Paper Code:TAI-301
3rd Semester
(i) This question paper contains five questions.
(ii) All questions are compulsory.
(iii) Instructions on how to attempt a question are mentioned against it.
(iv) Total marks assigned to each question are twenty.
Q1. (Attempt any two questions of choice from a, b and c) (2X10=20 Marks)
a. What are the different generations of Computers?
b. What are computer programming languages? What is the difference between
high-level and low-level languages?
c. What are the various uses of DBMS in agriculture?
Q2. (Attempt any two questions of choice from a, b and c) (2X10=20 Marks)
a. Discuss some Smartphone Apps for farm advises, market price, post-harvest
Management etc. in agriculture.
b. Define operating systems and its various types.
c. Discuss the various uses of ICT in Agriculture.
Q3. (Attempt any two questions of choice from a, b and c) (2X10=20 Marks)
a. Discuss the various computer models for understanding plant processes.
b. Define database. Explain the various concepts and its types.
c. Describe Agriculture Expert System.
Q4. (Attempt any two questions of choice from a, b and c) (2X10=20 Marks)
a. Differentiate between Assembler, Compiler and Interpreter
b. What is the role of Geospatial technology for generating valuable information
related to Agriculture.
c. Write short notes on the following:
(i) World wide web
(ii) DOS Commands
Q5. (Attempt any two questions of choice from a, b and c) (2X10=20 Marks)
a. Explain Decision Support Systems? Discuss the concepts, various
components and its applications in agriculture.
b. Discuss the various automated systems or computer-controlled devices for
Agri-input management.
c. Write short notes on:
(i) Search Engines
(ii) Applications of MS-Office.