bio_22 (1)
bio_22 (1)
bio_22 (1)
In animals, control and coordination is performed by neural system and endocrine system
jointly. As the nerve fibres do not innervate all cells of the body, the endocrine system is
required to coordinate the functions.
Endocrine Glands
Endocrine glands are ductless glands. They release their secretion directly into blood
which is then transported to specific target organs to initiate a particular metabolic
The endocrine glands secrete chemicals called hormones.
Hormones are non-nutrient chemicals which act as intercellular messengers and are
produced in trace amount.
The endocrine glands and hormone producing tissues/cells are located in different parts of
the body. Gastrointestinal tract, kidney, liver and heart also produce small quantity of
hormones to control and coordinate the function of respective organs.
The hormones released from hypothalamus reaches the anterior pituitary through
portal circulatory system and regulate its function.
The posterior pituitary is under direct control of hypothalamus.
Pituitary Gland is located in sella tursica, a bony cavity. It is attached to the hypothalamus
by a stalk.
Excess secretion of Growth Hormone causes over growth of the body leading to
gigantism and low secretion causes stunted growth called dwarfism.
Prolactin stimulates growth of mammary gland and production of milk.
TSH stimulates production and release of thyroid hormone.
LH and FSH stimulate activity of the gonads. In male, LH stimulates synthesis and
secretion of androgen hormone from testis. In female, LH induces ovulation of fully
mature ovum from ovary.
Oxytocin helps in contraction of uterus during child birth and milk ejection from
mammary glands.
Vasopressin stimulates absorption of water and electrolyte in kidney.
MSH acts on the melanocytes and regulates skin pigmentation.
Thyroid Gland- composed of two lobes on either side of trachea connected by isthmus.
Parathyroid Gland- located on the back side of thyroid gland, secretes peptide hormone
called parathyroid hormone (PTH). PTH regulates the calcium ion concentration in the blood.
It also helps in reabsorption of calcium from renal tubules and digestive tracts.
Thymus- located on the dorsal side of heart and the aorta. This gland releases peptide
hormone thymosins that help in differentiation of T-Lymphocytes for cell-mediated
immunity. It also promotes production of antibodies to provide humeral immunity.
Adrenal Gland – located on anterior part of each kidney, composed of two types of tissues
central adrenal medulla and outside adrenal cortex. Adrenal medulla secretes adrenaline
and noradrenaline hormone commonly called as catecholamines. These hormones are also
called as emergency hormone. These hormones increase alertness, pupilary dilation,
sweating, heart beat, rate of respiration, glycogenolysis.
Testis – perform dual functions as a primary sex organ as well as endocrine glands. Leydig
cells or interstitial cells produce androgen mainly testosterone which regulate maturation of
primary sex organs and spermatogenesis.
Ovary – produce two groups of steroid hormones called estrogen and progesterone. Estrogen
is synthesized and secreted by growing ovarian follicles. After ovulation, ruptured ovum
called corpus luteum, secretes progesterone. Estrogen produces wide range actions like
growth of female secondary sex organs, development of growing ovarian follicles, and
regulation of female sexual behaviour.
Progesterone regulates pregnancy.
Atrial wall of heart secretes peptide hormone called atrial natriuretic factor (ANF)
which decreases blood pressure.
The juxtaglomerular cells of kidney produce erythropoietin hormone which stimulate
Gastro-intestinal tract secrete four major peptide hormones:
1. Gastrin stimulates the secretion of hydrochloric acid and pepsinogen.
2. Secretin acts on the exocrine pancreas and stimulates secretion of water and
bicarbonate ions.
3. Cholecystokinin (CCK) stimulates the secretion of pancreatic enzymes and bile juice
4.Gastric inhibitory peptide (GIP) inhibits gastric secretion and motility.
The hormones that bind with membrane bound receptors normally do not enter the target
cells but generate second messenger which in turn regulate cellular metabolism.
The hormones (steroid hormones) which interact with intracellular receptors mostly
regulate gene expression or chromosome function by interaction with hormone-receptor
complex with the genome. These biochemical actions results in physiological and
developmental effects.