English Grade 9
English Grade 9
English Grade 9
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ISBN: 978-9914-43-443-9
The Grade 9 curriculum designs build on competencies attained by learners at the end of Grade 8. Further, they provide
opportunities for learners to continue exploring and nurturing their potentials as they prepare to transit to Senior Secondary
The curriculum designs present National Goals of Education, essence statements, general and specific expected learning
outcomes for the learning areas (subjects) as well as strands and sub strands. The designs also outline suggested learning
experiences, key inquiry questions, core competencies, Pertinent and Contemporary Issues (PCIs), values, Community Service
Learning (CSL) activities and assessment rubric.
It is my hope that all Government agencies and other stakeholders in Education will use the designs to plan for effective and
efficient implementation of the CBC.
The Ministry of Education (MoE) is implementing the second phase of the curriculum reforms with the national roll out of the Competency
Based Curriculum (CBC) having been implemented in 2019. Grade 9 is the final level of the Junior Secondary School (JSS) in the new
education structure.
Grade 9 curriculum furthers implementation of the CBC from Grade 8. The main feature of this level is a broad curriculum for the learner to
explore talents, interests and abilities before selection of pathways and tracks at the Senior Secondary education level. This is very critical in
the realisation of the Vision and Mission of the on-going curriculum reforms as enshrined in the Sessional Paper No. I of 2019 whose title is:
Towards Realizing Quality, Relevant and Inclusive Education and Training for Sustainable Development in Kenya. The Sessional Paper
explains the shift from a Content - Focused Curriculum to a focus on Nurturing every Learner’s potential.
Therefore, the Grade 9 curriculum designs are intended to enhance the learners’ development in the CBC core competencies, namely:
Communication and Collaboration, Critical Thinking and Problem Solving, Creativity and Imagination, Citizenship, Digital Literacy,
Learning to Learn and Self-efficacy.
The curriculum designs provide suggestions for interactive and differentiated learning experiences linked to the various sub strands and the
other aspects of the CBC. The curriculum designs also offer several suggested learning resources and a variety of assessment techniques. It
is expected that the designs will guide teachers to effectively facilitate learners to attain the expected learning outcomes for Grade 9 and
prepare them for smooth transition into Senior Secondary School. Furthermore, it is my hope that teachers will use the designs to make
learning interesting, exciting and enjoyable.
The Kenya Institute of Curriculum Development (KICD) Act Number 4 of 2013 (Revised 2019) mandates the Institute to develop curricula
and curriculum support materials for basic and tertiary education and training. The curriculum development process for any level of
education involves thorough research, international benchmarking and robust stakeholder engagement. Through a systematic and
consultative process, the KICD conceptualised the Competency Based Curriculum (CBC) as captured in the Basic Education Curriculum
Framework (BECF), that responds to the demands of the 21st Century and the aspirations captured in the Kenya Constitution 2010, the
Kenya Vision 2030, East African Community Protocol and the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
KICD receives its funding from the Government of Kenya to enable the successful achievement of the stipulated mandate and
implementation of the Government and Sector (Ministry of Education -MoE) plans. The Institute also receives support from development
partners targeting specific programmes. The Grade 9 curriculum designs have been developed with the support of the World Bank through
the Kenya Secondary Education Quality Improvement Program (SEQIP) commissioned by the MoE. Therefore, the Institute is very grateful
for the support of the Government of Kenya, through the MoE and the development partners for the policy, resource and logistical support.
Specifically, special thanks to the Cabinet Secretary -MoE and the Principal Secretary – State Department of Early Learning and Basic
We also wish to acknowledge the KICD curriculum developers and other staff, all teachers, educators who took part as panelists; the Semi-
Autonomous Government Agencies (SAGAs) and representatives of various stakeholders for their roles in the development of the Grade 9
curriculum designs. In relation to this, we acknowledge the support of the Chief Executive Officers of the Teachers Service Commission
(TSC) and the Kenya National Examinations Council (KNEC) for their support in the process of developing these designs.
Finally, we are very grateful to the KICD Council Chairperson Prof. Elishiba Kimani and other members of the Council for very consistent
guidance in the process. We assure all teachers, parents and other stakeholders that these curriculum designs will effectively guide the
implementation of the CBC at Grade 9 and preparation of learners for transition to Senior Secondary School.
FOREWORD ................................................................................................................................................................................... i
PREFACE ....................................................................................................................................................................................... ii
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ............................................................................................................................................................. iii
TABLE OF CONTENTS ............................................................................................................................................................... iv
LESSON ALLOCATION .............................................................................................................................................................. vi
NATIONAL GOALS OF EDUCATION ..................................................................................................................................... vii
LEVEL LEARNING OUTCOMES FOR MIDDLE SCHOOL .................................................................................................... ix
ESSENCE STATEMENT ............................................................................................................................................................. ix
GENERAL LEARNING OUTCOMES FOR ENGLISH................................................................................................................x
STRANDS .......................................................................................................................................................................................x
THEME 1.0: CITIZENSHIP ...........................................................................................................................................................1
THEME 2.0: SCIENCE: FICTION ..............................................................................................................................................11
THEME 3.0: ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION ...............................................................................................................20
THEME 4.0: CONSUMER PROTECTION: CONSUMER LAWS AND POLICIES .................................................................30
THEME 5.0 RELATIONSHIPS: COMMUNITY .........................................................................................................................40
THEME 6.0: LEISURE TIME ......................................................................................................................................................51
THEME 7.0: NATURAL RESOURCES: MARINE LIFE ..........................................................................................................61
THEME 8.0: TOURISM: INTERNATIONAL .............................................................................................................................72
THEME 9.0: HEROES AND HEROINES: WORLD ..................................................................................................................81
THEME 10.0: SOCIAL AND MASS MEDIA.............................................................................................................................91
THEME 11.0: INCOME GENERATING ACTIVITIES ............................................................................................................101
THEME 12.0: PERSONAL GROOMING ..................................................................................................................................111
THEME 13.0: SEA TRAVEL ....................................................................................................................................................121
THEME 14.0: SPORTS : OUTDOOR GAMES ........................................................................................................................131
THEME 15.0: TOURIST ATTRACTION SITES: KENYA .....................................................................................................142
COMMUNITY SERVICE LEARNING PROJECT ...................................................................................................................152
Education in Kenya should:
i) Foster nationalism and patriotism and promote national unity
Kenya’s people belong to different communities, races and religions, but these differences need not divide them. They must be
able to live and interact as Kenyans. It is a paramount duty of education to help young people acquire this sense of nationhood
by removing conflicts and promoting positive attitudes of mutual respect which enable them to live together in harmony and
foster patriotism in order to make a positive contribution to the life of the nation.
ii) Promote the social, economic, technological and industrial needs for national development
Education should prepare the youth of the country to play an effective and productive role in the life of the nation.
a) Social Needs
Education in Kenya must prepare children for changes in attitudes and relationships which are necessary for the smooth
progress of a rapidly developing modern economy. There is bound to be a silent social revolution following the wake of
rapid modernization. Education should assist our youth to adapt to this change.
b) Economic Needs
Education in Kenya should produce citizens with the skills, knowledge, expertise and personal qualities that are required
to support a growing economy. Kenya is building up a modern and independent economy which is in need of an adequate
and relevant domestic workforce.
c) Technological and Industrial Needs
Education in Kenya should provide learners with the necessary skills and attitudes for industrial development. Kenya
recognizes the rapid industrial and technological changes taking place, especially in the developed world. We can only be
part of this development if our education system is deliberately focused on the knowledge, skills and attitudes that will
prepare our young people for these changing global trends.
iv) Promote sound moral and religious values
Education should provide for the development of knowledge, skills and attitudes that will enhance the acquisition of sound
moral values and help children to grow up into self-disciplined, self-reliant and integrated citizens.
vi) Promote respect for and development of Kenya’s rich and varied cultures
Education should instill in the youth of Kenya an understanding of past and present cultures and their valid place in
contemporary society. Children should be able to blend the best of traditional values with the changing requirements that must
follow rapid development in order to build a stable and modern society.
vii) Promote international consciousness and foster positive attitudes towards other nations
Kenya is part of the international community. It is part of the complicated and interdependent network of peoples and nations.
Education should therefore lead the youth of the country to accept membership of this international community with all the
obligations and responsibilities, rights and benefits that this membership entails.
viii. Promote positive attitudes towards good health and environmental protection
Education should inculcate in young people the value of good health in order for them to avoid indulging in activities that will
lead to physical or mental ill health. It should foster positive attitudes towards environmental development and conservation. It
should lead the youth of Kenya to appreciate the need for a healthy environment.
By the end of Middle School, the learner should be able to:
1. Apply literacy, numeracy, and logical thinking skills appropriately in self-expression.
2. Communicate effectively, verbally and non-verbally, in diverse contexts.
3. Apply Digital Literacy skills appropriately for communication and learning in day-to-day life.
4. Practise hygiene, appropriate sanitation, and nutrition to promote good health.
5. Explore, manipulate, manage and conserve the environment effectively for learning and sustainable development.
6. Demonstrate ethical behaviour and exhibit good citizenship as a civic responsibility.
7. Demonstrate social skills, and spiritual and moral values for peaceful co-existence.
8. Appreciate of the country’s rich and diverse cultural heritage for harmonious co-existence.
9. Manage Pertinent and Contemporary Issues in society effectively.
The Constitution of Kenya, 2010 accords English the status of one of the official languages. According to the Language in
Education Policy of 1976, English is the language of instruction from Grade Four onwards, including colleges and universities.
In addition, English is a language of communication at both local and international levels. Mastery of English enhances access to
academic, social, and professional opportunities. The English subject at the Junior Secondary School level will expose learners
to both knowledge and use of the English language, and literary appreciation. It will build on the competencies acquired at the
Upper Primary School level in Listening, Speaking, Reading, Writing, and Grammar in Use.
By the end of Junior Secondary School level, learners will be expected to gain proficiency in the English language for further
learning and training, and their day-to-day interactions. They will be provided with varied and appropriate experiences in
Listening, Speaking, Reading, Writing, and Grammar in Use to develop linguistic and communicative competence. They will
also be expected to interact with print and non-print language and literary material both in and outside the classroom.
The English subject will lay a firm foundation for the learners' efficient and effective use of the English language, as a
communication tool and the medium of instruction at Senior Secondary School level. In addition, it will be a stepping stone for
further study of English language, Literature in English and other pathways.
Strand Sub Strand Specific Learning Suggested Learning Experiences Key Inquiry
Outcomes Question (s)
1.1 1.1.1 Polite By the end of the sub Learner is guided to: 1. Why
Listening Language strand, the learner should define the term euphemism, should we
and be able to: identify examples of polite words and use polite
Speaking a) outline words and expressions used in a poem or story, language?
phrases used to express listen to an audio interview and identify 2. Why is it
(2 Lessons) euphemism, euphemism, embarrassi
b) use euphemism to show simulate an interview from a text and identify ng to say
politeness in euphemism, some
communication, use euphemism in a conversation, words in
c) conduct a debate while make rules for a debating session in groups, public?
adhering to conventions
conduct a debate related to the theme, in small
of polite language, groups,
d) acknowledge the
watch or listen to a recorded clip of a debating
importance of
session in parliament,
politeness in
create posters with euphemistic words and
share the posters through social media or the
school notice board.
Core competencies to be developed
Communication and collaboration is enhanced as the learner participates in debates
Citizenship is nurtured as the learner practises the use of polite language
Pertinent and Contemporary Issues (PCIs)
Social cohesion is enhanced as the learner practises the use of euphemism in various contexts
Respect is inculcated as the learner adheres to debating conventions and uses polite language
Link to other subjects
Social Studies, French, German, Kiswahili and indigenous languages emphasise the use of polite words and expressions
Assessment Rubric
Level Exceeds Expectations Meets Expectations Approaches Below Expectations
Indicator Expectations
Ability to outline Outlines euphemistic Outlines euphemistic Outlines some Outlines some
euphemistic words and words and phrases with words and phrases euphemistic words and euphemistic words and
phrases varied examples phrases phrases with assistance
Ability to conduct a Conducts a debate Conducts a debate Conducts a debate Conducts a debate
debate while adhering while adhering to while adhering to while adhering to most while adhering to a few
to appropriate conventions of polite conventions of polite conventions of polite conventions of polite
conventions language language language language
Ability to use Uses a wide variety of Uses euphemism to Uses some euphemistic Uses some euphemistic
euphemisms to show euphemistic words to show politeness in words to show words to show
politeness in show politeness in communication politeness in politeness in
communication communication communication communication with
guidance from peers
Strand Sub strand Specific Learning Suggested Learning Experiences Key Inquiry
Outcomes Question(s)
1.2 Reading 1.2.1 By the end of the sub Learner is guided to: Why is it
Independent strand, the learner should be identify reading materials in a variety of important to read
Reading - able to: subjects different types of
Grade a) select reading materials search for online fiction and non-fiction materials?
Appropriate from digital or non- texts
Text digital sources, skim through a text to obtain the gist
b) read grade appropriate (main idea)
(2 Lessons) materials for lifelong scan a text to obtain specific details
learning, read the text
c) create a reading log for maintain a reading log showing their
monitoring reading reading activities and thoughts about
activities, what they read. The items to include in
d) recommend to peers the log are:
suitable fiction and non- - the title and author of the text
fiction materials to read. - the dates you read
- the amount of time you spend
reading each day
- the key themes in the text
- the major characters
- the plot development
- the questions you have as you read
engage in follow up activities such as:
- creating chain stories
- forming a book club
- keeping vocabulary journals
- preparing a reading log for the titles
of the fiction and non-fiction texts.
Core Competencies to be Developed
Learning to learn takes place as the learner selects reading materials
Critical thinking and problem solving is promoted as the learner develops a good reading culture
Self-efficacy is nurtured as the learner creates a reading log
Pertinent and Contemporary Issues (PCIs)
Social cohesion is developed as learners share reading materials and experiences
Responsibility is inculcated as the learner searches for reading materials, reads, and keeps a reading log
Link to other subjects
All subjects require intensive and extensive reading
Assessment Rubric
Level Exceeds Expectations Meets Expectations Approaches Below Expectations
Indicator Expectations
Ability to select Selects varied reading Selects reading Selects somewhat Selects somewhat suitable
reading materials materials from digital or materials from digital suitable reading reading materials from
from digital or non- non-digital sources or non-digital sources materials from digital digital or non-digital
digital sources or non-digital sources sources with assistance
Ability to read Reads varied grade Reads grade Reads some grade Reads some grade
grade appropriate appropriate materials appropriate materials appropriate materials appropriate materials for
materials for lifelong for lifelong learning for lifelong learning for lifelong learning lifelong learning
learning with prompts
Ability to create a Creates varied reading Creates a reading log Creates a reading log Attempts to creates a
reading log for log for monitoring for monitoring for monitoring reading reading log for monitoring
monitoring reading reading activities and reading activities activities and includes reading activities and
activities includes all the expected most of the expected includes a few of the
details details expected details with
Strand Sub Strand Specific Learning Suggested Learning Experiences Key Inquiry
Outcomes Question (s)
1.3 1.3.1 By the end of the sub Learner is guided to: 1. How can one
Grammar Gender strand, the learner listen to common English songs and pick avoid gender
in Use Neutral should be able to: out gender biased words and phrases bias in
Language a) identify gender read sections of a poem or story and pick communication?
biased words and out words with gender bias 2. Which words
phrases in oral and watch a video and identify gender biased demonstrate
written texts, and gender neutral terms used by the gender
(2 Lessons) b) use gender neutral sensitivity in
words and phrases in replace the words with gender bias in the communication?
sentences, poem or story with gender neutral words
c) acknowledge the and phrases
importance of gender use the gender neutral words and phrases to
sensitivity in make sentences
communication. rewrite/paraphrase short texts to eliminate
gender bias
in groups, create posters showing gender
neutral words and phrases and share them
on the school notice board or through social
fill in a crossword puzzle featuring gender
neutral words/phrases.
Core competencies to be developed
Self-efficacy is enhanced as the learner forms different types of sentences using gender sensitive words
Pertinent and Contemporary Issues (PCIs)
Social cohesion is developed as the learner practises the use of gender neutral language
Unity is enhanced as the learner participates in group tasks
Link to other subjects
All subjects encourage the learner to use gender sensitive language
Assessment Rubric
Level Exceeds Expectations Meets Expectations Approaches Below Expectations
Indicator Expectations
Ability to identify Identifies gender biased Identifies gender biased Identifies most gender Identifies a few gender
gender biased words words and phrases in words and phrases in biased words and biased words and
and phrases in oral and oral and written texts in oral and written texts phrases in oral and phrases in oral and
written texts a variety of contexts written texts written texts
Ability to use gender Uses gender neutral Uses gender neutral Uses some gender Uses some gender
neutral words and words and phrases in a words and phrases in neutral words and neutral words and
phrases in sentences variety of sentences sentences phrases in sentences phrases in sentences
with assistance
Strand Sub Strand Specific Learning Suggested Learning Experiences Key Inquiry
Outcomes Question (s)
1.4 Intensive 1.4.1 By the end of the sub Learner is guided to: 1. What are the
Reading: Play: strand, the learner should outline the order of events in the play, features of a
Play Structure be able to: analyse the acts and scenes in the play, play?
and Setting a) describe the structure discuss the action in the play in groups, 2. Why is it
and setting of a play, describe the time the actions in the play necessary to
(2 Lessons) b) analyse the acts and occur, know when
scenes of a play for in groups, discuss where the events in the and where the
literary appreciation, play take place, action in a play
c) recognise the role of write a summary of a scene in the play, took place?
literary appreciation
in small groups, role play some of the
in critical thinking. actions and characters in the play,
paraphrase sections of the play.
Core competencies to be developed
Self efficacy is enhanced as the learner talks about the actions in the play
Communication and collaboration is promoted as learners work in groups
Creativity and imagination is nurtured as the learner role-plays actions and characters in a play
Pertinent and Contemporary Issues (PCIs)
Critical thinking is developed as the learner analyses the setting, structure and action in the play
Unity and responsibility are enhanced as the learners work in groups
Link to other subjects:
Performing arts promotes creativity through drama
Assessment Rubric
Level Exceeds Expectations Meets Expectations Approaches Below Expectations
Indicator Expectations
Ability to describe the Describes aspects of Describes aspects of Describes some Describes some
structure and setting of the structure and the structure and setting aspects of the structure aspects of the structure
a play setting of a play with of a play and setting of a play and setting of a play
illustrations with assistance
Ability to analyse the Analyses the acts and Analyses the acts and Analyses the acts and Analyses the acts and
acts and scenes in a scenes in a variety of scenes in a play scenes in a play leaving scenes in a play leaving
play for literary plays out a few details out mant details
Strand Sub strand Specific Learning Outcomes Suggested Learning Experiences Key Inquiry
Question (s)
1.5 1.5.1 By the end of the sub strand, the Learner is guided to: 1. Why is it
Writing learner should be able to: distinguish between tidy and untidy pieces important to
Legibility a) identify sections of a piece of write
of writing,
and writing that require breaking indent paragraphs appropriately, legibly?
Neatness of words and indentation, find out the advantages of a neat and 2. Why do we
b) indent paragraphs when legible handwriting from the internet or indent
writing a composition, non-digital sources, paragraphs?
c) create a neat and legible text, break words correctly at the end of a line,
(2 Lessons) d) appreciate the importance of assess their own handwriting,
legibility and neatness in in small groups, review a text written by a
written communication.
take notes during an oral presentation,
take notes while listening to an audio or
watching a video recording,
rewrite portions of a dictated text,
in groups, discuss techniques of
improving legibility in writing.
