Reviewer 2

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1. The essay test allows students to organize ideas in accordance with their judgment about a certain
topic. Options A, B and D are wrong because it needs an answer that requires no further explanation.

2. The z score for the subject Science is 3.67, while the z score of Mathematics is 2, z score of Filipino is -
0.42. Using the concept of z score, the greater the value of z score, the better the performance of a of a
certain student is.

3. Because the z score is -0.42.

4. The CV of Science is 6.12%. The smaller the value of CV, the closer the scores are. CV of Mathematics
is 9.38% and CV of Filipino is 12.63%

5. The CV of Filipino is 12.63%. The larger the values of CV, the scores are widespread, scattered or

6. It pertains to the score he obtained in the test.

7. Negative discrimination means that more students from the lower group got an item correctly.

8. A criterion-referenced test describes the student’s mastery of the objectives.

9. The first step in planning an achievement test is to formulate the instructional objectives.

10. Mean is one of the types of measure of central tendency. The other measures of central tendency
are the median and mode.

11. Positively skewed distribution means most of the students got low scores.

12. Quarter 3 is equivalent to 75th percentile.

13. One of the characteristics of normal distribution is that the mean, median and mode are equal.

14. A negatively skewed distribution means that students perform well in the said examination or the
scores of the students concentrated on the right part of the curve.

15. A negatively skewed distribution describes a good performance of the students. The students
performed well because most of the examinees got scores above the mean.

16. Used the formula T score = 10z + 50 and solve for z by substitution. The value of z = 2, which means
that the distance from the mean, is twice the standard deviation.

17. All are good classroom management except for B. Policies and rules should be applied with

18. Among the options, C is the only “low profile” way of classroom management.

19. Classroom management teaches the students to develop self-control rather that dependence on
others to control their behavior.

20. “In Loco Parentis” or “instead of parent” refers to the legal responsibility of a teacher to take on
some of the functions and responsibilities of a parent

21. With-it-ness happens when teachers are perceived by students with “eyes at the back of the head”.
It means that the teacher is aware of all the things happening in the classroom.

22. The easiest and simplest would oftentimes yield the best way to manage off task behavior. Teacher
need not to over-react to off task behavior, if it can be managed by a simple eye contact then that would
be the best thing to do.

23. Referent power of teacher means that she accept the students the way they are. This is the opposite
of the traditional idea that teacher lives in “ivory tower”.

24. Probing questions allow the teacher to dig deeper and find out more about the idea presented by a

25. Quiet member should also be encouraged to share and participate. Teachers should motivate these
kinds of students by asking questions that can be answered by a simple “nod” or “yes/no” questions.

26. Teachers should provide activities for whole-brain thinking and not just one particular learning

27. Teachers should avoid being judgmental in conducting brainstorming since this will not allow the
students to freely express themselves.

28. When students are able to critically evaluate a certain lesson then it is considered the highest in
Bloom’s Cognitive Taxonomy (Knowledge, Comprehension, Application, Analysis, Synthesis Evaluation)

29. Time line would be the most appropriate to use since this will graphically present the Philippine
literature in a chronological form.

30. Teachers should not humiliate students.

31. The ultimate test of good classroom management is if this can be applied in their daily lives.

32. Sequence Chain is the most appropriate graphic organize among the 4 options.

33. Critiquing session allows the evaluation of member’s by the group and it encourages the giving of
constructive comments on how to improve the work.

34. Coherence is shown when all the parts are connected and related

35. First and foremost, the instructional aid should be suited to the objective of the lesson.

36. Organizational chart this is a diagram that shows the different positions in the organization and the
flow of communication.

37. Teaching is always considered a “Vocation” or task entrusted by the world.


38. Cleaning the garden is not part of the job description for a teacher. It is for the maintenance

39. Paulo Freire. The “banking concept of education” viewed students as an empty account that needs
to be filled by the teacher. Paulo Freire seriously attacked this concept.

