Acid Leaching.
Acid Leaching.
Acid Leaching.
Journal of Chemistry
Volume 2018, Article ID 5036581, 8 pages
Research Article
Evaluation of Acid Leaching on the Removal of Heavy Metals and
Soil Fertility in Contaminated Soil
Copyright © 2018 Chen-Yao Chu and Tzu-Hsing Ko. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons
Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is
properly cited.
Heavy metal-contaminated soils were leached with various acid reagents, and a series of treatments was assessed to understand soil
fertility after acid leaching. Aqua regia digestion and a five-step sequential extraction procedure were applied to determine heavy
metal distribution. The average total concentrations of Zn, Cd, Cu, and Pb for contaminated soil were 1334, 25, 263, and
525 mg·kg−1 based on the ICP/AES quantitative analysis. Other than Pb extracted by H2SO4, over 50% removal efficiency of other
heavy metals was achieved. A five-step sequential extraction revealed that the bound-to-carbonate and bound-to-Fe-Mn oxides
were the major forms of the heavy metals in the soil. The addition of organic manure considerably promoted soil fertility and
increased soil pH after acid leaching. Seed germination experiments demonstrated that after acid leaching, the soil distinctly
inhibited plant growth and the addition of manure enhanced seed germination rate from 35% to 84%. Furthermore, the procedure
of soil turnover after acid leaching and manure addition greatly increased seed germination rate by 61% and shortened the initial
germination time. Seed germination in untreated soil was superior to that in acid-leached soil, illustrating that the phytotoxic
effect of acid leaching is more serious than that of heavy metals.
(EDTA), nitrilotriacetic acid (NTA), and diethylene- 103.2% for Zn. The standard stock reagents (Merck, Germany)
triaminepentaacetic acid (DTPA) to remove heavy metals containing 1000 mg·kg−1 of metals were used. Calibration
from contaminated soils [13–15]. reagents containing between 0.5 and 5000 mg·kg−1 of Cd, Cu,
Although acid leaching is an effective treatment for Pb, and Zn in 3% HNO3 were daily prepared.
heavy metal removal from soil, it severely damages soil
fertility and its use for remediating farmland is time-
consuming. The rapid enrichment of soil fertility after 2.3. Acid Leaching Experiment. In this study, five acid re-
acid leaching is increasingly becoming a topic of concern for agents were taken into account for leaching heavy metals
farmers. Therefore, this study used acid leaching techniques from contaminated soil, including 0.05 M HNO3, HCl,
to remove heavy metals from contaminated farmland that H3PO4, and H2SO4. A liquid-to-soil ratio of 1:10 was
can be helpful in understanding the mobility and bio- adopted by adding 5 g of soil with 50 mL above acid reagents
availability of metals in contaminated soil and to investigate in a glass vessel, and they were continuously stirred at
the extraction efficiencies of heavy metals. In addition, the 100 rpm for 5 h. After leaching experiments, the suspension
assessment of soil fertility and seed germination tests after was centrifuged at 3500 rpm for 30 min and then was filtered
the acid leaching procedure were investigated to understand through a 0.2 μm membrane filter for metals analysis. The
the condition of remediation in the contaminated farmland. contents of metals were analyzed by ICP/AES. To reduce the
systematic errors, duplicate measurements were carried out
for each sample, and the average values were determined. A
2. Experimental five-step sequential extraction procedure used in this study
was developed by Tessier [20]. The five fractions of bound
2.1. Sampling Area. Soil samples were collected from the top heavy metals included the following: exchangeable form
layer (0–30 cm) of a paddy field near the Er-Jen River in Tainan (EXC) was extracted with 1 M NH4OAc at pH 7, carbonates
city, Taiwan province, China, which has been recognized as form (CAR) was extracted with 1 M NaOAc at pH 5, Fe–Mn
a previous history of irrigation with metals-rich wastewater. oxide form (MNO) was extracted with 0.04 M NH2OH·HCl
The paddy field contaminated with heavy metals has been in 25% HOAc, organic matter and metals associated with
strictly prohibited cultivating. Soil samples were collected by easily oxidizable solids or compounds (OM) were extracted
mixing ten subsamples from each site within a 50 × 50 meter with H2O2 (30%) at pH 2 and 0.02 M HNO3, and residual
area and were recorded for the central point position by using form (RES) was extracted with a 5 : 1 mixture of HF-HClO4.