Core competencies to be developed
Digital literacy is enhanced as the learner researches on the advantages of a neat and legible handwriting from the internet
Learning to learn takes place as the learner takes notes while listening to a text
Pertinent and Contemporary Issues (PCIs)
Effective communication is enhanced as the learner acquires techniques of improving their handwriting, indenting paragraphs
and note taking
Responsibility is cultivated as the learner works at improving their handwriting and engages in self and peer assessment
Link to other subjects
All subjects require neat and legible handwriting
Assessment Rubric
Level Exceeds Expectations Meets Expectations Approaches Below Expectations
Indicator Expectations
Ability to indent Indents paragraphs Indents paragraphs Indents some Needs assistance to
paragraphs when when writing a when writing a paragraphs when indent paragraphs when
writing a composition composition in a composition writing a composition writing a composition
variety of contexts
Ability to create a neat Creates a variety of Creates a neat and Creates a neat and Creates a neat and
and legible text neat and legible texts legible text legible text but omits a legible text but omits
few details most details
Strand Sub strand Specific Learning Suggested Learning Experiences Key Inquiry
Outcomes Question (s)
2.1 Listening 2.1.1 Oral By the end of the sub strand, Learner is guided to: 1. Why are
and Speaking Literature: Short the learner should be able to: collect riddles, proverbs and riddles,
Forms a) identify the tongue twisters from books, the proverbs
characteristics of riddles, internet, and the community, and tongue
(2 Lessons) tongue twisters and play riddling games in small twisters
proverbs, groups, important?
b) explain the functions of discuss the functions of proverbs, 2. How do we
riddles, tongue twisters riddles and tongue twisters, perform
and proverbs, respond to riddles correctly, riddles,
c) perform riddles, tongue fill in crossword puzzles using proverbs
twisters and proverbs, riddles and proverbs, and tongue
d) appreciate the suggest alternative responses to twisters?
importance of short given riddles,
forms in fostering
create a collection of riddles,
fluency in proverbs and tongue twisters and
communication. display them on charts or school
notice board.
Core competencies to be developed
Communication and collaboration is developed as the learner uses riddles, tongue twisters and proverbs
Critical thinking and problem solving is enhanced as the learner connects ideas to solve riddles
Pertinent and Contemporary Issues (PCIs)
Ethnic and racial relationships is fostered as the learner familiarises themselves with riddles and proverbs from different
Effective communication is developed as the learner learns to articulate words correctly
Unity is encouraged as the learners participate in riddling games
Link to other subjects
French, German, Kiswahili and indigenous languages teach riddles, proverbs and tongue twisters
Assessment Rubric
Level Exceeds Expectations Meets Expectations Approaches Below Expectations
Indicator Expectations
Ability to identify the Identifies the characteristics Identifies the Identifies some Identifies the
characteristics of of riddles, proverbs and characteristics of characteristics of characteristics of riddles,
riddles, proverbs and tongue twisters and gives riddles, proverbs and riddles, proverbs and proverbs and tongue
tongue twisters examples tongue twisters tongue twisters twisters with prompts
Ability to perform Performs riddles, tongue Performs riddles, Performs some Performs some riddles,
riddles, tongue twisters and proverbs tongue twisters and riddles, tongue tongue twisters and
twisters and proverbs creatively proverbs twisters and proverbs proverbs with assistance
Ability to explain the Explains the functions of Explains the Explains most of the Explains a few of the
functions of riddles, riddles, tongue twisters and functions of riddles, functions of riddles, functions of riddles,
tongue twisters and proverbs with examples tongue twisters and tongue twisters and tongue twisters and
proverbs proverbs proverbs proverbs
Strand Sub strand Specific Learning Outcomes Suggested Learning Experiences Key Inquiry
Question (s)
2.2 Reading 2.2.1 By the end of the sub strand, Learner is guided to: Why do we repeat
Intensive the learner should be able to: read provided simple poems individually some sounds,
Reading: a) identify basic aspects of and in groups, words and lines in
Simple style such as repetition respond to questions based on a poem, a poem?
Poems and rhyme in a poem, recite simple poems,
b) describe the functions of identify the parts of a poem in which
rhyme and repetition in a repetition and rhyme are used,
poem, search the internet or other sources for
c) appreciate the role of more examples of poems that use
repetition and rhyme in a repetition and rhyme,
poem. relate the ideas in a poem to real life,
Compose a simple poem with rhyme and
repetition and present in groups.
Core competencies to be developed
Self-efficacy is nurtured as the learner recites poems
Learning to learn is encouraged as the learner studies on their own
Communication and collaboration is enhanced as the learner reads and recites poems
Pertinent and Contemporary Issues (PCIs)
Effective communication is enhanced as the learner learns to articulate words correctly as they read and recite poems
Unity is cultivated as the learner works together with others to recite poems
Respect is fostered as the learners take turns to read and respond to different lines in a poem
Link to other subjects
Kiswahili, French, German and indigenous languages expose learners to poetry
Assessment Rubric
Level Exceeds Expectations Meets Expectations Approaches Below Expectations
Indicator Expectations
Ability to identify basic Identifies basic aspects Identifies basic aspects Identifies some basic Identifies some basic
aspects of style such as of style such as of style such as aspects of style such as aspects of style such as
repetition and rhyme in repetition and rhyme in repetition and rhyme in repetition and rhyme in repetition and rhyme in
a poem a variety of poems a poem a poem a poem with assistance
Ability to describe the Describes the functions Describes functions of Describes some Describes some
functions of rhyme and of rhyme and repetition rhyme and repetition in functions of rhyme and functions of rhyme and
repetition in a poem in a poem and gives a poem repetition in a poem repetition in a poem
clear illustrations even with assistance
Strand Sub Strand Specific Learning Suggested Learning Experiences Key Inquiry
Outcomes Question (s)
2.3 Grammar 2.3.1 Nouns By the end of the sub Learner is guided to: 1. How do count
in Use and strand, the learner should read a short passage in which nouns differ
Quantifiers be able to: quantifiers are used to describe from the non-
a) use quantifiers in count and non-count nouns, count nouns?
sentence, listen to a text that uses 2. Why is it
(2 Lessons) b) categorise count and quantifiers with count and non- important to
non-count nouns in count nouns, express the
oral and written texts, identify quantifiers that are used quantity of
c) acknowledge the with count, non-count or both something
importance of categories, correctly?
quantifiers in oral and work in small groups to identify
written count, non-count nouns and
communication. quantifiers from a passage,
match count and non-count nouns
with the correct quantifiers,
search for more examples of
quantifiers from books,
newspapers, magazines, and the
form sentences using different
quantifiers with count and non-
count nouns and read them aloud
in groups.
Core competencies to be developed
Learning to learn is enhanced as the learner searches for more examples of quantifiers from books, newspapers, magazines,
and the internet
Pertinent and Contemporary Issues (PCIs)
Effective communication is enhanced as the learner uses quantifiers correctly in sentences
Unity is fostered as learners identify count and non-count nouns in small groups
Responsibility is nurtered as the learners help each other in identifying and using quantifiers correctly
Link to other subjects
Kiswahili, French, German and indigenous languages expose the learner to quantifiers and count and non-count nouns
Assessment Rubric
Level Exceeds Expectations Meets Expectations Approaches Expectations Below Expectations
Ability to categorise Categorises count and Categorises count Categorises most count Categorises most
count and non-count non-count nouns in a and non-count nouns and non-count nouns in a count and non-count
nouns in a text variety of texts in a text text nouns in a text with
guidance from peer
Ability to use Creatively uses Uses quantifiers in Uses quantifiers in some Uses quantifiers in
quantifiers in sentences quantifiers in sentences sentences sentences some sentences with
Strand Sub Strand Specific Learning Outcomes Suggested Learning Experiences Key Inquiry
2.4 Reading 2.4.1 By the end of the sub strand, Learner is guided to: How do we
Intensive the learner should be able to: read a play individually and in small know the key
Reading: a) describe the sequence of groups events in a play?
Plot events in a play, identify the key events in the play
b) relate the events in a play role-play a section of the play in groups
to real life experiences, analyse the events in the play
c) acknowledge the answer questions based on the plot
(2 Lessons) importance of a plot in a create a summary of the key events
literary work.
assess the summary in pairs or small
make connections between events in the
play and real life.
Core competencies to be developed
Learning to learn is enhanced as the learner analyses and writes a summary of the events in a play
Communication and collaboration is developed as the learner interacts with others in groups
Pertinent and Contemporary Issues (PCIs)
Social cohesion is enhanced as the learner analyses events in the play and relates the events with real life experiences
Unity is enhanced as the learner collaborates with peers to complete a task
Link to other subjects
Drama and plays are studied in Kiswahili, German and French
Assessment Rubric
Level Exceeds Expectations Meets Expectations Approaches Below Expectations
Indicator Expectations
Ability to describe the Describes the sequence Describes the sequence Describes the sequence Describes the sequence
sequence of events in a of events in a play of events in a play of events in a play but of some events in a
play creatively omits a few details play but omits most
Ability to relate events Relates events in a play Relates the events in a Relates some events in Relates events in a play
in a play to real life to real life experiences play to real life a play to real life to real life experiences
experiences meticulously experiences experiences with peer guidance
Strand Sub strand Specific Learning Outcomes Suggested Learning Experiences Key Inquiry
Question (s)
2.5 Writing 2.5.1 Mechanics By the end of the sub strand, Learner is guided to: 1. Why is it
of Writing: the learner should be able to: identify the dash, quotation marks important to use
Punctuation a) identify the dash, quotation and brackets in digital texts, punctuation
marks and bracket in a text newspapers, books or magazines marks
(2 Lessons) b) use the dash, quotation make sentences using the dash, correctly?
marks and brackets in quotation marks and brackets 2. How do we use
written texts assess the work of peers the dash,
c) appreciate the role of the make posters displaying the correct quotation marks
dash, quotation marks and use of the dash, quotation marks and and brackets in
brackets in written texts. brackets. writing?
Core competencies to be developed
Self-efficacy is enriched as the learner uses punctuation marks correctly in writing
Creativity and imagination is enhanced as the learner constructs sentences
Learning to learn is achieved as the learners assess peers’ work
Pertinent and Contemporary Issues (PCIs)
Effective communication is promoted as the learner uses punctuation marks in writing
Creative thinking is enhanced as the learner creates sentences
Love is promoted as the learner assesses the work of peers for correctness
Unity is strengthened as the learners work in groups to complete tasks
Link to other subjects
Kiswahili, French, indigenous languages and German emphasise the need for correct punctuation in writing
Assessment Rubric
Level Exceeds Expectations Meets Expectations Approaches Below Expectations
Indicator Expectations
Ability to identify the Correctly identifies the Identifies the dash, Identifies the dash, Identifies the dash,
dash, quotation marks dash, quotation marks quotation marks and quotation marks and quotation marks and
and brackets in texts and brackets in varied brackets in texts brackets in some texts brackets in some texts
texts with assistance
Ability to use the Meticulously uses the Uses the dash, Uses the dash, quotation Uses the dash, quotation
dash, quotation marks dash, quotation marks quotation marks and marks and brackets marks and brackets in
and brackets in and brackets in written brackets correctly in correctly in written texts some written texts with
written texts texts written texts prompts
Strand Sub Strand Specific Learning Suggested Learning Experiences Key Inquiry
Outcomes Question (s)
3.1 Listening 3.1.1 Listening By the end of the sub strand, Learner is guided to: 1. Why is it
and Speaking Comprehension the learner should be able to: listen to a passage read out by the important to
(Grade a) identify the main idea teacher based on the theme, listen
Appropriate and specific details from pick out specific details such as attentively?
Texts) an argumentative text time, places, events and people 2. How do the
b) listen for the main idea from a listening passage specific
and specific information identify the main idea from a details in a
(2 Lessons) (details) in an listening text in small groups text enhance
argumentative text listen to a news bulletin and pick comprehensi
c) acknowledge the need out the main idea and specific on?
for comprehension in details
communication. watch a debate or interview and
pick out required information
watch a video of a presentation
of a poem, song or story and
identify specific details
infer the meaning of unfamiliar
words in groups
answer questions based on the
Core competencies to be developed
Learning to learn is stimulated as the learner listens for the main idea and specific details
Digital literacy is advanced as the learner interacts with audio and video texts
Critical thinking and problem solving is broadened as the learner identifies the main idea and specific details from a text
Pertinent and Contemporary Issues (PCIs)
Social cohesion is enhanced as the learner works with peers
Patriotism is promoted as the learner acquires knowledge on how to preserve their environment from the thematic texts
Responsibility is inculcated as the learner is sensitised on ways of conserving the environment
Links to other subjects
Kiswahili, indigenous languages, German and French teach learners the importance of good listening skills
Assessment Rubric
Level Exceeds Meets Expectations Approaches Below Expectations
Indicator Expectations Expectations
Ability to identify the Identifies the main Identifies the main idea Identifies the main Identifies the main idea
main idea and specific idea and specific and specific details from idea and some specific and some specific details
details from an details from varied an argumentative text details in an with assistance
argumentative text argumentative texts argumemtative text
Ability to listen for Listens for the main Listens for the main idea Listens for the main Listens for the main
the main idea and idea and specific and specific details from idea and some specific idea but omits most of
specific information details from varied an argumentative text details from an the specific details from
from an argumentative argumentative texts argumentative text an argumentative text
Strand Sub Strand Specific Learning Suggested Learning Experiences Key Inquiry
Outcomes Question (s)
3.2 Reading 3.2.1 Reading By the end of the sub strand, Learner is guided to: 1. Why is it
for Information the learner should be able to: read a grade appropriate text important find
and Meaning a) infer the meaning of make predictions about a reading text the meaning of
words, phrases and infer the meaning of new words, new words and
(2 Lessons) sentences from the phrases and sentences from the phrases?
context, context 2. How do we
b) make connections look up the meaning of new words and derive
between events in a text phrases from the dictionary information
and real life situations, relate the characters, events and places from a given
c) value the need to in a text to real life text?
comprehend the answer questions from a text
information in written
make notes as they read a text
summarise the events in a text
form sentences using the new words
and phrases
fill in a crossword puzzle in pairs or
small groups using the new words.
Core competencies to be developed
Communication is enhanced as the learner answers questions from a text
Pertinent and Contemporary Issues (PCIs)
Environmental education is enhanced as the learner interacts with content on environmental conservation
Respect is developed as the learner works with peers to complete tasks
Link to other subjects
Kiswahili, French, German and indigenous languages expose learners to comprehension skills
Assessment Rubric
Level Exceeds Expectations Meets Expectations Approaches Below Expectations
Indicator Expectations
Ability to infer the Infers the meaning of Infers the meaning of Infers the meaning of Infers the meaning of
meaning of words and words and phrases from words and phrases from some words and words and phrases from
phrases from the the context with the context phrases from the the context with peer
context examples context assistance
Ability to make Makes connections Makes connections Makes connections Attempts to make
connections between between events in a text between the events in a between some of the connections between
events in a text and real and real life situations text and real life events in a text and real some events in a text
life situations with relevant situations life situations and real life situations
illustrations with assistance
Strand Sub Strand
Specific Learning Suggested Learning Experiences Key Inquiry
Outcomes Question (s)
3.3 Grammar 3.3.1 Modal By the end of the sub Learner is guided to: Which words do
in Use Auxiliaries strand, the learner should identify the modal auxiliaries – may, we use to express
be able to: might, will, shall, would, should, can different moods
a) identify modal and could – in a print or digital text such as requests,
auxiliaries in a passage form sentences using the modal auxiliaries permission,
(2 Lessons) b) use modal auxiliaries to
read a dialogue featuring modal ability and
express different auxiliaries in pairs obligation?
moods create a dialogue featuring modal
c) value the importance of auxiliaries in pairs, record the dialogue
using modal auxiliaries and share it with peers
in communication. listen to a song or read a poem and
identify the modal auxiliaries used
view pictures and diagrams and ask
questions using modal auxiliaries
use modal auxiliaries correctly to express
permission, requests, ability and
in groups, discuss the functions of modal
Core competencies to be developed
Self efficacy is enhanced as the learner identifies and uses modal auxiliaries correctly
Pertinent and Contemporary Issues (PCIs)
Effective communication is developed as the learner reads a dialogue featuring modal auxiliaries
Respect is inculcated as learners participate in group activities to complete tasks
Link to other subjects
Kiswahili, French, German and Arabic teach modal auxiliaries
Assessment Rubric
Level Exceeds Expectations Meets Expectations Approaches Expectations Below Expectations
Ability to identify Identifies the modal Identifies modal Identifies some modal Identifies some modal
modal auxiliaries in a auxiliaries in a variety auxiliaries in a auxiliaries in a passage auxiliaries in a passage
passage of passages passage with prompts
Ability to use modal Uses modal auxiliaries Uses modal Uses some modal Needs guidance from
auxiliaries to express meticulously to express auxiliaries to express auxiliaries to express peers to use modal
different moods different moods different moods different moods auxiliaries to express
different moods
Strand Sub Strand Specific Learning Suggested Learning Experiences Key Inquiry
Outcomes Question (s)
3.4 Reading 3.4.1 By the end of the sub Learner is guided to: 1. Why do we
Poems: strand, the learner recite a poem read or recite
Structure should be able to: identify the number of lines in a poem poems?
a) describe the pick out the short and long lines in a poem 2. Why are non-
structure of a poem in small groups, discuss how personification living things
(2 Lessons) b) analyse the use of has been used in the poem or animals
personification in a infer the meaning of new words from the made to
poem context of a poem behave like
c) create a poem come up with a class project in which they: human beings
based on a topic of o identify a topic of interest in poems or
interest o carry out research about the topic stories?
d) appreciate the o compose a poem based on the selected
reading of poetry topic
for enjoyment. o ask a peer to review the poem
o make corrections on the poem
o share the poem on the school noticeboard
or through social media.
Respect is developed as learners work in groups to accomplish tasks
Link to other subjects
Kiswahili, German, French and indigenous languages use poems to teach communication skills
Assessment Rubric
Level Exceeds Expectations Meets Expectations Approaches Expectations Below Expectations
Ability to describe Vividly describes the Describes the Describes some of the Describes some of the
the structure of a aspects of the structure structure of a poem aspects of the structure of a aspects of the structure
poem of a poem poem of a poem with prompts
Ability to analyse the Analyses the use of Analyses the use of Analyses the use of Has challenges
use of personification personification in a personification in a personification in some analysing the use of
in a poem variety of poems poem parts of a poem personification in a
Ability to compose a Creatively composes Composes a poem Composes a poem based Struggles to compose a
poem based on a topic poems on various that is based on a on a topic of interest but poem based on a topic
of interest topics of interest topic of interest leaves out a few details of interest but leaves
out most details
Strand Sub Strand Specific Learning Suggested Learning Experiences Key Inquiry
Outcomes Question (s)
3.5 Writing 3.5.1 Structure By the end of the sub strand, Learner is guided to: 1. Why is it
of a paragraph the learner should be able read excerpts from newspaper articles, important to
to: magazines, textbooks or online articles organise the
a) outline the four identify the: ideas in your
(2 Lessons) characteristics of a well - topic sentence paragraphs
formed paragraph - supporting sentences coherently?
b) create a paragraph that - clincher sentence 2. How can you
is well developed, discuss the steps for paragraph ensure that your
coherent and unified writing, namely: paragraphs are
c) acknowledge the need - Step 1 —write an outline of the well formed?
for concise paragraphs paragraph that includes the topic
in written and supporting information
communication. - Step 2 — write the topic sentence
- Step 3 – write a supporting
sentence for each point. Use facts
or examples to support your points
- Step 4 — write a concluding
sentence to sum up
- Step 5 — write the final paragraph
write a paragraph on a topic of interest
that is:
- coherent
- unified
- contains well-developed thoughts
assess the paragraphs in groups.
Assessment Rubric
Level Exceeds Expectations Meets Expectations Approaches Below Expectations
Indicator Expectations
Ability to outline the Outlines the four Outlines the four Outlines at least two Outlines less than two
four characteristics of a characteristics of a well characteristics of a well characteristics of a characteristics of a well
well formed paragraph formed paragraph with formed paragraph well formed formed paragraph
adequate examples paragraph
Ability to create a Creates a variety of Creates a paragraph that Creates a paragraph Creates a paragraph that
paragraph that is well paragraphs that are is well developed, that is partially is partially developed,
developed, coherent well developed, coherent and unified developed, coherent coherent and unified
and unified coherent and unified and unified with prompts
Strand Sub strand Specific Learning Outcomes Suggested Learning Experiences Key Inquiry
Question (s)
4.1 Listening 4.1.1 By the end of the sub strand, The learner is guided to: 1. Why should
and Speaking Selective the learner should be able to: listen to a news bulletin and select the we listen
Listening a) select required required information while attentively?
information from a disregarding irrelevant information 2. How can we
listening text answer specific questions on dates, ensure we
b) make judgement on the time and facts based on the news pick out
(2 Lessons) message in the listening relevant
text list the order of events mentioned in details from
c) advocate the need for the bulletin a text?
selective listening in discuss in groups how to become a
various contexts. better listener
give an opinion on what they like or
do not like about the text
watch a video of a presentation and
pick out required information.
