Research paper
• AExcellent
novel modified carbon nanofiber electrode as electrochemical sensor.
• Large potential
sensitivities and selectivity for ascorbic acid, dopamine, and uric acid.
• separation for ascorbic acid, dopamine, and uric acid.
Keywords: A sensitive and selective electrode material was prepared with carbon nanofiber (CNF), modified with reduced
Carbon nanofiber graphite oxide (RGO), for electrochemical detection of ascorbic acid (AA), dopamine (DA), and uric acid (UA).
Reduced graphite oxide The modified CNF-RGO electrode displayed sharp oxidation peaks for AA, DA, and UA at 0.06, 0.18 and 0.32 V,
Ascorbic acid respectively, with differential pulse voltammetry (DPV) and possessed large surface area and low impedance.
Sensitivities of 0.12, 1.19 and 0.14 µA/µM were obtained with DPV for various concentrations of AA, DA, and
Uric acid
Electrochemical detection
UA, respectively. Modified electrode also showed prominent peak to peak potential separation in mixture, de-
monstrating excellent selectivity.
Corresponding author at: Department of Physics, Institute of Basic Science, Daegu University, Gyeongsan 38453, Republic of Korea.
E-mail address: outron@gmail.com (H.K. Jeong).
Received 8 October 2019; Received in revised form 5 November 2019; Accepted 15 November 2019
Available online 16 November 2019
0009-2614/ © 2019 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
K.P. Aryal and H.K. Jeong Chemical Physics Letters 739 (2020) 136969
Fig. 1. (a) XRD results of GO and RGO, and SEM images of (b) RGO, (c) CNF, and (d) CNF-RGO.
K.P. Aryal and H.K. Jeong Chemical Physics Letters 739 (2020) 136969
sequential magnetic stirring for 6 h followed by the filtration and concentration of K3[Fe(CN)6], D is diffusion coefficient of the K3[Fe
drying processes. Finally, CNF-RGO was obtained in powder form and (CN)6] (6.5 × 10−6 cm2/sec), and t is time (sec). Fig. 2b shows that the
used further for its characterization and electrochemical measurements. CNF-RGO electrode possessed the highest electrochemical active sur-
For the electrochemical measurement, 5 µL of the CNF-RGO solution, face area of 5.6x10-7 cm2, as expected, when compared with the CNF
prepared by mixing 5 mg of CNF-RGO into 3 mL of IPA solution, was and RGO electrodes. We can conclude that highest electrochemical
dropped into completely clean and dried surface of glassy carbon active surface area is obtained from three dimensional structure of CNF,
electrode. Similarly, two other samples, CNF and RGO, are also pre- which possess own surface area, and added RGO, which obviously in-
pared with the same concentration and processes to compare with the creased the surface area of electrode [5,19]. It also indicates that
modified CNF-RGO electrode. modified electrode, CNF-RGO, possess highest adsorption capacity,
which has key role to increase the accumulation and biomolecular in-
teraction on the surface. Therefore, the CNF-RGO electrode is expected
3. Results and discussion
to have enhanced interaction of AA, DA, and UA on its surface.
where Q represents the charge in coulombs, n is the number of electrons 3.3. Differential pulse voltammetry
participated in the redox reaction, F is Faraday’s constant (96,500 C/
mole), A is the electrochemical active surface area (cm2), C is Based on the obtained excellent properties such as higher con-
ductivity, larger electrochemical surface area of modified CNF-RGO
Table 1 electrode, differential pulse voltammetry (DPV) was used with different
EDS results of CNF, GO, RGO and CNF-RGO. concentration of biomolecules to investigate the sensitivity and linear
Elements CNF GO RGO CNF-RGO character of the modified CNF-RGO electrode. Fig. 4a shows the linear
relationship between current and concentrations of AA (50–350 µM) at
at% wt% at% wt% at% wt% at% wt% the surface of modified CNF-RGO electrode, due to oxidation of AA (at
around 0.06 V), resulting in the linear equation as Y = 0.12× − 4.85
C 97 96 67 60 80 75 93 91
O 3 4 33 40 20 25 7 9 (R2 = 0.98). Fig. 4b shows the oxidation of different concentrations of
DA at around 0.18 V and the linear relationship between the peak
K.P. Aryal and H.K. Jeong Chemical Physics Letters 739 (2020) 136969
Fig. 2. (a) EIS and (b) Chronocoulometry results of CNF, RGO, and CNF-RGO.