GPS equipment. The soil samples were air-dried at room All extracted reagents were centrifuged for 30 min at
temperature and then were ground with an agate mortar to 10000 rpm and filtered with a 0.2 μm Teflon filter. The
pass through a 2 mm sieve. After sieving, the soil samples were suspensions were analyzed by ICP/AES. Soil particle size is
experimentally pretreated by a vortex mixer with 100 rpm for an important factor to affect removal efficiency of heavy
24 h to ensure the complete mixing of the samples. metals. However, it is difficult to screen soil particle size
when the in situ remediation is throughout used to a real
2.2. Chemical Analysis. Soil properties, including soil pH, heavy metal-contaminated site. Therefore, the effect of soil
organic matters, soil texture, and cation exchange capacity, particle size is not mentioned in this study.
were determined. Particle size distribution was obtained by
the pipette method after removal of carbonate, organic 2.4. Seed Germination Experiment. For the germination tests,
matters, and MnO2. Carbonate was removed by 1 M NaOAc seeds of cabbage (Brassica chinensis L.) were used because this
with a pH 5 at 60°C, and organic matters and MnO2 were species is a general vegetable and can be popularly seen for
digested by 30% H2O2 [16]. The soil pH value was measured a whole year. Twenty-five seeds of cabbage were sowed in
on a mixture of 1 : 1 soil/deionized water by a glass electrode a sterilized individual tray (15 × 20 × 3 cm3) containing
[17]. Organic matter content was determined by the 1200 cm [3] of modified leached soils. Duplicate of the seed
Walkley–Black wet oxidation method [18]. Cation exchange germination experiment was simultaneously conducted. The
capacity was determined by the ammonium acetate method trays were placed in a greenhouse at 25–28°C and 70% hu-
at pH � 7 [19]. Total content of heavy metals in soils was midity. The experiment was examined daily for 30 days, and
extracted by aqua regia digestion with a volume ratio of 1 : 3 seeds were recognized to have germinated when the cot-
HNO3/HCl at 120°C for 8 h. The suspension was filtered yledon was observed. After cotyledon appearance, the root
through a 0.2 μm filter paper after the digestion process and lengths in each tray were measured and recorded every
was placed into precleaned 100 ml volumetric flasks with 12 h. The untreated soil sample was also conducted under
0.5 M HNO3 for analysis. The contents of heavy metals were the identical condition for comparison. To assess the seed
analyzed by inductively coupled plasma atomic absorption germination criteria, the percentage of relative seed ger-
spectrometry (ICP/AES). To preclude unexpected contam- mination was chosen to understand the seed germination
inations in the analysis procedure, all equipment used were condition [21].
washed with a phosphate-free soap and cleaned with
deionized H2O. The detection limits for metals were as 3. Results and Discussion
follows: Cd (0.05 mg·kg−1), Zn (0.02 mg·kg−1), Pb
(0.06 mg·kg−1), and Cu (0.05 mg·kg−1). The percentages of The physical and chemical properties of the soil samples
recoveries for each metal were ranged from 96.7% for Cd to along with their total heavy metal concentrations are listed
Journal of Chemistry 3
2.5 0.30
Organic matter (%)
Total N (%)
0.0 0.00
Original soil HNO3 HCl H3PO4 H2SO4 Original soil HNO3 HCl H3PO4 H2SO4
(a) (b)
2.5 6000
Total P (mg·kg–1)
Total K (%)
0.0 0
Original soil HNO3 HCl H3PO4 H2SO4 Original soil HNO3 HCl H3PO4 H2SO4
(c) (d)
Figure 3: The changes in content of (a) organic matter, (b) total N, (c) total K, and (d) total P after leaching by various acid reagents.
