. Location (km) Clearances Remarks
Bridge (m) Span (m)
The grade separated structures shall be provided at the locations and of the
type and length specified in paragraph 2 (ix) and paragraph 3 of this Annex-I
of Schedule-B.
The following is the list of the Major and Minor Bridges and Structures:
(i) Traffic control devices and road safety works shall be provided in accordance
with Section 9 of the Manual including Two meters high hard barricading is to
be made where deep excavation will be required for construction of
structure. Safety and Traffic Management during Construction shall be done
as per IRC: SP-55.
9. Roadside Furniture
Sl. No. Start End Length (m) Height (m) Side Remarks
At starting point to retain the
1 20 260 240 3.5 RHS embankment slop towards
Railway line.
At Start VUP location to
2 230 800 570 4.5 LHS restrict the Toe within the
3 2900 2960 60 4.5 LHS
4 2900 2960 60 4.5 RHS
5 2960 3070 110 6.0 LHS At start of VUP location to
restrict the Toe within the
6 2960 3070 110 6.0 RHS ROW
7 3070 3133 63 7.0 LHS
8 3080 3133 53 7.0 RHS At VUP location as separated
9 3155 3220 65 7.0 LHS wall between main carriage
10 3155 3220 65 7.0 RHS way and Service Road
11 3220 3300 80 6.0 LHS
12 3220 3300 80 6.0 RHS
13 3300 3360 60 4.5 LHS
14 3300 3360 60 4.5 RHS
At End point to retain the
15 8970 9430 460 4.5 RHS earth on the slope due to
restriction of ROW
TOTAL 2136
Chainage Length
From To (m)
Slope pitching Low laying area, Bridge
1 0 740 740 LHS & Boulder Approach protection of
apron RCC Bridge No. 853/1
Low laying area and
Slope pitching high embankment. To
2 1240 1610 370 RHS & Boulder accommodate the toe
apron line within the
acquired R.O.W.
3620 3682 62 LHS
Slope pitching
3620 3682 62 RHS Bridge no.4/2 & low
3 & Boulder
3842 3880 38 LHS laying area
3842 3880 38 RHS
Low laying area and
Slope pitching high embankment. To
4 5690 5930 240 LHS & Boulder accommodate the toe
apron line within the
acquired R.O.W.
6480 6630 150 LHS
6480 6630 150 RHS Slope pitching
Bridge no.860/2 & low
5 6790 6940 150 LHS & Boulder
laying area
6790 6820 30 RHS apron
6880 6990 110 RHS
7190 7390 200 LHS
Slope pitching
7190 7390 200 RHS Bridge no.860/5 & low
6 & Boulder
7450 7690 240 LHS laying area
7450 7780 330 RHS
Low laying area and to
Slope pitching
protect from back flow
7 8440 8940 500 LHS & Boulder
water of Gadadhar and
Silai river.
Total 3610
Turfing with sods shall be provided at all other embankment slopes
(d) RE Wall
Sl. No. Location Length(m) Height(m) Side Remarks
Approaches of 4 lane 2x3x 220m Both On the approaches of 4 lane
1 6m (Max)
VUPs = 1320 m Sides VUP on both sides
1. The shifting of utilities and felling of trees shall be carried out by the
Contractor. The cost of the same shall be borne by the Authority. The details of
utilities are as follows:
Sr. Location/stretch
Type of Utility Unit Quantity
A Electrical Utilities
Utility Shifting.
Shifting of obstructing existing utilities indicated in Schedule A to an appropriate
location in accordance with the standards and specifications of concerned Utility
Owning Department is part of the scope of work of the Contractor. The bidders
may visit the site and assess the quantum of shifting of utilities for the projects
before submission of their bid. Copy of utility relocation plan is enclosed. The
specifications of concerned Utility Owning Department shall be applicable and
(a) The type/ spacing/ size/ specifications of poles/ towers/ lines/ cables to be
used in shifting work shall be as per the guidelines of utility owning
department and it is to be agreed solely between the Contractor and the
utility owning department. No change of scope shall be admissible and no cost
shall be paid for using different type/ spacing/ size/ specifications in shifted
work in comparison to those in the existing work or for making any overhead
crossings to underground as per requirement of utility owning department
and/or construction of project highway. The Contractor shall carry out joint
inspection with utility owning department and get the estimates from the
utility owning department. The assistance of the Authority is limited to giving
forwarding letter on the proposal of Contractor to utility owning department
whenever asked by the Contractor. The decision/ approval of utility owning
department shall be binding on the Contractor.
