The Effects of Social Media on College S
The Effects of Social Media on College S
The Effects of Social Media on College S
MBA Student Scholarship he Alan Shawn Feinstein Graduate School
Wei Chen
Johnson & Wales University - Providence
Yu Liang
Johnson & Wales University - Providence,
Repository Citation
Wang, Qingya; Chen, Wei; and Liang, Yu, "he Efects of Social Media on College Students" (2011). MBA Student Scholarship. Paper
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November, 2011
Peer Reviewers: Frederic Juillet , Anne Catelotti, Jennifer Gay, Rohan Kichlu, Christina
exploratory research study drew a random sample (N=48) of males (n=26) and females
(n=22) who were administered a student perception questionnaire on how social media
affects college students. Thirty-five percent of the participants were undergraduates and
65% were graduate students, studying at Johnson & Wales University. Thirty-one percent
of participants have full-time jobs, 30% have part-time jobs and 39% do not have jobs.
The results of the survey questionnaire indicate that 45% of the sample admitted that they
spent 6-8 hours per day checking social media sites, while 23% spent more than 8 hours;
20% spent 2-4 hours and only 12% spent less than 2 hours on this task. Results indicate
while most college students use social media and spend many hours checking social
media sites, there was a negative aspect to college students’ use of social media.
The definition of social media is “the relationships that exist between network of
people” (Walter & Riviera, 2004). In the last ten years, the online world has changed
dramatically. Thanks to the invention of social media, young men and women now
exchange ideas, feelings, personal information, pictures and videos at a truly astonishing
rate. Seventy-three percent of wired American teens now use social media websites
(Oberst, 2010). Schill (2011) states that the social media sites encourage negative
behaviors for teen students such as procrastination (catching up with friends), and they
are more likely to drink and drug. However, every day, many students are spending
Warcraft, or Sim City. At first glance this may seem like a waste of time; however it also
helps students to develop important knowledge and social skills, and be active citizens
who create and share content. At present, whether social media is favorable or
unfavorable, many students utilize these sites on a daily basis. As social media sites
continue to grow in popularity it is our belief that technology is a vital part of today’s
student success equation. Many researchers have been diving into a considerable amount
of research on how social media influences student retention at colleges. Many parents
are worried that their college students are spending too much time on Facebook and other
social media sites and not enough time studying. Therefore, our research ascertains the
To address the issue of the effectiveness of using social networking, the first
question raised in this study is: for what purpose is the student utilizing social
networking? Research on this topic will start to reveal social networking sites are simply
part of how students interact with each other with no apparent impact on grades. Thus,
the objective of this research is to explore the advantages and disadvantages of students’
use of social networking for study. The main purpose of this research is to expand on
previous research, explore the relationship between the effects of social networking and
students’ study efficiency, and to determine if social media interfering with students’
academic lives.
Research Questions:
What is the amount of time students spend utilizing social media in various academic
College students have great interest in social media. For the purpose of this
study, social media was defined as Facebook, YouTube, Blogs, Twitter, MySpace or
LinkedIn (Martin, 2008). Although, providing a detailed perspective on social media use
among university students and underscoring that such use can produce both positive and
almost 25 percent of students’ time on the Internet is now spent on social networking
websites (Jacobsen, & Forste, 2011). Facebook is the most used social network by
college students, followed by YouTube and Twitter. Moreover, Facebook alone reports
that it now has 500 active million users, 50% of whom log on every day. In addition,
according to a study by Online PhD, students spend roughly 100 minutes per day on
Facebook. In 2007, the number of students who used Facebook was already enormous:
account on Facebook. That is quite a large amount considering the service was only
On one hand, the positive aspect of online communities is that youths can utilize
them for academic assistance and support (Lusk, 2010). Due to the ability of social media
to enhance connections by making them easily accessible, social media can yield many
benefits for the young, including providing a virtual space for them to explore their
online communication skills and knowledge. “Students who may be reluctant to speak up
in class are participating in book discussion blogs and writing for real audiences. There
are new Web tools emerging all the time that are enhancing learning (Brydolf, 2007).”
On the other hand, “Our findings indicate that electronic media use is negatively
associated with grades. We also find that about two-thirds of the students reported using
electronic media while in class, studying, or doing homework (Jacobsen, & Forste,
2011).” This multitasking likely increases distraction, something prior research has
Facebook, YouTube and Twitter gain popularity, they are also are becoming increasingly
Hence, in a survey of 102 students, 57% stated that social media has made them less
As to the relationship between social media and grades, a study released by Ohio
State University reveals that college students who utilize Facebook spend less time on
studying and have lower grades than students who do not use the popular social
networking sites (Kalpidou, Costin, & Morris, 2011). Moreover, according to a new
study by doctoral candidate Aryn Karpinski of Ohio State University and her co-author,
Adam Duberstein of Ohio Dominican University, college students who use the 500
million member social network have significantly lower grade-point averages (GPAs)
than those who do not. Nevertheless, another study found no correlation between heavy
social media usage and grades. There was no significant difference in grades between
those considered to be heavy users of social media and those considered to be light users.
