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Pdfcoffee.com Distillationpdf 3 PDF Free
5.1. Introduction
Distillation is method of separation of components from a liquid mixture which
depends on the differences in boiling points of the individual components and the
distributions of the components between a liquid and gas phase in the mixture.
The liquid mixture may have different boiling point characteristics depending on
the concentrations of the components present in it. Therefore, distillation
processes depends on the vapor pressure characteristics of liquid mixtures. The
vapor pressure is created by supplying heat as separating agent. In the
distillation, the new phases differ from the original by their heat content. During
most of the century, distillation was by far the most widely used method for
separating liquid mixtures of chemical components (Seader and Henley, 1998).
This is a very energy intensive technique, especially when the relative volatility of
the components is low. It is mostly carried out in multi tray columns. Packed
column with efficient structured packing has also led to increased use in
Clausius-Clapeyron Equation:
p v 1 1
ln v (5.1)
p1 R T1 T
where p v and p1v are the vapor pressures in Pascal at absolute temperature T
and T1 in K. λ is the molar latent heat of vaporization which is independent of
Antoine Equation:
B (5.2)
ln p v (Pascal) A
Typical representative values of the constants A, B and C are given in the
following Table 5.1 (Ghosal et al., 1993)
Table 5.1: Typical representative values of the constants A, B and C
Components Range of A B C
Temperature (T),
Acetone 241-350 21.5439 2940.46 -35.93
Ammonia 179-261 21.8407 2132.50 -32.98
Benzene 280-377 20.7934 2788.51 -52.36
Ethanol 270-369 21.8045 3803.98 -41.68
Methanol 257-364 23.4801 3626.55 -34.29
Toluene 280-410 20.9063 3096.52 -53.67
Water 284-441 23.1962 3816.44 -46.13
Readers are suggested to revise the thermodynamics for more about vapor
pressure and boiling point.
The constant temperature phase diagram is shown in Figure 5.2. The constant
temperature phase diagram is useful in the analysis of solution behaviour. The
more volatile liquid will have a higher vapor pressure (i.e. pA at xA = 1.0)
average relative volatility, ave is known. If the system obeys Raoult’s law, i.e
p A Py A , pB Py B , the relative volatility can be expressed as:
pA / xA
AB (5.5)
p B / xB
where pA is the partial pressure of component A in the vapor, pB is the partial
pressure of component B in the vapor and P is the total pressure of the system.
Thus if the relative volatility between two components is equal to one, separation
is not possible by distillation. The larger the value of , above 1.0, the greater the
degree of separability, i.e. the easier the separation. Some examples of optimal
relative volatility that are used for distillation process design are given in Table
Table 5.2: Some optimal relative volatility that are used for distillation process design
Equilibrium curve
This particular VLE plot (Figure 5.3) shows a binary ideal mixture that has a
uniform vapor-liquid equilibrium that is relatively easy to separate. On the other
hand, the VLE plots shown in Figure 5.4 represented for non-ideal systems.
These non-ideal VLE systems will present more difficult separation.
Figure 5.5: VLE curves for azeotropic systems: (a) for maximum boiling point, (b) for minimum
boiling point
Neglecting the term (dx)(dL), the Equation (5.7) may be written as:
Re-arranging and Integrating from L1 to L2, and from x1 to x2, one can obtain the
following Equation which is called Rayleigh Equation:
L x1 1
ln 1 dx (5.9)
x2 ( y x )
The integration of Equation (5.9) can be obtained graphically from the equilibrium
curve, by plotting 1/(y-x) versus x.
Solution 5.1:
Calculate 1/(y-x)
As per Rayleigh Equation
L 1
ln 1
2 ( y x)
L2 x
x1= 0.4
Feed L1 = 100
Distillate (D) = 70
Liquid residue as L2 = L1-D = 30
L 1
Find x2 by equating ln 1
2 ( y x)
L2 x
1.x F fy D (1 f ) x B (5.10)
fy D x F (1 f ) x B (5.11)
1 f x
y D x B F (5.12)
f f
The fraction f depends on the enthalpy of the liquid feed, the enthalpies of the
vapor and liquid leaving the separator. For a given feed condition, and hence the
known value of f and xF, the Equation (5.12) is a straight line Equation with slope
- (1-f)/f and intercept xF/f as shown in Figure 5.9. It will intersect the equilibrium
line at the point (xB, yD). From this value, the composition of the vapor and liquid
leaving the separator can be obtained.
before it enters the distillation column. The feed enters the column at feed stage
contains more volatile components (called light key, LK) and less volatile
components (called heavy key, HK). At the feed stage feed may be liquid, vapor
or mixture of liquid and vapor. The section above the feed where vapor is
washed with the reflux to remove or absorb the heavy key is called enriching or
rectifying section. The section below the feed stage where liquid is stripped of the
light key by the rising vapor is called stripping section.
