6-Day Star Crown - 2024 09 01

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6-Day Star Crown

A variation of the classic crochet pattern the

6-Day Star Blanket by Betty McKnit

This pattern is for a hat inspired by the 6-Day Star Blanket. It is a beret with seven points and
looks like a crown. The first eight rounds are exactly the same as the 6-Day Star Blanket. Have
fun with this!

US Terminology with UK Conversions given
Finished Size: Variable depending on yarn - DK (3) weight makes a child size, Worsted (4) makes
an adult size..
Skill Level: Easy
Gauge: varies.

Yarn: This hat can be made with any yarn.
180-225 yards of DK or Worsted Weight yarn.
Hook: Choose an appropriate hook for your yarn, and have one .5mm larger on hand in case you
work curls.
Stitch Markers
Scissors Converting US to UK Terminology
Yarn needle for weaving in ends
US terms UK terms
Abbreviations abbreviation abbreviation
6DKB: 6-Day Kid Blanket single crochet sc double crochet dc
6DSB: 6-Day Star Blanket half double crochet hdc half treble crochet htr
ch: chain double crochet dc treble crochet tr
dc: double crochet
dc2tog: double crochet 2 together cluster
dc3tog: double crochet 3 together cluster
dec dc2tog: decrease double crochet 3 together
dec dc3tog: decrease double crochet 3 together
dec dc5tog: decrease double crochet 5 together
hdc: half double crochet
rhdc: reverse half double crochet
sc: single crochet
sl st: slip stitch
sp(s): space or spaces
st(s): stitch(es)
x: times

This pattern contains affiliate links. If you click these links and buy something on the page they take you to, I may, at no additional cost to you, earn a
commission. I only affiliate with products and companies I feel good about. Thank you for your support!
6-Day Star Crown 2

( ) Work in the same st or sp.
* indicates the start of a repeat
** indicates end of repeat on last repeat only.
Stitch Counts
• Stitch counts between < >
• Unless indicated otherwise, ch 3 counts as dc.
• If your stitch counts are off, avoid the temptation to self-correct without understanding your
mistake. The pattern should work out as written.

Special Stitches:
dc2tog: (cluster): yo, insert hook in next st, yo, pull up a loop, yo, pull through 2 loops, yo,
insert hook into same st/sp, yo, pull up a loop, yo, pull through two loops, yo and pull through 3

dc3tog: (cluster): yo, insert hook in next st, yo, pull up a loop, yo, pull through 2 loops, [yo,
insert hook into same st/sp, yo, pull up a loop, yo, pull through two loops] 2 times. yo and pull
through 4 loops.

dec dc2tog: [yo, insert hook into next st, yo, pull up a loop, yo, pull through 2 loops] 2x, yo, pull
through all 3 loops on the hook.

dec dc3tog: [yo, insert hook into next st, yo, pull up a loop, yo, pull through 2 loops] 3x, yo, pull
through all 4 loops on the hook.

dec dc5tog: [yo, insert hook into next st, yo, pull up a loop, yo, pull through 2 loops] 5x, yo, pull
through all 6 loops on the hook.

Joining the rounds:

Take care that you do not work into the sl st at the join of the round and create extra stitches. I
recommend using stitch markers to prevent extra stitches being created.

Video Tutorials
This pattern has video tutorials on YouTube. The tutorials are meant to help you understand this
pattern, but they are not intended to replace this pattern or be used without it.

Community Support
I am available on multiple social media platforms. The best way to get support is through my
Facebook community dedicated to helping crocheters with the 6-Day Crochet Projects, loaded
with free resources and people to answer your questions.

Join my membership community The Betty McKnitiverse for bonus content, exclusive 6-Day
Star Blanket variations not published elsewhere, and ask your questions directly during one of my
many community zoom calls.