Core competencies to be developed
Critical thinking and problem solving is enhanced as learners selectively pick out relevant information while leaving out
irrelevant details
Pertinent and Contemporary Issues (PCIs)
Social cohesion is enhanced through group tasks
Decision making is nurtured as the learner picks out the required details and leaves out the rest
Link to other subjects
French, German, Kiswahili, Arabic and indigenous languages expose learners to selective listening skills
Assessment Rubric
Level Exceeds Expectations Meets Expectations Approaches Expectations Below Expectations
Ability to select Selects required Selects required Selects required Selects required
required information information from information from a information from a information from a
from a listening text varied listening texts listening text listening text but omits a listening text but omits
few details most of the details
Ability to make Makes judgement on Makes judgement on Partially makes judgement Partially makes
judgement on the the message in the the message in the on the message in the judgement on the
message in the listening text with listening text listening text message in the listening
listening text illustrations text with assistance
Strand Sub Strand Specific Learning Outcomes Suggested Learning Experiences Key Inquiry
Question (s)
4.2 Reading 4.2.1 By the end of the sub strand, Learner is guided to: 1. How are
Intensive the learner should be able to: make predictions about the outcome characters and
Reading a) predict events in a reading of the story from the title and events in a text
text illustrations related to real
b) outline the key events in a deduce the meaning of words using life?
(2 Lessons) text contextual clues 2. Why is
c) answer direct and inferential make connections between events in summary
questions for comprehension the story and real life writing an
d) infer the meaning of new answer direct and inferential important
words and phrases using questions from a comprehension reading skill?
contextual clues passage on consumer laws and
e) relate the characters, events policies
and places in the text to real make notes from a passage on
life consumer laws and policies
f) appreciate the importance of write a summary using the notes.
comprehension in lifelong
Core competencies to be developed
Critical thinking and problem solving is fostered as the learner makes inferences and summarises information from the text
Pertinent and Contemporary Issues (PCIs)
Social cohesion is enhanced as the learner participates in group activities
Consumer protection is addressed as the learner makes notes from a passage on consumer laws and policies
Unity is enhanced as learners work in groups to complete tasks
Link to other subjects
Comprehension strategies such as drawing conclusions and making inferences are learnt in Kiswahili, indigenous languages
and foreign languages
Integrated Science, Home Science and Agriculture expose learners to experiments which require the skill of drawing
Assessment Rubric
Level Exceeds Expectations Meets Expectations Approaches Below Expectations
Indicator Expectations
Ability to predict Perfectly and accurately Predicts events in a Predicts events in a Predicts events in a
events in a reading predicts all events in a reading text reading text with reading text with many
text reading text minimal errors errors
Ability to outline the Outlines the key events Outlines the key Outlines some key Outlines some key events
key events in a text in a variety of texts events in a text events in a text in a text with assistance
Ability to answer Excellently answers all Answers direct and Answers direct Answers some direct and
direct and inferential direct and inferential inferential questions questions correctly but inferential questions with
questions questions correctly some of the inferential peer assistance
questions are incorrect
Ability to infer the Infers the meaning of Infers the meaning of Infers the meaning of Infers the meaning of
meaning of new new words and phrases new words and some of the new some of the new words
words and phrases using contextual clues phrases using words and phrases and phrases using
using contextual clues with precision contextual clues using contextual clues contextual clues even
when assisted
Ability to relate the Relates all the Relates most of the Partially relates the Has difficulty relating the
characters, events and characters, events and characters, events and characters, events and characters, events and
places in the text to places in the text to real places in the text to places in the text to places in the text to real
real life life with vivid examples real life with examples real life life even with assistance
Strand Sub Strand Specific Learning Outcomes Suggested Learning Experiences Key Inquiry
Question (s)
4.3 Grammar 4.3.1 Present By the end of the sub strand, Learner is guided to: 1. How do we
in Use and Past the learner should be able to: recognise present and past perfect show that an
Perfect Tense a) distinguish the present tense forms action is
and past perfect tense engage in a sentence completion complete?
forms in sentences guessing game to practise present 2. Why should
(2 Lessons) b) use present and past we use tense
and past perfect tense
perfect tense in sentences compare present and past perfect correctly in
c) appreciate the importance tense forms in sentences sentences?
of using tense in use has/have + past participle form
sentences. of the verb to form the present
perfect tense
use had + past participle form of the
verb to form the past perfect tense
construct sentences on a variety of
issues such as consumer laws and
policies using the present and past
perfect tense
pick out sentences in present and
past perfect tense from newspaper
articles, magazines and books
search for examples of sentences in
the present and past perfect forms
from the internet.
Core competencies to be developed
Self-efficacy is achieved as the learner uses present and past perfect tense in sentences
Pertinent and Contemporary Issues (PCIs)
Consumer protection is enhanced as the learner interacts with content related to consumer laws and policies
Social justice is fostered as the learner forms sentences related to the theme of consumer protection
Link to other subjects
Business Studies and Home Science address issues on consumer protection
Assessment Rubric
Level Exceeds Expectations Meets Expectations Approaches Below Expectations
Indicator Expectations
Ability to distinguish Distinguishes between Distinguishes between Distinguishes Distinguishes between
between the present the present and past the present and past between the present the present and past
and past perfect forms perfect forms in varied perfect forms in and past perfect perfect forms in some
in sentences sentences sentences forms in some sentences when
sentences prompted
Ability to use present Uses the present and Uses the present and past Uses the present and Uses the present and
and past perfect tense past perfect tense in perfect tense in sentences past perfect tense in past perfect tense in
in sentences sentences meticulously sentences with a few sentences with many
inconsistencies inconsistencies
Strand Sub Strand Specific Learning Suggested Learning Experiences Key Inquiry
Outcomes Question (s)
4.4 Intensive 4.4.1 Play: By the end of the sub The learner is guided to: 1. How can one
Reading Identification strand, the learner should list the characters and their roles in a tell the
of Characters be able to: play qualities of a
a) identify the characters assume (hot seat) the personality of a character in a
in a play certain character and say why ‘they play?
(2 Lessons) b) use appropriate say and do certain things’ 2. How does
adjectives to describe role play various characters describing
the characters participate in a reader’s theatre as they actions of
c) describe the actions of read sections of the play characters aid
the characters using use appropriate adjectives to describe our
appropriate adverbs the characters, with illustrations understanding
d) value the need to describe the actions of the characters of a play?
describe people and using various adverbs
relate the characters in the play to
appropriately. people in real life
discuss the behaviour of the characters
in small groups
write an essay on their favourite
Core competencies to be developed
Critical thinking is achieved as learners identify the characters and their traits
Problem solving is fostered as learners brainstorm on the characters’ behaviour
Pertinent and Contemporary Issues (PCIs)
Critical thinking is developed as the learner role-plays or assumes the role of certain characters in a hot seating activity
Unity is enhanced by engaging the learner in group tasks
Link to other subjects
Characterisation is a concept learnt in Kiswahili, indigenous languages and Performing Arts
Assessment Rubric
Level Exceeds Expectations Meets Expectations Approaches Below Expectations
Indicator Expectations
Ability to identify the Meticulously identifies Identifies the characters Identifies some of the Identifies the characters
characters in a play the characters in a in a play characters in a play in a play with prompts
variety of plays
Ability to use Aptly uses appropriate Uses appropriate Uses appropriate Uses appropriate
appropriate adjectives adjectives to describe adjectives to describe the adjectives to describe adjectives to describe
to describe the the characters characters the characters leaving the characters leaving
characters out a few details out most details
Ability to describe the Aptly describes the Describes the actions of Describes the actions Describes the actions of
actions of the actions of the the characters using of some of the some of the characters
characters using characters using appropriate adverbs characters using using appropriate
appropriate adverbs appropriate adverbs appropriate adverbs adverbs with assistance
Strand Sub Strand Specific Learning Outcomes Suggested Learning Experiences Key Inquiry
Question (s)
4.5 Writing 4.5.1 By the end of the sub strand, Learner is guided to: 1. How can we
Narrative the learner should be able to: distinguish between narrative and make a
and a) highlight the qualities of a descriptive paragraphs narrative
Descriptive well formed paragraph search for examples of narrative and composition
Paragraphs b) write narrative and descriptive paragraphs from the internet or interesting?
descriptive paragraphs print sources 2. How can we
c) use the first person and discuss the qualities of a well formed ensure unity
second person in narrative paragraph in groups in a
(2 Lessons) and descriptive outline the characteristics of a narrative paragraph?
paragraphs paragraph
d) value the need for well discuss the features of a descriptive
formed paragraphs in paragraph in groups
written communication. create a descriptive paragraph that appeals
to the sense of sight, smell, hearing, taste
and touch
create a narrative paragraph
recognise the first and second person in
various paragraphs
review a paragraph written by peers
make corrections to the paragraph as per
comments given by peers.
Core competencies to be developed
Creative thinking and problem solving is developed as learners review a paragraph written by peers
Pertinent and Contemporary Issues (PCIs)
Consumer Protection is enhanced as the learner interacts with materials related to the theme
Unity and responsibility are developed as learners discuss the qualities of a well formed paragraph in groups
Link to other subjects
The importance of well formed paragraphs is emphasised in Kiswahili, indigenous languages and foreign languages
Assessment Rubric
Level Exceeds Expectations Meets Expectations Approaches Below Expectations
Indicator Expectations
Ability to highlight the Highlights the qualities Highlights the Highlights the Highlights the qualities of
qualities of a well of a well-formed qualities of a well qualities of a well a well formed paragraph
formed paragraph paragraph with a lot of formed paragraph formed paragraph but but omits many details
clarity omits some details even with prompting
Ability to write well Creatively writes well- Writes well-formed Writes moderately Writes well-formed
formed narrative and formed narrative and narrative and well-formed narrative narrative and descriptive
descriptive paragraphs descriptive paragraphs descriptive paragraphs and descriptive paragraphs with
paragraphs scaffolding
Ability to use the first Uses the first person Uses the first person Partially uses the first Uses the first person and
person and second and second person in a and second person in person and second second person in narrative
person in narrative and variety of narrative and narrative and person in narrative and descriptive paragraphs
descriptive paragraphs descriptive paragraphs descriptive paragraphs and descriptive with peer assistance
Strand Sub Strand Specific Learning Outcomes Suggested Learning Experiences Key Inquiry
Question (s)
5.1 Listening 5.1.1 By the end of the sub strand, Learner is guided to: 1. Why should
and Pronunciation the learner should be able to: identify the semi-vowels /j/ and /w/ we
Speaking a) pronounce the semi vowels as in the words you, yes; woo and pronounce
(2 Lessons) /j/ /w/ and the diphthongs way, sounds
/aɪ/ and /eɪ/ words with pick out the diphthongs /aɪ/ as in accurately?
clarity, buy ; and /eɪ/ as in pain from an 2. How can the
b) apply stress on content and audio or oral text, same word
function words listen to a passage or sentences from express
appropriately for speech an audio-recording or from the different
clarity, teacher, meanings?
c) appreciate the importance write down and read out words with
of correct pronunciation in the specified semi-vowels /j/ and
communication. /w/ (as in you, yes; woo, way) ,
pronounce words with the
diphthongs /aɪ/ and /eɪ/ (as in buy,
file; pain, gate) accurately,
practise correct pronunciation of the
learnt words in pairs,
find out and listen to the correct
pronunciation of sounds from the
stress content words,
stress function words when
bring out varied meanings of words
through stress.
Core competencies to be developed
Digital literacy is enhanced as the learner listens to a passage or sentences from an audio-recording
Communication and collaboration is developed as learner practises correct pronunciation in groups
Learning to learn is developed as the learner listens to the correct pronunciation of sounds from the internet on their own
Pertinent and Contemporary Issues (PCIs)
Effective communication is enhanced as the learner improves their articulation of sounds and words
Unity is promoted as learners work in pairs to practice
Link to other subjects
Social Studies and Religious Education address topics on relationships
All languages teach correct pronunciation
Assessment Rubric
Level Exceeds Expectations Meets Expectations Approaches Below Expectations
Indicator Expectations
Ability to pronounce Pronounces the semi- Pronounces the Pronounces some of the Struggles to pronounce
the semi vowels /j/ /w/ vowels and diphthongs selected semi-vowels selected semi-vowels some of the selected
and the diphthongs /aɪ/ in a variety of texts and diphthongs in a and diphthongs in a text semi-vowels and
and /eɪ/ in a text eloquently text correctly correctly diphthongs in a text even
correctly with assistance
Ability to apply stress Consistently applies Applies stress on Applies stress on some Needs assistance to
on content and stress on content and content and functional content and functional apply stress on content
functional words functional words words appropriately words appropriately and functional words
appropriately appropriately most of the time appropriately
Strand Sub Strand Specific Learning Outcomes Suggested Learning Experiences Key Inquiry
Question (s)
5.2 Reading 5.2.1 Reference By the end of the sub strand, Learner is guided to: Why do we use
Materials: the learner should be able to: search the internet for more reference
Dictionary, a) outline various types of information about the dictionary, materials?
Thesaurus, reference materials and thesaurus, encyclopaedia and the
Encyclopaedia their uses purpose for each,
b) use the dictionary, compare print and digital dictionary,
thesaurus and subject thesaurus, encyclopaedia,
specific encyclopaedia to read a passage from a textbook,
(2 Lessons) check the meaning and newspaper, or magazine,
usage of words identify unfamiliar words in the
c) conduct research on a topic passage,
of interest using the look up the meaning of the words in
dictionary, thesaurus and a dictionary,
encyclopaedia conduct research on a given topic
d) acknowledge the value of using subject specific
reference materials in encyclopaedia,
look up the synonyms of various
words using a thesaurus,
make sentences using the synonyms
of given words,
utilise the dictionary, thesaurus and
the encyclopaedia for reference
spell words correctly,
classify words into various classes,
conduct research on contemporary
issues from a subject specific
Core competencies to be developed
Digital literacy is promoted as the learner searches for information using the digital dictionary, thesaurus, encyclopaedia
Learning to learn is enhanced as the learner uses the dictionary, thesaurus and encyclopaedia for research
Pertinent and Contemporary Issues (PCIs)
Effective communication is developed as the learner pronounces and spells words correctly with the help of reference materials
Critical thinking is improved as the learner makes own sentences using newly acquired words
Integrity is inculcated as the learner conducts research on various topics using the dictionary, thesaurus and subject specific encyclopaedi
Link to other subjects
Languages such as French, Kiswahili and German teach use of reference material
Subject specific encyclopaedias are used in all learning areas
Assessment Rubric
Level Exceeds Expectations Meets Expectations Approaches Below Expectations
Indicator Expectations
Ability to use the Uses the dictionary, Uses the dictionary, Uses the dictionary, Uses the dictionary,
dictionary, thesaurus thesaurus and subject thesaurus and subject thesaurus and subject thesaurus and subject
and subject specific specific encyclopaedia specific specific specific encyclopaedia to
encyclopaedia to check to check the meaning encyclopaedia to encyclopaedia to check the meaning and
the meaning and usage and usage of words check the meaning check the meaning and usage of some words with
of words meticulously and usage of words usage of some words assistance
Ability to conduct Conducts research on Conducts research on Conducts research on Conducts research on a
research on varied varied topics using the a topic of interest a topic of interest topic of interest using the
topics using the dictionary, thesaurus using the dictionary, using the dictionary, dictionary, thesaurus and
dictionary, thesaurus and the encyclopaedia thesaurus and the thesaurus and the the encyclopaedia even
and encyclopaedia efficiently encyclopaedia encyclopaedia with with teacher assistance
Strand Sub Strand Specific Learning Suggested Learning Experiences Key Inquiry
Outcomes Question (s)
5.3 Grammar 5.3.1 Order of By the end of the sub Learner is guided to: 1. How can we
in Use Adjectives strand, the learner should identify opinion, shape, size, age, use words to
be able to: colour, origin, material, purpose create vivid
a) identify various types adjectives in texts, pictures of a
(2 Lessons) of adjectives in texts, search for examples of various types of person or
b) use the correct order adjectives from the internet, place?
of adjectives in oral use mind maps to generate different 2. Why is it
and written texts, adjectives important to
c) appreciate the role of form sentences using adjectives of order
ordered adjectives in opinion, shape, size, age, colour, adjectives
communication for origin, material and purpose, correctly?
clarity. listen to an audio text or watch a video
and pick out different adjectives
construct sentences orally in pairs from
posters, pictures and other visuals,
work in small groups to fill in
crossword puzzles featuring different
types of adjectives,
participate in a chain story telling game
where they describe a character or
place using adjectives.
Core competencies to be developed
Learning to learn is promoted as the learner interracts with the order of different types of adjectives in various texts
Digital literacy is enhanced as the learner searches for examples of various adjectives from the internet
Pertinent and Contemporary Issues (PCIs)
Critical thinking is developed as the learner practices how to order adjectives correctly in own sentences
Unity and responsibility are enhanced as the learner participates in group tasks
Link to other subjects
Adjectives are learnt in the language learning areas such as indigenous languages, French, Kiswahili and German
Assessment Rubric
Level Exceeds Expectations Meets Expectations Approaches Expectations Below Expectations
Ability to identify Identifies various Identifies various types Identifies various types of Attempts to identify
various types of types of adjectives in of adjectives in texts adjectives in some texts various types of
adjectives in texts all texts promptly adjectives in texts with
Ability to use the Uses the correct order Uses the correct order Uses the correct order of Uses the correct order
correct order of of adjectives in a of adjectives in texts adjectives in some texts of adjectives in texts
adjectives in texts variety texts with peer assistance
Strand Sub Strand Specific Learning Outcomes Suggested Learning Experiences Key Inquiry
Question (s)
5.4 Reading 5.4.1 Play: By the end of the sub strand, Learner is guided to: 1. What makes a
Style the learner should be able to: identify the oral literature features play
a) identify the features of (narration, riddles, songs, proverbs, interesting to
style used in the play with local words and tongue twisters) used read?
(2 Lessons) examples, 2. How do
in the play,
b) relate the stylistic features pick out the similes and metaphors stylistic
to the message in the play, used in the play, features
c) value the role of varied read about the meaning of the features enhance the
style in reinforcing the of style used in the play from digital message in a
message in a play. and non- digital resources, play?
read excerpts of the play and pick out
the stylistic features used,
participate in a readers’ theatre as they
read sections of the play,
relate the features of style to the
message in the play,
role-play the actions of the characters
in the play,
use hot seating to bring to life aspects
of the play,
write a summary of the features of
style used in the play.
Core competencies to be developed
Critical thinking and problem solving is fostered as the learner relates the aspects of style to the message in the play
Pertinent and Contemporary Issues (PCIs)
Peace education enhanced as the learner takes part in collaborative group tasks such as the readers’ theatre, role plays
and hot seating
Unity is promoted as the learner participates in group tasks
Link to other subjects
Stylistic features are studied in Kiswahili and other language learning areas
Assessment Rubric
Level Exceeds Expectations Meets Expectations Approaches Below Expectations
Indicator Expectations
Ability to identify the Identifies the features Identifies the features Identifies some of the Identifies some of the
features of style used in of style used in the play of style used in the features of style used features of style used in
the play and give and gives a variety of play and gives in the play the play with guidance
examples examples examples
Ability to relate the Readily relates all the Relates the stylistic Relates some of the Relates the stylistic
stylistic features to the stylistic features to the features to the stylistic features to the features to the message in
message in the play message in the play and message in the play message in the play the play with peer
gives illustrations assistance
Strand Sub Strand Specific Learning Suggested Learning Experiences Key Inquiry
Outcomes Question (s)
5.5 Writing 5.5.1 Letter of By the end of the sub strand, Learner is guided to: 1. Why do we
Application the learner should be able identify the components of a letter of write letters of
to: application from a sample letter, application?
a) identify the components work in groups to brainstorm on the 2. How can one
(2 Lessons) of a letter of application, purpose of writing a letter of application, ensure a letter
b) write a letter of look for more samples of letters of of application
application using all the application from books, magazines, meets the
components, newspapers and the internet, expected
c) advocate the need to outline a letter of application, standards?
adhere to the format of write a letter of application using the
formal letter writing. taught components,
exchange the letter with other learners for
peer assessment,
edit the letters of application in small
groups for correctness,
revise the letter and input corrections
suggested by peers,
share the letters of application on the
class noticeboard, school noticeboard or
Core competencies to be developed
Collaboration is enhanced as the learner participates in collaborative letter writing tasks
Digital literacy is promoted as the learner searchers for samples of letters of application from the internet
Creativity and imagination is nurtured as the learner composes a letter of application which boosts their level of
Pertinent and Contemporary Issues (PCIs)
Creative thinking is developed as the learner participates in group tasks
Unity is promoted as the learner exchanges the letter of application with others for peer assessment
Responsibility is fostered as groups of learners participate in collaborative letter writing and editing
Link to other subjects
Letter writing is learnt in learning areas such as Kiswahili, French and German
Assessment Rubric
Level Exceeds Expectations Meets Expectations Approaches Below Expectations
Indicator Expectations
Ability to identify the Identifies the Identifies the Identifies some of the Identifies the
components of a letter components of a letter components of a components of a letter of components of a letter
of application of application with letter of application application but omits a of application and
illustrations few details omits most details
Ability to write a letter Writes a variety of Writes a letter of Writes a letter of Struggles to write a
of application using the letters of application application using the application using most of letter of application
components using all the components the components using a few
components components
Strand Sub Strand Specific Learning Suggested Learning Experiences Key Inquiry
Outcomes Question (s)
6.1 6.1.1 Conversational By the end of the sub Learner is guided to: 1. Which words
Listening skills: Negotiation strand, the learner should watch a video clip in which or expressions
and skills be able to: people are engaged in a would one use
Speaking a) identify words and negotiation, when
(2 Lessons) phrases used during listen to a conversation related negotiating?
negotiations, to the theme, 2. How can one
b) use verbal and non- pick out words and phrases that enhance their
verbal cues during facilitate a negotiation, negotiation
negotiations, work in pairs and search for skills?
c) acknowledge the more examples of words and
importance of phrases used during
negotiation skills in negotiations,
communication. use verbal and non-verbal cues
in conversations,
role play a negotiation scene,
simulate a negotiation scene,
engage in a hot seat negotiation
for the freedom of a prisoner or
a favour,
perform a conversational poem
in which people are negotiating
or bargaining for money, dowry
or price of land.
