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Edexcel IGCSE English Your notes

Language A: Paper 1: Non-fiction
Texts and Transactional Writing
Paper 1: Section B Writing
How to answer Paper 1 Section B (Writing)
Section B Skills: Transactional Writing
Section B Skills: SPaG
How to Write a Leaflet
Leaflet Model Answer
How to Write a Letter
Letter Model Answer
How to Write an Article
Article Model Answer
How to Write a Speech
Speech Model Answer
How to Write a Guide
Guide Model Answer
How to Write a Review
Review Model Answer

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How to answer Paper 1 Section B (Writing)

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Section B of Paper 1 consists of Questions 6 and 7. However, you are required to complete only one writing
task from the choice of two. You must indicate in your answer booklet whether you are completing
Question 6 or Question 7 by marking an X in the appropriate box.
The writing task carries half of the total marks available for this paper, so it is vital that you allow sufficient
time to plan and organise your response. There are two assessment objectives for writing:
AO4: Communicate effectively and imaginatively, adapting form, tone and register of writing for
specific purposes and audiences (27 marks)
AO5: Write clearly, using a range of vocabulary and sentence structures, with appropriate
paragraphing and accurate spelling, grammar and punctuation (18 marks)
The following guide includes:
Breaking down the question
Steps to success
Exam tips

Breaking down the question

The writing task is called “transactional” writing. This means non-fiction writing that intends to
communicate information between individuals or groups, in different forms and for different purposes. You
will be given a choice of two non-fiction writing tasks, such as writing an article, letter or speech, and you
are required to adapt your language, tone and structure to suit the intended form, audience and purpose.
To get the highest marks, you are expected to:
Communicate with subtlety, maturity and insightfulness
Keep your writing sharply focused on the purpose of the task and the intended audience
Use a high level of sophistication in your writing
Skillfully manipulate complex ideas
Use an extensive range of vocabulary
Punctuate your writing deliberately for emphasis
Use a range of sentence structures accurately in order to achieve particular effects
Before deciding which question you are going to answer, you should read each task carefully and highlight:
What you are being asked to write (the genre)

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Who you are being asked to write for (the audience)

Why you are being asked to write (the purpose) Your notes
You will also be given some bullet points which are designed to help you structure your response. For

Paper 1 Question 6 breakdown

As this task is worth 45 marks, it is advisable to allocate 45 minutes to it.

Steps to success
Following these steps will give you a strategy for answering this question effectively:
1. Read both tasks and highlight:
1. What you are being asked to write (the genre)
2. Who you are being asked to write for (the audience)
3. Why you are being asked to write (the purpose)

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4. The subject or topic of the piece of writing

2. Select whether you are going to answer Question 6 or Question 7
Your notes
3. Spend 5 minutes making a brief plan:
1. Note down relevant information, such as the headings or sub-headings you are going to use
2. Note down what your point or argument will be for each paragraph in your response
3. You should aim to write 2–3 sides of A4 (in average-sized handwriting)
4. Write your response, using the appropriate conventions of the genre:
1. This means, if you are writing a letter, make sure you start and end it appropriately
2. Ensure you make one clear argument or point per paragraph - you cannot be awarded marks for
making the same point twice
3. Ensure each argument or point is well-developed
5. Make sure you leave 5 minutes at the end to re-read your response to check for sense and obvious
Exam tips
Use the given form and audience for the task to inform your register (choice of language) and tone
Think carefully about how you can engage your reader right at the start and at the end of your writing:
This will help you to produce a structured and cohesive piece of writing
Allow time to proofread in order to achieve the highest possible degree of accuracy
Do not simply focus on using as many persuasive techniques as possible:
These should occur naturally as part of a well-constructed argument or piece of writing
Be specific and offer definite suggestions and advice
Do not spend too much time on layout:
For example, it is not necessary trying to write in columns for a leaflet

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Section B Skills: Transactional Writing

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Section B of Paper 1 will require you to complete one writing task out of a choice of two. The task will be a
non-fiction, transactional writing task in response to a statement. The format you should write in will be
given to you in the task, and the purpose of your writing will be to argue, persuade or explain something to
an intended audience. You will therefore need to carefully consider the language you use and how you
structure your writing to suit the form, audience and purpose given to you in the task.
In your response you must:
Adopt a convincing tone of voice
Use language techniques relevant to the purpose and style
Ensure you use the correct form of writing
The following guide will therefore cover:
Persuasive language techniques
Exam tips

This task will ask you to write in a particular form which will determine the layout, structure and context
of the writing (where it is used in real life)
The task will provide you with a statement which directs the topic and task:
It is best to construct the most effective argument you can
This does not have to reflect your actual opinion
You should consider where your writing would appear in a real-life context:
A magazine, for example, tends to be more informal than a newspaper article
A letter tends to be more formal and, normally in the exam, written to someone you do not know
The mark scheme rewards answers which consider how the conventions of form can be used to convey
A letter is more personal than a news article, which targets a large audience

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A speech is more interactive than a leaflet and will actively attempt to engage and persuade the
You may be asked to write in the form of: Your notes
A letter
An article
A leaflet
A speech
A guide
A review
Whichever form you are writing in, there are likely to be some elements which you will have to make up:
However, your writing still needs to be realistic and believable for the most convincing arguments
While your choice of register will largely be dictated by the task, the following guidelines are always helpful:

Type of Form, language and tone


Letter It’s important to use an appropriate greeting and sign off:

Remember, if you do not know the name of the person you are writing to, then
use “Yours faithfully”
If you do know the name of the person, then use “Yours sincerely”
The level of formality will be dependent on who you are writing to (your intended
Write in the first person (“I”, “my”, etc.)
There is no need to include an address or date

Article This format will normally be a magazine article

It could be written from a first-person (“I”, “my”, etc.) or from a third-person
The language and tone will be more formal, suitable for a printed publication
It’s good to write an interesting title or headline
You could also use sub-headings to organise arguments or ideas

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Leaflet This is similar to an article, but often focuses on providing information or advice
It should have a title and use sub-headings to guide the reader through the Your notes
You can also use bulleted or numbered points to organise steps or pieces of advice
However, do not attempt to divide your answer booklet into columns - this is not

Speech This type of writing may use more persuasive techniques

It will be written in the first person (“I”, “my”, etc.), but will address the audience
directly (“you”)
The language of a speech tends to be friendly and relatable - you need to keep the
audience engaged
Do not use sub-headings for a speech, and make sure you begin by greeting the

Guide This type of writing could again be considered an article, using a title and sub-
headings to help guide the reader
It will provide information, advice and recommendations
It may be humorous or serious, depending on the topic
However, it is not an advertisement, so do not go too heavy on the persuasive

Review This format will normally be written for publication

The language and tone will be more formal, suitable for a printed publication
Reviews are normally written in the first person, but in an impersonal way
This format will provide information, opinion and recommendations

Examiner Tips and Tricks

The most effective responses to this task will demonstrate a well-planned answer covering a range
of points written in the correct form. It is important not to forget to sign off your letter or give your

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article a headline. Make sure you have correctly identified the form required in the task, and avoid
writing letters to indiscriminate recipients, or writing speeches for unspecified events. Respond to
what the task is, rather than what you hoped it would be. Your notes

This task assesses the ability to use sophisticated language:
It is important, however, to consider your audience in terms of your ideas, language and overall
Remember, you are being assessed on your ability to adapt your language and tone to suit your
intended audience
For example:
A parent will have different concerns and values to a student
A local MP would need convincing using facts and evidence to support your arguments
Readers of a local newspaper would be more persuaded by emotive language
A letter to a headteacher or someone in authority requires formal, respectful language which is not
aggressive or inappropriate
Teenagers would need something to relate to, so personal anecdotes would work well
Addressing your audience or reader specifically is a convincing technique to persuade people to agree
with your point of view, or at least to acknowledge its validity
You can use inclusive language, such as “we” and “us”
You can also make your audience feel involved by using terms such as “fellow students” or “parents”
The judicious use of colloquial language is fine, depending on the topic, but avoid using slang or terms
not common to Standard English
Below are some examples of language that has been adapted to suit a target audience:

Target Language adaptation example


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Teenagers I’m sure we’ve all had our parents or guardians moan at us for how long we spend on our
gaming machines. However, gaming can help us develop important skills, such as
Your notes
teamwork, as well as being an awesome way of connecting with friends from all over the

The use of inclusive pronouns and colloquial language, such as “awesome”, demonstrates that this
example is aimed at teenagers or younger people

Adults Using animals for sports, such as fox-hunting, has been debated for many years, and it is
an issue which elicits strong emotions from both sides.

The use of more sophisticated vocabulary, such as “elicits”, as well as complex sentences, demonstrates
that this is aimed at adults reading about a serious topic

Older The purpose of wearable technology, such as smart-watches and fitness trackers, is to
people make staying connected as easy and hands-free as possible. In addition, wearable
technology can have important health benefits, as they can monitor your blood sugars,
heart rate, blood pressure and quality of sleep.

The simple explanations and examples show that this is written for people who might not know much
about wearable technology

Examiner Tips and Tricks

As part of your planning and preparation for this task, you should write a summary of your argument
in a single sentence. This should be included in your introductory paragraph, establishing your
position, and confirmed in the concluding paragraph. The highest marks are achieved when you are
able to establish a central argument and sustain this throughout your writing.

