Chapter 6: Dynamics
Feeling the Physics of Linear Motion is a teacher directed mini-lab that can be used as a
macro – experiment introduction of Newton’s Laws. Students are active participants in
inertial experiments, net force calculations, third law interactions and ultimately a human
free body diagram or force tables. The activity may be split into 4 separate segments with
individual demonstrations being the introduction for each of the subtopics within
The Inertia Demonstrations and the Inertia Balls can be done easily as teacher directed
mini-labs. Encourage the students to bring in “parlor tricks” that they know to
demonstrate as well. You may wish to send home the inertia demonstrations as a family
fun physics activity. Students demonstrate to their family members the inertia
demonstrations. The family members then write out the physics explanation that was
provided to them by the student. When the students return their family fun physics
sheets, the in class discussions reinforce the concept learned. Inertia deals with balanced
forces, when all of the forces acting on an object are balanced the object either remains at
rest or moving with a constant velocity in a straight line. The Inertial Eggs activity
applies the concept of inertia to car accidents. The misconception that one is “thrown
from the car” in an accident is addressed.
Weight is a force and depends on other factors as well as mass. Weight is determined by
the acceleration of gravity on a mass. Textbooks often define weight as, w = mg, where g
is the acceleration of gravity on the Earth’s surface or 9.8 m/s2. At this point one may
choose to discuss the concept of normal force.
Jan Mader and Mary Winn © 2006 Posted Online for Comments
It is important to help students become familiar with the terminology of resultant force,
net force or the unbalanced or “leftover” force. Drawing Forces provides background
information on force diagramming and provides a preliminary lesson and instructions for
the use of free body or force diagrams. Free Body Diagrams is a homework assignment
to assist students in the identification all of the individual forces acting on a body. As an
application of the 2nd law one can use the Rope and Three Students teacher directed
demonstration/mini lab to focus on the result of net forces acting on a system. A net force
produces a change in the motion of the two students pulling on the ends of the rope.
Jan Mader and Mary Winn © 2006 Posted Online for Comments
• When two stationary objects push on each other, the “stronger” one exerts the
larger force.
• When two objects push on each other, the more massive object pushes with a
greater force on the less massive object than the less massive object can push on
the more massive object.
• Action and reaction forces act on the same body.
• Action and reaction forces cancel each other.
The Figuring Physics – Apple on a Table applies the concept of action reaction pairs
and would allow for the discussion of normal forces.
Additional activities for dynamics may be found in the following AAPT PTRA Manuals,
which may be purchased from AAPT:
• Hobbs, Winn, and Senior, Role of Demonstrations in Teaching Physics,
©1999 AAPT
• Jodi and Roy McCullough, The Role of Toys in Teaching Physics, ©1995
• Cox and Belloni, The Role of Physlets in Physics Education, ©2001 AAPT
• Robert Morse, Teaching about Newton’s Second Law, ©2003 AAPT
• George Amann, Exploring Physics in the Classroom, ©2005 AAPT
• Amann and Callahan, Homemade Physics Equipment, ©2005 AAPT
Jan Mader and Mary Winn © 2006 Posted Online for Comments
Inertia Demonstrations
Pen and Embroidery Hoop
Balance the inner ring of an embroidery hoop on top of a bottle such as a glass
soft drink bottle. Remove the cap from a plastic pen which has a larger barrel
with a FLAT end. Balance the flat end of the pen barrel on top of the hoop.
When the hoop is snatched from under the
pen, the pen falls down into the bottle.
Inertia causes the pen to tend to remain at rest as the embroidery hoop is removed. If the
hoop is snapped out quickly enough, the pen will remain in place and drop straight down
into the bottle.
To keep the base of the pen from being pulled sideways, the hoop is hit on the inside of
the loop (.This will elongate the hoop horizontally enough to reduce the friction. If the
hoop is hit on the outside, the hoop will elongate vertically which exerts a slight upward
force on the pen causing it to tumble upward and miss the bottle on the way down.
Diagrams courtesy of Carpenter and Minnix, DICK and RAE Physics Demo Notebook , (1993). Copyright by
Dick and Rae, Inc., Lexington, VA.
Adapted from: Hobbs, Winn, and Senior, AAPT PTRA Manual Role of Demonstrations in Teaching Physics,
©1999 AAPT
The most difficult part of this demo is balancing the pen. A pen that has large, flat end, it
will make the balancing easier. Once a good pen has been found, store it with the bottle
for future use. A flat headed nail can also be used and is easier to balance.