made exchangeable under conditions such as pH change soil and repeat the cycle [26]. These forms of metals are
[25]. Pb and Cu demonstrated an identical trend in that CAR potentially dangerous for plants because they can transform
and MNO appeared to be the major fraction. The proportion into being bioavailable under environmental changes [27].
of heavy metals bounds to Fe-Mn oxides was highly variable Organic matter (OM), nitrogen (N), potassium (K), and
and depended on the depth of the water and redox reactions phosphor (P) are important substances for vegetable and
with the soils. The redox cycle is important in controlling Fe plant growth in soil. To understand the changes in these
and Mn in most aquatic and soil systems. However, it varies substances after acid reagents leaching, OM, total N, total K,
seasonally in summer, when the oxygen between the water and total P contents were determined and are depicted in
and soil interface often decreases. This causes the reduction Figure 3. The content of OM in the soil decreases by 18.5%
of Fe3+ and Mn4+ into soluble Fe2+ and Mn2+, which is and 8.74% when H3PO4 and H2SO4 were used for pickling,
transported upward in the water column and oxygenated, respectively. No significant change in the OM content for
resulting in the reoxidation of insoluble metals to settle the HNO3 and HCl was observed. The total N content increased
Journal of Chemistry 5
8.0 power. Figure 5 shows the changes in the OM, total N, total P,
and total K contents as a function of the duration after HCl
leaching and fertilization treatment. The identical feature
could be observed after the addition of organic manure, which
7.5 increased the OM, total N, total P, and total K content within
30 days. Over the first 15 days, the OM and total N contents
became more than twice of this manure addition, and a steady
state was gradually achieved. However, the total K content
6 0.5
Organic matter (%)
Total N (%)
1 0.1
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
Duration period (day) Duration period (day)
(a) (b)
6000 3.0
Total P (mg·kg–1)
Total K (%)
1000 1.0
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
Duration period (day) Duration period (day)
(c) (d)
Figure 5: The changes in contents of (a) organic matter, (b) total N, (c) total P, and (d) total K as a function of the duration period after HCl
leaching and fertilized by organic manure.
in this case, the Pb uptake by the root was the lowest, when used to cultivate plants. The procedure of soil turnover
whereas a much higher fraction was noted for Zn; the leaf may be a suitable approach to overcome this obstacle.
demonstrated the same result. Pb and Zn are essential ele-
ments for plants growth, but their excessive amounts in soil 4. Conclusions
lead to the inhibition and poisoning of plants. The normal Pb,
Cu, and Zn contents in plants are 0.5–10 mg·kg−1, A series of acid leaching tests and soil fertility assessment for
3–30 mg·kg−1, and 10–150 mg·kg−1, respectively, whereas contaminated soil containing Cd, Pb, Zn, and Cu were
their toxic concentrations to plants are 100–400 mg·kg−1, performed to investigate leaching behavior. Most heavy
70–400 mg·kg−1, and 60–125 mg·kg−1, respectively [29]. Here, metals could be removed through acid leaching with a nearly
the Pb, Zn, and Cu concentrations in bulk cabbage were 60% removal efficiency achieved. The major species for Cd,
120.23 mg·kg−1, 283.52 mg·kg−1, and 37.14 mg·kg−1, re- Zn, and Cu were distributed in residual, bound-to-
spectively. Except Cu, Pb and Zn concentrations were slightly carbonate, and bound-to-Fe-Mn oxides forms, respectively.
higher than the aforementioned range, indicating the soils The addition of organic manure distinctly increased soil
after acid leaching and organic manure addition remain a risk nutrient content as well as soil pH within a short period. Seed
Journal of Chemistry 7
Journal of
The Scientific
International Journal of
Analytical Methods Journal of
in Chemistry
World Journal
Hindawi Publishing Corporation
Applied Chemistry
Hindawi Hindawi Volume 2018 Volume 2018 Volume 2018
2013 Volume 2018 Volume 2018