The question will ask you to write for a specific purpose. This means you are required to deliberately use
language to achieve that purpose and that you will be rewarded for the ability to select relevant language
techniques appropriate to this purpose. The question asks you to organise your writing in a way that
conveys your opinions and ideas convincingly. It will generally be necessary to use persuasive devices in
order to achieve the purpose of the task.
Generally, the purpose of the task will be one of the following:

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Explain your point of view

Argue your point of view or your opinion Your notes
Advise or guide

Purpose Devices and techniques to demonstrate you understand the

purpose of the task

Write to explain: Provide reasons for your ideas

Explain your point of view Offer examples and anecdotes:
Use imagery to describe experiences
Explain your attitude to…
Provide facts and statistics:
Explain your thoughts on…
In the exam you can use those provided in the reading
section, or make up credible research of your own
Use present-tense verbs:
Usually you are explaining about something that is
currently the case
Use either first or third person consistently
Use appropriate connectives:
Words like “moreover”, “furthermore”, “however” and
“on the other hand” provide cohesion and fluency

Write to argue: Write in the first person as you are putting forward your
thoughts and opinions
Argue your point of view about…
Use personal and inclusive pronouns:
Using words like “we” and “us” builds rapport between
you and your reader and makes them feel involved
Present your opinions as facts - as a truth that shouldn’t be
Be persuasive and passionate about your argument, but not
Readers do not respond well to an aggressive tone

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Use emotive language and rhetorical questions to persuade

your reader of the validity of your argument
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You can present both sides of an argument, but decide on
your position and maintain it throughout:
This means that you can start your counter-argument
with phrases such as “While I acknowledge that some
people might think…”
Then circle back to your original position

Write to persuade: Write in the first person as you are putting forward your
thoughts and opinions
Persuade the audience of your
point of view about… Use personal and inclusive pronouns:
Using words like “we” and “us” builds rapport between
you and your reader and makes them feel involved
Present your opinions as facts - as a truth that shouldn’t be
Be persuasive and passionate about your argument, but not
Readers do not respond well to an aggressive tone
Use emotive language and rhetorical questions to persuade
your reader of the validity of your argument
Use imperatives to call your audience to action
Use rhetorical techniques such as a triplet to convince the
reader of your argument
Decide on your position or opinion and stick to it throughout
Avoid sounding like an advertisement

Write to guide or advise: Use the passive voice and a more detached tone - you are
not writing an advert
Write a guide to a great day out
for all of the family Use imperative verbs and bullet points for tips, e.g.,
“exercise”, “eat”, “sleep”
Write an article to advise
teenagers about how to Use modal verbs, e.g., “may”, “should”, “could”
manage exam stress
Employ facts and statistics

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Address your audience directly by using personal pronouns

such as “you”
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Persuasive language techniques

Persuasive language techniques, or rhetorical devices, are the linguistic devices that make your language
more persuasive and convincing.
There are lots of techniques you can use, so it is important to utilise them in a sophisticated and integrated
way in order to add impact to your argument. For example, political speech writers use lots of rhetorical
devices to convince their listeners that the speaker is correct and should be agreed with. It is, however,
important to remember that you are not trying to sell something; instead, you are trying to convince your
readers to accept your views or ideas.
For example, if the task requires you to argue, it is important to remember to:
Employ an assured and confident tone of voice without being rude or aggressive:
Using inclusive pronouns builds rapport and sounds less aggrieved, such as “we” and “us”
Convince your reader or listener by constructing a balanced argument using both facts and opinions
Acknowledge a counter-argument:
This means you predict your reader’s possible reasons for disagreeing and offer an argument
against them
Consider your audience carefully to understand where their values and concerns may lie
When planning your answer to your Section B task, it is vital to spend time thinking about your brief (your
task), just as a journalist would do. The information given in the question is a bit like a journalist’s brief: it will
give you instructions, such as whether to write in a formal or informal style.
The following can be useful to think about in your planning:
Consider what your readers’ opinions may be on the subject
Think about how you will use persuasive techniques to offer a convincing argument
Consider whose perspective you will write from and how you can build rapport with your reader or
It may be more effective to write from an adult’s perspective if your intended audience is made up
of adults
Plan the tone of voice you wish to adopt:
Use sophisticated vocabulary and avoid slang

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Use modal verbs to construct a tone:

Words like “must” are more aggressive than “could”, or “should” Your notes
Vary your punctuation and sentence lengths to avoid a monotonous voice
The acronym DAN FOREST PIE can be useful to help you remember some of the key devices, but there are
many other techniques you can employ for effect:

Device Definition Example

Direct address Addressing your audience directly When it comes to the issue of animal cruelty,
to build rapport you cannot stand back and not take a stand.
This is your fight as well.

Audience Acknowledging the whole of your Parents, you must surely agree that banning
audience in your writing mobile phones in classrooms will improve
concentration and enable your children to
make better progress in their studies.

Not only, but Used as part of your sentence to Not only does this issue affect local
also add to an argument communities, but also it has wider
implications for the whole of the country.

Facts Something that can be proven to be London Zoo is the oldest zoo in the UK.

Opinions What you believe or think, often In my view, banning fox hunting with hounds is
presented as fact the best thing to have happened for a long

Rhetorical A question which does not require Is it right that reality TV stars are paid vast
questions an answer amounts of money while not actually having
any skills?

Emotive Language deliberately chosen to The horribly cruel, brutal and violent manner in
language make the audience or reader feel a which hunting hounds murder a fox when
particular emotion or have an caught, ripping them apart, is completely
emotional response wrong.

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Statistics Factual data used in a persuasive Eighty percent of commuters agree that rail
way fares currently do not represent good value
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for money.

Triplets Three ideas or examples in a Nutritious, delicious and environmentally

sentence used to emphasise a conscious, plant-based eating is the only way
point to reduce our impact on the environment.

Personal and “I”, “you”, “we”, “us” We must act now on climate change, as it
inclusive matters not only to us, but to our children and
pronouns children’s children.

Imperatives Command verbs Act now, as further delay could be


Exaggeration Also known as hyperbole - If we do nothing, we will regret our inaction for
exaggerated language or examples the rest of eternity.
used for effect

You could also consider using:

Flattery Complimenting your readers or audience As well-educated and intelligent

people, you will agree that this
situation must not continue.

Alliteration Two or more words that begin with the same Is fast food making us fatter, or is this
consonant sounds - the words do not have to idea just a fad?
be consecutive

Antithesis Opposing words or ideas presented together Just a small act of defiance could have
to show a contrast a huge effect.

Double Starting your sentence with two adjectives Smart and exciting, new wearable
adjectives technology is the latest craze.

However, using too much of any one technique can actually weaken your argument, so make sure you are
using persuasive devices judiciously. As you read the short example below, consider which persuasive
techniques have been used and how they contribute to the writer’s arguments:

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Task: “Some people believe it is preferable to holiday at home rather than travel abroad on holiday.
Travelling abroad is expensive, damaging to the environment and takes away important income from
Your notes
local tourism businesses.”
Write a letter to a newspaper giving your views on this topic.

Dear Editor,

I am writing in response to the opinion recently expressed in your newspaper that holidaying at home is
preferable to holidaying abroad. I am the first person to express a love for my country, as we have
amazing countryside and some beautiful beaches. However, I simply cannot agree with the idea that
holidays abroad should be avoided. Surely this takes away one’s right to choose how to spend their free
time and money?

While I am very mindful of the environmental impact of air travel, this must be utterly negligible
compared to the hundreds of coal-based power stations around the world that pump millions of tonnes
of toxic waste into our atmosphere every year. Let me make it clear to every one of your readers: I am
passionate about the natural world and I am not one of those people who claim that global warming is a
myth. I recycle. I never drop litter. I have solar panels on my roof at home. But these measures are still a
drop in the ocean compared to the collective impact of humanity on the health of our planet. I hardly
think that one family spending their hard-earned money on a flight to Spain and back once a year is the
biggest contribution to climate change, do you? So you can keep your wet weekends in Weston-Super-
Mare; I’d rather be sipping cocktails on a beach in Greece, as I am sure would 90% of your readers!

Exam tips
Plan your response:
Alternating facts and opinions throughout your writing will be more effective than producing a
purely emotional response
One way to do this is to consider how your paragraphs will use persuasive techniques to convey
your points in a more developed and convincing way
Focus on the effects of your choices:
Using too much hyperbole and emotive language will weaken your argument
Rhetorical questions which are not answered with facts or an anecdote will lose their impact
Statistics can be made up for the purposes of the exam, but keep them credible and believable
Avoid placing all your facts in one paragraph:

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Plan how you can convey facts across your writing using:
Polls and studies Your notes
Expert quotes or witness statements
Remember to use anecdotes and personal examples or stories to bring your ideas alive:
The examples do not have to be based on your real experiences
Being humble and showing your reader you are not perfect is a great way to build rapport
Using emotive language is effective as long as it is not overused:
Emotive language can highlight your attitude and present your ideas passionately, but it should not
take the place of facts

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Section B Skills: SPaG

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The writing task in Section B awards up to 18 marks for your ability to write clearly, using a range of
vocabulary and sentence structures, with appropriate paragraphing and accurate spelling, grammar and
One of the key things the examiners are looking for is a range of different sentence forms in your writing,
which will naturally lead to a greater range of punctuation which the examiners can reward. However,
getting the basics right and consistency are key. Leaving five minutes to proofread your work when you
have finished writing is therefore really important, as it is easy to make silly mistakes under the pressure of
an exam.
The following guide contains sections on:
Sentence demarcation
Range of punctuation
Range of sentence forms
Standard English and secure grammar
Accurate spelling and ambitious vocabulary

Sentence demarcation
Sentence demarcation means that you have started your sentences with a capital letter and ended them
correctly, using either a full-stop, question mark or exclamation mark. This sounds simple enough, but
comma-splicing and run-on sentences are some of the most common errors made in terms of technical
accuracy in the exam, so it is important to review that you know exactly when a sentence finishes and how to
indicate that it has finished.
Sentences end with three types of punctuation:
A full stop (for a statement)
A question mark (for a direct question)
An exclamation mark (to indicate surprise, shock, anger or happiness)
All sentences must begin with a capital letter.
Have a look at the example below. Sentence demarcation is absent, so consider how much harder it is to
make sense of what has been written:

Whether or not you think smartphones are a good thing, the fact of life in today’s society is that the
mobile phone is no longer just a phone in fact they are our lives we network, socialise, gossip and get
information from them, we have our bus passes, train tickets, bank cards, timetables and reminders on
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them we can even do our college work on them what we use them for is constantly changing and
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Now compare the example above with the example below, which uses the correct sentence demarcations:

Whether or not you think smartphones are a good thing, the fact of life in today’s society is that the
mobile phone is no longer just a phone. In fact, they are our lives. We network, socialise, gossip and get
information from them. We have our bus passes, train tickets, bank cards, timetables and reminders on
them. We can even do our college work on them. What we use them for is constantly changing and

The more sophisticated and complex your sentences, the more important accurate sentence demarcation
is. Varying the length of your sentences will create a more dynamic rhythm to your writing.

Examiner Tips and Tricks

Section B requires you to use accurate sentence demarcation and grammar first of all, so ensure you
are careful to use basic end-of-sentence punctuation correctly. A common error is the use of
commas instead of full-stops. This is called comma-splicing and should be avoided. A comma
represents a pause within a sentence, or a separation between two parts of a sentence, not a break
at the end of a sentence.