When storing the ring for next year, put in back into the outside ring and tighten the
screw. This will keep the inner ring from warping while stored. Several extra embroidery
hoops should be on hand because students will want to try the experiment. The natural
tendency is to hit the hoop very hard on the outside (if they have not been told the “trick”.
Hitting the hoop this hard often breaks it.
Teacher’s Notes:
Demonstration (B) works much more easily if satin cloth or flannel backed vinyl
is used for either is very smooth. Also, instead of just pulling with the hands as
shown, wrap the edge of the cloth around a meterstick and put both hands on the
meterstick and jerk very quickly downward. A fast jerk with only the hands may
Adapted from: Hobbs, Winn, and Senior, AAPT PTRA Manual Role of Demonstrations in Teaching Physics,
©1999 AAPT
wrinkle the fabric which will cause a fold to topple some of the items. (It may
work better to have the back edge of the fabric just barely past the dishes while
doing initial trials) Use items as massive as possible for they have more inertia to
cause them to stay at rest while the cloth is jerked from underneath, but remember
that friction is also proportional to weight. If a glass or vase is used, fill it about
half way with water for increased inertia. If the dishes seem to “stick” to the
tablecloth, spread some baby powder on their bottoms then brush off lightly.
The demonstration can be repeated using paper cups and paper plates to show the
effect of mass in this demonstration.
Adapted from: Hobbs, Winn, and Senior, AAPT PTRA Manual Role of Demonstrations in Teaching Physics,
©1999 AAPT
Inertia Balls
Newton’s First Law
Set-up 1: A heavy mass (1 kg or more) is
suspended between two identical strings. A
slow pull will break the string above the mass
and a quick jerk will break the string below the
mass. Insert a bar through a loop tied below the
heavy ball and push down keeping your hands
out of the path of the falling ball.
When pushing downward slowly, there are two forces acting on the string above the ball:
1) the weight of the ball and 2) the downward force resulting from the slow push on the
bar. A slow downward push will always break the string above the ball first for the
tension on the string above the ball is always greater than the tension on the string below
the ball.
When jerking downward quickly, the inertia of the heavy ball causes it to resist a change
in motion. This resistance protects the string above the ball so that the string below the
ball will break first.
It is not necessary to use a pole with which to push downward. This can be done by
pulling on the string slowly or quickly. A second person can cup his/her hands under the
ball to catch it. The hands should be held apart enough to allow space for the string to
Adapted from: Hobbs, Winn, and Senior, AAPT PTRA Manual Role of Demonstrations in Teaching Physics,
©1999 AAPT
pass through easily, but close enough together to catch the ball as it falls. The important
thing is to protect the hands of the person who does the pulling.
Additional information
A Google search on the Internet by the PIRA classification number, 1F20.10 , will locate
several versions of this demo.
Adapted from: Hobbs, Winn, and Senior, AAPT PTRA Manual Role of Demonstrations in Teaching Physics,
©1999 AAPT
Inertial Eggs
Teacher Directed Mini-lab
Materials: dynamics cart or toy car that can be pushed, hard boiled eggs, clay, rubber
bands, paper, tape, craft sticks, wall or barrier
1. Preface the activity with a statement similar to the following: You are watching
the evening news and a reporter is at the site of a car accident where a person who
was in the car, but not wearing his/her seat belt, is now lying on the ground. What
is a typical expression that is used to explain why the person is no longer inside
the car?
Ans: Expect statements such as the person was thrown from the car, the person
was ejected from the car.
Ask the students how for an explanation based on Newton’s 1st Law.
Ans: A statement such as the person was traveling at the same velocity as the car
was and the car stopped but the person continued to move because of his/her
inertia is typical.
2. Clamp a board to one end of the lab table, or use a brick or wall as a crash barrier.
3. Students are instructed to investigate the application of the inertia concept via
collisions in which the eggs use seat belts or air bags as opposed to collisions in
which no safety device is used.
4. Typical restraints are rubber band seat belts or containers constructed from paper
and tape in which the egg rides.
5. Students are instructed to investigate high velocity and low velocity collisions.
Summing Up:
1. Have students write an explanation of Newton’s 1st Law and how it relates to seat
belts, air bags and shoulder straps. What role do restraints play in altering the
effect of a person’s inertia in a collision?
