st534 syllabus fall 2022

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ST 434/534 Applied Time Series MW 11:45 am-1:00 pm

Donald E.K. Martin


August 22, 2022

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Instructor: Dr. Donald Martin
Office hours: Monday 1-2 pm (4272 SAS Hall), Tuesday 7-8 pm
(zoom), or by appointment.

Teaching Assistant: Hongjian Yang

Office hours: Tuesday 9:30 am - 10:30 am on zoom and
Thursday 4:30-5:30 pm (1101 SAS Hall)

I encourage you to discuss any questions or concerns with me (or

with teaching assistant Hongjian Yang).

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Textbook: George E.P. Box, Gwilym M. Jenkins, Gregory C.

Reinsel and Greta M. Ljung; fifth edition, 2016; Time Series
Analysis - Forecasting and Control, John Wiley & Sons.

Course page: Moodle:

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Course description

Prerequisite(s): For ST434: ST422 and ST430; for ST534:

ST512 or ST514 or ST515 or ST516 or ST517

Objective: We consider statistical models and methods for the

analysis of time series data. The time domain approach to data
analysis will be the focus, though the spectral domain approach
will also be touched on, as time allows. Analyses of real data
sets using statistical software packages will be emphasized.

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Topics *

1 Introduction to time series analysis

2 Autocorrelation function of stationary processes (Chapter 2)
3 Linear stationary and nonstationary models (Chapters 3-4)
4 Forecasting (Chapter 5)
5 Model fitting (Chapters 6-8)
6 Analysis of seasonal time series (Chapter 9)
7 Transfer function models (Chapters 11-12)
8 Intervention analysis and outlier detection (Chapter 13)
9 Spectral domain methods (Chapter 2)

* Topics will be covered as time allows.

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SAS will be used in class.

You are free to use whatever software suits you. However, you
will need to make sure that homework assignments are clear so
that the teaching assistant can grade it.

Note that if you use SAS, instead of using the NCSU VCL, use
the Virtual Teaching Lab (VTL) provided by the Statistics
Department. Information about remotely accessing software may
be found here:

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Homework will be assigned approximately bi-weekly (on

Moodle). There will be 6 assignments; the top 5 of which will
count towards your grade.

Late homework will not be accepted.

Some collaboration on homework is acceptable, and in fact is

encouraged. If you do work with others, you must list your
collaborators on the paper you hand in. The work you hand in
must be your own. Direct copying or misrepresenting the work
of others as your own is cheating.

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Homework (continued)

Use sentences and explain your work. In grading homework,

both the correctness of the answer, organization of ideas and
presentation count. A correct numerical answer with no
explanation will receive little or no credit.

Conscientious completion of homework assignments is essential

to receiving a good grade in this course.

The following are the due dates for homework assignments:

Sept 14 and 28, Oct 12 and 26, Nov 9 and 30.

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There will be two midterm exams and a comprehensive final

The dates for the midterm exams are is Wednesday, Oct. 5

and Wednesday, Nov. 16.

The final exam is 12:00-2:30 pm, Friday, December 9.

There will be NO post-exam make-ups! If you know that you

have to miss an exam, you need to talk to me beforehand.
Hopefully we can find a time for you to take the exam before the
date. If you have a documented sickness, please let me know
before missing the exam, so that we can talk about a solution
(which likely will be that your final will count for extra points).
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Your final course grade will be calculated as follows.

Homework Top 5 of 6 assignments 20%

Midterms Oct 5 and Nov 16 20% each (25% ST434)
Final 12:00-2:30 pm, Dec 9 30%
Project 10% (ST534)

Grade ranges
A+ A A- B+ B B- C+ C
97-100 90-96 88-89 86-87 80-85 78-79 76-77 70-75
C- D+ D F
68-69 66-67 60-65 < 60

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University Policies

Cheating will not be tolerated. See the university’s policy on

academic integrity.

Reasonable accommodations will be made for students with

verifiable disabilities. In order to take advantage of available
accommodations, students must register with Disability Services
Office at 1900 Student Health Center, Campus Box 7509,
515-7653, .

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