© Beth McKee Elliott aka Betty McKnit ®

6-Day Star Crown 3

Begin Pattern
With smaller hook, ch 4, join with sl st to form a ring (magic ring not recommended).
Round 1: ch 3 (counts as dc, here and throughout), 13 dc into ring, join with sl st to top of ch 3.
<14 dc>
Round 2: ch 3, dc in same st. 2 dc in each st around. Join with sl st to top of ch 3. <28 dc>
Round 3: ch 3, dc in next st, *ch 3, dc in next 2 sts, ch 1 **, dc in next 2 sts, repeat from * ending
last repeat at **, join with sl st to top of ch 3. <28 dc, 7 ch-3 sps, 7 ch-1 sps>
Round 4: sl st in next dc and ch-3 sp, (ch 3, 2 dc, ch 3, 3 dc) in same sp, *dc3tog in ch 1 sp, (3 dc,
ch 3, 3 dc) in ch-3 sp, repeat from * around, dc3tog in last ch-1 sp, join with sl st to top of ch 3.
<14 3-dc clusters, 7 ch-3 sps, 7 dc3tog>
If you experience curling during the setup rounds, change to a .5 - 1 mm larger hook. Remember to lay your work
down after every round and admire it, and while you’re admiring, check for curling. If you do not experience curling,
you do not have to change hooks.

Round 5: sl st into the gap just below your hook, between the dc3tog and the 3 dc, (ch 2, dc2tog)
in same sp, *(3 dc, ch 3, 3 dc) in ch-3 sp, **dc3tog in next 2 sps, repeat from * ending last repeat
at **, dc3tog in last sp, join with sl st to top of dc2tog cluster (be sure to join in the top of the
cluster and not to the ch 2). <14 3-dc clusters, 7 ch-3 sps, 14 dc3tog>
Round 6: ch 1, sc in same st, sc in each st around, working 3 sc in ch 3 sps. Join with sl st to first
sc (be sure to join to the top of the sc and not the sl st). <77 sc>

Round 7: sl st in next st, ch 3, dc in next 3 sts, *(5 dc in center sc from row below), dc in next 4
sts,** sk 2, dc in next 4 sts, repeat from * ending last repeat at ** sk 2, join with sl st to top of ch 3.
<91 dc>

Since we are always working from the right side, the top of the center st in the peaks lies not directly above, but
slightly to the right of the center stitch.

Round 8: sl st in next st, ch 3, dc in next 4 sts, *(5 dc in center sc from row below), dc in next 5
sts,** sk 2, dc in next 5 sts, repeat from * ending last repeat at ** sk 2, join with sl st to top of ch 3.
<105 dc>

Round 9: ch 1, sc in same st, sc in next 5 sts, * hdc in next st, 3 dc in next st, hdc in next st, ** sc
in next 12 sts, repeat from * ending last repeat at **, sc in next 6 sts, join with sl st to first sc. <119

Round 10: sl st, in next st, ch 3, dc in next 4 sts, *dec dc5tog over next 5 sts, dc in next 5, sk 2,
dc in next 5, repeat from * 6x, join w sl st to top of ch 3. <77 sts>

Round 11: sl st, dc in next 2 sts, *dec dc3tog over next 3 sts, dc in next 3 sts, dec dc2tog over
next 2 sts,** dc in next 3 sts, repeat from around ending last repeat at ** making last dec dc2tog
with last st of the round and the sl st at the start of the round. Join w st st to top of ch 3. <56 sts>

© Beth McKee Elliott aka Betty McKnit ®

6-Day Star Crown 4

Round 12: ch 3, 2 dc in same st, (sk 2, 3 dc in next st) around, sk 1, sl st in top of ch 3. <57 sts>

Round 13: sl st into next 2 sts and next sp, ch 3, 2 dc in same sp, 3 dc in each sp around, sl st in
ch 3. <57 sts>

Round 14: ch 1, sc in each around, join with sl st to first sc. <57 sts>

Round 15: ch 1, rhdc in each st around. <57 sts>

Fasten off.

Weave in all ends.

Items created with this pattern may be used for commercial sale with credit to Betty McKnit in your listing.
Be sure to tag @bettymcknit in your social media posts so I can enjoy your beautiful creations.

This pattern is the intellectual property of Beth McKee Elliott/Betty McKnit®.

This pattern, The 6-Day Kid Blanket, 6-Day Star Blanket, and derivative works are protected by copyright.
Publishing translations, corrections, variations, or tutorials of this pattern, online or elsewhere without written permission from
the owner is a violation of copyright.

This pattern was inspired by "Vivid Chevrons”

#110 from 200 Ripple Stitch Patterns by Jan Eaton.

YouTube Playlist for this project


© Beth McKee Elliott aka Betty McKnit ®


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