Consider the rectifying section as shown in the Figure 5.12. Material balance can
be written around the envelope shown in Figure 5.12:
Vn1 Ln D (5.13)
Consider the constant molal flow in the column, and then one can write: L1 = L2 =
.......... Ln-1 = Ln = Ln+1 = L = constant and V1 = V2 = .......... Vn-1 = Vn = Vn+1 = V =
constant. Thus, the Equation (5.15) becomes:
y n 1 xn xD (5.17)
Introducing reflux ratio defined as: R = L/D, the Equation (5.17) can be expressed
R 1
y n 1 xn xD (5.18)
R 1 R 1
The Equation (5.18) is the rectifying section operating line (ROL) Equation having
slope R/(R+1) and intercept, xD/(R+1) as shown in Figure 5.13. If xn = xD, then
yn+1 = xD, the operating line passed through the point (xD, xD) on the 45o diagonal
line. When the reflux ratio R changed, the ROL will change. Generally the
R 1
y x xD (5.19)
R 1 R 1
The feed enters the distillation column may consists of liquid, vapor or a mixture
of both. Some portions of the feed go as the liquid and vapor stream to the
rectifying and stripping sections. The moles of liquid flow in the stripping section
that result from the introduction of each mole of feed, denoted as ‘q’. The
limitations of the q-value as per feed conditions are shown in Table 5.3.
Calculation of q-value
Other than saturated liquid (q = 1) and saturated vapor (q = 0), the feed condition
is uncertain. In that case one must calculate the value of q. The q-value can be
obtained from enthalpy balance around the feed plate. By enthalpy balance one
can obtain the q-value from the following form of Equation:
q (5.20)
where HF, HV and HL are enthalpies of feed, vapor and liquid respectively which
can be obtained from enthalpy-concentration diagram for the mixture.
q can be alternatively defined as the heat required to convert 1 mole of feed from
its entering condition to a saturated vapor; divided by the molal latent heat of
vaporization. Based on this definition, one can calculate the q-value from the
following Equations for the case whereby q > 1 (cold liquid feed) and q < 0
(superheated vapor feed) as:
C p , L (Tbp TF )
q (5.21)
C p ,V (Tdp TF )
q (5.22)
where Tbp is the bubble point, is the latent heat of vaporization and Tdp is the
dew point of the feed respectively.
Consider the section of the distillation column (as shown in Figure 5.11) at the
tray (called feed tray) where the feed is introduced. In the feed tray the feed is
introduced at F moles/hr with liquid of q fraction of feed and vapor of (1-f) fraction
of feed as shown in Figure 5.14. Overall material balance around the feed tray:
L L qF and V V (1 q) F (5.23)
Component balances for the more volatile component in the rectifying and
stripping sections are:
Vy Lx DxD (5.24)
V y Lx Bx B (5.25)
At the feed point where the two operating lines (Equations (5.24) and (5.25)
intersect can be written as:
Figure 5.14: Feed tray with fraction of liquid and vapor of feed
Fx F DxD Bx B (5.27)
Substituting L-L’ and V-V’ from Equations (5.23) and (5.24) into Equation (5.26)
and with Equation (5.27) one can get the q-line Equation after rearranging as:
q 1
y x x F (5.28)
1 q 1 q
For a given feed condition, xF and q are fixed, therefore the q-line is a straight
line with slope -q / (1-q) and intercept xF/(1-q). If x = xF , then from Equation
(5.28) y = xF. At this condition the q-line passes through the point (xF, xF) on the
45o diagonal. Different values of q will result in different slope of the q-line.
Different q-lines for different feed conditions are shown in Figure 5.15.
The stripping section operating line (SOL) can be obtained from the ROL and q-
line without doing any material balance. The SOL can be drawn by connecting
point xB on the diagonal to the point of intersection between the ROL and q-line.