Range of punctuation
For the highest marks, you need to use a wide range of punctuation accurately and purposefully to achieve
specific effects. This means that you make conscious choices about the type of punctuation you are using
in your writing, and why you are using it. However, it is worth remembering that using apostrophes, semi-
colons and colons accurately just a few times is preferable to using them indiscriminately and incorrectly.
The bottom tier of the following punctuation pyramid below shows the range of punctuation you should be
aiming to use:

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Students often find it difficult to know when to use colons and semi-colons correctly, so we have included
a brief explanation of both below:
Colons can introduce lists, quotes or long explanations. They can be used in an article, for example, to
introduce a list of tips if you are giving advice. They can also be used before a direct quote (one you may
have made up from an “expert”).
For example:
The media officer for London Zoo advised: “We take the protection and welfare of our animals extremely
seriously. Any reported concerns regarding the health of our animals would be acted upon immediately.”
Semi-colons can be used to connect two related sentences instead of a full stop or a conjunction. They are
therefore a good way of adding variety to your writing.
For example:
Most celebrities in today’s culture do very little except promote themselves tirelessly; they do no actual
work and rely on social media to do the work for them.
They can also be used instead of commas when separating items in a very long or wordy list.

Range of sentence forms

Here, the mark scheme states “for effect”, which means that you have to deliberately consider how your
sentence structure and form create a tone of voice. For example, short sentences can indicate tension or

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urgency, especially if they are written in the imperative form. Long, complex sentences can sound quite
formal, but too many of them can be monotonous and difficult to read.
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Some of the ways you can vary your sentences include:

Type of Explanation

Sentence This means varying how you start your sentences, avoiding starting each one with personal
openers pronouns (“I”) or with the same word

Instead, you could start your sentences with:

An adverb, e.g., “Suddenly”, “Quietly”
A preposition, e.g., “In the distance”, “Over the hill”
A verb, e.g., “Having had many years of experience in this field, I…”
A double adjective, e.g., “Strong and powerful,...”
A connective, e.g., “Furthermore”, “Additionally”

Sentence Try to vary the length of your sentences, as too many long sentences can overshadow your
length arguments, whereas too many short sentences sounds simple or makes your arguments

In general, if your paragraph consists of only one or two long sentences, you need to
revisit it to consider how easy it is for your reader to identify your main points and the
purpose of the paragraph

Alternating between sentence lengths allows writers to use sentences strategically,

emphasising important points through short sentences and providing detail with longer

For example:
The oil company reported that their profits had risen by more than 10% over the period of
half a year. This information shocked the public. How, in a period of financial difficulty for
the entire nation, could a single company justify raising prices and lining their pockets
while ordinary people suffered?

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Sentence There are four main types of sentences:

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Simple: a simple sentence is a single clause with no conjunction or dependent clause

Compound: a compound sentence is two independent clauses joined by a conjunction

(“and”, “because”, “but”, “so”)

Complex: a complex sentence contains one main clause and at least one dependent
clause (which relies on the main clause for meaning)

Compound-complex: a compound-complex sentence contains multiple independent

clauses and at least one dependent clause

Understanding sentence type will help you avoid repetition and monotony in your writing

Standard English and secure grammar

Standard English is accepted as the “correct” form of English, used in formal writing. It follows grammatical
rules such as subject-verb agreement and the correct use of verb tenses. Non-standard English often
contains slang and is used in more informal situations. This does not mean that you cannot use colloquial
language in your writing, especially in an article or speech, but this will be determined by the task and topic.
It is worth noting that mistakes with sentence agreement (subject-verb agreement) and the inconsistent
use of tense are frequently flagged by examiners as being an issue in exams. Therefore, it is important that
Use plurals correctly
Maintain a consistent use of tense
If you are writing in the past tense, ensure that this is consistent throughout your writing
If you do change from past to present tense, it should be done purposefully and for effect
Ensure you are using apostrophes correctly, especially to show possession

Accurate spelling and ambitious vocabulary

You are rewarded for the use of ambitious vocabulary. However, your use of ambitious vocabulary should
be appropriate and precise; do not use a more sophisticated word just because you think it “sounds”
better if you are not 100 percent sure of its meaning.
You are also awarded for your ability to spell complex words correctly. This should not dissuade you from
attempting to use more sophisticated vocabulary even if you are unsure of the spelling, as you will still be
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rewarded for attempting them.

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Examiner Tips and Tricks

Remember, Section B rewards you for using punctuation and grammar deliberately for effect. The
best answers use a variety of sentence structures and technical accuracy features, which have been
skilfully used to construct a tone of voice relevant to the task.

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How to Write a Leaflet

Your notes
Question 6 or 7 will ask you to write for a specific purpose and in a specific format. It is important to use the
correct conventions of the format and directly focus your writing to its purpose, as the mark scheme
rewards adapting tone, style and register for different forms, purposes and audiences.
This means:
The tone (the sound of the writer’s “voice”) is appropriate and convincing
The register (vocabulary and phrasing) is appropriately formal or informal, and suitable for the purpose
The style of the writing (sentence structure and overall structure) is dynamic and effective
The following guide will detail how to structure your response in the style of a leaflet. It is divided into:
Key features of an leaflet
Leaflet structure

Key features of a leaflet

Being given a leaflet as one of the options for Section B is quite common for the Edexcel IGCSE exam. It is
important to note that the Edexcel mark scheme makes clear that, while you should use some stylistic
conventions of a leaflet, such as a heading or sub-headings, you should not include features of layout like
pictures or columns. You are being asked to write the text of the leaflet.
The purpose of a leaflet is normally to inform and advise, as you are normally asked to communicate ideas
and advice clearly. You should therefore focus on organising and structuring your response in a clear and
logical way. Some of the key features of a leaflet include:


In a leaflet you should:

Use a clear, informative heading:
This could be in the form of a rhetorical question in order to engage your reader
For example: “How do I help my teenager manage their exam stress?”
Include a brief, introductory paragraph, setting out the issue:
You could include a made up quote from an “expert” to add reliability to your introduction
Use clear sub-headings to guide your reader through the leaflet:
Use the bullet points in the task to help with this

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Address your audience directly throughout:

Make it clear to the examiner that you have understood who your intended audience is Your notes
Be light-hearted and entertaining, formal and serious, or provide advice and tips, depending on the
task set
Use topic sentences to begin each paragraph, and then develop that point appropriately and in
Each paragraph should make sense on its own - do not repeat points or advice you have already
Avoid beginning your leaflet with “I’m writing this because..” or “In this leaflet I shall be discussing…”
Be economical with your use of bullet points:
Only use them occasionally in order to summarise or provide top tips

Because a leaflet is intended for publication, it is important to use Standard English and to vary your
sentence and paragraph lengths to keep your audience engaged.

Leaflet structure
As this is a longer writing question, you should allocate 45 minutes to complete it. Spend about 5 minutes
planning your answer, 35 minutes writing and 5 minutes at the end to re-read to check for any obvious
To plan a range of points, you can:
Mind-map or write a list of points and techniques to use:
It can also be helpful to number your ideas to structure your answer in a specific order
It is important to use the bullet points given to you in the task to structure your response
Your leaflet should start with a brief introduction
Your leaflet should then be divided into 3–4 sub-headings:
Develop separate ideas or points in each paragraph under each sub-heading
Ensure you have developed each point or idea thoroughly before moving on
Finish with a concluding paragraph:
This could indicate where your reader could find further information, advice or guidance
Below is an example of how you might structure a leaflet about bullying, aimed at school students:

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1. Start with an informative heading: “Coping with bullying at school”

2. Write a brief introduction: Your notes
1. This is your opportunity to engage the reader, so use inclusive language and some facts
2. For example: “Many of us will sadly have experienced bullying in one form or another while at
3. Use the bullet points given to you in the task to structure your leaflet:
1. These can become your sub-headings
2. For example: “Different forms of bullying”, “Combating bullying behaviour”, “Bullying case study”
4. Provide information, facts and statistics to develop each point under each sub-heading
5. Use specific examples or a personal anecdote (depending on the subject-matter)
6. Finish with a conclusion indicating where the reader could go for further support and advice
Rеmеmbеr that to produce an effective response, you should aim to develop your points carefully in each
paragraph, using language features and techniques to highlight ideas and emphasise your points.
You can find a full worked example on our Leaflet Model Answer page.

Examiner Tips and Tricks

While writing in the correct form as instructed is important in this question, you only need to adhere
to the basic conventions of a leaflet. Drawing columns or spending too much time thinking up the
perfect headline wastes valuable time and will not improve your mark. Remember, you are being
asked to write the text of a leaflet in an exam situation, not produce an actual leaflet for distribution.

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Leaflet Model Answer

Your notes
Remember, in Section B you will be given a choice of two questions, and each question will give you the
option of writing in one of the following forms (genres):
A letter
A leaflet
A review
A speech
A guide
An article
You only need to complete one task from the choice of two. Remember to put a cross in the box to indicate
whether you have chosen Question 6 or Question 7 in your answer booklet. Any two of the six genres could
come up in the exam so it’s a good idea to be prepared for any of them.
The following guide will demonstrate how to answer a Section B task in the format of a leaflet. The task itself
is taken from a past exam paper. It includes:
Question breakdown
Planning your response
Leaflet model answer with annotations

Question breakdown
The first thing you should do is to read the task carefully and identify the format, audience and purpose of
the task. This is sometimes referred to as a GAP analysis or the “3 Ws”:


Genre (format) Audience Purpose

What am I writing? Who am I writing for? Why am I writing?

