10 Digestion
10 Digestion
10 Digestion
• The digestive system is the organ system that processes food, extracts nutrients
from it, and eliminates the residue. It does this in four stages:
2. digestion, the mechanical and chemical breakdown of food into a form usable
by the body;
3. absorption, the uptake of nutrient molecules into the epithelial cells of the
digestive tract and then into the blood or lymph; and finally
• Some nutrients are already present in usable form in the ingested food and are
absorbed without being digested: vitamins, free amino acids, minerals,
cholesterol, and water.
• Salivary and gastric enzymes partially digest protein and small amounts of
starch and fat in the stomach, but completion of the digestion and absorption of
food occur in the small intestine.
• Digestion of the food start in the oral cavity when the food is grind by the teeth
and then mixed with saliva which contain water, mucus, lysozyme, lingual
lipase (activated by acid in the stomach) and salivary amylase.
• Saliva moist the food. Salivary amylase begins to digest starch as the food is
chewed, while the mucus in the saliva binds food particles into a soft, slippery,
easily swallowed mass called a bolus. Lysozyme kill germs that contaminate
the food.
• As a bolus reaches the lower end of the esophagus, the lower esophageal
sphincter relaxes to let it pass into the stomach.
• Pepsin digest dietary proteins to shorter peptide chains, which then pass to the
small intestine, where their digestion is completed.
• Glycoprotein (intrinsic factor) is essential to the absorption of vitamin B12 by
the small intestine.
• The digested food in the stomach (Chyme) then squeezes through the pyloric
sphincter to the duodenum.
• The stomach does not absorb any significant amount of nutrients but does
absorb aspirin and some lipid-soluble drugs.
• The small intestine receives not only chyme from the stomach but also
secretions from the Liver, gallbladder and pancreas, which enter the digestive
tract near the junction of the stomach and small intestine. These secretions are
so important to the digestive processes of the small intestine.
• Gallbladder secrets bile which is a yellow-green fluid synthesis by liver and
concentrate by gallbladder. Bile aid in fat digestion and absorption.
• All these enzymes become active, however, only in the intestinal lumen.