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Ae Tt10 Progress Test 6 Mod3

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A estrutura do teste sintetiza-se no quadro seguinte:

Aprendizagens Essenciais
Organizador/Domínio Tipologia de Número de Cotação
Ativ. Itens Itens (em pontos)
Componentes Competências
A O Mundo Competência Itens de seleção 3 40 pontos
Tecnológico: A Comunicativa • completamento
inovação • identificação:
tecnológica e as Compreensão escrita opção correta
mudanças sociais Ler e compreender diversos • associação/
tipos de texto, dentro das correspondência
áreas temáticas
apresentadas, recorrendo, Itens de
de forma adequada, à construção
informação visual disponível; • resposta restrita
B Uso da Língua 6 100 pontos
identificar o tipo • resposta curta
Conditional de texto; descodificar • transformação
sentences palavras-chave/ideias
presentes no texto, marcas
The future do texto oral
e escrito que introduzem
mudança de estratégia
discursiva, de assunto e de
argumentação; interpretar
informação explícita e
C implícita, pontos de vista e Itens de 1 60 pontos
intenções do(a) autor(a). construção
• resposta extensa
Produção escrita
Planificar e elaborar uma
atividade de escrita de
acordo com o tipo e função
do texto e o seu destinatário,
dentro das áreas temáticas
apresentadas, integrando a
sua experiência e
mobilizando conhecimentos
adquiridos em outras
Competência Estratégica
Pensar criticamente

TOTAL 200 pontos

© Areal Editores 1



Name __________________________________________________________ No. _______ Class _______

Date ______________________ Mark ___________________________ Teacher ____________________

The final task you are expected to complete is to write an argumentative text about
the future influence of technology in our lives.
Activities A and B will provide you with input for Activity C.

Activity A

Today, both Baby Boomers (people born between 1945 and 1965) and Millennials (people born between
1980 and 1996) have access to the same technology. However, the behaviour towards technology and its
usage differs between the two generations.
The Boomers, for instance, use technology to assist them with getting the information they need and
5 increasing their convenience. Technology in the hand of the Millennials is being used more or less for
connections. Recognition and self-expression are some of the goals the Millennials want to reach through
technology. The older generation sees social networking and mobile technology as “new technology”,
whereas for Millennials it is just the where and how of interaction. Because of the fast growth in
technological evolution, the Boomers only had the opportunity to grow up seeing it, whereas the
10 Millennials grew up knowing it. Technology in the future is going to shape the newer generations and
roughly 81% of children will have a digital footprint by the time they are only two years old.
(abridged and adapted)

1. Complete the following sentences using information from the text above.
a) Different generations use technology ___________________________________________________.
b) For the Millennials, technology is a tool for ______________________________________________.
c) While growing up, the Boomers didn’t have as much contact ________________________________.

2. Do you spend too much time on your smartphone? What do you use it for?
Write a total of 30-40 words.

3. Complete the sentences with the correct words from the box below. Use each word only once.
There will be two words left in the end.

• systems • text messages • network • methods • devices • screen

a) A computer _________________ can also be called a monitor.

b) The Internet is a global wide area _____________ that connects computer systems across the world.
c) A smartphone includes advanced functionality beyond making phone calls and sending ___________.
d) Technologies are the _____________, systems, and devices which are the result of scientific
knowledge being used for practical purposes.

© Areal Editores 2


Activity B

Read the following text.

