36462 Revised Science

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Deccan Education Society’s

Fergusson College (Autonomous), Pune

Consultancy Services

Department of B. Sc. & B. Voc. Animation

Sr. No. Areas of Consultancy Details
1 Media and Entrainment 2d Animation
2 E-Learning 3D Animation
3 VFX, Illustration, Game Design, Animate Short movies, Motion Graphics
3d Walk-Through, Video Editing, Compositing, Flash Animation, Stop
motion animation
4 Advertising Agency Branding
5 Pre-Press Industry Brochure Design, Stationary
Design, Graphic Design, Logo
Design, Packaging Design
Name and Details of the Contact Person:
Prasad Shukla

Department of B. Voc. Media and Communication

Sr. Areas of Consultancy Details
1 Video Production Short film, (Fiction & Non-fiction),
(Pre- Post production) Corporate films, Education Films, Ad
films, Training videos, Face book
videos, Product videos
2 Pre production: Script Writing, Fiction & Non- Fiction
Content writing
3 Photography / Videography Feature Film, Ad film, Short film,
Wedding Shoot/ Photography

4 Social Media Marketing Facebook, Instagram, You Tube

5 Post Production: Video Editing Final cut pro, Adobe premier

6 Media Research
7 Public Relation & Advertising
8 Audio Production Radio Advertising

Name and Details of the Contact Person:
Shri.Swapnil Kamble

Department of Biotechnology
Sr. No. Areas of Consultancy Details
1. Soil analysis Physico Chemical and
2. Testing of Potability of water Bacteriological
3. Microbial analysis of food samples Basic analysis (e.g. coliform count)
4. Training programme for use of Use and applications
5. Training programmes in Tissue Culture Will be designed as per
techniques. requirement
6. Training programmes in Molecular Will be designed as per requirement
Biology techniques
7. Training programme in basic
8. Training programme in use of Bench top From Screening to use lab Scale
Fermenter Fermenter for a product
9. Content analysis of Medicines Validation of the mentioned
Name and Details of the Contact Person
Dr. Sonali Joshi

Department of Chemistry
Sr. No. Areas of Consultancy Details
Soil and water analysis
Food adulteration analysis
Spectroscopic Analysis:
1. Infrared (IR)
2. Ultraviolet (UV)
3. Atomic Absorption (AA)
1 Analytical Chemistry 4. Flame Photometer
Separation and Analysis:
1. Gas chromatography (GC)
2. High Performance Liquid Chromatography
Cyclic Voltametry (CV)
Thermogravimetric Analysis (TGA)
Nutrient and Phytochemical analysis
2 Biochemistry Antioxidant and antimicrobial activities
Basic cell culture and PCR
3 Organic Chemistry Process Development

Process Improvement
Project Management
Medicinal chemistry
Name and Details of the Contact Person:
Shri. Shridhar Vhankate

Department of Computer Science

Sr. No. Areas of Consultancy Details
1 Corporate Training Company requires training session to be conducted for
their employees.
Training sessions can be offered in various areas such
as –
 Operating Systems
 Programming Languages
 Databases
 Data Analytics
 Business Intelligence
 Data Science
 Web Development
2 Live Projects Our students can contribute in Live project
As company requires students to develop small scale
tools for their existing project.
3 Development of Test Students can contribute in developing test cases for
cases for Live Projects. testing applications developed by companies.
4 Research Consultancy Our teachers can provide consultancy for writing and
presenting research papers and posters.
Name and Details of the Contact Person:
Dr. Kavita A. Khobragade

Department of Electronic Science

Sr. No. Areas of Consultancy
1 Smart system design, networking and applications

2 Embedded Systems & Machine Vision

3 Semiconductor devices , Digital Systems, Verilog & Instrumentation

4 Matlab and Simulink, Embedded C Programming , Lab view programming

5 Power Electronic Systems and Industrial Automation.

6 WSN, Embedded system, Python Programming & IOT

7 16-bit / 32 Microcontroller Systems and Application, DSP & RTOS

8 Digital System Implements using CPLD / FPGA, 8- bit Microcontroller System &
9 Electronic Instrumentation Networking , Mathematical Modelling

10 Electronic System Design Prototyping and Troubleshooting Microcontrollers.

11 Consumer Electronics, Electronic Circuit Designing and Troubleshooting

12 Industrial Automation and PLC Programming.

Name and Details of the Contact Person:

Dr. Nitin Kulkarni

Department of Environmental Science

Sr. No. Areas of Consultancy Details
1. Water Quality monitoring Monitoring of physicochemical water quality
parameters like pH, conductivity, Total Hardness, Ca
and Mg hardness, Chlorides, Alkalinity, Phosphates ,
Sulphates , Nitrates, Dissolved oxygen, Sodium ,
Potassium , Chemical oxygen Demand, MPN etc.
2. Soil Quality monitoring pH, conductivity, N,P,K, organic matter, organic
carbon, etc.
3. Noise Monitoring Annoyance Score, Equivalent Noise level
4. Air Quality Monitoring Particulate matter and gases in Ambient Environment
5. Biodiversity Monitoring Field survey planning and assessment
Assessment of avian and reptilian diversity.