Core competencies to be developed
Problem solving is developed as the learner negotiates or requests for a favour during a hot seating activity
Collaboration is enhanced as the learner discusses the use of verbal and non-verbal cues in conversations
Pertinent and Contemporary Issues (PCIs)
Effective communication is enhanced as the learner is equipped with negotiation skills
Responsibility is enhanced as the learner uses language appropriately to hold negotiations
Unity is developed as the learner works with peers to hold mock negotiations
Link to other subjects
Negotiation skills are also learnt in Social studies and Kiswahili
Assessment Rubric
Level Exceeds Expectations Meets Expectations Approaches Below Expectations
Indicator Expectations
Ability to identify Identifies varied words Identifies words and Identifies some words Identifies some words and
words and phrases and phrases used in phrases used in and phrases used in phrases used in
used in negotiations negotiations negotiations negotiations negotiations with
Ability to use verbal Uses verbal and non- Uses verbal and non- Uses some verbal and Uses some verbal and non-
and non-verbal cues verbal cues creatively in verbal cues in non-verbal cues in verbal cues in
appropriately in conversations conversations conversations conversations with
conversation guidance from others
Strand Sub strand Specific Learning Outcomes Suggested Learning Experiences Key Inquiry
Question (s)
6.2 Reading 6.2.1 Reading By the end of sub strand the Learner is guided to: 1. Why is
Fluency learner should be able to: preview a text, reading a text
a) outline ways of enhancing ignore unknown words, fluently
fluency in reading, scan through a text to find a word, a important?
b) read a text at the right pair of words or a phrase in pairs or 2. How can one
(2 Lessons)
speed, accurately and groups, read a text
with expression for skim through articles or chapters in a fluently?
effective communication, book,
c) acknowledge the role of read portions of a narrative in turns,
reading fluently in engage in a timed, repeated reading
extensive reading. of a portion of a text,
pronounce sounds and words
read with expression,
find a text, set a reading rate goal,
for example, one hundred words per
minute, time themselves and read
and reread the text until they attain
the desired number of words per
read a portion of a text in groups and
correct each other,
perform a conversational poem in a
reader’s theatre,
read a text within a specified time,
read out texts from flash cards.
Core competencies to be developed
Self-efficacy is enhanced as the learner accurately reads a text at the right speed and with expression
Learning to learn is achieved as the learner learns how to read fluently
Pertinent and Contemporary Issues (PCIs)
Effective communication is enhanced as the learner effectively communicates ideas by fluently reading texts
Love is instilled as the learners take part in group tasks like timing each other’s reading
Link to other subjects
Kiswahili, German, French and indigenous languages emphasise the acquisition of effective reading skills
Assessment Rubric
Level Exceeds Meets Expectations Approaches Below Expectations
Indicator Expectations Expectations
Ability to outline Aptly outlines the Outlines the ways of Outlines some of the Needs assistance to outline
ways of enhancing ways of enhancing enhancing fluency in ways of enhancing ways of enhancing fluency
fluency in reading fluency in reading reading fluency in reading in reading
Ability to read a text Reads a text at the Reads a text at the Reads a text at the right Reads a text but hesitates a
at the right speed, right speed, accurately right speed, speed and with lot, displays minimal
accurately and with and with expression accurately and with expression but with expression and
expression with a lot of ease expression some inaccuracies mispronounces many sounds
Strand Sub Strand Specific Learning Outcomes Suggested Learning Experiences Key Inquiry
Question (s)
6.3 Grammar 6.3.1 By the end of the sub strand, Learner is guided to: 1. How do we
in Use Comparison of the learner should be able to: identify the positive, comparative compare
Adverbs a) identify the degrees of and superlative degrees of adverbs, things?
comparison in adverbs, practise using different degrees of 2. Which
(2 Lessons) b) use positive, comparative adverbs in sentences, words are
and superlative degrees of listen to an audio clip or read a used to
adverbs in sentences, passage featuring the comparison of make
c) appreciate the importance adverbs, comparison?
of the correct usage of discuss the rules for comparison of
adverbs. adverbs,
in small groups, correct mistakes in
sentences that have comparison of
use substitution tables to categorise
adverbs in pairs,
use various degrees of adverbs
during a role play,
use adverbs of various degrees in a
dialogue, record a video or audio
clip and share it through the internet.
Core competencies to be developed
Digital literacy is promoted as the learner listens to an audio clip on the comparison of adverbs
Communication and collaboration is enhanced as the learner participates in a dialogue featuring degrees of adverbs
Pertinent and Contemporary Issues (PCIs)
Creative thinking is enhanced as the learner appropriately identifies which degrees of adverbs to use
Integrity is inculcated as the learner uses their leisure time to read a passage on comparison of adverbs
Link to other subjects
Comparison of adverbs is a concept learnt in Kiswahili, French, German and indigenous languages
Assessment Rubric
Level Exceeds Expectations Meets Expectations Approaches Below Expectations
Indicator Expectations
Ability to identify Identifies the degrees of Identifies the Identifies degrees of Identifies degrees of
degrees of comparison in adverbs in degrees of comparison in some comparison in some
comparison in a variety of texts comparison in adverbs in a text adverbs with assistance
adverbs in a text adverbs in a text
Ability to use Uses positive, Uses positive, Uses some positive, Uses some positive,
positive, comparative and comparative and comparative and comparative and
comparative and superlative degrees of superlative degrees superlative degrees of superlative degrees of
superlative degrees of adverbs creatively adverbs adverbs with assistance
adverbs in sentences
Strand Sub Strand Specific Learning Suggested Learning Experiences Key Inquiry
Outcomes Question (s)
6.4 Reading 6.4.1 Intensive By the end of the sub Learner is guided to: 1. What are
Reading – Play strand the learner should read excerpts of a play, some of the
be able to: outline and illustrate the themes in the issues
(2 Lessons) a) identify the themes in a play, authors
play or a section of a in groups discuss the themes in the play, write about?
play, engage in a hot seating activity featuring 2. How are
b) analyse the themes in a some of the themes, literary texts
play, relate the themes to real life experiences, different
c) relate the themes in a role play some of the scenes in the play, from factual
play to real life, ones?
perform readers’ theatre in small groups
d) appreciate the role of
involving sections of the play,
literary appreciation in
record video clips as they dramatise,
the development of
sections of the play, share the video clips
critical thinking skills.
through the internet.
Core competencies to be developed
Creativity and imagination is enhanced as the learner participates in hot seats and relates themes to real life experiences
Digital literacy is developed as the learner makes video recordings and shares them on the internet
Pertinent and Contemporary Issues (PCIs)
Critical thinking is developed as learners respond to questions during a hot seating session
Responsibility is enhanced as the learner discusses with peers the best suited illustrations for different themes
Links to other subject
The concept of themes in plays is studied in Kiswahili and Performing Arts
Assessment Rubric
Level Exceeds Expectations Meets Expectations Approaches Expectations Below Expectations
Ability to identify Aptly identifies the Identifies the themes Identifies some of the Identifies some themes
the themes in the themes in the play or a in the play or a section themes in the play or a in the play or a section of
play or a section of section of the play of the play section of the play the play with peer
a play assistance
Ability to analyse Analyses the themes Analyses the themes Analyses the themes in Analyses the themes in
the themes in a in the play with varied in the play with the play with some the play with some
play with and appropriate appropriate appropriate illustrations appropriate illustrations
appropriate illustrations illustrations when prompted
Ability to relate Convincingly relates Relates the themes to Relates the themes to most Relates the themes to a
the themes to real the themes to real life real life events real life events few real life events
life events and characters in
the play
Strand Sub Strand Specific Learning Suggested Learning Experiences Key Inquiry
Outcomes Question (s)
6.5 Writing 6.5.1 Mechanics By the end of the sub strand Learner is guided to: 1. Why are some
of Writing: the learner should be able identify words with double words
Spelling to: consonants and those with double commonly
a) recognise homonyms, vowels, misspelt?
homophones, double search for the commonly misspelt 2. Why is it
(2 Lessons) consonants and vowels words such as homonyms and important to
in written texts, homophones from the internet or spell words
b) spell commonly misspelt print sources, correctly?
words for writing practise spelling homonyms and
fluency, homophones in pairs or small groups,
c) value the importance of listen to a dictation of words with
correct spelling in double consonants and those with
written communication. double vowels and write them,
engage in spelling games such as
spelling bee, scramble, crosswords
and word search,
use the target words in sentences of
their own,
fill in crossword puzzles and other
word games and share them through
the internet, magazines or the school
Core competencies to be developed
Self-efficacy is developed as the learner appropriately uses the target words in sentences of their own
Digital literacy is boosted as the learner interacts with technology creating crossword puzzles and other word games and
sharing them through social media
Learning to learn is enhanced as the learner searches for the commonly misspelt words from the internet thus acquiring
information on their own
Pertinent and Contemporary Issues (PCIs)
Effective communication is developed as the learner practises spelling words correctly
Peace and unity are promoted as the learner takes part in group tasks
Link to other subjects
Correct spelling is emphasised in subjects such as Integrated Science, Kiswahili, French and German
Assessment Rubric
Level Exceeds Expectations Meets Expectations Approaches Below Expectations
Indicator Expectations
Ability to recognise Aptly recognises Recognises Recognises some Recognises some
homonyms, homonyms, homonyms, homonyms, homonyms, homophones,
homophones, double homophones, double homophones, double homophones, double double consonants and
consonants and consonants and vowels consonants and vowels consonants and vowels when prompted
double vowels in in written texts in written texts vowels
written texts
Ability to spell Spells a variety of Spells commonly Spells some Needs assistance to spell
commonly misspelt commonly misspelt misspelt words commonly misspelt some commonly misspelt
words words words words
Strand Sub strand Specific Learning Suggested Learning Experiences Key Inquiry
Outcomes Question (s)
7.1 7.1.1 Listening By the end of the sub Learner is guided to: 1. Why should we
Listening Comprehension: strand, the learner should pick out details from a listening text, distinguish
and Listening for be able to: rewrite the passage in their own between relevant
Speaking Detail a) select the main idea words, and irrelevant
from a listening work in pairs to discuss any new information
(2 Lessons) passage, information that they have learnt from during a
b) respond to questions the passage, presentation?
based on the listening answer questions based on the 2. Why is it
passage, passage important to
c) acknowledge the use a digital device to search for more listen keenly?
importance of information,
attentive listening. watch a video and pick out specific
details in groups,
recall specific details from a listening
Core competencies to be developed
Digital literacy is enhanced as the learner uses a digital device to search for more information on marine life
Learning to learn is fostered as the learner practises picking out details from a listening text
Pertinent and Contemporary Issues (PCIs)
Environmental Conservation is enhanced as the learner listens to passages based on the theme
Critical thinking is developed as the learner rewrites or paraphrases the listening passage
Responsibility is nurtured as the learner intracts with texts on how to take care of natural resources
Link to other subjects:
Social Studies covers aspects of natural resources
Kiswahili, German, French and indigenous languages teach good listening and speaking skills
Assessment Rubric
Level Exceeds Expectations Meets expectation Approaches Expectations Below Expectations
Ability to select the Selects the main idea Selects the main idea Selects the main idea from Selects the main idea
main idea from a from varied listening from a listening a listening passage but from a listening passage
listening passage passages passage sometimes falters but falters most of the
Ability to respond to Responds to Responds to Responds to some Responds to some
questions based on questions based on the questions based on questions based on the questions based on the
the listening passage listening passage the listening passage listening passage listening passage with
creatively assistance
Strand Sub Strand Specific Learning Outcomes Suggested Learning Experiences Key Inquiry
Question (s)
7.2 Reading 7.2.1 Intensive By the end of the sub strand Learner is guided to: 1. Why should
Reading: the learner should be able to: watch video clips on a text and you give the
Interpretation a) distinguish between interpret the text, correct
and Evaluation reading for interpretation outline the key issues discussed in interpretation
and reading for evaluation the video clip, of a text?
(2 Lessons) for infromation, summarise the content of the video 2. How can you
b) interpret a reading text for study and identify visuals from interpret a text
lifelong learning, texts related to the theme, correctly?
c) summarise information in brainstorm, in groups differences
a reading text, between reading for interpretation
d) appreciate the role of and evaluation,
correct interpretation and read a short text related to the
evaluation of a text in theme and interpret it in pairs,
paraphrase portions of the text,
read and summarise digital texts
related to the theme such as the
national geographic magazine,
make detailed notes of digital and
print texts they have read.
Core competencies to be developed
Digital literacy is advanced as the learner reads and summarises digital texts related to the theme such as the National
Geographic Magazine
Pertinent and Contemporary Issues (PCIs)
Effective communication is enhanced as the learner makes notes of digital and print texts they have read
Respect is fostered as the learner forms own judgments on texts read
Link to other subjects
The languages, Mathematics and Integrated Science all emphasise the need for good skills in interpretation and evaluation
Assessment Rubric
Level Exceeds Expectations Meets Expectations Approaches Expectations Below Expectations
Ability to distinguish Convincingly Distinguishes Distinguishes between Distinguishes between
between reading for distinguishes between between reading for reading for interpretation reading for interpretation
interpretation and reading for interpretation and but at times falters but falters most of the
reading for interpretation and reading times
evaluation reading
Ability to interpret a Interprets a reading Interprets a reading Interprets a reading text Interprets a reading text
reading text text with relevant text but omits some details but omits some details
appropriately for examples when aided by others
lifelong learning
Ability to summarise Summarises Summarises Summarises information in Summarises some
information in a information in a reading information in a a reading text in a fairly information in a reading
reading text text logically and reading text logical manner text in a fairly logical
concisely manner
Strand Sub Strand Specific Learning Suggested Learning Experiences Key Inquiry
Outcomes Question(s)
7.3 Grammar 7.3.1 Relative By the end of the sub strand Learner is guided to: 1. How do you
in Use Pronouns the learner should be able to: identify relative and interrogative obtain
a) recognise relative and pronouns from a passage, information
Interrogative interrogative pronouns in differentiate between relative and from people?
Pronouns a text, 2. Which words do
interrogative pronouns,
b) use relative and construct sentences using you use to ask
interrogative pronouns in interrogative and relative questions and to
sentences, pronouns, join simple
c) acknowledge the value of work in small groups and use sentences?
relative and interrogative relative and interrogative
pronouns in pronouns, record the activity on
communication. video and share the video with
role play a dialogue featuring
interrogative and relative
use relative and interrogative
pronouns as they participate in a
hot seating activity on the
conservation of marine life/natural
create a crossword puzzle
featuring relative and interrogative
use interrogative pronouns to ask
questions based on visuals.
Assessment Rubric
Level Exceeds Expectations Meets Approaches Expectations Below Expectations
Indicator Expectations
Ability to recognise Promptly recognises Recognises relative Recognises some relative Recognises some relative
relative and relative and and interrogative and interrogative pronouns and interrogative
interrogative interrogative pronouns pronouns in in sentences pronouns in some
pronouns in sentences in sentences sentences sentences only with peer
Ability to use relative Uses relative and Uses the relative Uses some relative and Needs assistance to use
and interrogative interrogative pronouns and interrogative interrogative pronouns in some relative and
pronouns in sentences in a wide variety of pronouns in sentences fairly well interrogative pronouns in
sentences sentences sentences
Strand Sub Strand Specific Learning Outcomes Suggested Learning Experiences Key Inquiry
Question (s)
7.4 Reading 7.4.1 Intensive By the end of the sub strand Learner is guided to: 1. Why should we
Reading: the learner should be able to: watch muted video clips based establish the
a) identify the characters in a on a play and discuss what they relationship
Play play for deeper think the characters are saying to between the
understanding, each other, characters in a
(2 Lessons)
b) analyse the characters in a read excerpts of a play, play?
play and their answer questions based on the 2. How does
relationship, play, understanding the
c) value the role of literary identify the conflicts between relationship
appreciation in characters in the play, between
developing critical relate the characters in the play characters help
thinking. to real life, our understanding
role play the characters in the of the play?
simulate the action in sections of
the play,
dramatise sections of the play,
make video recordings of the
role play and share them with
Core competencies to be developed
Creativity and imagination is sharpened as the learners dramatise sections of the play
Pertinent and Contemporary Issues (PCIs)
Creative thinking is developed as the learner participates in role play
Unity is enhanced as learners work in groups to create and share videos
Link to other subjects
Peforming Arts and Kiswahili also develop critical thinking in learners through exposure to characterisation
Assessment Rubric
Strand Sub Strand Specific Learning Outcomes Suggested Learning Experiences Key Inquiry
Question (s)
7.5 Writing 7.5.1 The By the end of the sub strand, Learner is guided to: How does the
Writing the learner should be able to: in pairs, outline the steps of the writing help us
Process a) outline the stages of the writing process, improve the
writing process, brainstorm, in groups, on different quality of our
(2 Lessons) b) create a composition, story writing?
topics such as natural resources-
or poem following the marine life, respect and life skills for
steps of the writing writing a factual composition,
process, select one topic, in each group, and
c) advocate the need for write a factual composition by
creativity in life. following the writing process,
share factual composition pieces
among the groups for peer
assessment and correction.
Core competencies to be developed
Collaboration is fostered as the learners work in pairs or groups
Critical thinking and problem solving is fostered as the learners share factual composition pieces among groups
Pertinent and Contemporary Issues (PCIs)
Decision making is developed as learners negotiate all the steps of the writing process
Respect is fostered as learners brainstorm on topics related to respect and develop factual compositions on the same
Link to other subjects
The writing process is a concept learnt in German, French, Arabic and Indigenous Languages
The scripting of plays, songs and poems which require the writing process skills is taught in Performing Arts
Assessment Rubric
Level Exceeds Expectations Meets Expectations Approaches Expectations Below Expectations
Ability to outline the Outlines the stages of Outlines the stages Outlines some of the stages Outlines some of the
stages of the writing the writing process of the writing of the writing process stages of the writing
process neatly and process process with scaffolding
Ability to create a Creates a composition, Creates a Creates a composition, Creates a composition,
composition, story or story or poem with composition, story story or poem using the story or poem with some
poem using the logical flow or poem using the writing process with some logical flow when
writing process writing process logical flow guided
Strand Sub Strand Specific Learning Suggested Learning Experiences Key Inquiry
Outcomes Question (s)
8.1 Listening 8.1.1 Oral By the end of the sub Learner is guided to: 1. Why should
and Speaking Poetry strand, the learner should listen and respond to audio recordings of you interpret
be able to: oral poetry, an oral poem
a) interpret oral poems on listen and respond to an oral poem recited correctly?
(2 Lessons) varied issues, by the teacher, 2. How can you
b) perform an oral poem retell a poem using own words, make the
using of techniques, infer the meaning of words and phrases in performance
c) acknowledge the role of a given oral poem, of an oral
oral poetry in the listen to different renditions of the same poem
preservation of our oral poem, interesting?
cultural heritage. use appropriate perfomance techniques to
perfom oral poems,
relate the ideas in an oral poem to real
recite oral poems in groups,
participate in a readers’ theatre,
compose oral poems in pairs and share
with the class.