40. No, there is gender equality in education. The situation is common to those who do not believe in
gender equality. Education is for all. Everyone is entitled to have it.

41. Practical and Theoretical aspect. A balance between the theoretical and practical aspects according
to Aristotle, must be given emphasis in the subjects being taught.

42. He chaired the report on Learning the Treasure Within.

43. Practice of inclusive education. This is one of the main facets of EFA or education for all, to make
education accessible to all.

44. 1987 Constitution. It mandates that the government shall establish, maintain and support a
complete, adequate and integrated system of education.

45. CHED is responsible for identifying Centers of Excellence or CENTEX

46. A range of skills is necessary for learning to live together. It includes the skills for self-control,
handling emotions, communication, and critical thinking, among others.

47. Child-Friendly School System (CFSS), which is initiated by the Philippine Government and UNICEF
mandates that education should be gender-sensitive and not discriminating, child-centered, and
promotes good health. Love of country is not mentioned in the CFSS.

48. Gender bias is a person’s preference toward a particular gender. This is not a good attribute of a

49. All situations depict that politics influences educational institution as agents of change.

50. Multicultural education promotes equality among students from various beliefs and backgrounds.

51. Taught is the innate goodness in man is an indication of his being obedient. He follows because he
wants to learn. Motivation, reward and respect are just manifestations of learning.

52. Behaviorism asserts that human beings are shaped entirely by their external environment.
Furthermore, an autonomous acting man is an illusion since the faculty of freewill under behaviorism is

53. All of the above. The curriculum should aim to develop not only the cognitive (mental skills,
acquisition of knowledge and information) but also the emotional (discipline, positive outlook in life,
control of emotions and the like) and social (sense of belongingness, dealing with others as well as one’s
responsibility to self, others and society, etc.) aspects of the students.

54. Always do good and avoid evil. Ethics/Morality can be summed up in doing what is right (especially if
this is for the common good) and avoid what is evil In this case, Teacher Jon has responsibility not only
to identify this social issue but also to be involved and be a part of the solution of this social issue.

55. Utilitarianism refers to actions that are geared toward the total amount of happiness that one can

56. The Code of Ethics for Professional Teachers covers all public and private school teachers in all
educational institutions at the preschool, primary, elementary, and secondary levels whether academic,
vocational, special, technical, or non-formal. The term “teacher” shall include industrial arts or
vocational teachers and all other persons performing supervisory and/or administrative functions in all
school at the aforesaid levels, whether on full time or part-time basis Tertiary

57. All school officials shall at all times show professional courtesy, helpfulness and sympathy towards
teachers and other personnel, such practices being standards of effective school supervision, dignified
administration, responsible leadership and enlightened directions.

58. School officials shall encourage and attend the professional growth of all teachers under them such
as recommending them for promotion, giving them due recognition for meritorious performance, and
allowing them to participate in conferences in training programs.

59. Every teacher shall provide leadership and initiative to actively participate in community movements
for moral, social, educational, economic and civic betterment. The teacher should also be approachable
and amiable at all times.

60. Teacher as a role model not only in the school but even in the community should be sociable,
objective in her goals especially in taking part of the social issues and in addressing it. By all time, he/she
should be a person of credibility and integrity who should stand up for what she believes in as long as it
is for the common good.

61. When the scores are concentrated at the left part of the curve, it is called positively skewed.

62. The area of -1SD to +SD of a normal curve distribution is 68.26%. That is, from -1SD to mean is
34.13% and from mean to +1SD is also 34.13%. Thus, the sum is 68.26%.

63. 86 is the middle most score in the distribution, which is the median value.

64. An item is very difficult when the difficulty index range to -0.20.

65. The discrimination index is negative, which means that more students from the lower group
answered the item correctly.

66. The smaller the value of the standard deviation, the scores are concentrated or closer from the
mean value.

67. A normal curve distribution is a kind of distribution where scores are normally distributed below and
above the mean value.

