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Internship_merged (1)
Internship Alternative
Literature - Survey
Degree of
On Topic
2. Introduction
3. Definition
5. Characteristics
10. Conclusion
Digital Libraries are the systems providing users the organised information
access to repository of information and services at knowledge base . Ultimately,
it is the demand for high quality content and ease of access and use that will
drive the initiation and development of digital libraries . The major objectives
and principles of digital library have been narrated with applied knowledge
system at TISS library . The functional components of the Digital Library have
been presented as a model for the information services of the library . The
digitisation activities and procedures are also discussed here .
Digital age has brought a tremendous change in the way information is stored
and accessed . It is marked by three distinct features : abundance , currency
and easy access of information . This has brought about a change in the
concept of libraries , their collection and services . Many new terms viz . , '
digital libraries ' , libraries without walls ' , ' virtual libraries ' are emerging to
describe the libraries of present day age .
The term ' digital library ' is a shift from the earlier term electronic library
which was used for the last two decades to describe the book - less library
which relies on telecommunication and computers to provide users with
whatever information they need . A digital library is popularly viewed as an
electronic version of a library where resources to allow remote access ,
breaking down the physical barrier between resources . In Wilensky's view the
digital library will be a collection of distributed information services , producers
will make it available , and consumers will find it through the automated
agents " . In this model it appears that the traditional libraries will have no role
to play . How far this will be true only time can tell .
In the early stages of development of digital libraries the main focus was on
providing dial up access to Online Public Access Catalogues ( OPAC ) . The term
however evokes different meaning for different people . To some it may simply
mean computerisation of the traditional library system . To those with library
science background it means doing things in a new way , using new type of
information resources , new approach to acquisition , new methods of storage
and preservation , new approaches to classification and cataloguing , new ways
of interaction with the patrons with more reliance on electronic system and
networks . As it stands today , most libraries in the developed countries have
their own homepages providing links to local information , electronic
databases , bibliographic as well as full text , apart from its own online system
of collection and services .
In Toren and Czech's view , libraries in future will become icons on the screen
and library buildings will function as book warehouses . The future implication
of such a situation needs to be contemplated seriously .
The term " digital library " is the most recent in a long series of names for a
concept that has been written about nearly as long as the development of the
first computer : a computerised " library " that would supplement , adds
functionality , and even replaces traditional libraries .
Digital libraries necessarily include a strong focus on the managen tof digital
content , just as traditional libraries have focused for long on the management
of content in physical forms . Most of the digital content that is being managed
includes human language , either in the form of character - coded electronic
text , scanned versions of
Digital Library Federation defined " Digital libraries " as " organizations that
provide the resources , including the specialized staff , to select , structure ,
offer intellectual access to , interpret , distribute , preserve the integrity of ,
and ensure the persistence over time of collections of digital works so that
they are readily and economically available for use by a defined community or
set of communities " ( DLF , 1998 ) .
Since then , many other groups have become involved in the expansion of
digital library technologies and techniques , including the European Union ,
Association for Computing Machinery ( ACM ) , the Institute of Electrical and
Electronics Engineers ( IEEE ) , the International Federation of Library
Associations ( IFLA ) , the American Library Association ( ALA ) , the Coalition
for Networked Information ( CNI ) , and the Digital Library Federation ( DLF ) .
Digital Libraries are the digital face of traditional libraries that include
both digital collections and traditional , fixed media collections . So they
encompass both electronic and paper materials . Digital Libraries also
include digital materials that exist outside the physical and
administrative bounds of any one digital library
Digital Libraries include all the processes and services that are the
backbone and nervous system of libraries . However , such traditional
processes , though forming the basis digital library work , will have to be
revised and enhanced to accommodate the differences between new
digital media and traditional fixed media .
Digital Libraries ideally provide a coherent view of all of the information
contained within a library , no matter its form or format
Digital Libraries serve particular communities or constituencies , as
traditional libraries do now , though those communities may be widely
dispersed throughout the network .
Digital Libraries require both the skills of librarians and well as those of
computer scientists to be viable .
Cleveland explained the following characteristics of digital libraries :
Digital Libraries are the digital face of traditional libraries that include
both digital collections and traditional , fixed media collections . So they
encompass both electronic and paper materials .
Digital Libraries also include digital materials that exist outside the
physical and administrative bounds of any one digital library
Digital Libraries include all the processes and services that are the
backbone and nervous system of libraries . However , such traditional
processes , though forming the basis digital library work , will have to be
revised and enhanced to accommodate the differences between new
digital media and traditional fixed media .
Digital Libraries ideally provide a coherent view of all of the information
contained within a library , no matter its form or format
Digital Libraries serve particular communities or constituencies , as
traditional libraries do now , though those communities may be widely
dispersed throughout the network .