Core competencies to be developed
Critical thinking is enhanced as the learner relates the ideas in an oral poem to real life
Pertinent and Contemporary Issues (PCIs)
Social cohesion is fostered as learners perform and compose oral poems in groups
Patriotism is instilled as the learner interacts with poems that raise awareness on tourism in the country
Link to other subjects
Oral poetry is learnt in Kiswahili and Performing Arts
Assessment Rubric
Level Exceeds Expectations Meets Expectations Approaches Below Expectations
Indicator Expectations
Ability to interpret an Interprets an oral poem Interprets an oral poem Interprets an oral poem Interprets an oral poem
oral poem on varied clearly and clearly somewhat clearly somewhat clearly when
issues illustratively prompted
Ability to perform an Performs an oral poem Performs an oral poem Performs an oral poem Performs an oral poem
oral poem using a dramatically and expressively somewhat expressively somewhat expressively
variety of techniques expressively but ocassionally falters
Strand Sub Strand Specific Learning Outcomes Suggested Learning Experiences Key Inquiry
Question (s)
8.2 8.2.1 Reading By the end of the sub strand, Learner is guided to: Why is it
Reading for the learner should be able to: read a given poem and identify the point important to
Interpretatio a) identify the point of view of view, understand the
n in a poem, search for poems with different points point of view in
b) analyse the point of view in of view from the internet and non- a poem?
a poem, digital sources,
(2 Lessons)
c) acknowledge the listen to poems read by the teacher,
importance of the point of relate the subjects of different poems to
view in the understanding real life,
of a poem. compose a short poem individually,
discuss the various points of view in the
poems in small groups.
Core competencies to be developed
Critical thinking is nurtured as the learner interprets poems
Pertinent and Contemporary Issues (PCIs)
Effective communication is enhanced as learners work together in groups to interpret poems
Love is inculcated as learners patiently listen to each other as they read poems
Link to other subjects
Reading for interpretation and evaluation is a concept learnt in Performing Arts, Kiswahili, German and French
Assessment Rubric
Level Exceeds Expectations Meets Expectations Approaches Below Expectations
Indicator Expectations
Ability to identify the Identifies the point of Identifies the point of Identifies the point of Identifies the point of
points of view in a view in a poem with view in a poem view in a poem with view in a poem with
poem great clarity somewhat clarity peer guidance
Ability to analyse the Analyses the point of Analyses the point Analyses the point of Needs prompting to
point of view in a view in poem critically of view in a poem view in a poem but analyse the point of
poem and vividly leaves out some details view in a poem
Strand Sub Strand Specific Learning Outcomes Suggested Learning Experiences Key Inquiry
Question (s)
8.3 8.3.1 Complex By the end of the sub strand, Learner is guided to: 1. Which words
Grammar Prepositions the learner should be able to: read a passage from a book, magazine let you know
in Use a) recognise complex or newspaper article in which complex where
(2 Lessons) prepositions in texts, someone is
prepositions are used,
b) use complex prepositions identify complex prepositions from the going?
in sentences, passage, 2. How do you
c) appreciate the role of listen to a text read by the teacher and describe
prepositions in oral and note the complex prepositions used, where
written communication. in pairs, read and underline complex something is
prepositions used in various texts, located?
form sentences using complex
in small groups, correct mistakes in
sentences formed by peers,
search for more examples of complex
prepositions from the internet and other
Core competencies to be developed
Communication is enhanced as the learner uses complex prepositions correctly
Digital literacy is promoted as the learner searches for examples of complex prepositions from the internet
Pertinent and Contemporary Issues (PCIs)
Effective communication is enriched as the learner uses complex prepositions correctly in sentences
Responsibility is fostered as learners accomplish tasks in groups
Link to other subjects
Complex prepositions are learnt in the following subjects: Kiswahili, German and French
Assessment Rubric
Level Exceeds Meets Expectations Approaches Below Expectations
Indicator Expectations Expectations
Ability to recognise Recognises complex Recognises complex Recognises some Recognises some
complex prepositions prepositions in texts prepositions in texts complex prepositions in complex prepositions
in texts promptly texts with assistance from
Ability to use complex Uses complex Uses complex Uses some complex Uses some complex
prepositions in prepositions prepositions in prepositions in prepositions in
sentences correctly creatively in sentences sentences sentences with peer
sentences assistance
Strand Sub Strand Specific Learning Outcomes Suggested Learning Experiences Key Inquiry
Question (s)
8.4 8.4.1 By the end of the sub strand, Learner is guided to: 1. How do we
Reading Poetry: the learner should be able to: read a grade approproaite poem, tell the
Characters a) identify the persona and use appropriate adjectives to describe behaviour of
other participants in a the behaviour of characters in poem, the characters
(2 Lessons) poem, illustrate character traits in varied in a poem?
b) analyse the character of the poems, 2. What are
speaker (persona) and the relate actions of the persona to real life, some of the
other participants in a role play different characters in a poem words we use
poem, in small groups, to describe the
c) acknowledge the infer information from the poem, behaviour of
importance of characters characters?
fill and share in groups a table showing
in literary appreciation. character/character’s
behaviour/character trait,
create a poem, recite it, make a
upload the recording on social media
paltforms or share it on the school
notice board.
Core competencies to be developed
Creativity and Imagination are developed as the learner creates, recites, records and uploads a poem on social media platforms
Pertinent and Contemporary Issues (PCIs):
Critical thinking is enhanced as the learner writes poems and also identifies the character traits of the persona and other
participants in a poem
Unity is enhanced as the learner works in pairs or groups to describe character traits
Link to other subjects
Languages such as Kiswahili, German and French use adjectives when highlighting character traits
Assessment Rubric
Level Exceeds Expectation Meets Expectations Approaches Below Expectations
Indicator Expectations
Identifying the Identifies the persona Identifies the persona Identifies the persona Identifies the persona
persona and other and other participants and other participants and some participants and participants in a
participants in a in a poem clearly and in a poem in a poem poem with guidance
poem promptly from peers
Analysing the Analyses the character Analyses the character Analyses the character Analyses the character
character of the of the persona and of the persona and of the persona and other of the persona and other
persona and other other participants with other participants participants but leaves participants but leaves
participants in a poem vivid and relevant out a few details out most details
Strand Sub Strand Specific Learning Outcomes Suggested Learning Experiences Key Inquiry
Question (s)
8.5 Writing 8.5.1 By the end of the sub strand, Learner is guided to: 1. What are the
Assessing the learner should be able to: read a passage about the qualities of a qualities of a
Writing a) identify the qualities of a good composition, good
well written composition, write down a criterion or checklist for composition?
b) write a composition related assessing compositions. the criterion 2. How can one
(2 Lessons) to the theme, should have parameters such as : make a
c) assess a composition variety of sentences, relevance and composition
against a predesigned creativity, cohesion, grammar and interesting?
criteria, editorials,
d) value the need for for claity read samples of well written
and cohesion in writing compositions from the coursebook,
communication. write a composition related to the
assess a peer’s composition and give
comments as guided by the checklist,
make corrections to the composition,
display the compositions on the school
Core competencies to be developed
Collaboration is strengthened as learners assess peers’ compositions
Critical thinking and problem solving is promoted as the learner writes good compositions
Pertinent and Contemporary Issues (PCIs)
Effective communication is enhanced as the learner is equipped with good composition writing skills
Patriotism is imparted as the learner interacts with materials on the theme
Unity is cultivated as learners work together in group tasks
Link to other subjects
Languages such as German, Kiswahili and French emphasise the need for good writing skills for effective communication
Assessment Rubric
Level Exceeds Expectations Meets Expectations Approaches Below Expectations
Indicator Expectations
Ability to identify Identifies the qualities of Identifies the qualities Identifies some Identifies some
the qualities of a a well written of a well written qualities of a well qualities of a well
well written composition consciously composition written composition but written composition but
composition and accurately with a few inaccuracies with many inaccuracies
Ability to a write a Writes a composition Writes a composition Writes a composition Writes a composition
composition related related to the theme related to the theme related to the theme related to the theme
to the theme creatively and coherently leaving out a few details leaving out most details
Abilty to assess a Objectively assesses a Assesses a Assesses a Assesses a
composition against composition against a composition against a composition against a composition against a
a predesigned predesigned criteria, predesigned criteria predesigned criteria but predesigned criteria but
criteria deviates slightly deviates a lot
Strand Sub Strand Specific Learning Outcomes Suggested Learning Experiences Key Inquiry
Question (s)
9.1 9.1.1 By the end of the sub strand, Learner is guided to: 1. Why is it
Listening Diphthongs the learner should be able to: identify the diphthongs /aʊ/ as in out, important to
and and a) identify words with the house /ʊə/ as in sure, cure, pronounce
Speaking sentence stress diphthongs /aʊ/ and /ʊə/ identify the stressed and unstressed words
in a text, words in a sentence, correctly?
(2 Lessons) b) use emphatic stress in read a passage featuring the 2. How does
words to convey diphthongs/aʊ/ and /ʊə/, stress help us
meanings, recite poems featuring the to convey
c) advocate the need for diphthongs/aʊ/ and /ʊə/, different
accurate pronunciation in underline words with the diphthongs meanings?
oral communication. from texts,
apply stress appropriately when reading
a poem,
read the same sentence while placing
stress on different words,
in groups, read aloud words with the
diphthongs /aʊ/ and /ʊə/ from
use the dictionary to find more
examples of words with the diphthongs,
recite a poem while distinguishing the
stressed and unstressed words, make a
recording and upload the video on You
Tube, social media platforms or share it
through the mobile phone.
Core competencies to be developed
Effective communication is developed as the learner acquires proper pronunciation skills
Pertinent and Contemporary Issues (PCIs)
Social cohesion and patriotism are fostered as the learner interacts with material on the theme
Respect and love are inculcated during the pronunciation drills as learners give each other feedback
Link to other subjects
Kiswahili and other languages such as French emphasise correct pronunciation of words
Assessment Rubric
Level Exceeds Expectations Meets Expectations Approaches Below Expectations
Indicator Expectations
Ability to identify Identifies the words with Identifies the words Identifies the words Identifies the words with
words with the the diphthongs /aʊ/ and with the diphthongs with the diphthongs the diphthongs /aʊ/ and
diphthongs /aʊ/ and /ʊə/ in a variety of texts /aʊ/ and /ʊə/ in a text /aʊ/ and /ʊə/ in a text /ʊə/ in a text with many
/ʊə/ in a text accurately with a few inaccuracies inaccuracies
Ability to use Uses emphatic stress in Uses emphatic stress Uses emphatic stress in Uses emphatic stress in
emphatic stress in words to convey meaning in words to convey some words to convey some words to convey
words to convey in diverse contexts meaning in context meaning meaning with peer
meaning assistance
Strand Sub Strand Specific Learning Outcomes Suggested Learning Experiences Key Inquiry
Question (s)
9.2 9.2.1 Extensive By the end of the sub strand, Learner is guided to: 1. How does
Reading Reading the learner should be able to: watch a video clip on how to select a reading
a) select a reading text from a reading text, widely help us
(Grade collection of books or the read a passage based on how to select learn better?
Appropriate library, 2. What should
a text,
Fiction) b) read a text for information select a reading from a collection, one consider
(2 Lessons) and enjoyment, preview a text to determine its when
c) appreciate the role of suitability, choosing a
extensive reading in skim through a text to obtain the gist, reading text?
lifelong learning. scan through a text to obtain specific
read independently and silently,
interpret what they read in their own
infer meanings of unfamiliar
vocabulary from the context,
look up the meaning of unfamiliar
words in the dictionary,
outline the subjects addressed in the
make notes on what has been read,
discuss the topics of the texts with
explain why they find a particular
text interesting,
write a book review of their
favourite fictional text.
Core competencies to be developed
Learning to learn is developed as the learner reads fictional texts of their choice
Pertinent and Contemporary Issues (PCIs)
Social cohesion is promoted as learners interact with texts about heroes
Social justice and unity are promoted as learners take part in group activities
Link to other subjects
Social Studies exposes learners to materials about heroic individuals
Assessment Rubric
Level Exceeds expectation Meets expectation Approaches Below Expectations
Indicator Expectations
Ability to select a Selects a variety of Selects a reading Selects a reading text Selects a reading text from
reading text from a reading texts from a text from a from a collection of a collection of books or the
collection of books or collection of books or collection of books books or the library library with peer guidance
the library the library or the library inconsistently
Ability to read a text Reads a variety of Reads a text for Reads a text for Reads a text for
for information and texts for information information and information and information and enjoyment
enjoyment and enjoyment enjoyment enjoyment but is slightly but is distracted most of
distracted the time
Strand Sub Strand Specific Learning Outcomes Suggested Learning Experiences Key Inquiry
Question (s)
9.3 Grammar 9.3.1 By the end of the sub strand, Learner is guided to: How do we join
In Use Conjunctions: the learner should be able to: identify pairs of conjunctions sentences?
Pairs of a) identify pairs of such as
Conjunctions conjunctions in texts, - either… or
b) use pairs of conjunctions in - neither…nor
(2 Lessons) sentences, - both … and
c) appreciate use of pairs of - not only… but ...also
conjunctions for effective read passages in which pairs of
communication. conjunctions are used,
in pairs, search for sentences
with pairs of conjunctions from
the internet, newspapers, books
or magazines,
review coordinating and
subordinating conjunctions,
form sentences using pairs of
ask and answer questions using
pairs of conjunctions,
in groups, role play an event
and use pairs conjunctions,
match pairs of conjunctions in
rewrite sentences using pairs of
Core competencies to be developed
Self efficacy is enhanced as the learner practises using conjunctions through role playing
Effective communication is fostered as the learner uses conjunctions correctly in oral and written communication
Pertinent and Contemporary Issues (PCIs)
Critical thinking is promoted as the learner forms sentences using pairs of conjunctions
Respect is inculcated as the learner participates in group tasks
Link to other subjects
Kiswahili, French and German teach the correct use of conjunctions
Assessment Rubric
Level Exceeds Expectations Meets Expectations Approaches Below Expectations
Indicator Expectations
Ability to identify Consciously identifies Identifies pairs of Identifies some pairs of Identifies some pairs of
pairs of conjunctions pairs of conjunctions conjunctions in a given conjunctions in a given conjunctions in a given
in texts in a given sample of sample of sentences sample of sentences sample of sentences with
sentences assistance
Ability to use pairs of Uses pairs of Uses pairs of Uses some pairs of Uses some pairs of
conjunctions in conjunctions in conjunctions in conjunctions in conjunctions in
sentences sentences creatively sentences sentences sentences when
Strand Sub Specific Learning Outcomes Suggested Learning Experiences Key Inquiry
Strand Question (s)
9.4 9.4.1 By the end of the sub strand, Learner is guided to: Why do authors use
Reading Play: the learner should be able to: read aloud excerpts of the play, flashback,flashforward
Style a) identify features of style answer questions based on the excerpt, and personification in
used in the play, highlight aspects of style such as plays?
b) relate features of style to flashback, flash-forwards and
the meaning of a play, personification in a play,
c) acknowledge the discuss, in groups, the role of memories,
importance of stylistic dreams and a story within the story in a
features in literary flashback,
appreciation. analyse the features of style in relation
to the meaning of a play,
in groups, role play some events in
which the flashback, flash forward and
personification feature in the play,
dramatise some of the events in the play
and make video recordings,
engage in hot seating activities mirroring
events and people in the play.
Core competencies to be developed
Digital literacy is promoted as the learner makes video recordings of peers dramatising some of the events in the play
Creativity and imagination is stimulated as the learner interacts with stylistic features in plays
Pertinent and Contemporary Issues (PCIs)
Critical thinking is enhanced as the learner engages in hot seating activities
Responsibility and unity are fostered as learners engage in role play and hot seating activities
Link to other subjects
Kiswahili introduces the learner to the study of style in plays
Assessment Rubric
Level Exceeds Expectations Meets Expectations Approaches Below Expectations
Indicator Expectations
Ability to identify Identifies varied features of Identifies features of Identifies most Identify a few features
features of style used in style used in a play style used in a play features of style used of style used in a play
a play in a play when supported by
Ability to relate Relates varied features of Relates features of Relates some Relates some features
features of style to the style to the meaning of a style to the meaning features of style to of style to the meaning
meaning of a play, play of a play the meaning of a of a play with
play assistance from others
Strand Sub Strand Specific Learning Suggested Learning Experiences Key Inquiry
Outcomes Question (s)
9.5 Writing 9.5.1 Narrative By the end of the sub strand, Learner is guided to: How should
compositions the learner should be able to: read samples of narrative compositions we organise
a) identify the elements of a from text books, our
narrative composition, identify the introduction, body and compositions?
(2 Lessons) b) Uses the elements of a conclusion of a sample composition,
narrative composition in brainstorm possible topics for narrative
a story, compositions,
c) appreciate the role of tell a story from their own experiences,
background information plan a narrative composition,
in the creation of credible write a narrative composition,
edit the composition,
revise the narrative composition,
read one another’s composition and obtain
feedback from peers,
make corrections to the narrative,
display the compositions in a gallery walk,
class noticeboard or through social media.
Core competencies to be developed
Creativity and imagination are stimulated as the learner writes a narrative composition
Pertinent and Contemporary Issues (PCIs)
Creative thinking is developed as the learner plans and writes a narrative composition
Love is inculcated as learners share their compositions and give each other feedback
Link to other subjects
Performing Arts requires good quality narrative composition skills in order to create compelling scripts
Assessment Rubric
Level Exceeds Expectation Meets Expectation Approaches Expectations Below Expectations
Ability to identify the Illustratively Identifies the Identifies some of the Identifies some of the
elements of a narrative identifies the elements of a elements of a narrative elements of a narrative
composition elements of a narrative composition composition with
narrative composition composition prompting
Ability to use the Creatively uses the Uses the elements Uses some of the elements Uses some of the
elements of a narrative elements of a of a narrative of a narrative composition elements of a narrative
composition narrative composition composition to composition with peer
to write coherently write coherently assistance
Strand Sub Strand Specific Learning Suggested Learning Experiences Key Inquiry
Outcomes Question (s)
10.1 10.1.1 Impromptu By the end of the sub strand Learner is guided to: 1. In what
Listening Speeches the learner should be able search for the meaning of the term instances
and to: impromptu speech from the could one be
Speaking (2 Lessons) a) outline the procedure dictionary or the internet, called upon to
for preparing for an listen to an impromptu speech made make a
impromptu speech, by the teacher, speech
b) make an impromptu brainstorm on the procedure for without prior
speech on a selected preparing for an impromptu speech notice?
topic, in small groups, 2. What makes
c) acknowledge the make an impromptu speech on a an impromptu
importance of excellent topic related to social and mass speech
presentation skills in media, effective?
speech delivery. record the speech, discuss its
strengths and weaknesses in a
plenary and suggest ways of
Core competencies to be developed
Digital literacy is enhanced as the learner makes a recording of the speech
Self-efficacy is achieved as the learner prepares and delivers impromptu speeches at short notice
Collaboration is enhanced as the learner uses the plenary discussions to sharpen their communication skills
Pertinent and Contemporary Issues (PCIs)
Self-esteem is developed as the learner listens to and makes impromptu speeches
Responsibility is enhanced as the learner makes speeches on an issue like responsible use of social and mass media
Link to other subjects
Social Studies addresses proper use of social and mass media
Performing Arts tackles impromptu speech making
Assessment Rubric
Level Exceeds Expectations Meets Expectations Approaches Below Expectations
Indicator Expectations
Ability to outline the Outlines the procedure Outlines the procedure Omits some steps as Outlines some steps in
procedure for making for making impromptu for making an they outline the the procedure for
an impromptu speech speeches on a variety of impromptu speech procedure for making an making an impromptu
topics impromptu speech speech
Ability to make Creatively makes Makes impromptu Makes impromptu Makes impromptu
impromptu speeches impromptu speeches on speeches on a selected speeches on a selected speech on any of a
on a selected topic a variety of selected topics appropriately topic but omits some selected topic with
appropriately topics details prompts
Strand Sub Strand Specific Learning Suggested Learning Experiences Key Inquiry
Outcomes Question (s)
10.2 10.2.1 Note By the end of the sub strand, Learner is guided to: 1. In what
Reading Making the learner should be able practise, in groups, the note-making situations
to: procedures such as sq4r, could notes
a) identify main points or read argumentative passages based on the be made?
ideas in an theme of social and mass media as well as 2. Why is it
argumentative passage, health education, important
b) make notes from an in groups, make notes on different health and to make
(2 Lessons) argumentative passage, media issues presented in any of the passages, notes?
c) value the importance of graphically prepare charts using their notes,
note making while exchange the charts for peer review and
reading for pleasure or correction,
academic purposes. use the notes, in groups, to compose a poem
or a song and present it in class.