For example:

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Your notes

Section B leaflet example - GAP analysis

For this task, the focus is on communicating advice to parents and carers about how to help and guide
teenagers. However, the type of advice you give or what you choose to focus on can be up to you. You
could write general advice about bringing up teenagers, or focus on a specific issue, such as mental health
or exam stress. Generally, more focused responses gain higher marks.
Above all, there should be an attempt to engage and influence the audience, and you should use some
stylistic conventions of a leaflet such as a heading, sub-headings and the occasional use of bullet points.
There should be clear organisation and structure with an introduction, development of points and a

Planning your response

You should spend 5 minutes writing a brief plan before you start writing your response.
For example:

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Your notes

Leaflet plan

Leaflet model answer with annotations

Remember, this task is worth 45 marks. Your answer might not always satisfy every one of the assessment
criteria for a particular level, but examiners apply a best-fit approach to determine the mark which
corresponds most closely to the overall quality of the response.
To get the highest mark, you are aiming to meet the Level 5 marking criteria:

AO5 23-27 Communication is perceptive, mature and sophisticated

The response is sharply focused on the purpose of the task and the
expectations/requirements of the intended reader
There is sophisticated use of form, tone and register

AO6 16-18 The response manipulates complex ideas, using a range of structural and
marks grammatical features to support overall coherence and cohesion
The response uses extensive vocabulary strategically, with only occasional
spelling errors which do not detract from overall meaning
The response is punctuated with accuracy to aid emphasis and meaning, using a
range of sentence structures accurately and selectively to achieve particular

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Your notes
The following model answer is an example of a top-mark response to the above task:

How to Raise a Terrific Teenager [Marking comment]

Raising a teenager to be a well-rounded, mature individual is viewed as one of the most difficult
challenges in the life of a parent or carer. [Marking comment] Teenagers are often given a lot of negative
press, from being moody, sleeping all the time to being susceptible to gangs, or worse. But there are
more adolescents in the world today than ever before, making up 16–20% of the world’s population.
[Marking comment] The period from age 13 to 20 is when young people experience significant growth
and development. It is the time when they need the most encouragement and support, even though this
can seem difficult, and parents/carers have a huge part to play in helping them navigate their physical,
emotional and social changes. So what are some of the main issues facing young people today?
[Marking comment]

Pressure of school or college [Marking comment]

To coincide with physical changes, teenagers also face increased pressure at school or college,
including extra homework and exam preparation. If you have a high-achieving teen, then they can feel
immense pressure to live up to (often) their own expectations, as well as the expectations of their
teachers and family. On the other hand, young people who are struggling academically can fall further
behind and feel more isolated and different. Therefore, what can you do to help? [Marking comment]
If your teenager is approaching their exams, help them manage their time and revision by working
with them on a realistic study schedule, allowing time for breaks, rest and relaxation
Short, focused revision sessions work best
Make sure there is plenty of nutritious food in the house, including a variety of fruit to snack on
If your teenager is struggling at school, speak to the pastoral lead or, if you suspect that they may
have learning difficulties, SENCO about what extra support could be put in place to assist them
[Marking comment]
Friendships and peer pressure
The teenage years can be a challenging time for friendships. My own friendship group broke down when I
was 14, and I was left feeling anxious and isolated. [Marking comment] My hormones were going wild and
my skin was bad, making me feel even worse about myself. I felt under pressure to wear clothes I
wouldn’t normally wear, and to enhance my features with things like false eyelashes in an effort to fit in,
even though I knew this went against my school’s rules. As a result, I got into trouble. It was a huge
learning curve for me. The best thing my own mum did for me during this time was to make sure I had

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opportunities to talk. She also took me to the GP to get advice about my skin and helped me to develop
a skin routine, promoting good habits that I continue to this day. Modelling positive behaviour and taking
time to take your teenager’s concerns seriously is therefore extremely important. Your notes
Mental health
The negative effects of social media on impressionable young adults has been well-documented, and it
is no secret that as many as 20% of young adults may experience a mental health problem in any given
year. According to the World Health Organisation, depression, anxiety and behavioural disorders are
among the leading causes of illness among adolescents. Young people with mental health conditions
are particularly vulnerable to “social exclusion, discrimination, stigma and educational difficulties”.
[Marking comment]Multiple factors affect mental health, including media influence and societal
expectations, [Marking comment] but the quality of a teenager’s home life is key to building successful
relationships and positive mental wellbeing. Identifying if your teenager is experiencing any difficulties
with their mental or emotional wellbeing is therefore a crucial first step, along with seeking help from
services that promote resilience, supportive social environments and social networks. [Marking
What not to do! [Marking comment]
All of the above may seem like an incredibly high mountain to climb, but there are some important
reminders in the above information about what to do and, crucially, what not to do! Firstly, trying to
control everything about your teenager’s life may cause further stress and tension. The internet and
social media are here to stay, so it is vital that you educate yourselves on what is out there and how it is
used. There is little point trying to ban technology when it is already out there and being used on a daily
basis. In addition, shouting and reacting angrily can lead your young person to withdraw further and be
even more reluctant to engage with you. So here are some final tips on how to raise a terrific teenager:
[Marking comment]
Help your teen help others
Be there
Model positive behaviours
Learn to listen
Do not judge
Have family meals
Set boundaries and stick to them
Talk to them!
Allow them to have their own space and privacy
[Marking comment]

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If you’re concerned about the physical or mental health of your child or young person, it may be a good
idea to speak to a GP or contact a children and young people’s mental health service. [Marking
comment] Your notes

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How to Write a Letter

Your notes
Question 6 or 7 will ask you to write for a specific purpose and in a specific format. It is important to use the
correct conventions of the format and directly focus your writing to its purpose, as the mark scheme
rewards adapting tone, style and register for different forms, purposes and audiences.
This means:
The tone (the sound of the writer’s “voice”) is appropriate and convincing
The register (vocabulary and phrasing) is appropriately formal or informal, and suitable for the purpose
The style of the writing (sentence structure and overall structure) is dynamic and effective
While it is more common to be given a formal letter in the task, the following guides will detail how to
structure your response in the style of two different types of letter:
Informal letter
Formal letter
Structuring your letter

Informal letter
An informal letter will be written to someone you know well, such as a friend or a relative. You may be asked
to offer your ideas and opinions as advice, or to weigh up the pros and cons of something. It is important to
remember that, although you are writing to a relative or friend, this is an exam and you are not actually
writing a letter to that person. Therefore, do not use abbreviations or slang, such as “OMG!”.

Informal letter

In an informal letter you should:

Start with “Dear” and use the first name of the person you are writing to
Include a warm and friendly opening, such as:
“It was good to hear from you”, or “Sorry I have not replied sooner; I have been so busy revising
for my exams.”
Tell them why you are writing the letter:
The reason will be given to you in the task instructions
Write clear and well sequenced paragraphs, using appropriate connectives

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Use topic sentences to begin each paragraph, and then develop that point appropriately and in
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Try not to include multiple, different arguments in one paragraph
Use the bullet points in the task to structure your letter
Sign off your letter more informally:
Try “Best wishes,” or “Hope to see you soon.”

The level of informality in this style of letter comes from keeping your tone light and adding personal details.
However, you still need to use accurate spelling, with a variety of sentences and punctuation used for

Examiner Tips and Tricks

Always write with your intended audience in mind. Address them directly throughout your writing,
mention their specific concerns and ensure you develop your points in a way which would convince
your specific reader.

Formal letter
A formal letter will be written to somebody in authority, such as a headteacher, a manager of a company or
the editor of a newspaper. The purpose of your letter could be to argue, put forward your point of view, or
to inform or advise. There are some typical conventions of a formal letter that you can use, but be careful
not to spend too much time on irrelevant formatting details. The Edexcel mark scheme makes clear that you
do not have to include postal addresses.

Formal letter

Writing a formal letter you should:

Include a date
Use the correct salutation:
If you do not know the name of the person you are writing to, then use “Dear Sir/Madam”
You can use “Dear Editor” if writing in response to an article or letter seen in a newspaper or
Use the correct sign-off:

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If you do not know the name of the person you are writing to, use “Yours faithfully,” at the end
If you are given the name of the person, then start with “Dear [name]” and end with “Yours Your notes
State in your introduction what you are writing about, why you are writing and what your opinion is:
Make this relevant to the purpose of the task
Instead of using “I am writing because…”, use the wording of the task instructions
For example: “I am writing to give my opinion about…”
Write clear and well sequenced paragraphs, using appropriate connectives
Use topic sentences to begin each paragraph, and then develop that point appropriately and in
Try not to include multiple, different arguments in one paragraph

A formal letter layout should look something like this:

Letter layout example

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Examiner Tips and Tricks

Your notes
While writing in the correct form as instructed is important in this question, you only need to adhere
to the basic conventions of a letter, article or speech. Spending too much time on perfecting the
layout of the letter, or making up an address for the top of the letter, only detracts from your writing
and will not gain you any extra marks. Remember, it is more important that you adapt your style,
language and tone to suit the intended audience and purpose, and that you construct a well-
structured and coherent piece of writing, than waste time on the layout of your response.

Structuring your letter

This is a longer writing question, and you should allocate 45 minutes to complete it. Spend about 5 minutes
planning your answer, 35 minutes writing and 5 minutes at the end to re-read to check for any obvious
Once you are sure of the form you should write in, and you have considered your audience and the tone you
wish to adopt, you should plan the content of your response. It is up to you whether you choose to argue for
or against the statement, as long as you plan your argument, develop it thoroughly and sustain it
To plan a range of points which will support your point of view, you can:
Mind-map or write a list of points and techniques to use:
It can also be helpful to number your ideas to structure your answer in a specific order
The examiner is not grading you on how much you know about the given topic, as it is impossible to
predict what subject matter will be on the paper. You are marked on your ability to construct a
convincing argument
Your letter should be structured into 5 or 6 paragraphs:
Remember, each paragraph does not have to be the same length
Better answers vary the lengths of their paragraphs for effect
Develop separate ideas or points in each paragraph
Avoid repeating the same idea throughout your letter
For example:
1. Directly address the reader or audience:
1. Introduce your argument - what you are writing about, why you are writing and what your opinion is
2. Consider your use of pronouns, e.g., “you” or “we”
2. Offer a fact or some research to support your opinion:
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1. This will add credibility and prove you are knowledgeable about the topic
3. Engage the reader on a personal level using a counter-argument:
Your notes
1. This suggests you understand your reader and have already considered their concerns
4. Provide an anecdote to offer an example which proves your argument:
1. This builds rapport with your reader by engaging with them on a personal level
5. Offer more research or studies:
1. This can be in the form of statistics, a witness statement, poll, or quote from an expert
6. End your letter with an emotive plea or solution to the issue:
1. Use emotive language to engage your reader
2. Ending your letter on a single sentence, perhaps using a triplet, is an effective conclusion
7. Sign off your letter in the correct way
Rеmеmbеr that to produce an effective response, you should aim to develop your points carefully in each
paragraph, using language features and techniques to highlight ideas and emphasise your points.
Please see our Letter Model Answer revision note page for an example of a full-mark IGCSE letter.

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Letter Model Answer

Your notes
Remember, in Section B you will be given a choice of two questions, and each question will give you the
option of writing in one of the following forms (genres):
A letter
A leaflet
A review
A speech
A guide
An article
You only complete one task from the choice of two. Remember to put a cross in the box to indicate whether
you have chosen Question 6 or Question 7 in your answer booklet. You won’t know which genre will come
up in the exam, so it’s a great idea to be prepared for all six types.
The following guide will demonstrate how to answer a Section B task in the format of a letter. The task itself
is taken from a past exam paper. It includes:
Question breakdown
Planning your response
Letter model answer with annotations

Question breakdown
The first thing you should do is to read the task carefully and identify the format, audience and purpose of
the task. This is sometimes referred to as a GAP analysis or the “3 Ws”:


Genre (format) Audience Purpose

What am I writing? Who am I writing for? Why am I writing?