68. Multimodal is a score distribution that consists of more than two modes.

69. Median is the most appropriate measure of central tendency to use when the distribution is skewed.

70. The score of Ace is within the above average scale.

71. The graphical representation of the scores where most of the scores above the mean is negatively

72. A positively skewed distribution implies that the mean is greater than the median.

73. TOS means Table of Specifications

74. A percentile rank of 98 means that 98% of the examinees got a score below the score of Ritz Glenn.
Hence, Ritz Glenn performed better than 98% of her fellow examinees.

75. The range of set A is 14 while the range of B is 16. It can be said that the larger the value of the
range, the more spread out the scores in a distribution.

76. Existentialism is defined as the philosophy of subjectively of self-hood whose fundamental doctrine
proclaims man’s freedom in the accomplishment of his destiny

77. Reconstructivism covers the underlying factors that constitute reality or society. In this regard,
students are encourage to become involved in the problems whether political, social or economical that
confront the society and be able to arrive at solutions in order to reconstruct society.

78. Perennialism maintains that education involves confronting the problems and questions that have
challenged people over the centuries. Thus there is a need to study classical tradition of great books.

79. Progressivism connotes growth, change and development. It is an active from of philosophy for it
continues to evolve.

80. A teacher shall maintain at all times a dignified personality which could serve as a model worthy of
emulation by learners, peers and all others.

81.– Promoting product made in the country manifests ones love for the country. This promotes
patriotism as well as nationalism.

82. Teachers are not punishers but counselors. Hence, no corporal punishments should be inflicted to
the students. Furthermore, the law mandates that no teacher should inflict corporal punishment to the

83. Idealism in this situation, Teacher Jenny inspires students through the values that she possessed.
Values are absolute and are told to belong in realm of ideas. Hence, these are considered as ideas that
exist only in the mind.

84. Humanism Stresses personal culture, individual freedom, and development (the best way towards
full and rich lives).

85. Existentialism is a philosophy that gives a person the freedom to choose. It is a philosophy of

86. Perennialism views education as a recurring process based on eternal truths. Good education
involves a search for and understanding of truth which can all be found in the great works of civilization

87. Existentialism. Conceives philosophy as something that is felt by an individual because it is concrete
in itself or based on what is concrete. There is also personal involvement in this kind of philosophy

88. Teacher Veena acts accordingly that is to socialize during the party. Part of this is the social drinking.
What will be wrong is if Teacher Veena drinks too much and get drank.

89. Mrs. San Pedro can accept the offer since nothing is wrong with the offer. The issue is in the
‘interest’ of the one offers. This can cause conflict of interest.

90. Essentialism is concern with the fundamental of education skill and knowledge without which a
person can’t be either individually or socially efficient. This includes the basic in education which include
the 4Rs (reading, writing, arithmetic and religion).

91. Given the options, “knowing how to solve a problem” best resonates the idea that how students
learn is more important than what they actually learned.

92. In consensus decision making, the teacher allows his students to arrive into one specific plan of
action through gathering the majority’s decision.

93. Task analysis model follows the order: facts, concepts, principles, generalization.

94. “An IPPD is a tool that serves as a guide for the professional’s continuous learning and development.
The IPPD is structured such that every professional regularly and individually prepares, implements,
monitors and updates the plan.” (DepEd IPPD Guide and Tools)

95. All of the above encourage children to develop proper reading habits.

96. IP Theory asserts that when learners treat information as personal and as part of his/her schema
then retrieving concepts contextually is a lot easier.

97. Guidance is another way of “scaffolding” according to Lev Vygotsky.

98. If teachers have a deep knowledge and understanding of content and pedagogical strategies, then
the better it is for students who are the end recipient of the process.

