Tectonic Plates Reading Material
Tectonic Plates Reading Material
Tectonic Plates Reading Material
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There are 3 main types of plate boundaries.
Areas where the plates meet are
called boundaries. The first type of
plate boundary is called a
convergent boundary. This is when
two plates are moving toward each
other. The second type is called a
divergent boundary. This is when
plates are moving away from each
other. The third plate boundary type
is a transform boundary. This is when tectonic plates are sliding past each other.
Earth’s Crust The outer most layer of the Earth. This is the layer we walk on.
A boundary of two tectonic plates where the plates move towards each other.
Transform Boundary A boundary of two tectonic plates where the plates slide past each other.
What is Pangea?
Pangea is a super continent predicted by the theory of continental drift. Scientists believe that
about 240 million years ago all the continents were one large one called Pangea. The land of
Pangea then broke apart due to tectonic plate movement and moved over millions of years.
This idea is well supported by multiple lines of evidence.
How does convection work and how does it move tectonic plates?
Convection is the process of warm fluids rising and cooler fluids sinking. Inside the Earth,
convection is powered by heat mostly from the core. The slow circulation of rock in the mantle
moves the tectonic plates at the surface.