For example:

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Your notes

Section B letter example

For this task, the focus is on communicating ideas about what items could be displayed in the new
exhibition. However, which museum you choose and what ideas you put forward are up to you. You could
even choose to be writing from the “future”, looking back on the 21st century. Remember, more focused
responses gain higher marks. The response should be set out as a formal letter, using organisational
features, but you do not have to include postal addresses. There should be clear organisation and structure
with an introduction, development of points and a conclusion.

Planning your response

You should spend 5 minutes writing a brief plan before you start writing your response.
For example:

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Your notes

Letter plan

Letter model answer with annotations

Remember, this task is worth 45 marks. Your answer might not always satisfy every one of the assessment
criteria for a particular level, but examiners apply a best-fit approach to determine the mark which
corresponds most closely to the overall quality of the response.
To get the highest mark, you are aiming to meet the Level 5 marking criteria:

AO5 23-27 Communication is perceptive, mature and sophisticated

The response is sharply focused on the purpose of the task and the
expectations/requirements of the intended reader
There is sophisticated use of form, tone and register

AO6 16-18 The response manipulates complex ideas, using a range of structural and
marks grammatical features to support overall coherence and cohesion
The response uses extensive vocabulary strategically, with only occasional
spelling errors which do not detract from overall meaning
The response is punctuated with accuracy to aid emphasis and meaning, using a
range of sentence structures accurately and selectively to achieve particular

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The following model answer is an example of a top-mark response to the above task: Your notes

9th April

Dear Sir/Madam, [Marking comment]

In a recent mail-out you sent information about an upcoming exhibition entitled “Life in the Twenty-First
Century” and invited suggestions and contributions from previous visitors about possible items for
inclusion in this display. [Marking comment]As a keen supporter of the museum, I welcome the
opportunity to put forward some suggestions and why I think these items should be included in the new
exhibition. [Marking comment]

Firstly, [Marking comment]I believe the exhibition should focus on major world events from the 21st
century, but from the point of view of people in the UK. While the devastating attacks on the World Trade
Centre in 2001 affected mainly US citizens, there were UK citizens also both directly and indirectly
affected. There were nearly 70 British victims of the attacks, as well as some survivors who now live back
in the UK, and it is important for their voices to be heard. One suggestion would be for a series of
recordings by people associated with the event, alongside visual images. [Marking comment] This would
provide a unique British perspective on the event and how it affected people on both sides of the
Atlantic. The exhibit could also feature examples of how life has changed following the attacks, such as
increased security on flights and not being able to take more than 100ml of liquid on board aircraft.

Arguably the biggest global event of the 21st century has been the Coronavirus pandemic, affecting all
corners of the world. The exhibition could explore the impact of the pandemic and lockdown on British
citizens, again making use of multimedia to show clips from the Government briefings, including
Professor Chris Whitty’s now infamous “Next slide please” phrase. Items such as lateral flow tests, masks
and PPE equipment could contrast with the human impact of lockdown, and evidence from the UK
Covid-19 Inquiry. Examples of artwork and photographs taken by ordinary people would also contribute
to an overall picture of life during this extraordinary period. [Marking comment]
Another interesting addition to the exhibition would be to demonstrate just how quickly technology has
changed since the beginning of the 21st century. Smartphones, smartwatches, tablets and the latest VR
equipment could be displayed chronologically, along with now obsolete items, highlighting the rapid
scale of development in this area. Innovations in medical technology, such as artificial limbs and
robotics, could also show the pace of change, with maybe some indication of where this technology is
going in the next few years. Young people are especially interested in the latest technology and what
might be coming up next, so this would help encourage more people to attend. [Marking comment] This
part of the exhibition could also be used to showcase new British technology and innovation, and this
area could also be a more light-hearted addition, comparing commonplace technology at the start of
the 21st century to now. Landlines anyone? [Marking comment]
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Finally, as life in the 21st century is extremely varied, I believe it would be useful to maintain a focus or
common thread throughout whatever is exhibited, which is why I’ve suggested a UK perspective. I hope Your notes
my suggestions about world events may be of interest to you, but just as interesting would be a
showcase of everyday life and how this has changed in a relatively short amount of time. Whatever you
decide, I look forward to visiting. [Marking comment]
Yours faithfully,
K.Brown [Marking comment]

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How to Write an Article

Your notes
Question 6 or 7 will ask you to write for a specific purpose and in a specific format. It is important to use the
correct conventions of the format and directly focus your writing to its purpose, as the mark scheme
rewards adapting tone, style and register for different forms, purposes and audiences.
This means:
The tone (the sound of the writer’s “voice”) is appropriate and convincing
The register (vocabulary and phrasing) is appropriately formal or informal, and suitable for the purpose
The style of the writing (sentence structure and overall structure) is dynamic and effective
The following guide will detail how to structure your response in the style of an article. It is divided into:
Key features of an article
Article structure

Key features of an article

The language and tone of your article will be determined by the task and subject, but the purpose of an
article could be to inform, discuss, argue, guide or advise. The following are the basic features of an article
which you could include in your response. It is important to note that the Edexcel mark scheme indicates
that you should not include layout features such as pictures or hyperlinks.

Magazine or newspaper article

In an article you should:

Use a snappy heading:
Consider using alliteration, a rhetorical question or a pun (a play on words) for this
Use capital letters for all but filler words in your heading
For example: “The Cruelty of Captivity”
Include a strapline underneath the heading to summarise your point of view:
For example: “Why keeping animals in captivity has fallen out of favour”
Use sub-headings to help structure your article (if appropriate)
Address your audience directly, with consideration to the fact that an article is intended to be read
by a wide audience

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Be light-hearted and entertaining, formal and serious, or provide advice and tips, depending on the
task set
Your notes
Use topic sentences to begin each paragraph, and then develop that point appropriately and in
Try not to include multiple different arguments in one paragraph
Avoid beginning your article with “I’m writing this because...” or “In this article I shall be discussing…”

Because an article is intended for publication, it is important to use Standard English and to vary your
sentence and paragraph lengths to keep your audience engaged. The heading, strapline and opening
paragraph of an article can employ lots of persuasive devices to hook your reader and introduce your point
of view. For example:

Examiner Tips and Tricks

Rhetorical questions are commonly used as headings, but they can be too simplistic or too general,
so consider how you can make your headline sophisticated and specific. Choosing a simple
statement can be very effective, using a play on words taken from the article topic.

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Article structure
As this is a longer writing question, and you should allocate 45 minutes to complete it. Spend about 5 Your notes
minutes planning your answer, 35 minutes writing and 5 minutes at the end to re-read to check for any
obvious errors.
To plan a range of points which will support your point of view, you can:
Mind-map or write a list of points and techniques to use:
It can also be helpful to number your ideas to structure your answer in a specific order
The examiner is not grading you on how much you know about the given topic, as it is impossible to
predict what subject matter will be on the paper. You are marked on your ability to construct a
convincing argument
Your article should be structured into five or six paragraphs:
Remember, each paragraph does not have to be the same length
Better answers vary the lengths of their paragraphs for effect
Develop separate ideas or points in each paragraph
But avoid repeating the same idea throughout your article
Below is an example of how you might structure your article:
1. Introduce the subject of the article and, if appropriate, your argument:
1. You could consider engaging the reader through the use of inclusive pronouns, such as “we” or
2. Use the bullet points given to you in the task to structure your article:
1. You may wish to use these as sub-headings
3. Provide information, facts, background or context
4. Use specific examples or a personal anecdote (depending on the subject-matter)
5. Remember, not all tasks will require you to put forward an argument, but if it does, then use a counter-
1. This suggests that you understand your reader and have already considered their possible
6. Do not forget to conclude your article strongly
Rеmеmbеr that to produce an effective response, you should aim to develop your points carefully in each
paragraph, using language features and techniques to highlight ideas and emphasise your points.

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You can find a full worked example in our Article Model Answer page.

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Examiner Tips and Tricks

While writing in the correct form as instructed is important in this question, you only need to adhere
to the basic conventions of an article. Drawing columns or spending too much time thinking up the
perfect headline wastes valuable time and will not improve your mark. Remember, it is more
important that you adapt your style, language and tone to suit the intended audience and purpose,
and that you construct a well structured and coherent piece of writing, than waste time on the layout
of your response.

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Article Model Answer

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Remember, in Section B you will be given a choice of two questions, and each question will give you the
option of writing in one of the following forms (genres):
A letter
A leaflet
A review
A speech
A guide
An article
You only need to complete one task from the choice of two. Remember to put a cross in the box to indicate
whether you have chosen Question 6 or Question 7 in your answer booklet. As you can’t predict which of
the six genres will come up in the exam, it’s important that you prepare for all of them.
The following guide will demonstrate how to answer a Section B task in the format of an article. The task
itself is taken from a past exam paper. It includes:
Question breakdown
Planning your response
Article model answer with annotations

Question breakdown
The first thing you should do is to read the task carefully and identify the format, audience and purpose of
the task. This is sometimes referred to as a GAP analysis or the “3 Ws”:


Genre (format) Audience Purpose

What am I writing? Who am I writing for? Why am I writing?

For example:

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Section B article example

For this task, the focus is on communicating ideas about the importance of hobbies and interests in
readers’ busy lives. You could choose which type of newspaper you are writing for, such as a national
Sunday broadsheet, or even a school or college newspaper, and use this to focus on your intended
audience. You should use some stylistic conventions of an article, such as a heading, sub-headings or
occasional bullet points, but you should not include features of layout such as columns or pictures. There
should be clear organisation and structure with an introduction, development of points and a conclusion.

