Final Report

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A Study of Dynamic

Wireless Charging
and Simulink
Modelling of Electric
Summer Internship Project Report Under the Guidance of
Professor Dr. R.K. Saket, IIT BHU

Akash Saw
Abstract The increased reactive power requirement has a
direct effect in decreasing power transfer
Electrified transportation is continuously capability and not only that, but the rating of
playing an important role in reducing devices in converter circuits also increases. This
greenhouse gas emissions and also an is a serious hindrance to the efficient
alternative to raising oil prices. Electrified implementation of IPT technology. But with the
transportation demands that a good type of advancement of time, researchers have
charging networks line up, during a user- developed compensation circuits so on achieve
friendly environment, to encourage adoption. near-zero input reactive power [3]. In this
Wireless electric vehicle charging systems technique, the capacitor is added to both sides of
(WEVCS) is a possible alternative technology to the IPT circuit to compensate for the leakage flux
charge electric vehicles (EVs) with no plug-in and hence reduce the reactive power input [2].
problems. In this project, I will be focusing on the
method of Dynamic Wireless Charging of Electric
vehicles. Along with that, also discussed the
Simulink Implementation of the Wireless Power
Transfer circuitry along with the proper
practical situations like Coil detection, Efficient
Power Transfer, and Foreign Object Detections.
All the circuit parameters are designed
according to the SAE Standards.
In this project, I will focus on designing the
Simulink Model using IPT technology, a wireless
charger is 7.7 KW rating wireless charger is
designed using SAE standards.

Wireless power transfer (WPT) is one of the
emerging technologies where power is
transferred from transmitter coil to receiver coil
with no additional physical contact. Inductive
Power Transfer (IPT) is a type of wireless power
transfer technology and is based on Faraday’s
law of electromagnetic induction [1]. In the IPT
Power Converters Designing
system, a high-frequency AC supply of range in Parameters
KHz is given as an input to the primary side. The
secondary side uses a resonant tank to tune the In this section, the formulas for electrical
frequency of transmission. Since secondary coil parameters designing used in [4] for SS-IPT
uses resonance phenomenon to be tuned to topology are revisited and derived using
transmitter frequency, therefore IPT is also equivalent circuit as shown below.
known as resonant IPT. By using the resonance
phenomenon, the power transferred to receiving
coil, and hence, the efficiency is increased. [2]
The transmitter and receiver coil present in the
IPT system have poor coupling due to the
presence of an air gap, and hence, it's a loosely
coupled transformer. Because of this reason,
there is leakage flux which ultimately results in
increased reactive power input requirement.
Deriving the circuit parameters:
a. Calculation of RL and Vs(rms) [4] Basic Simulink
Implementation of SS-IPT
A. Designing the Primary Side Circuit

Using the calculated results, first the

b. For bifurcation free operation High Frequency DC (400v) is inverted to
considering quality factor Qs = 4, and AC supply.
calculating the value of Ls (Inductance
of secondary Side) and M (Mutual
Inductance). [4]

c. The value of critical coupling coefficient

Fig 2: Primary Side Simulink Model
Kc: [6-7]
(DC-AC inverter)

B. Setting up the Mutual Inductance

between the Loops

C. Using Calculated values designing the

d. So, in order to have bifurcation free Secondary Side of the Model:
operation, the condition to be satisfied
is k < kc, and for this, the value of
coefficient of coupling is taken 0.2. [5]

Fig 3: Secondary Side Simulink Model

(AC-DC converter)
Simulink Implementation
Results An DC output of 400V is obtained at the
Secondary side after rectification.
The graphs obtained from Simulink platform can
easily infer that the theoretical values calculated
for output voltage Vo, primary current RMS
value Ip(rms), secondary current RMS value
Is(rms) match almost.

Graph 3: Output Voltage

Graph 1: Primary Side (Current and Voltage) Wireless Dynamic Charging

Practical Problems
From the coils power gets wirelessly Although, it is a promising technology, which can
transmitted, which is in the form below. reduce the problems associated with range and
cost of EVs. It is the only solution for future
automation EV. It is also known as a ‘‘roadway
powered”, ‘‘on-line” or ‘‘in-motion” WEVCS. As
shown in Fig. below, the primary coils are
embedded into the road concrete at a certain
distance with high voltage, high frequency AC
source and compensation circuits. Has many

Graph 2: Secondary Side (Current and Voltage) practical problems which need to be addressed
for the efficient and safe power transfer.
The power supply segments are mostly divided by turning on/off the respective coil placed
into centralized and individual power frequency below the EV, for the smooth and efficient power
schemes as shown in Fig. In the centralized supply.
power supply scheme, a large coil (around 5–10
The basic principle behind this is the placing of
m) is installed on the road surface, where
Two Coil Detection system.[7]
multiple small charging pads are utilized. In
comparison with the segmented scheme, the Block Diagram of EV Detection:
centralized scheme has higher losses, lower
efficiency including high installation, and higher \
maintenance costs. [6]

