Final Report
Final Report
Final Report
Wireless Charging
and Simulink
Modelling of Electric
Summer Internship Project Report Under the Guidance of
Professor Dr. R.K. Saket, IIT BHU
Akash Saw
Abstract The increased reactive power requirement has a
direct effect in decreasing power transfer
Electrified transportation is continuously capability and not only that, but the rating of
playing an important role in reducing devices in converter circuits also increases. This
greenhouse gas emissions and also an is a serious hindrance to the efficient
alternative to raising oil prices. Electrified implementation of IPT technology. But with the
transportation demands that a good type of advancement of time, researchers have
charging networks line up, during a user- developed compensation circuits so on achieve
friendly environment, to encourage adoption. near-zero input reactive power [3]. In this
Wireless electric vehicle charging systems technique, the capacitor is added to both sides of
(WEVCS) is a possible alternative technology to the IPT circuit to compensate for the leakage flux
charge electric vehicles (EVs) with no plug-in and hence reduce the reactive power input [2].
problems. In this project, I will be focusing on the
method of Dynamic Wireless Charging of Electric
vehicles. Along with that, also discussed the
Simulink Implementation of the Wireless Power
Transfer circuitry along with the proper
practical situations like Coil detection, Efficient
Power Transfer, and Foreign Object Detections.
All the circuit parameters are designed
according to the SAE Standards.
In this project, I will focus on designing the
Simulink Model using IPT technology, a wireless
charger is 7.7 KW rating wireless charger is
designed using SAE standards.
Wireless power transfer (WPT) is one of the
emerging technologies where power is
transferred from transmitter coil to receiver coil
with no additional physical contact. Inductive
Power Transfer (IPT) is a type of wireless power
transfer technology and is based on Faraday’s
law of electromagnetic induction [1]. In the IPT
Power Converters Designing
system, a high-frequency AC supply of range in Parameters
KHz is given as an input to the primary side. The
secondary side uses a resonant tank to tune the In this section, the formulas for electrical
frequency of transmission. Since secondary coil parameters designing used in [4] for SS-IPT
uses resonance phenomenon to be tuned to topology are revisited and derived using
transmitter frequency, therefore IPT is also equivalent circuit as shown below.
known as resonant IPT. By using the resonance
phenomenon, the power transferred to receiving
coil, and hence, the efficiency is increased. [2]
The transmitter and receiver coil present in the
IPT system have poor coupling due to the
presence of an air gap, and hence, it's a loosely
coupled transformer. Because of this reason,
there is leakage flux which ultimately results in
increased reactive power input requirement.
Deriving the circuit parameters:
a. Calculation of RL and Vs(rms) [4] Basic Simulink
Implementation of SS-IPT
A. Designing the Primary Side Circuit
Graph 2: Secondary Side (Current and Voltage) practical problems which need to be addressed
for the efficient and safe power transfer.
The power supply segments are mostly divided by turning on/off the respective coil placed
into centralized and individual power frequency below the EV, for the smooth and efficient power
schemes as shown in Fig. In the centralized supply.
power supply scheme, a large coil (around 5–10
The basic principle behind this is the placing of
m) is installed on the road surface, where
Two Coil Detection system.[7]
multiple small charging pads are utilized. In
comparison with the segmented scheme, the Block Diagram of EV Detection:
centralized scheme has higher losses, lower
efficiency including high installation, and higher \
maintenance costs. [6]
Control Unit
After filtering the Input signal in the primary
Aux. Coil, the Vx and Vy voltages Rms value is Primary Side
calculated, and used to control the Switching of
the DWC circuit.
Secondary Side
1. Huang Z, Wong SC, Chi KT (2019) An
inductive power transfer converter with
high efficiency throughout battery
charging process. IEEE Trans Power
Electron (2019)
2. Li S, Mi CC (2015) Wireless power
transfer for electric vehicle applications.
IEEE J Emerg Sel Top Power Electron
3. Han H, Wong S-C, Chi KT (2017) Higher
order compensation for inductive
power-transfer converters with
constant-voltage or constant-current
output combating trans former
parameter constraints. IEEE Trans
Power Electron 32(1):394–405
4. Košík M, Fajtl R, Lettl J (2017) Analysis
of bifurcation in two-coil inductive
power transfer. In: 2017 IEEE 18th
workshop on control and modeling for
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5. Gati E, Kampitsis G, Manias S (2017)
Variable frequency controller for
inductive power transfer in dynamic
conditions. IEEE Trans Power Electron
6. Review of static and dynamic wireless
electric vehicle charging system Chirag
Panchal , Sascha Stegen, Junwei Lu
7. A Coil Detection System for Dynamic
Wireless Charging of Electric Vehicle,