Planning your response

You should spend 5 minutes writing a brief plan before you start writing your response.
For example:

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Your notes

Article plan

Article model answer with annotations

Remember, this task is worth 45 marks. Your answer might not always satisfy every one of the assessment
criteria for a particular level, but examiners apply a best-fit approach to determine the mark which
corresponds most closely to the overall quality of the response.
To get the highest mark, you are aiming to meet the Level 5 marking criteria:

AO5 23-27 Communication is perceptive, mature and sophisticated

The response is sharply focused on the purpose of the task and the
expectations/requirements of the intended reader
There is sophisticated use of form, tone and register

AO6 16-18 The response manipulates complex ideas, using a range of structural and
marks grammatical features to support overall coherence and cohesion
The response uses extensive vocabulary strategically, with only occasional
spelling errors which do not detract from overall meaning
The response is punctuated with accuracy to aid emphasis and meaning, using a
range of sentence structures accurately and selectively to achieve particular
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The following model answer is an example of a top-mark response to the above task:

Are Hobbies out of Habit? [Marking comment]

How often have you heard yourself say, “I haven’t got time”? This seems to be the mantra for 21st-century
living. Life is crazy: jobs, children, other family members, friendships, socialising, exercising, trying to find
some “me” time - it’s a wonder we fit it all in! [Marking comment]Increasingly, having a specific hobby or
interest seems to get pushed further down our list of priorities, but as life gets more stressful, maybe it’s
time we got back into the habit of having a hobby. [Marking comment]

The importance of hobbies [Marking comment]

Having a hobby or interest seemed to be commonplace for earlier generations. Crafting, sports,
cooking or baking or being outdoors and spending quality time doing these things was a part of life, but
the pressures and the busy nature of modern-day life seems to have taken over. In addition, our
increasingly technologically advanced world means that we have instant access to a wealth of
information and entertainment literally at our fingertips. However, I’m not sure I would count TikTok as a
hobby! [Marking comment] Every age has its pressures, but having a specific hobby or interest is as
important now as it has ever been, in terms of our mental and physical health and emotional well-being.

My hobby journey [Marking comment]

After a particularly lazy January sat on the sofa doing nothing in particular, I decided to embark on my own
journey of getting back into the habit of having a hobby. I used to be a keen tennis player when I was
younger, and there was a tennis club close to my home which I had resolutely ignored for the past few
years. But, for the purpose of research, I decided to become a member and joined a Tuesday night
“Rusty Racket” group. My apologies at the start of my first session were endless: “I haven’t played for
ages”, “My serve is terrible”, “Good luck to whoever is partnering me!” But everyone was friendly,
welcoming and, crucially for me, not that competitive. After a few warm-up serves, I was happily dancing
around the court, swinging my racket left, right and centre like I was on Centre Court at Wimbledon. It
was a clear evening, and it felt good to be out in the fresh air, trying to improve my technique but not
taking myself too seriously at the same time. And I’ve kept it up! I still can’t serve very well, but I enjoy the
process of trying to get better at something, as well as being out in the fresh air to brush away any
stresses of the day. I make sure I prioritise that time and can now count “tennis” as my hobby. [Marking

Benefits of hobbies

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Taking up a sport seems the obvious choice, and there is no doubt that being outside is beneficial to your
health, but this does not mean you need to go out and join the first running club you see. Just making time Your notes
for regular walks in nature can help decrease anxiety levels and feelings of stress. Regular access to
green spaces has been linked to lower instances of depression and improved concentration and
attention. The charity Mind says that “being outside in natural light can be helpful if you experience
seasonal affective disorder (SAD)”. Fishing, hiking, mountain biking, geo-caching, orienteering, or even
rambling can all become something to be passionate about. If you are lucky enough to live near the
coast, open water swimming and paddleboarding are increasingly popular, and will definitely wake you
up! [Marking comment]

Less active hobbies are just as beneficial. Brain-training activities, such as Sudoku, word-searches and
crosswords can all help keep our minds active, and crafting is both a way of keeping your fingers supple
and possibly saving money. Lots of people have turned their hobbies into their careers, possibly due to
the popularity of shows such as The Great British Bake Off and The Great British Sewing Bee. [Marking
comment] Anything creative can also help to reduce stress, and several studies have shown that hobbies
such as art, writing and music can even prevent stress in the first place. Hobbies can also help people
socialise, bringing like-minded individuals together, which can have a further positive impact on our
mental well-being. But above all, having a hobby or interest helps to reduce screen time and is, well, fun!

So, whether it’s gardening, sewing, go-karting or ice-skating, finding a hobby or interest that you find
fun, relaxing and rewarding can have real physical and mental benefits for you and for your loved ones. So
maybe it’s time to dust off your own rusty racket and take the plunge! [Marking comment]The good thing
about the internet is that it has never been easier to find a club or a hobby to try, so why not try one today?
[Marking comment]

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How to Write a Speech

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Question 6 or 7 will ask you to write for a specific purpose and in a specific format. It is important to use the
correct conventions of the format and directly focus your writing to its purpose, as the mark scheme
rewards adapting tone, style and register for different forms, purposes and audiences.
This means:
The tone (the sound of the writer’s “voice”) is appropriate and convincing
The register (vocabulary and phrasing) is appropriately formal or informal, and suitable for the purpose
The style of the writing (sentence structure and overall structure) is dynamic and effective
The following guide will detail how to structure your response in the style of a speech. It is divided into:
Key features of a speech
Persuasive techniques

Key features of a speech

One of the formats you may be asked to write in for Section B is a speech. This may be a speech directed to
your class or students in your school or college, or something more formal intended for broadcast. The
language and tone of your speech will be determined by the task and subject, but the following are the
basic features of a speech which you could include in your response:

Speech or talk

In a speech or talk you should:

Address the audience directly throughout
Engage the audience in your introduction:
Outline the topic
Use persuasive devices, such as rhetorical questions, to hook the audience and get them
Structure your speech logically, building your arguments persuasively:
Speeches or talks will use persuasive language features
Use the acronym DAN FOREST PIE to remember these
To offer a balanced view, include an objection to the argument in a separate paragraph

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Include your audience using inclusive pronouns (“we”, “us”, “our”)

Finish by circling back to your original argument, calling your audience to action if appropriate Your notes
You might wish to structure your speech in the following way:
1. Directly address the reader or audience:
1. Introduce the topic and your point of view
2. Use personal and inclusive pronouns to involve your audience, e.g., “you” or “we”
3. Engage your audience using a rhetorical question
2. Your next paragraph should set out your argument
3. Provide an anecdote to offer an example which proves your argument:
1. This builds rapport with your reader by engaging with them on a personal level
4. Further engage the reader on a personal level using a counter-argument
5. Offer more research or studies:
1. This can be in the form of statistics, a witness statement, poll, or a “quotation from an expert”
6. End your speech with an emotive plea:
1. Use emotive language to engage your reader
2. Ending your response on a single sentence, perhaps using a triplet, is an effective conclusion

Examiner Tips and Tricks

Rhetorical questions are commonly used as a persuasive device, but avoid over-using any one
technique, as this will make your writing sound much less sophisticated. Always consider the reason
why you are using a technique and what the effect is that you want to achieve. Do not just use
techniques for the sake of using them.

Persuasive writing
A speech is often more persuasive than other forms of writing. You are trying to persuade your audience
that your point of view is valid, and sometimes encourage them to join you.
Here are some tips for how to make your speech persuasive:
Write in the first person (write from your own perspective)

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Use personal and inclusive pronouns:

Using words such as “we” and “us” builds rapport between you and your audience and makes them Your notes
feel involved
Present your opinions as facts; as a truth that should not be challenged
Be passionate but not aggressive:
Use emotive language and imperatives to call your audience to action
Decide on your position and stick to it
Make sure you do not sound like an advertisement
As an example, let’s consider the following introduction to a speech about GCSEs:

This example uses a number of persuasive devices, but in a sophisticated way in order to set out what the
purpose of the speech is. It addresses the audience directly through the use of inclusive pronouns, but only
uses one rhetorical question, which makes it more effective.
So remember, the basic features of a speech or talk that the examiner would expect to see are:
A clear introduction:
This needs to be engaging and motivating

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It should introduce what the speech is about, address the audience directly and use a persuasive
device to hook the audience
A well structured argument: Your notes
Paragraphs begin with topic sentences and are effectively linked
Objection to the argument is handled in a paragraph
A dynamic and memorable conclusion
You can find a full worked example on our Speech Model Answer page.

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Speech Model Answer

Your notes
Remember, in Section B you will be given a choice of two questions, and each question will give you the
option of writing in one of the following forms (genres):
A letter
A leaflet
A review
A speech
A guide
An article
You only complete one task from the choice of two. Remember to put a cross in the box to indicate whether
you have chosen Question 6 or Question 7 in your answer booklet. You won’t know in advance which genres
will come up in the exam so it’s best to prepare for all of them.
The following guide will demonstrate how to answer a Section B task in the format of a speech. The task
itself is taken from a past exam paper. It includes:
Question breakdown
Planning your response
Speech model answer with annotations

Question breakdown
The first thing you should do is to read the task carefully and identify the format, audience and purpose of
the task. This is sometimes referred to as a GAP analysis or the “3 Ws”:


Genre (format) Audience Purpose

What am I writing? Who am I writing for? Why am I writing?

For example:

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Section B speech example

For this task, the focus is on communicating your point of view about the ideas of celebrities and role
models. The intended audience is not specified in the question, but given it is better to write about
something you are familiar with, it would be sensible to infer that this is a speech to your peers or
classmates. The response should be set out effectively as a speech, maintaining a clear argument
throughout and including persuasive devices.