Core competencies to be developed
Learning to learn occurs as the learner reads and makes notes on argumentative passages
Collaboration is enhanced as the learner works with peers to make notes and prepare charts
Pertinent and Contemporary Issues (PCIs)
Effective communication is enhanced as the learner interacts with material related to argumentative essays
Peace is enhanced as the learners engage in harmonious group and class tasks
Link to other subjects
Kiswahili, indigenous languages and foreign languages expose learners to argumentative essays and note-making
Assessment Rubric
Ability to make Makes detailed notes Makes notes from an Makes notes from an Makes notes from an
notes from an from an argumentative argumentative argumentative passage argumentative passage
argumentative passage correctly passage correctly but leaves out correctly with
passage correctly some details assistance
Strand Sub Strand Specific Learning Suggested Learning Experiences Key Inquiry
Outcomes Question (s)
10.3 Grammar 10.3.1 By the end of the sub Learner is guided to: 1. How are
in Use Numerals and strand, the learner should search for ordinals such as first, quantities of
Ordinals be able to: second, third and numerals such as nouns
a) identify numerals and one, two, three from digital or non- expressed?
ordinals in a text, digital sources, 2. Why is it
(2 Lessons) b) use numerals and recite poems with numerals and important to
ordinals as determiners ordinals as others listen and pick out quantify
in sentences, the target determiners, nouns?
c) appreciate the need for in small groups, read short passages
well -formed sentences and underline numerals and ordinals
in communication. used as determiners,
mention objects in the school that
could be modified using numerals and
construct sentences using numerals
and ordinals,
rewrite sentences replacing numerals
with ordinals and vice versa.
Core competencies to be developed
Self-efficacy is promoted as the learner correctly uses numerals and ordinals in communication
Communication is improved as the learner constructs sentences using numerals and ordinals with peers
Pertinent and Contemporary Issues (PCIs)
Social cohesion is inculcated as the learner works with peers on numerals and ordinals
Unity is enhanced as the learner works with peers to construct sentences with numerals and ordinals
Link to other subjects
Numerals and ordinals are the main components of mathematics
Computer Science, Business Studies, Integrated Science and Agriculture use numerals and ordinals in different concepts
Assessment Rubric
Level Exceeds Expectations Meets Expectations Approaches Below Expectations
Indicator Expectations
Ability to identify Identifies numerals and Identifies most of the Identifies some of the Identifies some
numerals and ordinals ordinals with examples numerals and ordinals numerals and ordinals in numerals and ordinals
in a text in a text a text in a text with assistance
Ability to use Uses the numerals and Uses numerals and Uses some of the Needs assistance to use
numerals and ordinals ordinals as determiners ordinals as determiners numerals and ordinals as numerals and ordinals
as determiners in in sentences in sentences determiners in sentences as determiners in
sentences correctly appropriately in a sentences
variety of contexts
Strand Sub Strand Specific Learning Outcomes Suggested Learning Experiences Key Inquiry
Question (s)
10.4 Reading 10.4.1 Play: By the end of the sub strand, Learner is guided to: 1. How does an
Project the learner should be able to: watch video clips on how to dramatise acted play
a) identify simple props and and record a section of a play, differ from a
costumes that create mood in groups select simple props and written one?
and atmosphere, costumes that enhance performance, 2. What makes a
b) present dramatised parts write the story charts and scripts to performance
(2 Lessons) of the play to an audience, follow in the performance, successful?
c) acknowledge the rehearse with props and costumes,
effectiveness of the dramatise simple scenes for classmates
performance in delivering while focusing on voice, gestures and
the play’s message. movements,
discuss how to us role play and mime
in the performance,
give and receive feedback on the
record the performance on a video or
audio device.
Core competencies to be developed
Self efficacy is enhanced as the learner performs in front of an audience
Digital literacy is promoted as the learner interacts with digital devices to record performances
Pertinent and Contemporary Issues (PCIs)
Critical thinking is advanced as learners relate their perfomance to real life situations
Respect is inculcated as learners collaboratively select simple props and costumes for the performance
Link to other subjects
Kiswahili emphasises the role of drama as a vehicle for promoting language proficiency
Assessment Rubric
Level Exceeds Expectations Meets Expectations Approaches Below Expectations
Indicator Expectations
Ability to identify Identifies a variety of Identifies simple props Identifies a limited With assistance,
simple props and simple props and and costumes that number of simple props identifies simple props
costumes that create costumes that create create mood and and costumes that create and costumes that create
mood and atmosphere mood and atmosphere atmosphere mood and atmosphere mood and atmosphere
Ability to present Creatively presents Presents dramatised Firly presents Presents dramatised
dramatised parts of a dramatised parts of a parts of a play to an dramatised parts of a parts of a play to an
play to an audience play to an audience audience play to an audience audience with
using all the instruction
appropriate non-verbal
Strand Sub Strand Specific Learning Suggested Learning Experiences Key Inquiry
Outcomes Question (s)
10.5 Writing 10.5.1 Filling By the end of the sub strand, Learner is guided to: Why is it
Forms: the learner should be able to: in groups, collect bursary and important to fill
Application a) recognize bursary and scholarship application forms from in all parts of a
Forms scholarship application digital and print sources, form?
forms from a list of note down the common features of
(2 Lessons) forms, each type of the form,
b) fill in bursary and analyse, in groups, the type of data
scholarship application sought by different forms,
forms while adhering to fill in different forms that require data
conventions, on issues such as social and mass
c) value the importance of media,
giving accurate and share different filled in forms for peer
sufficient information in observation and feedback,
forms. discuss as a plenary the importance of
providing accurate data in forms,
create a form in small groups.
Core competencies to be developed
Self efficacy is promoted as the learner fills forms correctly
Learning to learn is developed as the learner fills other types of forms
Pertinent and Contemporary Issues (PCIs)
Financial literacy is inculcated as the learner gives amounts, estimates, budgets and justification for bursary and scholarship
applied for
Integrity is instilled as the learner learns to give correct and accurate information about self in the form filling process
Link to other subjects
Computer Science involves formulation of forms for various purposes
Assessment Rubric
Level Exceeds expectation Meets expectation Approaches Below Expectations
Indicator Expectations
Ability to recognise Recognises bursary Recognises bursary Recognises some of the Recognises some
bursary and scholarship and scholarship and scholarship bursary and scholarship bursary and scholarship
application forms from a application forms from application forms application forms from a application forms from
list of forms a list of forms instantly from a list of forms list of forms but takes a list of forms but only
time with assistance
Ability to fill in bursary Fills in the bursary and Fills in the bursary Fills in some of the Fills in the bursary and
and scholarship scholarship application and scholarship bursary and scholarship scholarship application
application forms while forms in details while application forms application forms while forms with peer
adhering to conventions adhering to while adhering to adhering to conventions assistance
conventions conventions but hesitantly
Strand Sub Strand Specific Learning Outcomes Suggested Learning Experiences Key Inquiry
11.1 Listenin 11.1.1 By the end of the sub strand, Learner is guided to: 1. How can you
g and Speaking Conversation the learner should be able to: watch an interview on a relevant succeed in a
Skills: Job a) outline preparations topic like income generating job interview?
Interviews undertaken by an activities, 2. Why is it
(2 Lessons) interviewer and brainstorm on the preparations important to
interviewee before a job undertaken by an interviewer and prepare for a
interview, interviewee before a job job interview?
b) ask and answer appropriate interview,
questions in mock job in groups, search online and
interviews, offline for possible questions that
c) recognise excellent are commonly asked in a job
interview skills as a interview and write them down,
positive step towards in pairs, role-play asking and
getting a job. answering questions in a mock
job interview, and record the
session electronically or as a
written dialogue,
share the recorded interviews for
peer review,
discuss how success in a job
interview is a step towards
generating income for the
individual and the community.
Core competencies to be developed
Self-efficacy is enhanced as the learner communicates effectively by asking and answering questions in a mock interview
Collaboration is cultivated as the learners work together to review an interview and role play an interview session
Pertinent and Contemporary Issues (PCIs)
Financial literacy is enhanced as the learner links success in a job interview to income generation
Integrity is inculcated as learners appreciate that getting a job depends on preparedness for an interview, excellent interview
skills and providing truthful information
Link to other subjects
Business Studies and Pre-Technical and Pre-Career Education address issues of job interviews
Assessment Rubric
Level Exceeds Expectations Meets Expectations Approaches Below Expectations
Indicator Expectations
Ability to outline Outlines preparations Outlines the Scantlily outlines some Outlines preparations
preparations undertaken by an preparations preparations undertaken by an
undertaken by an interviewer and undertaken by an undertaken by an interviewer and
interviewer and interviewee before a interviewer and interviewer and interviewee before a
interviewee before a job with appropriate interviewee before a interviewee before a job interview with
job interview examples. job interview job interview prompts
Ability to ask and Asks and answers Asks and answers Asks and answers some Requires support to ask
answer questions in questions in mock job questions in mock job questions in mock job and answer questions in
mock job interviews interviews with clear interviews interviews mock job interviews
Strand Sub Strand Specific Learning Outcomes Suggested Learning Experiences Key Inquiry
11.2 11.2.1 By the end of the sub strand, Learner is guided to: 1. Which story
Reading Extensive the learner should be able to: research on the differences between books or
Reading: a) distinguish between fiction fiction and non-fiction materials and plays have
Fiction and non-fiction reading give examples of each, you read?
materials, read self-selected fiction materials 2. What makes
(2 Lessons) b) select and read grade and use a graphic organizer to write a book
appropriate fiction short summaries of the subject, interesting?
materials, in groups, make a readers’ gallery by
c) keep a portfolio of the displaying the material read with a
subject matter, caption indicating its subject matter,
d) appreciate the importance take photos of their display and keep
of reading fiction for a soft and hard copy of the photo in
exposure. their portfolio or,
write a card with the title and the
subject matter of the material read
and keep it in their portfolio,
discuss why reading fiction materials
is important.
Core competencies to be developed
Critical thinking and problem solving is cultivated as the learner researches from different sources the difference between
fiction and non-fiction materials
Digital Literacy is advanced as learners capture images of the readers galleries and keep them in their digital portfolio
Pertinent and Contemporary Issues (PCIs)
Critical thinking is nurtured as learners distinguish between fiction and non-fiction materials, and generate points to convince
others to read the materials they themselves have read
Respect is upheld as learners recognise the value of each other’s contribution in building the readers’ gallery
Link to other subjects
Kiswahili and foreign languages emphasise the importance of a reading culture and discipline required in reading fiction
materials in other languages
Performing Arts is promoted as learners read plays that could also be performed live on stage
Assessment Rubric
Level Exceeds Expectations Meets Expectations Approaches Below Expectations
Indicator Expectations
Ability to explain the Explains the Explains the Explains some of the Explains the
differences between differences between differences between differences between differences between
fiction and non-fiction fiction and non-fiction fiction and non-fiction fiction and non-fiction fiction and non-fiction
reading materials reading materials with reading materials reading materials reading materials with
illustrations helps
Ability to read grade Reads a variety of Reads grade Reads grade Reads grade
appropriate fiction grade appropriate appropriate fiction appropriate fiction appropriate fiction
materials fiction materials materials materials moderately materials inconsistently
Ability to keep a Keeps a portfolio of the Keeps a portfolio of the Keeps a portfolio of the Attempts to keep a
portfolio of the subject subject matter neatly subject matter subject matter but portfolio of the subject
matter leaves out some details matter
Strand Sub Strand Specific Learning Suggested Learning Experiences Key Inquiry
Outcomes Question(s)
11.3 11.3.1 Word By the end of the sub strand, Learner is guided to: 1. Which
Grammar Classes: Nouns the learner should be able to: read a print or non-print text and words can
in Use a) identify nouns formed underline nouns formed from verbs be formed
(2 Lessons) from verbs and other and other nouns, from others?
nouns from a text, separate the root word from the suffixes, 2. What
b) use nouns formed from for example, employment – employ and changes
verbs and other nouns in ment, when a
sentences, search online or offline and compile a word is
c) acknowledge the list of suffixes for forming nouns from formed from
necessity of forming verbs and other nouns, another?
words from other word play a language game involving one
classes in the process of learner showing a flash card with a verb
communication. and the other forming a noun from it and
vice versa,
in groups, use the suffixes to form nouns
from verbs and other nouns and present
them in print or digital tables,
construct sentences about income
generating activities and environmental
preservation using nouns formed from
verbs and from other nouns,
explain why the knowledge of changing
other words into nouns is helpful in
Core competencies to be developed
Learning to learn is stimulated as the learner conducts online and offline search and compiles a list of suffixes for forming
nouns from verbs and other nouns
Collaboration is fostered as the learner contributes meaningfully in group activities on word formation and sentence
Pertinent and Contemporary Issues (PCIs)
Environmental education is addressed as learners use nouns formed to create sentences that promote environmental conservation
Love is cultivated as learners correct each other’s words or sentences as they work in pairs and groups
Link to other subjects
Kiswahili and Foreign Languages have noun derivations in their content
Assessment Rubric
Level Exceeds Expectations Meets Expectations Approaches Below Expectations
Indicator Expectations
Ability to identify Identifies nouns formed Identifies nouns formed Identifies some nouns Identifies nouns formed
nouns formed from from verbs and from from verbs and other formed from verbs and from verbs and other
verbs and other nouns other nouns in varied nouns other nouns nouns hesitantly
Ability to use nouns Uses nouns formed Uses nouns formed Uses some nouns Needs assistance to use
formed from verbs and from verbs and other from verbs and other formed from verbs and nouns formed from
other nouns correctly nouns correctly in nouns in sentences other nouns in verbs and other nouns
in sentences various sentences correctly sentences correctly in sentences correctly
Strand Sub Strand Specific Learning Suggested Learning Experiences Key Inquiry
Outcomes Question(s)
11.4 11.4.1 Grade - By the end of the sub Learner is guided to: 1. What lessons
Reading appropriate strand, the learner should search from online and offline sorces can one learn
Play: Lessons be able to: for information on how to derive from a play?
learnt a) identify and illustrate lessons from words and actions of 2. Which issues
the lessons learnt characters, are addressed
from the play, read different excerpts of the play, in the play?
(2 Lessons) b) relate the lessons discuss lessons learnt and provide
learnt to real life illustrations for each lesson identified.in
experiences, pairs,
c) perceive plays as analyse the lessons elicited by pairs and
sources of life lessons relate them to real life experiences,
and entertainment. use graphic organisers to summarise the
lessons learnt and present them in
charts displayed on the wall for peer
discuss the sections of the play that
entertain and bring out lessons.
Core competencies to be developed
Critical thinking is stimulated as learners read different excerpts of the play and elicit lessons learnt
Collaboration is fostered as learners analyse the lessons elicited by pairs and relate them to real life experiences
Pertinent and Contemporary Issues (PCIs)
Critical thinking is nurtured as learners analyse lessons identified in pairs and compile them
Social Cohesion is enhanced as learners relate lessons learnt to experiences in the society
Responsibility is inculcated as each learner looks for lessons from the play
Link to other subjects
Kiswahili explores various issues in the play genre
Religious Education addresses application of lessons from texts
Assessment Rubric
Level Exceeds Expectations Meets Expectations Approaches Below Expectations
Indicator Expectations
Ability to identify Identifies the lessons learnt Identifies the lessons Identifies a few lessons Identifies some lessons
the lessons learnt from the play and explains learnt from the play learnt from the play learnt from the play if
from the play while giving instances supported by peers
Ability to relate Relates the lessons learnt to Relates the lessons Relates some of the Relates the lessons
the lessons learnt real life experiences and learnt to real life lessons learnt to real life learnt to real life
to real life provides relevant experiences. experiences experiences if advised
experiences illustrations
Strand Sub Strand Specific Learning Suggested Learning Experiences Key Inquiry
Outcomes Question(s)
11.5 11.5.1 By the end of the sub strand, Learner is guided to: 1. What should
Writing Mechanics of the learner should be able to: watch demonstration clips and note the you consider
Writing – a) spell words for effective rules of abbreviation especially for the when
Spelling communication, following: splitting
b) write common - titles, for example, Mrs Juma words at the
(2 Lessons) abreviations in full, - time references, for example, 7 a.m. end of a line?
c) appreciate the - organisations, technical words and 2. Which words
importance of company names, for example, IEBC, do we
abbreviations in writing. ICU, KBC, normally
discuss the rules of abbreviation and abbreviate?
present them in charts in groups,
copy the lists of abbreviations from
electronic or print sources respectively in
write a paragraph on how to make
savings from income generating activities
containing words to be abbreviated,
assess the correctness of the paragraph in
Core competencies to be developed
Learning to learn is fostered as the learner writes abbreviations correctly
Collaboration is enhanced as the learner interacts with peers to undertake different activities in groups
Pertinent and Contemporary Issues (PCIs)
Financial literacy is enhanced as the learner writes paragraphs on savings
Unity is enhanced as the learner collaborates in pairs and groups to present rules on abbreviation and splitting of words
Responsibility is nurtured as learners write passages on how to make savings from income generating activities
Link to other subjects
All other languages where abbreviations and spelling form a key point of learning
Assessment Rubric
Level Exceeds Expectations Meets Expectations Approaches Below Expectations
Indicator Expectations
Ability to sell words Spells a variety of words Spells words correctly Spells some words Spells words correctly
correctly for effective correctly for effective for effective correctly for effective for effective
communication communication communication communication communication with
Ability to write Accurately writes a Writes common Writes a few common Writes common
common variety of common abbreviations in full abbreviations in full abbreviations in full
abbreviations abbreviations in full correctly correctly with assistance
correctly correctly
Strand Sub Strand Specific Learning Suggested Learning Experiences Key Inquiry
Outcomes Question(s)
12.1 Listening 12.1.1 By the end of the sub strand, Learner is guided to: 1. How can one
and Listening to the learner should be able search digital and print sources for express their
Speaking Respond: to: words and expressions used to feelings while
Expressing a) identify words and describe feelings towards a poem, reciting a
Feelings expressions used to recite and record a poem emphasising poem?
describe their feelings words and expressions that reveal 2. Why is it
towards a poem, their feelings towards the poem, important to
(2 Lessons) b) express their feelings watch a live or recorded poem on recite poems
towards the subject personal grooming and, in small with feeling?
matter of a poem, groups, describe their feelings
c) value the importance of towards the subject matter of the
poem recitation for poem,
effective in groups, recite selected poems and
communication. present their varied feelings towards
each poem’s subject matter in detail,
discuss, in plenary, the importance of
reciting poems in with feeling.
Core competencies to be developed
Learning to learn occurs as the learner uses different words and expressions learnt to describe own feelings
Digital literacy is promoted as the learner uses technology to search for information and record recitations
Pertinent and Contemporary Issues (PCIs)
Personal hygiene is advanced as the learner watches or listens to recitations of poems on personal grooming
Responsibility is developed as the learner recites the poems assigned and expresses their feelings towards them
Unity is developed as learners recite and record poems emphasizing words and expressions that reveal their feelings
towards the poem
Link to other subjects
Listening to respond is addressed as a skill in Kiswahili, French, German and indigenous languages
Health Education and Home Science address personal grooming
Assessment Rubric
Level Exceeds Expectations Meets Expectations Approaches Below Expectations
Indicator Expectations
Ability to identify Identifies a variety Identifies words and Identifies some words Needs assistance to
words and expressions words and expressions expressions used to and expressions used identify words and
used to describe their used to describe all describe their feelings to describe some of expressions used to
feelings towards a their feelings towards a towards a poem their feelings towards describe their feelings
poem poem a poem towards a poem
Ability to express their Convincingly expresses Expresses their feelings Expresses their Expresses their feelings
feelings towards the their feelings towards towards the subject feelings towards the towards the subject
subject matter of a the subject matter of a matter of a poem subject matter of a matter of a poem with
poem poem poem hesitantly support
Strand Sub Strand Specific Learning Suggested Learning Experiences Key Inquiry
Outcomes Question(s)
12.2 Reading 12.2.1 Intensive By the end of the sub Learner is guided to: 1. Why is it
Reading: strand, the learner should search for and read print and non-print important to
Comprehensio be able to: passages on varied subjects like summarise
n Strategies a) identify clues in the personal grooming, information
passage from which underline words, phrases or sentences from a text?
conclusions can be that can serve as clues for making 2. How can
drawn, inferences or drawing conclusions as one draw
(2 Lessons) b) infer information and they read, conclusions
meaning of words and in groups, use the clues to make from a text?
expressions from a inferences for information or meaning
passage, of vocabulary,
c) summarise ideas in a read a passage on good grooming and
passage, summarise the ideas in the passage,
d) apply the skills of present their summaries on charts and
making inferences and post them on the classroom
drawing conclusions noticeboard,
in independent participate in a gallery walk and review
reading. peers’ summaries.
