Electricity Notes

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There are two types of Charges
1) Positive Charge

- The rate of flow of charge is called Current

- Movement of Electrons makes Current

2) Negative Charge
- Same charges repel each other and different
charges attract each other
2) Negative Charge
- Same charges repel each other and different
charges attract each other

moving in Right

- SI unit of charge is Coulomb (C)

- 1 Coulomb means 6.24 x 1018 electrons
- An electron has negative charge of 1.6 x
10-19 C

Electric Current:
- In an electric circuit the direction of electric current is take
- the
to The direction of the current
unit of electric flow of electrons.
Means if electrons are moving in Left then current is
- I= t
where I = Current, Q = Charge and t =
- 1 Ampere current may be defined as the flow of one coulo
per second.
- Current is measured by Ammeter and Ammeter is always c
Electric Circuit:
- Closed path of an electric current is called Electric circuit.
- If the Circuit is broken anywhere the current stops flowing.
- Electricity flows in the circuit from the Positive Terminal of
negative terminal of the cell.
- The amount of work done in bringing a unit positive charge
to that point is called Electric Potential.
- The unit of electric potential is Voltage.
- Positive Charge move from Higher Potential to Lower Poten
Whereas Electrons moves from Lower to Higher Potential.

Potential Difference:
Cell/ Battery की Power को Potential Difference बोलते है
जैसे TV Remote का cell कुछ दिनोों use करने के बाि ख़तम हो जा
उसका Potential Difference कम हो गया है, नए Cell/ Battery का Pote
Difference ज्यािा होता है उसे use करने पर
Potential Difference कम होता जाता है time के साथ
Electric Potential:
- The amount of work done in bringing a unit positive charge
point to another point is called Potential difference.
- Potential difference is created by cell or a Battery.

- V= W
where V = Potential Difference, W = Workdone,
Charge = Q
- SI unit of Potential difference Volt (V)

- Potential difference is measured by Voltameter and Voltme

connected in Parallel.
- An electric circuit contains a cell (or a battery), connecting
key and electrical components.


- Symbols used in Circuit Diagram

Circuit Diagram:
Circuit Diagram:

- The current passing through a circuit is directly proportion

- Potential Difference ∝ Electric Current

potential difference (Voltage)

V ∝ I
V = IR
Here R is constant for the given conductor and is called Resis

- Ohm’s Law is valid only when temperature is constant. If t

changes resistance also changes दजसकी वजह से Ohm’s Law भी
जाता है

Ohm’s Law:
Ohm’s Law:

- Something that opposes the flow of current that is called R

- R= V

- The SI unit of Resistance is ohm (Ω)
- The electrical appliance which is used to oppose the curren
- Variable resistance (Rheostat) is the component used to in
decrease current without changing the Voltage.

Factors affecting Resistance

1) Length of conductor –
अगर wire लम्बा होगा तो Resistance भी ज्यािा होगा और अगर w
Resistance भी कम होगा

Short Wire
Low Resista
Long Wire
High Resist
2) Area of Cross- Section –
अगर wire मोटा है तो Resistance कम होगा
और अगर wire पतला है तो Resistance ज्यािा होगा

Thick Wire Low Resista

Thick Wire

Thin Wire

3) Nature of Material -
ये Wire दकस चीज़ से बना है उसपर depend करता है
जैसे Silver, Copper का Resistance ोंहोता है और वही ों
Tungsten का Resistance ज्यािा होता है
Silver has the lowest resistance among all elements

current is taken as opposite

current is

w of one coulomb of charge

eter is always connected in

Electric circuit.
t stops flowing.
ive Terminal of the cell to the
positive charge from infinity

to Lower Potential
er Potential.

बोलते है
के बाि ख़तम हो जाता है मतलब
Battery का Potential

positive charge from one

= Workdone,

eter and Voltmeter is always

ry), connecting wires, Plug
ctly proportional to the

d is called Resistance.

is constant. If temperature
से Ohm’s Law भी change हो
that is called Resistance.
pose the current is called

nent used to increase or



होगा और अगर wire छोटा है तो

Low Resistance
High Resistance


Low Resistance
वही ों

4) Temperature -
Temperature बढ़ने से Resistance भी बढ़ जाता है

- Electrical resistance of a conductor of unit cross- sectional

length is called Resistivity
- Here, ρ (rho) is a constant of proportionality and is called
the electrical resistivity.
- The SI unit of resistivity is Ωm
- Resistivity also increases if temperature increases.
- Insulators have high Resistance and Resistivity
- Conductors have low Resistance and Resistivity.
- There are two types of Combinations of Resistors.
1) Series Combination
2) Parallel Combination
- Same Current flows through the circuit means Same current flows
- Voltage will be sum of all Voltages across each resisto
- Ohm’s Law can be applied to this combination to find
Equivalent Resistance.

