Marketing Strategies
Marketing Strategies
Marketing Strategies
They are appropriate for the The cooperation of They should be adapted
product to which they are relevant functional when objectives change
applied managers is vital and regularly reviewed to
ensure they retain this focus
Customer retention
Customer expansion
Customer reactivation
Purpose Example
Customers can
leave comments and reviews that
can be used for market
research purposes
Websites Most businesses have a web Zalando is an online
presence in the form of a corporate shopping mall located in
website, a sales website, and/or a Germany, providing
page on a sales platform, such a sales platform for
as Etsy or Ebay leading European fashion
and footwear brands as
well as its own brands,
Websites allow businesses to sell including Kickz
their products online and share sportswear
company information, such as
press releases, swiftly and efficiently
Tools such as blogs and vlogs can
be used to drive customers to
sales websites
Email Businesses build databases of Austrian stationery
those customers who have chosen brand Paper
to opt-in to email communications Republic sends regular
email updates to loyal
customers, with targeted
Information about new products reminders to purchase
ranges, as well as special offers time-critical products such
and events, can be shared as diaries
swiftly and at minimal cost with
interested consumers
Mobile Most businesses have Logistics
developed optimised company Evri sends
applications that allow customers customers text messages
to browse and purchase their containing links
products on a mobile device to review recent delivery