Core competencies to be developed
Critical thinking enhanced as the learner draws conclusions, make inferences and writes a summary
Learning to happens as the learners take part in the gallery walk and review each other’s work
Pertinent and Contemporary Issues (PCIs)
Human sexuality is addressed as learners summarise passages on personal grooming.
Unity is enhanced as learners work in groups to summarise, display and review each other’s work
Link to other subjects
Comprehension strategies are learnt in Kiswahili, French, German and indigenous languages
Integrated Science, Health Science and Agriculture handle experiments which require the skills of drawing conclusions
Assessment Rubric
Level Exceeds Expectations Meets Expectations Approaches Expectations Below Expectations
Ability to identify Rationally identifies Identifies clues in Identifies most clues in the Needs assistance to
clues in the passage clues in the passage the passage from passage from which identify clues in the
from which from which conclusions which conclusions conclusions can be drawn passage from which
conclusions can be can be drawn can be drawn with conclusions can be
drawn drawn
Ability to infer Infers information and Infers information Infers some information Infers information and
information and meaning of words and and meaning of and meaning of some of meaning of words and
meaning of words and expressions from a words and the words and expressions expressions from a
expressions from a passage with precision expressions from a from a passage passage with guidance
passage passage
Ability to summarise Summarises the ideas in Summarises the Summarises the ideas in a Summarises any of the
ideas in a passage a passage elaborately ideas in a passage passage with a few errors ideas in a passage with
Strand Sub Strand Specific Learning Suggested Learning Experiences Key Inquiry
Outcomes Question(s)
12.3 Grammar 12.3.1 Phrasal By the end of the sub Learner is guided to: 1. How are
in Use Verbs strand, the learner should search from digital and print sources phrasal
be able to: for phrasal verbs formed from verbs
(2 Lessons) a) identify phrasal verbs break, hang, run and turn and different
formed from break, compile them in a word list, from other
hang, run and turn in small groups, search for the verbs?
in texts, meanings of the phrasal verbs 2. Why is it
b) use the given phrasal identified from print or non-print important to
verbs in sentences of dictionaries, learn
their own, form phrasal verbs from the given meanings of
c) value the importance verbs and use them to fill in tables phrasal
of using phrasal verbs and broken passages, verbs?
in spoken and written using phrasal verbs, construct
communication. sentences based on personal
grooming and health education and
display the sentences in charts,
post the charts in class and take a
gallery walk assessing and
reviewing the sentences,
suggest examples of writing and
speaking situations in which the
given phrasal verbs could be used,
sing songs with phrasal verbs on
health education.
Core competencies to be developed
Self-efficacy is developed as learners gain competence in using phrasal verbs
Pertinent and Contemporary Issues (PCIs)
Effective communication is promoted as learners construct sentences on health matters using phrasal verbs
Respect is emphasised as learners conduct a gallery walk assessing and correcting peers’ sentences
Link to other subjects
Kiswahili, German, French indigenous languages teach phrasal verbs
Assessment Rubric
Level Exceeds Expectations Meets Expectations Approaches Below Expectations
Indicator Expectations
Ability to identify Identifies widely Identifies phrasal Identifies some of the Has limitations in
phrasal verbs formed phrasal verbs formed verbs formed from phrasal verbs formed identifying phrasal verbs
from break, hang, from break, hang, break, hang, run and from break, hang, run formed from break, hang,
run and turn in run and turn in texts turn in texts and turn in texts run and turn in texts with
texts assistance
Ability to use the Uses a variety of the Uses the given phrasal Uses some of the given Requires prompting to use
given phrasal verbs given phrasal verbs in verbs in sentences phrasal verbs in the given phrasal verbs in
in sentences sentences sentences sentences
Strand Sub Strand Specific Learning Suggested Learning Experiences Key Inquiry
Outcomes Question(s)
12.4.1 Play: By the end of the sub strand, Learner is guided to: 1. Which words
12.4. Reading Characterisation the learner should be able to: search from digital and print or expressions
a) outline the clues for sources for clues in a play that can you use to
identifying traits of one can use to identify a describe one’s
(2 Lessons) different characters in the character trait, for example; character?
play, what the character does or 2. Why is
b) use the clues to describe says; or characterisatio
the characters in the play, what is said about a character, n important?
c) appreciate the role of brainstorm on the words and
characterisation in phrases used to describe
determining virtues and characters and make a phrase
vices in the society. book,
in groups, watch video clips or
read sections of a play and
identify the clues used to
describe the traits of a
in groups, use the clues to
assign character traits and
display them in a gallery in
form of character maps,
webbing tools or clusters for
peer review,
play characterisation games
that help to summarise traits of
all characters,
dramatise a section of a play to
highlight traits of some
role play different characters in
hot seating.
Core competencies to be developed
Digital literacy is promoted as the learner manipulates digital tools while watching videos on the sections of a play
Pertinent and Contemporary Issues (PCIs)
Critical thinking is advanced as learners use clues to assign traits to different characters
Problem solving is developed as learners help make improvements as they review peers’ descriptions of characters
Responsibility is enhanced as learners do their part in role playing the characters in a play
Link to other subjects
Kiswahili and Performing Arts feature dramatization
Assessment Rubric
Level Exceeds Meets Approaches Below Expectations
Indicator Expectations Expectations Expectations
Ability to outline the Rationally outlines Outlines most of Outlines some of the Outlines some of the clues for
clues for identifying all the clues for the clues for clues for identifying the identifying traits of characters
traits of different identifying traits of identifying traits of traits of different in the play but with assistance
characters in a play different characters in different characters characters in the play
a play in the play
Ability to use the clues Uses the clues to Uses the clues to Uses some of the clues Uses the clues to describe any
to describe the comprehensively describe the to describe of the of the characters in the play
characters in the play describe the characters in the characters in the play with supervision
characters in the play play
Strand Sub Strand Specific Learning Suggested Learning Experiences Key Inquiry
Outcomes Question(s)
12.5 Writing 12.5.1 The By the end of the sub strand, Learner should be guided to: 1. Why should
Writing the learner should be able to: read on the following steps of the you plan your
Process a) outline the different writing process: pre-writing, drafting, writing?
stages of the writing editing, revising and publishing, 2. Why is it
process, in groups, discuss the different tasks important to
(2 Lessons) b) apply the writing process involved in each stage of the writing learn dialogue
in creating a dialogue on process, writing?
a relevant theme, brainstorm on different topics related
c) emphasise the to personal grooming, respect and life
importance of each of the skills,
stages in the writing individually, select one topic and write
process in crafting a dialogue adhering to the writing
flawless dialogues. process,
share the dialogues and assess and
correct each other’s work,
in pairs, dramatise selected dialogues
as the others watch and record or note
the strengths and weaknesses,
suggest ways of improving dialogues
written by peers.
Core competencies to be developed
Problem solving is enhanced as learners identify and correct weaknesses in their peers’ dialogues
Pertinent and Contemporary Issues (PCIs)
Health education is enhanced as learners generate topics on personal grooming for dialogue writing
Respect is addressed as learners brainstorm on topics related to respect and develop dialogues on the same
Link to other subjects
Kiswahili, Arabic, French, Mandarin, German and indigenous languages teach the writing process
The writing process is also addressed in Performance Arts during the scripting of plays, poems and songs
Assessment Rubric
Level Exceeds Expectations Meets Expectations Approaches Below Expectations
Indicator Expectations
Ability to outline the Outlines the stages of Outlines the stages of Accurately outlines Requires prompting to
different stages of the the writing process with the writing process some of the stages of outline the different
writing process illustrations the writing process stages of the writing
Ability to apply the Applies the writing Applies the steps of the Applies some of the Applies some of the
writing process in process in creating a writing process in steps of the writing steps of the writing
creating a dialogue on dialogue on a relevant creating a dialogue on a process in creating a process in creating a
a relevant theme theme relevant theme dialogue on a relevant dialogue on a relevant
theme theme even with
Strand Sub Strand Specific Learning Suggested Learning Experiences Key Inquiry
Outcomes Question(s)
13.1 Listening 13.1.1 By the end of the sub strand, Learner is guided to: How can you
and Speaking Extensive the learner should be able search online and offline for varied ensure that you
Listening: to: speeches on an issue of interest and remember what
Speeches a) identify the issue listen to them for enjoyment and you hear from a
addressed by the general information, speech?
(2 Lessons) different speeches listen to selected speeches on a specific
listened to, issue such as sea travel played out or
b) take notes on the points read out and identify the issue
made by the different addressed by the different speeches,
speakers on the issue, in plenary, share the common theme
c) acknowledge the identified to gain consensus,
importance of getting listen to the speeches again and, in
information from varied pairs, take notes on the points from
sources. each of the speeches,
in groups, compare the notes taken by
different pairs and compile the
recurrent points,
use the points noted from the speeches
to write and make a speech on the same
record and share their speeches on the
class vlog or other social media,
discuss the benefits of listening to
different speeches on the same subject.
Core competencies to be developed
Citizenship is promoted as the learner listens to and makes a speech on sea travel
Digital literacy is enhanced as the learner searches for speeches online
Pertinent and Contemporary Issues (PCIs)
Citizenship education is fostered as the learner listens to and makes notes on speeches on sea travel
Respect is inculcated as the learners respectfully assess each other’s points as they compile them
Link to other subjects
Listening to different speeches enhances mastery of all languages
Assessment Rubric
Level Exceeds Expectations Meets Expectations Approaches Below Expectations
Indicator Expectations
Ability to identify the Meticulously identifies Identifies the issue Partly identifies the Identifies the issue
issue addressed in the the issue addressed in addressed in the issue addressed in the addressed in the different
different speeches the different speeches different speeches different speeches speeches listened to with
listened to listened to listened to listened to peer assistance
Ability to take notes Takes notes on the Takes notes on the Takes notes on some Takes notes on some
on the points made by points made by the points made by the of the points made by points made by the
the different speakers different speakers on different speakers on the different speakers different speakers on the
on the issue the issue elaborately the issue on the issue issue with assistance
Strand Sub Strand Specific Learning Suggested Learning Experiences Key Inquiry
Outcomes Question(s)
13.2 13.2.1 Intensive By the end of the sub Learner is guided to: 1. Which
Reading Reading: strand, the learner should search from print and electronic sources and words or
Visualising and be able to: list down the sensory words and expressions expressions
Summarising a) identify mental images used to create mental images in a text, appeal to
created from a read read a passage on an interesting issue like the five
(2 Lessons) passage, sea travel and, in pairs, pick out the sensory senses?
b) summarise what a words or expressions and the mental images 2. Why is it
paragraph and the they create in a reader, important
passage are about, in groups fill in templates requiring key to make a
c) appreciate the role of ideas from the text or parts of the text and relevant
visualising and display the templates on the wall, summary
summarising in read a text on current issues such as of a text?
enhancing responsible sea travel and identify the main
understanding of a ideas in a paragraph or a passage,
text. summarise the ideas in own words in charts
and share for peer review,
brainstorm on how visualising and
summarising aid in comprehension of a
Core Competencies to be developed
Self-efficacy is achieved as learners write summaries of passages related to sea travel
Pertinent and Contemporary Issues (PCIs)
Critical thinking is stimulated as learners evaluate the importance of visualising in enhancing comprehension of a passage
Responsibility is fostered as leaners read passages on responsible sea travel
Link to other subjects
Visualising is a comprehension strategy that enables the learners to generate pictorials from a passage
Assessment Rubric
Strand Sub Strand Specific Learning Outcomes Suggested Learning Experiences Key Inquiry
13.3 Grammar 13.3.1 By the end of the sub strand, Learner is guided to: 1. What is the role
in Use Sentences: the learner should be able to: pick out subordinating of conjunctions
Complex a) identify subordinating conjunctions from a passage, in sentences?
Sentences conjunctions in sentences, in groups, use the subordinating 2. How can one
b) construct complex conjunctions to make sentences differentiate
sentences using and display them on a chart, between a
(2 Lessons) subordinating conjunctions in pairs, underline and label simple sentence
learnt, main and subordinate clauses in and a complex
c) correct disjointed sentences the sentences on the chart, sentence?
using the rule of join pairs of sentences using
subordinating subordinating conjunctions
conjunctions. presented in completion and
substitution tables,
practise punctuating complex
sentences on current issues such
as global sea travel,
review each other’s sentences by
changing them into well-formed
complex sentences.
Core competencies to be developed
Collaboration is enhanced as the learners work in groups make sentences using subordinating conjunctions then display them on
a chart
Pertinent and Contemporary Issues (PCIs)
Effective communication is enhanced as learners improve sentence construction skills
Unity is enhanced as the learners make and label sentences in groups
Link to other subjects
Kiswahili, German, French and indigenous languages expose learners to complex sentences
Assessment Rubric
Level Exceeds Expectations Meets Expectations Approaches Below Expectations
Indicator Expectations
Ability to identify Identifies subordinating Identifies subordinating Identifies some Identifies subordinating
subordinating conjunctions in a conjunctions sentences subordinating conjunctions in
conjunctions in variety of sentences conjunctions in sentences with
sentences sentences assistance
Ability to construct Constructs a variety of Constructs complex Constructs complex Needs assistance to
complex sentences complex sentences sentences using the sentences using some construct complex
using subordinating using subordinating subordinating of the subordinating sentences using
conjunctions learnt conjunctions learnt conjunctions learnt conjunctions learnt subordinating
conjunctions learnt
Strand Sub Strand Specific Learning Suggested Learning Experiences Key Inquiry
Outcomes Question(s)
13.4 13.4.1 Grade- By the end of the sub strand, Learner is guided to: 1. What is the
Reading appropriate the learner should be able to: search for examples of humour and role of
Play: Style a) identify the styles of monologue from print and non print humour in a
humour and monologue sources and read them aloud or re-enact play?
(2 Lessons) in the play, 2. Which
them in pairs,
b) dramatise instances of in groups, identify and illustrate humour programmes
humour and monologue and monologue in the grade-appropriate on radio or
in the play, play and display them in a graphic television do
c) acknowledge the role of organiser, you find
humour and monologue watch or read episodes of the grade- amusing?
in enriching a literary appropriate play containing humour and
work. monologue,
dramatise the episodes in groups and
record themselves,
use humour and monologue in created
discuss how humour and monologue
make the play interesting and pass its
message effectively.
Core competencies to be developed
Digital literacy is enhanced as learners use digital tools to record dramatised sections of the text
Creativity and imagination is enhanced as learners identify and illustrate instances of monologue and humour
Pertinent and Contemporary Issues (PCIs)
Effective Communication is enhanced as learners discuss how monologue and humour help in delivering messages
Love is fostered as learners work together as they dramatise examples of humour and monologue found from print and non-print
Link to other subjects
Humour and monologue are common stylistic techniques in drama
Literary texts in different languages use humor and monologue
Assessment Rubric
Level Exceeds Expectations Meets Expectations Approaches Below Expectations
Indicator Expectations
Ability to identify the Identifies instances of Identifies the styles of Identifies some Identifies some styles
styles of humour and the style of humour and humour and monologue instances of the styles of humour and
monologue in the play monologue in the play in the play of humour and monologue in the play
monologue with prompts
Ability to dramatise Creatively dramatizes Dramatises instances of Dramatises some Dramatises some
instances of humour instances of humour humour and monologue instances of humour instances of humour
and monologue in the and monologue in the in the play and monologue in the and monologue in the
play play play play with assistance
Strand Sub Strand Specific Learning Suggested Learning Experiences Key Inquiry
Outcomes Question(s)
13.5 Writing 13.5.1 By the end of the sub Learner is guided to: 1. What are
Creative strand, the learner should use the print and digital dictionaries to find the idioms?
Writing: be able to: meaning of the following idioms and present 2. Which
Idioms a) explain the meaning them in a graphic organizer: idioms are
of given idioms in - peace of mind you
(2 essons) different contexts, - bury the hatchet familiar
b) use a variety of - sit on the fence with?
idioms in writing - with open arms
narrative - burning bridges
compositions, - follow in someone’s footsteps, monkey
c) encourage peers to business
use idioms - adding insult to injury
appropriately in in groups, fill sentence gaps with the most
speech and writing. appropriate idioms,
play language games where one shows an idiom
on a flash card and the other makes a sentence
with it,
read short narrative essays on sea travel
containing most of the given idioms,
write a narrative composition using the given
in groups scan through compositions of each
member and create a checklist of idioms used
tallying them to find out the most popular,
discuss the importance of using idioms in written
and spoken language.
Core competencies to be developed
Imagination is enhanced as the learners write a narrative composition using the given idioms
Digital literacy is enhanced as the learners use digital tools to check meanings of idioms from digital dictionaries
Pertinent and Contemporary Issues (PCIs)
Creativity is cultivated as learners create narratives and use idioms in them
Respect is cultivated as the learners sensitively scan each other’s compositions for idioms
Responsibility is inculcated as learners undertake tasks assigned on searching for idioms and presenting them in sentences
Link to other subjects
Kiswahili and indigenous languages are rich in idiomatic expressions
Assessment Rubric
Level Exceeds Expectations Meets Expectations Approaches Below Expectations
Indicator Expectations
Ability to explain the Explains the meaning Explains the meaning Explains the meaning Explains the meaning
meaning of given of the given idioms in of the given idioms in of some of the given of some of the given
idioms in different different contexts with different contexts idioms in different idioms in different
contexts illustrations contexts contexts with assistance
Ability to use a variety Uses a wide variety of Uses a variety of Uses some of the given Needs assistance to use
of the given idioms in given idioms in writing idioms in writing idioms in writing idioms in writing
writing narrative narrative compositions narrative compositions narrative compositions narrative compositions
Strand Sub Strand Specific Learning Suggested Learning Experiences Key Inquiry
Outcomes Question(s)
14.1 14.1.1 By the end of the sub Learner is guided to: 1. Why should
Listening Pronunciation: strand, the learner should search from print and non-print we pronounce
and Consonant Sounds be able to: sources for tongue twisters with the words
speaking and Intonation a) identify words with sounds /v/, /f/, /n/ and /ŋ/ and perform correctly?
the target sounds /v/, them for enjoyment, 2. How do
/f/, /n/ and /ŋ/ in a watch a video, listen to a recording or yes/no and
(2 Lessons) text, conversation on outdoor games and wh- questions
b) pronounce words with group the words in a table according differ?
the target sounds in to the following target sounds: /v/ as
sentences, in very; /f/ as in ferry, /n/ as in been
c) use correct intonation an /ŋ/ as in being,
for yes/no and wh- read aloud a passage in which the
questions in varied target sounds and yes/no and wh-
contexts, questions are used,
d) appreciate the practise, in groups, pronouncing
importance of correct words with the target sounds and
pronunciation and record themselves, while assisting
intonation in a those with pronunciation challenges,
conversation. share the clips using available social
media platforms for peer review,
listen to an audio or a dramatised
conversation on outdoor games in
which yes/no and wh- questions are
point out where rising or falling
intonation is used in the conversation,
practise yes/no and wh- questions
with the appropriate intonation in
dramatise a dialogue, in groups, using
words with the target sounds as well
as yes/no and wh- questions.