99. Portfolio creation is one of the best way to practice outcome-based education.

100. Shared values are synonymous with vision-core values

101. All stakeholders should practice TQSM.

102. Technical skill is a general term to address the competency needs of various industries.

103. Answer B. Highlighting uses colored writing instruments such as “Stabilo Highlighter” to emphasize
key points.

104. Peer review allow classmate to critique another classmate’s work.

105. Flexibility allow the students to show creativity. Creativity will not flourish in an
authoritarian/militaristic-style classroom.

106. Global education slows students to be more accepting/tolerant of other cultures.

107. Stakeholders are the key players of any system/organization/process

108. All options are John Dewey’s concept.

109. Quality educational system is adequate, complete and integrated.

110. Enriching environment is something that allows a highly diverse class to optimize their learning.

111. One of the characteristics of students with strong interpersonal intelligence is they want to involve
themselves in a classroom discussions and group activities.

112. The emphasis of assessment of learning is giving grades.

113. The students performed very well in Mathematics than in Physical Science and English based on the

114. The difficulty index is 1, which means that everybody got the item correctly. Hence, the test item is
very easy.

115. The mastery level of a score division of the 100-item test is 55%.

116. Since the SD of A = 1.7, SD of B=3.2, and the mean are equal. Hence, the scores in Set A are more
clustered around the mean than those in Set B. The smaller the value of SD, on the average, the scores
are closer to the mean.

117. i & iii. Course of study and syllabus are broader in content the course outline and learning tasks.

118. Essentialism. Perennialism- Teachers help students think with reason based on the Socratic
methods of oral exposition or recitation, explicit or deliberate teaching of traditional values;
Progressivism- Subjects are interdisciplinary, integrative, and interactive. Curriculum is focused on

students’ interest, human problems and affairs; Reconstructionism- Teachers as agents of change and
reform in various educational projects including research.

119. Equality of educational opportunities in education, access to global education]; Item A relates to
Perennialism; B to Essentialism; and C to Progressivism

120. Curriculum is child-centered. All of their views are on the child as the learner, and the bottom line is
that curriculum must foster learning.

121. 1, 2, 3, 4 & 5; All of the statements are Tyler’s view of what a curriculum is.

122. Behaviorist psychology. To the cognitive theorists, learning constitutes a logical method for
organizing and interpreting learning. To the humanistic psychologists, curriculum is concerned with the
process not the products; personal needs not subject matter; psychological meaning and environmental

123. Social foundation of curriculum. Philosophical foundations help in answering what schools are for,
what subjects are important, how students should learn and what materials and method should be
used. Psychological foundations helps in answering what schools are for, what subjects are important,
how students should learn and what materials and methods should be used. The historical
development shows different changes in the purposes, principles and content of the curriculum.

124. 1, 2, 3 & 4. A good curriculum possess all the above mentioned characteristics

125. Written Curriculum. Recommended Curriculum- proposed by scholars and professional

organization; Hidden Curriculum- The unintended curriculum which is not deliberately planned but may
modify behavior or influence learning outcomes; and Taught Curriculum – what teachers implement or
deliver in the classrooms or schools.

126. Objectives. Learning Experiences – What instructional strategies, resources and activities will be
employed; Content – What subject matter is to be included; and Evaluation approaches – What methods
and instruments will be used to assess the results of the curriculum.

127. Interest; Significance – Which content or subject matter will contribute to basic ideas, concepts,
principles, and generalization to achieve the overall aim of the curriculum, then it is significant.
Learnability – Subject matter in the curriculum should be within the range of the experiences of the
learners. Utility – Usefulness of the content or subject matter may be relative to the learner who is going
to use it.

128. a, b, & c. All of the above-mentioned considerations may be used in the selection of learning
content of a curriculum.

129. Learning Experiences. Aims, Goals and Objectives – They provide the bases for the selection of
learning content and learning experiences. They also set the criteria against which learning outcomes
will be evaluated. Subject matter/Content- It is a compendium of facts, concepts generalization,

principles and theories. It is to the individual’s personal and social world and how he or she defines
reality. Evaluation approaches – refer to the formal determination of the quality, effectiveness or value
of the program, process, and product of the curriculum.