The SOL will change if q-line is changed at fixed ROL. The change of SOL with
different q-lines for a given ROL at constant R and xD is shown in Figure 5.16.
The stripping section operating line can be derived from the material balance
around the stripping section of the distillation column. The stripping section of a
distillation column is shown in Figure 5.17. The reboiled vapor is in equilibrium
with bottoms liquid which is leaving the column.
Consider the constant molal overflow in the column. Thus L'm = L'm+1 = .... = L' =
constant and V'm = V'm+1 = ..... = V' = constant.
L V B (5.29)
y m1 xm x B (5.31)
y x xB (5.32)
Substituting V' = L' – B from Equation (5.29), the Equation (5.32) can be written
y x xB (5.33)
The Equation (5.33) is called the stripping operating line (SOL) which is a straight
line with slope ( L' / L' - B) and intercept ( BxB / L' - B ). When x = xB , y = xB, the
SOL passes through (xB, xB ) on the 45o diagonal line.
Reflux Ratio, R
The separation efficiency by distillation depends on the reflux ratio. For a given
separation (i.e. constant xD and xB) from a given feed condition (xF and q), higher
reflux ratio (R) results in lesser number of required theoretical trays (N) and vice
versa. So there is an inverse relationship between the reflux ratio and the
number of theoretical stages. At a specified distillate concentration, xD, when R
changes, the slope and intercept of the ROL changes (Equation (5.19)). From the
Equation (5.19), when R increases (with xD constant), the slope of ROL becomes
steeper, i.e. (R/R+1) and the intercept (xD/R+1) decreases. The ROL therefore
rotates around the point (xD, xD). The reflux ratio may be any value between a
minimum value and an infinite value. The limit is the minimum reflux ratio (result
in infinite stages) and the total reflux or infinite reflux ratio (result in minimum
stages). With xD constant, as R decreases, the slope (R/R+1) of ROL (Equation
(5.19)) decreases, while its intercept (xD/R+1) increases and rotates upwards
around (xD, xD) as shown in Figure 5.19. The ROL moves closer to the
equilibrium curve as R decreases until point Q is reached. Point Q is the point of
intersection between the q-line and the equilibrium curve.
Equilibrium line
xF xD
At this point of intersection the driving force for mass transfer is zero. This is also
called as Pinch Point. At this point separation is not possible. The R cannot be
reduced beyond this point. The value of R at this point is known as the minimum
reflux ratio and is denoted by Rmin. For non-ideal mixture it is quite common to
exhibit inflections in their equilibrium curves as shown in Figure 5.20 (a, b). In
those cases, the operating lines where it becomes tangent to the equilibrium
curve (called tangent pinch) is the condition for minimum reflux. The ROL cannot
move beyond point P, e.g. to point K. The condition for zero driving force first
occurs at point P, before point K which is the intersection point between the q-
line and equilibrium curve. Similarly it is the condition SOL also. At the total reflux
ratio, the ROL and SOL coincide with the 45 degree diagonal line. At this
condition, total number of triangles formed with the equilibrium curve is equal
minimum number of theoretical stages. The reflux ratio will be infinite.
Figure 5.20 (a): Representation of minimum reflux ratio for non-ideal mixture
Figure 5.20 (b): Representation of minimum reflux ratio for non-ideal mixture
Tray Efficiency
For the analysis of theoretical stage required for the distillation, it is assumed that
the the vapor leaving each tray is in equilibrium with the liquid leaving the same
tray and the trays are operating at 100% efficiency. In practice, the trays are not
perfect. There are deviations from ideal conditions. The equilibrium with
temperature is sometimes reasonable for exothermic chemical reaction but the
equilibrium with respect to mass transfer is not often valid. The deviation from the
ideal condition is due to: (1) Insufficient time of contact
(2) Insufficient degree of mixing. To achieve the same degree of desired
separation, more trays will have to be added to compensate for the lack of
perfect separability. The concept of tray efficiency may be used to adjust the the
actual number of trays required.