(b) The supervision charges at the rates/ charges applicable of the utility owning
department shall be paid directly by the Authority to the Utility Owning
department as and when Contractor furnishes demand of Utility Owning
Department along with a copy of estimated cost given by the latter.
(c) The dismantled material/scrap of existing Utility to be shifted/ dismantled
shall belong to the Contractor who would be free to dispose-off the dismantled
material as deemed fit by them unless the Contractor is required to deposit
the dismantled material to utility owning department as per the norm and
practice and in that case the amount of credit for dismantled material may be
availed by the Contractor as per estimate agreed between them.
(d) The utilities shall be handed over after shifting work is completed to Utility
Owning Department to their entire satisfaction. The maintenance liability shall
rest with the Utility Owning Department after handing over process is
complete as far as utility shifting works are concerned.
[Chainage wise TCS are only attached here as Schedule B, AnnexurI-
[For Plan & Profile drawings and GAD including all TCS, please go
through the ‘Drawing Volumes’ as Appendix B2 and B3 respectively]
Schedule – C
1 Project Facilities
The contractor shall construct the Project Facilities in accordance with the
provisions of this Agreement. Such Project Facilities shall include:
The EPC contractor shall construct the Project Facilities described in this Annex-I
to form part of the Four-Lane Project Highway. The Project Facilities shall include:
Road side furniture shall be provided in accordance with Section 9 of the Manual of
Specifications and Standards. The Concrete / Metal Crash Barriers shall be
provided in accordance with the Manual of Specifications and Standards as referred
in Schedule-D
Landscaping and Plantation in median traffic island and vacant land within ROW
shall be provided in accordance with the Manual of Specifications and Standards as
referred in Schedule-D.
Toll Administrative
Design (km) Toll Lane
(e) Bus-bays and Passenger Shelter
1 Construction
The Contractor shall comply with the Specifications and Standards set forth in
Annex-I of this Schedule-D for construction of the Project Highway:
2 Design Standards
(i) Manual of Specifications and Standards for Four Laning of Highways (IRC: SP:
84-2019), referred to herein as the Manual. All MoRT&H circulars with
amendments if any.
(ii) MoRT&H Specifications for Road and Bridge Works (5th Revision) 2013 and in
accordance with IRC: SP:55-2014” Guidelines on Traffic Management in Work
(iii) Specifications for Roads and Bridges, MoRT&H, 5th Revision 2013
(iv) IRC:SP:112-2017 “Manual for Quality Control in Road and Bridge works”
(v) IRC: 67-2022 “Code of Practice for Road Signs”.
(vi) IRC: 35-2015 “Code of Practice for Road Markings”.
(vii) IRC: 119-2015 “Guidelines for traffic safety barriers”
(viii) Other relevant codes.
(ix) Wherever IRC guidelines/codes are not available good industry practices may
be adopted.
(x) For shifting of Utilities: The shifting of utilities shall be strictly as per
Ministry’s circular dated 11.02.2021.
Annex - I
All Materials, works and construction operations shall conform to the Manual of
Specifications and Standards for Four Laning (IRC: SP-84-2019) referred to as
Manual and MORTH Specifications for Road and Bridge Works. Where the
specification for a work is not given, Good Industry Practice shall be adopted to
the satisfaction of the Authority’s Engineer.
Deviation in TCS from Standard IRC Manuals for the project “Construction of 4-lane Gauripur Bypass starting from Km 852.560 of NH-
31(Dumardoha Pt-II) and Terminating at Km 862.170 (Baladmara) via khudimari Pt-II, Fulkumari, Charaldanga, Sajuakuti, Geramari Pt-
III and finally meeting at Km 862.170 of NH-17(New)/NH-31(Old) in the state of Assam under EPC Mode(Job No. 31/AS/2023-24/265)”
Sl. Design Chainage Cross Section Ref. to The Manual As per Manual Deviation