Tech has radically changed

teens’ experiences today
One of the biggest current debates will be on the
effects of digital technology on adolescents and
teenagers. This is because these effects will colour
their adult behaviour and the way future societies
will behave.
It is interesting that tech titans like Bill Gates and Steve Jobs severely restricted their children’s access to
technology. The Gates family did not allow the children a phone till they turned 14, set strict limits on
screen time, and had them switch off devices well before bedtime. In a 2011 interview, shortly after Apple
launched the iPad, Steve Jobs revealed that he prohibited his kids from using the device. Did these men
know something we did not?
Jean Twenge, professor of psychology at San Diego State University, who has been researching
generational differences for 25 years, says that she noticed abrupt shifts in teen behaviours and emotional
states beginning from 2012. It was the year the proportion of Americans who owned a smartphone
surpassed 50%. “Teens today differ from the Millennials not just in their views but in how they spend their
time,” Twenge writes. Born between 1995 and 2012, members of this generation, which Twenge calls
“iGen”, have grown up with smartphones, and do not remember a time before the Internet.
According to Twenge, the arrival of the smartphone has dramatically changed every aspect of teenagers’
lives, from social interactions to mental health. It was found that teens who spend more time than average
on screen activities are more likely to be unhappy, and those who spend more time than average on non-
screen activities are more likely to be happy.
“Adolescence is a key time for developing social skills; as teens spend less time with their friends face to
face, they have fewer opportunities to practise them,” writes Twenge. “In the next decade, we may see
more adults who know just the right emoji for a situation, but not the right facial expression.”
The Adolescent Brain Cognitive Development Study investigates child development. Its preliminary results
show that screen time was associated with structural differences in children’s brains. The researchers say
25 they do not know if the structural differences observed are good or bad.
Indeed, a study by the Oxford Internet Institute, which examined the digital habits and mental health of
more than 120,000 children, found that a few hours of device use every day was actually associated with
better well-being than none at all.
So, which studies do we believe? First of all, “screen time” is hardly a homogenous term. The teenager
30 could be using his smartphone or laptop to be learning something useful, or playing a game or interacting
on social media. All technologies have obvious benefits and potential harmful effects. As in mostly
everything in life, the key could lie in moderation. Instead of panicking, that is what parents should be
trying to teach their children.
smartphones-did-we-rob-them-of-an-inner-life (abridged and adapted)

© Areal Editores 3


1. Choose the correct option (a, b, or c).

1.1. In this text the author’s main purpose is to
a) raise the reader’s awareness of technology dangers in teens’ lives.
b) inform the reader about advantages and drawbacks of technology in teens’ lives.
c) encourage the reduction of technology in teens’ lives.
1.2. In paragraph 2, we learn that
a) a famous tech titan didn’t allow his children to have phones until a certain age.
b) a famous tech titan didn’t allow his children to have smartphones.
c) a famous tech titan didn’t allow his children to have a computer.
1.3. In paragraph 3, we learn that when more than half of the Americans owned a smartphone,
a) teens started to get violent.
b) sudden mood and behaviour swings started to be noticed in teens.
c) teens started getting more and more depressed.
1.4. In paragraph 4, we learn that
a) there’s a bigger chance of teens being unhappy if they spend a great amount of time on screen activities.
b) there’s a lower chance of teens being unhappy if they spend a great amount of time on screen activities.
c) there’s a bigger chance of teens being happy if they spend a great amount of time on screen activities.
1.5. In paragraph 6, we learn that
a) structural differences in children’s brains caused by screen time are bad.
b) structural differences in children’s brains caused by screen time are good.
c) structural differences in children’s brains caused by screen time are still uncertain.
1.6. In paragraph 7, we learn that the Oxford Internet Institute found that
a) limited time of technological use every day makes teens feel unwell.
b) unlimited access to technology makes teens feel better.
c) limited time of technological use every day makes teens feel better.

2. Say what the following words refer to.

a) who (l. 11) _______________________________________________________________________
b) those (l. 20) _______________________________________________________________________
c) them (l. 23) _______________________________________________________________________

3. Find synonyms for the following words.

a) rigid (para. 2) _________________________________________________________________
b) diverge (para. 3) _________________________________________________________________
c) probable (para. 4) _________________________________________________________________

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4. Complete the following sentences using information from the text.

a) Teenagers are expected to develop ___________________________________________________
b) It is still uncertain that structural brain differences are linked ________________________________
c) Technologies end up causing a mix of good ____________________________________________

5. Rewrite the sentences below, starting them as suggested and without changing their meaning.
a) I spend too much time playing Playstation. My parents don’t like it.
If I spend ___________________________________________________________________________

b) “Martin turn off the computer now or you won’t use it tomorrow!”
Martin, if you ________________________________________________________________________

c) I don’t have the latest iPhone. I can’t take amazing photos to post on Instagram.
If I had _____________________________________________________________________________

d) My parents haven’t been cautious with screen use. I became addicted to technologies.
If my parents had been ________________________________________________________________

6. Fill in the blanks with the correct future tense of the verbs in brackets.
a) The highly digital life _________________ the new normal. (become)
b) Based on current data, we can say that technology _________________ a major part of the health care
system. (be)
c) Thanks to my new smartphone, tomorrow morning I _________________ to the sound of my new
favourite band. (run)
d) We will send you a text message as soon as the new phone ________________ to the shop. (arrive)

Activity C
Will technology really help us have a better way of living and make us feel happier in the future?
Or will it cause serious problems such as lack of social skills and depression?
Write between 150 and 200 words.

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