Fig. 3. CV results of CNF, RGO, and CNF-RGO (a) without biomolecule, (b) with 0.5 mM of AA, (c) with 0.1 mM of DA, (d) with 0.2 mM of UA, and (e) with the
mixture consists of 0.2 mM of AA, 0.05 mM of DA, and 0.2 mM of UA.
K.P. Aryal and H.K. Jeong Chemical Physics Letters 739 (2020) 136969
Fig. 4. DPV results and their calibration plots of CNF-RGO with (a) AA, (b) DA, and (c) UA followed by (d) simultaneous detection of 0.1 mM AA, 0.01 mM DA, and
0.1 mM UA.
current and concentrations of DA (10–60 µM) at the surface of modified area and reactivity of surface. And these obtained properties increased
electrode. The obtained linear equation was Y = 1.19× − 1.46 the biomolecular interaction on its surface and which attributed to
(R2 = 0.98). Similarly, linear character of the modified electrode was higher sensitivity and selectivity in the detection of DA, AA and UA
also obtained in the case of UA which was used in the concentration separately and simultaneously. Therefore, modified CNF-RGO electrode
range of 100–700 µM. The oxidation peaks of UA were found around could have wide scope of practical applications with the excellent se-
0.32 V and obtained linear equation was Y = 0.14× − 14.2 lectivity of AA, DA, and UA.
(R2 = 0.98), as shown in Fig. 4c. Then all the obtained sensitivities of
0.12 (µA/µM), 1.19 (µA/µM) and 0.14 (µA/µM) for AA, DA and UA are
compared with the results obtained by other electrochemical sensors 4. Conclusion
and summarized in Table 2 [2–5,15,24–30]. It indicates that obtained
sensitivities are significantly comparable and better than some of the In the present work, CNF was modified with RGO by the simple
previous electrochemical sensors used for the determination of AA, DA physical method, and the modified CNF-RGO electrode was in-
and UA. vestigated for the electrochemical sensor application. The modified
The modified electrode was also applied for the detection of AA, DA CNF-RGO electrode showed excellent sensitivity of 0.12 (µA/µM), 1.19
and UA simultaneously with DPV again, as shown in Fig. 4d. The CNF (µA/µM) and 0.14 (µA/µM) in the detection of DA, AA, and UA, re-
and RGO electrodes showed broad and indistinguishable peaks, in- spectively, as well as significant potential separation when used for
dicating that simultaneous determination of them is not possible on simultaneous detection. The excellent performances of modified elec-
their surface. However, the modified electrode showed three sharp and trode are attributed to large electrochemical active surface area and
distinguishable peaks at 0.03 V, 0.19 V and 0.32 V for AA, DA and UA, increased reactivity obtained from synergic effect of CNF and RGO. The
respectively. The modified electrode also shows the potential differ- synthesis of modified CNF-RGO electrode was very simple and easy, but
ences of 0.17 V (between AA and DA), 0.14 V (between DA and UA) and the sensitivity and selectivity of it were tremendous. It is, therefore,
0.29 V (between AA and UA). It can be seen that the potential se- expected that modified electrode could be applied for biosensor appli-
paration of 0.17 V (between AA and DA) is higher and comparable with cation.
some of the previously reported results [31–33] while the potential
separation of 0.14 V (between DA and UA) is also higher than many
previous reported results [11,34]. Declaration of Competing Interest
All results show that the modified CNF-RGO electrode could be used
for the detection of DA, AA and UA separately as well as for their si- The authors declare that they have no known competing financial
multaneous determination with significant potential separation. The interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to influ-
addition of RGO into CNF in modified CNF-RGO electrode improved ence the work reported in this paper.
both electrochemical properties such as electrochemical active surface
K.P. Aryal and H.K. Jeong Chemical Physics Letters 739 (2020) 136969
This work
This work was supported by Basic Science Research Program
through the National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF-
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