LAB 2_worksheet2020
LAB 2_worksheet2020
LAB 2_worksheet2020
Group members:
In your group, give each group member the opportunity to share (out loud) how they intend to
use one of techniques above to help the group be more productive during today’s meeting.
Write down the technique number that each person is using (it’s fine if group members select
the same technique)
Group member 1:
Group member 2:
Group member 3:
Group member 4:
Group member 5:
Your goal is to design a survey-based study. Make sure that your survey is measuring
either a categorical predictor and continuous outcome or a continuous predictor and
continuous outcome. Your survey should have two questions total. You should avoid
the following 4 variables:
Stem vs. Humanities
Hours slept
Hours studied
1. In your group brainstorm a couple of research questions that you are interested in
investigating. Make sure you could address these research questions by surveying a
sample of people in your class or social network. For instance, do STEM majors vs.
Humanities majors spend more time studying? Do people with more social media
followers spend more time at the gym?
Write down the best research question that your group came up with:
6. Write your hypothesis and final set of 2 survey questions below. Press the “ask for
help” button to alert the instructor that you are ready to have your TA approve your
survey questions. You will not set up your survey until later in the quarter.
7. Now imagine that you asked a group of people to respond to your 2 survey questions. If
your hypothesis is TRUE what would a graph of your data look like? Create a bar graph
or scatterplot of your predicted results below.
You can draw the bar graph or scatter plot on a piece of paper and insert a picture or
you can use excel/google sheets. The graph does not need to be pretty (but your axes
should be labeled). Sometimes, different members of a group may have different
hypotheses! That's fine. You can include more than one bar graph/scatter plot below if
you would like.