Revision Questions Topic 1.1
Revision Questions Topic 1.1
Revision Questions Topic 1.1
1. The picture is from a campaign against nuclear energy. Many people think that nuclear
energy will have devastating e ects on humans.
(a) What is a perspective, and what are the main factors that shape peoples’
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explain the bi-directional relation
have a look at the respective slide
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4. De ne the term worldview.
A worldview is a comprehensive framework of
beliefs and perspectives through which
individuals or groups interpret and understand
5. Read the text in the image and identify the associated EVS
An environmental value system (EVS) is a world
view or paradigm that shapes the way an
individual or group of people perceive and
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6. Develop a system diagram to show what are the main factors that shape an
environmental value system
7. Create two spider web diagrams to compare the main characteristics of ecocentrics
and technocentrics
I would prefer
ecocentrics: less use of plastics/less consumption
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9. Evaluate the solutions you suggested in question 8.
the second arguments on technocentric is more well centered
10 Which are the two environmental value systems re ected in the image? What are their
main di erences?
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The first one is more techno/anthropocentric, second is more on
11. Discuss the impact of one publication on the development of the environmental
discuss his role as vice president
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12. Discuss the impact of one international convention on the development of the
environmental movement and the protection of nature.
What were the two most essential outputs? Convention on climate
13. Discuss the impact of two environmental accidents on the development of the
environmental movement and raising awareness in the public.
Another one please