Power Meter Brochuere- PL8331
Power Meter Brochuere- PL8331
Power Meter Brochuere- PL8331
for our comprehensive product
Prolific PL8331
line. The PL8331 series of ultralow power mixed-signal
processors consist of several devices featuring
Technologies for Tomorrow different sets of peripherals targeted for energy
meter applications. They integrate analog front
end and fixed function DSP solution with an en- Technologies for Tomorrow
hanced 8052 MCU core, RTC and LCD driver in a
single part. The measurement core includes ac-
tive, reactive, apparent energy calculations, volt- PROLIFIC TECHNOLOGIES INC.
age, current RMS, and frequency measurements.
Prolific Technologies Inc. This information can be used as energy billing and Power Meter Solutions – Product series
No.10-2, Li Hsing First Road, any necessary application. Also included is a built-
Science-Based Park,
in 16-bit timer, LCD segment drive capability and
Tel: 886-3-578-2011. Ext- 3637 hardware multiplier.
Fax: 886-3-578-2022
E-mail: ranjit-dash@prolific.com.tw The PL8331 integrates three PGAs with gain set-
tings from 1x to 32x. Three 24-bit sigma-deltas A/
D converters guarantee precision in captured data
and enough needed resolution.