Giving Bad News
Learning Objectives
After reading this section, participants will be able to:
1. Be able to define bad news and what makes it bad
2. Identify barriers to giving bad news to patients and family
3. Be able to list and explain the 6 steps for giving bad news.
When bad news is communicated in an empathic manner, it can have an important impact on outcomes such as
patient satisfaction and decreased patient anxiety and depression. However, there are significant challenges to
giving bad news, including:
• giving information consistent with the patient’s prior understanding of the disease,
• discussing bad news while supporting patient hopes for a good outcome,
• addressing emotional reactions, such as crying and anger, and
• encouraging patient participation in decision-making.
Recommended Procedure
As with any medical procedure, giving bad news requires a coherent strategy in order for it to be accomplished
successfully. In this case the strategy encompasses a series of six distinct communication steps, that can be summa-
rized using the mnemonic SPIKES. > >
P = PERCEPTION. Find out the patient’s perception of the medical situation. What has he been told about the
disease? What does he know about the purpose of the unfavorable test results you are about to discuss? If this is
a first contact, what has he been told about why he should see you in referral? What are his expectations of
treatment? What are his goals? Correct any misconceptions or misunderstandings the patient may have. Note any
strong denial or its mimics (e.g., avoidance of topics or excessive optimism).
I = INVITATION. Find out how much information the patient wants. These days most patients want a lot of informa-
tion but this is not universally true, especially as the disease progresses and patients may want to focus on “What
do we do next?”
K = KNOWLEDGE. Use language that matches the patient’s level of education. Be direct. Avoid using jargon as it
will confuse the patient. Give a warning that bad news is coming: “I have some serious news to tell you.” This will
allow the patient to prepare psychologically. If the patient’s perception (step 2) was inaccurate, review pertinent
information: “Now you remember we sent you for the MRI to assess how the chemo was working? Well, what we
found is that the chemo has not worked. The tumor has grown larger.” After giving this news, stay quiet for at
least 10-15 seconds-resist the urge to tell the patient how to feel. Give the patient time to absorb the information
and respond.
E = EMPATHIZE. Use empathic statements to respond to patient emotions. This will assist in patient recovery and
dampen the psychological isolation which the patient experiences when they hear the bad news. If a patient
begins to cry, wait until he is ready to talk; then remember NURSE (see Module #1), and use an empathic response
such as “This must be disappointing for you.” Resist the temptation to make things better, for example rushing
to propose a treatment which is unlikely to work. This kind of response can be a reaction to your own sense of
helplessness and perhaps of failure. Ask if the patient has questions or concerns and keep asking until he says “no.”
S = SUMMARIZE AND STRATEGIZE. Summarize the clinical information and make a plan for the next step, which may
be further testing or discussion of treatment options (see Module #3). Be as concrete as possible and check on the
patient’s understanding of what has been discussed: “Does this make sense to you?” or “Are you clear about the
next steps?”