Digital Libraries require both the skills of librarians and well as those of
computer scientists to be viable .
Collect , organize & collate print & digital information & disseminate at
the point of care and for future use .
Provide seamless access to information .
Provide resources for educators , scholars , and general
Provide current library materials and databases that support the
academic curriculum
Provide access to information resources , regardless of location
Collect library materials in all formats , broaden and update all
collections to meet the needs of programs and support the various
aspects of the institution : teaching , training , research and services
Educate and assist college , students and staff in the identification and
effective use of information resources
Continue to strengthen and update all collections to meet the needs of
Preserve collections and materials , and maintain and upgrade physical
and technological infrastructure to enhance the quality of services
Recognize that a minimum expectable standard is one resource per topic
per student
Meet or exceed accreditation standards
Provide access to library resources and servers via web pages and online
recourses Ensure that resources available are currently appropriate and
accessible 24/7 Work closely with users ; know their needs and interests
Put into practice the motto that building library resources is a
continuous process Enhance information literacy , especially in the
student community , by developing effective plans aiming at improving
student ability
Space power The Digital Library increases space power . It means that we are
making a portable system for materials . Portability is directly proportional to
technology . For example , compact disk , DVD system minimizes the larger
data and stores it , thereby having no storage problem .
The cost of a digital library is too high for the initial stages compared to the
traditional one . Skilled personnel are required working and maintenance of
the system Law effect - people secure their publications or material through
copyrights . This poses a problem for the user when he tries to copy some
matter for his own use . Other laws like cyber law also affect the digital library
system . Effect of Technology - Both hardware and software have advanced ..
The digital library entirely depends on telecommunication and computer . As
and when new technology comes into the market the digital system needs to
be updated . Security problem - The most important of all is how to secure the
data when the digital system is connected to the internet and prevent
unauthorized access and the prevention of the information acquiring virus .
The term " Digital Library has a variety of potential meanings , ranging from a
digitized collection of material that one might find in a traditional library
through to the collection of all digital information along with the services that
make that information useful to all possible users . As the WG discussed
possible scenarios and challenge problems to drive our discussion of metrics ,
we found the need to come to at least a loose agreement on the scope of the
digital library . This document is intended to serve that purpose .
Much of the question about the scope of the term is how broad a view should
be taken of the digital library . Does it encompass all of information
management or is a more tightly constrained view appropriate ? In this
document , and for the purposes of the deliberations of the WG , we choose to
take a very broad view . This is driven by the recognition that to do otherwise
would require setting boundaries that are fairly artificial
2. Security threats
5. Recommended
Policies & procedures
Cyber threats
Technological vulnerabilities
POPI Act ; PAIA Act ; PAJA Act ; NARSSA Act ; GDOH PAIM ; NH Act &
Constitution of RSA
ISO27799 & MSS
Lack of security policy
Worms , Trojan Horse & short cut viruses Power & system failure ;
network failures ; obsolete computers & operating system Password -
username ;
antivirus ; firewall ; security audit log system & data encryption
Unauthorized access &
patients ' health data loss
Research gate.
Users may face many hindrances while accessing digital library . These
hindrances could be because of information overload , poorly designed
interface , misleading information provided by the digital library or inability to
access the digital resources .
Digital Library is the electronic library , which the information is stored in the
digital form . With the advancement and new technology in the field of
information librarians need to improve new skills using the new technology
and it requires re orientation of traditional skill of librarian ship information
professional and librarians must acquire the new skills as networking and web
based technologies , on live searching of electronic database CD - ROM
Products e - journals etc. In Multi Disciplinary Knowledge and Skills are
required if information professionals have to survive .
Digital libraries are not going to replace the physical existence of document
completely but no doubt to meet the present demand , to satisfy the non local
user digitization must be introduced so that at least libraries becomes of
hybrid nature . The initial cost of digitization is high but experiment shows that
once digitization is introduced then the cost to manage this collection will be
cheaper than that of any traditional library . Day by day the cost of digitization
is decreasing , the online publication is increasing , the needs of user are
shifting towards a different environment so it's needless to say that after one
or two years my library or your library will go to be digitized so it's the pick
time to all
informational and library professional that they geared themselves to take the
challenge .
Reference and bibliography
5. Ian , H. Witten & David , Brainbridge . ( 2003 ) , How to Build a Digital Library
, London : Morgan Kaufman Publishers
13. Srivastava Rachna and Saxena Shalini : Digital Libraries Dream or Reality ?
In SRELS Journal of Information and management . Vol . 41 ( 4 ) Dec. 2004 .