Rs = R 1 + R 2 + R 3
- Equivalent Resistance (Rs) is always greater than each individual res
series combination.

Combination of Resistors:

Resistance in Series
Equivalent Resistance (Rs) in series
R > R R– > R
s 1 s 2
Rs > R 3

oss- sectional area and unit

and is called

current flows through each

each resistor.
nation to find

individual resistance in
- Potential difference between the two points across resistor
- There will be different current flowing through each resisto

1 =1

- Equivalent resistance of resistors in parallel combination

is always less than the individual resistances.
Equivalent Resistance (Rp) in series
combination –
Resistance in Parallel
Rp < R 1 R p < R 2 R p < R 3
tween the two points across resistors are same.
current flowing through each resistor.

+ 1 +1
R2 R3

of resistors in parallel combination

dividual resistances.
in series
Advantage of Parallel Combination –
- In parallel combination each appliance gets the full voltage.
- If one appliance is switched on, others are not affected.

Heating Effect of Electric Current:

- When an electric current is passed through a conductor, it
heat due to the Resistance.
- Workdone = VQ

- The rate of consumption of energy in an electric circuit is ca

- Power = Workdone VQ =V
time = t

- Heat = Power x time

= VI x t
= IR x I x t [Because V = IR]
= I Rt
Factors affecting Heat produced –
1) Current in Conductor –
Current के बढ़ने पर Heat भी बढ़ेगी, जैसे Transformer के wires
Current होता है इसदलए वो wire ज्यािा गमम होते हैं Because H

proportional to the square of current.
2) Resistance –
Resistance के बढ़ने पर गमी बढ़ती है, जैसे Bulb, Press (कपडे इस्
वाला press) के wires में ज्यािा Resistance होता है इदसलए वो

Because Heat is directly proportional to the Resistance. H ∝ R

जाते हैं

3) Time –
अगर दकसी wire िेज्यािा िे
र तक Current चलता रहेगा तो वो wire
है, िेकाफी िे
र तक Phone को चलाने से Phone भी गमम हो जाता है

Because Heat is directly proportional to the Time. H ∝ T

PUBG खेलते वक्त 😜)
Joule’s law of heating:

Electric Coil
- The filament of Bulb is made of Tungsten.
- Tungsten has very high melting point (3380 o C)
- Bulb के अिरों Nitrogen और Argon गैस भरी होती है जो Bu
ों िे

Electric Power:
- The rate at which electrical energy is consumed is called
Electric Power.
- P = VI = I R =
2 V
- The SI unit of Electric Power is Watt (W).
- On large scale we measure electricity or electric power as
- Energy is counted in (P x t) so the unit we use to measure
consumption commercially in KWh.
Electric Bulb:
1 kWh = 1000 watt × 1 hour = 1 unit = 1000 W × 3600
1 kWh = 3.6 x 106 watt second = 3.6 × 106 J
nation –
ch appliance gets the full voltage.
d on, others are not affected.

ic Current:
is passed through a conductor, it generates

f energy in an electric circuit is called Electric

= VI

V = IR]
ced –

ढ़ेगी, जैसे Transformer के wires में ज्यािा

e ज्यािा गमम होते हैं Because Heat is directly
ढ़ती है, जैसे Bulb, Press (कपडे इस्त्री करने
यािा Resistance होता है इदसलए वो जल्दी गमम हो

portional to the Resistance. H ∝ R

Current चलता रहेगा तो वो wire गमम हो जाता

चलाने से Phone भी गमम हो जाता है (Specially

oportional to the Time. H ∝ T

ade of Tungsten.
melting point (3380 o C)
n और Argon गैस भरी होती है जो Bulb के wire को

cal energy is consumed is called

wer is Watt (W).

ure electricity or electric power as Kilowatt (1000

t) so the unit we use to measure energy

in KWh.
our = 1 unit = 1000 W × 3600

econd = 3.6 × 106 J

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