Planning your response

You should spend 5 minutes writing a brief plan before you start writing your response.
For example:

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Your notes

Speech plan

Speech model answer with annotations

Remember, this task is worth 45 marks. Your answer might not always satisfy every one of the assessment
criteria for a particular level, but examiners apply a best-fit approach to determine the mark which
corresponds most closely to the overall quality of the response.
To get the highest mark, you are aiming to meet the Level 5 marking criteria:

AO5 23-27 Communication is perceptive, mature and sophisticated

The response is sharply focused on the purpose of the task and the
expectations/requirements of the intended reader
There is sophisticated use of form, tone and register

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AO6 16-18 The response manipulates complex ideas, using a range of structural and
marks grammatical features to support overall coherence and cohesion
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The response uses extensive vocabulary strategically, with only occasional
spelling errors which do not detract from overall meaning
The response is punctuated with accuracy to aid emphasis and meaning, using a
range of sentence structures accurately and selectively to achieve particular

The following model answer is an example of a top-mark response to the above task:

As we grow and mature, we all have people we look up to. From an early age, this would be your parents,
grandparents or main care-givers. But as we get older, we start to become more aware of people in the
public eye that we might like or start to admire. We [Marking comment]may look at these people and
think that we want to grow up to be just like them. However, not many of us actually “know” famous
people well; we might think we do, due to how many of them we can access via the internet, television
and social media platforms, but can we truly count someone we do not really know on a personal level as
a role model? Fellow students, [Marking comment]I am here today to discuss the idea of role models and
question whether celebrities should be counted as such. [Marking comment]
People we look up to can shape our behaviour and how we see ourselves. We learn about how to present
ourselves and how to conduct ourselves in the world via these people. If you grew up in a household in
which bad language is used as the norm, then it is highly likely that you will routinely use bad language as
well. We learn right from wrong, morals, ethics and what we should stand for from these people; even, for
many of us, which football team we should support! [Marking comment]A good role model then, in my
opinion, should be someone who exemplifies the characteristics we would expect to see in other
people: respect for themselves and others, manners, a good moral code, resilience, determination,
creativity - basically, what we might consider to be a good person. We learn how to behave in different
situations, how to respond appropriately and how to communicate well in a variety of circumstances.
Taking what I’ve said into consideration, there are many people currently in the public eye, or who might
be considered famous, who would therefore be considered good role models for young people.
[Marking comment] Take Greta Thunberg, for example. She is a young activist who stands up for what she
believes is right, and has learnt how to communicate effectively on a world stage so that people actually
listen. Sir David Attenborough is respected globally, not only for his television programmes, but for his
work on managing climate change and conservation. And there are many sports personalities who
embody resilience and determination, such as Ellie Simmonds, the paralympic British swimmer, or
Marcus Rashford. [Marking comment] These people use their status and influence to try to effect
positive change in their communities and more widely. This is highly commendable, and all of these
examples embody characteristics that we should all try to emulate as much as possible.
However, the idea of “celebrity”, I believe, is different to people who are famous for their work. [Marking
comment]The rapid rise of social media and reality TV culture has generated a group of people who
consider themselves celebrities due to their appearance and the amount of “likes” they receive. Those

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who are famous for nothing in particular may well be good people, but their public persona is all about
image, and how they present that image, which may well be manipulated through photoshopping, photo
filters or cosmetic surgery. [Marking comment]This can contribute to young people developing anxiety Your notes
or body dysmorphia as we may feel we fall short of the “ideal” image presented to us, whether real or not.
In addition, the increased popularity of those who hold controversial views, such as Andrew Tate,
demonstrates how the label of celebrity can be achieved through ways that would not be considered
praiseworthy. I cannot see, and I am sure that you will agree, how these types of celebrities could be
considered actual role models, given that we are only presented with a version of themselves that they
want us to see.
Therefore, as most celebrities are not known to us personally, maybe we should return to the idea that
the best role models are found closer to home, through family members, teachers, coaches or mentors.
We can learn from their actual experience and actions, rather than placing all of the emphasis on how
things appear to be. [Marking comment]Personally, my own role model is my gran, who has overcome so
many challenges in her life with resilience, positivity and good humour. If I turn out to be half the person
she is, I will feel as though I have done well. [Marking comment]So, let me ask you, who is the person
whose actions and approach to life most resonate with who you would like to be? For me, celebrities do
not make the best role models, but there are lots of people close to us who do.

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How to Write a Guide

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Question 6 or 7 will ask you to write for a specific purpose and in a specific format. It is important to use the
correct conventions of the format and directly focus your writing to its purpose, as the mark scheme
rewards adapting tone, style and register for different forms, purposes and audiences.
This means:
The tone (the sound of the writer’s “voice”) is appropriate and convincing
The register (vocabulary and phrasing) is appropriately formal or informal, and suitable for the purpose
The style of the writing (sentence structure and overall structure) is dynamic and effective
The following guide will detail how to structure your response in the style of a guide. It is divided into:
Key features of a guide
Guide structure

Key features of a guide

A guide is actually a type of article and includes information, advice and often some elements of
persuasion. It is important to note that the Edexcel mark scheme makes clear that, while you should use
some stylistic conventions of a guide, such as a heading or sub-headings, you should not include features
of layout like pictures or columns. You are being asked to write the text of the guide, organising and
structuring your ideas in a logical and coherent way.
Some of the key features of a guide include:


In a guide you should:

Use a clear, informative heading, grabbing your reader’s attention:
This could be in the form of a rhetorical question in order to engage your reader
For example: “Is exercise actually good for young people?”
Include a brief, introductory paragraph, setting out the issue:
You could include a made-up quote from an “expert” to add reliability to your introduction
Use clear sub-headings to guide your reader through the information:
Use the bullet points in the task to help with this

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Address your audience directly throughout:

Make it clear to the examiner that you have understood who your intended audience is Your notes
Be light-hearted and entertaining, formal and serious, or provide advice and tips, depending on the
task set
Use topic sentences to begin each paragraph, and then develop that point appropriately and in
Ensure each paragraph makes sense on its own - do not repeat points or advice you have already
Avoid beginning your leaflet with “I’m writing this because...” or “In this guide I shall be discussing…”
Be economical with your use of bullet points:
Only use them occasionally in order to summarise or provide top tips

Because a guide is intended for publication, it is important to use Standard English and to vary your
sentence and paragraph lengths to keep your audience engaged.

Guide structure
As this is an extended writing question, and you should allocate 45 minutes to complete it. Spend about 5
minutes planning your answer, 35 minutes writing and 5 minutes at the end to re-read to check for any
obvious errors.
To plan a range of points, you can:
Mind-map or write a list of points and techniques to use:
It can also be helpful to number your ideas to structure your answer in a specific order
It is important to use the bullet points given to you in the task to structure your response
Your guide should start with a brief introduction
Your guide should then be divided into 2–3 sub-headings:
Develop separate ideas or points in each paragraph under each sub-heading
Each sub-heading should have 2–3 separate points underneath it
Ensure you have developed each point or idea thoroughly before moving on
Finish with a concluding paragraph:
This could indicate where your reader can find further information, advice or guidance, or could
even include suggestions or recommendations

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Below is an example of how you might structure a guide for young people about why they should exercise:
1. Start with an informative heading: “Is exercise actually good for young people?” Your notes
2. Write a brief introduction:
1. This is your opportunity to engage the reader, so use inclusive language and some facts
2. For example: “Many of us fall out of love with exercise due to poor experiences of P.E. at school.”
3. Use the bullet points given to you in the task to structure your guide:
1. These can become your sub-headings
2. For example: “The physical benefits of exercise”, “Positive impact on mental health” and “Types of
4. Provide information, facts and statistics to develop each point under each sub-heading
5. Use specific examples or a personal anecdote (depending on the subject-matter)
6. Finish with a conclusion indicating where the reader could go for further information, including
suggestions for how P.E. at school can make more positive contributions
Rеmеmbеr that to produce an effective response, you should aim to develop your points carefully in each
paragraph, using language features and techniques to highlight ideas and emphasise your points.
You can find a full worked example on our Guide Model Answer page.

Examiner Tips and Tricks

Keep the purpose of the task in mind throughout. If the purpose of the guide is to persuade more
people to do something, then ensure you provide information, advice and use persuasive language
techniques to encourage your reader to engage with what you are writing about.

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Guide Model Answer

Your notes
Remember, in Section B you will be given a choice of two questions, and each question will give you the
option of writing in one of the following forms (genres):
A letter
A leaflet
A review
A speech
A guide
An article
You only complete one task from the choice of two. Remember to put a cross in the box to indicate whether
you have chosen Question 6 or Question 7 in your answer booklet. You will need to prepare for all of the
genres of writing because you won’t know which two will come up in the exam.
The following guide will demonstrate how to answer a Section B task in the format of a guide. The task itself
is taken from a past exam paper. It includes:
Question breakdown
Planning your response
Guide model answer with annotations

Question breakdown
The first thing you should do is to read the task carefully and identify the format, audience and purpose of
the task. This is sometimes referred to as a GAP analysis or the “3 Ws”:


Genre (format) Audience Purpose

What am I writing? Who am I writing for? Why am I writing?

For example:

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Your notes

Section B guide example

For this task, the focus is on the importance of preparation. No specific intended audience is given, but it is
better to write about something you have some experience of, so it would be reasonable to infer that the
intended audience is young people, or school or college students. If the task does not specify the
intended audience, it is important for you to decide who your audience is going to be in your planning
stage, as this leads to a more focused response with clear attempts to engage and influence the reader.
You should use some stylistic conventions of a guide, such as a heading, sub-headings or occasional bullet
points, and there should be clear organisation and structure with an introduction, development of points
and a conclusion.

Planning your response

You should spend 5 minutes writing a brief plan before you start writing your response.
For example:

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Your notes

Guide plan

Guide model answer with annotations

Remember, this task is worth 45 marks. Your answer might not always satisfy every one of the assessment
criteria for a particular level, but examiners apply a best-fit approach to determine the mark which
corresponds most closely to the overall quality of the response.
To get the highest mark, you are aiming to meet the Level 5 marking criteria:

AO5 23-27 Communication is perceptive, mature and sophisticated

The response is sharply focused on the purpose of the task and the
expectations/requirements of the intended reader
There is sophisticated use of form, tone and register

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AO6 16-18 The response manipulates complex ideas, using a range of structural and
marks grammatical features to support overall coherence and cohesion
Your notes
The response uses extensive vocabulary strategically, with only occasional
spelling errors which do not detract from overall meaning
The response is punctuated with accuracy to aid emphasis and meaning, using a
range of sentence structures accurately and selectively to achieve particular

The following model answer is an example of a top-mark response to the above task:

The key to success is being prepared [Marking comment]

Sitting an exam or test, have you ever thought when turning over the first page: if only I’d revised more! I
have. And I didn’t like it. I’d had the time, but I wasn’t organised. I always thought I had more time. I
thought I could put it off until tomorrow. As a result, I didn’t get the outcome I wanted. But I learnt from
that experience and did not make the same mistake again. I now know that the key to success in anything
is being prepared, whether that be tests, exams, sporting events, interviews, or even your first date!
[Marking comment]As Benjamin Franklin famously said: “By failing to prepare, you are preparing to fail.”
So, following my failure, the following guide is designed to give you some advice on how to prepare to
succeed. [Marking comment]

What is meant by “being prepared”? [Marking comment]

Being prepared means getting organised. Whatever you need to be prepared for, it is vital to leave
yourself ample time to sort everything out. Nobody enjoys rushing out of the door at the last minute, so
whether it’s sorting out your college bag the night before, getting out your clothes and ironing them
ready for your job interview the following day, or creating a revision timetable and sticking to it, anything
you can do to minimise last-minute panic contributes to success. This includes mental preparation. We
all have situations which we do not really enjoy, such as going to the dentist or doing homework.
However, having the right mental attitude can help enormously in making these tasks less daunting.
Staying positive and not putting things off will save time, energy and anxiety. Some other tips for being
prepared include:
Do your research in advance
Practise, practise, practise
Make to-do lists, and tick off tasks as you complete them
Make use of organisational apps, such as Tiimo
Use diaries or daily planners to keep yourself organised
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Set reminders
[Marking comment]
How can preparation contribute to success? Your notes

Being prepared means being proactive and taking steps to ensure you are ready for whatever comes
your way. Being prepared for opportunities as they arise can lead to bigger and more exciting
opportunities in the future. When you are prepared, your self-confidence increases, and you are more
able to act quickly and decisively when an opportunity presents itself. [Marking comment]Preparation
also allows you to relax and thrive, and can save time and money. It can help you accomplish more and
prevents you from becoming overwhelmed and anxious. It can have an enormous positive effect on your
mental health and well-being. And when good things start happening, we get into a more positive
mindset overall, attracting more good fortune. That doesn’t mean there won’t be set backs, but you can
even be prepared for these by practising a resilient and growth mindset.