6. GIS consultation Forest Mapping, Water quality mapping, soil quality

mapping. Land Use Land Cover Maps. Change
Name and Details of the Contact Person:
Smt. Rupali Gaikwad

Department of Geology
Sr. No. Areas of Consultancy Details
1 Hydrogeology Hydrogeological & geological
survey & mapping for different
Groundwater & Rain Water
Harvesting related problems
2 Electrical Resistivity Survey for Groundwater & other
3 Gemmology Gem identification and certification
4 Petrographic analysis of thin sections of rocks Identification of various igneous,
metamorphic and sedimentary rock
types. Detailed report with
photographs of thin sections
Name And Details Of The Contact Person:
Dr. Tanuuja Marathe

Department of Microbiology
Sr. No. Areas of Consultancy Details
1. Biocomposting and Use of lignin and cellulose degraders to improve
personalized fertilizers quality of compost and reduce the time required
for composting. Use of herbal extracts to improve
quality of compost. Soil analysis to identify
lacunae in soil fertility and provide personalized
soil fertility solutions.
2. Testing antimicrobial activity Using standard laboratory cultures both Gram
of samples positive and Gram negative bacteria as well as
fungal cultures antibacterial and antifungal
activity can be determined and quantified.
3. Soil analysis As per standard protocols soil analysis facility
can be provided, especially with respect to
microbial load.
4. Provision of bacterial cultures Bacterial cultures isolated and identified using
standard biochemical and morphological analysis
can be provided.
5. Water analysis Water samples can be tested for their potability.
6. Biofertilizers Biofertilizer formulations can be provided for
application in gardens, landscaping and fields.
Name and Details of the Contact Person:
Smt. Meghana Kulkarni

Department of Physics
1 Overseas scholarships and admissions for MS and PhD courses abroad.
2 Setting up Astronomy Observatory at school and college level.
3 Enhancing Leadership qualities among undergraduate students.
4 Enhancing Science education at primary and secondary school level including teachers
5 Consultancy regarding National Olympiad programs in all (science) subjects for XIth and
XIIth students including National Graduate Examination in Physics.
6 Project ideas and project report writing for postgraduates and undergraduate students.
7 Research proposals writing.
8 Energy audit of educational institutions.
Name and Details of the Contact Person:
Dr. Raka Dabhade

Department of Statistics
Sr. No. Areas of Consultancy Details
1. Statistical Quality control Industrial statistics, Control charts,
Process Capability etc.
2. Reliability and Survival analysis Reliability of system, components,
Life time data analysis.
3. Regression analysis Simple and Multiple Regression
models, Polynomial and logistic
Regression models.
4. Applied Statistics
5. Data analysis using R-software
6. Statistical data analysis required in Techniques such as Regression ,
the field of biology , physiotherapy design of experiments , time series ,
medical sciences , agricultural science , statistical testing using R / SPSS.
industrial field etc. for researchers
7. Statistical data analysis of various research Techniques such as Regression ,
projects in different fields such as finance , statistical modeling, design of
economics, microbiology , biotechnology, experiments , Time series , statistical
psychology ,agriculture , etc. testing using R / SPSS.
Name and details of the contact Person :
Shri.Subhash Shende

Department of Zoology
Sr. No. Areas of Consultancy Details
1. Animal Bio-diversity Western Ghats is having rich animal biodiversity
Mapping hotspot therefore mapping of this biodiversity is
necessary because of the variations in the
biodiversity due to human interferons, deforestation,
industrialization, civilization, construction.
Therefore the mapping is necessary and this facility
can be provided by experts of the departments.
2. Soil Analysis The soil very imp biological factors pertaining to
agriculture, industrialization and civilization.
Therefor the analysis of these biotic factors is
having its own importance. Therefor this analysis
facility can be provided by experts of the
3 Water Analysis Analysis of physical, chemical and biological
parameters of samples from Pune could be done to
understand the level or extinct of pollution as well
as the quality of water to start pisciculture / use it in
agricultural field/ for drinking purposes etc.
Name and Details of the Contact Person:
Dr. Kishor Pendharkar

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