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Thread & Socket Weld Standards < Previous Page Next Page >

Basic Dimensions,
ASME Standard Taper
Pipe Thread1

Pitch Dimensions are in inches

Diameter at Length2 of Handtight Engagement Wrench Make-up Length (metric not provided).
Effective for Internal Thread
Nominal Outside Number of Beginning Vanish 1The basic dimensions of the ASME Taper
Pipe Diameter Threads of External Thread, Threads Total Normal
Thread External Length.4, Diam., Length., Engagement5 Pipe Thread are given in inches to four or five
Size of Pipe Per Inch V Diam.3, decimal places. While this implies a greater
D E0 L2 E1 L1 E3 L3 L1 + L3
degree of precision than is ordinarily attained,
1/8 .405 27 36351 .2639 .1285 .37360 .1615 .35656 .1111 .2726 these dimensions are the basis of gage
1/4 .540 18 .47739 .4018 .1928 .49163 .2278 .46697 .1667 .3945 dimensions and are so expressed for the
3/8 .675 18 .61201 .4078 .1928 .62701 .240 .60160 .1667 .4067 purpose of eliminating errors in computations.
1/2 .840 14 .75843 .5337 .2478 .77843 .320 .74504 .2143 .5343 2Also length of plug gage.
3/4 1.050 14 .96768 .5457 .2478 .98887 .339 .95429 .2143 .5533
3Also pitch diameter at gaging notch (handtight
1 1.315 11 1/2 1.21363 .6828 .3017 1.23863 .400 1.19733 .2609 .6609
1 1/4 1.660 11 1/2 1.55713 .7068 .3017 1.58338 .420 1.54083 .2609 .6809
4Also length of thin ring gage and length from
1 1/2 1.900 11 1/2 1.79609 .7235 .3017 1.82234 .420 1.77978 .2609 .6809
2 2.375 11 1/2 2.26902 .7565 .3017 2.29627 .436 2.25272 .2609 .6969 gaging notch to small end of plug gage.
2 1/2 2.875 8 2.71953 1.1375 .4337 2.76216 .682 2.70391 .2500 .9320 5Dimensions given do not allow for variations
3 3.500 8 3.34062 1.2000 .4337 3.38850 .766 3.32500 .2500 1.016 in tapping or threading. Standard gaging
3 1/2 4.000 8 3.83750 1.2500 .4337 3.88881 .821 3.82188 .2500 1.071 tolerance equals plus or minus one thread on
4 4.500 8 4.33438 1.3000 .4337 4.38712 .844 4.31875 .2500 1.094 both male and female threads.
5 5.563 8 5.39073 1.4063 .4337 5.44929 .937 5.37511 .2500 1.187 The above information taken from the American
6 6.625 8 6.44609 1.5125 .4337 6.50597 .958 6.43047 .2500 1.208 National Standards Institute, Inc. for pipe threads,
8 8.625 8 8.43359 1.7125 .4337 8.50003 1.063 8.41797 .2500 1.313 ASME B1.20.1. Metric version not available.

Bold face numerals are in inches.

Socket Weld Dimensions For Valves & Fittings Blue numerals are in millimeters. Tolerances
Valve NPS 1/4 3/8 1/2 3/4 1 1-1/4 1-1/2 2 2-1/2 3 4 Column A Dimensions +.020/-.000 thru
Size DN 15 10 15 20 25 32 40 50 65 80 100 Size 2" (+.4/-.00mm thru 1-1/2”).
A-Socket Dia. .555 .690 .855 1.065 1.330 1.675 1.915 2.406 2.906 3.535 4.545
14.2 17.6 21.8 27.8 33.9 42.7 48.8 61.2 73.9 89.8 115.2
For sizes above 2" Dimensions +.025/-
.000 (+.5/-.00mm above 1-1/2”).
B-Socket Depth .38 .38 .38 .50 .50 .50 .50 .62 .62 .62 .75
(Min. ASME B16.11-96) 9.5 9.5 9.5 12.5 12.5 12.5 12.5 16.0 16.0 16.0 19.0

Edward Vogt Valve Company • 1900 South Saunders Street, Raleigh, North Carolina 27603 • 1-800-225-6989 144
Vogt Operations • 1-800-225-6989 • 1-812-218-7700 • Fax 1-812-218-7777 VV 200 Catalog

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