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- It is originated in the late 60th of the 20th century and continues to evolve to the present day.
- hip-hop culture originated in New York among black and Latino ghetto.
-Street culture existed for centuries in all countries. And then they spilled on the streets of
white quarters and then to the masses the show business, discos, cinema, etc.
- Hip-hop culture has been internationally recognized in the 1970s.
- Its main components are rap (MC'ing) break-dance, graffiti, and street types of sports


Clive Campbell
● In 1967, From Jamaica he came to the South Bronx.
● Considered to be one of the founders of hip-hop.
● Kool Herc became that, what later became known as “ DJ ”
● In Jamaica, the DJ was a “master” of the music system.
● As a DJ, he announced some rhythmic text. It became known as the word “ rap ”
besides making music
● His sister, Cindy Campbell is also a founder of hip-hop dance
● Kool Herc marked the enthusiasm of the dancers for such breaks, and named the term
"B-Boy", "Break boys“ for those who are moving in the manner of breaks, and the
dance was called breakdancing style (breaking).
Break Boys
- formerly “ B-Boy ”
- later called breakdancing style
- for those who are moving in the manner of breaks
Two separate dances existed in the late 60th breakdance
1. Lower Break - New year acrobatic style
2. Upper Break - Los Angeles-based mime
- An acrobatic style of breaking that was originally twisted by b-boys in break-dance.

James Brown
● He wrote a funk-hit “ The Good Foot ” in 1969 then became popular
● He also performed some elements of this dance on the stage
● He formed his own break-dancing team called Zulu Nation, which eventually grew into
the organization and included rappers, DJs, graffiti artists and dancers.
● He included 5 elements into the hip-hop culture: MC'ing ("Rapping"-rap), DJ'ing,
Graffiti (Writing), Dancing Breaking, Up-Rocking, Popping, Locking)


1. Popping It involves quickly contracting and relaxing

muscles to create a jerking or popping effect. This
style emphasizes sharp and abrupt movements, often
synchronized with beats in the music.

2. Locking A funk dance style that features quick, distinct

movements and poses. Dancers use a combination
of locking their joints and fluid movements, creating a
contrast between moments of tension and relaxation.

3. Breaking ( breakdancing ) One of the foundational elements of hip-hop dance. It

includes dynamic moves such as top rock, down
rock, power moves, and freezes. Breaking is
characterized by its acrobatic and ground-based

4. Boogaloo A very loose movement, mostly using the hips and

legs. It gives the illusion that the dancer has no

5. Social Dances Or ‘80s party dances, came about during the 1980’s
as popular dances at the time were transformed by
club dancers.

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