Overall Efficiency
It is applied for the whole column. Every tray is assumed to have the same
efficiency. The overall efficiency depends on the (i) geometry and design of the
contacting trays, (ii) flow rates and flow paths of vapor and liquid streams, (iii)
Compositions and properties of vapor and liquid streams (Treybal, 1981; Seader
and Henley, 1998). The overall efficiency can be calculated from the following
The corrrelation is valid for hydrocarbon mixtures in the range of 342 K < T <
488.5 K, 1 atm < P < 25 atm and 0.066 < µ < 0.355 cP
Murphree Efficiency
achieved on each tray based on either the liquid phase or the vapor phase. For a
given component, it can be expressed as:
y n y n 1
E MV (5.37)
y n* y n 1
x n x n 1
E ML (5.38)
x n* x n 1
Solution 5.2:
100 = D + B
F xF = D xD + B xB
Therefore, D = 41.2 kg mole/h, B = 58.8 kg mole/h
y = [R/(R+1)] x + xD/(R+1) = 0.8 x +0.190
q = 1+ cpL (TB-TF)/Latent heat of vaporization
TB = 366.7 K from boiling point of feed, TF = 327.6 K ( inlet feed temp)
Therefore q = 1.195
Slope of q line = 6.12
From the graph (Figure E1), Total no of theoretical stages is 8 at operating reflux
(Red color)
From the graph (Figure E1), Total no of theoretical stages is 6 at total reflux
(Black color)
Overall efficiency at operating conditions: Eo (Operating) = No of ideal stage/ No
of actual trays = 7.9/10 = 0.79
Overall efficiency at total reflux conditions: Eo (total relux) = No of ideal stage/ No
of actual trays = 5.9/10=0.59
Overall efficiency increased: 0.79-0.59 = 0.20
Background Principle:
The method is concerned with the graphical analysis of calculating the theoretical
stages by enthalpy balance required for desired separation by distillation process
(Hines and Maddox, 1984). In this method, the enthalpy balances are
incorporated as an integral part of the calculation however it is not considered in
the analysis separation by distillation process by McCabe-Thele method. This
procedure combines the material balance calculations with enthalpy balance
calculations. This method also provides the information on the condenser and
reboiler duties. The overall material balance for the distillation column is as
shown in Figure 5.11:
F DB (5.39)
For any component the material balance around the column can be written as:
Fx F DxD Bx B (5.40)
FH F QR DH D BH B QC (5.41)
where H is the enthalpy of the liquid stream, energy/mol, Q R is the heat input to
the reboiler, J/s and QC is the heat removed from condenser, J/s. The heat
balance on rearrangement of Equation (5.41) gives
FH F D H D C B H B R (5.42)
The Equation (5.41) is rearranged as Equation (5.42) for the convenience to plot
it on the enthalpy-concentration diagram. The points represented by the feed,
distillate and bottom streams can be plotted on the enthalpy-concentration
diagram as shown in Figure 5.21.
Figure 5.21: Representation of feed, distillate and bottom streams on the enthalpy-concentration
Substituting the Equation (5.39) into the Equation (5.40) and (5.42) we get
( D B) x F DxD Bx B (5.43)
( D B) H F D H D C B H B R (5.44)
H F (H B )
D xF xB R
B xD xF Q
(H D C ) H F
xF xB xD xF
H F (H B R ) (H D C ) H F
Comparing the Equation (5.46) with the points plotted on Figure (5.21), it is found
that the left hand side of the Equation (5.46) represents the slope of the straight
line between the points (xB, HB-QR/B) and (xF, HF). The right hand side of the
Equation (5.46) represents the slope of the straight line passing through the
points (xF, HF) and (xD, HD-QC/D). From this it can be said that all three points are
on a same straight line. The amount of distillate as per Equation (5.45) is
proportional to the horizontal distance x F x B and the amount of bottoms is
proportional to the horizontal distance x D x F , then from the overall material
balance it can be interpreted that the amount of feed is proportional to the
horizontal distance x D x B . This leads to the inverse lever rule. Based on this
principle, the analysis of distillation column is called Enthalpy-composition
analysis or Ponchon-Savarit analysis of distillation column.