Core competencies to be developed
Self-efficacy is promoted as the learner pronounces words with the target sounds correctly
Pertinent and Contemporary Issues (PCIs)
Health education is enhanced as learners listen to dramatised conversations on outdoor games
Love and responsibility are promoted as the learners assist peers with pronunciation challenges
Unity is instilled as learners participate in group tasks
Link to other subjects
Kiswahili, French, German, indigenous languages and Arabic emphasise the need for correct pronunciation
Physical Education addresses outdoor sports
Assessment Rubric
Level Exceeds Expectations Meets Expectations Approaches Below Expectations
Indicator Expectations
Ability to identify Identifies words with Identifies words with Identifies some words Identifies some words
words with the target the target sounds from the target sounds from with the target sounds with the target sounds
sounds from a text a variety of texts a text from a text from a text with
promptly assistance
Ability to pronounce Pronounces a variety Pronounces words with Pronounces some Makes an attempt to
words with the target words with the target the target sounds in words with the target pronounce words with
sounds in sentences sounds in sentences sentences sounds in sentences the target sounds in
articulately sentences
Ability to use correct Uses correct intonation Uses correct intonation Uses correct intonation Uses correct intonation
intonation for Yes/No for Yes/No and WH- for Yes/No and WH- for Yes/No and WH- for Yes/No and WH-
and WH- questions in questions in varied questions in varied questions in some questions with peer
varied contexts contexts consistently contexts contexts assistance
Strand Sub Strand Specific Learning Suggested Learning Experiences Key Inquiry
Outcomes Question(s)
14.2 Reading 14.2.1 Study By the end of the sub Learner is guided to: 1. Why is it
Skills: strand, the learner should brainstorm on the steps to follow when important to
Summarising be able to: writing a summary of a text, summarise
a) identify the main read a print or non-print text on varied information?
ideas in texts, issues including outdoor games and 2. What should
b) write summaries from underline the main ideas, we include in
(2 Lessons)
varied texts, make notes from the underlined a summary?
c) appreciate the sentences and use them to make a
importance of rough draft,
summarising use the rough draft to make a fair copy,
information in a given share the summaries through charts for
context. peer review,
make corrections on the written
summarised pieces in groups,
discuss in pairs the purpose of making
Core competencies to be developed
Learning to learn is promoted as learners share the summaries they have developed through charts for peer review
Pertinent and Contemporary Issues (PCIs)
Critical thinking and decision making are enhanced as the learner selects which content to include or leave out in their
Responsibility is fostered as the learner makes corrections on their summaries
Link to other subjects
Social Studies, Religious Education and Agriculture require summary skills as learners are exposed to huge chunks of content
which might require summarising from time to time
Assessment Rubric
Level Exceeds Expectations Meets Expectations Approaches Expectations Below
Indicator Expectations
Ability to identify Identifies the main ideas in Identifies the main Identifies some of the main Identifies some of
the main ideas in texts promptly ideas in texts ideas in texts the main ideas in
texts texts with assistance
Ability to write Writes summaries from Writes summaries from Writes summaries from Writes summaries
summaries from varied texts following all varied texts varied texts with a few from varied texts
varied texts the steps and with clarity errors with many errors
Strand Sub Strand Specific Learning Suggested Learning Experiences Key Inquiry
Outcomes Question(s)
14.3 Grammar 14.3.1 By the end of the sub Learner is guided to: 1. Why is it
in Use Sentences: strand, the learner should read digital and non-digital texts on important for
Subject-Verb be able to: varied topics such as outdoor games and sentences to
Agreement a) identify the subject identify the subject and verbs in the have subject-
and the verb in sentences, verb
sentences, read sentences and label subject-verb agreement?
(2 Lessons) b) construct sentences agreement in them, 2. What mistakes
ensuring subject-verb complete sentences and paragraphs with do we make
agreement, appropriate subjects and verbs, when
c) acknowledge the make sentences based on outdoor sports constructing
importance of subject- ensuring subject-verb agreement, sentences?
verb agreement in share the sentences in charts for peer
sentences. review and make necessary corrections.
Core competencies to be developed
Self-efficacy is nurtured as the learners pay attention to detail while constructing sentences
Digital literacy is promoted as the learner uses digital devices to read texts on varied topics
Pertinent and Contemporary Issues (PCIs)
Problem solving is developed as the learner forms sentences in which subject-verb agreement has been correctly used
Health education is fostered as the learner reads texts on varied topics such as outdoor games and identifies subjects and
Responsibility is cultivated as learners share their work with peers for review
Link to other subjects
All language subjects teach subject-verb agreement
Physical Education and Sports teach outdoor sports and games
Assessment Rubric
Strand Sub-Strand Specific Learning Suggested Learning Experiences Key Inquiry
Outcomes Question(s)
14.4 14.4.1 Class By the end of the sub Learner is guided to: 1. Why is style
Reading Reader: Style strand, the learner should read the class reader and identify important in
be able to: instances of dialogue, similes and creative texts?
a) identify dialogue, metaphors, 2. How do writers
(2 Lessons) similes and metaphors discuss the importance of using similes make their
in the text, metaphors and dialogues in texts, writing
b) use the styles of in groups, role play selected dialogues memorable?
dialogue, similes and from the class reader and record
metaphors in guided themselves,
contexts, make own sentences using the similes
c) appreciate the and metaphors identified from the text,
importance of style in display their work on the classroom
a work of art. notice board or wall,
discuss instances in real life where
dialogues, similes and metaphors can be
discuss the importance of using similes
metaphors and dialogues in texts.
Core competencies to be developed
Self-efficacy is nurtured as the learner role plays selected sections from the class reader
Learning to learn is boosted as learners share what they have learnt as they display their work on the classroom notice board
Pertinent and Contemporary Issues (PCIs)
Critical thinking is stimulated as learners discuss the use of dialogues, similes and metaphors in real life
Respect is instilled as learners help each other while they role play selected dialogues
Link to other subjects
Kiswahili has a component of class reader
Assessment Rubric
Level Exceeds Expectations Meets Expectations Approaches Expectations Below Expectations
Ability to identify Identifies dialogue, Identifies dialogue, Identifies some dialogue, Identifies dialogue,
dialogue, similes and similes and metaphors similes and similes and metaphors in similes and metaphors
metaphors in the text in the text and gives metaphors in the text the text in the text with
adequate illustrations prompts
Ability to use Creatively uses the Uses the styles of Uses some of the styles of Needs assistance to use
dialogue, similes and styles of dialogue, dialogue, similes and dialogue, similes and the styles of dialogue,
metaphors in guided similes and metaphors metaphors in guided metaphors in guided similes and metaphors
contexts in guided contexts contexts contexts in guided contexts
Strand Sub Strand Specific Learning Outcomes Suggested Learning Experiences Key Inquiry
14.5 Writing 14.5.1 By the end of the sub strand, Learner is guided to: How do we
Creative the learner should be able to: read a passage from digital or non-digital describe people,
Writing: a) identify descriptive words textbooks, newspapers or magazines and things or places?
Descriptive referring to a person, thing search for words and expressions that are
Writing or place in a text, used to describe people, things and
b) write a descriptive places,
(2 Lessons) composition on a given read samples of descriptive essays and
subject, identify features described,
c) appreciate the importance view videos or pictures of people, things
of descriptive writing as or places and note the features of each,
an aspect of creative discuss the words or expressions used to
writing. describe various features in groups or as
a class,
write a descriptive composition of
between 200 to 240 words on a topic
such as outdoor sports,
display their compositions on the
classroom wall,
participate in a gallery walk for peer
revise the compositions using the given
Core competencies to be developed
Creativity and imagination is stimulated as the learner writes descriptive compositions
Collaboration is enhanced as learners participate in peer review of their compositions
Pertinent and Contemporary Issues (PCIs)
Creative thinking is developed as the learner composes descriptive texts
Unity is enhanced as learners engage each other in group activities
Link to other subjects
Creativity is a critical component of Performing Arts
Kiswahili, German and French engage learners in descriptive writing
Assessment Rubric
Level Exceeds expectation Meets expectation Approaches Below expectation
Indicator expectation
Ability to identify Identifies descriptive Identifies descriptive Identifies some Attempts to identify
descriptive words words referring to a words referring to a descriptive words descriptive words
referring to a person, person, thing or place person, thing or place referring to a person, referring to a person,
thing or place in a text in a variety of texts in a text thing or place in a text thing or place in a text
with assistance
Ability to write a Writes a descriptive Writes a descriptive Writes a fairly Writes a descriptive
descriptive composition composition on a given composition on a given descriptive composition composition on a given
on a given subject subject creatively and subject on a given subject but subject but leaves out
with vivid illustrations. leaves out a few details most details
Strand Sub Strand Specific Learning Suggested Learning Experiences Key Inquiry
Outcomes Question(s)
15.1 Listening 15.1.1 Oral By the end of the sub strand, Learner is guided to: 1. Which
and Speaking Reports: the learner should be able to: brainstorm in groups on the content events in the
Classroom a) outline the format of an and format of an oral report e.g. classroom
Events oral report on events that introduction, body and conclusion, can you
happen in the classroom, search online and offline, in pairs, the report
(2 Lessons) b) present an oral report on steps for conducting an oral report e.g. about?
classroom events, research, compile (write), rehearse 2. What makes
c) acknowledge the and report (present/deliver), a good oral
importance of reports in watch or listen to the report?
day-to day life. recording/delivery of oral reports and
evaluate them in terms of strengths
and weaknesses,
use flash cards to prepare speaking
notes for the report,
role play techniques for delivering
oral reports such as clear
pronunciation, voice projection, tonal
variation, use of non-verbal cues and
use of visuals,
prepare and present actual oral reports
in groups,
post the reports on charts and share
with peers.
Core competencies to be developed
Digital literacy is enhanced as the learner interacts with technology for report preparation and presentation skills
Problem solving is developed as learners search online and offline the steps for conducting an oral report
Pertinent and Contemporary Issues (PCIs)
Effective communication is inculcated as learners use verbal and non-verbal reporting skills
Patriotism is enhanced as learners address class issues in their reports
Link to other subjects
Chinese, Kiswahili and Indigenous Language teach oral skills
Computer Science, Agriculture, Home Science and Integrated Science require reporting skills for projects
Assessment Rubric
Level Exceeds Expectations Meets Approaches Below Expectations
Indicator Expectations Expectations
Ability to outline the Outlines the format of an Outlines the format Outlines some aspects on Outlines the format of an
format of an oral oral report on events of an oral report on the format of an oral oral report on events
report on events within the classroom with events within the report on events within within the classroom with
within the classroom illustrations classroom the classroom assistance
Ability to present oral Presents oral reports with Presents oral reports Fairly presents oral Presents oral reports on
reports with details details on various events with details of reports with some details few details of events that
on events that occur that occur within the events that occur of events that occur occur within the
within the classroom classroom creatively within the within the classroom classroom with peer
classroom support
Strand Sub Strand Specific Learning Suggested Learning Experiences Key Inquiry
Outcomes Question(s)
15.2 Reading 15.2.1 By the end of the sub Learner is guided to: 1. What makes
Reading strand, the learner should watch and listen to videos or students one a good
Fluency be able to: reading fluently and discuss what makes reader?
a) discuss the fluency them good readers, 2. How can you
(2 Lessons) strategies in the search online and offline for information improve your
reading process, on different reading fluency strategies reading
b) apply fluency such as previewing, predicting, fluency?
strategies while skimming, scanning and ignoring
reading, unknown words and share with peers,
c) advocate the role of watch or listen to sample reading clips,
reading fluency in simulate model reading as they apply
communication. reading strategies, in pairs,
practise, in groups, timed reading on
issues like tourist attraction sites in
assess peers’ reading on the basis of the
aspects of fluency – accuracy, speed,
reading with expression,
record a sample of their reading and save
the recording in a digital device.
Core competencies to be developed
Self-efficacy is inculcated as learner states what they find difficult to do while practising the reading fluency skills
Citizenship is fostered as the learner demonstrates respect for diversity when they read about tourist attraction sites in Kenya
Digital literacy is enhanced as the learner interacts with technology as they record a sample of their reading in a digital
Pertinent and Contemporary Issues (PCIs)
Effective communication is promoted as the learner develops reading fluency
Environmental education is enriched as the learner reads about tourist attraction sites in Kenya
Unity is inculcated as learners work in groups
Link to other subjects
Social Studies, Kiswahili, Arabic and Chinese encourage reading fluency
Assessment Rubric
Level Exceeds Expectations Meets Expectations Approaches Expectations Below Expectations
Ability to discuss Discusses the use of Discusses the use of Discusses the use of some Discusses the use of a
the use of fluency fluency strategies in the fluency strategies in fluency strategies in the few fluency strategies in
strategies in the reading process with the reading process reading process the reading process with
reading process illustrations support
Ability to apply Applies fluency Applies fluency Applies some fluency Applies some fluency
fluency strategies strategies while reading strategies while strategies while reading strategies while reading
while reading with ease reading with assistance
Strand Sub Strand Specific Learning Suggested Learning Experiences Key Inquiry
Outcomes Question(s)
15.3 Grammar 15.3.1 By the end of the sub Learner is guided to: 1. What are the
in Use Affirmative strand, the learner discuss the differences between different
and Negative should be able to: affirmative and negative sentences and forms of
Sentences a) differentiate share them with peers, sentences that
between affirmative watch or listen to a conversation on we know of?
(2 Lessons) and negative tourist sites in Kenya, 2. Why is it
sentences in spoken pick out in groups the affirmative and important to
and written negative sentences, use a variety
contexts, sort out jumbled up sentences into of sentence
b) construct affirmative and negative sentences, types in
affirmative and construct affirmative and negative writing?
negative sentences sentences,
in varied contexts, share sentences made in the form of
c) acknowledge the charts for peer review,
need to use
write a short story or dialogue on an
affirmative and issue like tourist attraction sites in
negative sentences Kenya using affirmative and negative
in communication. sentences,
role play a dialogue with affirmative and
negative sentences and record
Core competencies to be developed
Learning to learn is boosted as learners share sentences written on charts for peer review
Pertinent and Contemporary Issues (PCIs)
Patriotism is enhanced through texts on tourism sites in Kenya
Creative thinking is enhanced as learners create dialogues and stories using declarative sentences
Friendship formation is developed as the learners’ role play a dialogue with affirmative and negative sentences
Unity is inculcated as learners share sentences made in the form of charts for peer review
Patriotism is enhanced as learners read texts on tourist attraction sites
Link to other subject
Kiswahili, Chinese and French teach affirmative and negative sentences
Assessment Rubric
Level Exceeds expectation Meets expectation Approaches Below expectation
Indicator expectation
Ability to distinguish Meticulously Distinguishes between Distinguishes between Distinguishes between
between affirmative distinguishes between affirmative and negative most affirmative and a few affirmative and
and negative sentences affirmative and negative sentences in spoken and negative sentences in negative sentences in
in spoken and written sentences in spoken and written contexts in most spoken and written spoken and written
contexts written contexts instances contexts contexts
Ability to construct Creatively constructs Constructs the Constructs affirmative Construct affirmative
affirmative and affirmative and negative affirmative and negative and negative sentences and negative sentences
negative sentences in sentences correctly in sentences in varied correctly in some with assistance
varied contexts varied contexts contexts contexts
Strand Sub Strand Specific Learning Suggested Learning Experiences Key Inquiry
Outcomes Question(s)
15.4 Reading 15.4.1 Ideas By the end of the sub strand, Learner is guided to: What makes a
in Poems the learner should be able read a given poem, poem
to: outline the ideas addressed in the poem, interesting to
a) identify the features of identify the features of style used and show read?
(2 Lessons) style used in a poem, how they bring out the ideas in the poem,
b) explain the ideas in pairs, read selected poems for enjoyment
addressed in a poem, and outline the subject matter,
c) appreciate the role of share their findings with peers,
poetry in relate the ideas in a poem to real life.
Core competencies to be developed
Critical thinking and problem solving are developed as the learner relates the ideas in a poem to real life
Pertinent and Contemporary Issues (PCIs)
Decision making is enhanced as the learner evaluates the ideas addressed in a poem
Peace is promoted as learners participate in group tasks
Link to other subjects
Kiswahili, indigenous languages and Performing Arts teach elements of reading, recitation and performance of poems
Assessment Rubric
Level Exceeds Expectations Meets Expectations Approaches Below Expectations
Indicator Expectations
Ability to identify the Identifies all the features Identifies the features Identifies some of the Needs assistance to
features of style used of style used in a poem of style used in a poem features of style used in identify the features of
in a poem and gives precise a poem style used in a poem
Ability to explain the Explains the ideas Explains the ideas Explains some of the Explains some of the
ideas addressed in a addressed in a poem and addressed in a poem ideas addressed in a ideas addressed in a
poem gives adequate poem poem with prompting
role of notices and communicated through notices and
posters in posters,
disseminating collect posters and notices from digital
information. or non-digital sources on tourist
attraction sites in Kenya and display
them in class,
in pairs, design a notice and a poster
using the model format and display them
for peer review,
revise the notices and posters,
display the revised notices and posters
on the class noticeboard.
Core competencies to be developed
Learning to learn takes place as learner designs notices and posters
Citizenship is inculcated as learners collect posters and notices on tourist attraction sites in Kenya
Pertinent and Contemporary Issues (PCIs)
Effective communication is enhanced as learner designs different notices and posters on selected issues
Problem solving is developed as learners identify issues to be communicated through posters and notices
Patriotism is promoted as learners design notices and posters on local tourist sites
Unity is nurtured as learners engage in group tasks
Link to other subjects
Performing Arts may require learners to design notices and posters
Social Studies teaches about tourist attraction sites in Kenya
Assessment Rubric
Level Exceeds Expectations Meets Expectations Approaches Below Expectations
Indicator Expectations
Ability to outline the Outlines the format of Outlines the format of Partially outlines the Outlines the format of
format of presenting presenting notices and presenting notices and format of presenting presenting notices and
notices and posters posters and gives many posters notices and posters posters with assistance
Ability to design Creatively designs Designs notices and Designs notices and Designs notices and
notices and posters on notices and posters on posters on given issues posters on some issues posters some issues
given issues given issues even with peer
In Grade 9, learners will undertake a CSL activity on thematic areas provided to them. They will be required to identify a
community problem through research, design solution and come up with a plan to solve the problem. The preparations will be
carried out in convenient groups. Learners will build on CSL knowledge, skills and attitudes acquired during Life Skills
Education as well as other learning areas.
Suggested PCIs Specific Learning Suggested Learning Experiences Key Inquiry
Outcomes Questions
Environmental By the end of the CSL The learner is guided to: 1. How does one
degradation project, the learner should brainstorm on pertinent and determine a
Life style diseases be able to: contemporary issues in their community community need?
Communicable and a) identify a problem in the that need attention in groups 2. Why is it
non-communicable community through choose a PCI that needs immediate necessary to make
diseases research attention and explain why in groups adequate
Poverty b) design a solutions to the carry out research using digital devices preparations
Violence in identified problem, print media/interactions with members of before embarking
community c) plan to solve the the community/resource persons in on a project?
Food security issues identified problem in identifying a community problem to
the community,
Conflicts in the address in groups
community d) implement the plan to discuss possible solutions to the
solve the problem, identified issue in groups
e) report and reflect on the propose the most appropriate solution to
The suggested PCIs are
concluded project the problem in groups
only examples. Teachers
f) appreciate the need to discuss ways and instruments they can
should allow learners to
belong to a community. use to collect data on the problem
identify PCIs as per their
context and reality. (questionnaires, interviews, observation
schedule, etc)
develop instruments for data collection
identify resources needed for the CSL
project (human, technical, financial)
discuss when the project will begin and
prepare a programme/timetable of the
entire project execution
Assign roles to be carried by all group
reflect on how the project preparation
enhanced learning.
Key Component of CSL developed:
a) identification of a problem in the community through research,
b) designing solution(s) to the identified problem,
c) planning to implement the solution,
d) implementing the plan to solve the problem,
e) conclude, reflect, report on the project.
Core Competencies to be Developed:
Communication and collaboration: Learners will make the preparations in groups and conduct discussions on best ways of
carrying out the project.
Self-efficacy: Learner develops the skills of self-awareness and leadership as they undertake the CSL project
Creativity and Imagination: Learner will come up with creative ways of solving the identified community problem
Critical Thinking and Problem Solving: Learners will demonstrate autonomy in identifying a community need, exploring
plausible solutions and making necessary preparations to address the problem.
Digital Literacy: Learner can use technology when as they research on a community problem that they can address.
Learning to Learn: Learner gains new knowledge and skills as they identify a community problem to be addressed and make
preparations to carry out the project.
Citizenship: This is enhanced as learner chooses a PCI that needs immediate attention in the community.
Pertinent and contemporary Issues
Social cohesion as learner discusses possible solutions to the identified issue.
Critical thinking as learner discusses possible solutions to the identified issue.
Integrity as learner carries out research using digital devices and print media as they identify a community problem to
Respect as learner brainstorms on pertinent and contemporary issues in their community that need attention
Assessment Rubric
Indicator Exceeds Expectation Meets Expectation Approaches Below Expectation
Ability to identify a Identifies a variety of Identifies a problem Fairly identifies a Identifies a problem in
problem in the problems in the in the community problem in the the community onky
community community community with prompts
Ability to design Creatively designs Designs solutions to Fairly designs Designs solutions to the
solutions to the identified solutions to the the identified solutions to the identified problem with
problem identified problem problem identified problem assistance
Ability to plan to solve Elaborately plans to Plans to solve the Fairly plans to solve Plans to solve the
the identified problem solve the identified identified problem the identified problem identified problem with
problem assistance
Ability to implement the Comprehensively Implements the plan Fairly implements the With assistance
plan to solve the problem implements the plan to to solve the problem plan to solve the implements the plan to
solve the problem problem solve the problem
Ability to report on the Exhaustively reports on Reports on the Partially reports on With assistance reports
concluded project the concluded project concluded project the concluded project on the concluded project