Ans: In a collision the objects in the car, including the passengers and driver, all
continue in a straight line at the velocity of the car prior to impact. Restraints
apply an unbalanced force to the car’s occupants. This force changes the effect of
inertia, preventing them from continuing forward and hitting the windshield or
Jan Mader and Mary Winn © 2006 Posted Online for Comment
another part of the car with a large force. Think about the sensation of going
around a corner at high speeds. Physically the car’s occupants perceive that they
are being ”thrown” against the doors. In actuality they continued to travel in a
straight line, (inertia), while the car moved under them.
2. Have students explain why the head is not ”whipped” back during a rear end
collision. What role does the headrest play in altering the effect of inertia on a
person’s head in a rear end collision?
Ans: The headrest applies a force to the head so that when the car is pushed
forward the head travels with the rest of the body. Heads are not thrown or
whipped back, but left behind because of inertia as the body moves forward.
Jan Mader and Mary Winn © 2006 Posted Online for Comment
Scooter Boards from PE, skateboards, or rollerblades
Spring scales, stopwatches, meter sticks.
1. Select a starting point and measure distances of 5 m, 10 m, and 15 m from that point.
2. Place a student on the cart or skateboard. That student must hold onto one end of the
spring scale.
3. The student pulling the cart/skateboard must pull with the spring scale at a constant value
and with the scale level.
4. Place students with stopwatches at each of the meter marks. When signaled, each timer
starts the stopwatch and the person pulling the cart/skateboard starts to run. Timers stop
their stopwatches when the cart/skateboard passes them.
5. Repeat 4 times, varying the force with rider #1 twice and using one of the forces applied
to rider #1 with two other riders of different masses (riders #2 and #3).
Data Table
Summing Up:
Jan Mader and Mary Winn © 2006 Posted Online for Comments
Diagram by Russel Davison, King High School, Tampa, FL 8/22/2006
1. Compare the amount of time it takes to travel 15 m for each of the forces applied to rider
# 1. How does varying the applied force relate to the change in velocity?
2. Compare the time it takes to travel each 5 m segment. What does this difference in time
4. Sketch a graph of applied force versus acceleration. What type of relationship does
this graph represent?
5. Compare the amount of time it takes to travel 15 m for each of the 3 riders pulled
with force #2. How does the acceleration of the object relate to mass of the object?
Jan Mader and Mary Winn © 2006 Posted Online for Comments
Diagram by Russel Davison, King High School, Tampa, FL 8/22/2006
6. Sketch a graph of mass versus acceleration. What type of relationship does this graph
8. Ask the person pulling the cart/skateboard and the person riding the cart/skateboard to
describe the physical sensations they had as the distance and applied forces increased.
Jan Mader and Mary Winn © 2006 Posted Online for Comments
Diagram by Russel Davison, King High School, Tampa, FL 8/22/2006
This activity is of high interest and requires approximately one class period for data collection.
To insure safety have students sit on the skateboards or scooter cars or if they are using roller
skates or blades have another student jog along beside them as a catcher to reduce the possibility
of falls. If you do not have large spring scales you may use a parallel combination of smaller
scales or calibrate a bungy cord on a meter stick by applying a force and measuring the stretch in
cm of the cord.
An understanding that a nonzero net force produces an acceleration that is related to the mass is
the goal of this activity. Prior to the lab readdress the differences between velocity and
acceleration. A constant net force does not produce a constant velocity. Introduce that the unit of
the force is a Newton (N). 1 N = 1kgm/s2. An unbalanced force (N) causes a mass (kg) to
accelerate (m/s2).
Students should recognize that there is a force that opposes the motion of the cart and students,
friction. In this instance it is considered negative if the direction of the velocity is positive. If
directed to pull the cart and rider at a constant velocity, the force of friction can be measured
numerically. Have students pull students having different masses at a constant velocity to
develop the concept that the force of friction has a dependence on the weight of the object being
moved. Review the concept that weight is a downward force resulting from the acceleration of
gravity on a mass as in the Inertia Balls demonstration.
For this demonstration, the resolution of forces is demonstrated when two large strong
students pull on the ends of a rope and a small student pushes down in the middle of the
rope. The small student can easily deflect the rope in the perpendicular direction.
Resolution of forces into vector components can be shown several ways, but few
demonstrations involve the class as well as this one. The two strong students pull
opposite directions in the horizontal plane. Their forces cancel, as can be seen by the
lack of acceleration of the center of the rope.