Consider the theoretical stage shown in Figure 5.12 and the principle by which it
operates is described in the enthalpy-composition diagram as shown in Figure
The vapor entering to the tray (n), Vn+1 is a saturated vapor of composition yn+1
wheras the liquid entering to the tray is Ln-1 of composition xn-1. The point P in the
Figure 5.22 represents the total flow to the tray. The point P lies in a straight line
joining xn-1 and yn+1. The distance y n1 P is proportional to the quantity Ln-1 and
the distance x n1 P is proportional to the quantity Vn+1 as per lever rule. So
Ln 1 y n 1 P
______ (5.47)
Vn 1
x n 1 P
The sum of the liquid and vapor leaving the plate must equal the total flow to the
plate. So the tie line must pass through the point P which represents the addition
point of the vapor Vn and liquid Ln leaving the tray. The intersection of the tie line
with the enthalpy-composition curves will represent the compositions of these
Where HV is the enthalpy of the vapor and HL is the enthalpy of the liquid. From
the material and enthalpy balance Equations above mean that the stream that
added to Vn+1 to generate Ln is same to the stream that must be added to V n to
generate Ln-1. In the Figure 5.22, Δ represents the difference point above and
below the tray. This point of a common difference point can be extended to a
section of a column that contains any number of theoretical trays.
Module # 7
1. Introduction
2. Plate contractors
7.1. Definition of tray areas
7.2. Plate types
7.2.1. Bubble cap plates
7.2.2. Valve plates
7.2.3. Sieve plate
7.2.4. Selection of tray type
7.3. Effect of vapor flow conditions on tray design
7.3.1. Flooding consideration
7.3.2. Sieve tray weeping
7.3.3. Liquid entrainment
7.4. Tray hydraulic parameters
7.5. Column sizing approximation
7.6. Provisional plate design
7.6.1. Column diameter
7.6.2. Hole diameter, hole pitch and plate thickness
7.6.3. Weir height and weir length
7.6.4. Calming zones
3. Stepwise design tray procedure
4. Design problem
Lecture 1: Introduction
1. Introduction
The typical gas-liquid contacting operations include distillation, absorption, stripping,
leaching and humidification. Distillation and absorption are two most widely used mass
transfer processes in chemical industries. Design of plate column for absorption and
distillation involves many common steps of calculation such as determination of number
of theoretical plates, column diameter, plate hydraulic design, etc.In absorption process, a
soluble component is absorbed in a liquid (called solvent) from a gaseous mixture. The
gas and liquid streams leaving the tray are in equilibrium under the ideal condition. The
separation in distillation is based on the relative volatility of the components. Additional
vapor phase is generated by the vaporization of more volatile components (called
stripping) and by condensation of relatively less volatile components(called absorption)
adds to the liquid phase.
Selection of column type: Plate or Packed: Packed towers (columns) are also used as
the contacting devices for gas absorption, liquid-liquid extraction and distillation. The
gaseous mixture is allowed to contact continuously with the liquid counter-currently in a
packed column. The liquid flows downward over the packing surface, and the gaseous
mixture flows upward through the space in the packing. The performance of the column
strongly depends on the arrangement of the packings to provide good liquid and gas
contact throughout the packed bed. The solute gas is absorbed by the fresh solvent
(liquid) entering at the top of the tower where the lean gas leaves system. The liquid
enriched with absorbed solute gas, leaves the column bottom through the exit port.
In a plate tower, the liquid and gas are contacted in stage-wise manner on the trays; while
gas-liquid contact is continuous in a packed column. There are always some uncertainly
to maintain good liquid distribution in a packed tower. For this reason, it is difficult to
accurately estimate the packed tower efficiency. The course content is limited to design
of plate column only and some typical criterions for the selection of column type are
discussed below.
Plate towers exhibit larger pressure drops and liquid holdup at higher gas flow
rate. While, packed towers are not appropriate for very low liquid flow rates.
Packed column is the preferred choice than a plate column to handle toxic and
flammable liquids due to lower liquid holdup to keep the unit as small as possible
for the sake of safety.
Plate columns are normally suitable for fouling liquids or laden with solids. They
are easier to clean and could handle substantial temperature variation during
Packed towers are more suitable for foaming and corrosive services.
It is easier to make the provision for the installation of internal cooling coils or
withdrawal of side streams from a plate column.
2. Plate contractors
Plate contractors/ towers are vertical cylindrical columns in which a vertical stack of
trays or plates are installed across the column height as shown in Figure 7.1. The liquid
enters at the top of the column and flows across the tray and then through a downcomer
(cross-flow mode) to the next tray below. The gas/vapor from the lower tray flows in the
upward direction through the opening/holes in the tray to form a gas-liquid dispersion. In
this way, the mass transfer between the phases (gas/vapor-liquid) takes place across the
tray and through the column in a stage-wise manner.