Failing to prepare

An intelligent plan is the first step to success. Even if what you have to prepare for is boring, getting it out
of the way means freeing yourself up for better things later. Imagine you are offered tickets to your
dream concert at the last minute, but you have put off preparing for a really important test the following
day? [Marking comment]Yes, you might decide to still go to the concert, but you would enjoy it a lot more
had you also prepared for the test in advance. Using a couple of hours each week to focus on the boring
stuff will set you up for success in the week ahead, and then even if something unexpected happens, you
have the capacity to deal with it.
So, give yourself the upper hand. Continue reading for specific advice about preparing for different
situations, such as interviews, as here too preparation will be the key to success. [Marking comment]

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How to Write a Review

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Question 6 or 7 will ask you to write for a specific purpose and in a specific format. It is important to use the
correct conventions of the format and directly focus your writing to its purpose, as the mark scheme
rewards adapting tone, style and register for different forms, purposes and audiences.
This means:
The tone (the sound of the writer’s “voice”) is appropriate and convincing
The register (vocabulary and phrasing) is appropriately formal or informal, and suitable for the purpose
The style of the writing (sentence structure and overall structure) is dynamic and effective
The following guide will detail how to structure your response in the style of a review. It is divided into:
Key features of a review
Review structure

Key features of a review

A review is a format of writing in which you consider an event, experience, service or something watched or
read, describe it and provide opinions or judgements about it. A critic might write reviews for a living, and
we may decide to watch or read something because they persuade us to do so.
A review has different purposes, but its primary aim is to inform and describe. It may also:
Entertain, in that it provides opinion in a way the reader enjoys
Analyse, weighing up whether the thing being reviewed is good or bad
Advise, recommending to the reader whether or not they should view, read or experience the subject
of the review for themselves
Some of the key features of a review include:


In a review you should:

Use a clear, informative heading:
This could be as simple as the name of the thing being reviewed, such as the name of a film or
Include an introduction that summarises what the review is about, including a brief description

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State your opinions with supporting reasons:

Consider if it was effective - did you love it or hate it? Why? Your notes
You may use sub-headings in order to structure this part of your response
Use the bullet points in the task to guide you
Address your audience directly throughout:
Make it clear to the examiner that you have understood who your intended audience is
You can also do this by suggesting whether or not the intended reader would appreciate or like it
Be light-hearted and entertaining
Use topic sentences to begin each paragraph, and then develop that point appropriately and in
Ensure that each paragraph makes sense on its own - do not repeat points you have already made
Avoid beginning your review with “I’m writing this because...” or “In this review I shall be discussing…”
Make sure your review explains how you feel and why, not just what it is about:
A good review should clearly express your opinion

Because a review is intended for publication, it is important to use Standard English and to vary your
sentence and paragraph lengths to keep your audience engaged.

Review structure
As this is a longer writing question, and you should allocate 45 minutes to complete it. Spend about 5
minutes planning your answer, 35 minutes writing and 5 minutes at the end to re-read to check for any
obvious errors.
To plan a range of points, you can:
Mind-map or write a list of points and techniques to use:
It can also be helpful to number your ideas to structure your answer in a specific order
It is important to use the bullet points given to you in the task to structure your response
Mention the name of the author/director (if a film, TV programme or book) or anything specific, and
clearly name the thing being reviewed in the title and first paragraph
Ensure you have conveyed the main theme or idea of the thing you are reviewing in your introduction:
Your reader should immediately know what it is about

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Consider the wider aspects of what you are reviewing:

Consider things such as actors, sequels, music or similarities to other things Your notes
Include what you like or dislike about it
Try to use a few short “quotes” or examples to illustrate your points
Justify your views
Organise your response into clear paragraphs
Finish with a conclusion, suggesting whether or not your intended audience will like the thing you are
Rеmеmbеr that to produce an effective response, you should aim to develop your points carefully in each
paragraph, using language features and techniques to highlight ideas and emphasise your points.
You can find a full worked example on our Review Model Answer page.

Examiner Tips and Tricks

A review should offer some kind of judgement and informed opinion. Weaker responses tend to be
narrative and spend too long on background information or just describing the thing being
reviewed, and not enough time on giving justified opinions. You can also include suggestions or
advice about how the thing being reviewed could be made better.

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Review Model Answer

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Remember, in Section B you will be given a choice of two questions, and each question will give you the
option of writing in one of the following forms (genres):
A letter
A leaflet
A review
A speech
A guide
An article
You only need to complete one task from the choice of two. Remember to put a cross in the box to indicate
whether you have chosen Question 6 or Question 7 in your answer booklet. You won’t know which one of
the six genres will feature on the exam so it’s important to prepare for any of them coming up.
The following guide will demonstrate how to answer a Section B task in the format of a review. The task
itself is taken from a past exam paper. It includes:
Question breakdown
Planning your response
Review model answer with annotations

Question breakdown
The first thing you should do is to read the task carefully and identify the format, audience and purpose of
the task. This is sometimes referred to as a GAP analysis or the “3 Ws”:


Genre (format) Audience Purpose

What am I writing? Who am I writing for? Why am I writing?

For example:

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Your notes

Section B review example

For this task, the focus is on describing an exciting or interesting event and providing opinions and
judgements about it. A range of approaches could therefore be used, and as no specific intended
audience is given, it is better to write about something you have some experience of. If the task does not
specify the intended audience, it is important for you to decide who your audience is going to be in your
planning stage, as this leads to a more focused response with clear attempts to engage and influence the

Planning your response

You should spend 5 minutes writing a brief plan before you start writing your response.
For example:

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Your notes

Review plan

Review model answer with annotations

Remember, this task is worth 45 marks. Your answer might not always satisfy every one of the assessment
criteria for a particular level, but examiners apply a best-fit approach to determine the mark which
corresponds most closely to the overall quality of the response.
To get the highest mark, you are aiming to meet the Level 5 marking criteria:

AO5 23-27 Communication is perceptive, mature and sophisticated

The response is sharply focused on the purpose of the task and the
expectations/requirements of the intended reader
There is sophisticated use of form, tone and register

AO6 16-18 The response manipulates complex ideas, using a range of structural and
marks grammatical features to support overall coherence and cohesion
The response uses extensive vocabulary strategically, with only occasional
spelling errors which do not detract from overall meaning
The response is punctuated with accuracy to aid emphasis and meaning, using a
range of sentence structures accurately and selectively to achieve particular

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The following model answer is an example of a top-mark response to the above task:
Your notes
The Moonwalkers by Tom Hanks [Marking comment]
At a glance: 5 stars [Marking comment]
“The moon has always been our constant companion, right?” The unmistakable voice of Tom Hanks at the
start of The Moonwalkers experience at London’s Lightroom fills the space and reassures the audience
that they are in safe hands. [Marking comment] He continues to reel us in by reminding us that only 12
people in the history of humankind have ever walked on the moon, and we settle in for a 50-minute
production that immerses the audience into an all-encompassing and magnificent experience.
It is difficult to properly define what The Moonwalkers actually is. It is part film, part show, part immersive
experience. It is housed in a large, single space, with images, films and animations projected in front of,
at the side of and behind us, as well as on the floor. As we file in with anticipation, everyone immediately
gravitates towards the tiered bench seating, sitting nervously, unsure of what to expect. A staff member
invites us to walk around more than once, reiterating that the experience is better if we move. Maybe it’s
our typical British reserve, but everyone is reluctant, preferring to sit. A countdown is projected onto the
screen and the show begins. We are treated to Hanks’ personal fascination with space travel, as he
famously played astronaut Jim Lovell in the film Apollo 13. [Marking comment]
Hanks co-wrote The Moonwalkers and the show looks both backwards at the first moon landing, and
forwards to the future of moon exploration with the Artemis programme. The sheer size of the images
being projected, along with impressive surround sound, make the experience truly mesmerising, and the
narrative combines huge impact pieces with more personal sound-bites from the astronauts
themselves. One highlight for me was the footage of the tense few seconds before Apollo 11 actually
touched down on the moon’s surface, along with Neil Armstrong’s famous first step on alien soil. Having
been born long after the first moon landing, the experience was so all-encompassing it genuinely felt as
though I was watching it live, for the first time. [Marking comment]
As well as being spectacular, the experience also showcased lighter moments, such as astronauts having
fun in the moon’s reduced gravity, bouncing around like children on a space-hopper. [Marking
comment]The braver audience members stood and moved around as suggested, as did I, and it was true
- it really did enhance the experience. However, given that the number of people standing and moving
were in the minority, this part of the experience could have been further encouraged via the narration,
maybe with Hanks himself directing the audience. Given he was involved in how the experience was
staged at the venue, this could have been the chance to really connect with the audience and make
them feel as though they were thoroughly involved. [Marking comment]
Ultimately, however, the experience left me with a sense of wonder and beauty, and an understanding of
humankind’s desire to explore beyond our planet. It was a thrilling experience that involved high-quality
visual and audio innovations, which more than justified the ticket price. It was interesting to note that
there were several children in the audience, who were just as mesmerised as the adults; the show’s
relatively short length no doubt contributed to keeping their attention. I did feel, however, that the venue
itself did not quite match the magic of the experience itself, especially as it so obviously appeals to all

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ages. The coffee shop in which the audience was invited to wait was hardly family-friendly, and before
the show we stood for a while in a queue formation in the rather small and very expensive merchandise
shop. I felt this was missing a trick, as was the lack of any visual build-up as we were led through an Your notes
industrial corridor to the room itself. That being said, however, it was a fantastic production and overall
there was very little not to marvel at; it really was an out-of-this-world experience. [Marking comment]

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