Additionally, there was no correlation between grades and the social media platform
used. For example, almost the same number of heavy and light users of both Facebook
and YouTube received the same percentage high and low grades.
Regarding the relationship between using social media with the grades of college
students, concurrent with past studies that find that online communication is linked to
time spent in offline relationships, “our findings indicate that Social Networking Site
(SNS) use and cellular-phone communication facilitates offline social interaction, rather
than replace it (Jacobsen & Forste, 2011)”. Students commonly commented that connect
should be invaluable for making friends and supporting each other, especially within the
first few weeks after arriving at the University (Oradini & Saunders, 2007). Furthermore,
“The relationship between Facebook and well-being appears to become positive over the
college years, possibly because upper-class students use Facebook to connect socially
with their peers and participate in college life (Kalpidou, Costin, & Morris, 2011).”
Therefore, “we need to keep in mind that the benefits of this interactive technology far
outweigh the risks,” says Leri. “When it’s used in a positive way, it can be an
The purpose of collecting data was to perform a group research on how social
administered to collect data which was the standard survey collection method. The total
number of questionnaires administered were 50, however the usable questionnaires were
(N = 48). According to the respondents, males (n=26) and females (n=22) were involved
in this survey. Thirty-five percent of participants were undergraduates and 65% were
graduate students currently studying in Johnson & Wales University. Thirty-one percent
of participants have full-time jobs, 30% have part-time jobs and 39% do not have jobs.
The number of females who have jobs is higher than that of males. This was one part of
our anonymous questionnaire. In the following, other relevant questions were developed
Other questions focused on the lives of students and the feeling of students
when they were using different social media. For example, “How many hours a day do
you check your social media site?” and “Do you post or respond while completing
homework?” Also, at the end of the questionnaire, we asked two open questions about
the biggest advantage or disadvantage when college students used social media in
studying and looking back to the last time that they used social media.
level. These questions related to their lives. There were three different perspectives
present in the research which included advantage, disadvantage or not sure. However,
other independent variables were tried to decrease the impact on the results.
Sixty percent of participants are in favor of Facebook, 22% like Skype, 10%
prefer Twitter and 8% like My Space. Sixty-eight percent of the sample reported that they
primarily used a laptop to check social media sites; while 20% use a cell phone; and only
12% preferred to use a desktop computer. Forty-five percent of the sample admitted that
they spent 6-8 hours per day to check a social media site, 23% spent more than 8 hours,
20% spent 2-4 hours and only 12% spent less than 2 hours. The ratio of participants who
posted or responded during school hours was 64%; 15% rarely used social media during
school hours; 21% were not sure whether they would like to use it. Eighty percent of the
sample reported that they posted or responded while completing homework; 8% would
never use social media while doing homework; and 2% were not sure. In terms of the
benefit of social media, 20% agreed that social media helps with school assignments;
25% agreed that social media helps to make new friends; and 55% just used social media
for fun.
college students would prefer to use social media and therefore spent vast hours checking
social media sites. Facebook is very popular among college students, even though
students would use it when they had classes. Ninety percent of students spent their time
on entertainment; there were not too many college students who preferred using social
media to deal with their homework. Eighty percent of the sample admitted that they
efficiencies and their grades. Considering the data collected, there was a negative attitude
towards social media when college students used them. For instance, imagining one
student spent over six hours checking social media site and responded while completing
their homework; it would be likely increase distraction of the students which can be
Our research has revealed that college students were likely to be affected by
social media. Social media is attractive; it not only provides college students another
world to make friends, also provides a good way to release pressure. To some degree, it
absolutely affects the lives of college students including the grades. This research also
indicates that an approach is needed to better balance the relationship between social
media and academic study. Therefore, college students should think more about the
This study was limited in several aspects. First, the timeframe to collect data
was too short. Three to four weeks for the study was not sufficient. Second, a total of 50
questionnaires were administered, however usable questionnaires were 48, so the result
may not reflect the real situation for the whole population. With this sample size, the
estimated sample error is 14.4%, so an increase in sample size might yield different
results. And, of course these results might be affected by this very large sample error.
Third, this research did not consider student’s psychological state; perhaps influences and
Our research indicated that most college students would prefer to use social
media and spend many hours checking social media sites. Social networking is definitely
concerned about these problems and try to find better ways to solve these problems.
Although, framed within an academic context, the concepts outlined here can be utilized
to investigate the use of communication technology not only at school, however also at
home, workplace, and various other settings, and for a variety of different audiences such
as teenagers, young adults, the elderly, or families. For future research, it may be more
helpful to measure the social presence besides motivation and pressure, examining how a
student’s psychological state influences motivations for social media use. Also, do social
media sites have a positive influence on study and academics and are students leveraging
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