Figure 7.2.Schematic of a tray operating in the froth regime ([2] page 14-28).
Figure 7.4. Classification of plate types based on flow mode- side view shown: (a) Cross-flow plate, (b): Counterflow plate.
𝜌𝑣 = vapor density, kg/m3
𝜌𝑙 = liquid density, kg/m3
𝜍 = liquid surface tension, mN/m (dyn/cm)
𝐶𝑠𝑏𝑓 = capacity parameter (m/s) can be calculated([4] page 14-27) in terms of plate
𝐿 𝜌 𝑣 0.5
spacing and flow parameter 𝐹𝐿𝐺 = 𝑉 𝜌𝑙
𝐿 =liquid flow rate, kg/s
𝑉 =vpor flow rate, kg/s
The design gas velocities (𝑈𝑛 ) is generally 80-85% of 𝑈𝑛𝑓 for non-foaming liquids and
75% or less for foaming liquids subject to acceptable entrainment and plate pressure
𝐿 𝜌 𝑣 0.5
predicted using Fair’s correlation in terms of the flow parameter [𝐹𝐿𝐺 = 𝑉 ] and
Effect of 𝛹 on Murphree plate efficiency can be estimated using Colburn equation ([4]
page 14-29):
𝐸𝑎 = Ψ𝐸 𝑚𝑣
𝐸𝑚𝑣 =Murphree vapor efficiency
E𝑎 =Corrected Murphree vapor efficiency for liquid entrainment
7.4. Tray hydraulic parameters
Total plate pressure drop
All gas pressure drops (ℎ𝑡 ) are expressed as heads of the clear liquid and ℎ𝑡 is given by:
ℎ𝑡 = ℎ𝑑 + ℎ𝑤𝑐 + ℎ𝑤 + ℎ𝑟
Where, ℎ𝑑 =dry plate pressure drop, mm
ℎ𝑤𝑐 =height of liquid over weir (weir crest), mm
ℎ𝑤 =weir height, mm
ℎ𝑟 =residual head, mm
Dry plate pressure drop (𝒉𝒅 ):
Dry plate pressure drop occurs due to friction within dry short holes.ℎ𝑑 can be calculated
using following expression derivedfor flow through orifices ([3] page 575).
𝑈𝑚𝑎𝑥 2𝜌
ℎ𝑑 = 51 [mm]
𝐶0 𝜌𝑙
Downcomer backup (𝒉𝒃 ) and downcomer residence time:
The liquid level and froth in the downcomer should be well below the top of the outlet
weir on the tray above to avoid flooding ([3] page 576).
ℎ𝑏 = ℎ𝑤𝑐 + ℎ𝑤 + ℎ𝑡 + ℎ𝑑𝑐
𝐿𝑤𝑑 2
Head loss in downcomer: ℎ𝑑𝑐 = 166 𝜌 𝑙 𝐴𝑚
𝐿𝑤𝑑 = Downcomer liquid flow rate, kg/s
𝐴𝑚 =Smaller of clearance area under the downcomer apron (𝐴𝑎𝑝 ) and downcomer
area(𝐴𝐷 )
The average density of aerated liquid in the dowmncomer can be assumed as of the
clear liquid density.Therefore, half of the sum of the plate spacing and weir height should
be greater than thedowncomer backup.
𝐩𝐥𝐚𝐭𝐞 𝐬𝐩𝐚𝐜𝐢𝐧𝐠 + 𝐰𝐞𝐢𝐫 𝐡𝐞𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭 > 𝒉𝒅 (7.13)
Downcomer residence time (𝑡𝑑𝑟𝑡 ) should be sufficient for the disengagement of liquid
and vapor in the downcomer to minimize entrained vapor. The value of 𝑡𝑑𝑟𝑡 >3 s is
suggested. Downcomer residence timeis given by ([3] page 578):
𝐴𝐷 ℎ 𝑏𝑐 𝜌 𝑙
𝑡𝑑𝑟𝑡 = [s]
ℎ𝑏𝑐 = clear liquid back up, mm
Plate thickness (𝑡𝑡 ) typically varies from 0.2 to 1.2 times of the hole diameter and should
be verified by checking the allowable plate pressure drop ([3] page 576).