A smaller student can apply a small force to push down on the rope, because there
are no opposing forces in the vertical direction. As the center of the rope gets closer to
the floor, some of the force from the stronger students is transferred to the vertical
direction, making it more difficult for the small student to push down on the rope.
Free body diagrams, explaining the force vectors involved should supplement this
Sometimes gloves are good for the stronger students, to prevent hand abrasion.
Adapted from: Hobbs, Winn, and Senior, AAPT PTRA Manual Role of Demonstrations in
Teaching Physics, ©1999 AAPT
Diagram by Russel Davison, King High School, Tampa, FL
The discussion should include questions about the relative strength of each student, and
how it is possible for the small student to succeed in pushing down on the rope with the
stronger students pulling as hard as possible.
Other ideas
A follow up discussion about getting a car out of the mud by tying a rope from the car to
a tree and pushing down on the rope is helpful.
Adapted from: Hobbs, Winn, and Senior, AAPT PTRA Manual Role of Demonstrations in
Teaching Physics, ©1999 AAPT
Diagram by Russel Davison, King High School, Tampa, FL
Materials: spring scales, string, rope (at least 5 meters), dynamics carts, skateboards, or
roller skates or roller blades, meter sticks/rulers
Procedure A:
1. Place two spring scales that have been zeroed on the lab table and connect them
with a 50 cm string.
2. For trial #1 one student pulls with a given force and his/her lab partner is to
hold his/her scale without pulling. Record the readings on both scales.
3. For trial # 2 reverse the rolls of trial # 1. Record the readings on both scales.
4. For trial # 3 each student applies the same force. Predict what the scales will
read. Record forces applied, predictions, and actual readings.
5. For trial # 4 one student pulls with a given force and the lab partner pulls with
twice that force. Predict what the scales will read.
6. Place a third scale between the other two. Repeat the procedure from above.
Predict what the middle scale will read. Record the results.
1. Place two students on roller blades/skates or dynamics carts and have them
stretch a rope tautly between them.
2. For trial # 1 one student pulls on the rope while the other holds on to the rope.
Predict where the students will meet. Then do the activity and record the actual
meeting location.
3. For trial # 2 have the students switch rolls. Predict where the students will
meet. Then do the activity and record the actual meeting location.
4. For trial # 3 have both students pull. Predict where the students will meet. Then
do the activity and record the actual meeting location.
Summing Up:
1. Is it possible for the spring to pull harder on the string than the string pulls on the
2. What conclusion can be made about the forces applied from both ends of the
spring- string arrangement or about the forces applied by the students?
4. Look up Newton’s Third Law of Motion in the text and restate it based on lab
5. If both persons move in a tug of war, what does that imply about the forces applied?
6. From Newton’s Second Law (Fnet = ma) one knows that an object accelerates in the
direction of the net force. What does this statement mean with regard to the motion
of both persons on roller skates/ blades or dynamics carts?
It is very useful to set up the demonstration shown below so that students can see how it
applies to the lab. Before they do the lab, keep the spring scale covered so that they cannot
read the value. During the discussion after the lab, ask them what they feel the scale will
read and then uncover it. This type of question often occurs on standardized tests – they
need to SEE it to really understand it.
Summing Up:
1. Is it possible for the spring to pull harder on the string than the string pulls on the
Ans: No
2. What conclusions can be made about the forces applied from both ends of the
spring- string arrangement or about the forces applied by the students?
Ans: The forces are equal an opposite
3. In a tug of war, who wins and why?
Ans: The person who wins is the person who is not pulled forward. He/she pushes
harder on the ground than the other person pushes on the ground. The ground
pushes back with an equal force. The net force on the winner is zero. The loser has
a net force on him/her, which moves him/her toward the center.
4. Look up Newton’s Third Law of Motion in the text and restate it based on lab
Ans: Answers will vary, but most will make reference to equal and opposite forces.
5. If both persons move in a tug of war, what does that imply about the forces applied?
Ans: Each person has a net force due to the combination of the forward force of the
rope and the backward push of the person’s feet on the ground. Neither person is
able to push hard enough to resist the tug – perhaps low friction, or both people on
rolling carts.
6. From Newton’s Second Law (Fnet = ma) one knows that an object accelerates in the
direction of the net force. What does this statement mean with regard to the motion
of both persons on roller skates/ blades or dynamics carts?
Ans:Each person has a net force which results in acceleration toward the center.