Usman Sop Business
Usman Sop Business
Usman Sop Business
In Pakistan, there are several universities that are crowded with students, but sadly,
none of them offer high-quality instruction. The lecturers here don't deliver high-
quality instruction, and their materials and methods of instruction are even
antiquated. How can one depend on the outdated knowledge offered at these
universities today, when the world is moving so quickly toward development and
the newest strategies in business, which cannot even assist the student in the
present? Universities in Pakistan have overcrowded classes, making it difficult for
the lecturers to give each student their undivided attention. The students work hard
to comprehend the material covered in their classes and by their lecturers. These
are the explanations for why I decided against choosing Pakistan for my future
Future goals:
I'll finish my studies at your institution and then head back to Pakistan to work and
be with my family. Finding work in the management and consultancy sector would
be made simpler for me thanks to my degree from this university. A wide variety
of work opportunities would be provided by both governmental and private
organizations. I will be able to make positive changes within my company and in
my professional practice. In order to strengthen my efficacy, critical engagement,
and capacity for change on a personal level, I will be able to employ new skills and
strategies. It takes motivated and effective people to improve the economy of my
nation. I'm enthusiastic to absorb the stimulating environment's knowledge and to
contribute back to my nation by providing top-notch services.
Thank you!
Muhammad Usman