7.6.3. Weir heightand weir length
The depth of liquid on the tray is maintained by installing a vertical flat plate, called weir.
Higher weir height (ℎ𝑤 ) increases the plate efficiency. But it increases plate pressure
drop, entrainment rate and weeping tendency. Weir heights from 40 to 90 mm are
common in applications for the columns operating above the atmospheric pressure. For
vacuum operation, ℎ𝑤 =6 to 12 mm are recommended. The weir length (𝐿𝑤 ) determines
the downcomer area. A weir length of 60 to 80% of tower diameter is normally used
with segmental downcomers. The dependency of 𝐿𝑤 on downcomer area is calculated
against the percentage value of ([3] page 572).
Heat required to vaporize 1 mole of the given feed = (59.95 - 30) ×101.75 +
34,885=37933 J
Heat required to vaporize 1 mole of the given feed 37933
𝑞= = = 1.09
Latent heat of the feed 34885
𝑞 1.09
Slope of the q-line= 𝑞−1 = 1.09−1 = 12.44
Here, the top operating line just touches the equilibrium curve at the point of tangency of
the rectifying section operating line at which the minimum reflux takes place.
From the Figure 7.8: 0.57 ; Rmin= 0.67 for xD=0.95
Rmin 1
Here, reflux ratio, R=2.5×Rmin =2.5×0.67= 1.675 is taken for this design.
Average molecular wt. of feed= 0.5×58 + 0.5×18=38
Molar feed flow (𝐹) rate=25,000/38=657.9 kmol/h
Acetone balance: 𝐷 × 0.95 = 657.9 × 0.5⇒𝐷 = 346.2 kmol/h
Vapor flow (𝑉) rate above feed plate, 𝑉 = 𝐷 1 + 𝑅 = 346.2 1 + 1.675 = 926.2
(Assuming constant molar overflow)
Top section liquid flow rate, 𝐿 = 𝑉 − 𝐷 = 580 kmol/h
Bottom product: 𝐵 = 𝐹 − 𝐷 = 657.9 − 346.2 = 311.7 kmol/h
Mass balance below feed plate: 𝐿′ = 𝑉 ′ + 𝐵
Slope of the bottom section operating line (Figure 7.8): 𝑉 ′ = 1.32
Equilibrium curve 6th stage
Top operating line for Rmin
Bottom operating line
0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0
x, mole fraction of Acetone
𝜍 =58×10-3 N/m
Use the highervalue of the tower diameter for the uniformity between sections, if the
difference is not greater than 20%. In this case, the bottom diameter is used both in
top and bottomsections. Higher area than the design area (here top section) can be
taken care by reducing the perforated area.
The nearest recommended shell (nominal diameter 2400 mm) fabricated from
carbon steel or stainless steel sheet in IS 2844-1964: ID 2403 mm with minimum
wall thickness: 8 mm for carbon steel) and 6 mm for stainless steel.
Step #5: Selection of liquid-flow arrangement
580 ×56
Liquid volumetric flow rate in the top section = 3600 ×744 ≈ 0.012m3/s
1285 .7×18.4
Liquid volumetric flow rate in the top section = ≈ 0.007m3/s
3600 ×955
Therefore, single pass cross-flow sieve plate is chosen for this service ([3] page 568).
Step #6: Provisional plate design (refer to sections 7.6.2 & 7.6.3)
Column (tower) diameter (ID): 𝐷𝑇 ≈2.4 m
Column cross-section area: 𝐴 𝑇 =0.785×𝐷𝑇 2 =4.52 m2
Downcomer area: 𝐴𝐷 = 0.1𝐴 𝑇 = 0.452 m2
Net area: 𝐴𝑁 = 𝐴 𝑇 − 𝐴𝐷 = 4.068 m2
The minimum vapor velocity (𝑈min ) at the weep 𝑈 min at the weep point:
point: 𝑈 =
=21.8 m/s
min (0.693)1/2
𝐾2 −0.9(25.4−𝑑 ℎ ) 30.3−0.9(25.4−12)
𝑈min = 1/2 = =12.6 m/s
𝜌𝑣 (2.08)1/2
Therefore, the minimum operating velocity both in top and bottom sections is of above
the weep point velocity.
