Math PYQ Paper 2019,22,23

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Paper Code : BS-M101/BSM101 Mathematics –IA
UPID : 001004

Time Allotted : 3 Hours Full Marks :70

The Figures in the margin indicate full marks.
Candidate are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable

Group-A (Very Short Answer Type Question)

1. Answer any ten of the following : [ 1 x 10 = 10 ]
The radius of curvature of the parabola y2 = 4x at its vertex is
(II) If f(x) satisfies the conditions of Rolle's theorem in [a,b], then we get a point on the curve in which the tangent is
parallel to.....................................
(III) If A is an idempotent matrix, then I-A is...........................

(V) If 4 is an eigen value of the matrix A then the eigen value of the matrix A+kI is................................
(VI) A function of x and y possessing continuous partial derivatives of the first and second orders is called a harmonic
function if it satisfies
(a) Homogeneous equation (b) Laplace equation (c) Lagrange's equation (d) none of these
If Rolle's theorem is applied for the function f(x)=x(x2-1) in [ 0,1 ], then c=





Group-B (Short Answer Type Question)

Answer any three of the following : [ 5 x 3 = 15 ]
2. Show that intersection of two subspaces of a vector space V, is a subspace. [5]
3. Determine k so that the set S is linearly dependent in R3 [5]
S={ (1,2,1), (k,3,1), (2,k,0)}
4. Define a basis set of a vector space V3. Show that the set of vectors {(1,-2,3), (2,3,-1), (-1,3,2)} forms a [5]
basis of the vector space V3
over the field of real numbers.
5. Define linearly dependence and independence of vectors. Prove that a set of vectors containing null vector [5]
is linearly dependent.
6. Show that W ={ (x,y,z) ∈ R3 / x+y=z=0} is a subspace of R3 . Find also a basis of W. [5]

Group-C (Long Answer Type Question)

Answer any three of the following : [ 15 x 3 = 45 ]
7. (a) [5]

(b) [5]

(c) [5]
8. (a) [5]

(b) [5]

(c) [5]

9. (a) [5]

(b) [5]

(c) [5]

10. (a) Show that an orthogonal set of non-null vectors in an inner product space is independent. [5]
(b) Show that A={(5,0,0), (0,3,0), (0,0,1)} is an orthogonal set of R3. Express r = (2,1,4) as a linear [5]
combination of the vectors of A.
(c) Use Gram-Schmidt process to convert the basis {(1,2,-2), (2,0,1),(1,1,0)} of R3 into an orthogonal [5]
basis and then to an orthonormal basis.
11. (a) [5]

(b) [5]

(c) Find a basis of a real vector space R3 containing the vectors (1,1,2) and (3,5,2) [5]

*** END OF PAPER ***

Paper Code : BSM101 Mathematics –IA
UPID : 001004

Time Allotted : 3 Hours Full Marks :70

The Figures in the margin indicate full marks.
Candidate are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable

Group-A (Very Short Answer Type Question)

1. Answer any ten of the following : [ 1 x 10 = 10 ]

(I) Solve for x and y using CRAMER'S RULE
3x + 2y = 16
7x + y = 19
(II) What are the necessary condition for the maclaurin's expansion to be true for function f(x) is
(III) If f(X)=2lxl+lx-2l then find the value of f'(1)
If y=105x then find the value of yn
(V) Calculate the value of

(VI) What are the coefficients of the equation obtained during the elimination called
(VII) For which value of x will (x – 1)(3 – x) have its maximum
If A is matrix of order 3x5 then rank of AT is at most
Find the Wronskian of 1, ex , e2x
(X) If p1 be an eigen value of the matrix A then what is the eigen value of the matrix A+1
If A2 – A + I = 0, then A–1 =
(XII) If the eigen values of the matrix

Group-B (Short Answer Type Question)

Answer any three of the following [ 5 x 3 = 15 ]

2. Prove that set of all second order real square matrices is a vector space with respect to addition and multiplication [5]
of a matrix by a real number
3. Prove that the Eigen values of a real symmetric matrix are all real [5]
4. Find the value of [5]

5. Show that the maximum value of x+1/x is less than its minimum value [5]
6. State Cayley Hamilton theorem and verify for matrix [5]

Group-C (Long Answer Type Question)

Answer any three of the following [ 15 x 3 = 45 ]

7. (a) Verify Rolle's theorem for the function [5]

(b) Using MVT prove that [5]

(c) Using MVT prove that [5]

8. (a) Examine the consistency of the following system of equations and solve 2x-2y-4z=8,2x+3y+2z=8,-x+y- [5]
(b) Find the rank of [5]

(c) If A is skew symmetric matrix then prove that (I-A)(I+A)-1 is orthogonal matrix [5]
9. (a) Using definition of beta function prove that [5]

(b) Evaluate [5]

(c) show that [5]

10. (a) Using Lagrange's MVT find the approximate value of [5]

(b) Using MVT prove that [5]

(c) Expand the function f(x)=sinx in powers of x with Lagrange's form of remainder [5]
11. (a) Find the value of [5]

(b) Find the value of [5]

(c) Find the value of [5]


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