Animal Physiology Notes
Animal Physiology Notes
Animal Physiology Notes
1. Thin membrane (2) separates blood in the capillary and cavity of the Malpighian
capsule. The pores are like holes of a sieve.
2. The tufts of glomeruli increase the surface area for filtration (about one and a half
sq. meter / kidney in mammals).
3. The renal artery is a short and wide one that branches immediately after entering
the kidney. Hence blood enters the kidney at a high pressure.
4. The lumen of the efferent arteriole is smaller than the lumen of afferent arteriole.
This leads to increase in blood pressure in each glomerulus.
5. Nervous and hormonal factors calibrate the diameter of the afferent and efferent
6. The hydrostatic pressure (A) of blood at the afferent glomeruli is about 60 mm Hg
in contrast to 25 mm Hg in the capillaries elsewhere in the body. This is sufficient
to overcome the resisting forces (B) existing in the plasma. They are:
1) Hydrostatic force exerted by fluid in Bowman’s space (15 mmHg)
2) Osmotic force due to presence of proteins in plasma (27mg). Proteins are almost
absent in filtrate. So, zero osmotic force in the filtrate.
As a result of ultra filtration 20% of the plasma enters the Bowman’s capsule and
passes through the renal tubule. Only blood cells and High mol. wt. proteins (>60,000)
are retained in the blood and the rest are allowed to move into the filtrate. Eg: Gelatin
(35,000) and Egg albumin (34,500) are filtered while Serum albumin (67,500) and
Serum globulin (103,000) are not filtered. Glomerular filtrate at the end of first stage
contains about 95% water, low mol. wt. proteins, glucose, urea and salts.
The filtrate moves into the distal convoluted tubule which is again permeable to
water. As a result, water leaves the tubule and enters the interstitial fluid of the cortex
leading to gradual concentration of the filtrate.
Finally, the filtrate enters the collecting tubule. As it passes down, it gets more
and more concentrated. The final adjustment to osmotic concentration (in a small way) and
volume of urine in a major way is done here. Action of ADH hormone controls these events.
An increase in ADH level increases the permeability to water in distal and collecting
tubules. So, more water moves out into the interstitial fluid making the urine concentrated.
A decrease in the level of ADH level has the opposite effect leading to production of dilute
THE ROLE OF VASA RECTA: To maintain the counter current multiplier mechanism
efficiently, maintaining a gradient of osmotic concentration between interstitial fluid and
tubular filtrate is a mandatory requirement. This is done by the net work of capillaries (vasa
recta) formed from the efferent arteriole as it emerges out of the Bowman’s capsule. It has
two portions – descending thick set and ascending thin set of capillaries.
As blood passes through the thick capillary system of vasa recta present around
the ascending tubule, water diffuses outwardly because of higher osmotic concentration of
the interstitial fluid. As a result, osmotic concentration of blood increases as it reaches the
tip in the inner medullar region.
The ascending thin set of capillaries occurring around descending tubule group
together and form larger venules. They in turn join to form arcuate veins at the cortex –
medulla junction. Several of these join the renal portal vein and move the blood away from
the kidney.
When blood courses towards through the thin ascending set of capillary system
present around descending tubule towards the cortex, water diffuses inwardly. Sodium
chloride diffuses outwardly decreasing the osmotic concentration of blood again due to
osmotic gradient.
Whatever excess Na+ and Cl- ions are present in the interstitial fluid is removed
from the region along with water. Removal of that much amount of excess sodium, chloride
and water from the medulla maintains osmotic gradient necessary for counter current
multiplier effect.
This is how urine is concentrated in order to save the much precious water from
being wasted especially among those animals living in arid / desert conditions. It is common
knowledge that during summer volume of urine produced is very limited, concentrated and
yellowish in color where as during winter it is copious, watery and colorless.
RENAL SODIUM REGULATION: Sodium is freely filtered from the glomerular capillaries
in the Bowman’s capsule and there after actively reabsorbed back in the proximal tubule
and the loop of Henle: but, it is never secreted.
Aldosterone acts on Kidney Tubules leads to ↑ Sodium Reabsorption & ↑Blood Vol & ↑BP
The action of aldosterone is on the distal tubule and cortical portion of the collecting duct.
NOTE: Cells of cardiac atria produce a peptide hormone that is antagonistic to the action of
aldosterone called Atrial Natriuretic Factor (ANF). It acts on kidney tubules and inhibits
Sodium reabsorption and also increases GFR resulting in increased Sodium excretion.
RENAL POTASSIUM REGULATION: Potassium is the most abundant intracellular ion. Only
2% of total body Potassium is extracellular. However, it is an extremely important one,
especially for excitability of nerve and muscle cells. An increase in extracellular potassium
depolarizes plasma membrane causing production in action potentials (nerve impulses) for
that moment. Following that, the membrane cannot produce further action potentials –
Leads to arrhythmic heart beat. On the other hand, a decrease hyperpolarizes plasma
membranes lowering their ability to generate action potentials – Leads to weakness in the
skeletal muscles abnormal conduction in the cardiac muscles.
Like Sodium, Potassium also is freely filtered from the glomerular capillaries in the Bowman’s
capsule and there after actively reabsorbed back in the proximal tubule and the loop of
Henle. However, distal tubule and the cortical portion of the collecting duct can actively
secrete Potassium to adjust the overall body levels during potassium overloading (eating
Potassium rich foods) under the direct influence of aldosterone. Na-K ATPase pump is
involved the regulation.
The cells of the adrenal cortex are very sensitive to Potassium ions. When there is an
increase in the level of these ions, the cortical cells increase production of aldosterone. The
hormone acts on the tubule producing: Potassium excretion and concurrent Sodium
reabsorption. The two cannot actions are interlinked and cannot be separated. On balance,
excess extracellular Potassium is more harmful compared to higher levels of Sodium.
Actually, in such circumstances, more insulin is released which enables the cells to take in
more of potassium ions thereby normalizing the extracellular Potassium in the body!!!