Possible ways to detect EV

With the perfect alignment between the
transmitter and receiver coils which can 1. The detection is done by placing of two
significantly improve the overall power transfer auxiliary coils in the Transmitting Coil
efficiency. and Receiving Coil of the EV.
2. The basic concept is that, the Secondary
Problems to be Discussed in this Project: Auxiliary coil is energized by high
A. Detection of Electric Vehicle to control frequency AC signal, which is present in
the EV.
the Charging.
B. Foreign Object detection between the 3. When the EV is over the Transmitting
coil, then the Primary Auxiliary coil gets
coils to maintain safe power transfer.
activated due to the magnetic coupling of
Understanding Coil Placing the Auxiliary coils, that turn on the
respective T.coil to transfer the power to
and its parameters the EV.
Till now, what we have understand that the Diagram of Detection Coil Placing:
Segmented Coil placing scheme is the best way
to dynamically induce Emf in EVs. But this
method has its own issue while automatically
detection of the Vehicles. To solve this, a coil
detection system is proposed. [7]
In the following block diagram, two types of
detection scheme are shown. First one is when
the EV is coming from the same lane to the
transmitting pad. Second one is the case, when
the EV is approaching from another lane to the
Transmitting pad. The System is capable to
distinguish the direction of coming and respond
Charging Pad Parameters: Power Electronics of the Coil
i. One of the major hurdles in Detection System
implementation of the segmented DWC
is detection of EV as it travels on the road This is the proposed power electronics system of
and turns on the appropriate pad. [7] the coil detection system. Both the Auxiliary
coils are placed in their respective sides of the
ii. In the case of driving on a highway, circuit. And then the Signal processing unit is
speed of the EV can be very high (70mph attached to the output of Primary side Auxiliary
or 112.654km/h). If the length of the coil, to respond to the specific received signal
ground pad is 600mm this implies that [8]. I will design both the circuit in Simulink with
each ground pad has to be turned on in the implementation of Signal Processing unit in
less than 19.28msec per EV. [7] Multisim and Control Circuit in Tinkercad using
Arduino UNO.
Proposed Circuit Diagram [8]:

Two Coil System In the above diagram, secondary Ax. Coil is

Energized by a separate circuit which has High
For detecting the vehicles coming from another frequency AC supply of 5V, 1W at 460KHz and
lane, there is a method known as two Coil the primary Ax. Coil has two parts for X and Y
detection system. In which two coils are placed axis detection. After getting magnetically
in the primary side in such manner that it detects coupled, Emf is induced which is used to control
the vehicles in X and Y axis separately and turns the switching of Charging Circuit [7].
ON/OFF transmitting coil. [7]

Signal Processing Unit

It is very important to Distinguish between the
Signals of Detecting coil Transmitting Coil as it
can results in the false triggering of the
transmitting circuit. The Analog processing unit
is divided into three parts.
Filters :
Types of Signal Filters used[7]: Implementing Circuit
1. Twin T notch filter is designed to remove Parameters from Derived
the fundamental IPT frequency
component (81 kHz) present in the Experiments
Signal. Notch filter is designed to give Taking the SAE standards in reference,
maximum attenuation at IPT frequency following circuit parameters are calculated for
and to pass the 460 kHz coil detection the coil detection circuit [7]. Which I am using
frequency without any attenuation. to implement the Simulink Model of Coil
2. The second stage is an amplifier stage Detection system.
and the purpose of this stage is to Auxiliary coils Equivalent Circuit :
increase the gain and avoid loading effect
on the detection coil.
3. Bandpass filter is employed to reduce
further IPT frequency component and
some additional unwanted frequencies.

Control Unit
After filtering the Input signal in the primary
Aux. Coil, the Vx and Vy voltages Rms value is Primary Side
calculated, and used to control the Switching of
the DWC circuit.

Secondary Side

For the above equivalent circuit, circuit

parameters are derived as follows:
Experimental results to simulate the Coil
Detection system [8]:

Flow Chart of the Control Logic

Auxiliary coils Equivalent Circuit 2. Mutual Inductance is set as derived from
Parameters: the experiment [7].

3. In the Primary side, the received power

is then measured and if the Voltage is
2vpk-pk. It triggers the Control Circuit
and Signal Processing Circuit.

These data are calculated by taking SAE

standards. [7] 4. This Whole Detection process, simulates
the Electric vehicle position above the
Simulink Implementation of transmitter coil.
the Coil Detection System
1. First in the Secondary Side 5v DC is
Output voltage waveforms at the primary
inverted to AC supply. Which then
auxiliary circuit.
provided to the Secondary Auxiliary coil.
Multisim Simulation of Signal
Processing unit
The designed signal processing circuit is
simulated in Multisim. The frequency response
of the designed notch filter is plotted in Fig
below. The designed notch filter gives maximum
attenuation at 81kHz and for 460kHz the Band Pass Filter Circuit
attenuation. [9-21]

Notch Filter Circuit

Centre Frequency is 460khz

Control unit using Arduino

Control unknit is designed to switch the
Charging circuit as it detects the Electric Vehicle
over the Transmitting coil. It is Designed and
Implemented in Tinkercad.

Signal below 81Khz is attenuated

The bandpass filter is designed with centre

frequency of 460 kHz to avoid any signal
attenuation at the frequency of interest. If these
additional frequencies are not removed, they can
cause malfunction of the detection circuit. [8] If the Coil is Not detected the Transmitting coil
delivers minimal power, reducing power loss
and increased safety for pedestrian.
Conclusion Devendra Patil, John Miller, Babak
Fahimi, and Poras T. Balsara and Veda
In this report, using IPT topology, a WPT-based Galigerkere,: IEEE
charger is designed for Electrical Vehicle 8. Y. Wang et al., "A Double-T-Type
Dynamic charging. In designing procedure, Compensation Network and Its Tuning
SAEJ2954 standards have been followed which Method for IPT System," IEEE
meet the latest charging requirements. Another Transactions on Industry Applications,
important consideration in designing that has vol. 53, no. 5, pp. 4757-4767, 2017.
been taken is the additional Coil Detection
system for smooth and safe Electric Power
Switching between the coils which is most of the
IPT charging designs have avoided. The Simulink
results match the theoretical calculation which
prove that designing methodology is correct.

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