Step #8: Plate pressure drop (refer to section 7.4; Eqs. 7.7, 7.8 & 7.10)
Top section Bottom section
𝑄 𝑚𝑎𝑥 6.98 𝑄 15.84
Maximum vapor velocity: 𝑈 𝑚𝑎𝑥 = 𝐴 = 0.489=14.3 𝑈 𝑚𝑎𝑥 = 𝐴𝑚𝑎𝑥 = 0.489=32.4 m/s
32.4 2 0.693
ℎ 𝑑 = 51 = 50.2 mm
Maximum dry plate pressure drop: ℎ𝑑 = 0.88) 955
𝑈 𝑚𝑎𝑥 2𝜌
𝑣 14.3 2 2.08 liquid
51 = 51 = 37.5 mm liquid
𝐶0 𝜌𝑙 0.88) 744
[The orifice coefficient, 𝐶 0 =0.88 at 𝐴 𝐻 /𝐴 𝑃 = 15%
plate thickness
and =1 ([3] page 576).
hole diameter 12.5×103 12.5×103
ℎ𝑟 = 𝜌𝑙
= 955
=13 mm
3 3
12.5×10 12.5×10
Residual head: ℎ 𝑟 = = =16.8 mm liquid
𝜌𝑙 744
ℎ 𝑡 = 50.2 + (40+18.7)+13≈122
mm liquid
Total plate pressure drop: ℎ 𝑡 = ℎ 𝑑 + ℎ 𝑤𝑐 +
ℎ 𝑤 + ℎ 𝑟 = 37.5 + (40+27.2)+16.8≈122 mm liquid
The plate pressure drop of 1.25 kPa (=127 mm of water and 161 mm of acetone
pressure) was assumed. The estimated value in the first trial is therefore acceptable.
>3 s.
ℎ 𝑏𝑐 = clear liquid back up
(ℎ 𝑏𝑐 ≈ ℎ 𝑏 can be approximated)
1 1
plate spacing + weir height = 2 600 + 40 = 320 mm
plate spacing + weir height > ℎ 𝑑
Therefore, the plate spacing and downcomer residence time in both the sections meet
the design required design criteria.
𝐴 𝐸𝑆 = 50×10-3×𝑙 𝑀𝑆 =0.175 m2
Use 50 mm wide calming zones. The approximate mean length of zones:
𝑙 𝐶𝑍 =Weir length (𝑙 𝑊) + Width of unperfortaed edge strip
=1.752+50×10-3=1.802 m
𝐴 𝐶𝑍 = 2(50×10-3×𝑙 𝐶𝑍 )= 0.18 m2
Therefore, perforation area per tray (𝐴 𝑃 ) = 𝐴 𝐴 − 𝐴 𝐶𝑍 − 𝐴 𝐸𝑆 =3.616- 0.18-0.175=
3.26 m2
Take total hole area 𝐴 𝐻 = 0.15𝐴 𝐴 = 0.489 m2
𝐴 𝐻 = 0.785 × 𝑑 ℎ 2 × 𝑛 ℎ = 0.489 m2 [hole diameter 12 mm]
Number of holes (𝑛 ℎ )= 4326
𝐴 𝑑ℎ 2
𝐴 𝐻 /𝐴 𝑃 = 0.15. For equilateral triangular pitch: 𝐴 𝐻 = 0.907 𝐼𝑃
The actual flooding is below the design flooding value of 80%. Usually, Ψ<0.1 is
desirable. However, the optimum design value may be above this.
The mole fractions (𝑥 ,𝑦 ) between the phases are plotted in McCabe Thiele method of
𝑥 𝑦
distillation calculation. In case of absorption, the mole ratios ( 𝑋 = 1−𝑥 , 𝑌 = 1−𝑦 ) are
used for the determination of number of trays in graphical method instead of mole
[1]. Robert E. Treybal, Mass Transfer Operations, McGraw-Hill, Inc., 3rd ed. 1981.
[2]. Perry’s Chemical Engineers’ Handbook, McGraw-Hill, Inc., 8th ed. 1997.
[3]. R. K. Sinnott, Coulson & Richardson’s Chemical Engineering: Chemical
Engineering Design (vol. 6), Butterworth-Heinemann, 3rd ed. 1999.
[4]. Perry’s Chemical Engineers’ Handbook, McGraw-Hill Companies, 7th ed. 1997.
[5]. Henry Z. Kister, Distillation Design, McGraw-Hill, Inc., 1st ed. 1992.