130. Evaluation Approaches.

131. Statements II, III, IV are some of the guidelines in developing a matching type of test. Statement is a
violation of developing a matching type of test. In develop a matching type test, the descriptions and
options must be homogenous.

132. The extendedessay test is the most effective measure of higher order thinking skills of cognitive
learning objectives. The Essay test, whether restricted or extended, assess as the students’ ability to
organize and present their original ideas. The students are expected to demonstrate the ability to
organize and present his ideas in a logical way, integrate and express ideas. Conversely, the objective
test, achievement test or completion test demonstrate the ability to recall factual knowledge.

133. The statements A, B and C are characteristics an objective test. Objective tests normally measures
low-level thinking skills, such as knowledge, comprehension, and application.

134. Maverick is a logical type of learner because the z = 1.71.

135. The most important and the most stable measures of variation is standard deviation. It is the
average of all the scores that deviate from the mean value.

136. [YES, because they are human invention and/or discoveries that satisfy educational needs and
desire like learning]; Inventions and discoveries such as devices, tools, equipment, activities, procedures
and processes satisfy educational needs and facilitate learning.

137. [Technology integration]; B – Educational media are channels or avenues or instruments of

communication like books, magazines, television, internet, etc.; C – Instructional Technology – are
concerned with instruction as contrasted to designs and operations of educational institutions.

138. [No, they differ in terms of degree and application to education]; Technology in Education refers to
the application of technology in the operation of education institutions; Instructional technology is a
systematic way of designing, carrying out, and evaluating the total process of learning and teaching in
terms of specific objectives”; and Technology Integration means using learning technologies to
introduce, reinforce, supplement and extend skills.

139. [1, 2 & 3]; All of them because educational technology includes the entire process of setting of
goals, the continuous reforms of curriculum, the tryout of new methods and materials, the evaluation of
the system as an integrated whole and resetting of goals on the basis of the findings of evaluation and

140.. [‘techne’]; The Greek word ‘techne’ means craft or art. Technique has the same origin with ‘tehne’.
Hence, it may be used to refer educational technology as techniques of the educator.

141. [1, 2, 3, & 4]; Integrating technology in the instructional process must be geared towards all of the
statements in item 6.

142. [The constructivist]; Constructivists perceive educational technology as a partner in the learning
process, for it makes the learner gather, think, analyze, synthesize information and construct meaning
with what technology presents.

143. [Computer-mediated communication (CMC)]; CMC involves teacher/tutor facilitation and requires
scenarization of flexible learning activities; CBT/CBL usually means individualized (self-study) learning;
CAI – Instructional techniques that vary both instruction and time according to learner requirements.

144. [The planning of the lesson]; The planning of the lesson is just a part of the process of instruction.
The Phases of the systematic approach to teaching may be reduced to three, such as; formulation of
instructional objectives; the process of instruction itself; and the assessment of learning, which will once
more lead to the formation of instructional objectives.

145. [1, 2, & 3]; Activities and technology for instruction must be appropriate to the lesson objectives,
the learners, and the nature of the lesson content.

146. [1]; Incorporating technology in the classroom enhances student motivation.

147. [1, 2 & 3]; all the above are implications of the Cone of Experience, which stated that learning is
from the concrete to the abstract, from the abstract to the concrete and from the abstract to the
concrete again. Thus it becomes a cycle.

148. [It serves as a presenter of knowledge just like teachers]; A, C, & D- They are the constructivists
view of the role of educational technology in learning.

149. [Constructivism]; Cognitivism – explains brain-based learning; Behaviorism – focused on functional

analysis of verbal behavior where programmed instruction was based.

150. [Psychomotor experience]; Dale’s research led to the development of the Cone of Experience,
which also became the basis of “learning-by-doing-“ and/or recently known as “experiential learning” or
“action learning.”

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