- It is originated in the late 60th of the 20th century and continues to evolve to the present day.
- hip-hop culture originated in New York among black and Latino ghetto.
-Street culture existed for centuries in all countries. And then they spilled on the streets of
white quarters and then to the masses the show business, discos, cinema, etc.
- Hip-hop culture has been internationally recognized in the 1970s.
- Its main components are rap (MC'ing) break-dance, graffiti, and street types of sports
Clive Campbell
● In 1967, From Jamaica he came to the South Bronx.
● Considered to be one of the founders of hip-hop.
● Kool Herc became that, what later became known as “ DJ ”
● In Jamaica, the DJ was a “master” of the music system.
● As a DJ, he announced some rhythmic text. It became known as the word “ rap ”
besides making music
● His sister, Cindy Campbell is also a founder of hip-hop dance
● Kool Herc marked the enthusiasm of the dancers for such breaks, and named the term
"B-Boy", "Break boys“ for those who are moving in the manner of breaks, and the
dance was called breakdancing style (breaking).
Break Boys
- formerly “ B-Boy ”
- later called breakdancing style
- for those who are moving in the manner of breaks
Two separate dances existed in the late 60th breakdance
1. Lower Break - New year acrobatic style
2. Upper Break - Los Angeles-based mime
- An acrobatic style of breaking that was originally twisted by b-boys in break-dance.
James Brown
● He wrote a funk-hit “ The Good Foot ” in 1969 then became popular
● He also performed some elements of this dance on the stage
● He formed his own break-dancing team called Zulu Nation, which eventually grew into
the organization and included rappers, DJs, graffiti artists and dancers.
● He included 5 elements into the hip-hop culture: MC'ing ("Rapping"-rap), DJ'ing,
Graffiti (Writing), Dancing Breaking, Up-Rocking, Popping, Locking)
5. Social Dances Or ‘80s party dances, came about during the 1980’s
as popular dances at the time were transformed by
club dancers.